THE HEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. MAY 2fl. !92 11 Winter Grains in Good Condition 0Ua Acreage In Seventh Re. DUlrtrl DerreMeti, I'rdrra! Report ). Hint. My .'S-r.riy report. vinir (rim in ih evmW. Ir4er ffaerv tUtnct 0 b il tv4 rontjiiion, iceoHiuf In a tUirmml ..ut by ih bank May. Hut of U.i tcaxHi, ttie ot "fas ha Keen fiiutc4 irom lht Ut tr." iht iattitint laid, "but ihi will b by an tit. rre tn the eoittrmplstt-i .cretce .( m " 'tinting o( corn, it wat siJ.M, , from one to- three eeW tf, but Mil ranriitinnt were JUre4 to bt 1'iopinrtu. drapit dif(icu1t;i rn rnunKrrd In plowing and preparing lor rdui, "Thf burrau of marVru aH crop rnmair on Mr I, ettimited tit I'-- crop of wheat ior thf fi live Ivinf entirely in he seventh di trut. at bnhfl. rm. parf with 90,8!fVX) bunn-Is. final rttiniate for the . ute ment laid. Indications a1v were seen that the proMectiv inrrtie in hog riinT. anticipated in the early months of the year, will not be r-t:ed, "Advice front all aerttoti of the liktrirt poi;it to a ftiulkr aggre Kate of spring pig than a v r aco," it wa feporte'L Allirrt E. May lo Atllrr (.onve ntion of Polar Hears Albert E. May left Thursday for Detroit where he will deliver the prin cipal addret Memorial day before the Polar Bear an organization of vet eran of the American and allied antiict who nerved in north Russia during the World war. Thev will gather in Detroit for a three day con vention to perfect organization and elect officer. Mr. May erved with the 3.19th infantry for more than a year in the territory around Arch angel.. J urjpe Considers Motion ' for New Trial for O'Bryan District Judge Goss took under advisement a hearing on a motion for a new trial "for Robert C. O'Brysvt, who was convicted by a Douglas county jury of conspiracy to 'commit a felony 'while president of the Great Weatern Commercial ltody- company." :: . - . Special State Prosecutor Dorsey represented the... state., while Bald rise and Saxton argued the motion for O'Bryan. CEMETERIES. BEAUTIFUL FOREST LAWN. Vlit nature' beauty epot I.awn ffmnry. It la mora beautiful thla spring than ever before. North bound electrlo cara will taka you there. Call at the new gntenhouaea at tha cemeterjf entrance. Offices of the ceme tery (north of -city limit.) and 730 Brandela Theater Bldg. BURIAL VAULTS. A I'T-n MATTf ajtnllnv Knnrrnl hnrl-l vault. Recommended and for aala by all leading undertaker.. Water proof, no ateal to ru.t, no wood to de .. my. Insist upon the AUTOMATIC SEAL. 1NO VAULT manufactured by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co., 5210 N. 30th. , Omaha. Tel. Kenwood 1077. Furnished by the" et'at of Iv'ebraVtca.'de. partment of agriculture, bureau of mar ket and marketing; . i . LIVE POULTRT, . Broiler .O.S60.3 0.l0iB'0.B0 Hens, light .13 ,S: .! Hens, heavy t .21 .! .! Corks .30 .13 .ISO .1 liiaka 1S .1. .J0 .25 Geese 10. ...IS" ..ISO .20 DRESSED POULTRT. Broiler '"W -B5 Hens S .2 Cook 17 Duck ..-..... . .as .2 Gees , , .2U .25 E'10S:-: Selet , .-., -H No. I ....,.,....(, .21 ..25 No. 2 1 .23 Cracka s'y; .i .20 .25 Caaa count, ease. 8.3.0 .6.6? BUTTER. ' . Creamery, print, .vi. ...... ,33 .37 Creamery, tub...., ...Sit ..J Country, best 24 ' .25 . ,S5fl .30 Country, common .IS .22 .20 .25 Butterfat, 8ta. PrH- T'pland prairie No: 1-..!......II2.BOTI1S.OO Vpland prairie No, 2.,, 10.S0 It. 60 Upland prairie No. 3U '. T.0O 1.60 Midland No. 1 H.BPifji 13.00 Midland No. i 60 10.B0 Midland No. S 7.00 11.00 Lowland No. 1 00W 10.00 Lowland No. S .1-222 .5 21 Alfalfa, eholoe " 22S ! 22 ji j 1 00 21.00 Standwd ., 15.00 17.0 yjn 1S.00ID 1T.00 No' 3.!..!... 10.00 11.00 Oat atraw 00 .00 Wheat atraw j. . 7.00 ..00 HIDES AND WOOU Beet hides: Qreen salted No. 1, per lb., . . . - u ,w ciaiA. ivic; green sanea u. -w-v, green hides No. 1, per lb..4ir,c; green hide No , 2, per lb., 34c; green salted, old stock, per lb., 203c; green suite bull nidea mo. i, per id., c; green tauea ouu hides No, I. per lb., 3c Horse hides: Large, each, tS.00; medium, each, S3.S0; small, eacn, 3.oo; pony ana glues, eaoh, ll.0fl1.2S. , Sheen Delta: Oreen salted. to (lie and wool, each, 75c$U.OO. - Wool: Choice fine and one -half blood, per lb., 25S0c; medium and tliree-elghths blood, per lb., 242Se; low and one-quarter blood, par lb., 17910c FRUITS. . Bananas: Ter lb., 77Hc .'Oranges: Slse 21R and larire, $.00W.00; size 250, S7.B0iaiS.lu1i size-,288. 6.757.00; size 324. SS.S09S 5O. - Lemons: Per bolt,, according to site, $.S0.0. . , Orapefrult: Per crate, according to size, S.507.00. Apple: Winesap. according to li and grade. S3.7S4.00; Ben Davis, according to slse and grade, S3.00:' Newton Pippins, according to else and grade. 13.60. Strawberriea: Per crate. qt. boxes, S3 ro4.oo. Figs: It pkg. 8-oi S2.JS; bulk, per lb., 15le. , Pineappl: Cuban-,-, according to u. S4.00S.S0. VEGKTABLE9. Potatoes: New, No. 1. per lb., 4c: new. No S per lb., 3o: Western Nebraska, No. 1, per'owt.. S175?2 25: Idaho Whites, No. 1 pr cwt.. S2.252.60; Red River Ohio. No. 1, per cwt., S2.2562.50; Oregon Netted (Jems, per cwt., S2.2V-. .'. '.... Sweet Potatoes: ' Per bu.. S1.751.00, Celery: Per do., 75c$l.5. .. , Head Lettuce: Per crate. S3.504.00: per do., S100. Leaf Lettuce: Per do., 4050c. Rubarb: Home grown, per dox 40860c, Egg Plant: Per ?os., S'-'.OO. Onions: Texas Crystal Wax. 4S-lb. crates. S3 00; Texas yellow, 45-lb. crate (I SO J75. Cucumber: Hot bouse, per do., SLS0 2.50: hampers, about S dor, S3.00; Texas, bu. basket. S3.00. - Cabbage: Hew, per lb.. 4 5c. Tomatoea: Per crate, S baaketa, 15.00 t.00: lugs, S3 25. Radlahes: Per dox., 2025c. Carrot and Turnips: New, per dox.. SOc; hamper. SS.0O. Beets: Hampers-12.00. Young Onions: Home grown, per dox.. "Vplnach: Homo grown, market basket. 45c Green Peppers: Market basket, St 25. tireen and Wax Beans: Hamper, S3. 00. Parsley: Par doz. bunches, 45c i PLANTS Cabbage: Per box. 1.. Tomatoea: Per box, S1.0. Pansy Plants: Per box. 3.7. Read . The . -Bee all - the way througk You will find it interest- Omaha Produce I tlL VJ U IVlr'u--- - U ; I COMftWUUlMl NOV. h c , TWHl I m tVS BRINGING UP Classified Advertising Rates Ho per line! count ( word, to Una) 1 day. I8j per Una per day, I coneecutlve 10 per Una per day, 7 coneecutlve daya Ho per line per day, 10 coneecutlve daya. No ade taken for leaa than a tptal of a 6c. Theee ratea apply either to tha Pally or Sunday lira. All advertleementa appear In boih mornlni and evening dally paper tor the en chart. CONTRACT RATES ON APPLICATION. Want id accepted at tha following of flee.: MAIN OFFICE. ...J7th and Tarnam Bet. South 8lile 4316 South 24th St. Council Bluff. 16 Scott St. WANT ADS RECEIVED BY PHONE ATLANTIC 1000. THE BEE will not ba reiponelbl for more than one Incorrect Ineertlon of an advertisement ordered for mora than on time. CLOSINO HCTJRS FOB WANT ADS. Evening Edition ....1145 A. M Morning Edition :00 P.'M. Sunday Edition 00 P. H. Saturday DEATH St FUNERAL NOTICES. DAVIS Mr.. Sophia Myers, wife of Dr. B. B. Dvl, Thursday afternoon after an lllneea of several weeke. She Is sur vived by her husband, Dr. B. B. Davla. and on son. Dr. Herbert H. Davis. The funeral will be Saturday at 1 o'clock from tha residence. Interment will be at Forest Lawn cemetery. - Honomry pallbearers: Dr. C. A. Hull, Dr. A. H. Hippie, Dr. W. H. Mo Clenehan. Dr. F. 8. Owen, Dr. J. H. Vance, Col. J. M.. Bannister, Mr. John W. Towle. Mr. W. M. Rainbolt. Active -pallbearers: Mr. Ouy Beckett, Mr. Norman Curtice, Mr. Phil Downs, Mr. Foye Porter, "Mr. Loring Mllott, Mr. Robert Euwards. DURRif.hrlstlan, May 24th. aged 80 years, 3 mouths and 13 days. Dei-eased is sur vived by two sons, Frank and Chris, of Omaha, and four daughters, Marjr E., cf' New Tork: Mrs. Rose .lames, of Chicago, and Agne C and Helen, both of Omaha. . Funeral services Saturday at 10:10 a. m., from th residence of his son, S16 Forest Ave., to St. Phllomenas church, at 10:30 a. m. Interment Holy Sep ulchre cemetery, BURKAMPi-Wllllam, May 25th, aged 63 years, months and 11 days. Sur vived by wife and three children. Funeral 8aturdayat 3 p. m. from the residence, 6303 North Forty-fifth street. Burial Forest Lawn cemetery. DURR Christian, age 80 years, 3 months, IS days, May 24, at 1S Forest avenue. Remain at Hoffman funeral home. Funeral arrangement later. STEIN Mrs, Matina, May 24, 1922; age 23 years, 1 mo., 6 days. Funeral Friday 2:30 from res., , 2302 . Laird St. Int. Forest Lawn. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. F. J. STACK & CO., I - Successor to Stack & Falconer OMAHA'S BEST. SwAMBULANCEooei3 Thirty-third and Farnam. HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertaker and Embalmera. Phon HA. 0265. Office 2611 Farnam. Hulse & Riepen, Funeral Director-. 1224 Cuming. DAOCVUIfinPlT 24th Wirt. VIVVUUl'i'lUVlUJ WE. 0047, FLORISTS. T .17 17. T-. A PATHM 1 1 Douglas. Phone DO. 8244 Eat it with flowers from hbss L. HENDERSON. 1607 Farnam. JA. 1258. JOHN BATH. 1804 Farnam. JA. 1906. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. LOST A black leather suitcase, Thursday afternoon on Benson car line, contain ing lady's evening wearing apparel, etc. - Liberal reward given for the return or any Information given of same. 2739 N. 4Jth St.. Wa 1164, or Apt. 318, El Beu- ' dor. LOST White linen luncheon set Tuesday An v 9ith or In IT. S. .Nat. bank. KB. 0420. Reward. LOST Leather purse containing Bible and change; reward. 3328 Pine. HA. 1132. LOST WRIST WATCH MONDAY; VAL UED as KEEPSAKK. A OMi; rewaro. LOST Blank check book, receipts and bills, iveeoea oaniy. newarq. im. pa-io. LOST Lady's gold wrist watch, mono gram KlCrCal1AT; 6353Iewaj. LOST A marriage certificate book form. 1822 Chicago St. Reward. AT. 7892. LOST Brown lace hat. trimmed in burnt orange. Telephone KE. LOST Plata of false teeth; reward. Call Wa. 3164. LOST Siring of pearls. MA. 3448. Rew'd. PERSONALS. THE SALVATION Army Industrisl home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazine. We collect. We distribute. Phon DO. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110- 1113-1114 uoage ct. MAGNETIC bath: Violet Ray treatment with massages, sis o. ivin. in. THEATRICAL historical masque costumes. for plays ana parties. i iew" a. -"'-" 8ULPHUR baths. Swedish massage, chi ropody. Evanlngs to S. 209 8. 20th St. FOR nurses by th hour or for massage call ATm3.orW-A. 4293. EXPERT MASSAGE. ATLANTIC 54. RBNT vacuum cleaners. 75c. HA. 1071. EXPERT mSKSage. 310 N. 17th St. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Printing. DDY Printing Co. 313 8. 13 St. Do. 6647. BRITT IrinUng Co, S01 Bromley Blk, Hi a fl CRAClOUb. ONE. OF " JS 1 t TH WORKMEN -T LA.. V 1. L I FELL- OFF THE. 1 j , M , J 4 J ROOF INTO THAT ..-.d ' w rue itsoAv etg FATHER H'(!.terrd C. A. I'alant Otfka ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordion Pleating. TT7T3 TT T7 A TTXTH Hemstitch Al Ai AJ. x uunixiiu inc. Cover- ed Button. DO. 6670. ISO Farnam, 2d Floor. ACCORDION, side, knife, box pleating; covered button, all styles; hemstitch ing, buttonhole. Writ Ideal Button 4 Pleating Co., SOS Brown Block, Omaha, Neb. Telephone JA. 1936. Dancing Academies. LEARN to dunce; summer classes: 10 les suns. 14. Keep', 1818 Farnam. DO. S440. Chiropractors. Poflcrm fR. A. N., Chiropractor. !0f ldJTaaUiJ Paxton block. AT. 77. Contractors. GARAOKS built, any style and alze, S100 up. Concrete work. ' Mlcklln Lumber Wrecking Co. Tel. WE. 6556. OARAGE3 of any kind, sldewalke, floora, retaining walls. Lowest figures for first class work. WA. 0997. FOR first-class carpenters, HA. 4996. FLOOR laying, machln landing. AT. 6633. LE68ARD A SON. 2021 CUMINO. AT. 1633 Dentist. DENTAL X-RAYS, 611 each, S3 a full set. 61 Securities Bldg., 16th and Farnam. Detective. Independent Detective Bureau. 304 Nevllla . Blk. AT. 6601; night. WA. 4045; KE. 046$ RELIABLE Dtct'.v Bureau, Railway Ex. Bldg.,- JA. 2056, night. KE. 3812. JAMES ALLAN, 313 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. AT tantto 1136, Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING and tailoring. HA. 6528. Nouveau dresemaklng shp. 432 Paxton Blk. Hauling. TRUCK FOR HIRE Wanted, work for 6 ton White flat body truck, by day or contract. Col. 107-J, Ralston. Ask Bygner. GRADE cellars, do team work. WE. 6314. Kodak Finishing. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. The Ensign Co., 1607 Howsrd St. Patent Attorneys. J. W. Martin, Patent Attorney, - 1713 Dodge, room 309. Also Washington, D. C. I help Inventor well their patent. Paint and Paper Hanging. LET me do your painting. Save you time and money. Specialty, inside work. Any size job. L. Lupton, AT. 9717. PAPERHANGINO, painting. Phona WA. 499S, Wolff, CLEAN paper, wash walls; exp. JA 1041. First-class pntg. and paperhng. Do. 4909. PAPERING, painting; low price. JA.302S. - Miscellaneous Announcements. RUGS washed, new ruga manufactured from old; rag carpet weaving; mattress es,' pillow renovated, made to order. , Oate City Rug & Mattress Cleaning Co., ;I9 N. 34th St. JA. 2722. GA1TED saddle horses for rent by hour or day. All are gentle. My personal attention given to beginners. Smith Crane, proprietor. OMAHA RIDING ACADEMT. Ak-Sar-Ben field Phone WA. 6063. DIAMONDS price with privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. Omaha, Neb., 402 N. 16th St. Telephone DO. 6049. . OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY, Mattresses made ever In new ticks at half price of new beds. 1S07 Cuming. JA. 2467. DR. Louts N. Smernoff, diseases of women and children. 315 N. 21st St.- AT. 6766. BEAU, quiet horrie for chronic cases or old people; trained nurse. Terms. WE. 6654. DR. A. a SABIN, RECTAL DISEASES. Suite 310 Arthur Bldg., 210 S. IStb St MATERNITY home, electric baths for nervousness. 1912 Emmet. WIS. 2911. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at in. o DDirmin mcvonneii irug iuiici. FISHER Bath, mass. 320 Arthur Bldg. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. Stephenson Auctions are held every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at 1509 Capitol Ave. at 1 p. m. Phone AT. 6265 If you want to leBrn what is on ssie. Pianos and Musical Instruments. TRADE your used piano on a new -player piano. Balance as low as S10 per month. A. HOSPB CO.. 1511 Dougiaa, Clothing and Furs. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. For aala, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" uit. cheap, alteration free. Northwest Cor. l&tn and Harney Bt. FULL DRESS sulta and Tuxedo for rent. JA. 3128. 10 N. 16th St. I. Feldman. ARMY shoe. S2.90. 706 No. 16th. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sola agent for the CORONA. Get our pricea before you buy. Every machine auaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc, JA. 412. 1912 f arnam. GUARANTEED typewriters. 612 .0 and up. Midland Office Supply Co.. 1404 Dodge. Miscellaneous Articles. WHEAT screenings. SI. 50 ber 1Q lbs. A. W. Waaner. sl N. Hth.lJA. 1142. PROXIES for Memorial day. Order these, early. All colors, .inn. 430s i'-l ADVICK FROM FOR SALE. Miscellaneous Article. Bank Fixtures For sale Th complete set of fixture and equipment, brand new, used only two months by the Farmers and Mer chants National bank before tha con solidation. Priced to sell. If Interested com and ae them. Union National Bank, Fremont, Nebraska. WE buy, sell afra, make desks, how case., etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co.. 8. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. JA. S724. EXPERT sewing machine repairing. 15th and Harney. DO, 171. FOR SALE New reed bouy rnbber-tlred push wheel chair. Address Mrs. J. L. Kauffman, Lexington, Neb. LAWN MOWERS sharpened. Called for and delivered. SI. SO. 2609 Leavenworth. AT. 9204. BOTTLES New and used. Nathan Steinberg. 101 Harney. Do. 6166. LARGE baby carriage. S18. Wa. 6669. WANTED TO BUY. DSSKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. AT. 6148 NEED large amount ' of furniture, all kinds; pay top price. Harney 6095. Call WE. 6441 firat W pay mora for furniture, rugs, stoves, clothes. WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. SITUATION ..wanted: experienced In chain grocery stores; two years store manager, one year sales manager, four year superintendent of 32 self-service stores; will consider anything with future pro motion; best of reference. Box 11-154, Omaha Bee. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. Wanted Bricklayers APPLY Vaughn Construction Co., . 32? W. O. W. BLDG. MEN WITH TRUCKS TWO MORE 'TRUCKS NEEDED, EQUIPPED WITH STEEL DUMPS AND HYDRAULIC HOISTS FOR HAULING WET CONCRETE MIXTURE ON OMAHA ROAD JOB. PHONE MR. GIVEN8, ROME HOTEL. Carpenters Wanted Accustomed to concrete form work on buildings. Rate 80c per hour, 9 and 10 hours per day. Apply Wells Bros. Con struction Co., at John Morrell Plant, Ottumwa. DO you want to Increase your Income? Write the National Auto School. 2814 N. 20th St., Omaha, for catalog. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. Mth. Writ for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. SPECIAL SALESMEN. Ford foot brack attachment, holds tiny car, any hill, unassisted .regardless ot emergency bracks; eliminates blocking or taking curb for safely when en gine dies on hill. Holds car while cranking, everlasting, can't turn wheel whit Shurhold applied, good for live man with small capital; agonts wanted everywhere. Shurhold Mfg. & Sales Co., 1306 Randolph Bldg.. Detroit, Mich. Agents and Canvassers. TRUCK DERRICK One man changes neaviest racKs, neuner oriis, eve, from ground onto wagon and off. Agents wanted. F. Lovering, Fremont, Neb. ' Miscellaneous. MEN To fll! th followinit Job on road Im provement work, somtf travel and tome liar a surlace. 14 mllei Fac county, Iowa. 11 mites Winnebago county, Iowa. 7 miles Harding; county, Iowa. 32 miles Fayette county, Iowa. 18 miles Kossuth county, Iowa. $ miles Bremer county, Iowa. 11 milea Howard county, Iowa. 6 miles Wright county, Iowa, 17 miles Buchanan county, Iowa. 21 miles Hamlin county. S. Dakota. 4 months work in city o Omaha, Neb. It is necessary to purchase a Traffic Truck with pneumatic tirs. cayinf? part cash, balance from earnings. We will take as part payment your used car or light truck. A profitable and practically perma nent job. Whfs answering give phone number when possible. Address Box -9, Oma ha Bee. , WANTED First class meat cutter. Apply Table Supply, meat dept. HELP WANTED FEMALE Professions and Trades. NURSES WANTED. 327 SECURITY BLDG. DAY. AT. 1988. NIGHT. WA. '291. Household and Domestic. HOUSEKEEPER "So take full charge: Christian grtenti" preferred. Klderiy gentleman and daughter. latter em ployed, iiux H-131, o ilia ha Be. HKR COUNSKL ttUtt AtOCT Tt UV KVfT T TO TC H-T 00 ItTTUt I CI tTTUt mWVOuH eVHb tvaA- THA.T UTTU dOK OtT V0V TMC UXitt co,4qou tit JICCS AMD MAGGIE IN fUVL FACE OP COLORS IN I Hit SUNDAY BLK AR HURT? JUtT WAVT A MINUTE. AND I'LL 4ET Mf HUtDANO TO HE.LO XOO ! HELP WANTED FEMALE Household and Domestic WANTED White niald for general house work. Mi". Kalnh Peters, 614 South 4"th St. Har. 0JQ3. WANTED Experienced whit alrl for keneral nouseivorK. Tnre In family. AO wishing. Wal. 10S1,, Saleswomen and Solicitors, Profitable Traveling Positions Interesting to ambitious women. 25 to 40 years of ag ot pleasant personality with at leant high achool education, who are anxious to make permanent connection with reputable firm. Must be free to travel extensively and to go to Chicago by June S. Position pays R. R. fare and salary to start. Worth S7S per week. See .Mrs. L. J. Carroll, Fon tenelle hotel. WANTED Refined unincumbered lady to travel In child welfare work. Guarantee S50 per month abova expenses. Oiv rhon number. Address , isi's. car Bee. Miscellaneous. WILL pay girls tuition through business college for, doing some light office work, ftlve age and education. Write Bex lot, umani Bee. WANTED Energetlo ladles for light local . employment Guarantee $13 per week for part time. Address T-1907. Omaha Bee. WANTED Pastry girl; must hav home cooking experience Olympia Candy Kitchen. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. GET GOVERNMENT positions. Postal mall service, men, women, is, over, wanted. Hundreds appointment made yearly. S130 month. Examination soon. No experience required. Full particulars free. Write Columbia School Civil Service, 171 Pope Bldg., Wasningtnn, It. I!. WANTED Man or woman secretary by dvtuuvqj mum uo e.iJsi , uwiuvgiBi,,,., , permanent position at good salary with prospective advancement. , Give detail in l.tter. Address Box H-191, Omaha Bee. WANTED Men. ladles ami ooy to learn barber trade; big demand: wage while learning; trlctly modern. Call or writ 1403 Dodge St. Tri-City Barber College SALESPEOPLE wanted for very profitable, permanent and pleasant work. Training free. W. A. Hixenbaugh, 1814 St. Marys. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED Active middle-aged man to take charge of National Guard Armour Canteen. Call Har. 1564 between 6 and S p. m. for particulars. , Rooming - Houses. TWENTY-ONE rooms, new furniture, In 1 the heart of the city, cheap if taken by tho firat. (.'ash payment, balance monthly. At. 0914. FOR SALE Outside 7-room flat, well fur nished. Call, Douglas 8671. IF you want to buy rooming house. Call WE. 0802 after 6 o'clock.' FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. GET YOUR ROOM, through Tha Bee furnished room di rectory. Call at office fpr list of choic desirable rooms In all parts of the city. A service that benefits both advertiser and room seeker. SINGLE and double rooms for men only Running hot and cold water. Walking distance. Brown Bachelor Apartment, 508 No. 21st. AT. 7449. FURN. rma. with priv. bath; warm, com fortable, cheerful; prices reasonable, day or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. HOTEL SANFORD. 19TH AND FARNAM, HOTEL IIENSHAW. 1CTH AND FARNAM Special rate to permanent guest. SOUTH room with private family, in Bemis park; gentleman preferred. Wal nut 55"6. DUNDEE Walnut 29S1, large, cool south room. Private family. References ex changed. CLEAN south room; private family; walking: distance; ladies. 616 Park Ave. HA. 6227. PLEA8ANT rooms, suitable for 2; ideal home. 118 No. 30th St. Har. 6410. ATTRACTIVE rm. adjoining bath, parlor fir., board or light hskg. WE. 4128. Housekeeping Rooms. TH"! GUIDE TO th better housekeeping rooms Is th directory furnished to advertiser nd room hunter. Call at Bee office for free copy containing desirable vacancies In all parts of the city. SINGLE room, $4.50; 3 rooms and kitchenetU'. first floor. S9. 270 Dodge. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, 627 South 17th Ave. WE. 0802 after 5 o'clock. TWO nice houeekeep. rms., priv. family. S5 week. WE bster 1383. IDEAL modern hskg rooms. MA. 296. ONE and 2-room suites. E.11 6. 24th 8t. Board and Rooms. THREE - pleasant rooms, private home, nice locality, board If desired. HA. 6242. LOVKLY. cool room in private home; very rood board if desired. At. 04.,2. Uniurnished Rooms. UNFURNISHED room for light house ' keeping, clos in. strictly modern, rea sonable rent. Call AT. 3260. , FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. DUXDKE 1-rnnm. fine location:, garaae; Juno':5 to Sept. 1. Phone WA. 08:2. Jy Drawn for rt.L Tti tONT Cam r 0V t0 tw NOOItJlX- T k CvUWCt TO At.h JUST tttaKTOCK A0CttH amp thai tfrt4.tF I .Ha t ixr; Drawn FOR RENT-HOUSES. Unfurnished. in 8. Slat fit. Pleasant five-room house, giis and bath, S3U. E. M. fcarie, 3s 30 Charle street. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. COMPLETELY furnished two and three room apartments, Prlvat bath, walking distance. Brown Apartment. COS North 21at. AT. 7449. HL'NTER I NN Fireproof housekeeping apartments. Horn of th traveling man. Electric range. Walking distance. AT. . IDEAL i-rin. fur. apt lnqure 38S7 So. 33d St. MA rket 3604. Unfurnished. Absolutely Fireproof The Alhambra, , . 49th and Capitol Ave. , In the heart of Dundee, on the Far nam car line. A few yery.. desirable apartments, two, three, and four rooms. These apartments all have two and three outside' exposures. Reinforced concrete construction. Rates; -JS2.E0 to $97.50 per mqnth. Call Us and We Will Take You Out. ,: Drake Rental Agency, Fireproof Apartment. Corner Seventeenth and Howard. Jackson 2S0S. ' Atlantic 9708. .: ' The Austin, . 38th and Davenport Homo with' apartment house accom modations. Open for inspection now. Very latest In apartment house con struction. Built-in features. Extra well lighted and ventilated. Rate $85 per month. . - Call Us and We Will Take You Out.' Drake Rental Agency, . ; Fireproof Apartments. Corner 17th and Howard. Jackson 2806. Atlantic 9708 For Rent Six-room,; apartment In the Dwlght, S2nri and Poppleton avc , Lease to Oc tober 1. Rent $110 per month, includ ing garage. , For particulars call George & Co., Atlantic 3024 DOUGLAS and 26th Ave. Four-room, Swenson Sales Co., , strictly moilern apartment. 507 Paxton Blk. JA.- 1831. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. FIH.ST floor modern apartment; west, south and cast exposures; 4 large rooms and bath; . walking distance; private garage; $75. Wal. 3888. THREE basement rooms, modern except heat. ' AT. 6869. MODERN 4 and 7 rooms; low rent, close in. G. P. Stebbins. 1010 Chicago. FOR RENT Business Property. FIREPROOF daylight individual lloors or any space up to 52.272 spuare feet in the most Ideal building In Omaha for light manufacturing or any other busi ness. Low insurance and low rent with heat, .hot and cold water, shower bath; freight and passenger elevator service. Max Rapp, AT. 1474. or WK. 8483. STORES FOR RENT Northeast corner Farnam and 14th St. 17x21 facing on 14th Street. 21x34 facing on 14th Street. 22x50 facing on Farnam Street. ALBERT CAHN 213 South 14th St. JA. 2S50. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WAR? HOUSE CO.. 11th and Jonea Sta. ELEGANT stor or office room at Howard St. Bushman, JA. 0564. MOVING AND STORAGE. "WHEN MOVING" PACKING-STORINQ-SHIPPINO Thone Jackson 028. FIDELITY "Tv?IGS - 1107-11 Howsrd St. . FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separata locked rooms for household good and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 806 South 16th. DO. 416$. TO SAVE MONEY ON HAkLINO CALL I ,i ii c-v i ?.r a. c a j x 4 a - a i iea . . m j i une i i I a i .nai.HCbth AfUL The Bee by Sidney Smith tCefnaalt ititt l Oil SfikCTViu& CLlC luy WTNH4 VNTtU NOt) fo a- ax uat MAt ET MTH WC AMiictwton or Mft(iM; iioNts; ra w wi ia ukj. triu uFf rav &1 OrW MVMAAHMUt Att ir iiiii on, ut jox MVC Mi tOVJ DO M4UT TV r( for The Bee by McManut (Coprrlabtl 1923) POULTRY AND PET STOCK. LITTER c. rtlded ppdlgree.l alre-lale pup- plea. Females. h to 1I; malts, S10 to SIS. Papplo K-nnels. l I'OilKe. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Fords! Fords! New and Used. Cash and Terms. We nava them all prices all ' models. Be sure and see us before you buy. McCaffrey Motor Co., "Th Handy Ford Service Station." Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealers. ISth and Jackson St. DO. 600. Open Sunday from S to 11 A. VB. REAL USED CAR BARGAINS. -' Cash or Time, Buy or Sell. . Fords, from S50 and ud Dodge, Buicka . and other. 1100 and vp. . . Ford bodies winter top. GOLDSTROM AUTO CALES CO., 131K Harney St. Central Garni SOME bargain In uaed Ford; prompt delivery on new Ford. M'CAFFRET MOTOR CO., The Handy Ford Service Station. 16th and Jackson St. DO. 3500. FORD CARS ALL MODELS. FROM SS0 UP. USED FORD CAR CO. ISIS Cuming. AT. 3782. PACKARD Twin Six touring, in excellent condition both mechanically and In ap pearance; new tires; cheap at S600. Phone AT. 3782-. 1 1920 OLD8MOBILE SIX This car la li the very beat condition; runs like new will eacriflce for $400. Call AT. 3782. BUT A GUT L. SMITH USED CAR. A Safe Invstment. 26th and Farnam fits. Phon DO. 1S70. USED cars, worth your money. The Ne braska Oldsmobll Co., 18th aud Howard at, at, 177Q. LOOK over our list of used cara. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. tOSS Farnam St. AT. 783S. FREE Inspection and water for all make uu.ici auu . ULlB VO-. FORD parts. Front axel assembly in front axel, only $4; splndlo, $1. Neb, n.uio rarta to., iiuu warney. 1920 FORD TOURING, WITH STARTER AINU KOUPET TOP, $276. HA. 0800, PATENT Pullman bed built Into your auto a, ' n,,c T LATE 1920 Ford touring, condl. tion. tires good, starter. Call At. 3687, MAXWELL TOURING CAR. FINE RUN. NINQ CONDITION. $125. HA. 0800. USED radiators, all makea for sal. Green ousn Kaaiator Repair. 2039 Farna-v HOLLT, expert auto trimmer. 81J S. 24th, REAL ESTATE WANTED, HOMES for sale, APTS. for rent. W. J. Palmer Co., Real Estate Management Specialists. Keeline Bldg AT. 8980. List your home Buy your home. JtJlJNUrjK & OTIS. , Real Estate, Loans, Rental. JA. 2SS1 ESTIMATES furnished on atorag and moving, voniracu tagen By job or nr, itioov van oe storage uo., JA. 4338. AT. vim. oiu-i: ivortn itn St. - LIST TOUR PROPERTY WITH US. E. G. Gangestad & Sons, 730 WORLD-HERALD BLDG. DO. 8958 Charles W. Young & Son "a a-ohh-c, .nenitLis, insurance, 3602 City Nat. Bk. AT. 9658. Tn Km ajtll -t..W - . " FOWLER & M'DONALD lizu City Nat'I Bk, Bldg. JAckson 142C LIST TOUR RANCHES WITH US. H. S. MANVILLE. Realtor. AT. 2403. 51 S Peters TriiKt Hlrt GRUENIG BeL,y Co L,,t wth utkUUlllVJ , .,,1.1. .i,. Alls ISt Mll'l BK. Bldg. JA. 1966. RTRTF.TT real estate i31XVIVil I Sella. Rents. Insur re 360 Peters Trust Bldg. JA. 0833. NEW homes, -completely financed. Pay Ilk rent. C. T. SPIER & CO.. Realtor. 304 Peters Trust Blflg. no. 4s(. WANT S or 7-room. well located. In Dun dee, by the first: hav cash. Box 121, omana Bee, HAVE inquiries for home do you want lo.aeu your property? 1.1st it witt C. A. Qrimmel, Omaha Nat'I Bk. Bldg To Sell Your liume Quick Call M AM AK. JACKSON 3656. GEO. T. PORTER A CO. Real Estate, Rentals, Insurance. 105 South 18th. AT. 299. 35 TEARS' experience selling homes. Call A. P. TUKET & SON. 820 First Nat. Bank Bldg. JA. 622$ To Buy or Sell Real F.state Se tj. v. MUl..,e UOMJfAY, 918 City Nat. Bank. JA. 0048 LIST your homes for sale with us. W nsv tne customers, f AINci INVEST GLOVER & MORKLL. Real Estate. In Sll ranee, 704 Keeline Bldg. AT. 3!2S. WE can sell your property If priced right. ueorge r. Jones 1.0., at, ss.a. GROVE-HTBRARD CO., Modern houses. szs Ky r.xcng. Bldg. AT, 4956. LIST your property with W. Farnam omltn CO., 1320 Farnam St. WANT modern horn by July 1. Box H i"z iimana Bee. 2 Weatern Real EaUta Co. ,JA. JHT, FARM XANDS. Colorado Land. t.a (K! Tit'K RAKt'tl IM.rl! a, .1.4 1. n. V 1 1 ' n , M n r. " t ........ III rff Wuy lla''l lr e'"u4 l'rMl4. ra we b m aaeee (ea ll. Jji lniiuk4 i .'.4. aaeri alri.a la It. H k'.H . tiul, ni4ikl ! t'liil.rn , reirw4 la ai' ..Wa eli4 two, .im.iI ixiiiaae. mil la niaH aia Ait aaly ; ihaa a. it re.k y,, ,(, turl K. l.i.i.oa, i.Mne, i , Nb7siit LandiT" V A T? I Q W'lt M.'a. Uraoa, f enl a nnWOfn,, .,( ,ur ,ania areaia treeia, farm iral REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN? Dundee. Dundee, $S,000 Rtand near heme. Jul beiag (iulthad: $ teim. I'Hoii JA Site Goer & Spain l.tKMUl, NrtUCvMonMIl IniMe home. Hinall payment dowa, baiaf. hka rani: bout S eara aid, aaN flMia, oak ilnl.hwl, full remenleit ha.enieni, in (in sUspe, Call vninf. AT. M7 iTV.n -rm, . 4 r. i,g,. ,unj.. Ai. Florence. KKTH AWATmM ."4ir'' J.'5;,S REAL ESTATE-OTnKRJCmES . WILL RENT or "eli:-Vooin furnTnt nm at Mlnnetonka F'S.-h, IjiK Mln neinnka, absolutely tuo-ler. tine nl,rk fioni Mfayeiie rluh. W, A Thomee, 314 Millei Trsdei Rank Bldg , lm neapoH. WAlTiAfiiMPR6EbTa West. Green lea THK ADDITION HKAl'TISTL. Price lS In $I.IS, Resinned Jus though Better I'Uriy, Byron Reed Co., 1H arna m St. ?T, Cathedral District Lot Hav rhnlc S-fet. south (rent, that ewntr will aell for . Gallagher& Nelson, Paler Trust Bldg. JA. $$.. CI.AIRMONT. Modern seinl-bunaalow, larg room, upslsir finished, lot SOilSO, east front, paved street, Sl.flno rsab will handle. Call evening or Sunday. Walnut i4. AT. 1 1 II meana Horn Realty Co, Buy a nnm of real value, any good jnration. Se us last, and we'll (how you th beat for your money. North. A Bungalow Bargain Five room, slrlclly modern; oak finish- and floora In living room; two nlra bed rooms and bath; kitchen tins built-in cAbtnet; full cemented basement; nlc large east front lot; etoea to car and achool. Trie only 14.300. with $780 cash. Payne & Carnaby, l Omaha Nat'I Bldg. JA. 101. New Seven-Room House Pownntatr has livin c room, rtlnlnr room, aun room an 4 kUchn; upstairs has threa bedroom and bath, with tll floor, ohIc finish throughout; full biN( ment with laundry; gas heat furnltntd.. For Sale by Owner j 3o Hamilton. WE. 1IH. A REAL BARGAIN. . I,arga five-room - bungalow, living. room, dining room and hall, finished In" oak. Full basement. Shade trees Large, corner lot. Paved street and paving paid for. One block to car lln. close to. achool and churches. Evenings call Wa, 1422. . R. F. CLART CO., REALTORS, 24th and Ames. Ke. 0175. ,, $2,750. -CLOSE TO MILLER PARK. . ' -Seven-room house, modern excepi heat; a very nice neighborhood. Just one block to car line. Only $500 down, tal- ance like rent. Evenings, call Ke. 6294,' R F. CLART CO.. REALTORS, 24th, and Ames. Ke. 4175. SIX-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, ONLT $500 CASH TO RIGHT PARTT. ... Located near Kountze' park, on paveij . street, south front lot 37x100 for $1,600,, W. H. GATES. ,'. S47 Omsha Nat. Bk. Bldg. -. JA. 1591 ' $9.000 MINNE LUSA - V A real home of S rooms and sun room; built-in features, aurh as buffet. fire'-' . place and butler pantry. Haa garagt for 2 cars. AMOS GRANT COMPANT, Realtors. AT. 8380. 10 So. 18th. Ground Floor. ' . ' A NEAT HOME. : On reasonable terms. Almost' new 8-r,' Kragatone bungalow. Water, sewer, gas" and paving in and paid for, .Oak anA enamel finish. Located In northwest section. Call Clark AT. 7415. Evenings,' WA. 2599. - FIVE ROOMS, ALL MODERN. Located close to schools, churches ndi park. One-half block to car line. A Mr improvements in and paid for. For only $4,000. with $500 down. Evenings call5 Wa. 1422. R. F. CLART. REALTORS, 24th and Ames. Ke. 0175." " ROOMS, modern ex. heat. cor. 27th and Seward St. Lot 127x180; , lies high,, with cement retaining wall. Price, $4, 500. Themes. JA. 3607. THREE-ROOM HOUSE; BARGAIN. $1,200 33d and Fort St., handle on $400. E. G. Gangestad & Sons. SIXTEENTH ST., 1804 N. For sale, with lease, strictly modern 5-room flat. Furtr nished complete. Rent.' $27. Web. 6769. ONLT $100 cash. 7-room modern, onlv. S4.500. . Near 24th and Sprague. Call AT. 8135. 333S CAMDEN Ave., 6 rooms, modern, with half acre of fruit. $1,000 cash, balance monthly. 608 Bee. JA. 0200. D. E. BUCK & CO. buy and sell homes. ' South. 3 ROOMS ON D ST.. $900 , .Dandy lot. good well, bargain. . ',: E. G. Gangestad & Sons. : 3(i?J- 4TH ST. 6-room bungalow,' $7,250. C. G. CA-RLBERG. Realtor. SIS Brandela Theater Bldg. . JA, 0585. . ; 27TH AND Poppleton, near Park. 6 rooms, modern, oak finished, very choice. Sacri ficed to $5,600. i "hone JA .13H1 Vacsi. Dundee Lo', '' If you 'want a nice east front hit In Dundee where you can build a bunga low, I have it. Paving not in but con tract has been let. The price Is $1,000. with terms to responsible party. Call HA. 6360 after S p. m. . MAKE OFFER ON THIS LOT First lot east of 42d and Grant, on north side of street. Lays fr,t. RMay for small home. 60x120; wat.r. sewer -Clear- Specja la sll paid. Look It -.vii fan nn. mi, Ralston Lnt? $2(4 up Sm" xtaiaiUU UULS ment down; y payments. Phone Stewart. Ralston 10-W. WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lots in Edgewood; very eaty term. Atlantlo 3540. TWO choice lots which must be disposed of at once; fin location. $1,100 ch. KB. 0480. DUNDEE lot, near 5lst and Farnnm Sui., $2,003. Geo. V Co., Realtors. AT. J024. Miscellaneous. MAKE AN OFFKJl A fina 7-rm. home, legated on Dodg St., where ground values are bound to increase. This home warrants you im mediate Inspection. Owner leaving the city and must selt at once. Call ua for further Information. Will gladly show you through at any time. Eve. call WA. 5032. J. I HI ATT COMPANT. Jesse L. Iliatt. First Nfl Bank Bldg. AT. TOUR CHANCE $500 CASH. Balanc essy on this close-in horn of six rooms on one floor, nicely patnte.i and papered; mod. ex. heat; cement Easement; east front; paving paid for,. Price $3,650 Call Mr. Toliver. RASP BROS., 5H Keeline Bldg. ' AT. IW5I WILL build and finance your new horn for you. HASTINGS & HETDEN. 1614 Harney Mt. AT. 80. IP" you have a vacant lot dear fan build and finun'- n Irame for you. AT. 8501 even'jg;, AT. 1 411 day. Alk tar aAyaw .