Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1922, Image 8

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Jtathtft Diary
yfll of Spanking
?ht Gave Film Star
Cuy. Neb . May 2.-(Sp.
Mrs. George Leonard, wife e(
art count farmer, taught
itrt some years ago." Durin
it she kept daily diary d
oi haporniniit.
pkirtf over this recently, h
entry recording tht tact
that day aha had dmima
tevert spanking to Harold
amous movie comedian ai
hi hen in his boyhood days,
ert ipent in rawnee City.
Stent Ruling Is
Made on Irrigation
g. Xcb., May M.-(SpeciaL)
cition of general importance
irrigated section of the atatc
ended down by Judge Hobart
district court in the case
n an action m brought by
knert in the tiering irrigation
t again! the directori to com
m to maintain and operate a
at lit necessary capacity.
he years ago the relators had
what ta known as lateral No.
as an organization they bad
to work harmoniously in the
rs of repair and maintenance.
s believed that the ment and
of the ir filiation district
Vovided that the district should
r the water at the land for
it was intended, which would
that the lateral was properly a
t the diktrict system, and the
was instituted to compel such
by a majority of the board
eclors. One member of the
was a relator, thus the case
Stilled as against the other two
rs and the defendant company,
court holds in his decision that
nciple is correct, and nianda-
the board to proceed with re
:d maintenance of the lateral
i capacity as is needed to rive
fttors their proportionate share
r equally with others. As an
iial case there is not such large
hce, but if the principle of
established it will hava a far.
Jg effect in the irrigated sec-
'ersity Student
Drowned Near Crete
k Neb., May 20.-(Special.)-
t Isaacson. 19. was drowned
ay morning shortly before 10
iue river near Camp Mrader.
fwas a student at the state tini-
and came here Friday nicht
nd a week at the camp. A ca.
which he was paddling with
ter young man capsized. Not
!mg now to swim, Isaacson was
ned. Medical assistance was
oned. but use of a pulmotor
d futile. The young man with
son in the canoe was able to
and saved himself.
lacson's parents live at Norfolk,
He has one brother living: in
r1 it. He was a member of Bush-
Guild fraternity.
i Club Ii Organized
by Broken Bow Citizens
oken Bow, Neb.. May 20. (Spe-
B The Broken Bow Golf club is
latest organization here. There
members. Rev. Father James
resident; Myron Wilson, seere
; John Robertson, treasurer. The
has secured the Jackson tract
and one-half miles west of town
a professional from Grand Is
will lay out the course.
' When Auto Hit Steer
Beaver City, Nek, May 20 (Spe
cial Telegram.) Clarence A. Davis,
, attorney general, delivered the com
mencement address of the Beaver
City High school. There were 41
in the class. Mr. Davis is an alum
nus of this school. He is the first
graduate who has ever delivered the
commencement address. One thou-
" sand of his former neighbors and
friends heard his address. Mr. Da
vis was also toastmaster at the an
nual alumni banquet.
The attorney general narrowly es
caped serious injury when riding with
a number of the American Legion
boys in an auto. The car struck
a bunch of Texas longhorn steers
and the party was shaken up con
siderably and the car demolished. The
steers were being driven to Beaver
City for the American Legion round
up, which will be held here June 1,
. 2 and 3.
50 Years of Married Life,
Observed by Gibbon Couple
- Gibbon, Neb., May 20. (Special.)
-The golden wedding anniversary of
s pioneer couple of this place, Mr,
and Mrs. Tom Hutchison, was ob
served today. Owing to Mrs. Hutch
ison's serious illness, there can be
no gathering of friends, but a shower
through the mails expressed their
" congratulations. -
Chief Citei Officers for
Capturing O'Connor's "Pal"
Detectives Aughe, Franks,' Gur
nctt. Belitz and Potach were cited
Saturday by Chief of Police Demp-
sey for their share in the capture
of George Mills, who claims to have
v been a pal -of "Terrible Tommy"
O'Connor of Chicago. ,
Evangelical Association
Conference Held at Archer
rnrai Citv. Neb.. May 20. (Spe
cial.) The 44th annual session of the
. Nebraska conference of the Evangel
ical association convened at Archer,
in the Zion church.
Married 50 Years
Broken Bow. Neb., May 20. (Spe
cial.) Mr. and Mrs. Edward Foley
Lki-31.,1 thrir Sflth lveddirW anni
versary among a large number of
friends. The couple came from Ire
land in 1800 and have resided in
Custer county since that time.
Nesro Church at Norfolk
Norfolk, Neb., May 20. (Special.)
Rev. M. H. Wilkinson, missionary
for.the negro Baptists of the state,
in D days raised f le.ww tor the new
. church founded in this city. This
irivf s them a place of worship free
lay Center Hotel Man
Slightly Hurt in Auto Wreck
Clay Center," Neb., May 20. (Spe.
cial.) While driving home, Lester
Jones, manager of the Commercial
hotel, overturned his auto when the
rear wheels locked and completely
wrecked the car. He ascaped with a
few minor bruises. . Ruth and Ralph
Jones, - who accompanied him, es
caped severe injury.,
Brother of Ex-Governor
Dies at Home in Barada
Falls Citv. Neb.. May 20.-(Spe-
cial Telegram.) Lud H. Morehead,
65, brother of ex-Governop John H.
Morehead, died at hi shome in Ba
rada. He had been in poor' health
since he contracted influenza two
years ago. tie was corn in x.ucas
county. Iowa, and came to this coun-
tv 27 veara aio. Besides his brother,
he is survived by his wife, a son, Wal
ter; two other brothers and two sis-
Community Building Ii
Dedicated at lryon
AmnM Vith. Mv 20 fSnedaH
-r-Tryon, in McPherson county, dedi
cated a community building in nonor
of its soldier boys. An old-fashioned
barbecue befitting this county of
ranches and stockmen, and a big
dance were features of the program.
The North Platte Commercial club
participated. - "
Mason City Boy Is Burned
to Death in Explosion
Broken Bow. Neb.. May 20. (Spe
rial.) Wayne. 10, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Homer Wright living east of
Mason City, was tataliy burned
while attempting to pour kerosene
from a jug on to a poorly burning
fire." The jug slipped from the
child's hands into the blaze and ex
ploded. - ' . v
Beatrice Mayor Orders
Conservation of Water
Beatrice. Neb.. May 20. (Special
Telegram.) The use of city water
(or the sorinkunsr of lawns and ear
dens is prohibited here, according to
an order issued by Mayor Farlow, as
a means of safeguarding the city
against fire. The strictest economy
is urged by consumers for other pur
X217 Fanasa Street. AT.
L Ma '(dwafsthclowetf jl
413-15-17 South Sixteenth Street
Hear th New ColumUa Rccordi
ACompIoto Display of Home
Furnlohlnfio for Spring
rrwutiuir our rutrehanilisf, as we havt in the- past at tlso eoiuiateut f
lj low prim that hav built for Ihrtnian'a nn enviable reputation.
Popular William and Mary Design
5 Pieces Priced Complete This Week
In the Practical Jacobean Finish
Here la a dining room suite that we believe ! anything; f Its klnt
tint lias ever bran offered tlie peopla of Omaha. A 4i-lncli top table e?
whlrh extend in rul I fret; with four chuir. upliollrd in genuine
ltatlitr comBteia this week, ouly,,
ll - Fernery M
PrortiiQt of the, Uovd JJIjj
V loom an4 offernl in AmM
jK choica of Ivory, froated M U
ijflV hlua or fronted brown 1 1 U
""a flntihes. 30 Inches lonjr. aKlllH
with matal (S-t f CA ma
liner at .. plUat)U Hj
Wrought Iron
Bridge Lamp
Complete With Parch'
rnent Shade
Adjuatabla to any height
from floor and to any po
altlon. Polychromed ba.
Complata with handsome
taeorated parchment ahade,
wired, ready for uaa. See
tham la our window.
End Table '
A apeelal offer In a brown. A
Ish cast of mahogany fin- 'a
lah. Only ' Sir
Can Be
to at
This Folding Baby Sulky
With Hood as Shown
Krcsh air and plenty of nunahlna makta
the happy, contented baby. aby will
njoy riUlnir In a sulky of thin kind
and tou. mother can easily fold It up
when going on streot etwof
car. A real value f'OO
priced, for this week"! f sa
clling, at
ii mm
See Our
Showing oi .
Lloyd Carriages
3-Piece Bedroom Suite
(la a Itlrh Walnut VUlaht
t)rwiaerkaa i drawers and Trench.
plain plate mirror. 18x20 in.;bM has
shaped top. ChllToratte has 4 anal as4 aa
rU aMa, Bow End Baa.
asillmtrsMd. Ai
abl italua at ISai
HW alscasj tssaplete
" Of"
III White I I
Enamel . I
I Splasher Back 1
Cabinet Gas Range
Just as pictured at this price, but
with whits enamel splasher back
Instead of the plain as shown.
Guaranteed as to baking-qualities;
has 4-btirner inne
top ind convenient i 3sfL
size oven. Special Tlajs
thia week at. .
Xo matter wliat
. you need a com
plete outfit for a
large apartment, an
individual room com
plete, or a single odd
rocker or chair you
can find it here!
3-Bumer Low Model
If your kitchen will not permit the
use of a cabinet model gas range,
you will be interested In this spa-
vial for thia week's selling, A per
reel oaaer ana oi- a 44 CA
fered with 5-bumer J'l W
top and l-inch oven aU Xs
Odd Wood Beds Values as High as $45.00
' Afost Any Finish to Meet Your Particular Requirements
The most execptioual values of tbelr kind in Omaha. These beds have been selected from complete belmom suites and
are offered in a range of style and choice of several finishes all in full size. Reduced (If7 QC COO
In price to unquestionably sell every one of them before the week is ended. Priced from (J) ,00 $eWaate I 9
MxlM Seamless Wiltea Ban
MmU of vur worsted yarns. Jia
ished with Uneu fringe. New da-
lens and special
9x13 Seamless Yelret Kss
New Oriental effects. In al) col
Drs. 33.75 values (9(11 fK
for this aula only,. $a4e0
Braided Rati Bugs
Tn blue, pi ale and gray AA ffg
colors, at Peef t)
These "Ranney"
All White Enamel
Lin4 Interiors
4mmt M
aratora. Your saving in
foodstuffs, figured
with yew saving in ice
bills, will mora than
equal your monthly
payments o this refrigerator.
IIP v-
r Hi ii. i in i i in
With a
De Luxe
Bed Spring
You Are
, Assured Rest
ful Sleep
Porch Swing Special in 4-Foot Size!
Complete With Chains Ready for Hanging
Just the thing for your porch on cool evenings this sum- e
mer. Comfortable and strongly made in a fumed oak '
finish. Complete with galvanised chains and celling- i J
hooks ready for hanging. This week's special price.......
Full Corduroy Lined
V A 94TAQ Valee '
Exactly - as shown, with large wood -wheels,
storm curtain; reversible gear
and roomy body. Very . An fa
specially priced at ej)04elU
l'orceliron Top Table
Not absolutely perfect tops
ail have slight imperfections
and account for tins unneord
of price.
Fibre Sewing Basket
AUUllt lui luia umicniu
:e. In all (T fwf?
enamel at... ipOe I O
Couch Hammock
Rome-link hammock In
brown or green color. Can
opy or stand not In
cluded in thia spe
cial price-
I I riff.Mil In hMiun n -w .
: . x : ::: f H.. flkrt Jk V..V h.ndV ::: f)D7 DP JSTfttlfl nnt 1 -- t
)' Jir article In any borne. Of- t eluded in thia spe- : 1
f7fUm::?ii. fered sceuial at yffigrfK rial price yfeBfl ffis
16-Inch Lawn Mower
We expect to sell our limited
stock of this mower Monday.
You must coma early to avail
yourself of this (r iv
bargain, only $0.40
111 I,
II. -I....' HI .
ft r-HLUB hi ;
Ml b::., lCr11IHl II III .
ab -
rom debt.