(7 ( .I THE OMAHA BEE Pictures Gathered for The Bee From All Over the World S,v - aCi.'r-A!i ;. mammm WHMaaHMiMMwaM J II u mm iw ll . . .. W ' or , " . st a. I " 11 4 it : r?m 9 ' 0 Here art this year's graduate nurses of Paxton Memorial (for marly Ford) hospital. Left to rights Front row, Ethol Carroll,' Merial Loo, Esther Crocr, Clarico Hall. Seco row, Nellie Thomas, Delia Van Skiver, Lillian Vundraa, Mirinio Vilbeurer. Third row, Frances Leifield, May Poff, Louiio Birk. Roar. row, Blanche Kratochivil Mabel Druckor, Edna Petenon. Little Albert Manason(right) of Brooklyn, N. Y., made this miniature tip live balloon out of the ordinary " watermelon " type of 10-cent balloon, a few airings, and aister'a sewing basket. Do it yourselves, and hare an excel lent representation of war observation gas bags. kVK Lfind U " KJJhJli Gordon.! former Follies girl, has - ft 'T1 f Q At Whit, (abovo). Stanford. C.l: ...vorsity diving .ham-' ' jT.w'vS W mo'thort ' ' KTV $ VV p ion compete. J.. 16 in the P.cme.e..twlmnJnf ear- Undon whom ah. had not ... ' lY" 4 O XNV ival at Yosomit. Lodf .. . Utor. ho may' onto. .I.tcrn ,3 l.Ir. , ' fiJ of; tho UUtor parliament in ; . JlL-i fl ,V C'- ,T V -i Vf Ireland, Mrs. . Spencer Chi- f$& "I 1rS?i'- I V t Hi I . " " , i , 1 fe" Chester, ha. arrived in New ff. V - feUr '5tj 1 V- ft kl-' s S A3 Yorktit ' J yiJ"J 1 Vl Teddy Gerard, (above), famous English actre.., startled the theatrl- J . '. f; eal world when she": announced in London that she had placed an 1 ' f T Vf undefstudy in the role she is now playing and would immediately ft) V. T V, " 1 i depart! for America to bring back the body of Barry Baxter, f NrS,lw' I tfi ' prominent English actor, .who died in New York. i f t ' . ' 1 I . , -U jJ"W l 1 'J " ' ; , " I1","!'!." r ' Harry, 1P;ease,.whcr has. DecwinjaU 20 of hie 38 yUrswon-'Harriei , ' ' , , , ' v ' HSS mm ' 1 1 BBesneanveBnsneB) . ; ..s m,-- .v JnTi- r NKS--1 m i.v.v.'j. w II I) "35 Anyone who -breaks into jail-in Omaha meets this man. , He is ' Frank J. Rose, desk sergeant at central police headquarters. . In five years he has booked 30,000 prisoners and - never ' lost his smile. The smile arrived with him ' when he quit his job as hotel clerk and became a policeman' and has stood the test even in the face of . about 2,000 questions that are asked its owner every shift. 5,J fei ny- I fira :& 7XJ t - Helen Wainwright (above), 18-year-old - wonder, of .' the Women's Swimming a.socia tion, New York, established a new world's record i"or the 150-yard swim when-she cov ered the distance in 1:49 3-8, clipping one-fifth of. a second off the old record, at' a meet held in New York.-' r .This. 211 - year -old alligator (above) in -Kansas City xoo, dosed with castor oil, first had to be' tied down. , i l -H Mrs.. Richard Pell, and "Latest Newy'- (left above), which she rode to MmtT- W. the woman s race at the Fairfield and Westchester ', J Called b immigration off idala Robert T. Lincoln, son of the great emancipator, was the guest of honor at the dedication of the Lincoln memorial in Washington on Memorial day. The huge pantheon, costing mora than $3, 000,000, is located in Potomac park, on the" banks of the Poto mac river. "Pipe" thi. mi.., the 1922 mi.s who' "hits the pipe," a clay one resembling those smoked by the early Dutch settlers. k. ... . r :i tr. ""u" tP0.'u CKMter' N' Y' Th woe' Ellis Island to cross the continent" four children from Germany. (abv.)thr,ned a big society throng. ( (orph.n.d by the war, left New York on the last leg of their 7,000- : I 1,7,', . 'y.:ViV"i V?4 , i -'''. ;V, , ( v, v-sfr r' T., "-C..- ,'-- -vv, -..-ti-6 'A , f-s T ' ! -if -'-,.' laVHHMIIPaWaWBaaVaM l!fi l a Washington flappers have the national capital, by the ears. Knickers ' are worn everywhere, to work and to play. This khickered miss is fishing in the Potomac- v- li' tecf fr TiTTT i 'p If IfV.' " i U Si j. rf-l v mile journey from the fatherland to San Francisco. The photo shows Charlotte Bjllig, 12; Lena, 11; Marx, 6, and Adolph, 8. High and dry en Long Island, N. Y., sands between East Hampton and Amagansett la the Eagle Boat No. 17 (above), which ran. ashore there while searching for rum runners. . .1 1 he Doha 'of York, second son of the British king, visiting London hospitals, gave this little in valid a' French doll almost aa big . aa .herself, 'that odeas and shuts its eyes. Condemned to die in the electric chair in Sing Sing (N. Y.) prison for murder, Rutger Warder was dying of appendicitis, but is recov ering from an operation, only to be ' in readiness to die later in the chair. ' J Cy ; - ifTr v w j .V - 1 T I , ' rf- r - , a " 1 'T' 1 J a1 This is not the flooded Mississippi! No indeed. It is Broadway Lil OP Broadway New York At, flJI L . . burst and th. whole west side of the city went dry for the first timo in it.Tf. - " water mala 11 1-: t