Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1922, SPORT NEWS MARKETS, Image 12

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French Premier
Given Free Hand
on Foreign Policy
Attitude at (pnna Approved
(iorrnnifiit Sole J wipe
as to Stand at Hfljpie
By Th Anwlm4 Pr.
Pan. Juiif 3 Thf i lumber r(
i!futit jriterilay tvciuiiK. Iv a ote
of 485 to 100, gave I'rrnurr Polncare
a 0 lund to continue to dnrit the
"feign policy of l-'rime lonu the
line he his pursued since lie a
mmed power.
The vote alo aptriril of the gov
ernment' attitude at the recent
ieta conirrenie, left the govern
inritt tlie ir jii'luf as to whether
Fiance tliall be represented at 'Hie
Hague conference and reserved to
the government the riht to act
alone toward ierttiany in case of 9
tlafirant violation of the Versailles
The vote came after one of the
most stormy session ever witnessed
in the French chamber.
Kvidence of the intluence of l'ic
miir I'oincare over the chamber was
shown when the (tiestion as to prior
ity of tne numerous order of the day
caire u. M. Ilerriot, leader of the
radical party, insisted that his order
of the day regarding international
lr mould havt priority. To this
M. I'oincare objected, and without
in-plying lack 01 confidence, the
chamber voted. 426 to 143, against
M. Herrifit, but when the straight
order of the day, involving a vote of
confidence in the government, wa
put before the chamber, the opposi
tion vote va reduced to 100, while
that of the supporters of the gov
ernment was increased to. 484.
M. Herriot had charged the pre
mier with being responsible for the
question of international loans not
being put before the Genoa confer
ence. The premier replied that be
bad refused to bring up the ques
tion at Genoi because he was con
vinced it' was too closely and dan
Berously associated with that of the
German debt to the allies.
Ar buckle Becomes
Director of Keaton
Cafe Chef, Shot in Fight,
in Critical Condition
The rondition of A. N. McDonald,
42. chef at the J. J. Greer eating
house at First and Haskell streets,
who was shot four times in a fight
with William James, 3219 South
First, Friday evening, is still very
critical. Little hope of saving his
life is held by doctors at St. Jaseph
No further statement has been
made by James other than that he
s-hot McDonald and wished that he
had killed him. James was captured
just as he was leaving town on a
railroad train.
Service of Song.
A aervice of rong will be given at
Our Saviors Evangelical Lutheran
church, Thirtieth and Izard streets,
Sunday evening at 8. Selo parts will
be sung by A. W. Peterson, Mrs.
William Turner, Helen Miller, Mrs.
Fred Boien, Mrs. F. A. Hansen.
Arthur W. Peterson is choir master,
and Miss Blanche Fletcher is organist.
Los Angeles, lutu 3 Rocot C.
(Fatty) Arbuckle, former (ilm
comedian, whct picture were
ruled off tht screen shortly after
his acquittal by a San Francisco
jury of a charge ot manslaughter
growing out of the death oi Vir
ginia Kappe, (ilm actress, hat be
come a motion picture director.
He is directing Joseph F. (Butter)
Keaton in a new comedy, it ia
It i not known whether Arbuckle
has accepted as final the decree of
Will H. Hay, head of the Motion
Picture Producers' association, that
Arbuckle himself remain off the
Shrinera on Way to Coast
to He Entertained Here
St. Joseph delegation of Shriners,
t in cute by special train to San Fran
cisco convention, will be entertained
upon arrival here Saturday night
at 5:25 by Tangier temple. The party
will be taken on a tour of the city
and given a dinner at the Masonic
The Cincinnati delegation, arriv
ing by special train at I Sunday aft-
rnoon. also will be taken on a tour
oi Omaha by Tanm'tr temple.
The committee in charge of auto
tripi is composed of F. S Martin,
chairman; J. 11. Hansen, vice chair
man; John (iamble, George A. Rob
erts, Clyde Drew, A. C. Scott and
Rome Milter.
Motion for New Trial for
Murderer I Overruled
Lincoln, June 3. (Special.) The
slate supreme court today overruled
a motion for a new trial in the case
of James B. King, negro convict in
the state penitentiary, sentenced to
die in the electric chair next Friday
for the slaying of Robert L. Taylor,
guard at the penitentiary, the night
of May 11, 1921.
Court Battle
Over Mathi hies
Union Averted
Mr. McCormirk tuiU Fight
Afiainot Marriage Judge
ItmmuiiaidR Father' dire
ful Coiioidrraliun.
( hiugo, June 3, The coi.rt light
.igaintt Malhiblc Mil'uiiiiiiVs mar
lu'gc to Max Oicr. Swim horcmii,
ended abruptly in lc than two min
ute' proceeding 111 probate court
todav when Mrs. Ldlth Rockefeller
McC'orinick, the girl' mother, with
drew her petition tor a restraining
order to prevent tns union.
, Father Becomes Guardian.
Judge Henry Horner granted the
motion of Mr. McCormick's attor
ney, Charles S. Cutting, that the pe
tition be dismissed without prejudice
and added that Harold F. McCor
mick, divorced husband of Mr. Mc
Cormick, was appointed Mathilde's
legal guardian without delay.
He made it plain, however, thai
he would expect the father to ex
ecute his trust "as a Ktiardiau and
a parent should" and that he would
also expect Mr. McComiick to "take
into consideration all the points in
Mrs. McCormick's answer" was in
terpreted as a warning that Mr. Mc
Corniick should consider Very care
fully any consent to Mathilde's mar
riage to 0cr.
Mother's Charges.
The petition withdrawn by Attor
ney Cutting was contained in Mrs.
McCormick's answer to the applica
tion of her daughter for appointment
of Mr. McCormick as her legal
guardian. It contained charges that
Oser sought the marriage, hoping to
obtain "large sums of money and
j linaiii il 4111" and depUned the di
I parity 111 awe between the two
, it 44 Vf4f. old. Mathilrie u 17.
1 Aled what the tirt move would
! be, Mr. Cutting said tlitr? "wouldn't
I be auv net moie " l'.ilwin II I'm-
el, Mr, McCormick' attorney, '
totally uiti'nmmuniraiive.
l!x-Ruiian Adilrrwa 200
I'ro(iertive New Citizen
"America i the ben country in the
world," declared Loin Mergolm,
iiuiiaurr iii th Allan lilf trvir
! company, 2403 Park street, in an
uddre. to a das of more than 20
prospective new utir-i at the Chain
lrr oi Commerce Friday evening
at K.
The new citizen, who will re
ceive their final paper in naturalisa
tion court next Tuesday and Wed
nesday, were guest of the chamber
at a banquet. More than 500 persons
attended. District Judge Charle
Go and Dr. K. C. Henrv. head of
the Americanization committer, alto
Mr. Mrrgolin, who came to Oma
ha from Russia 17 year - ago,
dramatically related hi arrivat here
"without friends,, without money,
peaking a strange language; but 1
had my hands, and my mind and
opportunity." One cannot become a
real American, he declared, until he
has rid himself of his old country
idea and has learned the manners
and customs of his adopted country.
Railroad Worker Fired
After Buying Moonshine
Hammond, Ind., June 3. Follow
ing the arrest of Albert Reel on a
iharge of making and selling moon
shine to railroad men, 17 employes
of the Chesapeake and Ohio rail
way were fired for purchasing in
toxicating liquors by General Super
intendent G. J. Derbyshire, Fcru,
Buttercups, huge yellow silk ones,
trim a hat of black strew of the
garden party variety. Bulttrcups are
favored by the milliners on the better
class hats this spring.
'Woman Shatters Record
Driving Buick "4" Coupe
ForTired Feet, Sore, Tender, Aching, Swollen Feet
achiag, iwoflm led.
Doo'liUjr loetnekl"
Just 'take your shoes off and then
put those weary, shoe-crinkled, ach
ing, burning, corn-pestered, bunion
tortured feet of yours In a "Tiz"
bath. Your toes will wriggle with
joy; they'll look up at you and al
most talk and then they'll take an
other dive in that "Tiz" bath.
When your feet feel like lumps of
lead all tired out just try "Tiz."
It's grand it's glorious. Your feet
will dance with joy; also you will
find all pain gone from corns, cal
louses and bunions.
There's nothing like "Tiz." It's the
only remedy that draws out all the
poisonous exudations which puff up
your feet and cause foot torture.
A few cents buy a box of "Tiz" at
any drug or department store don't
wait. Ah! how glad your feet get;
how comfortable your shoes feel.
Buy Now! 1
Pay Later!
That' t h Beddao
way of clothes II-ing.
Your Credit
Supplies Your
Juat y "chare it"
will m a k t h
tfrmt ault your convenience.
Style A Credit Store for All the People Quality
Read-Investigate !
Every day during thi 10th Anni
vartary Sale the Beddeo Clothing
Co. will give away abiolutely frea
Hundred of dollar worth of
The following article were given
way free yeaterday:
1 Man'. Suit $24.75
1 Man'. Suit 39.75
1 Ladies' Coat 19.50
1 Ladie.' Dre 8.95
. 2 Bungalow Apron 2.00
1 Ladie.' Wrap 19.50
An Amazing Outlay of
Startling Bargains In This
10th Anniversary Sale
Every department in the store is alive with extra
ordinary offerings during the Tenth Anniversary Sale
Surprise after surprise awaits you here. Look where
you will, you cannot duplicate these marvelous values.
It's a real bargain, carnival an opportunity to en
joy money savings of the rarest type. Join the big
crowds that are thronging the store daily.
Any salesperson will be pleased to advise you of
the big free merchandise offer which is creating such
enthusiasm with every visitor to our store.
A Sensational Saturday
Anniversary Offer
A big double-head feature : Hundreds of stunning
frocks and wraps in styles of the hour have been
assembled to go at this extreme low anniversary
sale price.
Worth Two and Three Times This Price
The Wraps The Frocks
Capes, Wraps, Cape Coats, Sport Coats Canfcme, Crepe de Chines, Roshanaras,
in the widest possible style range. All etc., in smart sport creations. Every
desirable fabrics. desired color and size is here.
Extra Special Credit Terms
Men's One and Two Pant SUITS
Greatest Values of the Year
You'll say so the minute you see these wonder
value suits. Styles that men and young men seek.
Hundreds of Suits Involved
Under normal conditions you would expect to pay
at least double for suits of this quality. They are
hand-tailored and styled to meet an exacting taste.
$5.00 Down and $2.00 Per Week
Your Suit Cleaned and
Pressed, $1.50
That', our haw price for any man'
two or thm-pltc. uit.
2217 Faraam Str.t. AT. 034S.
ma no
Kyi flr.
tmJL J Vjr2l uUaul" wlU mm t Uual
iKYlM wtty 8umB tmtrX
MMr., Aw MM datlnnrf trml tit-1
ti fK .tONB MCKlW
g 1 j, IV ti. r UU
f -tiTCJ mUi trom m m4
I vV 1 RT.rr. im
f (CI rWJ wtUtomt knskux. I
I Vi r UMU Imk-1
I 1 ImMi, tfirwlMCrwl
1 vim', Nmi
M tmA.ivm mrniim
1 wl rital
PMaMaVV MbnMlF 0
' Awl
M&3b' at Unttkl
BS. 1mm. aa oil
at;1 nM Uu. axb in I
SrVTTt No.
I Itll. Color, :
I 4MallM!
I T"-v Kelt. Womon'iM
I If tfUSlm M to U omH.
JjjjtfamlMiJCrtSrCa Dept. 379 fcMjJ
the nine tiuilc er u I u well
llifh4y rouii'titir
Hih Tribute Paid.
Mr. Avn paid t i at H miuite in th?
C4r whiJi .lie dii'vr. She uid;
"My (iniri)hiiihr ItimW uri
4C llll lUltnlp I't 4iri ll'll.ioil.
Not 4 nnnle toi tud to he lumlc
(r iiKthiiicl adjiiKtuiriii n( any
kind, li via the nrt tl ;i tni which
would be a severe trl (ir any amo
moliilc. irrrtprctive oi ithp ur ne
jof rnniiir, limiiiucli .i I have had
J roiiridrrahlr rxri it lire in lim ine
iiiuny different inaUr ui duriuii
the period of the vr m a mniilii r
jof the u emu n't Id'd l'i iniiiiir
corj. I (ecl that I am otcd wrll
'rnoiiKh to jtidue tin nirrit f an
i atimmnhilr,
i "The manner in whi'h thi four
Icylnidtr coupe behaved wa a rrv
lelatinn to me. Whrnever I rallrd
I on it (or rcerve powfr on the grade
or in H.e tiRht puce, tin nttip tar
iiintsntly renondcd and enabled me
to come throujjh with flyinir color.
It i one of the bet and eirt rid
ing car I have ever handled. It i
the ideal car for the woman driver.
Portland, Ore.. June 2. (St'icial.) I Iav. Mav 1. ami rr . li kul in
After one of the mot thrillitiK brre at l'l ;45 a, in., Tuetday. May 2.
motor, car trip ever made ln-tiwru iThe chcikiiiu a done at both place
San rraiiciuro and l'ortland, Mr.
V.. Kathleen Ayera of San brnuciMO,
Cal., v.a officially checked in here
with her I9.'J liuiik four-cylinder
coupe, after bavin made the fastest
tune ever recorded for an automobile
by member of the local pre. while
the tiuiiiiL' a done bv official of
the Vetrrn 'leleuraoli company.
Beati Fast Train.
1 lie total time roiiMimcd in mnkiiw
the iniir-cily dali. iucliidinn the J5
in thi famous iutrr-rily run. Mrs. i minute iictcat'y to cho San
Aycr at behind the wheel and drove
the Huick the greater part of the 725
miles, only oeciuionally beiiiR reliev
ed by the official representative who
had been detailed by the Howard
Automobile company , to act as her
The record i official in every re
spect, a the Huick coupe and its
fair driver were checked out of San
Francisco at 1 :02 o'clock p. tu., Mon-
rranciro hay to Oakland. wa 22
hours, -U numitci, Thi is a new
mark for thi trip, to far as Western
Union records show, liratius the best
previous time made by automobile
3 hour and 8 minutes, ' he former
record wns 2.i hours. 51 minutes.
while the fastest schedule of the
Southern Pacific company' express
train is 28 hours, .V) minute, n the
four-cylinder Huick coupe now hold
' -n
From a standing start to 30
miles per hour in 12 sec
onds that's what you can
do with a DURANT 4.
The gasoline and tire mileage is very high, the
upkeep cost very Iowl
o .
"Jiut a Real Good Car"
Touring, Q
$890 g '
Sedan, fj
$1,365 3
Andrew Murphy & Son, Inc.
52 Years in Business
1410 Jackspn St., Omaha
No Action liy County Hoanl
on Paing of Wetst Q Koatl
The foiiuly coutuiissioiie rs. alter
long ateumcnt in private, held a
short open meeting Saturday, but
failed tn award the contract for pav
ing (J htreet from the city limit to
KaUton, four mile.
A delegation of residents of that
section called on the commissioner
iasi i nurstiay iicinaimvin mat nncK j
paving be laid instead of bitulitbic I
surfacing. , '
It tut stated after the meeting to
i!iy that t'ominiislonri O'l'onnor,
U U. maid anil N'elile (vnr brick.
I lie board ad)nururd until neat
Tuesil.iv morniuii.
Regain the Vital
Forceof Youth
A Simpla Horn Trratm.nt, Mar
Available Than Gland Traatiaaat
or Bark and Animal Estrada.
Nature's frraL.t tl in maniln4 la
Kr I'uniiHiunJ, ih rr)ut (Italian nf
Umn'nt tiial fi.rra If yati a.plr is r
li.rrd vilal tirrvsus tnniy. Is I ha lorl
n vlnr of th dav f nuih. ttf Kr.
In in eiHsrir f ,our an hKm. Ontilf
inic ruV a, known, uiually in a f
Kor rnnnun4 On labial fnrml it th
riull ul manr ar uT riaiiiifie rarb.
II coniaina no harmful Anttt ur oplalr.
It nil naturallr iha vital
furrr in man or Kutian, to rulit iha
powrr of youthful iKr and atamina.
Mor widrly arrlaimnl than UlanH Tial
mni or uark and animal ritrarta. II
ha a powerful arlmn In Irenvihrnina anil
fMmr nrv lumn, and lo ovarcom
th hsnillrap nf wraVii-. rxult
ini frum hrrakin1 nature' la
Knr la dlilrllnllcd and KUtrantr4
only by th Mllon l.alranrl. )it.
I 1 Mairh.Mii lllde . Kansa lllii,
II". A (nil lratmnt ul thl umlar
vilalltrr nt prapaid fur only It Ou. (r.
If mnr rnnvnlnt. t'tiA no monryi ray
th ittinan IJ.Ou and a f rnl poll
ar hcn It arrlvca. Th lahoralnri
auaranlr to rturn your monay promptly
If rraulta ar not rntlrrly aatlartor.
Cut or Uar .aul this id now, and ad r
dr -today.
Here uou can
secure only
We act as the
service depart-
mem ot the
Omaha Branch,
Phone Atlantic 2844.
Parlor Car Comfort
Today's Ovtriani: 25 miUsto the gallon; all-steel body; baked enamel finish; 130-inch spring bast
Astonishing as it may seem, the Overland car
cushions you on the roughroads with none of the
usual jounce and jar. This truly extraordinary
comfort is matched by an equally extraordinary
economy 25 miles and more to the gallon.
tTn -n
r iiiih.. . "1' a
mmM ".'al l !r I
TOURING . . $50
court a so
, Always a good investment, now the greatest automobile value In America
Willys-Overland, Inc.
2562-4 Faraam St. Open Evenings Phone HA rney 0353
Henry Ford
TJENRY FORD was 35 years getting ready for trwj
new price on the Fordson. He started as a farm boy,
planning to get rid of the drudgery, long hours and low
money return that has always faced the farmer.
He wanted to furnish you with a tractor that would not
only do your work better and faster, but at lower costs
and the 170,000 Fordsons now in use have proved that
he has accomplished these things.
What you get in the Fordson for $395 f. o. b. Detroit i
the greatest farm power unit ever offered.
Let us show you how a ordson win cut farm cost,
increase your bank account and take the drudgery out of
farm wort. Write, phone or call
See the nearest Omaha or Council Bluffs