m ' ? m " ' -r t THE BEE: OMAHA. SUNDAY. MAY 28. 1922. 7-B Two Good J)usincs Locations wentoeel eae- It'fc e4 Maraes tie fe.44 e4 a. llk at.. Ht r'l "! 44 l uw. First Trust Co., pust et. AT 7t4 Flk.fS'aie aerllkt 'ia,rl4a ilaeM ear , , T (u ; mt Umi huoh ia JJ l't iuiiiIuiwui e ear eibar he, , U HMWH W4 M lM , 4 seal water, saeasr heife, '''"J 4 HimiH .i .. m..m: Mss Reap, AT llll ae n iKcTii i on 4 7T"w Hul'aR CO . I Ilk ..4 Jeaee Urn. JHOVINO AND STORAOE. Moving! Packing! . eejbl 44 frwer4 r. lead at twtM4 WU a4 SuleaMtllea, H pea or (hipping ear ef tk 1110 fWIMMHM er I leas 4. . lereat i our aarppiag par a i a. pa M MX )H IH, Tkl M we tf ar. eating , tkipmeata Ik foliew.ag cities. Ui Alleles, a Pr.aeiet. frtle4. will. Chicago, lit Nlw. Cale. , . kUM CM. Me. , Gordon Fireproof .Warehouse & Van Co., II Nortk Kleventk Street. Phes DO. till, Omaha, Ne. Storage I Shipping! frWHEN MOVING" fisiuTT btoraos tax co. ACTtDw STOiurrrj narnm " SOTSBHOLO OOODS AND PIANO! it men aa freight. We era atfar. tat aaaolal reus aa consolidated ar aklgaiiat at kaaaakal4 fao4a to vertou pelate each week. This waak ere aeecptlig shipment ItlNNVAPOLU 1 , prrmdrr v CHKAOO at, louul rocuTT storaoi and tan co. uit-m boward rr. . PHONB JACKSON MIS. - "WHEN MOVING" "WHEN MOVING" PACKlNO-ST01U10-SrIIFFIN6 Ptea Jaekaaa till. FIDELITY 5, 117-11 Seward St. : FIREPROOF WARUOUM . Separate locked rooma (or houeehold good aa4 sUaea, Mvtag. packing and BKKIN80WRA TAN. AMD BTpRAOm. at aaatk latk. Pft TO IAVB MONET ON HAUT.INO CAU. BOiOO TBANBPgR. DOMO. lilt K3TIMATKS toraifh4 aa atorag aa4 marina. Cbatracto ukao Jf L' Oleba Van A toraa Co, JA. Wt, AT. 0M. 5-14 North lth 81. . POULTRY AND PUT 8TOCJC. WHBAT lna. W-Wtar wrwu, 10t w. tittk. J A. 1141. GUINEA aia. Orand Ay..' Uvhci Mlchaala, Tel. Tta. Mil. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Cadillac 57 ?haeton Naa 4ark tray paint. Craam wira wheal .1 HK.NE1T.KU MT HB-NBTr-ED ami aaraBa. Looka and runa Ilka Baw. Biaa wmo- "a safe piAck to but J. H. Hanstn Cdllac Co. ,t Fords! Fords! , "V New aid Va4. ' Caah and Terraa. " - 1 .. i tra nava tkm U trteaa all model.. ' - Be aura aad aaa aa barora ll buy.' , ( ' ; McCaffrey Motor Co., "Tka Haady Ford Beivlca . fr,, , 84tloa." j. Authoriatd Ford aad -Llaeolk ' Dealer. ' Hth and Jaokaoa Bta. DO. S00. . ' Opaa kundaya tragi t till 11 A. M. Jordan Touring Bapalntad, la flna eondltloo. An aiceptlonal value. Lata modal. Terrna. v TTIU trade jraur aid car. ' A SAFE PLACE TO BUT J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co. REAL, USED CAR BAROAIN3. rut aa mma. Bvv r Ball. . Porta, froaa tit and aa ' Dodga. Bwtaka aa4 ataara, Utt and p. Wnr hadlaa wtater tOM. . QOLOitROJi AUTO CALEB. CO.. Ills Harney 8t tHotral Qr ra BOUB haramlaa ta aaad Parda; praawt- mmVptSt'5Sto,co;. . .Tka Handy Port 1 SatTtea ',. lith and Jackaak Bta, PP. MM- FORD CARS ALL MODELS. PBOM IM VP. USED FORD CAH CO. lilt Camlna. AT. INI. PACKARD Twla Sla toiirlaf. la aaeellent condition both meehanically and to ap pearance: new Urea; cheap at 1600. Phone AT. till. " lt3 OLDSMOBILB SIX Thia car I in the vary teat condltloaj runa like new; will eacrlflce rr $400. Call AT. 3712. BUT A OUT U SMITH USKD CAR. A Svfa Iaraatmenu th aad Faraaat Sta, Phoaa DCK lt. USED car, worth your money. The er braaka OldamoMIa ca. )B aaa aowxa St. AT. 1770. LOOK over oar II. t of need car. . THB AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. -nt Farnam St. AT. TtH. FREE laaaactloa aad water for all makea , battery. Battery and Part Co., 1411 Farnam Bt.. AT. IS14. . FORD part. Front axel aeaambly, II; treat axel, only 14; aaindle. IL Neb. Aat ryna tjo- iianiey. I WILL sell my five-pMsn;er Dodge tottHaaT car for the best oftr. If sold at . ' once, a At. 1411. PATENT Pnllana bed batlt Into your aata at Ptalffer'. IMt Laavoaworta. LATE lilt Ford tourlaa. aacelleat coadl. Hon. Urea good, irt.r: Cell At, 87. USED radiator, all make for aala. Oreea- auga rtaaanor wr. HM CHANDLER COUPE. FIRST CLASS CONDITION. HA. 0t0. , ONE 111 APPERSON CUUMMT KOAD- aTEK. , MA. , ONE l-FASSSNOKR ROADSTER. A. tie ' CALL buy good residence lota. Corxm. nana nat. nat- umaoa, reo. HOI aaatrt aato trimmer. Ill B, Itta. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Used Cars That Can lie Used tmiAL fBl. AN UUI LkTlW fcOO. TMCK OTIB TOPAT. ' k)4rM TVI. f CMPL TOlSI-d. - WIU.TI KHIOMT TtH' B 1X4. OLPSMOBlUt "1 TOlBHiO. cmivrolbt i ten A. OUSMOBIU. T(U't M4IWIU. TOVRIM4, f OVBBtAMO lOlDITIL V Of (BLAND TOl'BIMO. PORT TOVRIW ' Trucks FORD TON-ral t4r. ttaa ae. Vt trgIWAlN-0M aa'at tad iraa. m ia. OtrtMONIl.tl pX-ONrtilT Uka aaw. swa urM, aariwed rat aad at' COMMBRCB TON A Moray trwra. Neb. Oldsmobile Co., award tl 1Kb. AT. in. . AUTOMOTIVE MARKET irtCMt, l ir.rt lAR "AROAINS FOR THIS WBBK. Fard lilt Tawrlng .....Hill Oakland Roadster ! (Jldeenebila Tearing Ill Podaa Toartng ......I:te Maswoll Toarlna. lilt MliH Leainaloa Touring I4TI aa A p person I, t-l'.ss.nf.r ...... ,.lt?l Haraea t Toartng ....141. Oakland Roadster (n.w I7t .e Hi.em.-Knlsht Toarmg ........."H rbandler Touring ..............int.e Bulck lilt Touring ls.ee Chevrolet Sedan. 1111 1ke Packard Twla Sin ll.teo.lt CASH OR TERMS. Tradea Coaatdered. AUTOMOTIVE MARKET, lilt Faraam Street AT. Till. Cadillac 59 Phaeton . New paint: tap re-Heed; la Una e eaaalcal coadl Hon. Will gtva our In apactlon aarvlca on this vary lata modal car. Llka new throughout. A BAFB PLACB TO BUT J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co. For Your Summer Tour! " A Cadillac! Make your aummer tour free from ear trouble. Trade your eld car la on a RE-NBW-ED Cadillac Get term, too. It yon wish, and than really enjoy your vacation trip. RE-NEW-ED CadlUaca priced from II. oat ap. To own a Cadlnaa la to know motor ear dependability and satisaction. Ask owners of RB-NEW-Er Cadillacs about our .reputation and the quality of car wa eelL A BAFB PLACB TO BUT J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co. Farnam at Mtb. , Open Sunder Momlag. AUTOMOBILE owners, garagemen, me sne, nice, repairman, seed today for tree copy of thia month's issue. It contains helpful. Instructive information aa aer haullnaT, Ignition trouble, wiving, carbu retors, storage batteries, etc. Over let page,' Illustrated. Send for free cony to day. Automobile Digest, 111 Butler Bldg.. Cincinnati, O. ' FORD COUPS, 1111. 1I0 BURT. REAL ESTATE WANTED. Home Owners Thia la a direct request for businesa. Isn't It reasoaablo that wo must have aw listings every day to maintain the largeat ken. eelliag agency tn thia eity I Isa't 11 logteal t reaaea wttk your self that you would bo best serving yoar own interests to list your property with thia offlcoT We by no means pretend to do all the home aelllng in this town and neither do wa pretend to sell every Hating we eecure, but our battles average la go ing atreag, and It 1 th average that eeunta. Why not lilt your house with usT There are seven of us, anyone will gladly come out and look your property aver. C. Fred Dfckaaon (now at the Realtors convention. San Francisco. 1 Amoa Great. KB. 4071. William Chada, HA. 1304. - , George Raaaon, WA. ltll. Bob Mitchell, KE. 4711. Evart Weyerman, AT. 1451, trlmnl finlpk T Ma. Amos Grant Co., Realtor!, AT. 1310. 110 8. llth St., Ground Floor. . HOMES for sale, APT8. for rant. ;W. J. Palmer Co., ' Real Estate Management Specialist. . Keeltne Bldg. AT. 8980. Liet your homo Buy your home. BINDER & OTIS, Real Batata, Loans. Rental, J A. !5V Charles W. Young & Son Real Eatate. Rentals, Inaurance, 101 City Nat. Bla. AT. 108. Ts buy er eetl Omaha Real Estate ae FOWLER & M'DONALD lilt City NafI Bk. Bldg. JAckson 14W. LIST TOUR 'RANCHES WITH US. H. 8. MANV1LLB, Realtor. AT. 1443. lit Fetor Trust Bldg. 6RUENIG Raalry Co. List with us for - Quick results, 1411 let Nat'l Bk. Bldg. JA. 1IIA BIRKETT REAL ESTATE Sells. Rente, lasuree 8 SO Petare Truat Bldg. JA. 4133. ' NEW hemea, eemplotely financed. . Pay like rent. ' C. T. SPIER A CO.. Realtors, 344 Patera Truat Bid. DO. 4117. WANT t or T-room. well located, in Dun. dee. by the first; have caah. Box 121. Omaha Boa. SAVE Inqulriea for homee do you want to mil your property t Last II with C. A. OrlmmH. Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. To Sell Tour Home Quick Call SMASTAK. JACKSON 3564. OEO. T.- PORTER A CO. Real Eatata, Rental, Insurance. 10S South 18th. AT. tilt. UST yonr horaea for ale with us. W have the cuatomara. PAYSE INVEST MENT CO. WB can aelt your property if priced right. George F. Jones Co., AT. 6635. OROVE-HIBBARD CO, Modern 621 Ry Exchg. Bldg. AT. 4956. houa LIST yeur property with W. -Smith Co., lift Farnam St. Farnam Equitable Trust Co. Realtora. AT. 114. Western Real Eatata Co. JA. HIT. FARM LANDS. Nebraska Lands. BARGAIN. Very tine 424 acre farm In Douglas eovnty. only It mHes from Omaha, aa mam roads. All modern farm conven iences. Priced for quick sale at I20&, Corkio, 111 Omaha Nat Bldg., Omaha, Neb. PAPMQ Write M. A, Larson. Central A1 AlVlUOcity. Neb. yeur wanta tor acreage tracta. farms. Texas Lands) Texas school tends tor aale by the atate: II per acre; ene-rortietn cmsn, balance In 4 years; i per cent interest Send 4e postage for further Information. Inveator : Pub. Co., Dept. it, sea n- BARM LAHDS. Cuts 4j Lah4. Platteville, Colorado rrre MitM er-Maaili. la 'h-a i lae .4 ti ii.m m a. a lia.u. lie . KM.i44 tmi a M I I. M a'. iipieaMeaia la M anle, t. see aaiease la ieuaa 1'i.m. ' i a aikg Makawm. fiaa ala ew .m- ! '.. m ia I e at at . t . , u. - - - er. 14 iwImi h mt Iwe.r; .u el aiia..'ae. una kasiiaial aatioaad laae. )4riie aeas f Mi Berkiiag ea4 ssaaiaaT tau.MS la i.r neuterl tear w4w.. I soumii e i.at -r litoaw eMaaai Is, tel. avaataer. Ie.e . Mr. tiea hee. alfiea. r1a(tlia, l ela CMtt It fa eeia la kit I'area t'aal. a tk.e It. A a, Ra. la ft. low LaUbdv leias. I auto re 4.'a. kaa mmm I-ms leew aad HMa aihea g4 mi!h.iI4. aa Bi.er I R.w rd Ta utile fra iJ -, aad ur P. J. Juel Real Estate, ted eased eat. 4t P.l St. ! niafre n'B-e Ium t'eaanl Hi.'le li:l "al4ese I'mim.I hlafte Bed fell PINANCUlT r1H tmt mm4 W"r'l.lM aad Iwe. i aekka. III Pm N. Bldg,, oessbe, Ma Rati Etui Loan. 6ro-LOANS-67o laaa may ba seaar.4 far ear par. f a eVeeetabte sat aril r. aad aa faam leads imaaied lead, ew ta kay or bw baaw my er farm. kaesMahie '"am att.4. The Haekeee' Meewa (ewil 4iHay tie Klectna Batldiag, W oa sek ae bead la lea aa Oasaka b. u. Loroea inc. see iise aiaa. Farm Loans g.Vi:; t - aa weatete Kkeka tae4maat Co.. Ill Ow. Kai l Ba. yiBIT aaartgege loaaa made krecapUjr ea Oetaae teal aetata. akapaa Co, Beaiteray J A. 4134. 114 Koetlao Bldg, OMAHA HOMES EAST HtB. FA Raj A VBBr.FB ItBAL KSTATM CO, 1114 Oav Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jacbaea ITU. lit T 114. eo (nan mad promptly. F. D. WKAD and P. H. BOWMAN, III B. Illh St. Weed Rldg. Attlll. ON IMP PIIOPKRTY. NO KLAY. OA R VIM BROS., til OMAHA NAT. BLD. Stocks snd Bonds. UBKRTT BONDS hoaghl aad sold. AT. II4A Mack'a Boad House. 1411 latNat, i. H. MITHKN paya moat for LIBERTY BONDH. til City NafI Rank Bldg. Wanted. WANT to aaar from awuar aaving farm for aale: give particular and lowest prlea. John 1. Hlack. Nabroaka St, Chlppowa Falls. Wis. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. CHOICE lot for aale. farter. Lake olub. Life memberehlp Included. We. U20. REAL ESTATE. INVESTMENTS Trackage. Want an Offer KtilJl feet at 41st and Jonas Street. K nice corner with 131 feel on the Missouri Pacific. Owner la oaly ask , Ing l,l hut wanta an offer. Easy terms. Sunday call WA. 1117. . Hansen Investment Co., 1114-11 Douglas. AT. 0081. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE FTVB SHARES IN ONE OF THB BEST HOTELS IN THE STATE FOR A OOOO AUTOMOBILE. MOTEL IS LEASED FOR A LONO TBRM OF TEARS AT SEVEN PER CENT INCOME. ADDRESS BOX T 1174. OMAHA BEE.. CHOICE wheat and general purpose farm la cneyenne county, Nebraska, to ax ekanga for desirable Omaha residence. West location preferred. Must be priced right and worth the money. M. W. Dlmery, Sidney, Neb. TWO good lote in Council Hluff for sale, or will trade tor closed car. C. M. Jeneeti, Dennison, la. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. Ideal 5-Room Bungalow, Benson Large lot 66x150 feet, en paved street, three blocks to carllne. Five large room finished in oak, breaktaat neok and plenty of cupboard apace m. ktthen, modern throughout Thia la the kind of a house you have been looking for, at much higher prleea. Sanday. call Mr. Hay. Web. 678; Mr. Benson. Wat 400.8: or Mr. Garrett. Rar. 3341. . Benson & Garrett Better Built Homes 414 Arthur Bldg. Atlaatto 1640. Benson Buyers Are you looking - for something not fancy but really nice? We have auch a eottaga of five good alzed room. Strictly modern nad beautifully deco rated. ' New garage. Wa listed this houie for 14,144, spot cash and con sidered it a good listing. Owner saya to let it go S0O to 11,000 down, about 140 a month., Phone Mr. Chad. HA, sao. . - . - Amoa Grant Co., Realtors, AT. 838. 114 S. llth St.. around Floor. Dundee.' Immediate; 1 Possession ''Move today Into thia beauti ful Dundee home. Large living' ' room, sun room, good aiaed din- . Ing room, breakfast room aad kitchen with tkree large bedroom and sleeping porch, tile bath on second floor; hot water heat, ther mostat laatantaneoua Rnnd heat er. Everything ..here that goee to make up a complete home. Good location, handy ta the ear Una and achooi. If you waat ta aee . thia today call Mr. Bucktel. AT, 1735. or Mr. Rose, WA. 1117. J. J. MulvihilL ; 104 Brandet Theater Bldg. JA. 1381. Brick and Stucco Home in , - Dundee$12,000 A beautiful rtn-room nearly new heme in a vary attractive portion of Duadee, with center ball, large dining room with fireplace and built-in book cases, dining room, kitchen, pantry and refrigerator room, all on first floor. Three fine bedrooms and bath on sec ond floor. Maid's room In attic Base ment haa laundry with built-in tuba, fruit room, coal bin. etc. Oarage for two cars. Beautiful lawn with all kinds of shrubbery and trees. Immediate pos session. Terms can be arranged. The Byron Reed Company Doug. 429T. 111! Farnam St. Dundee, $17,000 Brick and -fStuccd Have Just listed a very good house of eight rooms, breakfsst room, son room. Shrubbery, fruit. Til bath, fireplace, vapor heat A pleasure to show this bouse to you. Glover & Spain, Realtora. Jackson 111. 111-10 City National. 50U Izard Street T rooms finished In oak aad birch. Rooms are all large and very com plete. ' Now vacant. Price. l.tai. Open tor Inspection today betwtaa I and 4 o'clock. C. G. Otrlberg, , REAITOR." ' J A. 05S5, ' .. ' SI Brandela Th. Bldg. SEAL ESTATE SUBURBAN 1 DtMUUI, Dundee Bungalow, $0 B..4 e r m.n. fit same. .atria. a ell a.der. Mll..l er. loiMKMi, i,m afcg i(".4. Aa.y Lieu a gN4 ra'f Glover & Spain, ka-allMl J, beet l4. III .'4 Cur Natwaak Floritxt. ksrtMAWAV aslia aad tr4rt lit IHi jpLESTA T PJTM ? C I TIES "ui " N It.Tfi k A ' M l S . B si Ta. Ill l.kf. Ta let Te aea Minaeiaaka lake abate tail, a. II fuiei.h.l lunniea riMira .nl, .r-.U, boat, H-aHlltuI lit., ruai.l ! at lake, tt.iia ar, Mr. VV. II. Murphr, tela tlaaiuaidl At, uik aiinaeivaalts, Miaa. om.lK.Jl itTTAiie Sia reaMsi end leteae. laka treat. nee ta iwwiihh. by . liia per enei anta Hi. A4d t'rtau, lll Hteiii.eaee A.e. I Moibmi, I. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Wttt. West Farnam, $12,500 Very woeteritUI boms, well loraled: faatr ale roama aad tall first floor, four goad uetlioom aad tplM porrk with lied baitl aad sevaraie tiled ehover; maife room aad beta Id floor: a rm pieie bma WH bunt-la f-aturea. .m gaed healing plant sad a desirable bm la atary reeperl. Ka.y term Id toud any. Glover & Spain, riealtora. Jarksoa tut. l-t City NatlonsL West Farnam Home Thia atrlclly modern I -room horn. Urn living room wtih fireplace good aiding room, den, bendy kiu-ban, first floor. 4 bedrooms earn th closet and tile balk second floor. Si el re to attic. Full remant basement. Hrlrk founda tion. Paving paid. Price ll.t. reaaon ahie terms. Owner sajrs gel otter. Jack, son lilt. Fike & Price, III City Nat. Berk Bldg. 2567 Marcy Street Preaeed brick, II room.; upatalr now tonied for IS per month: extra ground for anotner house or duplex. Thle prop erty ta In excellent condition and has vomkinatlnn hot water and turnare heat. Walking distance. Price ta right. Ideal as a home or Income property. Binder & Otis, Realtors. 421 City Nat Bank B!dg. Loans on Real K.tate, JA. 2541. Leavenworth Heights Bungalow, $5,350 v Now building. Five fine room, attlo aad full cemented basement. Oak floor. Well built, well arranged and well local ed. Oa paved atreet. Close to car. tasy terms. Evening and Sunday call Grant Benson. Walnut 1680. . .... A GOOD NAME 1M THB BU1LDINO OA MB. Benson & Carmichael, 4 8 Paxton Block. Atlantic 3ao. ff You Know Real Value YOU'LL LIKE THIS HOME. Think of buying a five-room, all mod ern home in beautiful Field club district for 14,800. with reasonable terms. Newly painted and decorated, maple floor throughout, floored attic, full cement basement, la rue lot paved atreet, clone to car. Of course. Una REAL BARGAIN. Sunday, phone Mr. Shaver. Ken. 3741: Mr. Manning; Ken. 0417. or Mr. Metcalf. Wal, 1775. , , Equitable Trust Co., 1111 Douglas St. -Atlantic 1945. Brick Home, Cathedral District Neat 38th. abuth front. 10 room, modern, extra well built, beautifully ar ranged, fireplace, . sunroom. sleeping perch, lot 6H141I0. Price 125.000; rea sonable terms. . O'Keefe Real Estate Co., Realtors. 1011 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Jackson 1715. Clairmont Bargain Leaving, the city thl week. Am of fering thia five-room, all -modern, oak snd wklte enamel finish, birch mahogany- doors la bedrooms. This Is a real home, Must be seen to be appreciated. Price, enly 5,85 for quick aale. 11,360 cash, balance 156.09 a month. Call Walnut 2S11. : ' . Near 33d and Cass' ' Built far- home. Six-room, two-story - oalc finished, Just like new throughout. On block to Harney car. Close to new Glfford park, walking distance of new Commercial High. , 11.600 cash will handle. Call Osborne Realty Co., ' 630 Peters Trust Bldg. JA. 1282. $4,000 Modern In every way, located South and West of Hanscora Park. - Can be bought on a payment of 1750 or less. Phiui. Mr. Hanson. WA. 1189. Amos Grant Co., Realtors, AT. 4384. 210 S. 18tb St., Oround Floor. 904 S. 33d St. Tkla nine-room modern home 1 well located, close to car and school. First floor finished In oak and oak floors throughout Let us (hew It to you. ; , First Trust Co., 410 First Nat. Bank. AT. 9721. . . Greenlea - THB ADDITION BEAUTIFUL. Prleea J30 to 11.860. Restricted Just enough. Better hurry. Byron Reed Co., 1411 Farnam St. DO. 0247. Special T-room good looking, dandy lot. near ear. 13,604. 1540 cash, maybe lem. Sundays. HOMR REALTY CO.. AT. 1111. ' CLAIRMONT. Modern aeml-kungalow. large room, upstairs finished, lot 60x150, east front, paved atreet. 11,060 cask will handle. Call evenings or Sunday. Walnut 0204. DUNDEE LOT If you want a nice east front lot in Dundee where you can build a bun galow. I have It. Paving not in but contract has been let. The price is 11,000 with terms to responsible, party. Call HA. 4360. HOUSES ARE STARTING IN GREENLEA Before Ions this beautiful addi tion will be dotted with new homes, wa practically every pur chaser who bought one of these sites intends to build in the very near future. This .act and the restrictions in every sale contract and deed greatly enhance the value of these lots. We have several choice sites for sale at $950, $1,150 and $1,351). AU improvements . will be installed and all except paving paid for by the present owner. Several good sites are restricted to bungalows or semi-bnngalows. If you want a lot in this Dundee District it will pay you to see Greenlta be fore you buy. THE BYRON REED CO. DO 0297 1612 Farnam St. WEAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Win BUY L TW0.FAMILY FLAT Open for Inspection on Sunday Between 1:30 and 3 p. m. A at ib duplet of fiaaat eon. tiuria aJiuiaiag the e-uibM earner of .ik and Davenport u!. jut rorual.t.d. Ready tr Immediate acme err, two aid ha ba rented t a 4trkl Leant at lt per saaatfc. We at kdUing Ike etbe aide vassal lasting thai tkera la aomeoaa w weald like I bey a fcowe la a4 diltee to as laraane. Without ! aiiu the finest bulldlag at lie kiad la Omsk. Back aide ventaiee an room aad 111 bath, beetd aaml'fisiaaed ante, faa be bought aa reaaoaabl term. Will gladly skew tk ptac by railing H. A. Wolf Company, 44 kauadere Keaaedy Ituiidlna, AT, ll.e. West Farnam District 134 N. IITH ST., 1 14. lie., Modern atui'oa koua wiik fc.t water bi. Lara, living room with fireplace, Psaeled dining roam; ask finish first, 4 hwtrootn aa.ea.1 story wit a eek floor aad birch finish. Room finished In attic. Can be handled on It 6oa .ash. IIOWAKti HoMsl. IITH AND FARNAM li-roont all hrlrk house. bed room., en oae of the seat Faraem htreel cor nera. T tinea an estate ihla fine prop erty will be sofa or load leas mails oa good terme. Small cash payment CHOICE BlIUXNO LOTS ' 4110. en Dodge, at 43d. 11.104. filie, ailjotniag Dundee, l,iio. 40.117. 41lh Are., aeer Wut. II.IIA Can make good term, ea aay af a bora, John W. Robbins, Realtor, J l;t. 174 Brandeie The. Bldg. 102 S. 41st t-room, modern, frame and stucco: rornor lot; beta oa each floor: second floor 4 rooms, bath and larga attic, arranged for light housekeeping; rents for I io per month; first floor haa bath, sun room, living room, mime room, large room with Murphy bed, dining room, refrigerator room, built-in fea ture.: all oak up and down: excellent condition end newly decorated. Live downstair and rent th upatalrg. Will eland close Inspection. Binder & Otis, Realtor. 121 City Nat. Bank Bldg. JA. 1(41. Loans on Real E.tate, Between Farnam and Dodge Brand new seven-room, oak finished home, four room nd breakfast room on tlrat floor; three large bedroome second floor: full basement: large lot, close to all Farnam car aervlce, 11,601 will handle. Osborne Realty Co., 630 Peter Truat Bid. jA. !283. North. 8 Rooms and SleeDimr a. W Porch. Price $7,800 Thia atrlctly modern home with glaaaed in front porch, reception hall, living room, dining room and aun room with I windowa, oak floora and oak fin ish, bandy kitchen and breakfaat porch, oak stairs to 4 corner bedrooms, birch finish nod maple floors. Sleeplng-orch with 11 windows, tile bath, stairs to floored attic, full cemented basemont paving paid. In best of repair. Reason able terms. Sunday, Webster 4250. Jack son 1411. Fike & Price, 111 City Jilt. Bank Bldg. Bungalows 16,000 rHera la a dandy little bunga low with two extra lota located at 3411 N. 18th Ave. near Bianey St., two blocks from gar line and school: five room and bath: oak floora throughout except kitchen, which 1 maple; living room and dining room finished In oak; twe bedrooms, bath and kitchen finished in white enamel; full cemented cellar with good furnace. Don't fail to ae im about thia at once; it la a bargain. 3,I50 Thia la a cozy bungalow of 6 rooms and bath; full cement base ment; furnace heat; lot 64x80; located In Benson at 2739 N. 66th St., one-half block from car line. This I a bargain tbat you don'tf want to overlook. C. A. Grimmel, Realtor, Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. JA. 1614. 5-Room Bungalow, Garage, $4,000. ' Goqd Value , A dandy 5-room, strictly modern bungalow on 38th Avenue, Just north of Blnney Street. This Is a nicely ar ranged bungalow home, all rooma on one floor. Oak throughout, good basement, email. garage,- nice lawn and hedge. A real buy at this prlee on term of 41,000 cash. Sunday call HA. 3784. Hansen Investment Co., 1114-16 Douglas. AT. 0063. Brand New Bungalow, $4,850 Five flna rooma on one floor, attic and basement. Well arranged, well built and finely finished. Excellent location en paved atreet. close to car. A snap at the price. Easy term. For full Infor mation call Grant Benson, WA. 1680. NEW S-RM. BUNGALOW Stucco eons truat ion, has vesti bule, large 'living room with book cases, fine dining room, convenient , kitchen with wall cabinets, two nice bedrooms, linen closet and bath with base tub. Oak finish through out. Full floored attic, full cement , basement with plastered coal bin, floor drain and good furnace, large . east front lot 44x160 overlooking the river and the Iowa hill. Lo cated 1 6 Florence Blvd., near Miller park. Opea today. NORRIS 4 NORRIS 1S02 DODGE STREET . Phone JAckson 4270. LET US your new home. We build to' suit you in every way, whether you furnish your own particular plan or one of ours is used. Also if you have no lot we can furnish one. We will-build your home, whether large or small, witha small down payment, and you pay us very reasonable monthly payments that amount to less than rent. Just figure up the rent yon have paid the last ten years. It would have paid for a home on the plan we now offer you. WE GUARANTEE OUR CONSTRUCTION. We can refer you to hun dreds of satisfied people in this city. OUR LABOR ORGANIZA TION IS PERFECT and our buying facilities cannot be improved. Deal with a RELIABLE organization like ours and you will never be sorry. Call any of the following numbers Sundky.or evenings: WAlnut 5432, WAlnut 4092, WAlnut 5704 or WAlnut 2507. Temple McFayden Co., Realtors ' 1505 Farnam Street - p AT Untie 9960 er JA cJmor 2428 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Nofth. Home Bargains till Ogdea St A spleadld buagel at ""; baej af aea (taiah end fiaerei :a.e M, eli4, aeiiag paid Wi4 at fa. r.artkcl reraer H't and Spisgu A tin ham af lea. and eteeptag pair a: latae living : ask fie. eh aad floora aa first ttan; nana ead ntaal aa eei-end' ihraa ti-did raiaar b.4 laante, alk sad Heaping aorta : arreeee aHd etoim aa.h fr at err dour aad window i full baMin.nl, flour diem. a h-ater: a. tianii paving paid; pleat r ef trull and ehiubbauriv. nn.f ta living rity and aant iinm..n.i. sr. imn. I'm baa bean rodtued I H.Tl. II 4K4 ia.ii. Ark auukir. In Winn l.u... aa Kaumsn St, A dr.am of e bungalow: sis m I'tion.llif well arranged rraiene; gunroom, firepl.r. II buili in featar.a, A daady, 17,64. ant offer. 1114 Newpart Ava. A daadr Hurra heme ef T rooms. Double garaae; sand drive, Mirkneae in family rnniuele ewe. a. la sell. Via aai enina on thia. The prua ie tight. thl today aad make ua an offer. :17 Vane St. A aplendid bungalow at 4 rooma and breakfaat room. Haa all bunt-In f.aiurra, Kttra large ream; beat of oak finish and doors, rlnae to school and rar line. Want offer, Hund.iv. call Me Lanatellnea. Ken. wnm Mr lleiainxion, Keaaood BUS. er Mr. Hinder, Walunt JIU. Charles W. Martin & Co., REALTORS. TIT Omaha Nat. Hank Wdtr AT. H7. 1721 Wirt Street, $750 $1,250 Cash The beat buy for the moner In this district Seven rooms, all modern: liv ing room arrangement, breakfart room; four herlrnnme and bath on aerond floor; oak floora, mahogany finish; furnace beat: good Int. Arrange to see this at once. . Glover & Spain, Jackaoa 1164. 111-21 City National. Medium Priced Homes 174 N. 14th St, I room, modern: c!oe to school and car Una. Price 13.400. Good terms. 711 N. ltd St., neat l-room collage, one-half block to new Technloal High achooi, one block to car line. Price 13.100. Sunday call Walnut 1761 or Kenwood 4121. v ( Hansen Investment Co., 1614-14 Douglas. Atlantic-' 1041. SIX-ROOM MODERN HOL'Sa 11,400.00 CASH. Having large living room and dlnlag room finished In oak, kitchen with pan try and ice chest room, three .sleeping moms and bath on second floor, stair way to an attic, dandy nice lceplng porch, houx In good order, large base ment, lot 60xl!4, at 1471 Plnkney atreet, close to Hherman Avenue car line. Price reduced to 15,500.00, W. H. GATES. 447 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. Ja. 1214. Deal With Owner On thle atrlctly modern, brand new 5-room bungalow. Oak floors and oak and enamel finish. Built-in booKca.ee, window eeat, cablaeta aad Ice box room. Full cemented basement and flooa drain. All taxes paid. One block to car. Near achooi and park. Complete with shades, screens, and light tlxturea. 14.760 buya it with 1750 cash. Balance less than rent. Walnut 6704. Brand New Move Right In ' Choice five-room oak finished kella tone bungalows, right up to the Isst minute These ar wonderful valuea for 14,100, 11,250 caah, balance les than rent ' Osborne Realty Co., 6S0 Peters Trust Bldg. JA. 2241. New Seven-Room House . t f Downstairs ha living room, dlnlag room, aun room and kitchen; upstairs has three bedrooms and bath, with tile floor, oak finish throughout"; tull base ment with launtjry gas he&t furnished. For Sale by Owner 3403 Hamilton. WB. 1114. Florence Blvd. Buy 4-rm.. mod.. 2-sty.- oak trim, garage. J a ,i aa mn .1 ana ...a a ATLANTIC TJfTHJTAXT WALNUT 6250 J3AUAJlArxiu T23 Peter Truat Bldg. 1248 SIXTEENTH ST., 1804 N. For sale, with lease, strictly modern 6-room fist. Fur ' nished complete. Rent, 27. Web. 4761. ONLY I40T) cash. 7-room modern, only 14,500. Near 14th and, Sprague. Call AT. 6135. . ; ' D. E. BUCK & CO. buy lnd Cell homes. MAKE CASH TALK! Bcrnis Park $5350 Rare bargain for aure. 15th and Lafayette. 1 dandy room, extra bedroem. downstairs, large lot BOx 180, fruit, shade galore, extra cis tern. Worth more, but owner go ing to Colorado.,' Secihia, call . Schroeder" Investment Company V Realtors. J A. 3261 -538 Ry. Exchange Mead, AT. 80 Booth, WA. 5008 WE COMPLETELY FINANCE new hemes. ' If you. kave t lot clear we will build to your order any plan ef home you may select. We use enly th best of .material aad workmanship. Every house guar anteed. You pay for th house in monthly installments that will run las than rent You cannot find a better preposition than this. Re member all you need U a lot clear. Come in and see Ua now. C T. Spier & Co., Realtora. '. 304 Patera Truat Bldg. Doug. 48ST FIGURE -yU REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. NowthT Near 19th and Sprague Very peal einillr aiadera fcuron, eaal fieut lot auk pavieg ad laid A bargain far l li l a be kaadled ana II ! re.h 14 III t mania, tint llute aHaiad. ( Osborne Realty Co., It Fatrie Tf.l I'M Js.leaaf HI " Kountze Park Home Cholre .H lonm. aak ftal.had ateiy hem piaa btirk ou..iioa. baa.Mi.nl divided lain anllane. geiese la raalrk koaaa. let l.vtje. peal aad I'ltiee ta ekunkae, e, haole, par eed gar. fteel vaiua, t"r . : " rash, Osborne Realty Co., 41 Fetarw Treat Rid J A tilt Near Clairmont East Front Lot, $975 La fiae, but , block te rar. ear. rounded by new homes. Ail Itaprar. snaaHa In. Pknaa Vial. 1124 this morn ing, ar At. teat Moaday. Mil CAMPJN Ave. t rooms, modera. with half acre of trait 11.44 eaak, belaaa monthly 104 Haa, JA. S. I04 cTHF R IC Bl. 64. For 6-room, new etuece bungalow, all nek finish, full use lot, ideal lueaileh. Hot bargala la Omaha E. G. Gangestad & Sons South. Brand New Homes Ready for Occupancy Mil I. 14ib St., l-rooia bungalow; exterior etucco: Interior finished la oak and white eaamel; larga plate glaaa eeenio windowa la front; buffet In din tag room; earner lot, on paved atreet and paved elley; Juet tare blork from lt.na.orn park rar line. Price 17,310, ll. down and balan. e aame as rent. 1014 S. 14th Hi,, room, nearly new: oak floora throughout and eak finish first floor; buffs! and aifhw hullt-ln fea ture; fin lawn, hedge and shrubbery. Prir 14.104. Open for Inspection today between I and I o'clock tn.iey, , C. G, Carlberg, Realtor. J A. 4511. II) Hrandels Th. Bldg. Splendid Rooming Home NEAR ST. JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL. Twelve rooma. two hatha, hot water heat, extra large east front lot, garage. Owner keeps four rooms and taken In 110 a month. Near Hi. Joseph's hos pital on Farnam car Una. Prlea 17,600; J,64 cash. . Osborne Realty Ca, 414 Peters Trust Bldg. JA. 1311. Field Club District K.L)9. Six room and aleeplng porch, oak; fin ish, full basement with fruit room, coal mn. toilet, etc.; cholre south front lot, 45x115; garage; splendid shrubbery-: fruit tree and garden; reasonable terms. tOsborne Realty Co.,- 630 Peters Truat Bid. J A. 2281. 3079, S. 32d Street . Five-room, two-story: modern In every detail. Thia home ahould ba seen to b fully appreciated. Located one block east of the Hanerom park car lma. Price 17.600. 12,500 cash, balance 160 per month. C. G. Carlberg, Realtor. .TA. 0586. 313 Brandel Th. Bldg. Parkvale Bungalow 15,76011,000 CASH. Kellaitone exterior, oak and white enamel inside, pretty breakfaat room with the French door, full basement, good nttic, dandy lot Osborne Realty Co., 410 Peters Trust Bldg. JA 2282. $4,500 Value. - Five big room all n an floor. . Faces. Highland Park In the best residence district of South Omaha. Strictly modern, paving paid. Call Mr. Splcka. AT. 8584. Amos Grant Co., Realtors, AT. 8380. 210 S. llth St., Ground Floor. THREE-ROOM house on D street; lot; 40, half cash. Do. 1151. fin Farnam Hamilton Annex Apart We have some beautiful three and f our room apartments for rent. Now ready; for your inspection. , All these apartments have large rooms, newly decorated, with plenty of closet space, tiled bath, built-in ice box, iced from : back porch, built-in butler's pantry and gas range furnished. Large front porch for your use. ; .... i . These apartments are m o d e r n in every way. : , " v Our location is the very best, close in, on the principal streets; no car- fare to pay and convenient to public garage. Our prices are reasonable. ; We are sure we can improve your living conditions. A satisfactory plaice to live. . PhneD. A. Maccttaig, Mgr. Atlantic 4701 oaoaoaonoaoooaononocaol30DOcaoooDOE n country nome ones ininn now interesting it wouia o to design and build a horn ef your A own in the country on high, sightly ground with an east frontage, where : M you can see a bending river, two lakes, .two cities, a suburban village, valley, U hills, woodland, farm land, automobiling on a new paved national highway -O and have cHy water, electric lights, free delivery of goods from stores, also H k and mail delivered at your door; yet ba only six and on-ha1f mil from th heart of a great throbbing city and away from noil and amok where all is quiet and peaceful. If you desire locations with these advantages, also an unrestricted view in all direction!, then see us for price, terms and location. Sunday call KE. 4219. a Fowler & McDonald, Realtors - JAckson 1426 caoaononononoHonoaoHoaogononoaoaoafl We Loan at 6 on Omaha Property EITHER monthly payment loans or straight five-year loans. We loan on Peters Treat Bsilllsi REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Vacant. Dundee Lot If tea a sat a kit ( lienl 1st Ik Puada akeae seal talid aa kw, I kave It I" an a e4 la bwi H. be be 11, Tk piu I ll.t Ilk I' mt la reeaeaeiM tilr. fail H4 4t .f'.ra p. in Ralston Ix)U iMzZz K:; panarwun Pkeae axewart. Be latae ! . Vb 1 1 U build la t aur aider aa ear seaii. fill let in Kdgeweed, vet y ee.r leieua. Allar.li III. TltU (halae Me whl.k imaai Ire dlaiaisaaj of at aa.e; fin lotelleaa, 11,14 k. K " Fl ! i I rill lot a-er aist and Faiaam ' . IJe.i. I La. a L'a, Haaltaie. Af. 111, Acr(. MR h.e ; piaraa ef inimevad er raege proraruea , J 4, I, I end I acre tie.te fi..n.a good t-aigelna, M, il. UA".ir.TAI HON Tt World lleiald HW. f 4H. CentTtl. Close in Bargain i.Ja-PART CAHII. Four loom aad bath ea k rlerar, bat walar brat, aeparais rear aad front enitaaao. tlrnund aloaa Is piaiiliellr worm the mnnay, oa your horn ami Inro'ir besidee. Osborne Realty Co., 'lie Paler Trust HiHg JA. 231 1 Mitctllaneoua. Have You a Lot? Will finajii- and build a limited num. bar of horn. a. You may use your lot er eele. t one f.om aevarat f own. CAN SHOW VOU IIOMKS I BUILT Nr-VkflAL TKAIIH AGO and give yu flguiea at once. Pap phone AT, 1)14; evenings, AT. 7171. Lincoln Boulevard t.iul-bung.lnw. I dandy big room. Want an offer on thl.. aa II muat he sold before June I. Oak floora. oak and while enamel finish. HA. tall or KK. 4231 S. B. McDowell & Co., AT. I:T. 264 Peter Truat. 1 In. WL irly If and 11 ATTRACTIVE DUNDEE HOMES No. 1. One block from car line, I rooma, I stories and attic, nearly sew. exceptionally well built and la best ef condition, oak and na tural birch finiah. attractive aun room and sleeping porch, garage, corner lot 76xU8 ft. Price 114.500; exceptional value. Moat be seen to be appreciated. No, 2. Brick and stucco, living room, dining room, breakfast room, kitchen 1st; 4 bedrooms and tile bath, 2d: two finiah rooms, Id; oak aad whit enamel finiah. oak floora throughout, hot water beat, garage,, cement drive, east front on list Ave., between Fernam and Dodge. I5A90 caah will handle. Price, 1 18.510. No. I. New brisk home with til roof, 8 rooms, vacuum vapor heat, 2-car garage, high, sightly, east and south front corner lot 75x135 ft. One of the choicest location in Dundee. Business transfer ownar from city reason for selling. An unusually well-constructed home which must be seen to be appre ciated. Term. 17,000 cash, balance monthly. No. 4. In Lockwood. exceptionally well built brick veneer, 8-room. 2 story modera houss. hot weter heat. Ruue) heater, tile kitchen floor and bath, ivory enamel finiah, plate glass windows throughout, vacuum cleaning system, metal weather atrip, oak floor throughout, 1-ear garage, cement drive, high, alghtly lot 11x185 ft. Something ehoiae. Price and terms on application. If Interested call Ken. 4241: Wal. 017t, er Sobs. 1412 Sunday. Fowler & McDonalds REALTORS JA. 1434 imCity Natl Bk. BU. ments at 24th 1120 City Natl Bank Bldg. 1 Homes Apartments Business Property Prompt closing of loaa. Coat nominal, i Sea u if you want to borrow On real tat. Peters TIiust Coili