If t K 1A r a r 'ssi D halloo Attorney to Retain Post, GovernorRules McKcMe Refuses to Oust H A. Bryant Charged With tax Enforcement of Prohibition Law' Lincoln, ifav 70 SnUl U k. Brysnt of Vhoo, Saunder i roan. qt attorney, il be ivcn an oppor iulty la let the people of thai coea y; decide hrihtr he if guilty of k cniorceaiew oi, tits . prohibition Governor' alcKelvie refuted today to remove Bryant from office at had Wen reqaetted by 95 retidentt of ihe mon itii witn the before the toy preirnted petitions' den county tax payer urgnif me governor to per Hit Bryant to continue hit duties a tounty attorney, branding the at (rmpt of certain re.identi to remove inn at a "political framcup." Bryant told' Governor McKeMe hat certain attorneys interested in tettinsr him removed were alto inter sited in getting $130,000 in bridge rlatpt from the county. Bryant as i his activities in fighting these Haitns in order to save the taxpayers his money had angered certain influ. Mia people who were behind the iaht made noon him. Bryant pointed to numerous li- iior prosecutions made by him and fered to bring State Sheriff Gut Myers and his deputies before the tovernor and prove by them that he liwsys had co-operated with state of- peers in enforcing ' the prohibitory K Bryant admitted that one nitht In Hvmary, when he was arrested on a Irankenness charge, that he had had i drink, but refused to admit that he has drunk. "I think you should be censured for that." the governor said, "but un- fler the law I have no power to re- fcove you" tor such an offense. An sffictal must be guilty of habitual Irunkennesa before I can remove him." , . Bryant asserted he would be a can didate for re-election. "And I'll lick that gang again," he said. ' , . rVoroau 'Seeking Divorce . . Service by Publication Grace Mach filed a. motion in dis trict court ' Friday-asking that she might obtain, service onJier husband, Jarl Mach, by publication, stating that i she does tioUnow his where abouts now. Ma?h waa sentenced to ' 4 lie penitentiary forttne year for mis using the mails and' recently wu re--l leased, -Mrs. Mach wants a divorce. fy Robeft Reach Die. ; V -Springfield, "Mass.,"" May 20. ' Robert Reach, 9eV noted infreator and aeveioper or ainieiic appliances, once a National league baseball player and known as an authority on' athletic subjects, was found dead in his home yesterday. . '.'-. - ; Bee Ads are a liberal education in home economics. m . . . advhismkkt. . :3.n lc:rc:::r i C:d Carpadis Lftk of Radiat in BIW May Bo '.It. Secret f Thhta aad ..... a i- at-ii. A ' Beted authority reemtlr taM af rajlum rmiri avht In istar of milk ant taken Internally "rea Mood eorpucUt are iaanaaad by tSt. within forty- I1M hour." Had In m ta tkla form U Pr- fettly aarml... and a wonderful toale ' aad blood nnt.it. DcUUr aJBoaa-old yeoele and th nevlta an nothletr abort or amerveioaa. tairywaa ai Kieeee atano revealed. Tho radium rr. referred ta an , that eonflned tn Naradtum tabltta an J are . ta genuine. A number of leedihc . drecslatt reeoeutaln tho anormoat Taint tbet tablota matt have an bow ready ta tuapty tho publie althor tbnaeh hy- aitiena or ovor tho conator. Thoy arit put a la vlalo of SIS tablota, each a nln, oaich JiaMlnr radium and uranium oxido and an ll.SS a vial. . AH anomle pooplo thonld too what thit warvtl of oeioneo may do in mtorinar tbm to atrona-th. woleht aad tko full roantt, lnk chookt of rabu.t htolth. Bo aan ta uk for Muradlum at thoy an tho , .ainaino. ..- .- Tkoy an aofd by Sherman A .MoConnolL Bfaton Brat Co, Grtta'a Pharmaey aad HtliiM Drue Co, v Complete Radio Receiving Seta laaluiiag tao" Papular DeFaratt SetaAlto a Caaapkte Liaa ai Radio Sapaliaa. - United ' " llieater Equipment Corporation' Ml Soatk 13th St- Oataaa. Nab. -. 2 . M ApvwntnoicNT. p tfis m t ; ; Fcrce cf Vbth r ..... Simple Haas ; Traataadat, Mara AvailabU Thaa ClaadlTraataiaat ar Bark aad Aaiaial EatraeU. : Katon'a cnatait ift to mankind la Konx Compound, for tho rJnvnatioa of 'fWw'na vital fort. U you atpln ta n atarod Hal aorvout oaorey. to the Clori aaa uW ot tho day t of youth, try Kens, i ttt privacy of your own homo. Gratify iae nauiVt.aro known, uiuaUy la a faw daya. Xanz Compound (in Ubl.t form) it tho malt of maay yaan of ocicatifit rotoareh. aoataiaa ao aarmtui eraeo or opiatoa. ?" act m.i.mj . nvwiim . mo vital forcoo In man or woman, to.rarWe tho Powtr of youthful visor and otamiaa. Hon wMtly acolaimod thaa Olaad Tnat moau or bark and anfmal oxtraeti. . It ait a powerful action in ttrtnathoaiaa and naowtae nam tMsuoa; aad to avarcoma tho handicap of phyefca wtaknttt. noatt lap from hroakiaa; aataro't lw. -' Kons u dMtribatad : aad suaraataod only bv tho Hriua Laharatarioa. BnL 141, MataachaaatU Bnjaw Kaaiaa Cfty. a. A fall troatmoat af tblt woador tiUlltcr aoat prepaid far only SI.SS. Or, if antn coarcatoat. ooad ao atoaopt pay Om pottmaa SS.t aad a trm coata potU aaw whoa it airivaa. : Tht mharatariea aaaiaatap U ewaita your miaiy lumpily r roomy in a pel Vuvernor. Bryant appeared I trnor today and (1 iifnea Dy vj un Bride of Valentino Slips Through Omaha in Night Winifred While Omaha slept XI ii Winifred Hudnur, known professionally as Natasha Rambova, recent . bride of Rudolph Valentino, slipped through Omaha on the Continental-Limited at 2:10 yesterday morning. Miss Hudnut, whose elopement to Mexicali. Lower California, with "The Sheik,' is being investigated by state and federal officers, was not disturbed here. ' 1 The conductor on her Pullman car saw to that. 'Yes, she's on the train," said that ttilwirt guardian of her peace, "hut I cant call her or tell you in which car .her stateroom is located." Two soldiers, traveling east, also on (he Continental Limited, admitted they had seen the daughter of the wealthy New York perfume manu Edison Says Ford No Mercenary in, Fight for SKoals "What in Hell Does He Want Electrical ;Wit-arf ;toX ' . "y Senators. ' By QEOROE P. AUTHIER. (Waahbistaa Corrqioaadoat ' of Tho Boo.). Washington. May 20. (Speciat Telegram.) Thotnas A, . Edison, the noted inventor, while appearing to day, before the senate agricultural committee presided over by Senator, Korrts of Nebraska, -in favor of the development of Muscle shoals as a nitrate plant, declared 'Henry Ford in making a ' proposal . for . the pur chase of the plant, was not urged by mercenary motives.' 'What in hell does he want with'" more money?" asked the electrical, wizard. "Only lecently he told me that ' he had , $27,000,000 in r banks' subject to check." . ,1 . r . ; However, Mr.; Edison emphasized the fact he was not present to boast the Ford, plan, and , took occasion though to observe' that if Ford se cureet a lease - on the project , he vould. establish there a great indus trial center that would prove to be an asset to the country at large, v V Polnta Out PoaaibiHtiea. - - Mr. Edison gave it as his deliberate opinion that the government should make it possible to develop Muscle Shoals, He pointed oat that within 75 miles of the plant there are large deposits which, under , chemical pro cessed now being developed, can be converted into potash fertilizer which can be sold at a price much lower than the' German product. ; . ' In glowing terms Mr. Edison pic tured how", it would be possible, to produce cheap commercial fertilizer in this coutry which would be a great blessing to the agricultural districts". Members of the . committee were much impressed ,'by : the arguments advanced by. Mr.: Edison but no de cisions were reached. f':'i ' " The meeting was held behind clos ed " doors '-at the ! suggestion of Mr. Edison,- whff'exphined , that he gets nervous when talking to a . large andiece. Members of the committee made no secret of what took place, hoaever.- "'.' -y-r'f: ; ': . Senators' Opinions Differ. . There appears to be a difference of . opinion : among the agricultural senators relative to jthe Muscle Shoals project Senator . Norris of Nebraska has favored - the establish ment of ra government corporation there to. construct dams and operate the . plants as' a government enter prise along much the same lines as proposed by Mr. Ford. ' . ; , Senator Capper of Kansas, head of NEW ARRIVALS of Summer Dresses; special ' values- at IS; and $5.95. JULIUS ORKIN . 1S1Z Dauglaa f Try . Dr.Clark'i Hem.; fa- lb) . 1 . traafaat af Pyorrhea 1 Treat yoanrlf at homo. Gaarantood to eara if Vlrce tiono , an . fol- OfrH;e. 510 Pakton Elk. It " ' X) fj Hodniit facturer once or twice since they got aboard. . "But the only time she leaves her stateroom." they confided, "is when she goes to the baggage car to see that her pet dog gets his food. ' ' "Yes,-all the passengers on the train have been craning their necks to get a glimpse of her, but ' they haven't had much success so far. She even takes her meals in the state room." ' The bride of the screen's most re cent and favored Lothario is travel ing under the name of Miss Wini fred jShaughenessy, according to the train conductor, ' who failed to ex hibit much concern over the fact that so noted a beauty was aboard his limited, and she holds a ticket to Chicago but las her baggage checked through to New York City. the . farm bloc, recently made a speech in wl.ch . he . included the Muscle Shoals project as one of the items of the farm bloc project and has given encouragement to the ad vocates of the acceptance of the Ford offer.-, . The national grange press bulle tin says much opposition has devel oped to the Ford project, ' much of it the result of propaganda from big interests, some of it well meaning. In -.carrying . out the. Ford program the public interest is, of course,, tobe safeguarded, and any contract made with-Fdrd by the government should be based on the certainty of a square deal for the government." : , Attorneys for Wife Claim McGinty Is Worth 9500,000 Attorneys Sutton and Fromkirt for Mrs. Ida McGinty, who brought suit against her husband, Frank McGinty, Omaha-Fremont real estate man,, three months ago, in. an -amended pe tition yesterday ; state their investi gation discloses tnat Mcuinty is 3vrth'fn. tn V)f)0rt and that hi monthly income exceeds. $1,000. The McGinty divorce case, will be heard before District Judge Redick May 29. A few days ago McGinty paid into court $673 back alimony. PUot on Alaska Flight Stops Off at Grand Island Grand . Island, Neb., May : 20. Clarence Prest, aviator, attempting a flight to Siberia via Alaska, landed unexpectedly in an unused field near this city last night and will remain here until Monday." He wilt make a number' of flights Sunday, carrying passengers if desired.' .He states he expects to celebrate t the . Fourth at Fairbanks, Alaska. : ; Justine Johnson, famous American beauty, -. is ' astonishing Paris with many lavish,' startling costumes. A Thorough of Both - Every man on our staff has a thorough knowledge of foot anatomy and 'shoe - construction. . Their sole duty is to FIT . FEET not to sell .shoes; 'moreover, . . every pair-of shoes that leaves this store MUST be properly fitted. ' ItT at ' THE BEE: OMAHA. Loyal Colin Held Up ith Women; Bandit Gets Gems Prominent Omaha n and Party, Sitting in Car Near Residence, Are Victims ' of Robbery. Loyal Cohn, cousin of George Crandeis, member of pioneer Om ha family." and to young women companions, were held up and robbed as the party tat in an automobile at Thirty-third and Farnatn streets at 9.30 1-riday night. Ihe young women in the party were Mitt Lorrine Kotcnttock. ait icr of Hist Jesse Rotenttock, secre tary of the Jewish Welfare federa lion, and Miss Carolyn Orkin, daughter of Max Orkin, retired mer chant Near Roscnstock Home. The machine was standing in front of the Rotenttock home, Jul South Thirty-third street, just a few feet south of auto-travclcd Farnam street, at the time of the holdup. "Put up your hands and keep still," the lone unmasked bandit told the party when he jumped out of the shadows of some trees onto the run ning board of the car. Cohn did not put up hit hands quickly enough so the holdup man said, "Don't you know what stickup is. You're being held up." When three persons walked by on the sidewalk just a step away from the machine, the bandit mutiereil: "AH of you keep still or there'll be some shooting." Miss Orkin Loses Ring. He obtained $25 from Colin and very valuable diamond rintr from Mits Orkin. Several persona who approached from Farnam street caused him to leave before he ob tained other jewelry from Miss Or kin, among them several pieces her father brought home from China re cently. The bandit left . without takinar anything from Miss Roscnstock. When the bandit started to take the ring from the finger of Miss Or. kin, Cohn appealed to him to let her keep it. "Man," said the holdup man, "this is my bread and butter." He then jumped from the running board and walked up Farnam street. Detective Walter Lickert and Po lice Officers Haley, Sullivan and Vin. ci scoured the neighborhood. Sever al Suspects were arrested, but none were identified. U. C. T. Complete! Kearney Meeting Norfolk Man Elected Head of Organization Guests . Are Entertained. r ' J. Kearney, Neb., May 20. (Special.) Kearney U.' C T. treated royally visiting delegates to the state U..C. T. convention held here Friday and Saturday. Right up to the send-off they' resented ahy other chapter com ing along with a baseball team and walloping -them. . So Grand Island had to be taken in, 11 to 4.. - Over 380 delegates were registered for the convention and many of them were accompanied by their wives, bringing tht total of visitors at least to the 500 mark. 1-riday evening all adjourned to the teachers' college, where a banquet had been prepared. Officers elected were as follows: Glen Mattison', Norfolk, grand coun selor; Frank Johns, Grand Island, past grand counselor; D. F. O'Brien, Omaha, grand junior counselor; H. Cv Price. Beatrice, grand secretary; George Kelso. Grand Island, treas urer; R. E. Scott, Lincoln, conductor; C. E. Haines Hastings, grand page; H, C. Newland, Fremont, grand sentinel.- .. v ;;- PRICES rtEDUCED - Moa'a a ar 3-aloco aulta ' claanei , mad Btaaaad tor SI JO. DRESHER BROTHERS Claaaara ' , : : am Fanam Straat. AT. 034S. Knowledge Feet and Shoes "foot Comfort'' Is the very foundation on which our bualness has been built, It Is totally responsible for our host of patrons, many of whom we have provided with Stylish foot comfort for years. - - - ' ..-..-, In this store your feet are fitted with shoea constructed to conform with the - natural lines of the foot; shoes de signed to meet the demands of STYLE. Caaaalt aar ara;eoB-ealr-oaodlat yaar loot troa Mes IT rkarsa far cx aailaatltaa. - W. S. Stryker Douglas Shoe Store, Inc. Worta Slxtooatb Street Oapoatta root Office Toot Fitter? SUNDAY. MAY 51. 1922. Speedway Results to Be Broadcast Incidents of Auto Races at Indianapolis Will Be Sent Over Country by Radio. Radio fans who delisht in sport 1 1 Get ready to tune in Memorial day on ttation WOH, broadcatting from Indianapolis on .the JOO-meier wave length if you will enioy the tenth annual 500-mile motor rawing elastic at the Indianapolis speedway almost at well at the racing fans in the grandstand. You will hear alt they hear even the pop-pop of the motor exhausts as they speed around the track. All arrangements have been made for the radio service. The central location of station WPH makes it possible, if the day is clear, for radio enthusiasts the country over to. hear its program. The program will begin at 9:X a, m. with a band concert, ror one half hour before the race the band will play before the grandstand and its music will be broadcast to all radio fans listening in. From 10 oclock on, when the race begins, WOH will broadcast the progress of the contestants at half hour inter vals. Important incidents will be re lated. ' Location of Vessels Determined by Radio By Tho Aaaorfatoa Frtaa. firnt T.alc Viv.l Trai'niner Sta. linn f.rt I III . av 20 Out on the fog-wrapped wastes of Lake Superior, giant ore ana grain iaaen freighters are rolling eastward down tho laic. . na't thir. linhotinrl coal- carrying sisters, with only a decisive siren toot tor tne niaaen rocxs oi White Firh bay, the "graveyard ot the ships. m Fii thp first tim inr tho Tesutt father, in their frail Indian canoes ventured across the uncharted lakes, naviiratinn nn T ale Snnorinr haa been robbed of its terrors. On May 14 the first naval radio compass station on the lakes opened at White Fish point to direct the oassine shipping by wireless. At any hour of the day or night the captain of a ship lost in the .wirliner fair ha n If a ran rait the radio station and ask his position. An in stant later tne can win come uacic e-ivinir th ahin'a direction from White Fish noint for the vessel's nav igator to plot on his chart. Within three weeks two more radio compass' stations .will be open. Th vravevarn1 nf the fakes, where lie the skeletons of untold scores of ships lumber laden schooners or an earlier day- and.- huge steel bulk freighters - ot , tne present oay stretches from White Fish bay to Grand Marias, the nearest port' of refuge to the west. The 60 miles of itecntite ' water. ; rimmed hv : sand duties arid lonely- forests has claimed an annual toll in ships and lives ana cargo since navigation opened on the 25 i i - : To Jts OvYorlds Just cms year ego-on May 18th. 1921-th Paige Daytona Model - aatoundael all motordom by breaking every world's stack chaseis speedway record from five to 1H miles. These are the most highly prized records In the automo bile world for they era final and convincing proof, not . only of power aaW epoed, but the mom heroic qualities, brut atrength and endurance. Nwetnc no on else haa challenged--Paige hat bettered its wn mark. . . Piloted by Earl Cooper, In a dash against dm, th Palg . ..; ' ' ; i Nebraska Paig .THE H05r BEAtaXFUL upper lakes. One etcl, Cauadwi lifhthoute tender, went dawn off White Kith point in a siorin a few weeks ago iih 19 men. Only part of a tharthoute and a few trrapi of wreckage were found to tell the story of the Ion. QUESTIONS U U .. ttealaaua. So- U. ! a t iwitl IS (rl ! k-iur lata a lo-u atrial irio Mat laia? Ay St. A olKflo oira It 10 tt f'l a wouia ao toii.r Ifcaa ouhr af l MM-RMNtlaa4. . tt. T- Boaraor. 0.Ca I m a .null ai.a-daaa n.o.loim.r 10 iai ih numtaia ol mt lata t4 tot sa ell ? A. Piroct turrtat mutt bo hm4 tor ikih SPARKS "Kvtry lull. ra c-aoolhoa.t h. a Mlllir. of bomiiie a rllc." mI aa U. YoUne, rh.lrti'.o ( It buara f ai toclar. of (bo Radio CoriMMllon t Amrr. Ira. sir. Young M1 hit ai4l'iita ui-o lh. t.ci thai a nuitib.r of arhii. ad eolltg.a aro aliMdy broadta.nnt. via a dia. , miliar roll... eoun-a. Alihouah on of tho tal.at Innov.iloo. af In. a- an. iha Brariu-aailitr of Ihno rnaroro urn a parmaaoal placa for Ih.ia la lh. fioM. c-l uitora of addlllon.l llr.nu-4 broad c.tma station ara h.r.wlih li.itdi .l t.oellont KVQ (trrm.ala, r. .f. C Hobrrrht. WOK election, CaL I'orlabl Wirt It.. Trl.phon. t o. KWQ aaa Juot, Cl M.rrold Ijbor. lorlro. KTJ 1 A ! 1. J. ll.ybtrc Co. KYW hli(0 WialmahuUM. Uthrr atailon. UI b li.i.d la lh ra dio column, ot Tbo lioo tomorrow. Alleged Disturber Sings Way Out of Police Court Sam Worley. 23, Hotel Rome, ap peared before Judge Wappich in Cen tral police court on a charge of cre ating a disturbance in tne Min.ru cafe. "Whats your occupation? asked the judge. . "Singer." replied Worley. "Lets hear something," said the jurist. So Worley raised his voice in song, offering the refrain of "I'll Forget You. . When he had finished the judge said "Discharged. . "AJ. but I'll never forget Twice Wappich," sighed Worley as he walked out a free man. LEGTROUBLE - quickly relieved with , our ' . Laced Stocking Open or Swollen Limbt j Vaneoto Veins . ., " ADJUSTABLE , Lacu lik a legging. ton .aE: ,M i aSS . ' limb. ' . Call ar send for meat- luremant Blank No. 35 Corliss Limb Site. Co 147 BROADWAY. NEW YORK,' N. Y. CUT THIS OUT Miles at 96, 27th Avenue and Harney OMAHA Trim. (,'se it to Him. So the Judge Let Hi "I iLtn't u it mytelf. K4e it to me," , That's how Lew Weber. tUib and O ttreett. eaUnci judge lite nr.rm of a half t He of luiuor found in hit M Ucifiy 0.1) Canton Grc Vessel 9 Positive Val Up to $79. Exclusive ModeU in Black Tan and Grarf Beadetl Lace Trios Siaet 10 tl No Try-ont No Eaehaa No C.O.D.'s No Lay-A' 51 1 1 1613 FARNAM I At McArdlat Millinery, Stel Miles Per Hour 6-66 Daytona Model coversd 25 miles 1st IS mlnntos 37.91 aecondt on the Gottatl, California Speedway, May 7th-n new world's stock chassis record. . The old mark, held by th Palg,' was at an averag of 90.1 miles an hour. Th trial waa officially eanctiooed hy the A. A. A., waa timed by Its' officials and th duaaj checked as strictly stock. In view of the official aad recorded fact jL tftts. Master of th Highway, honeetly won a year ago, remains unshaken. e Co. Phone Douglas CA I If AMERJ 3660 11 ratawa aaa apt aaaMy taaalaalati Cattr at tats ai aaw. and aamt t