Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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Police Obtain
Description of
Murder Suspect
Girl Who VWled Oil Station
10 Minutri Before Robbery
Trll of Suspicious
Tolire believe they now Juve the
irt real identification of the man
they want in connection with the
f.iUt holdup of the Nicholas Oil na
tion, Thirty-eighth avenue wi Far.
turn street, lat Saturday night,
vhuh ended with the death of
t harlei Siefken and serious wound
ing of hit son, Kobert Sirfken. 16.
It kii given to them by Sylvia
KuUWky, employe of the I'nion
I'acific, who live near Benton.
Waited at Car.
' The girl aid he came downtown
Saturday night with her sister and
vhile waiting fr a West Farnam
street car at Fifteenth and Farnam
itrertt, taw a man eyeing her criti
cally. She weara a large diamond soli
taire ring, and aid he was carrying
her gloves in her hand.
! She suspected this fellow, she laid,
and let one car go by just to tett
him out. He also passed up this
She boarded the next car. So did
- She dismounted near the oil sta
tion. , So did he
Entered Oil Station.
She entered the oil station to get
rid of him, she said, and while she
talked with young Siefken, the man
dropped out of sight, into the bushes,
she believes. This was only 10 min-
ntes oeiore the time ot tne snooting,
she says.
, A few moments later she left the
oil station and went home.
Tuesday afternoon. Siefken, who
rallied somewhat from his critical
condition, told an interne at the hos
pital of the girl stopping in his oil
station; and said he believed the
man who was following her was the
Same man who shot him.
Police Have Description.
Police have an accurate description
of this man, from the lips of the girl
v ho took special pains to note the
details of his appearance.
The only part of this description
tthith the Mirers will release at tin's
tune (olio.
He about S ft i'i.l.e ull,
He wure dark clothes. His Uct
. very thin- He wore a pl.ij tap.
Drtrciitrt are looking for this
Widow Awarded Datungfi
for Death of Her Husband
A jury in Dutrkl Ju1 .Day's
court returned .erJi( ot $5.tuu in
favor of Mrs. Fv Thamon again.!
the Sherman-McConnell Drug com.
Mr. Thamon sued for IIOM, al
legiug that the drug firm was re
spon.ihle for l'e death of her hus
band. John, in December, 1917. from
the effects of drmking e.jrnre of
wintergreen alleeed to have been
purchased from the drug store.
Decision was given a year ago In
favor of the drug firm on Instruc
tions from Pi.tritt Judge Goss, but
on appeal the supreme court re
manded rne case for retrial.
Former SoeJal Lion' Held
to Anwer Forgery Charge
Albert E. Dewey. JV, 421 Dewey
avenue. Rottonian, who was an Oma
ha social lion a year ago. was held
in police court yesterday under
bond totaling $S.SKi on charges of
forgery and stealing and receiving
stolen cars. Dewey first became
known in police circles a year ago
when the management of the Black
stone hotel announced that he was
J.1,000 short in his accounts tt clerk.
Ak Drive to Close Today
A whirlwind close of the Ak-Sar-I'.en
drive is planned for today. Fully
200 knights are to start out at 9: JO
in ouest of new members. The to
tal reached 2.820 yesterday morning
Those who join this week are not
required to go through the initiation
at the den.
Brief City News
Bark lYom Convention Dr.
Frank F. Burhorn has returned
from the annual state meeting of
the Nebraska Chlropractlo awiocla
tlon he'l In Lincoln Monday and
Court at North TUtte Federal
Judge WoodrouRh. lulled Btatei
Attorney Kinder and Clerk Hoyt
went to North Platte lain nleht to
hold court there today and will re
turn to Omaha Friday morning in
time for the sitting of the grand
Narrow Eetwne-A bullet plowed
lt way through a wall of hln room
and missed striking Jeff Rasmus-
aen, 621 South Seventeenth street.
by only eight In-ft at t yesterday
iiiatHing Oetsriitaa rport4 It
oray bullet ftr4 at fU
T liMall tWfkvra Nea efrVer
( Slout.l Calvary I'enittiaridery No,
I. Kniahl Tnilar, will b Install
4 ubiuiy at lha Aai-eneion day
twremony m the Masonic temple te
nia u at t.
(.lob Tmtsrr Ptiowedl George
J, tnnnyman, flotw trotter for II
ara. appeared in Omaha yestardsy
l rify the nsas that ha had bean
granted divorce hare In lilt. "tiled
aha di4n't at alimony, be Mid
hn aaur4 that a decree aa
.itrl ft HHp Ore Oabarne
and Ixiuia Oaburna Person, slater,
P'niniiffa in tha "iiee.eoe.ooa pork
and bean suit," appaled to the
Hoard Puhlip Welfare for eaaiai.
anra yaatonlay, claiming they are
facing ej-llon from ihelr upstairs
ntoin at Tit pouiUs ureal by Mia
Kuiane Kraarhen bai'auaa they tuts
not paid tii'ir room rent,
tut? Hw.baml ft T Cdmin Van
limiaen, JO. retired mail rlark, wit
u4 for divor-a by hi if. Ida
M. Van Itsucan. . who rharare
that ha dart4 bar Marih S. 1hy
r marri4 ST sears ago.
Real Briwf arti A. K. Wll.
Iiama, 4, real eatata daalar of led
ham, la , was beaten over tha head
a iirs a club In a rooming bouse at
0 1-3 North bin nth atreel ye.
lerday by man ha bad befriended
and given money to buy meals. The
atranaer earaped.
IImmm fall UmAi to Alur For
rt Hlar. SI. clerk at lloiel lleu
ahaw, heard tha charming ynlre of
Mildred Milburn. It. Ji Chart
iravt. over the talephone two yis
ago and lost bit heart to hr. The
two are to be married today and
will leave tonight on their honey.
Peters Trust Building
Supplies All Us Offices, Including
Peter Truat Co.,
Petera National Bank and
B Publishing Co.
Heatedl With
Gas Water Heater
During Summer Months, May to October
ISO Hot Water (auceta
5 Shower Batha
With Unlimited Hot Water
The Peters Trust Building; waa equipped
with a 600-gallon ' Ruud Automatic Storage
System in 1921.
You Also Can Do It Better
With Gas
Let the Commercial and Industrial Depart
ment work out your gas problems.
Your Gas Dept.
m ft
1 I Pttar Tnut
ij W Bulldtaf
Douglas 0605
1509 Howard Street
Commencing Saturday at 11 A. M. Sharp
lyai' Jewelry C.
To Be Sold by Order of Trustees
For the Benefit of Creditors
We, the trustees, having refused to accept the of fer
made on the Ryan Jewelry Co. stock in bulk, have de- ; '
cided to close it out at auction sale, commencing Satur- .
day, May 27th, at 1 1 A. M. Auction to continue every
day until all is sold. .
Hours of Sale: : 1
11 A M. to 1P.M. 2:30 to 5 P.M. 7:30 to 9 P.M.
This is without doubt one of the finest and best
jewelry stocks ever sold in the city in this manner.
The Ryan Jewelry Co. carried high-class goods,
catered to the best trade in the city and was known as
an excellent diamond store. s '
Watches, diamonds, sterling silver ' and solid gold
jewelry of every kind and nature are included in this
, magnificent stock, and must positively go to the highest
bidder without reserve or limit. . s j
Buyers take notice It will pay you to be on hand
each day at the opening hours, because the room is small .
and will be quickly filled up.
We have secured for this sale the combined services
of Thomas J. Faussett, Herman G. Briggs and Robert
E. Swann, auctioneers. This has been done with the
view of closing the stock out as quickly as possible. ,
Don't Forget the Hours of Sale Saturday, May 27, 11 A. M.
By Order of Trustees
in charge of stock.
Frocks for Club or Street Wear
That Successfully Provide for All Summer Needs
In anticipation of the increased summer
gaieties and the demand they create for fresh,
summery frocks, we have assembled several de
lightful groups for your choosing. Picturesque
frocks that add materially to the enjoyment of
afternoon tea, a tournament, or a dinner and
dance at club or restaurant.
There are quaint and colorful creations of
$1p75 $2522
Burei-N.h Drraa
; ; . . . ' o o
New Footwear
Attractively Priced
Black Satin Strap Pump 5 '
A low cut black satin pump buttons three narrow straps over an
, 1 arch that walks gracefully on a Cuban heel.
$8.50 $9.00 $10.00
Patent Leather One Strap
Patent leather flapper pump with single strap that carries a
buckle fastener. Welt or turn sole. . .
Priced at $7.95
Buckled Flapper Pump
The perforated vamp decoration distinguishes this patent flapper
pump. Flat heel, flexible sole.
v Priced at $8.50
Burcau.Nuh Sho. Shop Main Floor ,
Women s Summer Hose
Hose clocked to match sport shoes, and plain hose for
all-occasion wear. We especially) note two numbers.
Women's All-Silk Hosiery
When you slip on a pair of these fine all-silk thread
hose, you have the satisfying assurance of both quality and
service which is found only in the better makes. All have
double toes and heels. Popular shades.
1 Pair, $2.45
Women's White Silk Hose
. The demand for white hosiery finds us fully prepared
with newest white hose clocked to match sport shoes.
printed crepe de chine and French ginghams.
Chiffons and georgettes for afternoon and in
formal evening wear that accentuate the grace
ful slimness of soft lines. Voiles that take unto
themselves fabric flowers, ribbons and hand
drawn work. And almost smartest of all, frocks
of Shantung that bespeak their out-door vo
cation. $39i . $7522
Shop Third Floor
o :
When You Buy the
"Cheney" Phonograph
You Have Purchased Happiness
For the possessor of the
"Cheney" has, at his finger
tips, all the wealth of music.
No matter how exacting
you may be in your ideas of
true phonographic value, you
will find the "Cheney" of the
very finest quality. It is won
derfully rich , in volume, its
tone reproduction is perfect.
We will arrange "terms of pay
merit most convenient to you.
Priced at $95 to $325.
Burfeta-Na.h Phonograph Shop Filth Floor
$5.00 to $6.75
Burcesa-Naah Hoalery Shop Main Floor
Voile Dresses
Each, $1.69
Imagine getting a dress of some of those pretty
serviceable voiles for only $1.69.
There are both light and dark colors and a
choice of something like 25 styles from which to,
select models suitable for street and housewear
Regular sizes 16 to 46. One style in stouts sizes
up to 52. . ,
No Exchanges. No' Refunds. . '
No Phone Orders. No Mail Orders.
Burg MS-Nash Rail Arrow Booth Downstair. Stora
S'upreme Arance, WWefrge and)
Insist on Ajax from your Dealer
. 1988 Farnam Street, Omaha, Seb.
Phone Tyler 1000. .
r- : T"
Big Sale on
Decoration Day is near,
don't delay. Enormous
stock on sale at greatly
reduced prices. Free
Catalog. Open Sundays.
Art Memorial Co.
704 South 16th Street
Fistula-Pay When Cured
A mild system of treatment that rum Mm. ri.tnl. mmA
RcUl Diseasas in a short time, without a ..v..
ration. No Chloroform. Kth.r r other enteral anesthatia asad.
Aeura vuaraBteed in every ease accepted for treatment, and no money is to ha paid ant?
eond. Write for book on Rectal Diseases, with namea and testimonials of mora taaa
l.OOS prominent people who have beea permanently cured.
D.LK TARRY SaMtarbus, rSsra Tomt Bias. (Baa Bhtf.)