Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. MAY 2. 1922.
.Mystery Domestic
Is Awarded Trunk
Cirl Who Baggage Vi
UU for AII'H DtU
Wins in Court.
Intetiigatort ol Ntr4.l Hu
mint satiety tnd the betrd ol pub
ic wdftrt it uruMe yesterday to
r,hiin information liitl ouM identi
fy Victoria Cfdn, h appeared
Mart Judge R, W. Patrick of mu
nicipal court it pUintilf in a replevin
action against Mis. C. T. Ward, J 10
Nrh Korty-drtt street.
Tht foun awarded Mi.t Gordon
tier trunk, en the grounds t'ltt Mri.
Ward could not legally hold per
tonal armlet to satisfy a debt Be
fore bringing the rpleviri action.
Mitt Gordon neiit to the Humane
society, welfare loard and ethe or
gtnuatiniit (or t'd
Mr. Ward. testifying before Judge
Tatrick, stated that he r.iet Mus
tiordon in San Antonio, Tex., paid
half of tht (art (or the young woman
to Omaha, and received Inr into the
Ward home on the agreement o(
(tying hrr $S a week lor work the
was to do Mis (jordn was to
"work out" the monev advanced
(or (are to Omaha. After teveral
neekt of relutal to help vnh the
housework, according to Mr. Ward,
there was a misunderstanding about
a cape, whereupon Mitt Gordon left.
Mitt Gordon it now living at the
home of J. 1. Taminotitn. 4912 Chi
cago ttreet.
Whtrf about of Indicted
Omaha Man Still Unknown
Thomat Nolan, attorney (or
Thomat M. Finney, taid yetterday
he had not heard anything of the
whereabout! of hit client who dis
appeared from Omaha after he wat
indicted by a federal grand jury a
few weekt ago, with 24 othert, on
charget of contpiracy to use the
mail to defraud in the affairt of
the Tioneer State bank. Colonial
Timber and Coal corporation and
other institution!.
Finney'a bond was placed at only
$1,000, but federal officer have not
been able to find him. He wat re
ported to have gone to Lot .Vigelet,
where bit wife i living.
Concord Club Asked to Aid
Willard Hall Campaign
David Cole, talking to the Con
cord club at luncheon yesterday in
the palm room at the Hotel Fon
tenelle, asked for the ckib't co-operation
in the Willard Hall campaign.
Judge Robert Patrick, in a thort
talk on "Concord." told what the
club meant to the city, and taid its
tpirit was invaluable to Omaha.
am m rf
Tht Accident.
jnob! wat quick to learn one
thing. He toon found that jumping
through Johnnie Green's paper-cov-rred
hoopt brought him plenty of
'cracked corn.
i No longer did Snowball run ay
from hit young matter when John,
nie entered the pasture and called
something that mad h'm stop
Wat that a ptper'covtrtd hooinhat
he st. right there at tht top 91
tht bank. He ouind It was
round, And it S crrtmly (if4
Willi something tht looW.) Me
lor a uioiiifiit hnobi thought
he would walk around the loop it
it wa one and examine it. He
couldn't tee anybody holding it ui
on edge. Put there it was, iut
waiting (or somebody to torn along
tnd tump through it!
"It's a hoop," SnobH mutteied
to himself. "There's no douto about
that," And towering hit head he
ran it the hoop and jumped,
There wat splitting sound and a
freh both at the same time-
Instead of bursting through a thin
paper thell and clearing the hoop
neatly Snowball found himself
wedged inside something. Though he
didn't know it. he had butted the end
of a barrel, knocking in it head and
plunging headlong inside it.
Meanwhile Johnne Green had
stopped swinging He looked across
the road juM in time to see the bar-
rel totter on the edge of the steep
bank. Not only totter, but begin to
roll down hill!
Out of the barrel stuck two woolly
legs, kicking frantically.
"What in the forld " Johnnie
Green exclaimed. He leaped from
the swing and ran towards the
strange sight. But he wat too late
to help.
The barrel fat ga;hered headway.
It crossed the road like some live
thing, to bring up against the farm
house with a terrific smash.
Iruitntly the btrrrl fell 8' a
io4n fiece . nt cted in
A4 out of the wreck rose iinowbtU.
He gttt tve fnghteufd bleat And
Ihrn he lore elf towards h pasture
at ft he could run. He didn't
rten wan to ir Johnnie Uieen
would ge him treat ol cracked
At he ran he tad to himc!f."There
nuy luce been a t gr inside that
thing! ... don't know! ... I
wouldn't join the circus for a'l the
tracked corn IU tht world! "
icr'ii i;
Robber Stock Up With
Ammunition at Elkhorn
Omaha rohbert are bebeted to
have twitched their operationt for
ont night to EtkHorn. whett Wed
nesday night they robbed two ttoret.
according to information at the
therill't office.
From tht store of C E, Chamber,
kin they s'ole riftet, shotguns,
shells, flashlights. About S5"0 worth
of merchandise wat stolen from tht
ttort ol John Schultf.
Severtl persons reported to Sher
iff Milke Clark that they taw an
automobilt with three suspicious
looking men driving in Elkhorn yes
terday. Ak to Continue Roundup
of Stray Subject! Today
King Ak rounded up J00 stray
subject yesterday and has ordered
the drive for members continued
throughout today. Hustlers will
scour the streets for all who a.pire
to join the organitation without initiation.
Brick House Moved
From New G.urch Site
terminal of a two-uiy brick
s enter hou.e owned by Joltfi R,
Rmgttttt at rorty-(ut and Davea-
j port streets wat rcr..ry for com
i let ion of the Second Church of
j ihii.t. cifini.t. The building and
I part of the foundation art on skids
n.j wui ie moten im week.
I Work en tht completion of the .
'church buildme will not brem un. 1
Jut neil )ear, according to Jamrs A.
Proven, ititirman ol tnt building
committee. Original plan for the
auditorium called for setting ca-
racily of 600, but these have been
changed to accommodate I .)" per-,
sons. i
Tha barrel tut Cohered,
to him. Nothing that the racatly
black lamb said could persuade
Snowball to lead Johnnie Green a
Much to the black tamb's disgust
Snowball would start for the bar!
the moment Johnnie appeared there.
"Johnnie want! to give me a treat!"
Snow ball would exclaim. "There t
cracked corn waiting for me!" And
off he would go.
Mrange as it may seem, Johnnie
tired of the circus tricks before
Snowball did. It wasn't long be
fore several days would go by
without Johnnie once holding up a
hoop for Snowball to jump through.
And often Snowball would moon
about the farmyard wishing that
Johnnie would do that very thing.
"I hope the cracked corn isn't get
ting low," said Snowball to himself.
And he cried "Ba-a-a-a-l" But
Johnnie Green paid no heed to him.
Though Johnnie was at that very
moment in the swing, he never
once looked at Snowball as he
roamed mournfully about.
So Snowball crossed the road and
strolled up the steep bank opposite
the farmhouse. And having noth
ing better to do he was about to
stroll down again when he spied
Popular Saturday Afternoon
You ara cordially Invited to our fee concert Satur
day, May 27, at 3:30 p. m., in our largo radial hall.
These "one-hour-of-music" concerts ara bald every
Saturday afternoon at 3i30 o'clock.
Tha program Saturday 1st Synchros selections, "Caprlc Bur," played by O. Cabtilwitchi vocal aolo. Mist Ruth Kogas,
accompanist. Mis Olga Jacobtoni tong and danca, Elelja Graham,
pupil of Henry Stonei piano, tolo, Eunice Nelson, pupil of Ida
More; tenor tolo, G. W. Uhler, accompanies. Mi Viola Vickeryj
violin aolo, Edith Wright, accompenitt, Mr. E. M. Wrighti Syn
chrona (elections, "La Campanella," played by Harold Triggsf dance,
"Grecian Ball Dance," Vara Christy and Maryailaaa Johnston, pu
pil of Dorothy Devere; baritone olo, Forett Painter, accompenitt,
Ida Power; recitation, Virginia Lundell, Marion Coldner, Eunica
RotenMein, pupil of Amy Woodruffs popular aong, representative
Leo Feitt Muiic Co., Geo. GeUey.
Schmoller & Mueller
Jmt EmI et Ike
PetleOict. ttUi
aad Dodge St.
Peters Trust Company
s and
Peters National Bank.
Blow we give a brief statement of the service offered by the different departments of
the Peters Trust Co. and Peters National Bank. We invite inquiry of any department.
Street Level
Safe Deposit
rOU will find our safe deposit vault unusually
convenient. It is located on our main
banking floor without steps either up or down.
It is as completely impregnable from burglary,
fire and flood as modern engineering science
can make it. It will be a pleasure for us to
how it to you at any time. Boxes from $5.00
per year up.
Life Insurance Trusts
THE Trust Department, under the capable
management of Howard Kennedy, formerly
Judge of the District Court, is thoroughly
equipped to act as Trustee, Executor, Adminis
trator, or in any other fiduciary capacity. We
particularly call your attention to the advantage
of creating a Life Insurance Trust, by which you
can leave your life insurance in trust, to be ad
ministered as you may direct. Ask for our
leaflet on this subject.
I ' I 1
Checking and
Savings Accounts
TP HE Peters National Bank is quite
different from any other bank
in Omaha. Wo specialise on check
ing and saving account of individ
ual therefore wa ara in a position
to give tha maximum of peraonal
ervice to our client. Tha growth of
our deposit from nothing to
$1,900,000 in a little over a, year
how that this erviee i appreciated.
We invite you to confer with our of
ficer and learn mora of tha facilitie
which wa offer.
Department and
Foreign Exchange
WE maintain these departments for the con
venience of our customers. Here you can
make steamship reservations to all parts of the
world and secure information regarding condi
tions of travel. We are also prepared to sell
you foreign exchange on any part of the world.
Make use of this department when you travel
or when you have ' occasion to make remit
tances abroad.
6 Loans on City Property
WE always have funds to loan on
Omaha real estate. We loan on
homes, apartments and business property
and also make building loans. You can
secure here either a loan payable in
monthly installments or a straight five or
ten-year loan. There is no lower interest
rate in Omaha than ours. Loans are
closed promptly and at nominal cost.
Make application here when you wish to
borrow on Omaha property.
m I
"Where Omaha Rents"
FOR many years the Rental Depart
ment of the Peters Trust Company
has been the place where people first
inquire when they wish to rent a home,
apartment or business location. We
make a specialty of managing apart
ments and office buildings and invite
your business, whether you wish to rent
property or own property that needs
careful attention.
A Complete Investment Service
THE Investment Department of the
Peters Trust Company offers Mu-
nicipal and Corporation Bond and Farm Mort
gage Securities. Only uch cacurities are offered
aa hav first been approved for tha investment
of it own fund. We carry in our file a great
deal of statistical information and will at all
time ha glad to answer inquiries regarding in
vestment securities. We have invested for our
client since the organization of this business
in Farm Mortgage Securities.
Spring'iNeweit Ideal
Sport Oxfords
The latest ideas in one
and two-strap patents
and two-tone combina
tions. ?595o$j45
Shoe Market
320 South 18th
Take a Ride
in the New
Hsve that suit looking nsat en Mtmo
rial Day. Sane1 It to us. Ws'U bring the
ebapa and neatness back. We have just
reduced eur price to St. SO for a nan'
two er three-Biec suit.
2217 Faraam Street AT. 0345
j delicioui chocolate- rjJv j) ill
' coated cake with an ffcS $ J (S
ftj&l I'm cool crisp and fasiy )
fy ) Eaim slowly orhasfy
yfl f 1 Mi friendships nof icicle
vU I V ( A'HohI)ofocoolbmher: I
CL ja JlOf
Mode If Choco-Ic Co., Minntaptlit, Minn. sa'
CHOCO-ICE CO., Distributors
301 Baird Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
" ' j'l' li"l""T J-"." '' it i . '' ' ' '" !'' "' 'TL-sl illu '"','',,MM"",""MWMIaSnssiMssnt1
iry n 1 1 r i m f y i 11 ii nn n in rn mm mmm ra wa t m in m at mxmt u iy in m n n f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 luJL
has a New
' A Super-Six that is a revela
tion even to Hudson owners
No Advance in Prices
F. O. B. Ditnit
PHAETON - - $1695
7-Pass. Phaeton 1745
Cabriolet - - 2295
Coupe ... 2570
COACH . . $1795
Sedan - - 2650
Tour. Limousine 2920
Limousine - - 3495
Ltok fir tht White Triangh
2563-5-7 Farnam St. OMAHA, U.&tA. Phone DOuglas 1970