Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1922, SPORT NEWS MARKETS, Image 15

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Omaha Grain ,
Omaha, Junt 3.
Liverpool nd Canadian market!
vrre cloird today en account of
Whitsuntide holiday in England
Argentine markets were sharply low
er ind advices stated that foreign
demand n not to good. Foreign
dvitei generally were of ' a bearish
trend and inn wai reilected in i
general vveakneis in our marked.
I'ricet ol all graini taking a down
ward ilant with July wheat in Chi
cago leading the decline. The large
atorka of wheat in that market con-
trihuted largely to this heavineat
Omaha receipt! totalled 189 cart of
all kind of graini and consisting of
iu cars ot wneat, lij cart of corn
and it can of other graini, aa
compared with a total of 202 can
iat year. Total shinments. 147 can.
principally corn, at agaimt 176 can
a year ago.
. Caih wheat in the local market
as heavy in aympathy with the
weakness in outside markets and
the limited offering! changed hands
2 to 4 cents lower. Corn sold slowly.
Kye was quoted . to 4 cents lower,
car ley was 1 to Z cents lower,
Ko. I hard winter: I rar (7 per cant
ds-kl. 41.20: S rs. I 1 7.
N'e. I hard wlnl.r: 1-1 rer, II 14; t rer
TT per cent dark, enmity), 11.11; 1 ear
tummy), alii.
Va. I yeiiow bard: 1 far, 11.17.
ho. i eller bard: I far, 11.14.
No. 1 while: t-S rar. lie.
No, S whila: S can. Sir; I ear (shippers'
Welsh's! tie: I cart, I5t,e.
Nn. I yallow: 1 car (shipper irtlghti).
Sir; '1 cars, lie.
, No. t yallow: 1 care,-He.
' Na-.S yallow: 1 car . (apeclel bllllnf),
llto; 4 car.. '.e,
Nn. 4 yallow: I eara. I Hie.
No. 1 mixed: 1 car, liSc
Nn, I rr.tsed: S rare, I3V.C; S Ctrl (.htp
pera . wclgbla), 12 He
. No. S while: 1 rar. 34 tie.
No. S while: 1 car, Slttcj 1 ear (apaclal
hilling), J4e.
No. 4, white! t car (heavy), llc; I
eara. 14 He: J-l car, J 4 lac -fiample
white: J rar. HMa.
Sample; 1 car. I7e
Ne 4: t-l ear. i:r..
' ' weak Tear
Receipt " , T(day. Am.-. . Ago.
Wheat 10 11 41
Corn , 11 ".t 117
Barley .......
Ry .....
. IS
. 21
i;i mi
121 IT
44 I
. TVeek Tear
Crlot-e Today. Ago. Ago.
Wht S3 441 j
Com Ill S'l
OaW "J 1
' Weak Tear
Carlola ; Today. Ago. Ago.
Wheat 1 1 ' 1'
On 101 61 ,JS
Oata 1
Weak Tear
Carlola-! Today. Ago. -Afo.
Wueat 0
torn 1 J '
Oai 60 II S
Week Tear
Carlote Today. .A so. Ago.
MinneapolU S " 1fJ
ruluth II
Kv Urdlke Grain Co. DO. SS27. June S.
Art. I Open. High. I Low. I Cloee. Tee.
1.11 I t II
l.mi 1.17H
I. 17 V
um i.ii
.16 .11
' .41 .11
.1444 .44 Vi
! .Sits .38
.40 .40
I ..! .43
111.40 1140
II. 11 11.61
III. 11 11.SS
111. 71 11.10
1.15 'A
. .11
1.14 Lll
1.14 1.11
1.16 1.174
1.16 1:17
1.1 1.10
.11 .11
.? .15
.10 .11
.63 .14
.61 .11
.17 .11
.31 .40
111.11 11-40
(ll.SS 11.67
l'u.11 11.16
111. 10 11.71
11. aa
11 73
Minneapolis Uraln.
Minneapolis. Minn.. June -h'-
i lit- K.ntamhar. f 1.23 V.
forn No. S yellow, 6!53c.
Oata No, i, .uwc.
Berley 460c.
Rye ll2 . ...'-, -e
Flaxaeed No. 1. I3.60g361.
Kaneaa City Grain.
Kan.aa City. Mo.. June --wh-J'p
lt.0; September. 1.0; December.
"corn July. 65c; September. Ilc;
December, I6c
St. Loal Crain.
St. Louie, June . Wheat July, 11.11:
September. 11.13. v atua
Corn July, llc; . September,
Oata July. Sle.
MlnneapoUa Flour.
Mlnneapoll. Minn., June I. Tlour Un
chid to10o higher: family patent.
I7.I07.IB; hlpment, 46,161 bbl. ,
Brn I1T.B0 HOP.
Cblrago Lire Stock. v
fhi.... June I. Cattle Rcelpt.
i 000 bead: compared with week ago:
.f 'ri'T:! rvi ton hlarher: better
' ,Vd. bVef'coweand , stadr;
lower grade nd eanner nd cutter.
3Se to 40o lower! butle, lie to 60e lower;
Jell c.lve. J5o to. lOo higher; tookara
and (eedere. very ecarce and motiy
"eady; week", extreme top yearling In
lend lota. 11.21; eight head 'r'Ji'j-?"
experimentally fed yearling.,. 11.10; top
heavy etaere. II.J0; week . bulk jrlcee
beef eteer. IS.10I.76; Jtockere, J6.764?
76; meaty Wlaconsln feedera, 6I.30CJ
, 1.40; butcher h etock. 16.1097.36; can
. nera and cutter. 13.3614.36; .vel calve.
Hoge Receipts, 6.S00 head: opened
-strong to 6c higher; on a few load
.choice light: Uter the early advance loet;
moetly Heady to 10c lower thn Friday
' average on light and medium weight
butchers: mixed hogs moetly eteady; top,
110.76 early out of line; 110.70 practical
top: bulk. I10.654H0.60; packing sows, 160
to 31c lower; plga, eteady; heavy weighU
aiO.J54Slo.4l: medium. 110.40910.60:
light. 10.6010.6S: light light. I10.S6
0.60: packing sows. month. 11.3091.50;
" picking sows, rough, tl.1093.31; killing
, pigs, 19.36910.80.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 4,600 head;
. . i . tin. Ilu all A 1 Tjt
oaay a receipia .-.i. ..w i.
Tat end feeder lambs, 75c to II
wee, ewe o ac . f . , ,
1.60 lower: week's bulk prices desirable
..rring lambs, 113.60916.00; horn Ijmta,
111.50913.00; yearlings.
wethers. 17.0091.00: ewe. 13.0097.00;
new crop feeder lembs, 111.40911.71.
Day market etande for night report.
St. Joseph Live Stock. .
St. Joseph. Mo., June 3. Cattle Re
ceipts. 400 head; market nominally steady;
rompared with week ago beef eteer and
yeirlingi !S940c higher: week' bulk
yearling. l7.60tfl.T5; ateer. 7.!I9I0;
cows uneven, steady to lower; bulk beet
kind. t.!5e6.0; grassers slow all week;
bulk under 15.00; bull and calve steady;.
' bulk desirable dealers, 4S.6H9f.00,- stock
; ers and feeders nominally ateady.
Hog Receipts. 1,60 head; market
active and Meady to 6e higher: shipper
' took around 1.00 hog weighing 17 to
SIS lb, at 110.40910.51; these look fully
steady with yesterday packer market gen
rally strong to higher: fair top. 110.36;
hulk II to I0-Ib. weights. 110.1691 3:
packing sows strong, fS.llf.IO: averag
cost yesterday 110.1, weight 33 lb.--
Sheep Receipts, 1.0 head: market
ateady; native springs, I1J.16: shora
lambs, $11.71; compared with week ago
fat lamb SSa lower; springs, SI960O tow.
er: sheep about steady; week's top fat
lambs, 113.76; balk of aalee. Sil.TI91S.7lt
" spring lamb. SI4.0I; balk of Bales.
. Ill J5?U M: bulk fat ewes, heavy, eeUlag
ll.loei.0; practically so feeders eoid, .
Qiicago Grain
OsmIm) Usee Wire.
Chicago, June J. Liquidation wai
on in grains and with heavy telling
of wheat credited to a local long
which ran the market into atop Ion
orders today, orices dropped sharply
to a new low on the present downturn
ana cioterj about the bottom with net
loises of 2 1-4&3 Mc. Coarse grains
were rather firm early, but weakened
in sympathy with wheat and corn
cloed with tones of 1S1 S-Rc and
oats were off le. Rye closed 3 l-2
3 3-4c lower.
The paning of the May delivery
failed to bring in speculative buying
of the new crop futures and less far-
orable crop reports were also ignored.
The undertone was heavy a good part
of the week and the finish was at
loiscs of 5 5-8(&7 S-8c as compared
with the previous week. Corn drop
ped 1 7-82 l-4c, oats a-c&v.gc and
rye 3 7-83 l-2c.
July wheat, which week ago
closed 3 l-2c over the September,
went to a discount under that deliv
ery today, due to the liquidation by
longs in the nearby tuture. At no
time were prices higher than the pre
vious day and stop loss orders were
uncovered in volume on the way
down. There was a lack of support
throughout except such as came from
shorts who were evening up for the
week end.
Export DeauukS Tlat.
Thar wa nothing In the character of
the crop or cash nawa to Induce any ma
terial buying. Foreign market were
cloaed and will not reopen until Tuesday,
and export demand waa flat. Deliveries
In June rontrarta were 46.000 buehol.
and a house which took a greet deal ot
raah grain on May contract offered the
June freely.
Coarse grain were Influenced mainly
bv the action of wheat and a decline waa
eaally attained after a email ehowlng ot
strength early. Practically all of the
trading we ot a local character. July
oata aold at a new low on the crop and
September equalled the old low. Domes
tie demand for corn showed Improvement.
Little rhanae was noted In the basis, as
compared with the July, In either corn
or oat.
While ry w easy with wheat, there
waa aom buying by houaea with eeaboard
connection which offset Ilquldatlona to
aom extent Crop report generally very
rit ivotee.
The lmnreaalon In the wheat trad I
that price are headed for 1, with the
movement ot vaiuea expecieo 10 oe irrs-
ularly lower. There la nothing encourag
ing aeen by- tradera at the moment to In
due heavy purchase and recei.t experi
ence are decidedly against operations on
the buying aide,
nn of iha riaoresalne feature In wheat
was the hedging of cash holdings taken
In on Mav delivery. The eales of both
were for June and July, the heavy pres
surs being on July, which carried It to
40 under June ana to "o oeiow in ory.
mhf Thr was also heavy llaulda-
tion and general pressure on July, the
buying largely attributed to previous ell
ere. There were deliveries of 46,000
bushel cash wheat on July aalee.
The led arm trade eommieaion naa own
In Chlcacd Investigating operation in
May wheat the past week. They have
intArvlawMl a matorltv of the leading
tradera including Jamea A. Patten. Ar
thur W. Cutten. Mowam jacaaon ana i
the leading membera ot the trade.
It 1 unaerstoon inai a puouo nrarms
in h Ivan the new Csnner-Tlncher
tutor trading act in Washington on
Wednesday. .
Rain Is badly needed In parts of lows,
according to reports. Around Onawa,
about 40 per cent of the corn ha been
ranianted. In the Fort Dodge district
corn I In excellent condition. Oata look
like a large crop, in tne ceaar capias
territory and for 100 mllea weet wheat
and oat are in good condition. Corn
needs warmer weather.
Live Stock
, . Omaha, June S.
Receipt were; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday..... MIS 1,177 7,643
Official Tuedy.v... 3.251 S.4SS J04
Official Wednesday., 11,013 13.S1S S.I64
Official Thursday.... 6.227 1I.3IJ 4,413
Official Friday...... 2,027 12.727 7,J
Estimate Saturday. . Jon T.eou ti
Six daya this week.. 30,153 63,261 14,066
Sam day last wn. z,s ,
Same daya 2 We 'o 27,571 61.60S 32,633
Same daya 3 w' a'o 31,712 61,646 40.242
Same day year ago 31,016 44.HT 30,601
Receipt and disposition ot ltveatock at
the Union etockyarda, Omaha, Neb., for
34 hour ending at I p. m., Juno I, 1S22:
Cattle Hogs Sheep H'h'a.
Mo. Pacific Rj 6 .2 2
Union Paclflo R. R. ... 31
C d. N W Ry eaat 4 ... 1
C N W By weet.. ... 51
C, St P, M O Ry 8
C, B A Q Ry east 1 ... 1
C, B & Q Ry .weat. 1 16
C, R I & P, weat 2
Total receipt .... S 116 2 1
Tattle. Holt
Armour A Co 1903
Cudahy Packing Co 221
Dold Packing Co 27
Morris Packlnc Co. ! 1363
Swift Co. 1685
J. W. Murphy
Cudahy for Kan City ....
Cattle Receipt., 300 head. All the cat
tle that came in today were tocker and
feedere billed direct to yard tradera, and
In the abeence of upplles all clasae were
nominally steady. On the largest run In
three weeks, nearly 31,000 bead, steer,
yearlings and light heifers are fully
steady with a week ago, while cows and
heavy heifers ahow loasea of 26e or more.
Top on eteer for the week w $S.St, a
new high mark for th year, and bulk of
the week' supply old upward from S.0.
Stockar and feeder supplies were light all
week and while demand wa quiet, price
held teady.
Quotation en eattls: Chele to prim
beeves. IS.4O0I.7I; good to choice beeves,
I8.00OI.40; -fair to good beeves, 17.65
I. 00; common t fair beeves, T.107.60;
choice to prime yearlinga, 17.104)7.60;
good to choice yearlings, I7.7S4SI.40; fair
to good yearlinga, I7.264P7.8S: common
fair yearlinga. II.764S7.26; choice to
prime helfera, 17.7601.26; good to choice
heifer, 17.0007.76; fair to good heifer,
16.0007.00; choice to prime cows, 16.260
4.75; good to choice cowe, S6.60O6.26; fair
to good.cows. 14.6006.60; common to fair
rows. 13.00 0 4.50; (0od to choice feeder.
S7.6O0S.OO; fair to good feeder. 16.760
7.40; common to fair feeders, SS.OO0S.76;
good to choice stockera, S7.6O08.25; fair
to good stockera, 17.0007.60; common to
fair stockers.' 16.25 06.15; stock heifers
$4 5006.00: stock cows, S3.6O06.2S; atock
calve, $6.6001.60: veal calve. .IO0
II. 75; atock culls, 11.00 0 7.00; bull. '.
etc, S4.S50LOO.
Hogs Receipt, 7,600 head. Th mar
ket wa active Saturday at price gen
erally fully eteady. good demand being
noted both from ehlpper and packer.
Karly ealee were reported as weak to a
shade lower, but strength wa gained with
bulk ot lioga moving fully ateady with
some strength notti on occasional sales.
Light hog old st $10.20 0 10.25, with a
top price ot $10.10. Mixed load. SS.I60
10.25. and packing grades. $1.60010.00,
with extreme heaviee mostly at $1,000
S.I6. - Bulk of sales waa $1.10010.26. Th
market I closing the week 10016c lower
than a week ago.
So. Av. Sh.. Pr. No. A v. fjk. ?r.
II. .210 70 19 11 60..1IS ... 120
S. .50 - 70 10 26 . 75. .231 40 10 SO
61..204 600 5 C3..S01 32 10 00
25. .S6S 0 10 05 54. .270 70 10 10
4..3 21 S 75 40. .216' 70 S 10
52. .201 110 I Hi 56. .334 ... S SO
3S..33S 40 S 65
" Sheep and Lambs Receipts. JIT head.
Fat lambs were In good demand all week
ruling ateady to strong after on lower
easel on Monday, this decline wa 25 0 26O
which 1 about the amount of decline for
th weak. . Bulk of lamb have eold with
in the narrow range of $12.60013.00.
Spring lamb were In lighter upply thia
week and on lees active demand and clos
ing th week SStHOe lower, beet quality
sailing at S14.OO0 14.61. a againat $14.1
016.0 a week ego. 8hees have ruled
mostly ateady beat light ws telling ap
to 7..
Quotation eg aheep and lambs: Fat
lambs, good to choice. $12 60013.21: fat
lamb, fair to good. $11.760 12.14; spring
lambs. S12.OO014.IO; feeder lambs, $11.0
012.2S: rail lambs, SS.00011.00; fat year
lings, SS.011.6: fit wethers. ll.HI
1.00; fat ewaej. light, $6.107.00; fat ewes,
heavy. $4,010 5.1.
Financial and Industrial News of
OsMka Lea Wtra.
New York, Junt 3. Perhaps the
interest of the financial community
was greatest today in three move
ments of value which had no relation
to each other the riie in sterling
exchange to a fractionally higher
rate even that Friday's "new high
level," the aharp decline in prices for
delivery of new crop wheat and the
further decline of the stocks asso
ciated in the three-company steel
merger, -Most
of the day's movement of
prices orrtne stock market exchange
indicated continuance of professional
efforts, in the Wall street vernacular,
to keep the market "churning."
While the oil stocks (which on Fri
day were driven up under such aus
pices) were declining today prices
were agat.1 Did up lor usually mac
five industrial shares. For any aer
tous purpose this sort of thing is
wasted energy, but in just this kind
of market the croupier must keep
ousy it ne expects to retain his own
particular public.
Change I'alai aorta at.
isaen aa a wnoia in..'. -k . . ,
lh tock market war unimportant and
the am might be aald of bond, which.
However, continued to maintain silailng
.au-r nun ana wiaeiy distributed
business. Th continual .a
public Steal, th main conatlluent of th
w mfiiir. mav biv. in.iii.. k
dltlon! speculative realising which come
'when th new I out," but It alio re.
tlarted somsthlng Ilk apathy.
Rut It la much to aak of apeculatlve
Wall atreet la keen us Ha iim.,.,. .
auch negotiation during three or four
. v....iuii. monms wim wnt ams to
It to b an antl-climax at the nd. Juat
how th admission barer th I-ockwood
committee of the ulterior plaa of appro
priating raah for trading In th atock
atfeetad the outside speculator' view, It
" uuiicuii 10 oeiermine.
. Wheal Price Slusap.
Today' fall In wheat for th Tni. a.-
livery to th lowest nrlca In wa.ka
14 cent a bushel bsktw th pric of
ie man a rortnignt ago had this much
of encouragement, that It clearly Indicated
rising honee of an abundant yield For-
elan exchana-a rataa a,M all k, M.II...
lees at th week-end nd even sterling's
w racora wss only ho dov r rlday'a.
But sterling will be watched with Interest
next week.
Som Interesting cemperlson of move
ment of horn and foreign commodity
price are mad possible by the cabled
I-ondon Economist average for the end of
May. A slight advance last month bring
th average Sty per cent above th low
lvel of th recent reaction: Rpoaitataaat'a
last American averege ahowed a recovery
of 10 U per cent, -
un th other nenda, va thia latest
English monthly averaae la 7 tier cent
above that of July, 1114. whereaa th
American average wa only 14 1-1 par
cant higher. The percentage decline from
the higheet average of the period, reached
during 1120 in both England and Ameri
ca, la nearly tndenticat In the two coun
tries 47 ty per cent In England and 44 In
America but that maximum averege ot
1120. which In our market wss 140 oar
cent above July, 1S14. waa In England
per cent above tne prewar montna.
That waa the meaaure of British cur
rency depreciation.
New York Stocks
Rang of price of th leading atock,
furnlshsd by Logan Bryan, S4S Peter
Trust building: Frl.
High J.OW cioa Close
A T A S F Sift
Bait Ohio .... 60H 60 60 H, 10
Can Pae 138 13144 131 13lty
New Tork Cent .. I0V4 10 SOU 114s
Che A Ohio .... 6' 61 ty tt
Oreat Northern .. 77H 76 7lty 77
III Central ' .. 106 ty
Kansas City' SO...' .'. .. .. 26ty
Lehigh Valley.... 45 6 et Baft
Missouri Pacifio ...... 23 21 214s
N T A N H Slty 32 S2!4 22
Northern Pae .. 76 ty
Chicago a N W ,, 76 .75 76 75
Penn R R ...... 42 41 41 43
Reading 76 'i 76 76 71
C R I ft P .... 44 44 44 4
Southern Pso .... 10 10 10 SO .
Southern Ry ..... 24 24 24 S4
C M eV St P ...... .. .. 27
Union Pacifjo ....130 131 13S 131
Am. Car Foundry..l67 ill 117 364
Allia-Chalmer ... 41 41 41 ty 60
Am. 1 Locomotive. .. .- .... 115
Baldwin Loco 117 116 116 116ty
Beth. Steel 71 71 71 78
Colo. Fuel A Iron 35
Crucible 71 75 76 76
Am. Steel Foundry 38 38 38 31
Lacka'na Steel.... 77 76 76 77
Midvale Steel S8 SI 38 38
Pressed Steel Car... 7ty
Ren. Steel & Iron.. 77 . 76 75- 77
Ry. Steel Spring.. 104 104 104 104
Sloss-Scheffleld ... 50 41 60 41
U. 8. Steel 102 102 102 102
Vanadium 60 10 60 60
Anaconda 56 51 66 6
Am. 8. & Ref. Co.. 65 66 45 4 45
Cerro D Pasco.. 59 34 SO 40
Chili 23 22 22. 23
hi no 33 JI 33 33
Green Cananea 34
Inspiration . 44 444 44U 44U
Kennecott 39 38 8 38
Miami 31 10 30 31
Nevada Con II 11 18 IS
Ray Con 18 18 18 18
Seneca 13 13 13 13
Utah 48 68 68 68
Oeneral Asphalt.. 67 65 IS 68
Cosden 41 47 48 47
Cal Feterol 69 67 69 70
Island Oil 1 11 1
Invincible Oil 18 18 18 16
Mexican Peterol ..142 141 141 141
Middle Statea .... 15 15 16 16
Pacific Oil 68 68 ty 66 68
Pan-American ... 71 71 72 72
Phillip 64 '64 64 64
Pierce OH 10 10 10 10
Pure Oil .34 84 14 34
Royal Dutch 66 65 66 64
Slnclar Ojl 87 IT 17 S7
Standard Oil N J. 114 111 102 111
Texaa Co 60 60 60 10
Union Oil ........ i 24 34 24
White OH ...I.. 10 10 10 10
Chandler ...77 74 T6ty T5
Oeneral Motor.... II 14 14 14
Wlllya-Overland .. I I Sty S
Pierre-Arrow IS II It is
White Motor 61 10 61 SI
Etudebaker 125 121 125 124
Flak 17 17 17 IT
Goodrich 43 41' 41 41
Kolley-Sprlngfleld 51 61 SI 61
Keystone Tire .... 21 21 SI SI
AIkx 17 17 17 II
U. S. Rubber 65 64 66 64
An. Beet Sugar... 47 47 4T 47
A., O. A W. I.... 41 40 40 41
Am. Inter. Corp... 60 49 41 41
Am. Sumatra .... 42 42 42 43
Am. Telephone ...123 123 123 123
American Can ... 61 60 61 60
Central Leather .. 41 41 41 41
Cuba Can 17 17 17 17
luban-Am. Sngar. 27 26 24 26
Corn Products.. ..102 102 102 102
Kameus Players... 84 85 84 86
Oenersl Electric. ..167 167 167 167
at. N. Ore 42 41 41 41
Int.- Harvester 105 105 105 106
Am. H. & L.. pfd.. 72 72 72 71
U. S. Ind. Alcohol.. 58 67 58 67
Int. Paper 63 12 52 62
Int. M. M., pfd..... 16 14 14 $4
Am. Sugar Ref.... 11 80 SO 81
Sears-Roebuck .... 71. 78 7 71
Int. M. M.. pfd... 15 84 84 84
Am. Sugar-Ret.,. 81 80 10 81
Sears-Roebuck .... 71 71 71 79
Stromsberg ,. ..... .... 56
Tob. Products II 10 SO SO
Worthington Pump 64 64 64 64
Wilson Co 46 46 46 46
Weetlnghoos Elec 42 42 2ty 62
Am. Woolen S3 13 S3 S3
Am. Cotton Oil.... 30 - 30 SO 29
Am. Ag. Chemical 4! 42 42 42
Am. Llnaeed 31 38 SS 39
Union Bag. pfd - 66
Bosch Magneto... 44 46 45 46
Brklyn. Rao'd Tr. S7 J7 J7 -27
Continental Can.,. TO 69 70 49
Cal. Packing...... Tl 71 71 78
fM. a. A E...... SI , $7 18 $8
Columbia Graph... 6 6 6 6
United Drug 71 71 71 78
National Enamel.. 5 14 66 64
United Fruit 141 141 141 141
Lorillard Tob..... is
National Load ... 84 84 84
Philadelphia Co... IS 8 2 SI
Pullman 121 123 12S 122
Funta Ale. Sugar. 41 41 46 47
Sooth P. K. Sugar. II II 61 61
Retail Stores .... 47 45 4 44
St. UA8..T 21 29 38 21
Va. Car Chem ."3 II tl 33
Total sal. 170.10 eharei.
Money Friday cloee. 4 par cent
Marke Cloee. .OOiic; Friday cloe.
.SOU a.
Srldap sloe. Sill
lerliM Ce, $4 41; Vto
New York Bonds
(Th Bw la the only Omaha
ftewspaptr which pubUahta the of
ficial cIom of tha New York Stock
tachanga bondaj
New Teik, Jan I naallilng Incidental
ta th weak. end erelene4 further heel,
lallo ta price of leading bend lea la.
day, moat of th Llbertlee holding at yae
isrdey'e level.
International lean were railed, Repak
lie of Cuba la riaiag t poima, whlla Cub
Railroad 6a eeeed. with additional revere-
I In Meeiran lioveromani. Rrnlsh and
French offeringe were not benefited by
the strength of exchange. United King
dom at I81T eealng a fraction.
New Tork Central Is, needing Oeneral
4a. Norfolk A Western convertible 4 and
Wabaah ftrat Se ehcaed flrmnee. while
receeeloa among Junior mertgai leeuae f
vrl of th weal am and aoulhweetern
rail held within fractional limiie Total
la (par value aggregated $4,141,60.
Th coming week la apeced la bring
ut many new domeallo and foreign un
derwrltmge. tha latter probably Including
aneiner nraaiuan loan.
New Tork. June I Following are to
day high, low and eloelng price af
bonne on tn New Tork atoca exchange,
ind th total ealea of each bond;
V. S. Boad.
Sale (In $1,000) High Low Close
161 Liberty 3 100 4 89.91 100.04
l l.ioeriy xa e.... esse esse
IT Liberty 1st 4.. . 19 91 19 91
J7I Liberty '. 1 4.. 49 44 14.11 99 94
214 Liberty Id 4.. 89.94 89 90 99 94
141 Liberty 4th 4.. 89.11 96 61 69.14
421 Victory IV 100.40 100.11 101.10
rervlga Governs rat- 3taU gad Maalelpaa.
'ST Argentine T 10 100 10
I City Bergen I. ...Ill 111 111
13 City Bern I lit 111 111
II City Bordeaux .. 14 II II
City Copnhgn Sty. 81 81 61
11 City Lyon 17 II
I City Marseilles la.. ST II II
II City Rio Janeiro I. 13 103 102
1 City Ban Paulo I. .101 103 103
10 City Toklo 6s 71 71 71
1 nsnlsh Mun I A. 110 110 116
40 Dpt Seine 7 81 81 83
4 Dom ten Sa 21.101 100 100
11 Dom Can 6 31 81 6
II Dteh Fi Ind I 47.. 86 61 II
SI Dtch B Ind la S3.. 81 81 66
21 French Rep I. ...104 104 104
It French Rep Ta...l02 102 101
2 Japan 1st 4.. II 81 81
II King Belg 7. ...101 108 101
15 King Belg Is 102 101 102
21 King Denmark 6a.. 88 98 99
I King Italy S.... 81 86 81
13 King Nthrlnd Is.; II 17 17
t King Norwsy I. ..110 110 110
It King Sweden 6s. ..102 103 102
II Parla-Ly-Med 4s... 12. 12 12
4 Rep Chll S 44. ...106 104 105
3 Rap Cuba la 04.... S 62 It
5 Stats Qunslnd 4. .101 101 101
1 State Rio O Sul Is. 101 101 101
7 Swls Con la Ill 117 111
I K O R 4 1 Sty 22.108rV 101 108A
65 K O B I Sty 28.108 106 108
161 K O B 4b I Sty 37.102 102 102
IDS U S Braxll I. ...106 106 106
II U S Mexico 6.... 46 64 66
41 U S Mexico 4 S3 41 IS
- Railway and Miseellaneoee.
S Ajax Rubber le ..102 103 102
16 Am Ag Cbm 7. .103 103 103
22 Am Smelt 6s S3 82 82
$4 Am Sugar Sa 101 100 100
7 Am T 4k T cv 6s. .116 114 116
II Am'T T col tr Is 67ty 97 S 87
3 Am Writ Pa 7s.... 17 87 87
I Armour A Co 4tya.. St II II
3 A T S F gen 4s.. 88 II 68
t At Ref Stys 103 103 103
20 Bait A Ohio la.... 101 81 100
1 Bait A Ohio cv 4tya II 11 81
5 Bell Tel Penn 7s. 107 107 107
1 Beth St p m Sa.. 81 61 II
1 Bklyn Ed gen 7a D.107 107 107
6 Bklyn R T 7 ctf St. 78 78 78
18 Csn Nor S Ill 111 111
3 Can Pa d 4 78 71 76
3 Cent Leather 6a .. 18 68 18
1 Cent Pao gtd 4a.... 16 16 16
5 Cerro Pasco Ss 122 122 122
11 Ches A Ohio cv Ss.. $4 93 14
t Ches A Ohio cv 4tys 18 88 88ty
12 C B A Q ref 6 A.. 88 89 II
16 Chi E 111 6s..... 81 10 81
6 Chi Gt Weet 4 .. 61 60ty 61
1 C M ex St P cv 4ty 70 70 70
24 C M & St P ref 4 44 63 64
2 Chi N W 7.. 106 106 106
5 Chi A N W Sty.. 110 101 109
6 Chi Ry 6 83 ty 82. '83
1 C R I A P gen 4.. 83 13 83
13 C R I A. P ref 4a .. 80 80 - 80
14 Chile Cop T 107 107 107
Chll Copper 6s.... 81 91 91
4 Colo Ind 6 .... 77 77 77
7 Colo A bo ref 4.. 87 87 17
8 Con Coal Mrylnd 6 88 87 88
3 Con Ga 7s.. 116 116 116
25 Cub Cn.Sug d Ss.. 85 85 85
7 Cuba R R 7ty A. 103 102 103
Cub Am Bug 8a.... 106 106 106
1 Del A Hud cv 6.. 87 17 97
12 D ft R G Imp 6.. 82 81 81
20 Det Ed ref 6 102 102 102
2 Dlmnd Mtch 7ty..108 107 108
2 Diet Sec 6s 48 - 47 47
3 Dpnt Nem 7 ..107 107ty 107
1 Duquesne Lt 6 ...103 103 103
13 Erie gen 4 65 54 64
13 Erie pr lien 4s,... 64 64 64
44 Flak Rub 8 107 106 107
1 Framer I D 7a .. 98 88 98
1 Gal H A H 5a 88 88- 68
2 Gen Eleo d 6s 102 102 102
16 Good Tire Ss 31. ...102 102 102
4 Good T Sa 41 115 116 115
4 Gnd Tnk Ry C 7s. 113 . 112 ,112
4 Gnd Tnk Ry C 6. .103 103 103
66 Gt North 7 A. ...109 109 109
45 Gt North Stys B...100 100 100
2 Hud A M ret 6s A. 83 83 83
s"f nam art a. trust rnmnanv
xetjutor and trustee of my esjate", writes
Judge W., ''for reasons which .appealed'
to me so strongly that I do not hesitate
to give themj ,
"First: I wanted the appointment of my
executor to be a permanent one, not to be
npset by the death of any friend that I
might choose to act in that capacity, either
before or after my demise the former
necessitating revising my will, the latter
resulting in the appointment by the court
of an administrator of my affairs of whom
I could know nothing. . V ''i
"Second: I . desired the security offered
by the resources and experience of a trust
eompany. ....
" Third n wanted the settling of. my af-,
fairs on s strictly business basis, under
the management of men whose business
il612Tanum Street
IT Hud A M ad la l . 414. 41 II
I let Ag le , I 14 I
II lat Met 4 II II II
II lat Met 40 rite.. II II II'
14 lei M T ref 6 II 44 44
14 lat U M sf 4s.,,, 81 8T 61
:i lat fa ref la H ... II 14 It
loaa feat tar 4a,, 41 44 4f
a k ft a M 4., i tl it
I K C Komhera .. 41 II II
II kali Spring T ,.l 14 ll
I Lara at ta .. 8
S I. H M 4 4 II., 81 81 61
I i. a m a 4 it.. : 13 si
I lhigh Volley .,IW l 13
4 Llsseil My 4.... 81 61 67
I Lorlllerd le 14 44 II
II. N ref S ..13 11 11
S Mat i Ry cen I.. ' ' II
I Me Pal l..,,....ltk 11 11
14 Mid Hi re Is 81 81 61
4 m st r a sail s.!: is
5 M K A T a p I 4 A S3
II M K T n d I A. 64 II
II M K A T 1st 4.. II IS II
II It I'ao gen 4 44 43 43
4 Mont rw I A.... 84 84 84
14 N O T M In la... 71 '71 II
41 N T C rol T 11 16 11
44 N T C db I 11 11 11
3 N T C ton 4s t II II
I N Y Kd ref I. ..108 16 11
I NT NH A H e 41 62 S3 S3
II N T T 4 41 16 11 16
I N T T nl ta 41. .14 14 14
N T W A Bos 4. 6' 14 I
I Nor ft So le A 44 44 44
I Nor ft Weet v 4.. 101 101 141
4 Nor Po grn le.... II II !'
11 N P O N Jt S..ll 106 101
I N W Ball Tel is. .104 104 101
loll, gid 6 elf.. 11 III 11
I Or-Wan R R ft N 4 II ) U
I Oil Stel Is A. ...11 102 101
I'Pao Gas A El Is., 81 It It
1 Packard Mot C l..10T'1T 10T
I I an-Am P ft T 7. .11 113 lot
I Penn It R I. ...101 16 11
5 Pna R R gn I.. IH
S l'ann It R gen 41 SI 81 SI
11 Peine ft Usst lad 4 II II ft
II Reading gen 4s .. 16 II llj
I Rep 1 ft S cal le.. 86 81 II
8 St L ft S F adj .. 71 76 76
SI Kt L g F (no 4s.. 41 II II
21 8t 1. ft 8 F p la 4e A 71 71 71
11 Sbrd A 1. con Is.. II SI 17
4 Sbrd A L dj I.. 37 24 2T
34 Hbrd A L ref 4s.... 42 61 '4 62
3 Sinclair Oil tv 71.104 14 04
IT Sim-lair Oil rol 7.. 86 68 61
I Bo Bell Tel le II 84 64
21 So P ev 4 o 8 60
5 Sa Pao ref 4 .... 17 SI 17
lt So Ry gen I.... II 16 81
IT So Ay con la 66 61 61
21 So Ry gen 4a ST 47 4T
46 Stan Oil CaV d T..10S 106 106
14 Third Av adj I.. II 40 40
Third Ave rsf 4s.. 41 46 45
1 Tidwtr Oil 4s utf.103 102, 102
S Tob Prod Ta 10$ 103 103
3 Union Paclflo lat 4 81 Slty II
1 Union Pac ref 4a.. 16 81 16
1 Union Tank Cr 7.. 102 103 lot
21 U 8 Rub 7a 101 101 101
10 U 8 Rubber 6.... II
76 U 8 Steel af I 103 101 101
1 Utah Pow A Lt la.. It 61 61
46 Va-Cr Chin 7 ...106 101 106
10" V-Cr Chm lat S.. II
1 Va Ry 6 11 11 16
1 Wabaah lat 6a .... II
5 Weet Elec Sa 100 100 100
6 Weet Mrymd lat 4 44 44 64
14 Weat Pacific la.... 67 IT 17
3 Weat Eleo T 101 106 106
14 Wheel ft L E 4a.. SI II 41
11 Wilson ft C st 71.104 103 104
S Wilson ft C CV 6.-. 93 82 81
S Wlaconsln Cen gn 4 64 80 80
8 Dom Can 1153 WI..100 10 100
St Cxecho-Slo Sa ctf a.. SS 87 87
Total aalea of bonda today wera 11,143,-
000 compared with $11,876,000 pravlou day
nd 16,161,000 a year ago.
N. Y. Curb Bonds
K' Tork. N. v.. Juna I The feature
ot tha week'a curb trado wa th heavy
trading and record-breaking movement in
Standard Olio. Kentucky had th widest
range, moving up from 94 to 101 ana
then reacting. Indiana ranged from 111
to 124 end-then fell back to 111. Im
perial Oil ot Canada roea from 116 to
13TU and from which lt reacted to 124.
International Petroleum wa traded In at
26 to 27. In the Independent oil,
pedal Interest wa attached to Mexican
Seaboard which ranged from 44c to
47. Fenland Oil movea up irom u
18. Klrby Petroleum waa exceptionally
weak, with a further break yesterday
when It aold down to Sc.
Many new issues were admitted to trad
ing during the week, Including th new
tobacco products aharea. Th nw com
mon etock waa traded In at 62 to 68,
and the preferred "A" ranged from 84 to
80.' Glen Alden Coal wa a etrong fea
ture, moving up from 62 to 64. Gil
lette rose from 210 to 214,
Yesterday there waa Initial trading In
North American Steel ehares, th organ
ization In . which three ateel company
merger le Included. Nearly 60.000 aharea
of common aold within a couple of hour
at 61 to 60. A sale of preferred wa mad
at 16..
New Tork, June 1." Transactions en th
New Tork curb market today war aa
Bond. . - . . '
Sale (In $1,000) High Low , Close
.. S Allied Packer 8s.. 88 . 88 .. 68 -I
Am T ft T 6 22. .100 100 .100
15 Armour ft Co 7.... 104 10- 104 ,
' 2 Beth Steel 7s 23. .104 104 .104
12 Bethlehem St 7s 35.102 102 102
31 Cent Steel 8s 104 104 104
4 Grand Trunk 6s..l08 108 108
6 Hood Rubber 7s .. 98 18 98
48 Int R T 8s 22 82 81 91
13 Kan O ft El 6s
7 Ken Copper 7s ..
. .. 2 Laclede Gas 7s .
8 Lig-Win 7s
2 Phil El 6s .....
.. IS 84 86
...106 104 106
...100 100 100
... 88. 99 89
...101 101 101
... 98 88 98
1 Robert Gair 7s
2 Stan Oil .. T 7s 46.106 105 106
the Judge Named
a Trust Company
in mv will an
is to do such work and whose sole objetjt
is to comply with the provisions of my
will, swayed neither by affection, preju
dice nor personal gain.
"I named a trust company as executor
and trustee of my will, Because I wanted
the peace of mind the sense of security
that comes with knowing ,that the pro
visions of one's will surely will be faith
fully and efficiently carried out."
tatoB Slintat (Simumtt!)
the Day
I si am n t leit. iM
ieei Wr I ....III
geifl ft C I II... .11
I Te Kdiae la .A. IV
II la Oil Free) ..41
I Uid tr Ha I ..Ml
I Veeeuio (ill I ,,..lf
II West Kiee Ta ...... I'
I A O W 1 14
Ut Freeparl, T 7 ..HI
!! Int O N IT
II I R T T Wl 11
I V...I t SS
Foreis SVsad.
II City Rlbwfelde l ,, I
I City SalMons I ... II
4!l N T N H r 1 ,. II
14 U Mair 41 .... 44
14 Ante Jur I ...... H
41 U Braill T ..ST
Fare go Bfrrkasure.
New Tata. Jua $. rereig Eichaag
Ureal Britain Demand, Sill I cab!,
11.41 I 44. day Mil eg benka. $4 44.
Krame Dmad , .llllei eiklia,
III 3.
Italy Pemeed, ,6lo cable, .lilt.
Haisium ,D m a d, .tlllc; cab!,
.1444 e.
Germany Demand, .1111 i caale.
Holland Demand, ,IIIOe; cable, , tlllc.
Norway Demand, .ITITe,
Sweden Demand, .tllle.
Denmerk Demand, .lilts.
Serltserlend Demend. .111!,
Spain Demand. .III.
Oreece Demand. ,:;r.
Poland Demend, ,043.
Caat'ho.glotakia Demand, .lllll.
Argentine Demand, ,1440c.
Mresll Uemand. .111.
Montreal II l-lle.
C'hieaM Slack!.
Range of price of the teed!
ng Chicago
stocks furnisneo ny uogea a
Pelera Trust building:
Armour ft Co. pfd............
Braa, 141
t'udahv i
font. Motor
Earl Motor ,
Nat. Leather, new"
Stewart -Warner
Swift ft Co
Swift Int
Union Carbide
Chirac PsUloea.
eUa.M 1 . , n . Dnl. I ... I .AM M ...
celpt. 12' car: total United Statea ship-
II. n 11 1 , . - - ' " 1 -. ........ - .
whltee, ll.IOtfl.ll cwt.j Michigan aacked
and bulk round whltee, $1. 66481.70 cwt.;
laano aacaeo nueaais, e.vvvs. cw..
..... 1. . ... . ,i.k.M. .. l ..1 mi,.
Triumphs, No. 1. $3.00(41.1! cwt.; Iuls
tana aacked Bliss Triumphs, $3II4I.IS
owl.: South Carolina it bbl. Irish Cob-
luers, ro. i, se.ev.
Chicago Produce.
cku..A 1.,. LSitiiMwRifW! re
ceipt, 21,711 tub; creamery extra, Sic;
first, 11034c; seconds, 364110c; etand
arda, 16c.
1. u. . ... .1 . at iel ..m
firsts, 13e:ie; ordinary firsts, 119
11c, miscellaneous, .nT.jei
packed txtraa, tic; storage packed Urate,
.a 7v
New Tork Metal.
New Tork. N. T.. Jun I. Th copper
market ha been firm during th paat
week. If anvthlna bualnee haa been
a little leaa active but the market la
ahowing th effect of th large ealea re
ported during May and quotation for
electroytle thia morning ranged from
13e to 14o delivered with eome llere
offering nothing below the 14c Iron wa
New Tork Pradsea.
New Tork, Jun I. Butter Firm.
Egg Irregular.
Cheeee Steady.
Poultry Live and drstd. aulet; all un
Alt commodltiea practically unenangea.
Clearing Hduse Rtetenseat.
New Tork. Juna 3. The actual condi
tion of tha clearlna houae banka and trust
companlea for the week ahowa that they
held $26,641,170 in excess of legal re
quirements. Thl I an lncrea of 11,017,
730 from laat week.
' Kansas ttty Produce.
Kansas City, Jun 3. Egg and Butter
Poultry Hen, la lowsr. lit; brolUr,
Is lower, 16c: roosters, 12c.
Chicago Poultry.
Chicago. Jun 3. Poultry Live lower;
fowl, 23c; broilers, 12031c; roosters,
14e. - -
Sow Tork Dried Fruits.
New Tork, Jun $. Evaporated Apple
Apricot Slow.
Peaehee Steady. .
Raisin Easy.
' London Money.
London, June S. SilverBar, II d Pr
Money S per' cent.
Discount Rates Short bill, S l-ll per
per cent; three months' bills, 191 T-1S.
Bar Silver.
New Trk. Jun 3. Silver Bar, 71 c
Mexican Dollars 54 c.
produced by Stock Privilege on IOO
eherea, coating $7S to 9137.50. Writs
for Free Booklet No. 14. PAUL KA YE,
Ask for this
Today- copy - of "Safe
guarding Your Family's Fu
ture," which explains thsj
duties of an executor, and
why you should name a trust
Omaha.' Nebrukt
Un tali I'e4la.
Near Tork, Jun 1 1 Hat w
rally iae vim avenlng up peieiiue
aa4 . pnatipal a.'tlvliy In loday e railaei
merkal The list apenae unrhangag la
4 peiaie e higher aa4 prempily eeea4
aff la a la a few paime yniiaf rrl
gey, A qui-a rally fallnae4 an4 prlree
nee T I II painie oar the leat pretmue
f as Is There ae a nellveehle
In eelllng preeeui In the teller helf at
the then S'salun The Juiy, In rlirulr,
a mark for beat and )ruppe4 tee
a pound under mriaye final Th reel
of the list ruled fairly needy, the mar
ka rinsing IS painl lowsr on July I S
higher ea Msrrh.
Mnulharn pa markale eara: (lslvasten,
holiday: Near Orlrene, hollos n kavsnnsh.
helidey; Auiueia, 3 lie, It polnia decline;
Memphia. :e.M, unchanged; lloueian, hoi.
tdey; l.lltl lloek. lor, unchanged,
le CHy lire Mark.
Sleus City, la. Juna I t'allle Re
eeipia, S head; fed sieere and fad year
Utile, sirens; market compered I aeek
ego warmed up siaars and yaarllma week
10 isq lower: lP yeerllnse. $lel; haavire,
11 t; fat raw and heifers, weak in ;u
lower: .rennere, 34o lower: veal steady,
tap, llll: feadara. ralvaa. un.
even: bulla, elaaa eieedys faellng rows
ana aeiiare, eieaay to ;0 lower; aiot-a
ere. !4o huher.
Hogs Hrelple, S.I6 haad: hulrhars.
Il.l4l ;i: market strong; lights, $il:
baavy, llllfl.lli heavy petksrs, $1 IS
B P an.
aheep and Lam he Rerelnle. la haad
bulk of aalea. 11.160 o.!l; market com
pared lo week ago, eprlng lembs. II
higher: olher elork le and more lower:
quotebte lop spring lambs. Ill, flipped
lemno, cnppen ewes,,
t Kaaeae f Ity lira Hloek.
Kansas City. Mo . June I. ("ellle Re
eeipie, tOI hsad. I'or week: Beef sieere.
elrang le tlo higher: top, 1441; fat she
lock, steady lo weak; rullera end bulla,
weak: canners. Block rowa and halters.
week le Ceo lower: all reives arrong.
Ho Rerelnle. 1.!0 head: 10 aorled
111 poundere lo ehlppera, 114.10; pai-kere
oougnt duik soon and rnoire 170-K
pounders. 111 le) 14: strong to te
nigner: duik,; pigs, sisaay;
odd bunphaa
aheep and lambs Rerelpta, none; for
weex, isr 10 6 00 lower: shorn lambs, tie
in :ae lower: top, spring lamb,
76 lo 1104 lower; lop natives, $14.11.
New York Ceneral.
Kew Tork. June t. Wheat Moot. un.
settled : No. 1, II tM4: No. 3 hard. 11.11 W;
no, 1 Manitoba, 1.H, and No. I mliad,
durum, tl.tlti c. I. f. track, New York,
to errlve.
Corn Snot, eaav; No. S yellow and No.
1 whlla, TSnc; No. : mixed, tie e. I. f.
New Tork, all rail,
Oats Spot. quit; Nd. S white, II.
Olher articles unchanged. '
New York Dry Goods.
- - " " " , ., u 11 v . . . ,1 u 1 m pwui ware
firm todsy. Tama wera higher In spin
ning MR I.M kill . . .-t a. J . I
" ' ' I " I ,HIH .VI II VI 1 11 a. I 1U
rAntlimnlln. mimm ll.kt Wul - - -i -
.m H. '1 1 1 huvi ( UIIU - .17 HI
Slowly et higher prlcee. Silk continued
ukm.mvu. ounipa ware less leverien.
I.lnene were purcheeed moderately. Job-
... .vkv.vvu l I 111 I.) I L l I I . -
orders snd som additional fall bulnea.
l-v y a ! aleSei-vl
One Widow and
Her Estate -
if !
Jtr F
ig ss
Peter Trust Bldg.
PetersTrast Company
We Solicit
Conif nment
of All Kind,
of Grain
to Omaha,
" Chicago,
Kansas City
Sious City
We Operate
Omaha, Nebraska
Lincoln, Nebraska
Hastings, Nebraska
Holdrege. Nebraska
Geneva, Nebraska
Chicago, Illinois
f Private wire connections to all offices
! sxcept Kansas City and Milwaukee.
Every Car Receives Careful Personal Attention
Updike Grain Company
In es
The Reliable Consignment House'
(Sucfee see Were 4t Leleae)
Stock Bonds
Grain Provision!
SauU lal given seaae iiealUj
f Urge lai. PSHVAIC WIRES.
W lavii laqulriee.
f N. V. Slh Is
MkaM i Chicago klach Im
Plessker . c B,r
I Oaieke Cieia Ca
V. Sleth Carlieaga
f Treae
T. N. Suiter. Maaagar.
w" -
a a. a aW an aT MaBBteaJ
Bunlr wneesorcom.
A maveouml of 60 (mm aptkea pete aivo
,Zwult7 take l.s,i on; er. WO. .
V svrlftl, e VVRITB TtlOAVPOR PA R
iiuireit lain
wi, N iitueee.AnaaiTV,iaj.
In the Stock Market
Mad From Small lnvtmnt
Writ for Free Rook lat
Tha Mot Simple Eiplanatioit
of Profitabla Stock Trading
Est. 1884
iW MUNN lie CO.
Tna.r Hulldms. C'HII'AliO ILL
claBtltle American . WAgHINOTOS, a &
Woolwnrta Bulldlai, KKW VOSK
Boberl Bid.. BAN KBANUiaco, 1.4 1.
PUTS and CALLS hwthVy'wosi!
Thslr us la Trsdim In Will pi. elsarly
aiplslned In our MrT, BOOK LIT K. 41.
Taahaiasa Ce. SS Wllllaas St. Nsw Vrt
This question is completely ear.
ered in our cireuler just off th
If yon an Interested In Railroad
Seeuritiea you (hould have a
copy. 1
Sent without obligation. 1
Membera Consolidated I
Stock Exchange of New York
35 So. William St., Now York .
MRS. R. is Widow with,
one child. Some months
ago the promoter of an oil
company , called upon her.
He claimed that he waa
also an evangelist and he
showed many alleged let
ters from ministers endorsing
his religious work. The widow
invested her savings. The
company failed to find oil.
The widow has lost her sav
ings and has taken employ
ment to support her child.
You can protect your family by
narairjf the Peters Trutt Company
a your executor and trustee, and
will hay the satisfaction of know
ing that the funds of your estate '
will be invested only in aecuritieg
which ere approved for this purpose.
in the careful handling of all
orders for grain and pro
visions for future delivery in
all the important markets.
Of ficea at
Sioux City, Iowa
Des Moines, Iowa
Hamburg, lows
Milwaukee, Wis.
Kansas City, Ho.