J" THE DEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. MAY 22. 1922. My Marriage Problems "Revelations of a Wife" Otrret Hlfl TK MiMion on Which LIUian Sent Tom Chester. Under Tom t'hftsr' iene finerr. the lining of Smiih' eyel ci fulled away (rom the outer covering, giving Lillian and me a flashing glimpse of while, then a he lifted hi hni, tht lining unapped back into place, giving ahe!u!rly no indt canon that it could p loatened, Lillian put out her hand, and the young man Kruiiuiied it clotely, and handed it to nie. "Il'l cleverly constructed." ihe said, "made ncially to order, r( cour. Give it the once over ana tee if you can delect the Joining." In nty turn f examined the leau tiluliy Uhionl thing, and ihooK my head In defeat. Tom Cheiter'i Ditcortnr. "Mow did you diicover it?" Lil lian looked at young Mr. lheter with a little touch of admiring def erence in her manner which made me bite my lip to keep back a mile. That he, iih her experience, had known from the firt elimpe of the eyegU'i cue that it hid iome thing I was iure. hut for oine fea on he wihcd Torn Chester to think the diacovery all his own. "Why!" he (Hammered boyishly. "It eemed such a queer thing for him to carry when he was climbing no a rope ladder and over a roof, that I figured it meant something. And I remembered pleae don't laugh romething I aw in a movie once and thought I'd try to pull the lining a bit And when it came away 1 saw theie pieces of queer white paper.' I anticipated Lillian's outstretched hand, gave her back the case, and watched her tensely, as she pulled away the lining as far as it would go, and took out a packet of white papers, so apparently gauiy in tex ture that it reemed as though the slightest touch would tear them, yet evidently as indestructible as parch ment. "Ah-hP The exclamation was but a breath, yet I knew that suddenly the importance of the thing Tom Chester had found had been enchanc ed in her eyes She took the ex treme corner of one of the thin sheets between her thumb and fore finger, felt of it, .'then raised the packet to her nose and sniffed ex perimentally. 1 : ' "Invisible Ink?" "You found something, my lad, when you pulled that lining away," she said emphatically, and young Mr. Chester flushed to the roots of his hair with pleasure. "Invisible ink?" I ventured. " "I'm practically certain of it," Lil lian replied, "unless the gifted Mr. Smith' has a patent. cigarette paper, the secret of which, he doesn't want to share with anybody. But we can't tell for certain until Allen Drake gets here. There's no use in experi menting with the thing twice, and if my guess is right.'Allen will have to handle the thing anyway." She put the papers carefully back in the case, pushed the Jinjng into place, replaced th eyeglasses and closed the case with an air of, finali ty that told me she, wished no fur ther comment or discussion of the incident until she herself should re open it. V ' ."With your permission, Mr. Ches ter," she said perfunctory, "I'll keep this. Now for the next thing. Do you think Smith lamed himself to any extent when he fell from the rope ladder? You spoke of his groan- "I don't believe he will be able to -take a step tomorrow, Mr. Chester replied. "It wasn't a break, or he wouldn't have been able to get home at all, although I imagine he's a pretty gritty proposition. But I im agine he has a severe sprain." "Of course, he won't have a doctor tonight," Lillian mused. "But in the morning, he'll do doubt ask Mr. Briggs which is the best physician. Do you know whether or not Dr. Pettit attends the Briggs family?" "I don't know." I returned, and Tom Chester shok his head. Lillian considered a minute, look ing into space. "I think it's time I had a inter view with Mr. Briggs," she said. "From what I hear, he's a very able citizen, and will no doubt be able to keep his mouth shut, a rare accom plishment these days. But I must keeo close tab on Smith. Mr. Ches ter, can you manage to see Briggs as early in the morning as he arises?" She paused, and the young man answered her with a smile. "That wilt be about 5 o'clock," he said, but if he expected Lillian to be astonished he must have been dis appointed. " ; ' "Finel" she exclaimed. "That will be just what I want. So you'd better run along home. now, snatch what sleeo vou can and make it up to morrow. Just ask Mr. Briggs to come over here as soon as he can without Srhith knowing where he has gone. Just hint to him that it is government work. ' r Common Sense Are You Overloading Tomorrow? Why are you putting off that goon plan to increase your income? You feel that some day you will tret at it. ' Perhaps by the time you get around to it some other energetic person will have put the idea into use. , You get along in a - comparatively easy manner, meeting your obliga tions, keeping your contracts, but you have debts which you do not allow to worry you because you are making the easy payments you have ret for yourself. So you are going along, as free as possible from care, and as free as nnihle from making any- financial promises which might cause you self- It is easy to go down stream in life, but mighty hard to pull against the current t There is a likelihood that some time in your life you will have to pull hard up stream, ' Are you going to wait until that time before you get any experience along that line? . Are you going to put off starting till too late, till your mental and THE GUMPS f Iwi W -wit CTiu "OU Twu V tU, Gil tout j I COJtD BW f BRINGING UP BY dOULY.' I M OTIN FE K tMOKE t ut. CALL ON At tIMMON AN' RAPT A C4A rR6M physical power is waning and will not stand the strain? (Copyright, It::.) A Silly Song By A CUCKOO BIRD Old Peleg Brown is twisted 'till he never will be straight. And old Dock Gray it was who got old Peleg in this state. Now Peleg got lumbago and it put him on the bum and right away he crawled in bed and sent for Dock to come. Dock brought along some alcohol and ruhhed old Pelee's back, and when old Peleg found it out his trol ley jumped the tracK. e triea xo lick that portion of. his person Dock had soaked. And dislocated seven joints and very nearly croaked. Parents' Problems' ' At what aee mav children safely use roller skates? ' . Thisvould depend .Qil. the growth and development ot the child.- Some children have , more delicate ankles than others of the same age. By the time children are 7 or 8 .years, u strong and well-grown, mey may saic ly use roller skates. If in any doubt, consult your lamuy pnyn.i. Classified Advertising Rates ... .. . . Mnjt. .a iini 1 day. la p.r line-per day. S con.ecutlv. day. 16o par Una per day. T conaecutlva daya. Ho par Una per day. SO conaecutlva daya. No idi taken tor leaa than a totttol SSo. Tneee nil. mwu .V.n.r Sunday Bea. All advertlaeinenti Pper In both morning and avanlng dally papara for the on. charta. APPLICATION. Want ada accepted at tha following, or- uiiw riFiriCH. ...17th and Farnam Bta. South Sid....... SS South Mth . Council Biutta. . . . . . . ...... WANT Alfa navaivaw ATLANTIC 1000. THE BEE will not ba reaponalble Tor mora than one lncorraet Inaertion of an advertlaemcnt ordered for more than one "cLOSINO HCTJRS FOB WANT ADS.' tr.nir,. tuition 11:S M- Morning Edition v:0K.t Sunday Edition S:00 P. M. Saturday DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. . ...nwIr c M Mav 18 n....VT. .,.r. 1821. ageu 03 year. v. --- vlved by hie wife. Mra. Farnsworth, and one sister, Mra. , R. McLaughlin Ot 0lFunoral rvlca will be held from Brailey & Porranee chapel Monday. Mny !J, at I o'clock p. m. Interment Foreet Lawn cemetery. GAY George M.. May 18, age 80 years. Funeral services monuay, may &, 2 p. m. from Crane Mortuary, 615 So. 20th. St. Internment Forest Lawn ceme tery. Friends Invited. CEMETERIES. VISIT FOREST LAWN OFTEN. Visit Forest Lawn again today or to morrow. It ia the moat beautiful spot in this vicinity. Call at the greenhouse. Forest Ltwn offera In the highest degree the essentials that appeal to those who realise the wisdom, the simple, sensible foresight. In the advance selection of a family burial lot. Offices at tha ceme tery (ntrth of city limits) and 720 Brandeis Theater. BURIAL VAULTS. , vaulti. Recommended and lor s&lft by all leaatnc unaentsrs. cay. Insist upoa tha AUTOMATIC SEAL INtl VAiri.T manufactured by Omaha i r..ii -it 1. - E41A HX 9f ..one re to xiurin vauu w., ui.v uhh V'mJl lit. Atri, sveuwwvu i. ' - FUNERAL DIRECTORS. F. J. STACK & CO., ' Successor to , 1 Stack ft Falconer rtvr toi'9 T,B"T IAMBULANCPhTOI5 Thirty-third and Farnam. HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertake and Embalmera. Phone HA. 0265. Office 8811 Farnam. Hulse & Riepen, Funeral Directors. 3224 Cuming. UKUDIS I -MUUXVIi !tth wirt SPECIAL NOTICES. TO ALL CONCERNED J. E. and Kath e rifle L. Wilson have purchased of Glenn P. Madsen the Davenport Dough nut factory, located at 2707 Lake St.. and will not be responsible for debts contracted prior to May 8. 1922. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Thurman A. Daly. Omaha, 80; Mary C Vondra, Omaha. 17. John M. Whit. Silver Creek, Neb., 22; Myrtle Baker, Palmer, Neb., 21. Adler Peterson. Omaha. SO; Ida C. Mathlesen. Blair. Neb S. Ernest A. Schroeder, Omaha. 15; Irene Henpen. Omaha. 23. Dryden L. Pell, Corning, la-, 22; Blanche Waggoner. Atlantic la.. 18. Joseph EversJrh. Council Bluffs, Is,, St; Lillian Sorirh. Omaha. 24. John L. Smith. Omaha. 11; Leara C. Vonderbrurge, Omaha, 27. I- te it in cotoai IN THC flfNDAV IEK I MM Vli V VLt- fcTT YnC MlLLIOM POM TWt , TM IT TO 0U? FATHER o. a. raum orrie THE IR-bT TIME. IVfe EVC tCtH TOO WITHOUT A OCAR IN OUR MOOTHJ ALLOW MC! FLORISTS. I.PHT.AP MAM 1 S 14 Douglat. Pbon DO. 1244 bAV IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HE83 & BWOBOLJA, 141 fAKWAM el rvcci U HKNPKRSON, 1607 Farnm. J A. 12ST JOHN BATH. 1804 Frnm. JA, 0t. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. LOST Small sable fur choker, Strand the ater, Wednesday. f inder pieas. can VA. 013. Reward. LOST OR STRAYED Collie dog having name of Carl Jonaa on collar. REWARD. HA. 0H14. LOST Brown fur neck piece somewhere on 16th St. MA. 2456. Reward. PERSONALS. THE SALVATION Army Induatrial homo aoltcita your old clothing, furniture, magazine. We collect. We distribute. Phone DO. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 11 10-1112-1114 Dodge St. MATERNITY, home for confinement cases; babies adopted. 1912 Emmet St. We. 2911. MAGNETIC baths; Violet Ray treatment with masaages. ei a. itn. at. mi. THEATRICAL historical masque costumes. for playa and parties, at Lleben's, Oman. SULPHUR baths, Swedish massage, chi ropody. Evenings to a. zoa a. zutn si. W. D. B. PLEASE write me aa I need you. K. C. Mo., Gen. u.i. M. WANTED Child under & yeara of age to board. Market 2397. OSTEOLOGY massages, aptm. AT. 8365. EXPERT MASSAGE. ATLANTIC S54. RENT vacuum cleanera. 75c. HA. 1071. EXPERT massage. 210 N. 17th St. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordion Pleating. XTLfD TJT T71 A rpTXTri Hematitch- 1 XJU. lUDilllllU tng. Cover- ad Buttons. 1806 Farnam. 2d Floor. DO. 5670. ACCORDION, side, knife, box pleating; covered buttons, all atylea; hemstitch ing, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button Pleating Co., 808 Brown Block, Omaha, rtteD. leiepnone ja. 4040 Contractors, OARAGES built, any style and size, $100 up. t;oncreie worn. jnicnun uuxmuc. Wrecking Co. Tel. WE. 6555 GARAGES ot any kind, sidewalks, floors, retaining walls. Lowest figures for first class work. WA. 0997. FOR first-class carpenters, HA. 4996. FLOOR laying, machine sanding. AT. 6633. LESSARD & SON. 2021 CUMING. AT. 1633 Chiropractors. P orient! DR. A. N.. Chiropractor. SOS LarlSOn Paxton block. AT. v747. WE. 6929. Officer hra., 11 a. m.-6:S0 P. m. Dentists. DR. B. & DEWELL. DENTIST. 310 Arthur Building. AT. HS DENTAL X-RAYS, 50 each. 13 a full aet. 61S Securities Bldg.. 16th and Farnam. Detectives. Independent Detective Bureau, 304 Neville B1K. AT. B&Ui; nigni, Vi A. v9 j nn. v... RELIABLE! Detecile Bureau, Railway ex. 0iag. j a. avap. wiant. n JAMES ALLAN, 112 Neville Blk.' Evidence secured In aU cases. AT lantlo 1U6-- Dressmaking. FIRST-CLASS makes suits, fancy gowns, remodeling; out by day. At. 4487. DRESSMAKING and tailoring. HA, 652S. Nonveaa dressmaking shp. 4H Paxton Blk. Dancing Academies. VTT,X?'DC! Learn to dance. Sum. danc IVXjIZji O lng classes, 10 lessons, MO. 1818 Farnam St. DO- 8440. Hauling. MOVING AND HAULING OP ALL KIND. REAS. AT. 3413 or AT. 668. GRADE' cellars, do team work. WE. 6314. Kodak Finishing. - FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. Tha Ensign Co.. 1607 Howard St. Printing. EDDT Printing Co. Sl 8. 13 BL Do. 8647. BRITT Printing Co.. 301 Bromley Blk. Patent Attorney. J. W. Martin, Patent Attorney. 1713 Dodge, room 209. Also Waahlngton. D. C. I help Inventors eell their patenta. Paint and Paper Hanging. LET me do your painting. Save you time and money. Specialty, inside work. Any aise Job. L. Lupton, AT. 9717. - PAINT, wall paper cleaning. DO. 6928. First-class pntg. and paperhng. Do. 490S. PAPERING, painting: low price. JA.1021. Miscellaneous Announcements. RUOS washed, new ruga - manufactured from old; rag carpet weaving; mattress es, pillows renovated, made to order. Gate City Rug. ft Mattreea Cleaning Co., S3 N. 34th St. JA. 2732. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY. Mattresses made ever In new ticks at half price ef new beds. 1907 Cuming. JA. 2467. DR. Louis N. Smernoff, diseases of women and children. 215 N. Slat St. - AT. 676S. FISHER Bath, mass., manicuring, 320 Arthur Bldg. CENTRAL Mattress Co. Mattresses mada over in new zicaa. vae n. inn, ai. ibiu BEAU, quiet home for chronic cases or old people: trained nurse. Terms. WE. 8554. DR. A. C SABIN. RECTAL DISEASES. Suits 318 Arthur Bldg.. 110 S. Utb St. PRESCRIPTIONS - re fully compounded at the S Sherman A McConnell Drut stores. THE FORTUNE' HUNTER HO- INC vWt SIT A. MILLION AsVO I Yrtt VUWCT W TOO VAOttt TX OVDbt Ma QUXIT A. NlW YtU. ' Oft WE MI6NT MPtAC , K A TtMi we Mouec OUT ( HCLLO JOE THrTf JUtT WHAT I'M LOCXIN , -. FOR ANNOUNCEMENT. Miscellaneous Announcements. GAITED saddle horses for rent by hour or day. All are gentle. Jly personal attention given to beginners. . Smith' Crane, proprietor. OMAHA RIDING ACADEMT. Ak-Sar-Ben field Phone WA. 6058. DIAMONDS Trie. pwTt SS to buy back at small profit. ORUJS JEWELRY CO., Omaha, Neb., 403 N. 16th St. Telephone DO. 6049. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Good. BARGAIN combination hall chair, ! N and springs, easy chair and washing machine. Call Har. 2802. Alma Apt... 27th and Harney. FOR SALE Oas stove. Call DO. 69S9. Pianos and Musical Instruments. TRADE your used piano on a new player piano. Balance aa low aa 110 per month. A. HQSPB CO.. 1618 Douglas. GUARANTEED typewriters, 312.50 and up. Midland ornce euppiy 10.. im iuuee. Clothing and Furs. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. For sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" suits, cheap, alterations free. Northwest Cor. 15th and Harney Sti. FULL DRESS sulta and Tuxedos for rent. JA. 3128. 109 N. 16th St. I. Feldman. ARMY shoes. 32.90. 706 No. 16th. Typewriters and Supplies. . TYPEWRITERS AND All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agenta for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. Every i-i .....tu, Central Typewriter Exc, JA. 412 Miscellaneous Articles. WE buy, sell safes, mafc desks, how cases, etc.. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., S. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas, JA. 2724. EXPERT sswlng machine repairing. , MICKELS, 16th and Harney. DO. 1978. LAWN MOWERS sharpened. Called for and aeuverea. ii.bu, souv limmwuiw. At 9204 . PIANOLA and rolls, furniture, also sec ond hand lumber. Cheap. Wa. 1488. TWO hot air furnaces for sale. Call JA. 2042. ' BOTTLES New and used. Nathan Steinberg, 1019 Harney. Do. 5166. WHEAT screenings, 31.50 per 100 lbs, A. W. Wagner, 801 V. 16th. JA. 1142. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. AT. 6146 Call WE. 6441 first We pay more for IUrnuure. rugs, Htovca. AJimuca. WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper. Box Y-1900, Bee. ', Address FOR first-class carpenter. HA 4996. HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN wanted, to represent the Ger-loch-Barklow Co., manufacturers of art calendars de luxe. Direct by mail ad 'vertlsing media, Holiday greetings, etc. For personal interview, telephone. James R. Talcott, Fontenelle HoteK SALESMEN who are capable of .making big money, can do so with our line of household necessities. No limits to the earning of an A-l man. C. V. Adams Co., 623 S. 16th St. Miscellaneous. s MEN To fill the following Jobs on road lm . provement work, some, gravel and some hurd surface. - 14 miles Sao county, Iowa. ' . 11 miles Winnebago county, Iowa. 7 miles Harding county, Iowa. 82 miles Fayette county, Iowa. 18 miles Kossuth county, Iowa. miles Bremer county, Iowa. -.11 miles Howard county, Iowa, miles Wright county, Iowa. 17 miles Buchanan county, Iowa. 1 miles Hamlin county. S. Dakota. ' 4 months work in city of Omaha, Neb. - , It Is necessary to purchase a traffic truck with pneumatic (ires, paying part rash, balance from earnings. We will take as part payment your used car or light truck. " A profitable and practically perma nent job. When answering give phone number when possible. Address Box X-84, Oma ha Bee. Professions and Trades. MEN WITH TRUCKS, EQUIPPED WITH STEEL DUMPS AND HCDRAULIC HOISTS, FOR HAULING CONCRETE MIXTURE ON HARD SURFACE ROAD WORK IN OMAHA. STARTING WED NESDAY. PHONE MR. GIVENS, ROMS HO TEL. FOR APPOINTMENT. Molders Experienced stove platers. Open shop. Steady work. Security Stove ft Mfg. Co.. Kansas City. Mo. WANTED Paper hangers and painters, no bootleggers customers wanted. Only real mechanics. O. L. Welmer. 1708 Cuming. FIREMEN. BRAKEMEN. beginners, $150; later 325S monthly. Whits Railway, Box Y-1S77. Omaha Bea. it tooM-tve Pf crtr ni TO VUT I UVt i. ItXC A TlllOntfc- I MlutN'T (ot cvn nut f .QKt ooa fOV. "TWO VMtXK - W 60T TO HaMt WHN MOW VVH TV AT ft UTTCt Tt CUt T com- EC JICGS AND MACCIB IN TVU. PACE OP COLORS IN THE IUNDAY BC.E THAT't) 60NC L.IKC A OCAR CXOTQP HELP WANTED MALE. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 11C S. 4tb. Writ for catalog. Professions and Trades. DO you want to lncreea your Income t Write the National Auto School, i!14 N. 20th St.. Omaha, for catalog. Z H ELT'WA mEDFK MALE Stores and Offices. YOUNG lady with experience lu office and cashier work. Hartman Furniture and Carpet Co., - 413-15-17 S. 16th St. Saleswomen and Solicitors- Women to Travel Positions must bo filled Monday and Tuesday, A well-known Chicago firm, doing a naUon-wlde business, plans an . extensive spring, campaign. This will create several openings In our regular , sains organisation that will appeal to well-educated, ambitious women tetween 24 and 40 yeara of ago who are free to travel extensively. Positions permanent. Pay salary to start and all railroad fare. Present fprce averaging from $250 to $400 Per Month Acceptable applicants will be give thorough training In school for selling at Chicago at our expense. See Mrs. L. ' J. Carroll, Fontenelle Hotel. Household and Domestic. COMPETENT young girl or woman to help with child and housework. State qualifications and salary. Box H-195, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. Must be good cook. Oood wages to right party. Harney si4. WANTED White maid for general house work. Mra. Ralph Peters, 614 South 40tn St. Har. uzus WANTED Experienced white cook. Mrs. Jj.- C. Nash. S807 Bnrt St. WA. 0212. HELP WANTED. ' Male and Female. WANTED Man or woman secretary, by executive; must bs expert stenographer; permanent position at good salary with prospective advancement. Give details In lttter. Address Box H-194, Omaha Bee. WANTED Men, ladles an ooys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1408 Dodge St. Trl-CIty Barber College SALESPEOPLE wanted for very profitable, permanent and pleasant work. Training free. W. A. Hiienbaugh, 1814 St. Marys. EDUCATIONAL. DAT SCHOOL-r-NIGHT SCHOOL Complete courses in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting; railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and ' commercial . branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1666 lor large illustrated catalog. Address . Boyles College, Boyles Bldg.. Omaha. Neb.j - Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening; Schools. 320 Omaha National Bank Bid. Douglas 5830. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano. 603 Karbach Blk. JA, 1081. BUSINESS CHANCES. . For Sale A - dry goods and ready-to-wear store, in a live Wyoming town of 3,000 population. Best location. Stock invoic ing about $18,000. Year ly sales $60,000. Y-1895, Omaha Bee. . Cafe and dining room In new modern 80 room hotel. On main line Of Rock Island. On Ocean-to-Ocean highway, also three other highways. Tourist season Just starting, doing fine business, Long lease. Owner of hotel boards at cafe, paying for the rent of dining room. Heat, light, water furnished. Three thousand dollars will handle deal. Some can be car ried back. Easy terms. - Write Box 32. Stratton, Colo. E. G Gangestad & Sons Have added two more salesmen nd are well prepared to take care of your wants. Our motto Prompt Service. E. O. GANGESTAD. E. L. GANGESTAD. O. W. GANGESTAD. , R. W. WINTERTON'. ' ,T. W. CONNOLY. . W. M. GRAVES. TEL., OFFICE DO. 8958 ALWAYS OPEN. 730 WORLD-HERALD) BUILDING. SOME choice western Kansas land unim proved to exchange - for merchandise stock. This land Is all level and rich Mack loam. Julian West, Leotl, Kan. FOR SALE First-class meat market In large Nebraaka town; a bargain. T-1198, Omaha Bee. FULLY equipped Garage, doing good business. Eox 487: Gregory. 8. U. LK A OCAR erJ. Un. 1 OLOTQia; ' Driwn for v9 how 7 v ri oij4oc i cam fern. ov- l HUT Afl. TMf UM -WIT Vtft ftlft AM nit Tt OVO ItUNWM tmat ou'tt mocx - hlv. HfrMlWCt NOVA VtW THOCAMr tOUAftt OW CAH WAIT VI 0T AVV TO VtOPVC - 6VtMa TXIM Tfe , I9 Imti. PeTu BUSINESS CHANCES. OPENING good paying Kord business for experienced msn. Investment permitted. Incorporated. Y-189H. Oman Bee. OIL LAND to lease on a bonus and royalty basis or will trado for Omaha Income property. Address W. O. Lo gan, Douglaa, Wyo Rooming Houses. IF you want to buy rooming house. Call w r.. vnu; alter v w i-tuvifc. FOR RENTROOMS. Furnished Rooms. GET YOUR ROOM, through The Bee furnished room dl tectory. Call at office for list of choirs desirable rooms In ail parts of the city. ' A service that benefits both advertiser . end room seeker. NICELY furnished room for professional or DUKineas man; sincuy inio . no other roomers; location, Hanscom park district; convenient to East and West' Side car. Har. 2425. SINGLE and double rooms for men only. Running hot and cold water, waiaing distance. Brown Bachelor Apartments. 608 No. 21st. AT. 7449; 2CO.MFORTABLE room, gentlemen, walk ing distance, no other, roomers. 4. AT. -4109.'- ' VERY desirable large room, nicely fur - nlahsd. in prlvats family. ' Clairmont Aasition, wai. tun. FURN. rms. with prlv. bath; warm, com fortable, cheerful; prlcee reasonsble, day or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. FURNISHED rooms; home privileges; meals If desired. Reasonable rate. HA. 6154.- NICE largt front room and bath suitable for two gentlemen; good clean beds, no bugs. 1711 Dodge St. HOTEL SANFORD. MTH AND FARNAM, HOTEL HENSHAW, 18TH AND FARNAM Special rates to permanent guests. SWEETWOOD AVE., 410 Sleeping rooms In modern brick flat. Close in. ONE. large' room, suitable for 3, 13 per week; girls only. AT. 8803. TWO delightful large rooms, private home, walking distance. AT, 9896. UTH ST., 818K North Apt. 2, strictly modern, 2 rooms for gentlemen. AT. 7901. MOD, sleep, rooms, reasonable. WE. 1415. Housekeeping Rooms. - TH1 GUIDE TO the better housekeeping rooms Is the directory furnished to advertiser and room hunter. Call at Bee office for free copy containing desirable vacancies in all parts of the city. HA. 2454 Suite of front rooms, also room with kitchenette, one or two girls. Mod- ern, private home. . ONE large front housekeeping room on ftrs.t floor. 1029' So. 30th Ave. ; SINGLE room, $4.50; 2- rooms and. kitchenette, first tloor, 9. STOSUoage. ONE and two-room completely furnished apartments. 308 North 22d. , JA. 1588. ONE and two-room furnished apartments with gas range. 620 South 28th- Ave. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, 627 South 17th Ave. WE. 0802 after 5 o'clock. NICELY furnished housekeeping room. 2024 California. TWO front housekeeping rooms, nicely furnished. 828 So. 22d St. v ONE and 2-room suites. 611 S. 24th St. Board and Rooms. BOARD and home privileges for ladies or gentlemen employed with widow , lady. AT. 8410. LARGE rm., eitc. board, ideal location. priv., xiar, line, geni-ieiiteii. nA. j.,. 2 pleasant rooms with parlor; suitable for 3 or 4 girls; horns cooking. HA. 3831. tOARD -and room for married couple. Call Walnut. 2517. Unfurnished Rooms. .UNFURNISHED room for light houae- keeplng, close In. strictly moaern, raa sonabie rent. Call' AT; 2250. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. COOL comfortable 6-room Clairmont home, June 1 to September 1. WA. 3941. 8-R.OOM, well-furnished house, desirable location. Box X-73, Omaha Bee. FOR RENT APT S. AND FLATS. Furnished. COMPLETELY furnished two and three room apartments, private bath, walking ' distance. Brown Apartments, 608 North 2 1st . AT. 7449. COMPLETELY furniahed, 4-room apart ment and sleeping porch until Septem ber 1, front yard, walking distance. JA. 3778. For Rent 1-room apt., furnished for rent until November 1. Call Sunday or after 6 p. m. week days. Mrs. R. S. Hydei Colonial Hotel, 3804 Farnam St. 7-ROOM furniahed apartment at 3027 Farnam. Apply at Miller's Box Lunch. 2203 Farnam. DESIRABLE 6-rm. apart, for sum. 2822 Jackson. R. W. Breckenrldge. HA. 1466. FURNISHED modern cheerful 2-room apt. Inquire 3837 South Twenty-third St. AN attractive 6-room apartment In Dun dee until October". WA. 1699. 2618-24 DAVENPORT. Hlldreth Apts. 2 rooms furnished, elect, lights, gas range. Unfurnished. TWO rooms with three-room accommo dation. In, a xvery desirable neighbor hood, 140 pef month. Call HA. 2281 after T p. m. FIRST flocr modern apartment; west, aouth and east exposures; 4 large rooma end bath; walking distance; private garage; 375. Wal. 3888. TWO or three unfurnished rooms in mod- I LATE 1920 Ford touting with starter, ti - ern home. Hanscom Park district. HA. I eel lent condition, good tires. Cheap at 7J. I (200. Terms. AT. 3782. I " The Be by Sidney Smith Tout. ATT0tm.T- 0m, IUT tUM Ut . s-s . w r r a i Drawn for The Bee by McManiu ICefrKbti Itllt ITI COMCTHlNi U A Ci5A' TELL H nt, WHAT It T? Smviet. Inc. 5 20 FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Unfurnished. A DELIGHTFUL small apartment. No. 16. iiv.iauihDril-,!U &a 1 til l.lvlnc room, dining alcove and kitchen, dress vnrtn. mnA ttm ih. vil arranEed and comfortable 60.00 Four nice rooms,' and a good front porch, a good summer apartment, very con veniently located. No. 8. TROY, 3009 HARNEY ST Five room. In a good location, ground floor, west, norm inn w ,-yn,-. AYRES APTS. 603 South Slat St.. 160.00 For June 1 ' A very desirable apartment In the MO.NT1CELLO, No. 12. 3d floor, south and east exposure, 6 rooms, a homelike ' apartment In a well built and well taken care ot building, 620 8. Slat Et.. 1116.00 Also a vety nice four room and dining alcove apartment at No. 17. MOUNT VERNON at 626 'South Slat St. Oarage and maids' rooms available 196.00 Peters .Trust Company, "Where Omaha Rents" AT. 0544.- 17 th and Farnam Sts. Peters Trust Company, WHERE) OMAHA RENTS. FOR RENT Business Property. STORKS FOR BENT Northeast corner Farnam and 14th St. 17x21 facing on 14th Street. 21x34 facing on 14th Street. 22x50 facing on Farnam Street. ' ALBERT CAUN 213 South 14th St. JA. 2350. DESK space or entire private room in quiet office, furnished, central location, telephone and steno. services. AT. 1572. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO., 11th and Jones Sts. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. SINGLE comb Rhode Island Beds from the best hens in the state, culled for eggs; price 60c, or 35 per dozen. Cheap for your matlngs. 21 52 St. Mary's Ave. 'moving Xnp storage. "WHEN MOVING" ' PACKINO-SIORWa-SHIPFINQ Phone Jackson 0288. FIDELITY STGcV 1107-11 Howard St FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separata locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and BEKLNs'bMAHA VAN AND STORAQB. 806 South 18th. DO. 4161, ESTIMATES furnished on storsge and moving. Contracts taken by Job or hr. Globe Van Storage Co.. JA 4388. AT. 0220. 620-24 North 16th St TO SAVE MONEY ON HAULING CALL BINGO TRANSFER. DOUG. 6883. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. LATE 1919 GRANT TOURINO. THIS CAR IS IN THE VERY BEST OF CONDITION. IT HAS BEEN RUN BUT A SHORT DIS TANCE CONSIDERING THE MODEL AND DURING THAT TIME HAS RECEIVED EXCEP TIONAL CARE. THERE IS HARDLY A MARK ON THE PAINT AND MECHANICALLY IT IS AS GOOD AS THE FIRST ' ' DAY IT WAS DRIVEN. FIVE GOOD TIRES AND MANY EX TRAS. IF INTERESTED IN THE BEST USED CAR BUY IN THE CITY CALL HA. 7281. REAL USED CAR BARGAINS. Cash or Time. Boy or Sell. 'Fords, from 150 and up Dodge, Buicks and others. 8100, and up. Ford bodies winter tops. GOLDSTROM AUTO CALEB CO, 1318 Harney St. Csntrsl Oarage I HAVE A 1920 MAXWELL TOURING THAT HAS JUST BEEN OVER HAULED AND PUT IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. FIVE GOOD TIKES. IF YOU WANT TO GET A GOOD CAR AT A LOW PRICE CALL HARNEY 7291 EVENINGS. SOME bargains in used fords; prompt delivery on new Fords. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., The Handy Ford Service Station. 15th and Jackson Sts. DO. 3600. PAIGE Sport Model Touring car. New top and side curtains. Motor guaran- . teed to be as good as new. Five tires; ' a real sacrifice. Cash or terms. 3052 Farnam St.. DO. 8987. 1918 CHALMERS TOURING. Just over hauled and repainted a dark maroon with black trimmings and fenders. Good tires, will sell at a sacrifice. Call HA. 7291. FORD roadster; turtle back and small track box. Shock absorbers and many extras. Will sell cheap. Call Harney 7291. OAKLAND Sensible Six. Touring; perfeot condition; new tires. Cheap, caah or terms. 2068 Farnam St. DO. 8987. BUY A GUY L. SMITH USED CAR. A Safe Investment. ' 26th and Farnam Bts. Phone DO. 1970. USED cars, worth your money. The Ne braaka Oldsmoblle Co.. 18th aud Howard Sta AT. 1770. Whifplv REPAIRS RIMS. FENDERS, mieiv RADIATORS. VUL. TUBES. IOC; CASINGS, 60C VP: FORD parts, exhaust pipe. 31; gas tank, 32: dash, '81; coll box, 31.76. Neb. Auto Parts Co., 1016 Harney St. AUTOMOBILE 5 KO R S ALE, L0C ,r ur list f s4 as TMti u .Hns NtsaiT ! tera.a n f'Aul'm liriHHitif Txf ftuMlel, like ( (! Ism, M " lfc.ti lusfcina a4 ' f" sH M O.li.lt l'4"'i ISMS V, t St., AT 6l vtm t..i isi. Mint tartkr ami a.ii rrr i,.t i.una MVw U.I. Y'l'H t n. HSU "I N. ,Mii itl tlV fi.-t a, e. t ftkli i4iuie, all Hkoe for Mia iiea. t4lf rUis'r. leis r,i PATKT fullm.s a. s-uilt mta tuur I -.iff.e, !.! Ie.enauilk. vl"'l siw-t) wr hh4 l tsiy Iwsr fitma T l.tt tllal 4i.rl4 .-.r far , Uo4 tnu.i rail K'a 4 Slat, !t ftiltta Iumiihs, dentouaialile ojieeiaesr ia thaler. Wal. 4 llol l.T. p.t sola luiumtf. all rita. Us FINANCIAL. Real Euan Loans. have cask ss fessd Is Imi sa Omsbe lesideasM. K. B f OPOR89 INC, 814 Klma ni4s. Farm Loans Sr'i: rTSK: Kloks Inveatmeni Co. ett 'e' ljli: IlKsT meiis.se loans Bia U ptomplly timsha (sal "'a, abepen at Co., ttxllora, JA 41J4 fl4 Keejilse JM; OUAlia ir"iMK KAT Nri rARMlC i KU'r'K liKAI. KKTATK CO.. , 1 I Ulin N a t K k W AJlJ'iZl j "T!e TU linnet ina titada .rompt'y. r. t WKAO s4 l M BOWMAN, " 81 Mth Hl.W4 II Ms ".''J!; fis mW'i'MOI'KHTV. Xt HKLAf"" OABVIM HQS.. 141 OMAHA NAT, WLB. Siockt ind Bonds. UBUtTT BONIi"b"iiht gin) sold. AT 3t44. Msess B-'iid H" 1131 1st Nst. J. II HITMI.n"pss ino.t f.-r I.TflKHTr B'M'H. ;l Cliy Nat l Hank Hldg. RAlTlESTATE'WAfiVEDr5" mi K"fur"Vi, APTsl."f rent. W. J. Palmer Co., Tteal Kstate Mapsgemenl Cpeclalla'a K..lti 111,1s AT l6, lt your hmne Buy your home, BINDER & OTIS, Weal Estate. Loans. W.ntals, JA. till. LIST TOt-li l'HOI'KKTY WJTK Cs. E. G. Gangestad & Sons, H wiitt.Tt.iiKKAi.n m.ni. ro. uti. Charles W. Young & Son Jt.al Kttate. Rentals, Insurance, 103 City Nat. Ilk. AT. (161. To buy nr eell Omaha Real ICatate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 112 City Nat l nic Bldg. JAckaon 142C. RIPhTTT'11" Tornado and JliVXAJXl Windstorm Insurance. j 850 Peters Trust Bldg.JA. 0623. ! LIST YOUR RANCHES WITH VS. If. 8. MANVILLK, Realtor. A T. 2403. 615 Peters Trust Bldg. GRUENIG c,0u..ku,;.. 1418 1st Nat'! BR. Bldg. JA. 1946. HOMB Realty Co., W. O. W. Bldg.. will sell your noms. if or an sppuntwii.,,,. rail At. 1111. NEW homea, completely financed. Pay like rent. C. T. 8PIKR ft CO.. Realtors, 304 Peters Trust Bldg. DO, 4857. WANT or 7-room, well located. In Dun dee, by the first; have cash. Bog 121, umina rtee. HAVE Inquiries for homes do you wsnt to sell your property i i.isi iv C. A. Orlmm.l, Omaha Nst'l Bk. Bldg. Real Estate, Rentals, Insursnce. 106 South 18th. AT. 2996. LIST your homea for sal with us. We hava the oustomers. PAYNE INVEST MENT CO. . TO SELL your home quick Shoalak. Ja. 8556. Weatern Real Estate Co. JA. 3607. FARM LANDS. Nebraska Lands. 17 A PMQ Write M. A. Larson. Centrsl r AivXYlO city. Neb., your wests for screags tracts, farme. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. . For Exchange 40 or 80 acres of unimproved land in the Coachella Valley, Cal.. for grain or hogs. Price 3100 an acre. C. D. James, Thsrmal. CaL - REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Florence. NETHAWAY sells and trades. KE. 1409. REAL ESTATE OTHER CITIES Lake Shore Property Five-room cottage with two large ' porches, garage, Icehouse with Ice, boat, house and boat; furnished, ready for oc cupancy; located on half acre beautiful wooded shore near Annandale, Minn.; good roads; price 84,000; terms. Owner, E. a. Shafer, 608 Nicollet Ave., Minne apolis, Minn. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. . North. Miller Park Bungalow NONRESIDENT OWNER SAYS SELL. Dandy five-room, oak finished, hot water heated bungalow; bookcases, buf fet, cabinets, etc., built In; sun room, large attic, full basement; garage; choice east front lot, on 24th St. car. Priced right. Can be bought with an extra lot If desired. Call Osborne Realty Co., . 580 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 3282. North Side Bargain Owner leaving city, must aell at once modern two-story home, slg rooms and sleeping porch, oak finish, bulltln fea tures, full basement; house In excellent condition; nice lawn, hedge, garden, sev eral fruit trees and garage; lVi blocks from car lino. One look will convince you that house ia bargain for 36,260; terms. Call owner, Kenwood 3346. 81X-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. . 81.000 CASH. Having large living room and dining room finished in oak, kitchen with pan try and tie chest room, three sleeping rooms and bath on second floor, nlcs large sleeping porch, good basement; lo 60x124, at 1471 Piivkney St.; con venient to Sherman Ave. car line. Very nice home fit a reasonablo price. 647 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., JA. 1294. YOUR VACANT LOT Will make the' first payment on this practically new, strictly; modern krsg stone home. ' 5 rooms, paved street; paving paid. AT. 3501 Sunday. Ralston Lots XZT1 payments. Phone Stewart. Ralston 10-W. ONLY 3400 cash. 7-room modern, only . 34.500. Near 24th and Sprague. Call AT. 6135. 7 ROOMS, atrlctly modern, Prettiest Mile district. Must leave by June 1. Call owner. Kenwood 4162. ' 8901 NO. 17TH ST. 7 rma.. modern, easy payments. Immediate poaaesslon. Crelgn. 608 Bee. JA. 0200. D. E. BUCK CO. buy and sell homes. South. Field Club District, $6,750 Six large rooms and bath; oak finish: choice aouth front lot 45x160; garage. , 12,000 cash will handle. Osborne Realty Co., 630 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 225. Vacant. CHOICE corner lot, 23d and B. for Im mediate sal at half of former price. Paving, walk and sewer paid. Terms 50 cash, balance next March. Phone MA. 1100. LOTS On 8. side ef Larimers Ave, between !th and 27th Sts. Will sell on easy payments er will build to your order. AT. 8540. 1-ACRE 3-ROOM HOUSE Fruits end shrubberies. Take Ford car aa part payment. 32.100. D. 8968. TWO lots on 41st and Corby Sts.. 60x120 each: will sacrifice for 1600. George L. Jones Co., AT. 6635. DUNDEE LOT South ot Farnam on list: 31,350. Phone. WA. 4187. BARGAIN in corner Dundee lot. 80x100. Priced to sell. 83.60u. Call KE. 0440: Acreage. FOR SALE A good lot; well locsted. on lake Okobo.1l ; M. B. tirout. Council Bluffs, la. Red 2304.