Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, MAY 26. 132.
Book Condenser
Easily Assembled
Amateur With Few Tool, Can
Build Den ice in Short
When the radio fail i. thoroughly
fnrosfd iii the uame. Hie tunc
ionics wtirn lie uj.lir In add iimrr
Id lie m indie wide inij i iruhes
long. 'The bate should le u.lrnrj
iq the itrl one tiu U up (ruin the
bottom, to that the unit Mill In into
the carrier (ramc.
A quarter-inch hole .huuM be
t'ritlfil mi the vr-nttr ui til-' panel (or
lite Litoli m tiuli control. th comlro
"r. Nei, obtain Uo shcrts o( No.
.11 (Utiiie brass. eh six inches
square. Mount one pUtc with mull
lu angle to ttat it i
one huh in I mm the lett of the
lauel. The other plate is to be
mouutrtl on hiimrs in the some lakh
ion. Two brackets and to hinges
'Cmrd boors
-r- m
amirk i
equipment lo his set. lie want to
add at least one or two more vari
able condensers. The rotary type
most generally used on large sets
is too difficult to construct, and the
amateur may be relieved by making
hat is known as a "hook" con
denser. Thi type consists of two metal
plates arranged so that they may be
swung apart like the covers of a
book. Varying the distances between
the "leaves" changes the capacity of
the condenser.
The accompanying diagram gives
an idea of the book condenser.
Work On Hingei.
To construct this type, construct a
panel and base of one-fourth inch,
the panel to be eight inches high
and six inches wide, and the base
. 1 !
C'niii.iuvk. sightless front infancy,
who head the dti.ton for the vi.iu
tn of adult blftd, tnneifd with
the klate department f public weU
"The ue of radio quipmrnt hy
blind person.." Mr Com. tot U S4id.
"it undoubtedly the greatest blessm
and comfort oceurin in this era."
He declared that tins new invention
makes it possible for kightlot per.
sons to receive news dady without
ha. inn it read to them: that the
klate now has pid renders at the
School for the Blind at Jacksonville
and the Industrial Home for the
Blind in Chicane.
"Willi the Huiallatioii of udio
tiutiiiit;nf. Mr. Conutock said,
"thnr services can be dispensed with,
And not only can the blind man now
have the advantage of current mws.
but he ran listen to concert and lee
lure. I have already equipped my
home with radio and am receiving
news dnectlv from, a central station
In Chicago which make a specialty
o1 sending out bulletin lor blin4
persons. For the past several
nings I have been listening in ton.
certs given in Petroit"
l'e of radio in the State School
at Jacksonville and the Industrial
home in Chicago, is being rou
lemplaied. according to announce
mem by Judge C. II. Jenkins, di.
rector of the state department of pub.
he welfare.
Sending Station.
AdditiotiaCbroadcaiting stations in
this country are listed as follows:
Call. I.aralia.
Wl Tolto, li lUnhsl Uik ,',
nru IVtsiun. O Itika Kuml.r ('.
HUR ILrtiaid, C t. t. Tutk Ca.
WUH siuniaumerv, Al loi m r
Ijghi nd Wir fa.
UiJt surffor.l HlliU Am.i.ctn
IU4.a H.itli t's,
Other kendiur stations in the
I'nited States wifl be listed in The
Itec tomorrow.
The new station established at the
Presidio army po.i opened ir4ti.
lonunrnul C'niiiiU"icainiii with I lie (
Governor's Island. N. V . station tins,
week, Intuinrdiate and dure! com
niunitatioii wuh other rMiinental
amiy po.u and Honolulu ha been'
All radio amateurs in Omaha are
kindly requested to send their name1
and addresses and type of ieVeiving
sett to the Radio Editor of The Bee J
for use in publication of directory .
Sew York state record show that
1.717 radio companies were inror
porated in the month of March. I
A summary issued by Sccretaiy of
State John J. Lyon shows that an
aggregate total of capital of f;".
JbU is rcpre.ented.
Since Major General Snuier an-
i.tMiiwr.J hi inrtli.i.) of opeiating a
wutlf.s set through a lamp socket
luse, mantiiaclurer have repotted a
remarkable Ihiuiiiiii their business.
Orraiion by the new iiirthod it'
qmret a lot of esperimenial work
an, a o (if fuses. than 17.,'tX) incorporations i
radio cmnpanie were tiled hi .t
.tair since January I, according to
an r.timate gaihered from vanous
sUte capitals. These aviiregaie a
caiii.ituainm of more than $'X,
si i iwr sit snsk I
A III If Ik SSHIHrls ! Us M
!!( nil t Iks It' S IS l'l II
SfcSMia Ss k I" I II
Ssshsll. ! " It K'SXM.
A. A. R., Plattsmouth, Nth.
y shuui.1 a stn. in mt rail
m ia..a iii siH.Mia a s:-iui ir
l ihmI s fiuuM.lra lihlnins!
A, ill i ai.l l Iwior al i;
Y. K. J, North Platte, Neb.
U Will a liissa sllih ! imm as
HMr for a aiuund ruannliunr -l I
Duugl4 C!unty Cow tn Hi
Tfstol for Tulfrtulusi
Pi. K. K, Wood) in;, state veter
inanaii. was in Dinah yesterday m
tonnrction with the tuberculosis
eraduatitvi sampaign being waged
in IKmgla luuutv. ir,J.C. Meyeis
of Norfolk and lr. L A, Marshall
of Clay Ccuier will start woik Mon
day on iiiseciion of cattle in Doug
la county.
Public meetings will be belj in
disiricis where the woik is in prog
ress, and the Mm. "Out ot the
Shadow." iued by the' United
Slates Department of Agriculture
and circulated by the Omaha Live
Stock exchange, will be shown. A
general discussion of the tuberculosis
problem us live stock will be held.
Cniniiif rt u 'IVailu'r
)tii:iii (!iiiufiilitn 1 cr
Central I'oimiierrul leathei' as.
.m Ml mil tmriied ifir Iwh anmul
nmventn'ii at the I ontenelte hotel
tr.ienUy. Teacher tiom Iowa,
Mrbra.ka. Kansas, Illinois, South Pa
km ami Minnesota have registeie4
lor the three day inenuig.
Mann Pahhnan will deliver an ad.
dre. of welcome tins t morning,
fnllowrd by an inpirational al.
diets by Jr. I rank U. Sninh, pa.
tinnal church.
In the evening the teachers will
entertain at a iMiuiurt m the ball
room, followed by a theater party at
the World,
Saturday J. II. RevcfMge, superin
trmlrnt of schools in Omaha, will
t.ilk on "DpfKMtunily of the Kusiness
Tell advertisers you saw it adver
tised lit 1 he lire.
must be fastened to the back of the
panel. The two brass platts should
be as close together as possible at
the panel end, but great care must
be taken to see that they do not
actually touch. The condenser will
not work if they do. Completion of
the condenser !! be taken up to
morrow. Radio to Be Godsend
to Many Blind Persons
Bjr th Asaoclaltd Prtss.
Springlield, III., May 24. Radio
and the broadactsing, of news and
concert music through the air, was
declared here today to be a God
send to blind persons by Charles E.
.in.. a.
Fringed Seamless Rugs
In Room Sizes
This is a special purchase of very desirable rugs,
seamless Wilton velvets with fringed ends in pleasing
designs and colorings that are suitable for any room
in your thome. These rugs are sold as imperfect,
but the imperfections are so slight that in many in
stances you cannot detect them. Often it is only
an irregularity in the pattern which in no way im
pairs the wearing quality. '
9x12 Wilton
Velvet Rugs,
Regular 57.50 quality
8.3x10.6 Wilton
Velvet Rugs.
Regular 55.00 quality
7.6x9 Wilton
Velvet Rugs.
Regular i'i.'iZ quality
6x9 Wilton
Velvet Rugs.
Regular 32.50 quality
Simtk Floor Watt
Now Foraniiiifii
Now you can get a real Victrola or Brunswick for only
the cost of the first selection of records. Select and buy
a few records and the machine will be delivered to your
home without further outlay of cash on your part. The
terms are so reasonable you will scarcely notice the
small amount you have to pay. i .
Main Floor
Model No. 80
Mahogany, oak or American walnut cabinet,
100.00. 39 inches high, 19 inches wide, 21 inches
deep. 12-inch turn-table. Nickel-plated Victrola
No. 2 sound box, new improved Victor tapering
tone arm and tapering "goose-neck.'! sound box
tube. Automatic brake, speed regulator and
automatic speed indicator. Newly designed,
patented and improved, double spring, spiral
drive motor (can be wound while playing).
Main Floor
Send Thu
Club Coupon
in Today
per week
for 4 weeks,
then 1.75
per w k
until paii
The beautiful new
table style is included
in our club plan. This is the very newest model from the"
iVictrola factories. Priced at
Regular Upright Models Priced at $100, $125, $150
Membership in this Club will be limited, so don't wait.
Model No. 90
Mahogany, golden or fumed oak, American
walnut. 41 inches high, 20 inches wide, 22 inches
deep. 12-inch turn-table. No. 2 nickel-plated
sound box. Automatic brake, speed regulator,
automatic speed indicator, newly designed double
spring motor. (Can be wound while playing).
J. L. Brandeis & Sons
Gentlemen: Kindly tend me catalogues and
I information of your "Phonograph Club."
j Name .......J... .
j Address .1 .
Phone . , ,...... . "
Your Choice of a Victrola or Brunswick
Brunswick Model 207
Adam Brown or Red Mahogany and
Fumed or Golden Oak
Height, 4514 inches; width, 19 inches; depth,
21 inches. Trimmings nickel plated. Equipped
with all-wood, oval tone amplifier. Single dia
phragm Ultona. Brunswick double - spring
motor, nickel plated. Twelve-inch turn-table.
Automatic stop. Tone modifier. Shelf filing
system designed to accommodate albums.
Order Your
FREE Demonstration
Brunswick Model 200
Adam Brown or Red Mahogany and
Fumed or Golden Oak
Height, 4312 inches; width, 19 inches; depth,
21 inches. Trimmings nickel plated. Equipped
with all-wood, oval tone' amplifier. Single dia
phragm Ultona. Brunswick double-spring mo-,
tor, nickel plated. Twelve-inch turn-table.
Automatic stop. Tone modifier. Shelf filinjr
system, designed to accommodate, albums.
Phonograph Now!
in Your Home No Obligation