12 THE flr-E: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. MAY 24. 1022. unuii y Pittsburgh Boxer's Whirlwind Style of Attack on Champion Earns Him Judges' Decision Mt lease 4 Wire. Miditon Squtr f.ardrn, May -J Harry Greb, the llahy l'uuburgh scrapper, on lite American light heavyweight championship in Madi ron Square Garden tonight by de. iraiing Gene Tunney,' the pride of (irfrnwich Village, in IS apirited ! though not my icientific rounds. Thrrt never vai a time during the tourney that Greb eated up in hi whirlwind atyle oi attack oil the to tal boxer. Greb U aurely a buay perton and he prgged more punchea Tunney than the latter had prob. ahly had to contend with before in hit boxing career. There were mo menu during the bout that it ap- . a . i .: . - .rarca itrcu w resorting 10 iuui tactic, the crowd arcuing him of holding and umnii hit head contin ually in the clinches. . 'I he fun booed and hooted the rittkburghcr for hi foul ork. but the referee never paid any attention to it. Kor the firt five rounds Tun ney enjoyed a alight ede, cuffing the I'itUhurglier around vwili lift and right (hot to the body and at timet appeared to he on hi way to victory when he unffered a aevere cut over the left eye during a scrimmage in th sixth round. The cut ovrr hi eye proved too ....Mi nf lunilii-an. the steady utrram of blood blintliiig him. and (Irrb taking advantage of the situa tion never failed to make the dam aged -optic hi target. There was some who aid it a a butt from the Tittsburgher that caured the cut. although those up clone were satisfied that it was a hard right aniash itraight from the shoulder. After the sixth round, Tunney fought gamely, hut the handicap ap peared too much for him and the Pittsburgher rallied and steadily piled up point to the end of the fight. That gained him the judges decision. Omaha Bee l.eaaed Wire. Madison Square tierden. Msy I J Weirhta: tlreb. Ill": Tunney. 174V The bettine was m 10 I on Oreb The betting on 12 to i Greb enters the lip Bell Ural Round. Oreb elarled In til" usual fashion 1o slnf punches In every direction at Tim ner. They ruehed mo a clinch, bom yet ting In aome ood body punchy. t.reh smashed Tunney on the nose with a hard l-ft, brlndm the rlaret. The ritts burfher kept working hie arms around like a windmill sending them alLover funncy's fees and body. Tunney --lrove two bar rights to Oreb -a fece . -reb continued hla whirlwind at la-. rr staggtred Oana with a left hook to tha thin. Both men were clinched at tha Round Two. Grab aent lifht hook to fara and Gene hooked a Hunt to tha body. Oreb hooked a left to tha head and they clinched. Grab landed two rights to tha head, in a ollnch, Tunney got homo aomo food punches. Greb aent a atraltht right to faca and left to tha chin. Grab aent Tuli ney baric on hla haela with a left and a right to faca. but Tunney cama back strong with hard lefto and rights to tha body. Tunney tot home two mora strong tefte to Greb'a mouth. Harry landed a right on Gene's ear at tha bell. Round Three. Tunney hooked a left to tha month. They daahed Into a clinch and there was a fierce exchange, both landing left to the face. Tunney forced Greb to tha ropea. Oreb lent light left to the face and missed a right for the head. Tunney forced Grab to the ropea, landing left to tha jaw. Gaaa landed another left on Grebe face In Harry'a own corner, Greb ruined to a clinch. Tunney hooked a right uppercut to mouth. They were clinched again at the bell. ). Round Four. , The men daahed Into a clinch. Greb waa cautioned for using hie head. An other clinch followed. Both men get ting in aome good body punchea. Greb lipped to hla knees.' Tunney nailed Greb with a terrific right to the chin and aent a left ta the chin again. Tunney hooked two hard lefta to the face and forced him to the ropea. Tunney chased Greb Into a neutral corner and rapped him hard with both handa. Greb land ed light left at tha end of the round. Round FWe. Tunney ehot a right to the heart and hooked a left to the head. Greb missed a right for the face and Tunney smashed him with a hard right to the body. A aeries of clinches followed ''' ed Grab with left and right to the mouth. Tunney forced Greb to the ropea ana sie gered him with a left to the mouth. Tun ney had ail the best of the exchange which follows In a clinch.. Ball. Tunney nearly rorced Greb through-the ropea In a clinch. Harry mlaaed a hard tight for the head and Gene brought a uipereut to Grebe face. Greb opened a deep nih ever Tunney'a right oye with a right blow. Tunney waa covered with blood. Tunney forced Oreb to the ropes and got home some good body punchea, but was badly handicapped with the blood atreamin over hla right eye. Greb continued to nlay for the bad eye. v . Bound Seven. Greb Jumpnl at Tunney but missed right awing for head. Greb aent light lefta to Tunney'a mouth. Tunney ripped hard right under Greb'a heart. Grab was cautioned once mora for uaing hla head. Tunney foroed Grab to ropea landing two lefta to the body. Tunney got home two more good lefta to Grab's face and re peated the dose a moment later. Bell. Round Eight. Greb started atfer Tunney's bad optic, but was short tn two tries. Greb hooked a short left to Tunney'a right ear and aent a hard right under Genoa heart. Tunney ataggtd the Pittsburgher with a atraight right to tha mouth and forced him into a neutral corner. Greb hooked a left to the stomach and aent Tunney hack on hl heels with two lefts to the mouth. The badly-cut eye was a severe handicap to Tunney and the Pittaburgh-r-made It his target all the lime. Round Nine. Oreb mlaaed with a hard right to the face and Tunney ripped a right PPer cut to Harry's mouth. Greb chased Tun ney aeroee the ring tending lefts and righta to the face. Tunney PPr stronger In the clinches and rapped Grab with ohort Mowa to the etomach. Tun nay had he beat of the infighting. Greb UnoweTid left, end right, to Tuney s face just at the end of the round. ' Reand Ten. - Harry led with a left and they went Into a clinch; again ftnney had the bet ter of some briak Infighting. After the . break Greb took the lead and aent a light right to Tunney'a chin. Grab landed some good body punchea In the clinch that fol lowed, end on the break drove Tunney to the ropea with a strong left to the mouth. There were Several clinchee following. In them Tunney had the better of the ex change. Greb waa hooted by the crowd for using hie head again. Both men ex changed righta at the bell. Reand Kleves. w vf at the opening for . ... . .w- ' - mlA nn Attention Bulling, pui , - w to It. They clinched and Greb had the better of this exenange. in. town lsd missed a hard awing for .the face. Then they clinched. Tunney land ed two good blowa to Grebe midsection. n. crown . " - 7 .irf.rMl foul work a he continued to butt in the clinches. Tunney appeared to tire when the bell ended the round. Roaad Twelve, Tunney hooked a right and left to . . -. ... ....I.. . Harr rami back with three ahort lefta to Tunney a faca. Greb never let up ror " toeainf punches at Tnnney from every .w n hlr with I nay a moum. - - - - right and left to the face and they clinched at the ben. mamad Thirteen. Greb hooked a left to tne atoTnach sad . , vth - aiinnnr rich! oene rn" ""r , . . . to the jaw, then hooked a left to the mouth A fierce scrimmage followed. Greb uppercutted Gene with a right to the mouth. They mixed again in the center -a. 1 at as itl star t tea Tck a larSD .,.rd Tunney with a left he, to the ear. Tunney tried desperately to get - the "ha J maker" aa be appeared to vm yvAAAu be eeaeaieg. hut Oiah eftetitr hlerWed eH ha haM hiaea. Titaaey ei4 kadi - ae helb M ee ceo fed nit k toed. KaMiael VWartaaei, (Irak tbeaeod fuanay wil r ghie aae) Irfia le the fare rtgal ai the epeaif 1. res fart4 Tuaaay le break graead Ha. lar saibar fieice aiuxk, Isadiad aewa haid blaee aa O'le a had ea Tuna.y aiaoped la rieae, irylag le lead Ore, let ike Fiiiaeergkjef wee lae ariive aad k.pl Tunaer en tha jume et eery sieo. luoaar baakad a left le Ike enou'fe ead fviieead il with a right to Ureot aoaa Raiasd nrieen. The men daahed late a e!lai-. (Irak landed light lafia aad nshis le luorie" s f. aad lhan aunk hard right le lha fcaart. Ore taialed eaathar puarh le 'he heart aad Tunney ripped a ekeri haok la tlrvho ear. Tunne wee vary ird as Orek forrad him te ike tepee landing la light lefts 10 lha mouih, The fine buiger waa ail etae Tunney. They ware (.hunt in tha center f the ring at lha Wil. (Irak wine. "Long Shot" Beah Arrives in Omaha M. K. Deal, one of the long priced horses to win here last year, arrived at Ak-Sar-Ilen field 1I1U morning and will he entered in the King's Plate derby handi cap and the Queen's Mate, two feature races 01 the June meet. Semi-Pro and amateur Mala) Hlupa (aaaee. Karwall, Nab., may f J lapeelal Only one game In Ihe hharmaii-Howard baseball league Sunday got pan the fifth limine- before being aloppad b rain. Doriua beat Rorkville 7 10 S. Ihe game being railed In lha eighth Inning on an rount of rain. The other gamee were Kibe, J. Danneborv. I. called In third Innlna. tain, and KarwelU 4, Achton, 1, called in fuunh Inning. Kimball Beau Sidney. Sidney. Neb., May ! J. (Special.) Klm lall baaehall team defeated Sidney In Ihe firat gama of Ihe aeaaon at Sidney by a core of S to 4. This waa one of Ihe beat games plsyed In Sidney In a long time. The feature of tha game waa the r.ltllng of Anderaon. whn mnt rf.nhi. end three ainglea in five times at bat. t ook, pitching for 8ldney, waa wild in pari or me game, giving -,iy to Melrose in the fifth Innln. Tha k.i. lerlw were Cook. Melrose and Tiaugherty for Sidney, and Linn and Jonea for Kim ball. Hits: Sidney S: Kimball 7. Iitlgrpole nine. Lodsepnle. Xah . !llav 9 ili...l.l i lr. a faat aania nn tha ln,.al tiMt.t Lodgepole beat Poller by a arore of i to l! nioom field Wine Game. Bloomfleld, Neb.. May 21. (Special.) The baaeball aeaaon openul hunday, Bloomfleld winning from Hartineton in an eicitlng game hy a count of to i. Mayor H. F. Cunningham pitched tho firat ball, ahootlng It aquarely arroaa the pan. Cook was on the mound for Hlooni field and twirled a good game, four of the vlaitora" acorea coming via the error route. Bushong, Bloomfleld's new catcher, snowea up In tine shape. He drove In the first two runs for the locale with a clean three-base walloD. Balrd twirl- er for Hartington and waa aulte effec tive. Mlttea was behind the bet. Bloom field plsys at Wausa next Sunday. uoienuge defeated Wauaa on tha Wau- aa grounda by a score of it to 3. Wm- gate naa been given his relesse by the Detroit club and will play with Wauaa this seaaon. He pitched the last three Innings of Sunday's game. Fallertoo loses. rullsrton. Neb.. Mar J3. (Special.) St. Edward defeated the fast Pullerton aggregation on the local grounds here by the score of 4 to 1. Folllott pitched superb ball allowing Fullerton but four scattered hits, while the Saints gathered eight aafe binglea off Hoffman, Fuller- tons star pitcner. FUiierum v u u o v v u l u i St. . Edward 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 Batteries: St. Edward, Folllott and Fisher. Fullertnn: Hoffman and Thompson.- Hits: Oft Hoffman, : off Fol llott, 4. Struck out: By Folllott. 11 i by Hoffman, 10. Heine Lead Iagoo. Fremont. Neb.. May 23. (Special.) Heins of Fremont lead the Elkhorn base ball league with their fourth straight vic tory taken off Valley In the last series of contests. Valley waa downed In a fast pitchers' battle that ended, 8 to 1, for the Fremonters. Nlxen. a Midland college find, allowed but four hits to the Valley sluggers, while Falkner, for Valley, was nicked for eight. The league standing thus far: . O. w. Tj. Pet. Heln 4 4 0 1000 Scrlbner 4 2 1 .750 Sonins (Fremont) 4 3 1 .750 Hooper 4 2 2 .500 Nlckerson '. 4 2 2 .500 Arlington 4 2 2 .500 Valley - 4 0 0 000 Blair 4 0 0 '.000 Humphrey Taes. Humphrey. Neb.. May 2. (Special.) In a game of ball on the Humphrey diamond, wltneased by one of the largest crowds of the season, the Humphrey boys went down to defeat after having made for themselves a very good record by a score of 4 to 1. However, a few very costly errors caused to tide to swing In Columbus' favor, the score atandlng 1 to 0 up to the eighth Inning. Benneham for Humphrey Is credited with pitching ahut-out -mil. but hia team made that part lmpoasiDie, Conyers for Columbus having some very good eupport behind him which, at many times, enabled him to pull out of some hard plnchea. The crowd neing so large cars wore permitted to park in the left field and being the cause of ground rules, which at one time would have stored two runs for Humphrey. snra hv tnninca: R. il. Columbus .... 10000201 0 4 4 3 Humphrey .. 00000000 1 1 4 7 Batteries for Humphrey: Schumacher and Benneham. Columbus: Conyers and Schmagats. Ba.8GballDope OFFICIAL SCORE WKZK ENDINO. SATURDAY, MAY 27 ' Western 1-ee.gse. Mid. Tot. K. M. T. W. WK. T. F. Omaha x x Tulsa 7 x ,. .. Sioux Cify 2 .. .. Denver x x .. Pes Moines 1 4 .. Wichita 11 x . .. St. Joseph 3 7 . Okl City 12 1 National League. ' v Mid. M. T. W. WK. T. Tot. R. T. S. Brooklyn Ph. la New York Chicago Boston St. Louis Clncinnstl Pittsburgh S 10 American League. Mid. M. T. W. WK. T. Tot. R. T. 8 Detroit ' St. Louis Cleveland Chlcage Boston Washington New Toric Phila 3 11 ,'. " " American Aseoeiatlsn. Mid. M. T. W. IK. T. F. Kanaas City 3 S Tot. I. R. Milwaukee Indiana po'a Loulaville Minneapolis St. Paul Toledo 4 3 .. .. t. Columbus Nebraska State League. Mid. M. T. W. WK. T. F. Fsirbury x , Norfolk x 1 Hsstlnsa x S Beatrice x Lincoln a x Od. Island x x No game. Tot. R. iuagflflt iiiivuv y vvigaii Doalv Loses First Game of Season Due to Errors Hornaby Scorn Ninth Hume Run and Ii Now Three Behind William of St. Louie. St. Louis, May M.-Doak of the Cardinals lost his hrct game of the season today, S to 6, to the Boston Braves, due to errora of his mates in the fifth inning, liornsby scored hn ninth home run of the year and ' now three behind Williams of the St. Louis Americans, and ttt ahead of Babe Kuth. home run king. Bases rn balls and errors played an important part in the run making Jcore: IWIriiV AH It II A r ui 1 All 11 o a I Ptmt'.l rf sals Mmiik. if 1 1 Karhere, fk a I S I I s 4 : s I 4 I 1 aviii tk. if I 1 rulae, I KrM Ik I Hiiw. Ik fKtt. aa tl'Srll, t llad . l.ihann, e ' n(.ai a r.nroi.w. a a s ni,- w 4 Hun.-h), Jh 5 I reumiar. Ik S lliiw. If 1 I limikema rf I 0 I laeuMil, e e ikk. a I a a a "bi.ii I Ilium p l,jtan 'W'lIM l $ h'hu'K r Mallei, b ' tt.rl.Nir, a ! Hetir' aiverflel, p TiKtU 54 t t T..'e' M ' ST It ll.n.,1 for tak In third Hatted for Hmnee In fifth RattMl for Walker In sixth Hailed for Itarfoot In eighth. Store by tnninge; Boston " S t 2 1 St. Louie 0 S 0 1 2 e Summary Runs: Towell. Barbate, Southward! (3). Boerlei (3), Watson, Smith, Toporcer. Stork, Hnrnsby (2). Four nler. Errors: Barbara, Boeckel, O'Neill, Toporcer, Kournler. Poak. Heathcote. Two baa blta: Watson, Toporcer, Hoiks, Hmlth. Home run: Hornaby. Sacrifice hlta: Crulaa, Heathcote, Holke. ' jiouble play: Toporrer-Stork. Left on bases: Brston, S: St. Louts. 7. Usee on balls: Off Wstson, 2; off Fllllnglm. I: off IMak, 1: off llalnea, J; off Walker. 1: off Bailey. 1; off Kherdel, I Hlta: Off Wataon. 7 In 1-3 Innlnsa; rff Fllllnglm. none In 3 2-3 Innings; off lioak. 3 In 3 Innings; off Halnea, 4 In 2 Inulnaa; off Walker, none In 1 Innlnc: off Bailey. 1 In 1 1-3 In- nlfg: off narfont. I In 2-3 Inning: off Sherdel, nr,ne in 1 Inning. Wild pltrh: Watann. Winning pitcher: Wataon. Lea In pitcher: Poak. Umpires: Pflrmsn snd Klcm. Time: 1:50. Two Pitchers Are Driven From Mound by Pirates Plttaburgh, May tZ. The Pirates drove two pitchers fro mthe mound tndsy snd defested Philadelphia. 10 to 3. Smith was forced out In the fifth inning, after yield ing six runs on eight hits in the fourth sml fifth Innings. Bsunigartncr. who re lieved him. rave way to Pinto. Care featured for Pittsburgh with two amglea, a triple, two walks snd three stolen bsscs. Score: rnlLADEl.PHIA. t riTTSBCRfiH. AB.H.O.A.' AB.H.O.A. Lehourretu. If 4 S 2 0 MaranTllle. .1 2 4 A W "rhmene. 3b 4 3 1 St trer. cf 3 3 10 wiiiisms. of A 1 4 0 nirhee. If 4 0 110 Walker, rf I 3 S 0 Kn. ;h 4 13 3 Psrkinion. Sb 4 2 3 5 Tremor. Sh 4 111 Fietrher. M S 0 i : Mueller, rf 4 0 2 1 Leilla. lb 5 0 7 0 nrimm. lb 4 2 0 0 Benline. 0 3 12 O'Oiwh. e 4 3 0 2 Peten. e . 1 0 0 0 Morriion. p 4 10 2 Smith, ti 2 2 0 0' . R'meartner, p 0 0 0 II Totall S 15 27 13 Pinto, p . : l o o oi Tetall S3 14 S4 ! Score hv Innlnas: Phllsrlelphla 1 0 0 0 0 00 0 x 3 Pittsburgh 2 0 0 6 1 2 0 0 x 10 Summary Runs: Lebourveau (2), Wrightstone, Msrsnvllle (2). Csrev (.1), s. Travnor. or mm. Goocn. errors: Leslie, Peters, Ens. Two-baae hits: Leb ourveau (Z). wriantatone. iraynor, Gooch. Three-base hits: Maranvllle. Carey. Stolen bases: Carey (3). Ens. Traynor, Wrightstone. Sacrifice 'hits: Wrightstone, Blgbee, Ens. Traynor. Double play: Jur-anvllle-Orlmm. Left on bases: Philadel phia. 13: Pittsburgh. 7. Base on balls: Off Smith, 1; off Pinto. 1; off Morrison, 3. Struck out: By Smith. 2: by Morrison, 3. Hits: Off Smith. 11 In 4 1-3 innings: off Baumgartner, 3 In 1 2-3 Innings; off Pinto, 1 in 2 Innings. Hit by pitcbea ball: Henllne. by Morrison. Wild pitch: Pinto. Winning pitcher: Morrison. Los ing pitcher: Smith. Umpires: Quig?ley and Morsn. Time: 1:47. Brooklyn Makes Clean Sweep of Chicago Series Chicago, May 23." Brooklyn drove Jones out of the box today and with the aid of good pitching by Mamsux made a clean sweep of the three-geme series with Chicago by winning the final game, ( to 2. Score': BROOKLKTV. I CHICAGO. AB.R.O.A.I AB.H.O.A. Rllh.-h 3 0 4 O'Statt. rf 4 0 4 0 JnhnMnn, 2b 3 2 1 4! Hollocher. as 3 3 1 5 Nets, rf .51 2 . IIKelleher. Sb 4 0 0 5 Wheat. If 0 S elflrimes, lb 3 2 13 0 Mrera. rf - 5 J 4 01 Flack, rf 3 14 0 Srhmandt.lt) 4 3 7 1 1 Barber. If '4010 Olatm, as 3 2 3,-:iTerrr. sn - 4 4 12 rteherrv. e 3 15 olO'Firrell, e 3 0 3 1 Mamsux. p 3 0 0 2Jonej. p . 10 0 0 lOibome. v 10 0 1 Totals 34 11 17 10lrallhin 1 0 0 0 Kanfmann, p 0 0 0 "Miller 10 0 0 ' I Totala S2 9 27 II Batted for Osborne In seventh. Batted for Kaufman in ninth. Score by Innings: Brooklyn 0 1 0 S 0 1 0 0 10 Chicago 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 02, Summary Runs: Johnston, Myers (2), Schmandt. Olson, Deberry, Grimes (2). Errors: Hollocher. Orlmes. Flack, Jones. Two-base hits: Nels. Myers. Three-base hits: Grimes (2). Home run: Johnston. Stolen hsses xOlaon, Deberry. Sacrifice hits: Olson, Deberry, Flack, Mamsux, Johnston. Double plays: Hollocher-Terry-Orlmes (2). Schmsndt (unassisted). Left on bases: Brooklyn, S: Chicago. 7. Base on 'balls: Off Jones. 2; off Mamaux. 3; off Osborne. 3. Struck out: By MammaUT. fi: by Jones. 1: by Osborne, 1. Hits: Off Jones, 7 In 8 2-3 innings: off Osborne, 2 la 3 1-3. innings. Hits: Off Kauftnann, ! in Innings. Wild nitch: Jones. Los in gpitcher: Jones. ; Umpires: Hart and O'Day. Time: 2:03. New York' Loses Ten-Inning Contest to Cincinnati Cincinnati. May 23. Cincinnati made It three straight from New York in an excit ing 10-Inning game today. S to 6. Bouch waa not hit hard, but his passes proved costly. Tonay waa knocked out in the seventh. In th 10th Harper walked, Her gravo sacrificed and Caveney ended the game "with a hit to center. Score: KEW YORK. I rrXCINXATT. AB.H.O.A' AB.H.O.A. Ttancroft. ss 4 12 7!Bum. cf , 4 0 3 0 Fritch. Sb 3 0 3 d'Tlautiert. lb 4 1 11 0 Oroh. Sh 2 0 1 0! Duncan. If 5 3 3 0 Touns. rf 4 10 O'Bohne, 2b 5 0 0 0 Meusel. If 4 14 OlRarrer. rf 4 1 S 0 fcellr. lb 3 0 13 1'HarxrSTe. 4 110 CunrirninVm.cf 4 3 2 WCtrtnry. as 5 3 4 4 Smith, a 2 0 2 UPtneill. 3b 4 2 0 3 Toner, p 2 0 0 1' Couch, p 4 3 0 1 Causer, p 0 0 0 V Robert 1 0 0 01 TMlln S3 13 29 14 "Stenael 0 0 01 RnrilfT. e 1 0 2 II Shea, p Totals 33 8 23 181 Batted for Causey In eighth. Rsn for Smith In ela-hth. Winning run scored with one out. Robertson out. hit by bstted ball. Score by Innings: New Tork 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 n 3 Cincinnati t 3 1.0 '11 Summary Runs: Oroh (2). Touns, Meusel. Cunningham. Harper 12), Har erav. Caveney 2. Plnelli. Errors: Toner. Pinelll. Two-base hits: Cunningham, Toung. Plnelli. Harper. Hargrave. Meu aei. Three-base h: Csveney. Sscrlftre hits: Bancroft, Relly. Harerave. pnuhle plays: Couch- Caveney - Paubert. Oroh-Frisch-Kelly. Left on baaee: New Tork, 3; Cincinnati. . Base on bsllsr Off Toner. 1: off Shea. 1; off Couch. 3. Struck out: Hv Tonv. 1: by Shea. 1: hy Couch. 1. Hits: Off Tonev 2 in a innlna- f-tnp ont in seventh 1: nit Causey, nona In 1 In ning: off Shra S in 3 innlnss. Fit by pitched nU: Bi-ns. bv Toney. lysine rit-hr 8ne". Ur-i-ca:'Sentell and Mc Cormicav Time: 1st. Twenty Tear Age. Tonng Corbett won from Kid Broad, Denver, II rounds. -a Beatt Gene Tunney KanyGftb. jHH! Harry Greb, the "Pittsburgh rubber ball," defeated Gene Tun ney, light-heavyweight champion, In a 15-round decision bout at New York city last night. Kansas Freshmen Win Track Meet St. Louis, Mo., May 23. (Special Telegram.) Kansas university with a total of 59 points won the Misspuri valley freshman track and field tele graphic meet, the results of which were compiled by Washington uni versity's athletic department. Griiincll college was second with 26 hi points and Drake university third with 23. The University of Ne braska finished fourth with 22'j points, Kansas Aggies gathered 13, Oklahoma 10'A, Iowa State college 10 and Washington university SH The University of Missouri did not compete as the regular school term has been completed. In winning the premier honors, Kansas made seven firsts and tied in the 100-yard dash with Nebraska for another. Norton of the Jayhawkcrs was the individual star, making 4 firsts in addition to finishing second in two events and tied for third in another. The meet was held by the individ ual schools and the time in the track and distances in the field events were sent to Washington university. The best records made determined the awarding of places. The summaries follow: : Initials (N. ), Nebraska; (K. U.). Kan sas; (W.), Washington: (O.), Oklahoma; (K. A.), Kansas Aggies; fD.), Drake; (G ). Grlnnell; (A.), Iowa State college. 100-Yard Dash Lloyd (N, and Fisher fK. U.), tied for first; Weber (W.), Blumenthal (O.), Norton (K. U.) and Graham K. U.), tied for third. Time: 10 seconds. 120-Yard High Hurdles Orebaugh (D.), first; Crumley (D.). Norton (K. U.) and Green (G.), tied for second. Time: Id seconds. "jn-Tard Dash Fisher fK. U.). first; Trexler N.), second: Pears (D.), Lloyd (N.), Jones (G.), tied lor tnira. uime: 21:4. 220-Yard Low Hurdles Orebaugh (D.l, firati Graham (K. U.), second: Norton (K. U.), SRdler (A), and Miller (W.), tlerl for third. Time: 26:1. 880-Yard Run Willey IK. A.), first; Holcomb fA.), second; Meeker (A.), third: Newlane (A.),, fourth. Time: 2 One Mile Run Willey (K. A.), first; Adams (G. ). second; Schwarta (W.), third: Grady (K. U.), fourth. Time: 4383 Two' Mile Run Schwartx (W.), first; Meyer (G.), second; Merrill (K.), third; Slaughter (K.), third; Slaughter (D.), fourth. Time: 10:19:4. . .. 440-Yard Daah Kitchen (G.). firat: Stotts (O), and Trexler (N.), tied for second. Pears (D.) and Watson (K.), tied for fourth. Time: 60:4. . Half Milo Relay Won by Grlnnell; Dvke, second; Nebraska, third: Ksnsas and Oklahoma tied for fourth. Best time -132.4 Ooe Mile Relay Kansas first; Grlnnell, second: Nebraska, third. Time 3:41.1. Sixteen Pound Shot Norton (K), first; Parks (N.), second; Graham (K.), third; Thorough (K.), fourth. Distance 12 feet. Javelin Throw Lingerfelter (D.), first; Hand iO.). second; Norton (K.). third. Campbell (O.), fourth. Distance 138 feet. Discus Norton (K.), first; Green (N.), second; Boge (G.), third; Rose (D.), fourth. Distance 127 feet 6H inches. High Jump Norton (K.), , first; Poor K.), second; Huckaby (O.), third; Gra ham (K.), and Orebaught (O.), tied for fourth. Height 6 feet iVi inches. Broad-Jump Graham K.), first; Nor ton (K.), second: Hind (O.), third: Ore baught (D.), fourth. Distance 22 feet 2 14 Inches. A . . Pole Vault Norton fK.), first; Meyers., (A.V, second; Frailer (N.),. third; Blumen thal (D.), fourth. Height 12 feet V, inch. Packers Win TKrcT 'Straight From Boosters v - ' - i Sioux City,. la..- May 23. Sioux City made It three out of four from Des Moines, taking the finsl game by the score of" 9 to 4. Both Odenwald and Lynch proved easy for the Packers. Hem ingway starred in the field. Score: DES MOINK8. I SIOUX CITY. AB.H.O.A.! AB.H.O.A. Gormsn. 2b 4 13 OIHnmilt. M 2 0 2 0 fJrant. 8b 4 1 1 2IHemili-w'y, 3b 4 13 7 Horsn.cf -431 0Wh, cf 3 J 1 0 Graham, lb 4 1 10 OlMetl.lb 4 1 2 Wanner, rf 3 0 4 llPalmer, 2b 5 s 4 Milut. if 4 13 Omnbina. If 4 3 1 1 Turaeen. ss 4 1 3 - S'Ojteresrd. rf 4 3 10 Rrewi.e .2 0 0 I Shansling, e 5 1 5 5 f - 1,1 OlTTIUUm, n 3 3 0 0 Odwiwaft.p" 2 0 0 31 -McLaughlin 1 I Mj TMils " 34 i III " Batted for Lynch In ninth. fes Molne. 0 J J 1 J 1 0 2-4 Sioux City u z o 'i i " v Summary Runa: Horan. Graham, Tur gon. Tuna. Elsh, Metz. Palmer (2. Rob ins. Ostergard (3). Williams. Jrrors: Wagner. Turgeon. Odenwald. Robins. Two-bsse hits: Horan. Turgeon. Oster gard. ' Palmer. Gorman. Sacrifice hits! Hemlngwsy. Robinson. Stolen bases: Ham ilton. Palmer. Double plays: Turgeon- trranam. n-ulinrwij.r.iniiri-Mri,. and runs: Off Odenwald, 7 and 0 in 4 2-3 , V , T UAlnaa S, Piouv Cltv. 7. Left on bases: Des Molra. 7: Sioux 'City. 11. Bases on bells: Off Odenwald. 5; off L"n-h. 3: off Williams. 4. Struk out: By T.vivh. 1; hy W'llliams. 4. Wild plfh: Williams Passed hall: Rre.n. Phanetintr 5). Hit hv pitched halt: Elsh. hv Lynch. l"mplr": Burn side and Fltxrstrlrk. Tlm: 1:43. Sixteen Tears Ago. Jimmy Gardner knocked out Jack CKeefe, Indianapolis, i rounds. a uiv uy Gotham "Cornish onTrailoflViulIer Oasah Nee laed Wire. Stw iurk. May .'J, Ihe Sen York itate athletic comminsion hat ttarted an invenig.tion into the failure of Benny l-eonard and l ew Tendler to come lo oine aureeinmt relative to a bout between them for the lightweight Ml, Leonard, Tendler and Hilly Gibson and l'hil UlaMinin, nutiagera renperiively of the two boy i, have hern aummoued by the commisaion to appear Wednesday and explain reaom why the match wat not made. "The boxing came mutt be con ducted more a aoort than a huai- neM," declared the commiimon't atateinent. ' Redmond Barred From Muny Lots 'Uviiaino" Johnny Dcnuison, muny baeball MipervUor. thin niornino; banned Jark Redmond, C'reiglit'Vi lligh ih"ol hasehall ttar. from munirinal baseball dia monds or the remainder of the tcaxon. Rcdinaa wa nuspemltd (or ton ing a bnt at an umpire during a panic Friday at Thirty-second street and Dewry avenue between Creighton and South. Creighton authorise (imported the "juvenile K. M. Landis" in hi derision by ostracising him from high school athletics for the present season. South and Central Call Off Ball Game The Smith Hi'oti.rentral 0.1m scheduled for this fternoon at Ath- 1it lr narlr. fiaa heen nnatnrtnert ttntil Friday v because of wet grounds. Coach latton of south aniiounced at noon today. Indications early today were that the Toch-f 'reiohtnn aitrt ' Rencrin. Council Bluffs games also would have to be called off. Marshall Field Purchases Emotion for $23,000 New York, Mav 23. Marshall Field, 3d, of Chicago, has pur chased for $25,000, the three-year-old fillv Emotion bv Friar Rock- Affection, it was said yesterday at Jamaica track. The purchase by Mr. I iclii, who has an extensive racing stable in England where he has scored many successes, was regarded as an indi cation of his intention to enter American turf competition. ' Hastings Wins From Grand Island, 6 to 5 Hastings. Neb.. May 33. Hastings won from Grunt! Island on a muddy Held to day by a score of S to 6. Crann'a bqt- tina icaiurea, ns meting a pair oi nonie runs with a man on In each Instance. Hastings completed three double plsys. ine score: GRAND ISLAND. I HASTI.NT.S. AB.H.O.A. AB.H.O.A. HavillD.lth 3 3 3 HAmen.cf 3 1 1 0 Roben. Sb ! 1 1 8! Denton. M 3 0 14 Men. n 5 11 Oit'rann. 2b 3 33 Wsinataff, cf 4 3 1 olWIIIeu. o 4 3 4 0 nosers, ir 3 I o o Holly, in .10 3 Bederie. If 4 S 13 0' KntDD .::b 4 13 3 Menzlt. rf 3 0 1 01 Tomes, If 4 0 0 1 Donald, e 3 14 lil'rbsn. rf 3 0 5 0 Pritchard, p 4 10 41 Peterson, it 3 ! 0 2 Bobertl, o 1 1 1 V . , Totals SO 9 27 14 Totals 36 13 24 1 SI Score by Innings: Grand Island 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 S Hastings . i .......... 0 0 2 0 0 3 1 0 x 6 Summary Runs: Meta. Warnstaff, Rogers, Sedevlc, Mcnzle, Amen, Denton, Crann (2), Wlllets, Peterson. Errors: Metz, Wainstaff, Donald, Holly. Home runs: Crann (2). Two-base hit: Amen. Sacrifice hits: Donsld, Amen. Holly, Den ton, Rogers. Base on balls: Off Peterson, 1: off Pritchard, 1. Stolen base: Rogers. Double plays: Denton-Crann-Holly (2). Denton-Crann - Roberts - Sedevic. Struck out: By Pritchard, S; by Peterson. 4. Lett on bases: Grand Island. 6; Hastings. 4. Passed balls: Donald. Roberts. Karned runs: Hastings, 3; Grand Island, 3. Um pires: Hawthorns. Time: 1:45. Jenney Holds Norfolk and Fairbury Wins Falrbury. Neb.. Mav 23. Pairhurv took the first game of the series with Norfolk here today, 6 to 1, by hitting in pinches and playing errorless ball. Jenny held ,'orfolk hltless for eight innings, allowing three hits and one run in the ninth. Score: NORFOLK. FAIRBURT. AB.H.O.A. AB.H.O.A. Hamrtr, lb Ooodwin. 2b I 4 3 0 wiser. Zb Marr,3h Rouse, cf Sfhutt, ss Clark, rf f'lereland. 3b McTermott, o 3 1 3 0 S 2 14 2 Keicnie, ir Rllti. cf OlWInbuali. lb 2 Rrhnierda, rf 1 1 Rooney, ss 01 Jenney. p 0! Totilt MoAlplne. If Bpellmftn, o Hoffman, p 4 0 nroitn, p Moore 32 10 27 14 Totals !8 3 54 131 Batted for MeAlpine In ninth. Score by Innings: Norfolk 0 0 0 0 0 l 0 0 11 Falrbury 8 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 x 6 Summary Runs: Haarartv Rnndwin (2), Cleveland, McDermott. Roonev. Jen ney. Three-base hits: Cleveland, McDer mott. Sacrifice hits: McDermott, Win bush, Spellmsn. Base on balls: Off Jen ney. 6: off Hoffman. 2: nff Smith 3 iiouoie plays: Smith-Haggarty. Jenney Ooodwln-Wlnbuih. Runs and hits: Off Hoffman, 3 and 2:. off Smith . stn-t-k out: By Jenney. 2; by Hoffman, 1. Left on bases: Falrbury, 8: Norfolk, 6. Hit oy pitcnea ball: Bliss. Wild pitch: Smith. Earned runs: Falrbury. 4; Norfolk, 1. Umpire: Snyder. Time: 1:45. Saints Bunch Hits' and Beat Indians Oklahoma Citv. Okl.. Mav s.i St Jos eph bunched hita off Allen while I.ind berg waa effective all the way and St. Joseph won, 7 to 1. Score: ST. JOSEPH. I OKLAHOMA CITT. AH H n A I mo ti 1 uison. to (117 UHestly. !b 3 0 5 0 Corriden. If 3 13 f!;Miitriltm ir a n n ii O. Firtier. rf 4 0 1 dloinjlardl. cf 4 1 n n Bneowitir, cf 3 13 0' Ounrinher. e 4110 i -i-ran-, wi a i i silking, lb 4 1 S 2 Smith. 3b 4 3 3 O H eremite, ts 4 10 4 Vufer. a S S 4 i' Tate. 31) 4 12 3 Kandler.e 5 S 4 II Allan i 1 1 " .1 Luidberi. p 4 3 0 3 Tlru'r 1 0 0 0 . 1 Warden, p 0 0 0 0 Tola's 4' ! Ynuna 10 0 0 Pitt, rf 4 1 t 0 I Totals 54 S S IS Ratted for Allen In seventh. Bstted for Warden in ninth. Handler hit by Lindbcra'a batted hall In fifth. Score bv lnninaa: St. Joaeph 0 Mlilil 17 Oklahoma City 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 Summary Runa: Tefate. Smith ,31 Ku. far (2). Kandler, OlnRlardi. Errors: I,onr, Hsrirrove, Tste. Two-base hits: Olson, ltmg. Hsrirrove. Three-base hit: Kandler. Sacrifice hits: Corriden, Llndher-f. Baa on balls: Oft I.tndberir. 2: off Alien. 1: off waraen. l. nit ay pitnd hall: TVfate and Smith, by Allen. Struck otit:: By l.ind berc, 6: by Allen, 1. Wild pitch: l.ind brr. Runa and hita: tiff Allen. Ii and 3 In 7 lnnincs: off Warden. 1 and 1 In 2 Innings. I.oslna pitcher: Allen. Pooble play: Hatly-Harrove-I.on!r lft en baea: Oklahoma City, R: St. ' Joseph, 14. I'mplrea: Tnohue and Anders". Earn-d run": Oklshnma City, 1; St. Joseph, 4. Time:. 1:65. vivivij BareBaU Results MI-ellM ir.-U.IR. MewiiMia, M I. t ; I' ll. J.. I ike Ma, i ;i u, ,1 II .i.- IMl 14 II Hk.t ta It -.i.ii.i. i, if i ;1 tiiue l( 5' tl U leeleiital'l lUaiiUa, HI. J,M,, t. Ihl.b..ir.a ll), t, S unt I, Ut, . l.li., 4. Meatee el limahe. rata. , toll Mill at 'I Hi-., lam TMfay'e l.aeiee, Wi. hue ai Tuiae. Iaaer al iuu I'Hy. Kl, Jnaeil al lillb' I'll), ,No em-r me a. haiu4 NtHH-t-k-iVtAlK I 111. IK. Ilnihllia, H I, ... '. . HHhff a 3 .k-j,.t..ll t ul-ui 4 '"r K-in 4 t Hi tut Uwxl S I leuia lwi4 1 ernl)'a Mrwilla, Kairbuiy, a, .Nurl.nk I, Haaiinia, 4, ilraiiil leland, i lirairue at l.iiuuiii, met ituunda ToUrf)'a Lame, iliantl Island al lltiln NiMfoia al lairhuiy, L.nvi.iu et ilsttlrire. NA1IONAI. l.Mt.lK. Maailliiga, H l Mi VI I. ,vw V.'ik M I J .e'WiiMai.all l IS I'lll.huiiN M 11 .t x llin,l,n It k t. liia I r. .ivj i-Mi.a.i,,a u is lblcu I l .MiUi ) YrsterUM'e Kraulle. ' rimiiinatt. s: ,w mk, t. Ilaaton. : Ct. mui: a, HriMthlyn. e. 1'hi.aifo. .. I'ltlsbuigh, IS; I'hiU'lelphia. 1. Toilu'a (mmea, fioaton al M l.im.a. Naw Vota al I'm, inliall I'hiladi-lphia al l'iilai,uish. No other game aiheiluiol. ,S .. AMIHIIAN I.K6tK. Mandlng. W. 1.. ivi i w. I. lv New Turk :4 13 .Slii IMn.ll M If .4-1 Ml, luil 11 II .W IM.1 II ir .411 rniiad'ii-eua is is .iwn uancia 14 Jo ,m Lleieiaiid 17 1 .!,, riiir-uu IJ ;i ,3si lealerda)'! Reaulls. 8t. Muls, II j Nw Tork. 1. Cleveland, t: Unnion, 3, Washnilon, 3; I'hlraao, S. lietroll, ; Philadelphia, I. Today' Games, Detroit at Philadelphia. Cleveland at Hut-urn. Washington at New Tork. No other game aih.'dukil. AtlKKK AN .tx.HOf MTIDX. Mlanillnga, '. I., ivt.i w , pi, Sllmecali- -I I ,i,:KH',ilumliui II IT 41 Imlianaiaiiis l l ,M: kniu City is ,.,: Hi l-.ul IS tl ..v.; I-.hiI.iIII. n IS , l Mllnaulee -H 15 ..',;i ToMi 4 :J Jul Yealenla)'a Kraulle, Mllwaukei.. ; , Mlnuepnlia, 4. Kansaa i'ity, ; M. Paul, 3. Indianspolla. 4: Tolrdo, 2. l.ouisrilie, f: I'oluitibiis, 4. Today's (.antes. Indianapolis at Toledo. l.ouiavllle nl Columbus. Milwaukee at .Minneapolis. Kanns City at Nt. Panl. At Minneapolis Milwaukee Minneapolis n ii. e .Till R 3 0 Batteries: Ruse snd Myall. i;osett: Ale Uraw, YlngllnK. Mmiguin sml Mayer, -(Ten inniiiga.il At St. Paul n. H.K. Kansas i.'lty f, I j St. Paul 3 10 1 Batteries: Carter. Bnnu and Kkiff; Ilog-et-s. Martin and Oonzalcs. At Toledo K. H. E. Indianapolis 4 ft 0 Toledo 3 7 I Batteries: Jonnanl. Csvet snd Kruegcr; Bedlent. Wright and Koiter. At Columbus Louisville Columbus -, , Batteries: Cullop and Meyer; n. h. e. . i 3 3 .470 Burwell anu j.ecs. Southern AssoclHtlon, Atlanta nt Memphis, rain. Birmingham. 10: at Chattanooga, 1 Mobile, 0; at Mttla Rock. 4. New Orleans, 11; at Nashville, 12. Parson Is Eliminated I'rom British Tourney Prcslwick, England, May 23. (By A. P.) Donald Parson of Youngs town, O., was eliminated today from the British amateur golf tournament by Alex Menzies of Ralston, 3 to 1. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Mild as a May Morning and kturw, sir a box of Mozarts!" wva vbvaa Senators Take Final Came in Chicago ScriCaS Tviii itiglc. DuuMf mt'l Trijilf (Ihf ititiiup Htm After Trailing I'ivft liinitij; W'e.liinstoii. My 2-J-"4liinton nude it three out ol (our tv ttnn tlie liiul 4ine of the erne. Uw tliii-iBO today. 3 to 2. Robertson hi.il the better of a hurling duel w ith Ffaiiei until the nrveiith, heii iiiKlet tv Hrower and Slunk, lilmr fity' double and l'lckinpaiiKh' triple. g4ve the locale their wiunniB ninrnMi. Score: I Jill' AIM. I HAlll!urs ,1, II It A . AM II " A 4 f II..H., If I t g I Mains 7 I U'lllllW, I Hill If ! Hwl,l I H,ixii r ' aiuxta ik i -II,..,!,!..! t t-fi,-e. ' I Ju,b l a Mnae if I'a-lM, If a khanu. U I llt.i.ll, e a twtisf'f. ta e yriori. p ai I II 1 a a I I 4 1 1 ; Mh 1.1k. lb 4 M-t-x. 3 is "4 T44 r ii T.J,I ltM Inr Mhelv in nlMtl lisiud f.ir Itiihrrisoii in ninth I tl. or by Innlnas: ihic.g . 1 1 ;- Wa.lnngtun ateila i-l Humiiiary Ituna' tlulligan. balk Ua. Ini. bhnka. iihrm. Ir.ira: Mulligan. I llama, I'., kinpaiish iwo baaa hu: 'liheiriu. 1nr.l..e hil I'e. kinpauah. ixtolen baae: lulio. Hainfl. e hue: M ' til. Mulliaan. H. halk. I.iubl play: ! i inpaush.ll.t-ria Ju.lae J Hne.ie un. 'aaalaleili, Harris . Judge Harris Parkin. t-aush-Juilgr. Hnopor-Hcbalk. left on haaea: I'hKage. 1: Waahlnston I Hae on balls; uff Holterln. 3: ell Kraniia, I. Ktrurk out: Py Kranda, I. It it bv pitched ball: Mo.ul. by rranrla. Paaaed hall: Ohsrrlty. I'mplrea; Nallln and Hilda brand. Time :1:J4. Walk to Pinch Hitter Cohts Philadelphia One Game Philadelphia. May S3. A walk to pinch I h'lier Veai'h, followed by Hluea triple ann ii'iibba aingle. gave petn.lt lata runa In 'the nmlh Inning and th-ir fliat vbtory ( the aenea over Philadelphiu today, a I" I 3. All of Ilia locale' acores vera Ull lo I hmiie runa liv Perklna and Miller. The hnn.er of Miller's was his 10th of the scaaon. Hcore; IlKTROIT. I I'HII.AIlKII'HIt. AH H O A 1 AH 11.0 A. Rlne. Ill I'utKiiaw. n I'nlili. rr P-Shrrtlll. ir Ifellmaiin. rf .ttnMl. Sb Kipier, as lark Hsner. Ma.-ilrr. A Himier. p Klintead Oltlliiin. p OlM-n, p Vearh III usa. p 4 4 13 I Vminf . V I fl 3 A n 3 'nllllUon. IB 4 0 11 1 ft tValt-r. If 4 11 1 e irk.in. e 3 1 1 ft Miller, rf 4 1 ! S Mrflowan. rf 3 3 i lrh. rf it ll. ,1b ft Callnwar. n fl Mnore. p I'-iialtoaar fl'ffiilliran. p II Hirrli. p fl Totals 0 31 I V 14 I Tt.UU 33 u Ii! Rat led for Stoner In fifth, Batted for Rigney In eighth. Batted for Olsen tn ninth. Ran for Moore In fifth. St-nre hy Inninga: Detroit fl 0 I 1 1 9 J t'hllsdclphla 0IO1IO0O 0 5 Summitry RUns: Blue (3), Cobb"; Fell mann. Vesch. Johnston. Perkins (S), Mil ler. Calloway. Errora: Toung, Dykes. Oal lowsy (!). Two-bane hits: McUowan, Cobb, Cutr-haw. Three-base hls: Mc tlnwan. Blue. Home runs: Miller. Blue, Perkins. Sacrifice hits: Perkins. Sullivan. Dtuble plays: Johnston-Young-Moore, Dykes-Blue. Rigney. Left on bsses: De troit, I; Philadelphia, I. Base nn balls: Off Stoner. 3: eff Oldham, 3; off Olsen. 2; off Moore. 3: off Sullivan, 1. Struck out: By Moore. 4: by Sullivan. 8; hy Har ris, l; by Olsen. 2: by Dauss. 1. Hits: Off Stoner, 4 In 4 Innings; off Oldhsm. 3 In 2-3 Inning; off Olsen, 1 In 3 1-3 Innings; off Dsuss, none In 1-3 inning; off Moore. S In 6 Innings; off Sullivan. 5 in 3 In nings (none o"t In ninth): off Harrl. 2 In 1 Inning. Wild pitch: Sullivan. Win ning pitcher: Olaen. Losing pitcher; Har ris. Vmpires: Walsh, Dlneen and Evans. Time: 2:29. Dorchester Team Wins. Dorchester. Neb., May 23. (Special.) The local town team defeated Cordova here SundAy. 3 to 4. The work of Moslr, Dorchester catcher, featured. J CI GAR There are many kinds of mi'W cigars but none, we believe, more fra grantly mild than Mozart. There are many lands of fragrant cigars but none, we think, that equals the "May morning mildness" of Mozart. An uncommonly mild cigaiv-of Havana fragrance beautifully made. Mozart Cigar is made by Consolidated Cigar Corporation New York Distributed by McCORD-BRADY CO, Omaha, Neb. u maabbvj C lc(ljti.l Hfati nMil l.v AII.Armiii.l Vi)oc p.. i. a. uy fl -Uale .! ''?.' It fr t,i-l l4e eiof la lae tr" im,h. Keaiae saa.le M ae laae a4 .f f lie e "'e. the '' 4 t atik fc. Uaieie e4 u ,ii f-ii ag la ail ei4 '. IKI lUMi euta-rtftV in a ii i r.. i a I a IMU4 tt uttiii 4 twa l I I e lie M K...M rk 4 I "a. a mmi , Ills l 4 I,-. ia 4 s 11 e ii-. ii! I a I I "'a n ( I it K.ale at I I I Mm 4 f f I i a I I I . follttt-m, I il II If I ti a -lUtra 'J latitat 'fcsn sa H rf i ... e I hie d Ttt 4 1 e 1 e e 1 e a e I I I M I It M H.liil t. !. k fifth II. II.. I f..r ruHetta m s-Matk, tun, 4 ! vu'u tn amid. k. by innings; . . Cl. irl.nd IIID 4 llualxa ,., , MMIMIM Hummari livi't liueia Hraail, fler4 ear. Mtf4 ?, liuin, il'tlnuike, lluel. I.rrnrst tlulelu, -'ll. Wno.1. HnurWe. t lt bna. tl ni iimII, U llnuike, Ha.'iiflis hiia; ilai.liier, I hie, Himla ganae. Ilmate. tH,ui,l plae: fennock. Ilarr'a. I.rfl nn taa-a Cleveland, I; loaton, a Has an Imlls: (iff I'snHork 4 buiitk tint: fly t hie, L Itila: (iff Ivnmwk I In I inninga; uff Kulleiliin I laiing pi.hert feiih.-W I'littilrre' I'ea. nall. Mm is illy and il.oe Tims: I tl, Willianm HraU New York With Th rlfth Home Hun New rrk, Mar Wllllsnia Itlh heme run nf lha aaaoH. -ottiihg wlltt in men on base in the a-.-niti inning, broke a lie s.nr and enable 11. Iula la de feat lh New Tork Vank'.a In Ihe last gam of tli aeries. II n I iVIWiul Iheaj r iict ei Maya ami l. Iiuts a, nted at wl' "n ine lining ten -na tiller, nnmker wan hia arciind ihlnry f lha seriee inougll h- waa bit fairly hard in ihe early Inning-.. lUker Ii t a hme run, triple and Irele and waa t--mrible for all three Veaf Tork runa. aenre; MT. U 14 I ftr.W lllklf All HO A' AlinOA T..'. r a a Wilt ef 4134 l.-,ir u 4 13 1 Ward Ii f 3 Nxlrr. lb 4 3 4 0 Mulh. It 3 4 f 4 U ,ll.m. If 3 f 0 Hakcr rM 4 3 4 1 Ivrtmm rf lite llruael rf 4 4 e fcef 4 14 I I'lpr. lb 4 3 II 4 Kllrrha. .1h 433 Mrotf. aa 4114 MrManua. fb 4 11 l' liaiif. e 3 4 4 gherlal, p 4 4 4 ft nam-aw. 4 14 14 . . Mara, p 3 14 4 T -tili 41 14 37 IjO'ltoul. p 14 14 I TlaH 31 1 V il Brora hy Innings: "I. I onia s 1 1 1 t I 4 U New York 2 4414414 I I SiimmaryRuiia flerher I2. Dialer fl. Williams 111. Kllerb. AlcUanua lt Khei ker. Will. Baker III. Krrora: Jseoh. eon. Ward, Baker. Sctiang Two-baae huai Jacobaon. Mi Manua. Three. ba.a hli Haker. Home runa: Baker. Rlaler. Wll. Iiama Btolen baaea: Rlaler, Williams. To. bin. ilerbrr. Sacrifice hit: Ward. Left on bases: New York, 4; St. Louis. 10. Haae on balls: Off Maya. J; off O'Poul, 4; off Shocker, 1. Hiruclc out: By "Mays, 1; by ivpoul, 3: by Shocker. 4 Hlta: riff Maya. 10 In T Inninga; off O'ttoul. 4 In t inninga. losing pitcher: Mara fm plres: Chill and Owens. Tlmt: .(. Sherman Merchants Defeat Fort Calhoun The Sherman Avenue Merchant won from Fort Calhoun Sunday, S to 2. The pitching of Olson and Stuh and the hitting of the latter featured the game. The Merchant nave lost but one game' this season and challenge any semi-pro team in a radius of SO miles of Omaha. Games may be arranged by communicating with Emil Schnei der. 2209 East Locust street, East umaha. Giants Sign .Youthful Shortstop of Chicago Omaha Bee Leaned Wire. Chicago, May 23. Fred Lind strom, 17-year-old shortstop for the Loyola academy baseball team, has been signed by the New York Gi ants. The youth will be farmed out to Toledo and has been notified to report to the Mud He,'is on June 20. Late in August lie will be trans ferred to the Giants if he shows the class he has displayed on local dia monds. i hi i I r.i-r. as Jragrant 3K Fine j&i thn nbrr tht OOt I xoc that Mita fou bts 1; J1) Sm l0c I yj mk ioc 2 for 25c fflW (V Uuliaesals I . VaadHMke Univcmli t