10 THE REEs OMAHA. FRIDAY. MAY 2. 1922. 8 if 11 Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day HIM Vt kMW Omaha Grain Liverpool market ai aion lower ana! advice Irom that market ft) ofirrmit continue in liberal volume and demand noticeably leu active; parcel offered at concettionary pnrei. Thert were 8.' I. OH) buthelt of cah wheat delivered on May contract in Chicago, and receipt! in that market continut liberal. Runt were again reported in many itctiom and advice from the grow ing cropi it generally favorable, es pecially apring wheat, in the north wett. Export butineit in all graint quiet Receipt! in Omaha were liht. 34 can of wheat, 82 can of corn and 21 can of oat being reported in. Thii, compared with a similar run latt year. . Shipment of 20J can of wheat wai again the feature of the move ment. All market continue on the down grade today, wheat allotting the greateit wcaknet. Sale: of caUt wheat in the Omaha market were made at price ranging from Sc to oc lower. Corn told readily and wat in good demand at unchanged to Uc lower. Oat told generally unchanged. Rye wai 2c lower and barley un changed. WHEAT. No. t ward winter: I tar. It :. No. t herd inter: 1 rar (1 per rint dark), 11.14: I rar limutlll. I I . No. ( hard winter: 1 rar famuttvl, tl SI. He. 4 hard winter: I rar temiitty), 11.11. No. t MM yellow: 1 car. 1 1 : No, 1 yellow hard: I rar. II. II. Na. I mtied: 1-1 rar (durum. II II. Na. I miied: I rar tdurumi, tt.lS: 1 rar (14 par rant hard vrlnlor, ;4 par cant durum, emutivt. II It. CORN". Na. I white: 1 car. 14c. No. I while: I vara. lIMe: t rara tahippara' wonhtal. II -4-. No. I white: t cara. 41 W. No. I yellow: I rar tahippara' weishla). IV: rara, 14 l-4oj I cara, t4jc; I car (no bill. 14 He No. I yellow; 1 rar. 14 He Na. t mlaed: I cara, tlc; 1 car (no in). tm. No. I mliad: 1 rar. tie. OATS. No. t whlta: rara. lie; 1 ear IIVlo; 1 rar (aparlal htlla). JIHe. No. 4 whllo: I car. Ue; rara. Hie. t ear oata aad nriey mlird, 144c RTE. No. I: 1 rar, lr. 1 rar No. 1: wheat, 11 par cant; rji, OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. trioi. j 'I! Chicago Gain Live Stock . Financial tteelpts Whaat Corn , Oata . Rye Barley Shlpmente Whaat Cora Oata Wy Barlay Today. 1 , . 1 . t .IM " . 44 . 14 . 11 1 Welc A (a. 1 4 II 7 I ST M It t OI.OO mi ana 'ai4no 1,1 n. oho ,nno i.&sz,ni 7S7.0M 117,000 ni.ano i.nji.oon Tear Am. ll IS "a at 44 PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENT! Tteeelnts Today. Wk. An. Tr. Aero. Whaat t.lM.oaa corn Tll.ooa Oata I74.0AO Shlpmente Whaat 1,47M Corn . . . oata r"-'L" ." EXPORT CLIA.v.a Bushel Today. Year Ago. Whaat and flour 451.00) SJ1.000 Oata s li2- CHICAUU M.mri. Week Carlota Today Afo. Whaat .' Cora , I" U KANSAS ' CITT RECEI PTS. Wheat . . "I Corn - ta . 11 ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. Whaat ' " J? USIS . wrir-ra NORTHWESTERN wheai Ulnasapolis 12 "J "J Duluth " ,!! Wlanlpes 14t 181 CHICAGO CLOSING FRit... By TJpdlfc Oraln Co. DO. St- May tt. Art. I Opsn. I Hlth. I Low. I Close, I Tr 61.000 :5.ooo 733.000 411,000 Tear Aao. 41 III 103 107 13 TS ft 41 wnt. May July Sept. Rya May July Sop. Corn May July Sapt. Oata May July Sept. Pork Ma I.ard May July Rlba May July 111 mo 1.51 i.im 1.1114 1.17 l.M l.aitt .11 .tH .61 . .! l.ai tiiii i.o:4 mm V.joH V.i" 1.014 1.01S .I5H .n .43 4i .851 .17 .31 ".a " ti.ii 11.4 Hit 11.47 .0 .81 ".4 .34 .37 731! 11. SO 11.40 in. is in it Jim 1.21 l.!l 1.214 1.31 1.17H 1.1 1.02 1.02 .40 .! .41 .46 .11 .31 ".'sVk 23. 2S I 11.32 11.47 13.10 11.00 LIS 1.32 1.22 1.22 1.11 1.11 1.04H 1.04 . . .so .13 .43 . .17 .34 .3 2J.J0 11.27 11.17 11.50 11.10 Chirac Potato!. ' Chlcaeo, May SI. Potatoea Dull: ra ealpta. 41 cara: total United gtntea chip manta. Ill cara: Wlaconaln aavked and hulk round 'whltea. ll.44flil.IO cwt.; Michi gan aackod and bulk round whltea. 11.460 1 10 ewt.: Idaho aarked Rumeta, branded, 12 00 S O cwt.; Idaho aaoksd Rural, II 10 cwt. Naw stock firm; Loulalana aaekad Bllaa Trlumphi. No. 1, 3.03.2 ewt.; Alabama aacked Bliaa Triumpha. M1J43.36 cwt.: Teaa aarked Bliaa Tri umpha. IJ.604p8.00; cwt.; South Carolina atata bhla. No. 1 Irtah Cobblara. 14.001) 24; No. I, 3.76t4.00. , ' Mlaneapolla Grain. Minnaapolia. Minn., May 35 Wheat---Caih. No. 1 northern, tl.4IH01.l74a ; Mar. 11.41; July, 11.31; September. v.. ,..11 K4UiSSp. i Oata No. I whlta, Jl)SSr. , Bariay azaja. . Ryo No. 2. . . Flaxaead No. l. 11.471? 2.70. Kaaaaa City Oraln. i City. May 26. Wheat No. S hard. 11.2301.41: No. 3 red. Jl.2201.23. Cora No. 1 whlta, ISc; No. 2 yellow, (le. S:" CMay. M-aat-MyT. bar, I04.e. : . w York Metala. Naw Tork. Mar 21. Copper Firm; oleetrolyttc apot.and tuturea. U414c. Tin Firmer; a pot and futurea. Sl.Uc Iron Steady; prleea unchanged. Load Firm; apot. 6.6O06.86o Zinc Firm: Kaat St. Louia. apot and aaarby delivery. S MC Antimony 8pot. .l70H4e. w Tork DrM FraHa. Naw Tork. May 26. Evaporated . Ap-plea-Dull and aav; atata, lii01Sc. ' Prunaa Unaettled. ' Aprtcota More doing. Peachea Steady. -Ralatna Eaay; tooae muscatela, 160 14. . ' ' - . Haw Tork Prod ore. nt,tter .Kaafer: aiw xorK, Mm 7 - creamery higher than traa. Si0l7e. oxtraa..I403le. Erie Irregular; freeh gathered extra " flrata. 27024e. - Cheaaa Firm. Chlraga Prodacr. - Chicago. May 25. Butter Eaay; cream ery eitraa. 24c; flrata. 31013c; arc on da, 03Oc; standarda, 14c. Rgga Unchanged: recetpte. 21.002 caaea. " Poultry Liv lower; fowla, tic; broll ara, 440c; rooatara. 14c. . t. Lawia Grain. St. Loula. May 24. Wheat May, fl.lt; '"cornMay.' lc: Jaly. la. - Oata May. "a; Jaly. 3I, MraaeapaMa Flaw. . MlnnaapoUa. Minn., May . Flour taehaaared to See lower: family wateata, II 0001.21; ahlpmeata. 37.321 tela. aar Tark Fwaltry. Near Tork. May 25. Poultry Live, firm; broilers, 16c: Hraaaed, atoady; wait- By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Omaha kWo Uaaad W Ira, Chicago, May 2S.Liuidation taa on in grain early today and while numeroui iop order were caught, the break of JOc in May wheat and 8 He from the high of lat week proved loo tempting to tome of the local hort and their buying ab torbrd the aurplui in the pit. Thii cauaed a general movement to cover, making a ttrong rally, although the rinihh wai at net los.n of iJ,l with May trading. Corn and oat thotved atubborn retiatance to pre ture and com cloicd unchanged to higher and oat unchanged to lie lower, while rye wa 2Ai'jt lower. There wat nothing in the new to caue thort in wheat any uneaai neti, but the rally which followed the early break wa not lupriaing, at the market thowed every indica tion of being ovenold. There wai a big trade on in May wheat, which dropped 4! j from the previout day' finUh, with free telling by long early. On the break teveral large buying order were filled, which checked the decline and. ultimately brought about a rally. Deliveries, continue heavy with tome grain taken in the previout day by conimiision housei that came out again today. Crop Report referable. Crop reporta from both tha winter and 'prim wheat belia remain very fa tor able, and there waa an abeenco of upon drmanrl for naw crop winter a. ftalea of i:o.o buahela Manltobaa were maile but attracted no attention. Local tecelpta were 2t cara. Action of tha corn and oata market! wae adupllralo of wheat, breaking early, rely to rally aharply on abort covering. There waa leaa preaure on coarae gralna. however, than on wheat and at one lima prleea vera above the flmah of the pre vloua day. Praalmiatlo report! were re reived regarding the growing onto crop from Iowa, but tha planting of corn la rapidly being rompleled In practically all aectlona. Caah demand waa fair, with aalra of 46,000 buahela corn and 236.000 bunhela oata. the latter Including 76.100 buahela to eiportera. Rerelpta wero 244 cara corn and 141 rara oata. . live waa Influenced by the action of wheat and derllnrd readily. Outalda trade relatively light. Pit Notea. It waa tha general belief of tha wheat trade today that May wheat baa become a trallera' market, aa tha big ahorta are aald to bo well In on their rontracta and Ihoee who are getting caah wheat on May purchaaea are In moat inatancea aelllng It out. Thla la tb caaa with peculator and thoae who do not want the ranh on track are aelllng It out and delivering tha wheat One of the riepreaalng factor! In May wheat of lata ha been tha delivering of raib wheat In car 4ota on track. Those who believe In wheat have taken It In while othera nave aold It out rather than pay for It In full, aa demanded by aoma commlaaton houara. Big local tradera who have been bear lah on July wheat all week took their profile on tha break to under 11.21, and while they remain bearlah, they want to aee the market rally further before put ting out rreah 1 1 nee. sentiment in an la bearlah and there haa been too much unanimity on that aide for valuea to de cline continually. Renorta from Kamaa and UKianoma aay farmera are aelllng their old wheat. being eatlatled with prleea aa wen aa tne crop outlook. Oklahoma City meaaagea aald there waa no demand ror wneat ana that harvesting would be on in tha aouth- ern part of that atata next week. Now York Cotton. New Tork. May- 26. Favorable weather rrporta cauaed Increaaed preaaure In the cotton market today,' but the hit firmed aharply in tha last halt hour. Tha Hat opened barely ateady at a lose or 11 to 14 pointa and aold down before mld aeaalon to a level of 15 to 20 pointa off on commlaaton houaa aelllng. Some little aupport came from tha trade and New Orleana account. Some optlona allpped off to new low ground In the fourth hour, part of tha afternoon preaauro represent ing atala local liquidation and Part local speculative aelllng. Thero waa a rather aurprlalng rally near tha close when ehorta, trying to rover, found tha ring bare ot offerings. The Hat regained all ita losses. Final blda were t polnti net higher. Spot cotton waa quiet, Sl.tOo for mid dling upland. Southern apot: Galveston, 20.40c, It pointa advance: New Orleana, 20, un changed; Savannah, 20.13, 13 pointa ad vance; Auguata. 20c, 12 pointa advance; Memphis, 20c, unchanged; Houaton. 20.40c, 10 pointa advance; Little Rock, 11.60c, un changed. St, Lonia Uveatack. Eaat St. Louia, III., May 25. Cattle Recelpta 2.000 head. General market steady with low priced light yearlings and vealera ateady to 25c higher. Bulk ateera, I7.IO0I.36; bulk yearlinta. 7.7S ns.zt: hulk cowa. 14.7605.60: bulk can- nera, 2.7502.O; bulk beef and bologna bulls, 14.0006.00; veal calf top, 110.00; bulk. tl.5O0t.75; bulk atocker ateera, 14.6004.00. hois Keceipta 8. son need. Market r.ctlve; 10c to 15c higher. Top. 110.80; bulk good butchers, 110.70010.76; bulk 130 to 160-lb. averages, 110.40010.65; packer sowa moatly II. 1001.25. N Sheep Recelpta 2,000 head. Market generally ateady. Choice Kentucky apring lambs. 115.36; hulk nearby springers. 114.50015.00; culls. 37.6001.00; light ewea, 16.75; heavies, 14.00. , Kanaaa City live Stock. Kansaa City, Mo.. May 26.-rCattle Re ceipts, 3.500 head; beef ateera moatly steady; spots strong on bettar grades; light and medium weights, 19.00; cowa ateady to weak; few prima lota, 17.00; good and choice, 15.7504.50; common and medium, 14.5006.00; othera steady; top vealers, 114.00; yearling heigers. IS. 60; cannera, 13.0002.26; cuttera, 13. 7504.26. Hogs Receipts, t.000 head; market 10 10c- higher; top. 110.45; cloaed alow to packers, ateady to weak; bulk 140 to 250 pounders. 110.40,0 10.56; bulk of aalea, 110.26010.40; aawa, !t.OO0t.5; piga ateady to 10c higher; beat, 1106. Sheep Recelpta, 3,000 head; killing clasaes strong to 25c higher; 2-year-old shorn Texaa wethers. 11.00; shorn lamba, $12.65; sraoll lota native springer, 116.00. New Tork Coffe. New ii U, May 25. The market for cof fee futurt. waa quiet but generally higher today on "covering by near month ahorta and reports of a ateady tone In Braall. Tha opening waa 6 to S pointa higher and ac tive months aold to 10 points above yea terday'a closing figures, or up to 10.15c for July and t.35c for December, Offer ings continued light and the close waa at approximately the beat, with the mar ket ehowing a net advance of t to 10 pointa. Sales were eatimated at 11.000 bags. Closing quotatlona: July, 10.16c; September, 1.65; October, !.65c: December, 1.36c; January, l.2tc; March, 1.17c. Spot coffee waa reported in moderate demand at 10 "i to 10'4c for Rio 7a and 141 to 14Vjc for Santoa 4s - . . ', Siooa City Live Stock. Sioux City, la.. May 25. Cattle Re ceipts, 1,500 head; market hteady to strong: fed yearlings, 17.6008.73; warmed up steers and yearling, tl.0007.26; beef steers. 17. 2508. 5"; fat cowa ana heifers. 15.0008.16; canners, 12.6004.60; veal. 15.00010.60; feeders. t5.60e7.00: calves, 14.6007.50; feeding cows and heifers, 13.60 06.00; atockera. 16.6007.25. Hogs Receipts. 8.000 head; market opened 10016c higher; cloaed alow: butch era. 110.10010.40; stag. 17.5007.76: lights. 110.50: heavy mixed. 10.75014.11; heavy packers. tt.250t.6O; bulk of aalea, 110.10010.40. Sheep Receipts, 140 held ; . market steady. New York Geaeral. New Tork. May 25. Flour Eaay: apring patents. 17.8601.44: soft winter straights. 16.1001.36; hard winter straight. 17 150 7.60. Wheat Spot Irregular; No. 1 red. II. 34V; No. 2 hard, $1 J6H? No. 1 Manitoba, 11.53; Na 2 mixed durum, II 61 Vi c. 1. t, track, New Tork. Corn Spot, ateady; No. 2 yellow and white, 7Hc. and No: I mixed, 780 c fc t., New Tork, all rail. . Oata Spot, ateady; white, 41 Sc. Feed Eaay: western bran, 100-pound aarks. t2t.lO02t.lO. Lard Firm: middle-west, 112.05012.15. St. Jewel p Live Stack. St. Joseph, Mo., May 25. Cattle Re relpta, 2.000 bead: market steady to 15c lower; ateera. 17.0001.45; cowa and half era, t4.7608.4O; calves. 16.5003.76. Hoga Receipts. 1.600 head; market 14015c higher; top, 110.65; bulk of aalea, Il4.460 14.4t. Sheep Receipts, 1,404 head; market steady to tie higher: clipped lambs, 112.26 011.21; clipped owes. I6.OO0I.OO. Kansas City rieduee. Kansaa City, Mo.. May 26. Eggs Un changed. Butter le higher; creamery. Sc; pack lag. 10c Rereiala a ere; Official Muadair e I l ((fowl lul 1.144 Ortirlal WXtaMd.r,, 4 ill fcalimeie Tkaieay , , 4 aes Kaar dar! lata wee. 21 Same leal week Ii.tt me I aeeaa 1-1 seiae I weeae e. .11 tit Sam da fear aae.ll.iei Omaha, May ft, Ctti. He gheap. e.oi; i.im ll.t.l 4 tit II.K4 eti M,t-a ilea 1 1. Ill Ilex ll.ail II. Ill ;:i i.i taxi 44.41 li.tM Cattle Rerelpta. t eas kee. I'auauelly heavy Taureday rereipie taited a feat. Hue ia the fat rmi. market toJay. Hade en ateeie aing rather alow at tiaetea derlinea of ie;ia I'rima yeeinaga aald at ! 1 Tbie decline wipes out teeter, day a alvaae and ieavea the mreei no more than ia lea higher tar tne we., (.'owe e-d heifeie ie eteedy tu eje lower, being about ateady far the week. Stotkere aad feeder have kna eelliaa at about me earn a baeie all thla . Quotatlona on tattles thou la prime beee. t4u)7. good la eajue beevee, Mao4 4. (air t good been.-. It 10 I ae; cainmoa la fair beevea, li eeejt le; choice to prime yearliaie, s.etlM; good to choice yeerlinso. II I)! la; fair to good yeariinaa. II 47, tl; rommoa to fair yeerlinaa, t tOl J, rho).' la prim helfera. IMIt SI; good to choli halfera. 11110111; fair la gopd heller, le 10 7.16; choue la prime . KHIlHi gomt to rbolre row; l.4e4 u fair la good rnae. It 404 ; common to fair row, II 14 0 4.16; good to rhuivl feeder. It lot) aee: fair lo good feedrre, fa eiee 1.40; common la (air (redera, ! 310 I II; good to choke etnrkera, IIl04.:t; (air lo good eiovkera. IT ittI..; rommn to lair etorkera, I4I0I.!6; eieik heif. era. Il.igei.44; atotk niwa, IS.6I0III; etoik ralvea. I4lul; veal reive. 4 14011.44; stai'k nulla, 4 40i 4; bulla, ataga, etc., ll.:V7.r4. BEK.r So. Av. I'r 14 i:4 I 21 1117 It t nit i :t It 7t I 4 17 113 I t STEERS AND HEIFERS. II loat I It 4 own. t IM 4 76 I I'll I 31 2 ii t 46 t no t :t 4 lie 76 BULLS. 2 126 4 aa t Ill Tt CALVES. T Ill 10 40 Hogs Recelpte. 10.704 head. On good demand today from all quartera the mar. ket wae active at an advance of 100 16c. Shlppera bought only nominal quantity but good demand from packer waa In evidence and an early clearance waa made. Light hoga aold at 110 40 10.41 with a top price or 110 10. Mixed toada and butcher welghte. 110.100 10.40, and packing gradea. It 7IOI0 21, with ex treme heavlra at 11.0001.10. Bulk of aalea. 110.11010.4 rlUUJ No. Av. rr. 17 1M4 t 1 I ! :i 14 I 2! it !: i to ii...... tit t it Sh. 40 No. A v. 48. .142 86.. 330 I7..2I6 ,144 71. .211 70 60.. 230 ... Pr. 10 00 It It 10 26 1 36 10 46 tihrep and Lamb Rerelpta. Supplies were light today 1 lornia apring lamba Included No. Av, 61. .121 I. .314 43. .271 It. .221 61. .221 Sh. Pr. ... 10 14 111 10 20 310 1 31 40 10 40 20 10 to 2.600 head. Ithln Call end nrtrea on thla claaa are quoted aa fully ateady. Few lota or native apring lamba aold about ateady and clip lamba were eteady to atrong, one ehort deck making a top of 113.60, atrong welghta averaging 102 pounda sold at 112.60, and bulk of aalea were at 113.7601126. Small lots ot ewea aold at 14.0004.7 Quotatlona on aheep and lamha: Fat lamba, good to choice. 112 76013.60: fat lamb, fair to good, 111.76013.60; apring lambs. 112.00016.00; cull lamba. 11.000 11.00; fat yearltnga, 11.00012.00: fat nether. 14.6001.00; fat ewes, heavy. 14.0006.00. Chicago Livestock. Chicago, May 26. Cattle Recelpta. 11.. 000 head; beef ateera, ateady lu atrong; top. 11.25 on yearlings and heavy steer ; bulk. 18.0008.75; she-stock, steady to shade lower; weaknesa shown on cloa Ing prices; bulls and calvea. atrong: atockers, dull; bulk, fat ahe-stock. 15.75 07.25; bulk, vealers, to packra, 11.26 t.76: bologna bulls, largely It .6004.75. HogaReceipts, 24.000 head; opened S to 10c higher than yesterday's average; closing, firm; top. 110.80; bulk, tlO.300 10.76; holdover, liberal, many held off market; pigs, slow, ateady.. Sheep and Lamba Recelpta. 13.000 head: steady to 26o lower: on load ihorn lamba. 113.76 to shlppera; choice. 15-pound shorn lamb. 113.80 to packers; bulk, 112.26013.25; California Sprlug lambs, 115.35015.76; feeder ends. 112.40012.76; fed Texaa wethers. 7.268.00; fed Texas yearlings and twos, 12.60010.00; top, fat ewea, 17.00. N. Y. Curb Bonds New Tork, May 25. The early curb trading today showed a receding tendency and many atocka were In aupply at aub atantial loaae. The leading stacks, how ever, while aelllng at lower levels, did not ahow weakneaa and ralllea were quickly in order, Tha petroleum group claimed most at tention becauae of the continued activity in the Standard Oil laaues. The heaviest dealinga being In Kentucky, which first yielded 2 to to, and then rallied to above 12. Indiana moved In the aama way, yielding In the first hour and rally ing before midday. Imperial Oil ot Can ada ranged from 114H to 113H- Salt Creek produrera waa on of the strong est of the Independent Mocks, these eaanea generally ehowing a receding tendency during the greater part of the day. Tobacco ahares ahowed fractional loases. Trading In the motor group held gen erally steady, although tranaactlons were on a large scale. A sale of Inland ateel waa made at lie. Independence lead waa again the strongeat feature in the mining group. Rex Consolidated waa In -demand with continued accumulation. New Tork, May 26. Tranaactlona on ths New Tork curb bond market today were aa followa: Bonds. Salea (In 11,000) High Low !:15 20 Allied Packer la 18 i 174 9 Hi 14 Allied Pack 8s ctf . . 08 97 07 14 Amer. L. & Tr. la 107 107 107 4 Am TAT 6s, 22...100H 100H 100 12 A. T. ft T. 6s '24 101 101 1014 3 Anaconda Cop. 6a 100 100 100 24 A. C. 7s, 192t ....103 103 103!i 7 Anglo Am. O. 7 Ha 103 103 103 t Armour A Co. 7s 104 103 103 4 Beth Steel 7s,- 23.105 104 105 2 Beth. Steel 7s, '35 102 102 102 4 Can. N. Ry. eq. 7a 101 101 101 12 Can. N. Ry. 6a ..18 18 18 2 Can Pac 6s 101 101 101 t Cent Steel 8a 104 104 104 2 Col Graph 8 46 46 46 3 Con Textile 8s ...7 97 97 10 Cop Ex Asn 8s, 25.104 104 104 1 Cuban Tel 7a ..104 106 106 . I Em. O. ft F. 6s ..100 100 100 4 Good Tire 7a 19 81 99 3 Grand Trunk 6a..105 104 105 13 Gulf Oil 7a 105 104 106 26 Hershey Co 7a ..101 101 101 1 In R T 7s 98 98 98 7 Int. R. T. Is, '22 . 13 2 92 , Kan. Q. ft G. ta .. 94 94 16 4 Ken Cop 7a ......105 105 105 14 Kings Cy. Lt 4a 99 98 99 11 Laclede Gaa 7a ..100 100 100 2 Llg-WIn 7 101 100 100 2 Manitoba 7a .97 97 9T 1 Morrta ft Co 7a ..105 105 105 1 Nat. Acme 7a ... 18 17 17 2 Nat Leather 8a ..100 49 lno 34 NY NH ft H 7a .. 91 90 90 53 No Am Edl 6s.... 93 12 92 Phil. Pet. 7s, '31 121 120 121 4 Proctor ft G 7a 23.101 101 101 izruo. serv. . J. la ID I 100 lot 99 99 99 . 99 98 tt ..101 101 101 ..102 102 102 ..102 103 103 ..115 115 115 .103 102 102 1 Robert Gair 7a t Sake ft Co. 7s . . . 7 Seara-Roe 7a 23.. 4 Shawaheen 7a .. 8 Skelly Oil ?a ' 3 Solvay ft Cie 8s -17 Sw. Bell Tea 7a 11 St. O. N. T. 7. '26 106 105 106 2 Stan Oil N T 7s 26.106 106 106 1 StanOil NT Ti 27.106 106 106 3 Stan Oil N T Ii 29.107 107 107 1 Stan Oil N T 7s 31.102 102 102 t St. O. N. T. 6a ..107 106 107 14 Stewart Warner 8s 108 10 108 11 Swift ft Co. 7a, '31 102 102 102 20 Texaa Co. 7s 101 10t 101 . 10 Tidal Osage 7s ...103 102 103 10 Tol. Edison 7s ...104 106 106 23 Un Oil Prd 8s. ...108 108 108 13 Vacuum Oil 7s ...107 106 106 6 West Elec 7a ....107 107 107 1 Winchester 7a ..101 101 3 Freeport, Tex 7a. .120 120 t Int O N Ii 2 42 2 Int R T 4s WI.. 87 87 15f Int R T 7s WI.... 95 5 20 New Eng T 5a WI.. 98 47 10 Phil Elec . I Phillips Pet WW 5 R J Reynolds 6a " 11 Union Oil Cal 6s t Utah I. ft P 6a .. t West. Electric ,7s Fereign Beads. 11 Argentine 7s. '22 ..100 100 100 25 City Elberfelde 6s. 61 6 5 I City or soiaaona s 1251 N. T.. N. H. Fr. 7a 1 Rusatan 4s ctf a . 20 -Russian t 1 Russian 6 Us ctfs. t Swiss 6s 101 ini 37 V. S. Mex. 4s 41 47 (4 Can Steam 7a 9 9 30 Mex Govt 6s 21 71 III I Bjj'1 101 120 62 7 95 47 99 99 99 ..103 103 103 ..100 100 100 ..101 101 101 ,.91 41 91 ..107 107 107 a 76 . 14 . 20 18 15 74 itVs 2 18 It 74 14 20 18 101 47 94 21 17 By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. tt ea Mr) I eie Wire. New York. May ,'S. On the -hole the evidence 'ol eay money itere the moat interesting financial de telopment ol the day. 1'ey ap peared not only in the reUpc o( tttxk exchange call money rate to i'i per rent, but in the day' advance pi the fourth 4! per cent and ev eral other Liberty lwwi tt par, (or the hrtt time in ilmott a month. Similar tendencies were thown in the Ifaiik o( England ' weekly ttateinrui whose percentage of reserve to de poaiit wat higher than that e( any week inee the early tpring o( IV.U Our own federal reaerve ktatentent thowed a rcacrte ratio practically un changed at a figure let than I per cent below the higheit on recotd. Rediscount increaaed $18,5uO.OUO, but the oulitanding reaerve note imul taneouly decreased flH.4tW.tXXl; they atand at the low eat total tince Auguat 1918 and are let by J74 per cent than the maximum ol 19J0. Movaenswla CaafvaeeJ. Movement of prl.e en the stork . rhang waa aa irteeoluia and lonfuud e It ha been all the . Kvea t"e railway ahares. where they moved at all. went in different direction, wail in few advances of a point or more whiife occurred in Industrial aharee were bal anred by aliaoat aa many equally latge decline. In tha day a diecuaaioa of the railway rale reduction ae rb point el view developed erett for growing belief I hat com further wag reduction would be concluded by In railway labor board. The recovery In (irhanse ratee on Con. tlnenlal Europe, ahlrh got under way aoiia aa the Genoa delegate were fair ly dlaperaed. continued todey and brought the frano e aboe the present wk low pne rear had Monday. I'erhapa thla moatly reflect the continuing achieve ment ot frame In reversing the Import avrplu of It foreign ud and reducing the paper currency, consideration to which the exrhange market la able to give more Judlcloue attention, now that tha dally alarm from Genoa ar ended. Recovery would naturally be helpful, how ever, by th quit unexpected eplrlt of hopefulnea which I attending th bank, era' conference on th flrmo loan. The feeling rertalnly appeara to grow that thla conference. Ilka the Washington gathering of laat fall and unlike that at Genoa, may be one of thoae occurrencea from which little had been expected In advance, but which turna out to be an event of commanding Importance. , New York Stocks Range of prlrea of the leading etocke furniahed by Logan a Bryan, 241 Peters Trust building: RAILROADS. Wed. High. Low. Cloae. Close. A., T. ft 8. F 100 100 100 100 Bait, ft Ohio 46 47 47 41 canaaian raciiic. .143 N. T. Central Chea. ft Ohio... Gt, Northern... Illinois Central. k. C. Southern.... Lehigh Valley MlMnurl Pacific... N. Y. b N. H N. Pacific C. ft N.-W Penn. R. R... Reading C, R. I. ft P Southern Pacific... Southern Railway., C. M. A St. P.... Union Pacifie 91 17 77 141 141 142 S9 10 91 46 76 107 2 2 23 33 77 76 41 80 44 2 24 27 Am. Car Fdy Aine-cnaimeri . Amer. 4Loco , Bldwln Ioco ... Beth. 8tel Colo. F. ft I...., Crucible Am. Steel Fdy. . Lack. Steel Mldval Steel ... Preaaed Steel Car Rep. Steel ft Iron. 44 74 107 107 17 24 43 63 23 23 33 .12 77 74 75 75 41 41 !079 4 4 92 91 24 24 27 27 ..139 138 131 STEELS ..163 163 163 12 .. 49 48 49 41 ..114 114 114 114 ..117 114 114 117 7 77 77 78 3 74 38 76 41 77 74 47 77 104 27 43 21 33 74 76 41 80 46 13 24 27 131 24 76 38 77 43 78 76 Ry. Steel Sprga. . ..103 103 103 Sloas-Scheffield ... 60 60 - 60 61 U. S. Steel 101 102 100 101 34 74 38 74 77 76 14 76 36 77 43 78 76 Vanadium Anaconda Am. S. ft R. Co Cerro Da Paaco Chill , Chlno Green Cananea Inaplration . . . Kennecott ... Miami Nevada Con ... Ray Con Seneoa. Utah Gen Asphalt .. Cosden Calif Petrol .... Island Oil Invincible Oil . Mexican Petrol Middle 'Stalea . Pacific Oil ... Pan-American , . Phillips ' , Pierce Oil- , Pure Oil Royal Dutch .. Sinclair Oil ... Standard Oil N Texaa Co . . , . . Union Oil White Oil 49 48 COPPERS. 55 64 45 40 22 48 40 4 39 22 42 38 30 18 17 13 42 38 30 18 17 13 .. 68 .66 OILS. ,. 65 .. 44 ,. 59 ,. 1 16 63 44 67 1 17 64 5 39 22 42 38 30 13 17 13 47 43 44 69 1 18 66 4 40 22 31 83 42 38 30 18 17 13 7 5 4414 67 1 18 ..135 133 133 133 14 43 66 62 10 32 63 36 188 188 190 41 48 49 23 1 14 68 66 48 33 62 S4 22 1 15 ... 64 ... 66 ... 52 ... 10 ... 32 ... 63 ... 36 J. 189 V. 48 ... 23 ... 9 MOTORS. ... 75 74 ... 14 14 ... 9 8 ... 19 19 ... 48 48 ...121 120 RUBBER AND TIRES. 18 11 1 41 Bl 22 17 64 INDUSTRIALS. Sugar.. 44 44 39 38 48 47 36 36 123 123 48 47 29 39 16 16 25 Z4 14 64 65 49 10 32 62 36 21 Chandler General Motora. Willys-Overland Plerce-Arrow ... Whit Motor. . . Studtbaker Flak ... Goodrich Kelley-Sprlngfleld Keystone Tire.... AJax . . U. S. Rubber...! 41 50 21 16 64 Am. Beet A., G. ftlW. I... Am. Inter. Corp.. Am. Sumatra. . . Am. Telephone..; American Can . . . Central Leather., Cuba Cane Cu-Am. Sugar ... Corn Products . . . Famous Players . General Electric . Bt. No. Or Inter. Harvester , A. H. ft JU, pro. U. S. lnd. Alcohol. 40 Inter. Paper In. M. M., pfd.. Am. Sugar Ref, Sears-Roebuck , Stromsberg .... Tob. Products .... 74 . 72 Worth. Pump .... 61 61 West. Elec 62 62 Amer. Woolen .... 92 92 MISCELLANEOUS. Am. Cotton Oil ... 27 27 Am. Ag. Chem. ..38 Brook. Rapid Tr. . 25 California Packing 78 Col. G. ft Elecino ti't 74 76 14 14 6 . 8 19 19 48 .... 20 121 18 41 41 00 01 21 21 16- 17 64 . 63 44 44 36 38 47 48 36 36 123 123 47 48 f9 39 16 16 24 25 100 100 100 100 88 Ii 40 40 40 102 103 10S 70 70Vt 70 56 69 54 50 61 61 . 83 83 84 75 75 75 76 78 77 6211 74 72 61 62 12 . 40 .103 70 61 83 76 79 63 12 38 25 78 87 4 77 43 27 36 25 78 18 4 78 43 27 38 25 78 87 4 77 43 140 167 157 156 93 93 94 3 121 44 49 68 35 29 30 39 121 44 49 67 36 29 30 40 121 43 49 68 36 29 11 Col. Graph 4 United Drug 78 Km tfnamel 44 Unlted'Fruit 141 140 Lorillard Tob 169 National Lead.... 93 Philadelphia Co... 40 Pullman 121 P. Alegre Sugar... 44 S. P. R. Sugar.... 49 Retail Storea 69 Superior Steel 86 St. L. ft S. F 80 Va. Car Chemical 30 v Total aalea. 1,137.200. Money Close, 3 per cent; Wednes days cloae. 3 per cent. Marks Close, ,0035; , Wednesdays close, .0035. Franca Close, .0115; Wednesday's close, .6198. Sterling Close, 14.45; Wedneaday'a cloae. 14.45. New Tork Money. New Tork, May 26. Money Call, atesdy; high. 4 per cent; low, 3 per cent; ruling rate, 4 per cent; cloaing hid, t per cent; offered at 1 per cent; last loan, 1 per cent; call loans against ac ceptances, 3 per cent; time loans, firm; 60 daya, 4 per cent; 90 days, 4 per cent; six months, 4e)t per cent; mer cantile paper, 44f4 per cent. Liberty Bond Prices. New Tork. May 25. Liberty bonds at I p. m today: 3a. 100.00; first 4a, : aecond 4a, 99 82; third ' 4a, 99 98: fourth 4a. 19.91; Victory 4 100.78. Bar Silver. New Tork. May 26. Foreign Bar Silver -72-. Mexican Dollars 55 i ' New York Bonds (Ttt Be t the only Omaha tvevpapr which pubUehd thai of fUial clot of tha New York Stock eachange bonds.) X Vek. May . i ' llaeily law. fl.e of abuh old l p9 ar ti.e (ad la.ee4 awa4 seteeletH W aeUt " 4ke eii44if leaiof of todae a) t. Ih I t aikeiwie (eiaialxg l. eent irigir vkee4rtn.e Th Imawri! 'ie taa la rlwdi R'HUa) aad ffsa.li. moved lj. ia -ii.ih I. mil 4 iaua s4 t sad ipne t e Miahtiy lueer. kfie 4rMgel of Ike rail. Ih eeeteiiitle etaiug aver I aaiaie , Is. smv f th 4g'tnat tail larliedieg leu, pMfie. ahMai4 aiiiMtae aa t'bi aad Heathers Meilaar, e way I St adnata selling. I tuiii.e 4 Ifcdttetrut else ia4 unevenly, 4'eli4ieil II I sad 4 hit lapper aerllMIMS. hll l'Un a n.4 a )iaeiil earn Tntal aalea tyar value) grU4 III Itl . Th investment 4eaa4 fay ae ) derwrmng euannee4 ira. ae evi denced by the qui eel of Iw new of. farina Three were the 111 New . inland Telophase per real beade ea4 14 eea.eo Bteekiya Chios lias per ceat bead. New Tork. May II Follow lag ar I. dat'a high, low and rloaing prte f toada en Ih New Tars, iik etthang and th total sale of ea.a bead! ( 4) Kg Walat Sale (la 111 High 44 Liberty !e ....! I t.iberiy let 44 .. tl 1 21 Liberty fd 4a ... 19 7 lit Liberty let 4 ..! 44 Liberty Id 4a .. 14 44 472 Liberty d 4.e .. 19 94 1134 Liberty 4ih 414. .14 41 1)1 Victory 4a ....1411 14.71 14 73 fereigs (Jeverameai, Mala aad Mawtrlnal. ja Argentine Ts 104 10 I t'l.lnea Uovt Ry Is II 48 tl I i ny Itergen Is ..II II II 24 t il v Herns te ..,li:v IIJ's 11.' I I'lty Hordesus aa., 47 If at 4 I'lty Copnhgn a. tt 91 t I t'lty Lyons aa .... 47 a, 7 lt City Marseilles te., II 44 47 14 City llio Janeiro aa.la las lot 32 t'ny Han I'sulo Is. .104 ll 11 I I'lty tljrl.h 4 111 111 m l:t tVpl Hem 7s 44', 11 24 Horn Can ta2l...oev oa so II llrh K lnd aa 47 14 91 16 11 ltch B lnd 4a41. 9 tl 16 41 French fteo Is ..1034k toi iniv ii r renin Hep ia 21 Japanese let 44 tl Japaneee 4s ... I King Nelg Ts 17 King Bel la..., tl King Den ts .... II King Itsly s 44 Kin Nthrlnde 44., 97 14 King Norwsy la ..111 111 II King Sweden la ..101 1"1 tl Parla-Ly-Med la... 12 41 I Rep Chile la 44.. ..106 jo 1 Rep Cuba ta 04., 14 10 t Rep Uruguay la ..108 101 oi I Stale Qunsland 7. 110 110 110 14 State Qunslnd Ia.l0l 101 ioiI II Stat Rio G 81 ta.iot 102 II Swlaa Con Is 117 117 117 77 K O R ft I ts 22.101 108 108 111 K O R ft I !e 29.101 08 106c, 11 K O B ft I ta 17.102 102 102 law til ta tl lee ea ,101 101 n .. i 90 90 .. 77 77 77 ..111 lot tsa ..o: lo: jot " It IIS tt 14 III 101 1 lot 10 HUB Ue.il ., ,,,, l 11 II V !.. a ,,, ' I V Me I .... M, lUliaay aaal Meiewllassaaa ti,m t-apiee ,! ' t I Ai4 k-t-Wf . Il 11 t Aa Aa t am t ..11 ! i I Aw ait l ! l Aat s.r ..,,.SI' Am T at T -lllv. Ill's I6 I Aat T T I l ! 11 Aat M(il t le ,, aa at ( Atwoaf 14 -. 44 S4 I 4 I 6 ir gee) te , as tt 4t ' Ml It'f ....,.! a ! tt K.il att. t tt t H it a it .. ai i 41 t Hell 7.1 at Pew I 11 11 I Heiaj kteel ret a .. tl 4 t Hih i.el p m e . 1 II l II li'edea 4 .... 44 Halt rut aa I l .11 l 11 I tea w ,,,,,lii l" l ta I- . 4 .. I ta ti 4 41 leatkee te 41 tt tt Let fa s4 .. It t.fr fa. ....111 IM III 41 I ke A ii ev a ,. 91 91 91 II I ft l re l'e . at tl', aT 1 V H W r.f t A, t 94 , I t'ki k III t .... l ' la t hi lit W le 1 a l I I? M a Si P te 4s 74 l 1', it i tl m P r l. aa 4 t llhi A N W 7 ,.l a I 4 bl A N W l .,11 14 I t hi 4 ta 11 It tl I I" II I 1 P gea 4a., 11 11 11 II I' I I 4 r r.1 4. tl II at 4 4'h ft W 144 4 It )J 14 i an i ea 7s 114 ran fop 4 t t ela lnd la , . , , , t t'olo A So r.f ISe I t'on t' Mrln4 II en use I 4 4'ub t'a hug 4 a. Si I'ub t'n Nu 4 J 14 e4 S IS , tl ' 117 , sa 91 91 1t lt 41 11 as 114 111 4 l 1 44 I I'ub R H I A 13 l 9 I". A Ra II tm ts ."' 42 l I II II 4 II H . .. 41 at at I I i icdi ref ,.Il aj 12 t !! ltd 111 4a. 41 11 ! I tne Her a 14 Ppnl Nam ISe I Pu'iueene I. III Kn ga 4 .... SI Kn pr lien 4 .. 4 Fisk nub I .... II rr.mer I l 7 I All H I H Ii .. 1 Ilea Kleo d la .. 21 Good Tire le tl. 21 Good Tlr la 41.. .. 4 e' ,,la 14 ,.lla li ,. 16 tt ,, 41 44 ,,04 14 ,. It ! . 44 44 ,.! 1 1 ,.12 12 12 .11 116 111 41 17 11 18 It 14 4, t Grand Tnk Ry C 104 13 ll 13 tin N 7a A iat la 1 S U N IS M I ""S I a 1" 7 Mud ft Ma if ts A. 41 13 41 I Hud A M sd In ts. 1 I III tent s I"'' ""'t I III Steel d 4S II lnd Steel t .... tl .1" I 11 7 7 47 17 I tilt Ag ta 71 1 Int Mel 4s 14 231 Int Met 4a rtf.. 17 148 Int R T ref ts... 71 24 tnt M M a f le .. tl It Int Pa ref Is B... I 1 In Oil Is 14 S la Cent ret 4s .... 47 II K C South ts II Kel-Spnng T ls....loi 14 lack St t 21 ! 1 Lack a St ts It to 1 La ld O 8 I. let ia 13 1 L 8 M 8 d la '31 12 1 Lettish Valley Is 4 Lorillard 6a !' 94 14 1. A N ref ts....l3 10.1 ! U N unified 44.. to to 14 M St Ry ron ta.,.. 40 90 1 Marland Oil Is.... 97 97 I Mexlian Pet Is 17 107 17 Mich B T 1st ts... 11 11 II 91 91 7t 79 I I 7 II 4 14 47 47 17 17 11 99 to 2 II t 92 1 ;o: 102 12 ii 90 n s 7 l7 11 I M cv a 11 I a I H nl 4t iMFaat4' ii M a, A T ! A 41 ! ll M k A T a t A tt l l It It A T 14 4 . 4J ! 41 tt Pee ( M II I l l U P. . ta ... 41 l 4 It M.at Pow t A., t 4 M A 4 11 .. Jf 61 tl 6 N ii T A M t II 'I i n t t t is i4 ;; It H C 44, -.144 J 11 I f A 4 I. 4 4 44 i aa II X T II . 4e , 114 e4 S4 l M V i Hall 'II l ! al I Y SHM 4 4 'II tt t tt 9i r T a 4t ,..11 l"l lel I M T T I.I 4 41. ..11 ai S I N f W A H-e l4, 11 tf tl I Ka A Sveeia A.. i e ee I hue A Ml ..et let. ee la Pir Uea 4 .... a a4 ll N p s.n ar . ..... ? III N P4l M II S ..! ! I4 4 N P ref M A II 11 I N W Itell T.I le.,l ! 14 II ll H I. g4 ts Wfs.iai 11 11 -I II I. eel 4 ..11 11 tl 9 mi Si eel a A....IJS I'-'S ' 16 fa tl A K la .... 11 i p. T A T t t J it P..k Met (ar ts MIS lai at 4 Pa. Ami PAT 1..IS ! I Pea R R ..la' !. I" 17 Pena M R gea e .. ! 4 r. R R 4 tl' II I Per Mr4 ! !w I P A l-t la I 11 " . I pt.i.0 mi a a ,.ti iai I P C t! A St t. 4 A 44 4 4 Pra A Rel te tal lal I Read gai la 41 4t t R I A S ral t ... t 14 I K tl 4 W III 4.,, It J t R I A A I. 4... tl 41 I I, I tl I I r u l't ii it a I. A N F a se ... 14 II', 31 a I, A a I me aa.. 49 41 .6 a I. F p I 4, A 1!H 73 It L.H W lat 4 .. 74 74 I 6 P 4 K C I I' I'll II" 1 A A A P l 4 77 77 94 Air I. roa 4... tt' M It H A I. edl ta 24 t 8 A I, ref 4 4e 4; It B 8 II la A 19 ' I S Oil r 1 11 14 ? 2 8 Oil rol 7a 4 S P r I...,..... l 14 74 P ref 4 47 7 It 8 Po ro tr 4 41 41 21 R R gea 4a 99 ' 41 N Ry ron la 91 14 B Ry gea 4a 7 p n 7 91 t 17 S O of C deh 7..n 14 14 T A Pee let t.... 94 96 tt 1 Third Av ad I Is.. t 4 44 I Thud Avs rP 4s.. 41 44 44 I T Oil ISs ct's....ll 17 11 4 Teh Frotu.-l 7.. ..11 101 11 I I'nion Pe let 4a.. 11 11 11 I I n Pao rv 4 14 14 14 1 t'n Pa ref 4 4 a aa 2 I n Tank Car 7a ..143 11 11 I t id I'rug Is 111 111 111 4 l td Ry lnv st Is.. 17 17 17 I U a Rub 1a 101 1 11 11 U 8 Rub ta .... It 49 19 i ir a ateei a t ts ..11 101 ii 14 I'tsh P A L Is .. tl 11 11 91 Ve-fr Chm Ta...14l 11 101 21 Vs-Cr Shm let la 100 41 2t Va Ry i tl 91 94 t Wabaah let la .... 98 91 94 1 Weetern Kleo la. ...100 10 100 11 Weat Mrylnd lat 4a. 46 64 44 1 Weet Pae t 17 47 17 11 West t'nlnn ls ..101 109 10 11 Weat Rlea 7a 107 17 107 7 Wick-Spen St 7s.. 10 99 91 21 Wilton A C. sf 7S.10I 11 106 4 Wilson A C rv 6.. 11 41 91 7 Dom Can 1961 WI.100 10 10 l S 44 II 11 4 11 II l 7 l lt 71 4 7!S 3 77 t 24 42 t l4S s 9 sa If 14 VI I't. Ill e ... wiia III l 4iaw aey li fliaa a N.a th. It Tea taw ao a.rel aee tiia a4 P"ee ir wa.e i4.iu4 .ea ta 4k a a IS mi 4 csbi. esl I 4 ' l.ifutal. Tkwe avoia f " ml aua l-r ioae a4 July 'r4 l 11 le.e) la ll feie. krpi lay a Iii4t isiiiea la Jeae huh ae4 A at I Pal ia lhl 4iite, ike lew aae M' at irHte a oaiiaee4 9t e4 mii4 iaioia ampi4 hf Ik 4. la Ike ea4 4aie4. la tAe4 !. oaa eer edvgared peire I fatal la t 6 kig 4k eeag a ia gfaiie4 t 6e 6 44. fce ee a e4 !. tepar4e4 lr taXk 4a mean 4 te-ai aeeeeal, ketieed ()! aomial. ' rulu.ee line4 t'e4n pri, ai ete ltt lat Jly 4 e ka. 4.n,ker, l eveafcr, ltt tier, I lie, Paewtga Ksrltaae New ferlt M t r tl'k a-aie4 ! ! rwiiaia. 44. t4tti refcie. ( get -y bill . Ii i:s ViV rv"n4' al re ie. tialt tteaaaae ,;,. kiM ,tt. Htim I'eotend. .llli ale4 .tttl iiermisy tm4. ,1111 rebles .44 . Ilella4 rm..4 ,1144; 44 tie, till. Kef lmeed. It!, w4a-ims4. Jttt luamark IMmead. .214 Swilterlaed (ernand, ,l. Kpein lieenaad, .lilt II i .. feeea4. ,41l Pln4 Ima4, aa. I'terho.aietaki Kma4. ,4 1 14, Arsentine lemad. lilt, Rrasil .mn4, .1111, Montreal 11 thtrwg latarka. Ra ap prir of th ltliii rklieg tk furniahed bv la A Mrisa, :i4 relets Tra6 building i C''. Armsur A pfd , , t Armour leather rvffl 12 "'""ail Motor..... 1 r-rl Motor. ................ ...a.. l.ibhr a........... 1 Mnigemry.vi'sr4 tl Pitliy Waggly Ntert.Wrar ? kwilt A a 11 Swift Int. . . , t I'nion Carbide 6". vtahl v ai vTniley 7.. .112 Tarpeaila aad Rssia. Savannah, it , May 21. Turpentine Firm; IS: aales, 314 bhla ; receipts. 461 bbls ; shipments, it bolai block. 1.(11 bbis Rosin Firm: sal. 1.411 ratka: rerelpta 1.37 caaka. ahipmeota. 141 caaka; stock. 14.117 cask Quel: R. II 2f. !, II 3; t II 4: P 1, 14.46; H I. Ill; K. 11.44; M. Ill; N. It.lt; WO III; WW. HQ. Near York Dry feed. New Tork. My . gotten gdg wr guieter In primary rhannel taday. The jobber bought moderately for delivery through August on gems of th staples where prtres have not been edvanred. Tarna held ateady but were quiet. Raw silk advanred from I to 31 tents per pound. Burlaps continued etrong In Cal cutta and there waa moderate activity her. Wool goode were firm. Landoe Money. London. May Silver Bar, 3744 per ounce. Money 1 per rent. , Dlacount Ratea Short and three month' bllla. I 7-lt per cent. $35,000,000 New' England Telephone and Telegraph Company First Mortgage Thirty-Year 5 Gold Bonds, Series A Dated June , 1922 Due June 1, 1952 lataraat payabla June 1. and December 1 in Naw York City or ia Boston. Coupon bond in denomination of $1,000, $500 And $100, ragiatrabla a to principal. RgitrAl bond la do nomination of $1,000, $5,000 and $10,000. Coupoa bond and rgitrad bond, And tk tavtral danomination, intarchanfaabla. RadaomabU At tbe option of th company, in whole, but not in part, on June 1, 1949,' or any iatarttt data tharo af tar, upon 60 day' notice, at par and Accrued intrat. A lag al investment, in tha opinioa of (L C) counel, for Tiag bank in Mastachuaatta, Rhode laland, Naw Hampihiro and Vermont. V 1 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP BOSTON, TRUSTEE. From a letter Matt B. Jones, Esq., Ptesident o f Neiv England Telephone and Telegraph Company), stating the particulars in regard to the issue, we have made the following summary: The bonds are to be secured, ratably with the outstanding $11,000,000 debentures, by a first mortgage cover-, ing all the real estate and other property, other than securities, now owned or hereafter acquired by the company in Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. The book value (which value ia considerably leas than the present value) of the company's assets amounted to more than $140,700,000 on April 30, 1922, and, after giving effect to this financing, will exceed $156,500,000, whereas the total bonded debt including tbe present issue of bonds, amounts to only $46,000,000. The proceeds of the sale of these bonds will be used for additions and bettermenta and to repay advances for such purposes made to the company by the American Telephone and Telegraph Com pany, which owns over 57 of the $66,472,700 outstanding capital, stock of the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company. s " The company's gross telephone revenues, total income (after deducting operating expenses, federal and other taxes, rentals and miscellaneous income charges), interest charges and net income for the last ten year have been as follows: . . ' Total Income t - . (After Deducting w - ' . Year ' Croa .2&Si lMtnt ' '""' ' E.eed Revenue r.,.0 Char,.. lata.. Miecellaneaus In. cam. Charges), 1912....... .$16,324,305 $3,468,696 $ 348,581 $3,123,115 1913 .. 17,672,946 3,789,162 676,674 3,168,488 1914 . 17,867,173 3,799,226 648,516 3,150,710 1915 18,816,268 4,080,170 690,836 3,389,334 1916 21,467,121 4,943,941 692,311 4,251,630 1917 23,149,715 4,852,138 739,325 4,112,813 1918 5.767,760 765,041 5,002,719 1919 5,988,012 563,078 5,424,934 1920...;.... 34,273,897 . 6,726,080 588,535 6,137,545 1 ' 1921..... ... 37,312,788 , 6,998,844 l,012,449t 5,986,395 . . 'Property under federal control during portion of yesr. , t Increaa over year previoua represents intsrsst cnarge. on, advances mad. by th. American Telephone V Telegraph Company, which advance will be repaid out of the proceeds of the sals of ths present itaue. Interest charges on the total bonded debt, including this issue of bonds, amounts to $2,290,000 per year. As about one-half of the proceeds of the sale of these bonds is to be used for additions and betterments, net earnings should materially increase. Adequate charges have been made against earnings for depreciation and obsolescence. The company has paid uninterrupted annual dividends of not less than 67s since 1898, and the present rate is 8 per annum. . , Additional bonds may be issued under restrictions in the mortgage indicated in Mr. Jones' letter. THE ABOVE BONDS ARE OFFERED FOR SUBSCRIPTION, SUBJECT TO DUE AUTHORIZATION AND TO ISSUE AS PLANNED AND TO APPROVAL OF LEGAL ITY BY COUNSEL, AT 97i AND INTEREST, TO YIELD OVER 5.15 PER CENT. Subscription books nill be opened at the office of J. P. Morgan Co., at JO o'clock w., Thursday, May 25, f 922. The right is reserved to reject any and all applications, and also, in any case, to award a smaller amount than applied for. The amount due on allotments will be payable al the office of j. P. Morgan & Co., in New York funds, the date of payment to be specified in the notices of allotment, against delivery of temporary bonds or J. P. Morgan & Co. trust receipts, exchangeable for definite bonds when received from the company. J. P. MORGAN & CO. KUHN, LOEB & CO. ? KIDDER, PEABODY & CO FIRST NATIONAL BANK THE NATIONAL CITY COMPANY i New York Naw York ) " As Subscriptions Havs Been Received la Excess of ths Amount of Bonds OlfsreoV Thi Advertisement Appear at a Matter al Record Only. 1