THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. MAY 22. 1922. Trade Review Mr H, u, in ik I o. ri..' IlKIa aa If .IN ll4t f Mtll'M. .. .t4 Bill UI (! )(. .UU IIMWU tf.p. iu Bf.e.iaf tllr B4 .faulrtp fuf B . M 4U f.lll.rl; HMt taMum, e4 etiti tafia. ih taag4 ra4Ulal Ilillereal l4 Ikel I i4 oho kqa Bil4. Stasias n.iiiak ia.4 em.,! as .I,. I ( dutat.4 4. .ali, . e4 n I. ! f l.te n, Ifaa4 bet Maa. Bit. mm). Ui'kvui apnea. Mm liue aianm baa ilvinnl ea . f 4" taluaa l lUK. raHiptrBeaela I Ml mi Mmi M(iuti. pr.Biium. a iH of artia I 4nuairie last au Bee4 r t. tunilug Uld'.l, l itli UU "" IK laturskl raalj' i. IH aertsie tare tar th kaii.r m h autamubii l4u. id Mlr s4 eetpel b iittrt-aaa-t aebaiesiielir. e4 BeiUltBg epaiaiiaa ef ,.niul feat ruHliitw4. Him iniptet. ' .ei ! reerii.g it ' tiaa,k.a bu.ina. 4anl OUST If btee, In g.aeiai BUII.B 1 4etlB-ltir e bffgkler IxoiitiM, eiiBuMSB Hot Bilkaal tiemeats ., I'uubl. aboil Ik ..(Hi. if lha rraf ara a tauae rue ...M.a heeilallua. tut weavMl praapetla P lar la k Maimy eBueegiag. en4 bigiier .rl,a rr l.rie nava nnan- IH. punhaaiti peaer In ssrkuliural t.giana. ua.i4eraua trresulariiy m re. i.H ir.irit.ii Hal f..un.'l Irum tart. .1.1. a'aln.r an4 ettikee la mta aw. iimi, tat MMieuinutiae f (ua4. If III tark4 tf ai4 riiatrimma 1 ,an in buiib. ! v i'r .mum. Retltal la tulamaklle ladaaHT. A awa'ial urr of lb ameiiwfcile Ik iti.iry iala ihrouan rrtaawa4rnia of liua a Kavww la.l January Ji"-l"4 l.u .tulMl'In'r aaa.t. Mil annlhar na )ual vanaulalaa raala a lif(rBl amaiian. Kroin a tumim of dull Ihi.imm a4 4allmn $H"., iha lia-la how riv rinn ailiviir ami auma, IIB (.naral uulluok rliahl rn i..ui.. Tha at d'mand naa rtr'll atpniailuia la nt a, ! I"' aiant., .oariall In ...n.'r aulomo bila, an4 .tn.luillun at all Blanla haa iMa aMbaianlially, villi ovaillma work in auurair4 In aoma raa. inlwr brnrha ( i ha UMlu.trr naa .arllHnail In lh tn.riamaa. ana accumulatart laka of u.., tmf hat hn raUurad toaaibar bl. Kinamial a.p-'la am al.o it .irhi.. ami a miM'h in' aaliffHirjr .ar la auriiaia. klarl MarVH I d. Tha lanaral ravlval In lha aulamublla l not unnaturally navina a umulaima fl't on Iron n1 ail mar., Iwinan4 fm auiumoblla rnakara. hu ara a.iatolli'hina naw r'corUa lor ptw ilu. uoii In ome Inaiantaa, hi (ai-olly b- inita mnl. an4 alwl milla ara falling far'htr Iliin4 n 4livnra. Wlih u-n lhaara prr.rnl. and with th roal airik rantinuma. It la not a!ran that prliaa f aia-l ara atlll rl.inf and that iramluma prompt ahlpinanl ara mora friu.nt. , I'uttl-hrd quotatlona thla aak dl-loa a numbar of additional advancaa In uotn ai.'l and pic Iron, and rraaion. ahlrh train common not lon ag. hav dump tard, laapia tha coal atrlka. now In h h wi-rk. output of Iron and ."-I la brim wall maintained, with tha trading Internal reporting- no rtductioa In It accumulated atocka of coal, htrengrr Condlllona la Trillin. Th rlalng roadltlon of th lxtll war fcatr.. which haa bn a racant faature. ha cnntlnuad. althouah Inygulnny. nh augmaniad atrangth In .raw mattrlala. prlr of nma fabrlra aro being plarad upon a higher baala. and demand h been ailnittlatd. Kepori from different ec lion, of th country not a Trdual -pan. ion In buin. both among Jobcara and retailer, and there la mora of a die poaltlnn to anlhipat futur requirement, la aection where atrlke are atlll In progrea. howver. buying La very limited. Th labor trouble In th New England field hava appreciably restricted lh amount of goods available, hut curtailment of operations at om cotton mllla hae lessened. Male of print olotha at Kail Illver last weelc again attained consider able proportions, and dry good trade, a a whul la cloarly or larger volume. Hid Trad Improved. Recent Improvement In th hid 4rd has been maintained. Tha general situa tion la distinctly mure favorable, with stronger prlcea on about all materials, and tanners, after a considerable period of hesitation, now seem disposed to operate more freely. Thla condition reflects the gradual betterment in leather markets, which ar displaying more activity on a rather firmer price Lasl. Demand for , patent leather 1 of unprecented propor tions, and buying of black calf kln In men's welghta haa Increased ubstanilally. Irregnlarltt In hide and allied lines haw not disappeared, but prospects are decided ly nior encouraging, and developments In these quarters hav added to the evidence of business recovery everywhere. Chicago Grain j By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Omaha Be Leaaed Wire. Chicago, May 21. Liquidation by holders of May and July wheat, combined with general pressure of cash wheat and a, limited domestic arid export demand, has created a bearish feeling and lowered wheat prices 12j,15c in leading markets. Under existing conditions sharp fluctuations are to be expected at any time, particularly during the balance otthis month, as the action ' of May wheat values is regarded as the leading factor. 1 The largest holdings in May wheat were bought at prices that are said to average around $1.20, so that they can be sold for July to advantage. l ne liyc oreaK in May me lasi lew days has created an impression fn the trade that longs are getting out. They may be right, although those ' very close to them suggest that there is more May open than is likely to be delivered. The trade need not be surprised at anything May wheat docs in the next eight days as it is likely to fluctuate sharply and until it is out of the way a nervous feeling is expected. . Decline 1! Cent. " May wheat has declined 12 So from the high point of the week after an advance in th previoua week of 1.344 to 11.46, while the high point on last Wednesday was 11.47. June wheat ia selling at 7 Ho under May and only ha over July, while th July-September spread is 6 cents, although recently It waa 9c. The differences between the various months are becoming more normal. Operations in May wheat for months have been surrounded with the greatest mystery th trade has known. It has been possible to locate existence of a con siderable local holding, kut even those usually best informed on market opera tion and the position of leading holders have been unable to diecover to their own satisfaction who realty compos or repre aented the large eastern interest. It Is said, however, to be. mainly among the .mi auv amanviat iiueirsi, lawmen Selling. ' Recent developments indicate that farm ers in Nebraska, Kansas, and in all lead ing wheat states have held more grain than was generally supposed and within tha last three weeks they have sold with increased freedom. Evidently they are aatlsfied with tb present crop outlook as well aa with values, (or there are Indica tions of the closest cleanup of mills, in terior elevator and farmers holdings in recent years. Should the flour trade Improve mater ially, It might result in millers being forced to come to Chicago for supplies of wheat and those who have taken in the cash wheat on May delivery appear con- xiaent or ineir aotuty to place tneir casn grain among millers and abroad, in the Bear futur. Crop prospects ar better both In the winter and spring wheat countries. A leading authority In the northwest es timate the acreage In three states at 10 to IS per vent under last year's, and that most of this ground can be used for other crops which can be sown later. Food Index Lower Bradstreet'a Food Index numV.r. based on the wholesale prices per pound of SI articles used tor food, ts 13.23. com paring with tS.SS last week and $2,811 for the week ending May 19. 1921. This week' number shows a loss of nine-tenths . of 1 per cent from last week., but a gain of 21 per cent over the like week of last ' S'ear. ,- Increased: Flour, apring wheat, corn, oats, pork. mess, hams, tallow, coffee, beans, rice, beeves, live, hogs, live, oleo oil, cotton, gray goods, wool, O. half Mood, ateel billets. Bess., teal billets, O-H, car wheel, old, Phlla., copper, lea, tin. pelter. , Decreased: Wheat, red. barley, but ter tapioca, aheep. Jive, lamb, live, hay, ateel scrap. Pitta., steel scrap. Chi. Turpentine and Resin. Savannah. Ga.. May i0. Turpentine N'o sale: last sale May 1J at 0c: receipts, 41 i barrels; shipments, IS barrels; stock. 1,J1 barrels. ' Roam Firm: sales. ?3 fajks: receipts. 1.1 casks; shipments, t tasks; stock. J6.M9 casks. . T Quote: B. U.n: T. I4.SSJ K. $U: f. o. I4: H. 4...S: t. M K;'4-'? fK .; W. W. H.SO. 4 Financial CbcNttjflaJTitGiaa B ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. vtmmmm i.sasss wira, Ktw York. My ZiUtt vttVt resumption of active trading and rt iny Price, on the stock exchange mi fvwcnily caused by financial, not political development. Insofar a it responded to aetiul news, ita alien tkn mii tixrd on occnrrcncei at home, not abroad. The new advance in not I, i vag accurately timed so at to prove the financial conimtinitif ' lack of interest in the late experi ment! at Genoa, I'robahly it would be going too far lo say that the mar ket's jorwirtl movement expressed relief at the adjournment of the con. fcrence with it Kuaiian negotiations and admitted failure, but at least h'r no in whatever of regret 1 here are three way of explaining the movement which it now in prog rea on the stork exchange and, in a more or le similar way, in other speculative market. One is hi the butmest norld'i growing conviction that trade and industry are parsing lllto a neriorl n( rli-t,n,.i i - , ... Kivai, uact on returning confidence in stability I'litn gnu on evmriue of an ab normally low rate of production with coiuerjucnt small nocka of merchan dise III dealers' han! 'I I.. j explarfation i the existence of a nioitry market in which abundant credit can be commanded at the low est rte since 1917, and can be thus procured tint nntu . general trade hut for stock exchange peculation. The third it the appe- tlte for rumnr a,i.l ' :.,. . -..i i i y"jure wnicn invariably develops in a period of ........ I pnard Turn la Values. Tha vase, sat I- . saif. h..--.'T. k'ti by It. .u.i,:,;:1. ruii popi. lw ir.ak.LT." nnancia his. mod tv m.;L.7. "l"?J .! '""t- and In'soVvaV," V'A'"" of 'nn BuVopI ann insolvent railway ayatem and in hoZTil':lnJrUMr,, whfrh w" s?d 7,rnw7 0f "" at Horn merelv ,.,T.'r.1 , ''"'mn .hroad. cn,'Th. .TO- p'," of similar he;; r.'r:" i0'',, h.. iha " monins aat on of irnalU ''k ."r.k,,..'n. ,h m"r Of fhi dt.nt; " xaiHiiiar incl- durt.rr.SliW0 '1 ",rrho of on la. .H? 1 1 eompany by anmher was very atlt tit IWa fl.tainx IV...I .. . ' n lb'. ':.'?.fil!...b.",h . v..,?y Amalgamation Blocked. .,, ", 'ei com. r ,u uiapure continuous. fn. Vn,r..... 1-V..' uweive propnal ... ..nn.,,.,i uvmm oiocKaaea by the t' 'o watchfulness of the n.a-otlatori in prevent any single company In the merger from being over-valued. But Wall street, knowing this fact, bids up prices for the stocks first on the suppooltlon that an exorbitant valuation will be placed on some of them, second on the theory that swapping of stock by the companies concerned will make the value of every before ProDer" greater than It was It is hardly nece-sary to say to people J. any financial experience that such per formances Invsriably overshoot the mark. Ihey have alwavs done ao, even In years when nothing was In sight to modify or impede the course of financial recovery and no serious person will contend that r -...ujiMTOmiun exists touay. Bank Clearings Bank clearings in th United States for the week ending May 18, reported by telegraph to Bradstreet'a Journal, New York, aggregate l.S0,663,000 against 17, 185,030.000 last week and 18.658. 643.000 In this week last year. Canadian clear ings agregale $ as against 1274,111.000 last week and J285.321.000 in this week last year. Following are the returns for thla week and last with percentages of change shown this week a compared with thla week last year: New York ...14.321.300 000 14.711 400 0011 Chicago. 643.070,000 641,870,000 rnuanelphla .. 427,000,000 398,000,000 Boston . 342,000,000 2.000.00 Kanaas City .. 128.409.000 .119.200.000 San Fran. ... 146.100.000 133.200 000 Cleveland 91,922,000 76,844,000 Detroit 114,147,000 87.343,000 I.os Angeles 109,866,000 ' 96,207,000 Mlnneapoli ,. 60,860,000 69,293,000 Cincinnati .... 69.914.000 62.676,000 New Orleans .. 43,647,000 41.782,000 Atlanta 43,266,000 37,970.000 Richmond 44.686.000 38.817.000 Omnhs, ....... 40,ll.OO S.08 1,000 Buffalo 40M61.000 36.637,000 Portland, O... 29.923,000 27,370,000 Seattle 33,365,000 28,584,00 Milwaukee ... 30,151.000 30,161.000 Detlver . 28.426,000 28,406,000 Dallas 24,600.000 21.800,000 Oklahoma .... IS. 834.000 18.844.000 Houston 21.408,000 21.700,000 Louisville 2.609.000 24,233,000 Birmingham . 20.069,000 18.660.000 Washing. D C 19.928,000 19.861,000 Nashville . .... 17,328,000 16,740,000 St. Paul 15.009. 00D 13.605,000 Memphis ..... 17.743,000 16,279,000 Indianapolis .. 50,128,000 19,101,000 Salt l.ak C... 12,796,000 12,620,000 Columbus .... 13.724,000 14,768,000 Fort Worth ,. 10.192.000 9,629,000 Wichita ...... 10.821.000 11,066,000 Oakland 13,111.000 13.636,000 Providence . . . .10,265,000 . 9,683,000 Dea Moines .. 9,475,000 . 10,472,000 Rochester .... 9.830,000 9,370,000 Galveston .... 6.107,000 4,394,000 Norfolk 7.111,000 7.300,000 Akron 7.222.000 5,091,000 Sioux City .... 6,766.00 . ,28,00 Tot. U. S. 6.990.53,00O 7,18M30,000 New York .Coffee. . New York, May 20. The market for cpffee futures was lower today, owing to declines ' In the Rio market and re iterated rumors of unsettled political conditions in Brazil. These features were considered chiefly repsonslble for scat tering liquidation on the decline which carried July contracts off to 10.15, or about 33 points below the high level of the week. ' The general market opened at a decline of 2 to 3 points and closed S to 11 points net lower. Salea were es timated at 42.000 bags. Closing quota tions: May, 10.27c; July, 10.17c; Sep tember, 9.4c; October, .63c; December, .32c; January, 9.26c; March, 9.15c. "Vacation Time Is Burglary Time" So read the annals in police records. Your home left alone and unguarded is an easy target for every crook in the community. His business is to watch every movement of those on whom he preys and don't forget . Your home ii watched and your' departure for your vacation i known. Insurance will not keep away burglars, but it will give you the satisfaction of knowing, that every article stolen will promptly be paid for, or replaced. Call AT .antic 9555 Harrv "PAYS THE CLAIM FIRST" V ' Insurance Surety Boads InTastBseat Sacnrititw ; . Howard at Eighteenth Street AT I antic 9555 Omaha Produce furaiahed be th slate f Nebraska, d. panaa.nt at ag"ell(, MM f J4 ! a4 snsrk.uiMl. uvg rtt't-TaT, trailers M 1M t M.aa. light .11 ,11 H.aa. bkT .... .!I4 ,11 . lis) ,1 Iwil ( ! .1 tiitieaaio rut'LTUT, Hrllrs, frask .. .......... trail!, freua . Men .,...,,. Cork ru.k Ue ........... ......... . Koaa, .let .......... Ko, I ho. I I'r.rWa ....... i Case ceuat, . .t 1 HliTTKR. Crmry, , prints .......... I'raamary, tub . it Country, b.v ... ,js . ... Counirv. cn... ,119 ,t .11 Buttarfst, fta pt. j,AT? '" fpland prslrl. N. I... ,';.f,JJ. I piahd prairie. Ko t 1 J JJ t plaad prairie, ha, .. J JJ JJ Midland prairie, Ko. I It Midland prairie. Ho. S "f I slldlaod prain. No. ..... I.e4lnd Tralrl, N. I...... lowland prairl. No. I...... t.Me) 9 MS) ! 10 it Alfalfa, tboic ; 14 lttrf usee) 11. lt6 lit No. I Mandard No. J No. a oar atrtw,,.,, U'K... .lr. W .............. lso 11 t si s s 7,00) lt HIDKS P wws. Haf hldaai Orn ltd No, 1. 01c; graaa lld No. 1. ! green hid Ne. I. Pr lb..4) ! bide No 1, per lb. Ql rn salt, old .lock, per !.. ti f' "J J hidM No. . per lb., 4s gro tslud kolt Bide No. . per lb., le. ,.. Hora hides: Lsrg. c. It.i mdlum, each, 13 60; small, each. IJ.00; pony asd glues, ssch. ll.eoOt fi. , , , Kh.ep pelts; Orn salted, S t 1st gad wool, cn, 7icSMl.C. . Wool: Cholc fin and en.hlf bleed, per lb tltflOe; medium snd three-eighth biood. per lb., J4Ic: low and ene-ausf. ler blood. pr Jb;. ". . Bsnsnsst T)7H It, m oranges: Blis SI snd Isrger. IT MV ; sis tit. i:.oe4l o: sis ill. M il 07.00; sin 12. Il. i. Lemons: Per bos, tI.I0)l.. Or ape fruit: Per erst. tccerdUf I.. 14 10 01.6. Apples: Wlnesaps. tceordlnt to sit snd grade, 11.0004 00; Ben Davis, 11.01; Yellow Nswtons, II.. Strawberries: Crates, It qL boie. 0 4 00. Fig: U pkgs., I os., I! ; ktlllc psr lb.. 16le. Pineapples: According to til. It.SiO I. 6. VEOETABI.IS. rot a toes: New, No. 1. Per lb., 101 nw. No. t, per lb., 4e; wtr Nbra. ka. No. 1, per wt., II.Ttt.lts lho whites, per cwt., 2.t.t; Red Rlv.r Ohio, No. I. pr cwt., 12.10; Oregon Nttd Uem. 12.26. Sweet potatoes: Per tu.. tl.s9!-. Celery: Per do., 'lcl.6. ' Head lettuce: Crstss, 11.6094.10; dot. II. 0001.10. Leaf lettuce: Doc 40ff60c. Rubarb: Horn grown, dot.. 40860c.- Kgg plant: Doi 2.0. Oniona: Teia crystal was, 4i-Ib. cratea, $3.00; Texas yllow, 41-lb. crats, IMS. , Cauliflower: Crates. li.ti'MO, Asparagus: Dos., (6c. Cucumbers: Hot houa. dox l!.0j 2.60; hamper, ( dor., IJ.60; Texas, bu. basket. 14.00. , Cabbage: New, per lb., 4 is t) 6c. Tomatoes: Cratea, t baskets, 16.000 (.00; lug, $3.2. Radishes: New, dos., !0Of A Carrots: New, dos., 0c; hamper, $1.7 S.00. Wholesale prices of beef cuts ar as follows: No. 1 Ribs, lie; No. 1 Ribs, llo; No. 3 Ribs. 16c. No. 1 Round. 11 c; No. S Rounds, 17c; No. 3 Rounds, 150. No. 1 Loins, 2c; No. Loin. 26c; No. Loin. 20c. tv'o. 1 Chuck. IOVjo; No. 1 Chucks, 9ttc: No. t Chucks. 1c. No. 1 Plates, 6Hc; No. .1 Plates, 6c; No. I Plate. 4c. - CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Updlk Grain. Co. , DO. ttil. My to. Art. I Open. High. Low. Clo. I T Wht. Msy July l.SIVt 1.3 1.24 tt 1.244 1.19U 1.19V4 1.0SU 1.074 .994 1.4 S 1.24 1.19 1.25 1.21 1.11 1.3 fl.ll 1.21V.I 1.4 1.23) 1.24 I 1.24 1.11 1.1 24 19 Sept. 1.19 Rye Mnv- l.M 1M 1.07. l.M. ,99l . 1.08 1.05 I 1.07 .9! . July Sopt.' Corn .1 I May July .1 .81 .(1 .1 .1 .4 .14 .( .17 .' .81 .40 .I4U .64S .60 .S7H r $9 .404 .40 23.1 .4 . .17 .31 .41 .14 . ".$ .40 .40 21.10 .41 .4 .( .27 .37 .39 .40! Sept. Oats Msy . July Sept. Pork May Lard Mav ,23.30 r , 23.1 22.11 11.26 11.4 11.40 U. July 11.6 11.5 11.42 Ribs !l3.00 12.00 Mar 13.30 13.00 13.0 13.S0 12.00 112.1 11.02 July 12.00 Minneapolis Greia. L.a.i Minneapolis, Minn.. Msy 2 wfJ n.ceints. 12 cara: compared wit li c?r.. i. a . go. C..h-NO 1 nortnern 1 52 ST I.": "ay, ..7s ' September, 1!- C0rn No. 3 yellow. 64e6te. Oats No. 3 white, J6J3c. ; . Barley53e4c. RyeNo. 2, 1.011.J2H. . ,.' Minneapolis, Mtnu.. May 20. Flour Unchanged to 15c owr: ta ejrlead lott family patents quoted ' II.H9I.M bbl. Bran $21.00. Kansas City Grata. Kansas City. Mo., May 20. Wheat Cash No. 2 hard, tl.Mwl.4l; No. 2 rd, nco6rn No. 2 white, 57e; No. 2 yUow, Etc; No. 3 yellow, 6c. . Hay Unchanged ' Kansas vuy, Close. May.. 11.24; July, $1.1; 8plm- Corn May. 6; July, .6$er 8pt.m ber, 61 c. St. Lonl Grata. - St Louis, Mo., May 20. Wheat May, $1.00;. July, $1.20. , ' Corn May, 69c. ' Corn May. 59c; July, 24f63c, i Pals May, 38c; July. 40o. . ' ' Spot Cetto. New York, Msy 20. Spot Cotton Quiet; middling, 21.450, LiveStock tl.ipt d'seaallie Ntli si lha t'auta siarslsre. Maisb. sh., Nt , M,r. j. - .r .a Cwa tsaet H M, He. Ry .-. 1 1 I niea faeih K. a. ,, It I ,, C N. W. sly, ssh I l',K.W l,l It ,, ,. c, at. p., m. A 0. s. ., I '. g y. If .. e. I', f. I f , M ,, f ,, c, a. i a ., .. i c, o. w ,..... 1 .. Tisl reipt .. I lit I pittVIITiOK-MKArV Mg Armaur A C ...I l faeblSf Ct. ......... .!. riald rs'klng C..... '4 Mrruj Psrklat C. .......... i.'4 twin a Co I J. W. Maphy tit Iwsris C I t'aashy front tiaut fsll I.4U Ottar kuytrt I ".. 'ii (it Total .' ., (M ttaeetsls rt! Cattla Hag, fhee. Official Master 1 ' .HI fKflclsl Tuaadtr..,. I 1.414 Official W4M4sy.. l .! am day last w It, II. !. 4.:il No qiatter how dark and stormy the night, scores of men are out braving weather, road and high seas, scouring the world for the news you will find in your Bee next day. ( A veritable army, in its workings, is the group of men who procure and prepare the news for you. Editors, reporters, correspondents, special writers- all are working for one ; end your complete newspaper, The Omaha Bee. (Df News of the Genoa Conference, market reports and ex pert opinions on them, written by men in the very heart of these activities; sporting events and interesting side-lights from the world of sports, ' news of the life and affairs of political leaders these are all to be found in the col umns of your newspaper, The Omaha Bee. (0 The cartoon strips daily, the section of comics Sunday, are put there to make life more cheerful for you. Verily scores of men labor each day to furnish you ' , A COMPLETE NEWSPAPER - a Mtt tilll 4M !. t si -! I Saav r .$. tit ti t .$ Catlla -Reca ll it be 4. tiea af Ik nma tcai.4 I is mmu- fiwn a 4 lis -M,iaaii . tar tb hi saiipiM iiif fcsa a ti a ia . bf a.ik.t ka ruwid lb e.maad fde fat talile 4 "' ska Official 1r4.y ,M I l t 1st MM xii.t.i ru4at ..... I I 4 ' raiiiuia ii-lar lit & i iki aat II (it tlf ltd .(. na.a af fun, ji a ail af it plia tnrlias si t weak ss -r tte laa.r. tsa ta.k ka )erliew4 t0 sad tkr 4 fas4i i tf iksa a st. QeolStlaeis railla: CkaK la prim saaa, t :, aua4 la) . fct III It; fair I $4 . . t Hi semrwMi 14 fair t a.a. tt6fti rfcetre la nfiaa aa'tihl. Istesjttt' Iu4 ckai. eriieja. tttilt, Isle le gas4 tearlint. II (! Its .ouimu ta fair tarlia Is 11 ti; t Sal. a la prim h. ilare tTliwIiii tu4 I itiuu keif far. tr;lll fait t 4 kalfar. It tteMti efcetee le prime ea4 f it) ga4 I ckaic r. fair as4 eaas $ ti Hiama le fair cs. (I fif 4 Iti 4m4 I r kK feeder. l ; fair la gae4 faadrra, lstt)$.j cemnw le fair faadar. Ml .e mjAA 1. ...... . .t,... S. tn) fair it) t4 k. Ilitlt II HE i itaexaaea fair It ttf f $; t ke tx. It wa.4 twa l t It, si. a tel. a. M ft, ! al.. ellea, atak iMtila. itt keii. '. t. , t titjlt, Haaif iiia. t tea fcaad laaat ess 'a lJ. we m ai, trt.a ia sb hi is aiacr, iaiuy is t aat t.ran a- 4 l a atiwaii r 4 as n ciaara wst 4. I.igkl kaf aai4 fra i ( lk a la ii.a af (is at slit. 4 id 4 kui k.e ika iititt. aat k. tea t-Ua. tit j a ilk s.lrama '!. Ittivtt. rtaia af aaia aat l .. I'ru.e si hi sotl si" l.l kiskw ikaa a k tt. IIOH 4 . tie. Ar. k Fr ho v. th, lr ,.? I4 it 4 H- jlt tit lit ft ,,n ... it tt .,$4i ,,, it i t,,JII t It U II ii ,,, t tt . ;-t ... it tt n hi ... tt tt i :u .,, it tt ii,.it ... it tt kk riatetpia, tit k4- Hulk af Ik roaipi 4"if Ike a r t'ali. fniai at"ia lama, akut kait) aaeny ei. kui auk awa ar l aaasiaaa 44 tla4Hf ( a a l It laasr Ikaa a "k st l(k krei iny avatsd l ttwii:t, rat larnna hav keen la P ir 4m4 ! en. ka. sratuallr ark4 laasr Mk Ik elaa l a i it fcelnar last aeek, talk at aalea ara iihia rang af f II I 1! , akap ara fully II. a aiife baa ksndy aeisnl aaaa aiia4 si tte Uuaiatiea ta h..n rat lainba. eaad I tkoire, ttl tti;.t; fat lamb, lair 9 ftl 1 1 ! ' Omaha t4 tlltltlli: tP'ia lam, illMvlllt, call lan.b. tltllti fal taenia, lists alia; fat a altera, latta, LI . HtM, t. la I , . aa . (ktcete lite kiaak, ( Mat St 4illa .ri.s. kaa4, .iim.4 auk aaak, sti I ..I a. ia kite ka la Muailt ae4tt r.uwut aeakj kail. Iteit la.Mi t;aal .alv.s ataalt ia4y t bisk; kait ae up Meat, (tackcrs sa4 fea4a dull. le laast, lap keaf siaaie f (teak. It It; erect, belli puree kaat !'. llti teis aa4 feadais, II seart It; mrtlr 14 i a. ! tll , mi. ear ta sia, a tt I is; aaaaai a4 4tft.lti vast taiae. t Is. Higa rteiia. s aaaa; rntrket . la airaa auk tridr aaaraaai eealur raai4r4 ga4; laa. Ill, bulk, ltVlttt BirBr leak akwtl It ka4; haldav slihl, aigs. sltang, ainatiy ts ) faraiBt w, , its kkeaa and .aihe .Rareipte. 1 1st Beat; fit daaM.a rhnlra tt 4 tt-aiind hra lamka, tltltwllltj kaa a ad apilaf iaHiKa jal4 fit Ml! rinr4 al at. f4 laatb a4 fal bB maatlv Iklll i loaeri airing lamka, tsttl.a lasrarj fa4 ft 4 k4 cell, lie la t laaer: cla. ins laa rriB Urnha. Hit: f.aa.i san4 III ti kula hra lama. Ill lit! bulk fal ea IIHSI.H, tirBi fe.atia 4awa le 14 tt I'ar list Hack aiarkei aiaads rer aigkt , Bee rils lite Mack. ka int. Me. tisr ft Ha ( . tit 4t4i . keel t. t:t lua.r, it k i-k. I tt luaai rtawtH 4 s4ibni ra4a ff Biuet ( bbs ta4 . s4 teltaa. Maatlv laa4, It MttM 44ae kaaerl sia- k eaaa s4 kilr. ! ' !. wiit lift hrr. iti . ata'tj II kr lla-Haiit, I k4i teilt ta faikx 4 kiii ! tjltkat lka taiM4l , klk ge4 4 rteirt It I ttt.N4 aki. ltltti aiit4 fit I l m4a IH4t)Hit; bulk, lit It It It, tea, lit Iti ikiea-t-t aa, lint tit ... kHMpriw!!, til k4; far , siriag lams al-M i4rt Arlsaaat. lilts, aihtr kill! rlaaaaa, ! ( ! Bit i l U4 far ikt. kktat I Mf -. idf inr, It, Wr t '' eeiliis. (4 hat 4; ikt ramp4 la a aaaa as. fe4 lrs S4 (earllaga. If lie kisharj simtt MP ieers a4 lings, a lie hiH.rl lB fllga . i tt fsl real 4 bilr. i4. I kigkaej, l4ri l. atr. t"P. faaH). Beak: el4. l4l kulia, aiaaJ,, fe4it kaifti. ts4y I atrensi siarksra, m4v. Hog Hreeipl. t.ttt k4l lirkl lit. Ialie kitkeri ia, I I e ; titkt. II ti: kr mlsa4, tlee)tlt h.a.r ptr. It lift it; stl pit. Mi!!! bulk el sales. flt,teitl. he.p Itsreieit, Itt fc4i marfeat steady. T