Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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Wftlll'in c Alivcum JT
,ii viiimii k t
' Body Will Hold
) Conference Here
Mtlholit Home Miionary
Society to Meet at lIanrom
? Pirk Church Vf Joes
Jay and Thursday.
The Wc-rrtan's Home Miionarv
socirtv o( the Methodist church will
hold HI inniul district eonv'Hiftit at
Hanoin Park rhurch nrxt Wednes
day and Thursday.
Mm Ruih Oldhams will kid tdc
devotional oprninij the cion
Wednesday morning at 9. Mri. C.
A. l'rake will rxtmd greetings to
which Mr. J. B. Stoner will rf ond,
- Mri. Victor Vit will lead the
opening devotional Wrdnridav af
ternoon at 1:30. Mm, I. C. Wood
will deliver an addreu. Report! of
departmental secretaries will he made
by Mrs. Charle Mullov of Fremont,
mite box; Mri. Ella Brown of Lyoni,
temperance; Mra. Jonepli Stopford,
of Oakland. Chmtian itewardtliip;
Mri. J. B. Stoner of Arlington, evan
gelism; Mri. N. Martinson of Omaha,
missionary education; Mri. Charles
Peacock of I'lattsmouth. conference
member! ; Mr. C C Citiell of Oma
ha, children's work, and Mri, A. C
Lessard of Omaha, young people.
Memorial Services.
Mri. J. W. Pickard will lead
memorial service.
Rev. Arthur Atack will lead the
devotional Wednesday evening at
7:30. Special music will be given
by the Queen Esthers, after which
the Grace church Queen Estheri
will preient the pageant "Queen
Esther'! Choice."
After the Queen Esther roll call
and reports, offerings and announce
ments. Rev. J. B. Stoner will offer
Thursday morning's sefsion will
be open at 8:30 with Morning Watch
led by Miss Agnes Gardner. Mrs.
E. E. Hosman will deliver an ad
dress. A three-minute story of the
year will then be told by a represen
tative of each of the following
District Officers' Reports.
-Arlington, Craig. Fremont, Lyons,
Nebraska City. Oakland, Benson,
Dietz, First Church of Omaha,
Grace, Hanscom Park, McCabe,
Pearl, Trinity, Walnut Hill, Platts-
mouth, Springfield, Tekamah, Union,
Valley and Weeping Water.
Following the reports of the dis
trict officers, election of new officers
wilt be held.
Thursday afternoon at 1:30, Mrs.
C. C. Cissell will lead a quiet hour,
after which Mrs. J. F. McAnally will
bring greetings from Mothers' Jew
els home. Reports of committees and
an illiutrated lecture on woman's
home missionary work will close the
Mrs. I. M. Langford is president of
the district, Mrs. Victor West, vice
president; Mrs. H. H. North, corre
sponding secretary and Mrs. M. L.
Stone, treasurer.
. i
Benson C. of C. to
v Give Big Picnic
All Business Houses to Close
for Community Affair
at Park.
All business houses of Benson -will
close at 2:30 next Thursday after
noon for the Community picnic to be
given by the Benson Commercial
club at Krug park.
After an automobile parade, Ben
son business men, their families,
customers and frfcnds will go to
Krug park, entrance to which will
be by tickets, which can be secured
free from the Benson, merchants.
-A program of games and contests
ha i .been arranged for the afternoon,
followed by . . basket ' lunches, for
which the Benson Commercial club
will furnish coffee. Tickets to park
concessions will be distributed inside
the gates.
- O. C. Kindig of the Bank of Ben
son is head of the executive commit
tee in charge of the picnic; W. B.
Burkett of the Benson Times, heads
the parade committee; H. E. Hutton
of the Farmers' and Merchants'
bank, sports committee; O. C. Kin
dig, entertainment committee, and
E. S. Folsom of the Folsom Auto
company, publicity.
'Woman Feigns Toothache,
Makes Living Three Years
; London, May 27. How a Geneva
woman made a comfortable living
iat thVee years by feigning tooth
ache, is described by the Geneva
newspaper. .
. With her head wrapped up in
bloodstained bandages and simulat
ing terrible pain, she used to call on
likely victims to- beg them to help
her out of her agony.
- "I have just been to the dentist,"
Site would say, "but I have left my
purse at home,- and he won't take
rAy tooth out unless I pay."
..Nine times out of 10 the strategem
succeeded, every quarter of Geneva
being systematically exploited.
When she was arrested, tlie wom
an was still - wearing bandages.
"Well," she exclaimed in triumph,
"it's been an easy living! The people
. were all such fools. 1"
American Man May Attempt
to Swim English Channel
- Boston, May 27. If friends and
admirers can raise money necessary
to pay expenses, Charles Toth. well
known "Brownie," will attempt to
swim the English channel next Au
gust. For 10 years Toth has been a
. member of the "Brownies," an un
official organization of swimmers,
who take a dip every day, wintep and
summer. He has made the Boston
light swim four times and has set up
a number of local records.
High Heels Ruining Women's
Feet, Says Boston Doctor
" Boston, May 27. If the American
women persist in wearing the ex
high, inconvenient heels, they will be
treme stylish mode of shoes, with
unable to walk in 0 years, accord
ing to Dr. Rudolph G. List, in a
speech before members of the Or
thopedic society of Boston. People
ought to go barefooted more than
they do, he added.
Store Closed
All Day Tuesday
Memorial Day
Picnic Needs
Picnic Plates 3 dm , 10.
Paper Napkins 100 for 2Sc.
Paper Imnkinr Cups each, 1
Paper Porks Spoons dot., 10c.
Papt-r Tablecloths ., 10c-4A.
I'api r Salad Containers ea s
Paper Doilies pek., nd
Picnlo Seta, Including table cloth,
plates, napkins, cups, spoons.
Each 25c to SOc.
Bur... Nk-MJ Floor
Hat Ribbon
Four-inch corded hat and sash
ribbon, in shades of blue, pink,
red, copen, brown. Also white,
Priced for Monday only at
Yard, 10
BurftM-Nttb Maia Floor
Gauze Vests
"lxl" and "Swiss Rib" vests,
in white and pink. Regular and
extra sizes, Priced
Each, 35ct 3 for $100
Burftu-Naih Mala Floor
Kiddies' Sox
H and length hose, in col
ors to match little frocks and
play suits. Also white sox with
colored tops. Sizes 4 to 10.
Pair, 35c; three for $1.00
Burfet-Nfh Mala Floor
Silk Hosiery
These women's pure thread silk
hose are made with double soles,
toes and heels and are full fash
ioned. If you are wearing white
for the holiday you will enjoy
wearing a pair of these hose, for
every pair assures real service.
Other colors are black and
brown. .J4
Pair, $2.00
Burgou-Nxh Mala Floor
Linoleum Rugs
Another shipment of Arm
strong genuine Linoleum Rugs
in three special sizes. These rugs
are made of ground cork and
linseed oil with burlap back.
Artistic designs in blue, brown,
and rose.
3xl2-foot size, $2.98
4-6xl0-6-foot size, $3.48
4-6xl2-foot size, $3-98 ''
Burftti-Nath Sixth Floor
Eastman Kodaks
Take a kodak with you. It
adds to the fun and keeps it in
pictures. Be sure your next
holiday plans include a kodak.
We have the one you want the
films and accessories as well.
This is the place to come for the
Eastman line , of photographic
Kodaks, autographic, $6.50 up.
Brownies, $2.00 up.
Burgeai-Naih Main Floor
Boston Bags
Each $1.75
Shoppers find these handsome,
durable bags the greatest con
venience they are so secure
and so easy to handle; invalu
able in taking care of innumer
able small packages. Their ap
pearance is trim and attractive
they are fashioned of genuine
cowhide, in tan, brown, and
black. There are 13, 14, la
in sizes. Monday $1.75.
Burteit-Ntih Mala Floor
0 0 0
Used Pianos
I. P. Hale, upright, good prac
tice piano, $78.00.
Schubert, upright grand, walnut
case, good value, $140.00.
Schaff Bros., American walnut,
2 years old, fine condition,
Ludwig Piano, oak case, colonial
design, wonderful tone, at
5chmoller & Mueller, oak case,
six years old a bargain at
Autopiano, player piano, used
for demonstration only, like
new, $435.00.
Burgaaa-Naah fifth Floor
Values That Will Bring You to
Greatly Reduced Prices on Our
Entire Stock Trimmed Hats
Tailored hats, dress hat, neml-drcM hat, pporta hat, subject to reduction of nearly half. What- .
ever style one wears most becomingly will purely be included in this collection of our choicest hats.
Note the Unusual Values
Tr Tr,,
A Group of
Smart Hats
In this group are many
unexpected values in hats
of straw, taffeta, crepe, and
combination effects. No
matter what your need, you
will surely find a becoming
mode among this group.
Hundreds of Hats
Mlwes Hata
Banded Sailors
Trimmed Hats
Flapper Hats
Sports Models
Children's Hats
The price we have placed upon these hats assures
quick disposal. All are unquestionable values.
French Room
$7.50- $9.75- $12.50
Costly hats of richest ma
terials and rarest trimmings
bear tags of more than
twice these pricings. You
will scarcely know which to
choose, all are such won
drously beautiful creations.
Beautiful Mid-Summer Hats Dress Hat Shapes of Straw
Graceful garden hats and wide-brimmed mushroom effects Desirable summer styles for immediate or summer wear,
that are particularly lovely with summery apparel. Milans Soft, Pliable Straws Hemps Glossy Braids.
Prices $5.00 to $18.00 Priced at only 75c
Burf.M-Naih Hat Shop Third Flow
Monday and Wednesday We Continue Our
Sale : Drugs and Toilet Articles
Thousands of Standard Items That
You Really Need, at Prices That
Represent Economy Purchases
Stock Up for the Season at These Prices
Burfoaj-Naah Drug Departmtat Main Floor
Another Feature Sale of
Silk Novelty Hose
Pair $1.95
The vogue of sports hose the fact that each pair ia
perfect and the unequalled value of these hose are three
excellent reasons why you should buy not one, but several
pairs in this special selling.
There are pure thread . white silk hose with embroi
dered clocking or front embroidery in black or sport colors,
also black hose with embroidered clox or front' embroidery
in white or sport colors.
Burgeas-Nash Hoilery Shop Main Floor
A Sale of
Chamois Fabric Gloves
Pair 69c
One of the most noteworthy offerings of the season.
Smartest of 12-button chamois fabric gloves reduced to a
price you wouid expect to pay for the most ordinary glove
on the market.
All have heavy silk embroidered backs, the colors are
beaver, gray, brown, black and white. Our month-end
clearance price, pair, 69c. Clove Shop Main Floor
ffei8 from th Mm
Togs for the Golf Fan
Golf Hose
Light weight wool rib
bed golf hose. All colors.
Fancy roll top.
Pair, $2.65
' Golf Hats
White or khaki golf
hats that are cool and
that shade the face well.
Each, $1.00
Golf Shirts
Light weight wool; col
ors, mixed gray. A good,
durable shirt. Priced
Each, $4.50
Combination Shirt and Union Suits
For golfers who want cool and comfortable underwear, this com
bination is desirable. Made like a shirt with athletic trousers at
tached, forming a union suit.
Each, $3.00
Shirts With Collar Attached, $2.00 to $3.50 '
For sports or outing wear, these shirts assure summer comfort.
Made of a durable madras, these shirts will give real service. Some
with either plain or button-down collars. Colors are white, gray or tan.
Athletic Union Suits
Regulation style, athletic
suits. Checks, jersey bar, cross
bar, or plain designs. All well
made garments, specially priced
Monday, at .
Each, 95c
Knit Union Suits
The famous Cooper Benning
ton knit union suits. Light in
weight, cool and comfortable. A
form fitting garment with
inforced crotch.
Each, $2.00
9s Shm
Men's Straw Hats
Be sure you have a new straw hat for
Decoration Day. It is an easy matter to
select a style you like from our complete
stock. Not a single popular style has been
overlooked by our buyers. Priced at
$1.95 to $10
Burfen-Nash Main Floor
Burf rt-Nb Main Floor
1 ,000 BurgeM,
All Wanted Materials.
'All WantfeJ
Monday Brings to Bri
Sale of Sheffie.
A most timely offering-many d
of quality, at prices winch repi
A final clearance of all remaining silver in the Exeter
pattern now to be discontinued. In the lot are teaspoons,
dessert spoons, knives and forks. All to cjose out at
33V3 to 50 Off
Wash Goods at Low Prices
Japanese Crepe
Imported crepe in plain col
ors of light summery shades
Yard, 39c
Swiss Organdie
45-inch imported organdie.
Navy blue with green dots
Yard, 59c
Dress Suiting .
Ratine weave in bright plali
and block designs. All colors
Yard, 59c
Dress Gingham :
32-inch checked ginghanf W
large and small designs
Yard, 39c '
Dress Batiste
3d-inch figured batiste of fine quality. Dainty designs on Ifghl
grounds. Lovely for summer dresses. Priced Monday at;
Yard, 39c , -j ,.c
Burfei-Nuh Second Floor
Linens: Sheets: Pillow Cases
at Lowest Prices
Table Cloths
54x54 - inch damask cloths "
with hemstitched edge. Circu
lar design
Each, $2.95
"Luncheon Napkins
15x1 5-inch pure linen nip
kins with neat hemstitched edge
Dozen, $6.95
Table Cloths
Round scalloped cloths of
good designing. 70 inches in
Each, $3.75
Tea Sets
S6x36-inch cloth and 6 nap
kins. Pure linen with hem
stitched edge
Set. $5.95
Bed Spreads
Full sized scalloped crochet
spreads. Marseilles design. An
unusual offering.
Set, $3.50
42x36-inch round thread pillow
Burfut-Nath ,
Luncheon Sets
5-piece butterfly luncheon
jet. Scalloped edge; embroid
ered design ;
Set, $3.00
Linen Towels
Of pure flax. 20x38-inch
size towels, hemstitched end
and damask border
Each, 79c
Dresser Scarfs
18x54-inch pure linen scarfs
with hemstitched or scalloped.
Each, $2.50
Bed Spreads T
Satin finish marselllef
spreads. Full size, with scal
loped edge
Each, $6.95
Bed Sheets
81x90-inch sheets without
dressing, 3-inch hem at top.
line hem at bottom
Each, $1.65
cases. Very low priced
Second Floor ""-