i Chang's Soldiers Mutiny. Support Gen. Wu Pci-Fu Form Along Hiinftf Eatrrn Kiilrosl Rttult A?imt Man ihurUrt Dii utor in Favor of Kncmy Ce net A. Harbin, Manchuria. May 29 'By A, 1 ) i'h o.1.ft rt Ctn. Chant T.o-Lin along lt Chme 1 s.trru railroad have tnuiinircd an-1 drlard in favor H Urn. V I'ri-ru. wlio dtlritrd Chang in I he rrcmt bitilc around I'rkin. Almost lti enure vilroad ii in llie hands cl irnops v. ho bev rtvohfj agamat the Manchuri ai dictator and are supporting Urn. Wu, new in control ot. Chili-Li. Sever fighting occurred at cmal tutioni along the retread, mulling in the diirat o( Chang Tao-Lin's oiiirfali. The mutiny it threading among Jlli V civil ennIoe. : Severt Fighting. London. May 2). Severe figlitiii ha btcn in rogre on the KtrngM tront, according to Hongkong re Prtt to The Timet. .Sun Vat Sen' main army it said to have raniured KeJ Lin !'a. which the Kung-i (trvn had hravily Inrtiiied. I The richt uiiiu of the armv hi ' captured Smfrng and is pursuing the enemy toward N'ankangh.irn, while the leit wing h4 drftaicd tue enemy un the Hunan frontier and it march ing toward Chungyi. roremn Minister Resigns. London, May .N. A Rrunter dis patch from 1'ckin saya that Dr. W. W. Yen. the foreign niiniairr re- tinned Saturday and leit for Shang lui today. The dipatch add that J)r, Yrn apparently it making way for Dr. Wellington Koo, who arrived . in rekin unduy mnrnmg. On Way to Lanchow. Tientsin, Mav 29.-.(Ry A. P.) (jcn. Wu lei-rut army ot Lhilili aoklier have passed Tongshang on tlieir way to Lanchow. Another di vision has been ordered to advance. Gen. Chang Tso-Lin. it has been definitely established, has reocctipied Chatigli. Thirty thousand Chihli troops are moving overland toward Yungpingfu obviously for an out flanking movement. Nine thousand l.hihli soldiers have crossed the great wall, moving in the direction of Chinchow. Their leaders confi- dently expect a resumption of hostil- itiet within three or tour days. George Roberts Gives $10,000 to WillardHall George A. Roberts, grain broker, subscribed $10,000, one-tenth of the total amount being raised to estab lish Willard hall, the proposed resi dence for employed women and girls, to be located at the former Brownell hall on South Tenth street. Mr. Roberts has taken an active interest in the campaign. He is chair man of the large contributions com mitttee. David Cole, treasurer of the Wil lard hall association, pledged $5,500. Gould Dietz and Bishop Homer Stuntz each subscribed $1,000. The campaign for $100,000 was launched in the churches Sunday, v ."We haven't arrived at any totals yet," said Mr. Cole, "but every in dication points toward success. We caa't fail with this drive. The danger is too great.'" - i French Ratification of Arms' Meet Up Tomorrow Paris, May 29. (By A. P.) The French government will tomorrow introduce in the chamber of deputies bJlU' ratifying the agreements reached at the Washington arma ment conference. Toy KJ; . Last 2 Times , FIRST TIMES HERE THE BEST - MUSICAL REVUE OF THE SEASON ' 3rd and Latest Edition ol th Original v and Only GEORGE WHITE'S SCANDALS - : With Ann Pennington , Csorfe Whit (Himself) and Original V ; . Ntw York Cast. Bargain Holiday Matinee Today: 50c, $1.00 91.50 and $2.00 DMIIDEIS CURTAIN EVENINGS 8.15 SHARP S Days STARTING THURSDAY June 1 MATINEE SATURDAY SEATS HOT, SELLING Prices All Plus 10 Tax Nigatss Orchestra, $2-50, $2.00; Balcony. $2.00, $1.50, $1.00; Gal lery, 50c. Matinee: Orchestra, $2.00, $1.50; Balcony, $1.50, $1-00; Gallery, 50c "1 never enjoyed a play more in my life." Herbert Hoorer. Original Metropolitian Company 39 People .IllamrWscJrj 'JfcflQLi. LINCOLN The Thin Red Murder of Negroes Remains Mystery Inquest Fails to Shed Light on Double Slaying of Last Friday. Mystery surrounding the murder of two negroes at Seventh and Fine streets Friday morning was not pierced by a coroner's inquest yes terday morning and detectives, with three suspects in jail, are still probing its depths. Walter Toles, negro mechanic, 1101 South Fourteenth street, was ar rested yesterday morning on infor mation obtained by Detective 'Harry Buford, and is expected to throw light on the case. , In their report on the case, seven detectives told their superiors today Buford s work on the case was re markable and responsible for all the progress made toward solving the mystery. .Ihe dead negroes were William Goodman and Dan Lewis. , The Bee leads all the other papers in sport news. Read The Bee first LAKEVIEl'J PARK Special Matinee 3 to 5:30 P. M. Today DANCING In the Finest Dancing Palace in Two States TOHIGIIT,1:4!i!. Quarter of a Hundred Attractions JUST BUILT FOR FUN Spend tbe Day at Omaha's Favorite Playground. NEW SHOW TODAY ' iiiiiinpsrlllill!ll & Mv f - -- - HUH' u m W "PARDON - 3 A story sf the west, whea the weat u 70115, when a rasa aesl fe is arun lor a calling: card. BUls! II THE LEATHER PUSHERS" Fire SUrts Stewart Edward White's Story I . "THE GRAY DAWN" (White and Blue) "Closet BabyY ' Father Given Court Hearing John Albino, 30, father of "the closet baby," was held in central po lice court yesterday on a statutory charge, but his hearing was continued to 'this morning. Albino confessed he became the sweetheart of Christina Lombard, Vinton school student, 3309 South Twenty-ninth street, while she was 13, last September. Miss Lombard, now 14, became a mother Saturday. When her parents returned to their Open Today DECORATION 7-DAY- i rug Park Bathing Beach Open at 9 a. m. Closes 10 p. in. Come out and enjoy a plunge in the biggest and best pool of clear,' pure water in the west. TUESDAY Dance mati nee commencing promptly at 3 p. m. Plenty of picnic tables for both large and small parties. WEDNESDAY "Pagn liacci" big spectacular musical comedy and dance. You miss a big treat every night you stay away from Krug Park. Benson cars direct to the park. ' sw T rrr Jx. I'AU'nMNIR (RTHI KOORj FOUB DATS OJttY Today, Tomorrow, Thurs, Fri. BUCK JOME S IN MY NERVE 11 THE BEE: OMAHA. Line of Heroes home Saturday, they heard a baby's tries issuing from a clothes' closet. They found the child wrapped in clothes. Miss Lombard tearfully confessed and accused Albino, her uncle, who had resided seven years with her parents. "I'll marry the girl," Albino told the court. In most English meat pics sage has much to do with tlje savoriness. SWIM Where Swimming Is Enjoyed And That's at KRUG PARK Bathing Beach Opens Today at 9 a. m. TRAVEL a RESORTS ,OTQ Gravuri section-of the-' OMAHA BSC ) t t t. est dfp.de adwfs, for; all adver tismrf vhei'e-per-fect nepro is essential- 1E1 tiThe Land of the Sky Blue Waters" OTOR, fish, golf, camp in the A A woods or along the motor tf til or stop in a big city hotel; you're close to nature or civilization as you please. Cornel By motor, railor boat ask your local ticket agent about reduced summer rates. Writeforlnformationand literature. Ten Thousand Lakes of Minnesota Assn. "69 Boat 6th Street, St. Paul, Minn. When you milt.indieale kind of information desired: GeneralVacarJons, Canoe Trips Permanent Summer Home Sites aintTlll a 8m modern hotel ' HOTEL every room with bth (see Hotel Red Book Id every Pullman ear) establbn your Minnesota touring headquar ters here for mall, telegrsms, laundry, ate Write tor booklets: sddrese . The Sslat Paul Hotel, Saint Psul, Mian. Cnm to the Minneva&ka U-modrrn fiuramer Hotel for your Ticitioo. fine Blick Bh ind Pike Fish inf. Golf, Tennis. Boating, and Swimming, TJn ncelled cutitne, home cookmf. Bah? Reef. Ft nil and Game m Mason. Minnewsika Health Ruart, Glenwood, Minn. ROYAL MAIL Regular 8tiU'ng to and From NEW YORK HAMBURG SOUTHAMPTON CHERBOURG rnsurraMed accnmmodltioa In all ciassei by linoui "O" and "V" ships at moderns rites. Full Information from snr Agent or The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. 117 W. Waihiastea St.. Ckleass Telephone Dearborn 13ST 1368 I 1 A JaVHp 4!ft4as4 TUESDAY. MAY SO. W. Dahlman Urges Aid for Near East Major Imuc Ai(cul for Donation of Clothing for Destitute lVoplc. Major Jamr C. PaMitiau fned n appeal yr.trrday to the fitiriii of Omaha for donanoiu of iloilnug for the destitute people ( the prar t. 1he apical read a lollop.: To the triiirna of Omaha: "At the rennet of the .Ute office of the Near Kat Kehrf commntff, I rr.pecllully urge the people of Omaha to rememhrr the hundreds of thousand of destitute people to whom they can give very practical abidance without any actual fman ci.i' outlay. "Thi t the eaon in which winter K2 Now Showing 1 Last Times Friday " Eyes of Buddha" A Fortune in Cowna and Seenia SpUndor. Bison City Four Klass & Brilliant A Good Supporting Show. PHOTOPLAY Shown at Evary Performance "Watch Your Step" Daily Mats. 30c , Holiday Childrsa Matloae 10c , UaderlSYrs. Ev ' ! SOc Continuous Daily, Starting 1 p.m. Rialto Theater Special Decoration Day Feature Picture Prom 10 A. M. to 1:00 P. M. Only Anna Q. Nilsson In Her Latest Release "VERMLANDERS" This picture just released from Europe and has been shown In eastern cities before packed houses. The popular screen star is seen at her best in this newest production. Special Music Scores for This Play Will Be Rendered by Julius K. Johnson All Seats 31c, Pins Tax-Total 35c rurvWAnjTjXrxr-Lanmsjnrs mm A 65-mile circle scenic trip, most unique municipally owned park in the world. Over Look out Mountain and ' return by the way of Bear Creek Canon. ROUND OMAHA to Denver JUNE 1-NO WAR TAX Low summer rates make this Colorado Vacation Tear. Motor, take scenic trips, camp, fish, enjoy outdoor sports or climb. Denver has a $250,000 Free Auto Camp, 252 Hotels and over 400 Mountain Resorts, at prices to fit any pocetbook. Write Today for FREE BOOKLET that tells where to go, what to see and how to enjoy one day to three months in cool Colorado. THE DENVER TOURIST BUREAU 558 17th St., Denver, Colo. Where to Let The Bee's Travel and Resort Bureau assist in planning your summer vacation. This bureau is fully supplied with booklets and literature giving full infor mation concerning the best places to fish and to go for a summer outing. Just another way The Bee serves its readers beat. thing i being dikcardej (or lighter Ctrmenii, and I would auggett flat anything that tan N spared from the u4iJiule l dopa'ed to this wor tly cau.e. This plan ha hern waived bv the worWrra at the best mrtfiod r( guarding aganot untold sutferinj among lhr people neat wmter. Anything from glove and shM to bed limbing it acceptable. Mid the laundries and dry cleaners of the city will he glad to ra! for the handle if a.krd to do aa." The Hee Leads Other rapen In 5port Newt, rii nnrcc showing TOOAV MILLICENT D'ARMOND 4 CO. GREAT AUSTIN RUSSELL SAN1ELL A CO. BOrTKNAPP AND CHRIS CORNALLA NOW SHOWING Jackie Coogan 'Trouble" Mary Pickford in "Going Straight Mada 12 ysars ago, but now what a treat. " ' ONE-DAY AUTO TRIPS INTO THE MOUNTAINS Lookout Mountain 2.50 Rocky Mountain National Park 100 Denver Mountain Parka, $4 and 5.00 Snowy Range (2 daya) 250 Echo Lake, Mount Evans..... eUX) Arapahoe Glacier (all expenae) 15.00 Special trip by arrangement. Georgetown Loop. .$ &66 !!v Moffat Road....... (LOO Platte Carton. ' 2.00 awn Ry' QoTI -5 TROULEVBo,,l,tar 1M toTdT Eldorado 8prin0a.. 1.7 TK,PS Qolden-Caatle Rock .98 Go? Man I Cliargftl Willi Oinir? Agditut -t'Yfttr-Olil irl Tom Thompson, ,1119 lturdrtte strert, Hat charged in lenlial olir IV alary of boy who prom. isd hie siring doukle ha weald taho bis placa in the blind otb r'a heart. l.i.mvi BOBBY . ""Hick W VERNON 10 Hick' STRAND ORCHESTRA "Ain't We Got Fun?" "The Rich Get Richer;' "The Poor Get Children" AND THEY ALL GO AND SEE m mm it n imri Lm mmm iasss VssaafsinuitT Breakfast in Omaha Denver at Sunset THE Union Pacific's new Denver Special burns up the space between Omaha and Denver, but on the smooth double track of the Union Pacific you don't realize you're on the fast train between Omaha and Colorado. Safety signals all the way. The Denver Special leaves Omaha 8:10 a.m.' and arrives Denver 8:30 p. m. Only nine stops on the way. Two other good Denver trains one from Omaha at 4:25 p. m., another at 1:15 a. m. Sleepers on the latter ready 10:00 p. m. Summer Fares Much Lower and no War Tax Spend the summer in Colorado; or visit there en route to Yellowstone, Pacific Northwest or Cali fornia. No extra charge. TV1 1 TJq wnere yu want to s- Let us sen( X CU J O you fuii information and free illustrated - booklets. USE BEE WANT ADS - tourt enerdiy tiH a mtutory rrime againM a 4-yrarold girl, Chris. line Krai. JUS Bnrdene, Hearing Ma set tor edneda. Thompson's bond was fUed t M. ORPHEUM ALL THIS WEEK The Best Play Written In Ten Years. JANE COWL'S "Smilin' Thru" THE ORPHEUM PLAYERS Are tba Creates! Stock Co. Omaha Hat Ever 5 tea. , Matinees 2ilS Tues., Tburs., Sal., 2&c, BS Evary Nils, 2ac-SSa-S3c.fi. 10 NOW SHOWING No Advance in Prices Call, Phona or Writ A. K. CURTS, City rumngmr Agent 1416 Dodge St., Omaha Phone Douflaa 4000 Consolidated Ticket Office U. P. Hdqra., 1416 Dodge St. Union Station ' 10th and Marcy Sta. THEY BRING PROFITS J