m rrr, a TTOOO: IBKAMfl&OS fTKE Monday Unusual Sale of Fine Summer iV y New Hand Drawn Wool Ratine Skirts 10.95 Six clever models in fashion's newest de- pS cree for thie summer sport outfit. Second Floor Sooth i 0,95 12.50 to $20 values An offering of 900 beautiful Cotton Frocks. Clev erly styled and made of fine fabrics, the desirabil ity of these Frocks is further emphasized by the timeliness of the sale. The materials include: Imported Dotted Swiss Imported Organdy Imported Voile ' Eponge Ratine . Imported Gingliam Snort styles and fluffy summery models feature organdy anu ''uen trimmings and other novel ideas in their decora- j AIT? f V.A TV. o ntr e-ffrlftc o.r err rtA C!Jt-ci 1 A In' AC ft iiv'iia. rite ui uic uiaujr oijrico cue oaciuicu. cuco it u; tUi .jt Second Floor West SBPS 1 Second Floor, West Sweaters $15 -7 Summer Wash Fabrics Drtsi Linen Made of r Irish golden flax in a veritablYrainbow of colors; our famous Xon-Krush ' 'and Royal Irish brands, 36 inches wide. Monday, per yard, 98c and 1.29 Uercerixed Oxford Suiting la a splendid range of colors, including tie very new sport shades; 36 inches wide; an excep- P? tional value, t)5C yard, SSk ISxed Tissue Gingham In a beautiful assortment of checks and plaids; 32 inches wide; regular 75c value, per yard, Monday, Silk Mixed Marquisette A charming summer fabric in plain shades or printed designs on white or tinted grounds, 36 inches wide; regularly worth, $1, m Monday per yard, - . Silk and Cotton KoTeities 25,000 yards of attractive noveltymate rials for summer waists, dresses, negligees and underwear. A wide Tariety of pretty shades, also black and white; checks and plaids ' and some embroidered effects; 36 inches wide; regular JQ 75c value, Monday, 4tOC per yard, M tin Floor Center Domestic Wash Goods Unbleached MuslinHeavy round thread quality, 36 inches -wide. 2 to 8-yard lengths. Monday, - AXg per yard, i2v Tissue- Gingliam A sheer clingy fabric in a good assortment of checks and plaids. 36 inches wide. Monday, Q per yard, ; - ;. , xOC White Middy Twill A lustrous white ma terial for middies and undergarment. 36 inches wide; Monday, per yard, &tJ Shirting Madras A big assortment of at tractive patterns; 36 inches QOio wide. Special, per yard, Mufv Peter Pan Cloth Warranted fast colors in a beautiful ranee of plain shades. 36 inches wide. Special, per yard, Basement- 59c Zephyr Dress Gingham The famous Braeloch and Bent ex quality in every wanted check and plaid. Hundreds of pieces to choose from; 32 " QQm inches wide. Per yard, Imported Japanese Crepe In a magnifi cent range of plain shades; 30 QK g inches wide. Per yard, , Ot) V Printed Dress Voiles New designs on light or dark grounds. 33 inches wide; worth regularly 4Sc; 9Qf Monday, per yard, MU Windsor Plisse Crepe White ozlj, for underwear. Extra value. 9Q" Per yard, iD, 1TTTvdl Suitinn TTnTnesnmi effects that makes a wonderful summer sport fab- r- - l m r a . m special ior j&onaaj, , yn tut ne. per yard, -North House Furnishings Garbage Cans Madewof corrugated galvanized iron, 13 gaL capacity, very special at 1.98 5-gaLcapacity 129 O'Cedar Hops Triangle shape, oiled, ready for use, special at " 89c Grass Shears Sharp and ready for use, made of sheet steel,' special,,' 29t Lawn Hose Our best molded hose, A-inch size, 50-foot lengths, complete with couplings, special for Monday at 5.98 Electric Fans All sizes, guaranteed for two years, G. E. fans, 9-in. size, with brass blades, each, 10.00 Solid Brass Ring Sprink ler Throws a beautiful fountain spray, nothing to get out of order, special Monday at 89d , Fifth Floor-West Specials Ironing Boards Smooth top with hardwood stand, adjustible as to height, at 1.59 Electric Iron 6- pound size, nickel plated and guaran teed, complete with o feet of cord: very special, 3.98 A Special Purchase of Wilton Velvet Rugs These fringed seamless rugs are a heavy closely woven quality. Desirable patterns and good colorings make them effective with modern decorative schemes. These rugs were purchased far below their regular cost because tEey are termed imperfect. In quality the defects are scarcely noticeable. 57.85 49.85 39.85 37.85 36.45 27.85 75.00 Wilton Velvet Rugs mi sire. 72J0 Wilton Velvet Rugs aba, 52.50 Wilton Velvet Rugs 7-6x3 size. 57.50 Wilton Velvet Rugs Sri cixe. 55.00 Wilton Velvet Rugs S-3xl9- size. 39 JO Wilton Velvet Rugs 7-xS sin. Other Rugs Spcfcial y Priced 39.50 57.50 Azminster Rugs 9il3 lx. 19.85 30.00 Seamless Velvet Rugs aim 20.00 S'ml's Tapestry Brussels Rugs' 14.95 15.00 S'ml's Tapestry Brussels Rugs 9.95 T-x9 six. 32.50 Azminster Rugs T4x six. 20.00 Seamless Velvet Rugs Cx9 sin. 21.95 14.95 Scatter Rugs 4.50 Velvet Rugs "TxSt-hici tlie. 3.25 Azminster Rugs 5.00 Azminster Rugs rTi54-icc3s atxai 8.00 Azminster Rugs asxtt-iaca ein. ' Sixth Floor Wesf 2.98 2.35 3.75 5.65 Curtains and Draperies n HoTelty CartaiM Made of fine marquisette trim med -witli clnny pattern lace edging. 3.00 values, per pair, 1.75 SafCed Curtains Fine mercerized manraisette with silk nemstitehing and full narrow ruffles with tie-back to match. 3.00 values, pair 1.75 Curtain Materials Mer cerized roilea, , marqui settes, madrases and dot ted Swisses. Values to 75c; per yard, 39 Palmer Hamatoeks Made of heavy quality woven net with ralanee and pil low. In all the popular color combinations. Spe cial price, 2.98, 17.98 Porch Shades In green and brown, made of the finest selected wood and closely woven with heavy cotton eable cord and pol- Six 4xT., eaca - 3J50 Siu 8x7 J, each Six SiT.S. caea 6.00 Sixe 7r7., each 7J2S Six 8x7.6. eaca. 8.50 CretMBM A Urgs aelectkn of beautiful patterns and col orings for every decorative acd furnishing in. toe val ues; per yard," 394 Otner foreign asd domsstte cretonnes, specially priced. t 48 to 2.25 Sixth Floor Est Scotch Ijd Curtains A wonderful assortment of beautiful patterns in all over and border designs. Worth 6.00; pair, 3.98 Quaker Craft Nets A fine selection of new summer patterns, speciallv priced, per yard, 39p to 2.00 Big Values in Linens Irish Linen Table Damask 70 inches wide, several good designs, per yard, 1.49 Irish Handkerchief Linen If you select the materials here for the handkerchiefs you are planning to make during summer's leisure mo ments, you will find a com plete range exquisite shades. 36-inch width, yard, 1.50 Bleached Crash Toweling 3,000 yards in an excellent ab sorbent toweling, 17 inches wide; regularly 15c, specially priced, per yard, 732C Bleached Turkish Towels 4,000 big heavy towels; lay in a generous supply for the good old summer time; very special at, each, y 49 Miia Floor West da Telephone Stand and Stool 7.00 Value for 95 A In mahogany or fumed oak A convenient piece of furniture that takes up very little room for tie stool nests under the stand. A shelf underneath pro Tides a place for the phone directory, Seventh Floor Early June Clearance Wall Paper A general shelf emptying tale presenting cn Uxfiited bargains at prices that will move an our short lots. A new shipment of delayed spring patterns Is tnleoded. Taraisaed Tfles for Kitchens as4 Bafkroms- All new patterns but due to slight defects tn .printing (act noticeable) w are able to sell them at less than actual cost 1 ln of making. Per roll. Bands to match 8y2 '2C M-laek OataMsJs Heavy palp la all the new colors. An exceptional bar gain, perron. Fine appliqst borders to match. BeitSt Papers Xew stoefc. Inspecting these aev colonial stripes and chintz pattens will coartace yon that this price to beknr 11. pre-var lerel. Per roll. X AC Cnt-oot borders to mates. Bsai Papers ! oe and twe-rooja uantlties. Spedxl, perron. Sold 1th matched borders. Filth Floor West 5c An unusual showing of fine light weight n3 wool Sweaters in tux- ig edo and slipover mod- $ els; striped models Or Wn plain colors. Priced jjj 4.95 to $15 5SH Slip-Over Sweaters Pore Silk Tuxedo or Slinover Sweaters Specially priced for Monday , 55 sir ffl l"1 1 fa i $ ivi i ?v1 mm 4 5-