Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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dmen Circle
Field Workers
to Convene Here
Trip Awarded Members, for
Sucre in Insurance Salei
"16.250,000 Banquet
to Be Feature.
Tin supreme executive council o(
the Supreme Ftut Woodmen tittle
been in sett ion lor tin Ut ID
flays arranging 0r the entertain
limit of more than 100 field workers
J 1 lite organisation ho have
trip to Omaha bv the amoi
'tri insurance in the order they have
wrmcii in tne ut sue month.
Thew representatives, who will r.
rise in Omaba Sunday night or Mon-
vy morning, come Irom Alabama,
Arkaniat. Georgia, loa, lllinoia,
Kanssr, Louisiana, Missouri, Nc
brsk. New Jersey. Ohio, Oklahoma.
Pennsylvania. South Carolina, North
and South Dakota, Texat and Vi.
Hold Record.
Mill Edna V. Tihon, Trenton, N.
J., holdi the beit record, with more
than quarter of million iniur.
nee. Mia Ada Cliett. Alahama:
Mr. Clara B. Cherry, Miia Myrtle
Crump, Georgia: F. M. Rotenwaiiier.
II mioii; Mr. Effie llaun. Ok la-
m i .i.hi1 Mri iriii . vnunar I'amt
Jf tylvania, and Mn. Georgia Eaium
V and Mn. Etta Davidion, Texat, each
have more than J 100.000 worth o( in
auranre to their credit.
Bunineii rion will be held for
the field warker Monday and Tura
day on the third floor annex of the
Woodmen of the World building.
Luncheon at C of C
Monday morning the field workeri
prill be tendered a luncheon at the
t hamber of Commerce. Monday
li ght they will be terved a special
dinner at the Y. M. C A. Follow,
ing the dinner, ritualistic work will
be demonstrated by officers of the
various (trove in Omaha, assisted
by the Mary E. LaRocca and the
Dora Alexander Talley guards. A
feature will be a drill by the chil
dren of Junior Circle No. 1, of Oma
ha. Another feature will be a drill
by 14 gray-haired women, to present
the old-age benefits to be derived
from theorder. The ritualistic work
will be under auspices of the Of
ficers' club of Omaha and Council
Bluffs, of which Mr. Mabel Forney
ii president.
On Tuesday, E. J. Dunn. Chicago,
author of the Fraternal Salesman's
Tool Kit, will talk on fraternal sales
manship and kindred subjects.
Luncheon will be served at the Bur-
gess-Nash tea room.
"10,230,000 Banquet"
The "six and a quarter million dot-
ar ranauet, so-cailea because it
represent! that amount of insurance,
will be hem Tuesday evening in the
Branded restaurants. Only local
members who have sold at least
"if 'ftOO, .insurance will be given, tickets
to the banquet. -,'
Wednesday ; morning the ' visitors
will be taken on a tour of the city
in cars provided by the Chamber of
Commerce? The sight-seeing trip
will be followed by luncheon at the
Athletic -club. .
Chorus Increases
Number of Voices
Clubs to Consider. Proposition
of Attending Negro Con
cept in Body.
i- Because .of the interest shown in
the concert to be given in the Audi
torium Wednesday evening, May 31,
under auspices of the Colored Com
mercial club, the number-of voices in
the negro chorus has been increased
from 50 to 100.
The proposition of attending the
concert in a body will be presented
"to members of the Concord, Kiwanis,
Rotary, Lions and Triangle clubs at
their meetings this week. .
Endorsement of the concert al
ready has been given by the Tues
day Musical club, City Concert club,
Y, M. C. A., Y. W. C A., Omaha
Federation of Women's Missionary
societies, executive committee, of the
Omaha Woman's club, Business and
(Professional Women's club, Junior
e. Catholic Daughters ot Atnery
nnsi unim society, uugnins
American Revolution College
Women's club, Drama league, Camp
Fir Girls and Visiting Nurse asso
ciation, a number of which" plan to
reserve seats in a body for the con
cert. . ' , t
Ministers of the city have been
asked to mention the concert at their
services today. The concert has beert
endorsed by the Omaha Ministerial
union. Tickets are on sale at the
Chamber of Commerce, YVM. C. A.,
Y. W. C A. and the Ceal Hill Coal
company. 1903 Faraam street.
Sunshine Special Pulla
Out at 7 Monday Morning
"Omaha's . Sunshine Special,
equipped with a wireless receiving
set, will shove off from the Union
station at 7:15 Monday morning' for
land ports in northwestern Iowa,
northeastern Nebraska and along the
Winner (S. D.) line. The train is the
annual Chamber of Commerce
hAMter anecial that will soread sun
shine and prosperity propaganda
wherever it stops.
Trank Keogh, chairman of the,
committee charge, will be com
mander of the special, while J. David
Larson, commissioner, and W. A.
Kills, assistant commissioner, will be
first and second mates. In order not
to lose the news of Omaha as it
breaks, a wireless receivlrig set on
the train will inform the travelers all
about the town they left behind.
he party will be gone six days.
Sisters. Separated for 5
Years, Seek Each Other
t T"- J'
. s if
. ( 4 I
Vf ' ..o . :j
May Hill. '
Separated for five years Mrs.
Pearl Turner. 2121 Avenue B, Coun
cil Bluffs, and Mis May Hill, sisters,
are searching through the middle
west tor each other, it became known
Last heard of Miss Hill was in
Salt Lake City, from hcre spiritual
ist mediums directed her sister to
search Omaha for the missing girl.
From dawn until sunset the last few
days Mn. Turner has been carrying
on the hunt in Omaha.
"f know she is looking for me,
too," Mr. Turner said. "I'm so
lonesome without her, for we haven't
seen each other for five years.
Miss Hill is described as a tall,
licht comnlexioned blonde. 32 years
Nebraskan. Is New
U.S. Watch Dos
First Comptroller Under Bud
get System Will Stop Ac
count Juggling.
Washington. May 20. J. R. Mt
Carl, former law partner of Senator
George W. Norris of Nebraska and
now comptroller under the new bud
get law, has evolved a new system
of accounting for the government
which, he believes, will enable the
government to maintain a more ac
curate check on expenditures and
receipts. ,
Mr. M:CarIs system provides that
the accounts show the disburse
ments by objects. Heretofore it has
been the custom to report expen
ditures in a lump sum. Under Mr.
McCarl s system, it will be possible
to determine just how. much was
spent for ink, how much for pencils
how much for paper, etc., and will be
difficult for the government agencies
to juggle their accounts.
This system ot accounting will De
tandardized so the weekly and
monthly reports from the various de
partments will show just how much
of the various supply articles is be-
.fr.-McCarl is the first comptrol
ler under the budget system and is
aooointed for a term of IS years.
This young Nebraskan commenced
his political career in McCook. tie
.-J .1 1 '
was connecica wim mc oycia
bureau at the republican national
headquarters in Chicago during the
Hughes campaign and later became
secretary of the republican con
gressional committee.
Store Takes Out Life
Insurance for Employes
A srrouo life insurance policy for
employes of the Burgess-Nash com
pany has been taken out with tne
Metropolitan Life Insurance com
pany by the firm. More than 700 em
ployes are attected.
f he policy gives complete coverage
for each employe for $500. increasing
relatively until at the end Of two years
it reaches $1,000 for those in continu
ous employ. The policy also provides
for total or permanent disability
through accident or disease. The
policy went into effect May 17.
Fund Campaign for New
Hospital to Open Monday
A campaign for funds for the erec
tion of a new building for the Oma
ta Mission Hospital association will
Ue opened Monday, with Rev. Jef
Verson Davis, president of the asso
ciation, in charge.
R. R. Strehlow. 1S26 City National
lank, is the treasurer of this asso
ciation. . : ft
jTell yourrfrkn4 jiou,
U ne cee.
?aj!jc li
American Legion
News Notes
Douglas county post of the Ameri
can Legion has received an invitation
from Rev. Charles Cobbey to attend
special Memorial day services at the
First Christian church, Twenty-sixth
and Jones street, at 11 next Sunday
morning. v
Group 2 will meet next Tuesday
evening at 8 in the American Legion
headquarters. Group 10 will meet
June 10. There will be a general
post meeting in the council chamber
of the city hall June 13 at 8 p. m.
Members of . the Legion "will
assemble at Sixteenth and Capitol
avenue at noon Tuesday, May 30, to
participate in ' the Memorial day
parade. . . ' .. .
- All members of the post who re
ceived tickets for Slippery Gulch are
requested to check up with thft
treasurer as soon as possible.
Addresses of the following men
are being sought: Joseph Butler,
Walter Yarlitz, Ed Bchonek, Martin
Haverstick, J." C. Harris, Earl
Thomas, James Bouchard, Camille
Levasseur, Henry Austin.
The hospitalization committee of
the auxiliary visited the following
service men in Omaha hospitals last
week and distributed candy, cigarets
and magazines:
University Leo Flahtrty. St Edward.
Nb.: Thomas Hensher. Omah; Run.ll
Clark, Manhattan, Kan.: Georfa Canal,
Cedar Raplda. la.; Emeril . Frank.
Earllng. la. .
Metbodlat Frea Murphy, Omaha, and
Brora Lyecs, Grant, Nab..
Lord Liater Rufua Dhaler. Omaha;
Jamea Knelling-, Omaha; Herbert Thord
eon. Persia. Ia.
wis Memorial Joseph T. i PausUan.
Mike gher and H. Krala ef Omaha.
Paxtnn Memorial Doua-las D. Dnka
and Charles B. Evans of Omaha.
Clarkson Jesse 8orenaon. Logan, la.,
and Charles Ogle ot Omaha.
Women tf the auxiliary are seek
ing to get in touch wilk relative of
veterans whose iravta in Omaha
1 ccinctchcsJuvcBo Lcgiaa markwii ,
lx-J- i.ixii
Juvenile Magazine
Juvenile Magazine now
ready for distribution.
Aik for it in any of our
children's department!.
iiirmiM u.
Our Tea Room
Special Luncheon Daily
11:30 A. 2:30 P. M.
gurietaNatli Sevan id Ft
Monday : New Merchandise Is Featured
Visit Opr Fur Storage Vault
The fact that Omaha justly claims the largest,
safest and most modem fur storage vault in Vie Middle
West is of interest to all. but the fact that this vault is
located in the Burgess-Nash store is of even greater in
terest to women who store their furs and other winter
apparel. Our' vaults are not only proof against moths,
fire and burglary, but they are kept at a temperature
identical with that where fur-bearing animals thrive best.
In order that the publio may more fully realize the
importance of having this fullest of protection, we open
our vaults for inspection Monday from 9:30 a. m. until
12 m. and from 2:30 p. m. until 4:30 p. m. We will
be glad to conduct you through our vault
Bureet-Naea Fur Shea Thirl FUr
The New Summer Silks
The Popular Marinette Crepe
A delightful weave In a fabric somewhat heavier than crept
da chine. Twenty charming shades : jade, canna, flame, sand,
burnt orange, honeydew, reindeer, navy, brown, pink, black, and
white. Ideal for summer frocks, blouses, negligees and lingerie.
40-inch width. Priced at
-Yard, $2.95
Satin Marquise
40-inch heavy sport satin, in
soft and brilliant colors. Ideal
for skirts and wraps.
Yard, $2.95
Colored Pongee
Oriental pongee. In a regular
riot of vivid sport colors nd
soft street shades, 33-ln, width.
Yard, $1.59
Check -Silks
36-inch gingham check taf
feta and Iouisine silks; various
colors and checks.
Yard, $1.95 V
Silk Shirting
38-inch satin stripe tub silks
in neat hairline and cluster
stripe patterns. Pongee eolor.
Yard, $1.50
Crepe de Chine
40-ln. printed crepe de china
In dainty patterns on light
Yard, $2.49
Canton Crepe
40-inch all silk crept of ex
tra heavy quality. Black and
, street shades. Priced
Yard, $2.95
Tubular Vesting
36-inch plain and drop atitch
tubular vesting for women's
undervests; white, orchid, pink.
$1.39, $1.49, $2.00, $2.50
Broadcloth Shirting
Plain and strip broadcloth
shirting of rich heavy quality,
33-inch width. Priced at
Yard, $2.25
Burgess-Nash Second Floor
New Suitings and Coatings
New Tweeds
64-inch Scotch mixtures that
are so greatly favored for
skirts, suits, and wraps. '
; Yard, $2.25
. Homespuns
54-inch all wool homespuns,
in the popular gray and tan
mixtures; cool looking for sum
mer. Priced at
. Yard, $2.49
Burgess-Nub Second Fleer
New Rugs for the Home
Our rug department is an interesting place these
days. With new shipments arriving daily, bringing rugs
from the largest, mills of the country to replenish tut
already splendid line, ours is a wonderful assortment.
Individual patterns suitable for any and every room Of
the house, in the finest Wiltons, Chenilles, Axminsters,
Velvet and Body Brussels, await your approval.
Wilton Velvet Rugs
You who are about to furnish homes will appreciate the large
range of patterns and colorings at these attractive prices: '
6x9 ......$23.50 7-6 x 9 $32.50
. 8-3 x 10-6 . .$40.00 : 9 x 12 . . . . .$47.50
Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs
J These delightful patterns exact copies of the better grade
wool rugs njake not only most attractive floor coverings but also
coverings that are sanitary and easily cleaned.
Every rug carries the factory guarantee of service,
and will be replaced if not absolutely satisfactory. Com
, plete line of sizes from the small, mat 18x36 inches up to
the largest size made, 9x15 feet Standard size, 8x12,
feet, $16.20. Each. Other sizes priced proportionately.
- Burgess-Nash 3ixtB Floor
Coaster Wagon Week
Thirty coaster wagons of various makes and pricing to be
offered at one price during "Coaster Wagon Week." Each is of
standard make; every one in perfect condition; all worth much
more than they are now priced. Steel, disc, and rubber tired
wheels on strong and durable body of natural finish. All
Priced $6.95
BnfgM Nifc Tmy Ihiii F Hfc Tim '
Monday : A Complete Showing of
Women's Summer Knit Underwear
Now is the time to purchase your summer sup
ply of cool, comfortablo underwear. Our stocks
are most complete. Only months of preparation
and keen understanding of market conditions have
made it possible to offer such garments as these
at our popular prices.
Every garment is of our usual splendid qual
ity and fit every garment carefully selected, that
we might offer the best value obtainable. DoVt
let the unusually changeable weather deter you
from purchasing underwear that you are bound
to need within the next few days.
Fine Cotton Union Suits
Kin cotton garment Low neck,
sleeveless with French band top, in
cuff or umbrella style, shell trim,
med, knee length, with open or
cloed crotch.
Sites 36, 38, at 65c.
Sites 40 to CO, at 75c
Suit, 65c and 75c
Combed Cotton
Union Suits
lxl riobed tailored garments that
fit, low neck sleeveless, cuff knee,
French band top, reinforced to give
extra service. All sizes.
Suit, $1.00
Low neck and sleeveless, baud
top and cuff knee, nude in the
three .piece Hirsch style. A very
popular garment as it is cut to give
the extra fullness through the hips.
Regular and extra sizes.
Suit, 75c
Silk Top
Union Suits
Excellent silk lisle thread forms
the body of these suits, and jersey
silk the top. Flesh only.
Sizes 4, 5, 6, $1.75.
Sites 7, 8, 9, $2.00.
Suit, $1.75 and $2.00
Burfaai-NaiB Uas'erv ear SassMaU Floor
Beautiful Creations in
French Beaded Bags
"- . Exquisite workmanship has created these bags of
rare beauty. j . ,
Some of them are solid beaded affairs of tiniest
steel, jet or iridescent beads in the softer tints of bril
liant colors. Others are made in frail openwork patterns
over silk linings. , ' : ' ,
Flat Envelopes Drawstring Models
Small Vanities ;
Daintiest summer tints of flower-like loveliness.
Conventional motifs in more elaborate working.
$12.50. $16.50, $18.50 to $42.50
Surceea-Nasli Bag 8hep -Mala Floor
' ' OOO
Men's Summer Oxfords
The Comfdrtable Codl Footoear That Men Have Accepted,
The Preferred Styles of Highest Quality at Loncst Price.
Men's Broad Toe Oxfords, pair, $7.50 '
A dark brown calf oxford made on brogue last with
Hew wide toe. A high-grade oxford. , Priced at $7.50.
Black or Brown Calf
Dark brown or
black calf, made
with wide toe and
wide, flat heel.
Season's newest
Priced $10.00
Summer Display
Women's White Pumps
White Kid Dress Pump
, High or junior Spanish heel, in one and two
strap styles, with fancy cut-out quarter.:
Priced at $10.00 s ;
Low Heeled Flapper Pump
All white or combined with strap and piping
of black patent leather. Flat or one-inch heel.
Priced at $8.00
White Nile Cloth Pump "
White Nile cloth three-strap pump with buckle
fastener. New inch and three-quarter Cuban heel.
. Priced at $7.50 .
Burfaaa-Naah Shoo ShopMain Floor tmr-
Get Thin
to Music
. i Your physician will en
dorse the Wallace records
12 to 20 minutes' daily
exercise will reduce you,
healthfully and natural
ly.' Complete in six rec
ords; .
atafaea.Na.afe Shoe Shop Main Floor
"Everplay" Needles Price $1.00
This newtieedle will play over 20,000 records. It removes
the necessity of changing the needle with each record played. The
Cost is less than that of one good record. Ask to hear it used.
Burfess-Nash Phonofraph Shoo Filth' Floor " f
True Irish Linen
Linens that will give lasting
service are here fai wondrous as
sortment Housewives will re
joice in them. Brides will de
light in them. Whether or not
you wish to buy, we Invite your
inspection. All qualities are in
eluded from practical everyday
linens' of modest cost; to the very
beautiful pieces. i
Burit-Nash 4aeon Floor
Dress Lengths
Of Newest Wash Fabric. .
Of Tissue Gingham
4 H -yard lengths, In lovely '
summer tints. A sheer cool fab
ric for summer wear. Priced, a
Each, $2.95
Of Dress Voile
' 6-yard lengths of excellent
quality. Light and dark shades
in the popular small patterns in
effective eolor combinations.
6-yard lengths
Each, $1.95
. Burfaei-Naah Second Floor
Check Ginghams
32-inch dress gingham ef very
good quality in the popular small
Yard, 39c
Barraaa-rtaak Sacssi4 Floor'
One Cent
Notion Sale
Rick Rack Braid, yard, le.
Elastic, remnants, each, lc.
Button., every kind, cd., le.
Steel Crochet Hooks, ea., lc. '
Cotton ' Tape, 3-yard bolts,
each, lc.
Sleeve Protectors, each, le.
Boned Belting, remnants,
' each, le.
Silk Button Hole Twiit, sp.,
Dress Clasp, rust proof, cd.,
Patent Leather Belts, lc.
Crochet Cotton, ball, le.
Warrea'a Feather Boning, lc.
Drawer and Petticoat Bands,
Hook and. Eye, card, lc.
Battoa Thread, spool, lc.
Warrea Collar Stay, lc.
Daraiaf Cotton, ball, le.
Mea's Collar Bands, each, lc.
And many other items.
One sf One
Cent (I ; Cent
Bwrasa-Nask U4 Arrow Booth Davmstalra Store
New Radio Books
Read MoreLearn
More Earn More
"Radio for Everybody," writ
ten by A. C," Lescarboura, man
aging editor of the Scientific ;
American. A book that with
simple explanation and photo
graphic diagrams is a guide
throughout radio construction
from aerial set-up to the final
steps in adjusting. Each, $1.50.
. Burfpss-Nash Main Floor
Women's Hosiery
All Silk Stockings
In the new shoe shades. Made
with double toe and heel.
Pair, $2.45
Full Fashioned Hose
Silk hose, made with double
soles, toes, and heels. Lisle gar
ter top. In black only, All .
sizes. Priced '
Pair, $1.75
Barfei-Nash Main Floor '
Men's Silk Hose
Broken lots of men's silk hose,
reduced for quick selling. They
are mostly black, but there are
a few fancy colors. You will
want several pair. Triced at
Pair, 45c 3 pairs, $1.25
Burftis-Naah Male Floor