Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1922, SPORT NEWS MARKETS, Image 15

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Mother of First
Livingston Becomes
Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day
Shoe Market Manager
y:" Prison Baoy Is
Seeking Parole
Omaha Grain ' Chicago Grain j Live Stock Financial New York Bonds N. V. Curb Bonds
i. J
Mn. Rol! De Hart Sming
Sentence for Complicity In
Murder Near OWrH!
Aik Release.
Lirtfoln, My JO, Srdsl.)-Drt.
U Uf Milt, mmhfr of Nrbrstks i lirtt
lniifnt!rr hhjr, will appw bffnrt
the tiatt bftti el pardons anl ra
rolri at the July inrftinif. " (or
a parol, 1. Harmon, tnrtury
CI lit hoard announced today.
After the bkiH of the bahy tefral
months ago, tli (irt plan was to file
an apilicatioq (or a rurrtoii. It was
derided lir that, a hfr minimum
sentence would be srrrr in July to
kff u hrr at titr orthotic Uic hntoiUI at
Lincoln until thrn aivi rrlrae Mr.
Drllart through the regular parole
Mrs. Dfllart trrving from I
to JO years (or tninlii it v in the mur-
off of John Mir m Molt county.
Her husband. Rolla I lei art. it "v
ing life (or the mite murder and,
a yet, has not mn hi iany.
30 File Aoolications.
There are 27 wins will apply fr a
parole before the hoard at it meet
mg, June 1J. Nine are from Doug
la county. In ad'lition, there U
one asking for commutation of srn
-truce and two are requesting a par
Fred Allen of Omaha. ervmg
from 1 to 3 yeara for atabhing to
wound, will be one of the applicant.
oRecord show that lie arrived home
one night after an absence of several
year, began quarreling with hit wife
anil stabbed her. 1
Jamea Triplett of Keya Taha, serv
ing 10 year for an assault upon a 13-
year-old girl, want his aentrnre com
muted. Triplett was paroled in 1918
and was brought bark after he mar
I ried a woman, who, at the time hadn't
received a divorce from her first hus
band. Douglas County Men.
Douglas county men asking pa
role follow:
John R. Reynolds, stealing and re
reiving stolen auto, 1-10; .-'rank
iohnson, breaking and entering, 1-10;
Imislry F. Andrews, breaking and
entering, 1-10; Harry Miller, forgery.
1-JO; John Howard larceny from
person, 1-7; Napoleon Franklin,
breaking and entering, 1-7; Eugene
M. Miles, serving 90 days in the
Douglas county jail for vagrancy,
wants a commutation of sentence:
Clyde Harrow, stealing and receiving
stolen auto, 1-5; Harry Dennis, as
sault to rape, 2-15.
Out-State Applicant!.
Out-state applicants follow:
Jesse Brown, assault to do ereat
bodily harm, Madison, 1-5; Oscar
Hamilton, breaking and entering,
Furnas, 1-10; Clyde E. Bowers, rob
bery, Lancaster, 1-10: Abrams Mill
er, forgery, Lancaster, 1-20; Edward
Dowe, assault to rape, Cheyenne, 2
15; Garnett Goings, forgery, Sheri-
dan, 1-20; Allen Young, larceny,
"-tJawson, 1-7; B. E. Tuttte, fprgery,
Dodge, 1-20; Walter Jackson, carry
ing concealed weapons, Dawes, not
to exceed 2 years; Fred Peterson,
prond lafceny, Adams, 1-7; William
Taylor, forgery, Hall, 1-20; Cornelia
Cruz, manslaughter, Garden, 1-10;
Charles A. Smith, burglary, Scotts?
bluff, 1-20; Howard Jones, forgery,
Otoe, 1-10; Mary Alice Devorss, Ne
maha, adultery, 60 days in state re
formatory for women; Frances Wat
son, Nemaha, prostitution, serving in
determinated sentence in state re
, formatory for women; Lee.Movich,
horse stealing. Hall, 1-10; Stanley
Rice, horse stealing, Hall, 1-10.
-James A. Jussel of Red Willow,
who is serving 20 days in the Red
. Willow jail and has been fined $1,000
Uy' for having a still in his possession,
wants a pardon." Clarence E. King
V Sarpy, serving three years for high
' way robbery, also wants a pardon.
Man Gets Life Sentence
on Charge of Slaying Girl
El Paso. Tex... May 20. Fred M.
McClure, formerly of Cleveland and
Tucson, ,riz wasiound guilty of
the murder 6f Miss Louise Frentzel
here this afternoon'' and sentenced
to life imprisonment.''
McClure. arrested on the morning
following the finding of the body of
Miss Frentzel lying beside street
railway tracks in Highland Park, a
suburb, on March 13, did not go on
the stand and neither did the de
fense offer any witnesses. ' "'"
Testimony today adduced by .the
prosecution developed -:- that Miss
entzel had loaned money to Mc
Clure and that she had an interest
rt his automobile. She was not seen
Jalive after she left her home to
llceep an engagement with McClure.
r ,
G. A. R, Veterans to Attend
Memorial Services Here
f, C. F. Weller, commander of Old
r Guard post -No. 7, Grand Army of
the Republic, requests that all mem
bers of the organization, including
I members of the Women's Relief
'corps, meet Sunday morning, May
;2S, at Thirty-sixth and Farnam
streets, to Attend memorial exercises
in First Central "-Congregational
Church at 10:30. Rev. Frank G.
; Smith, pastor, will speak,
i. On the same morning, members of
ithc American Legion, Veterans of
i Foreign Wars, Ladies of the Grand
Army and War Mothers wilt attend
:a memoriat service in First Christian
'church, where Rev. C. ,E;..Cobbey
will speak. .; - V
New York General.
' New Tork, May JO. Wheat Spot, easy;
"Ko. 3 red nd No. 2 hard, No. 1
Manitoba. S144H, and No. I mixed durum,
1.43i c. I. r. track Km Tort to arrive.
Corn Steady: No. 2 yellow and No. S
whit. SOSc and No. 2 mixed. 80,jc, c L
f. New Torlc all rajl.
Oata Spot, ateady: No. J white, BOe.
: Ijird Easy, mlldle-vreat. $ll.j01M
Other Articles Unchanged.
,i .
KanaH City Trodae.
Ktiu'i City, May 20. EMr-Un-febanaed;
flrita. !lHe.
i -r n 1 1 r Utfchanced; creamery,' lie;
i'pQOfryJlJuncharred: hena, 2Je; fcroll
,ra, 40c: rooatera. USe.
Bar BtlTcr. -jTaw-
Tor. Silver rortlan
tai. ..
Mexican Dollar-Sc.
London. May 2 Silver Bar, 17 H 4 per
Money 1 per cent - . ' .
rieceunt Bate Short and three
'nontha' bills. 1 V cent.
f ' i . ..
Saw York Paoltrr
New Tork. May SO. Uw and Breaied
XoultryTrttuJet; prlcea unchanced.
v '
C. E. Livingston.
IT. T I.ii!iiffton. frtrmfrli !th
the Drexel Shoe romnanv. has r.
turned to Omaha after two years in
the shoe butmcM at t aspr, Wyo.,
In ii(-rrr(l William I). Iiitnon aa
nianagrr of the Shoe Market. Gibton
resigned to become associate gener
al agent of the Minnesota Mutual
Lite insurance company.
Gilder Paintings
Show Added Vigor
in Composition
Collection May Be Viewed at
Public Library Until Next
Friday ArtJ6t to
The collection of landscape paint
ings By Dr. Robert F. Gilder may
be viewed at the public library un
til next Friday. The weekday hours
will be from 9 to 9 and today the col
lection may be seen from 2 to 6 p. m.
Dr. Gilder will give a talk this alter.
noon at 4 under the auspices of the
Omaha Society of Fine Arts. Mrs.
Leonard Everett will be hostess
chairman at this afternoon's gallery
There are 94 paintings in the Gil
der collection, 11 being scenes in
Connecticut, seven Nebraska scenes
and the others scenes painted during
his recent visit to Arizona.
Skies Have Improved.
Omaha patrons ol art who viewed
these paintings last week agreed that
the artist's work is of a high order;
that his skies have improved and that
his composition is more vigorous
than was shown in his last exhibit.
There is great joy in his sunlights
and. shadows -and he is no less at
home when his brush records a
mood a certain light effect on a
mountain top.
The Arizonai scenes cover 'a wide
range of subjects. The cloud scenes
are beautiful.' "Looking Into Mex
ico," gives a touch of the natural
wildness of the country visited by
the Omaha artist. Several paintings
show the cactus and another shows
a rattlesnake den. A deserted adobe
houre, old Fort Lowell, snow in
Tucson and Bear Canyon are other
subjects. The . visitor will appre
ciate desert scenes and a scene across
the Santa Cruz river.
Has Wake Robin Scene.
The Nebraska paintings include
spring clouds, moon rise, spring
evening and a scene near Wake Rob
in, Dr. Gilder's woodland retreat at
Child's point,- Connecticut pines are
shown on one of the New England
Maurice Block, director of the
Omaha Society of Fine Arts, an
nounces that an exhibit of the inter
national water color work from the
Art institute, Chicago, will be on ex
hibition in the public library gallery
May 31.
House Approves Measure .
to Survey Missouri" River
Waeliincrtnn Mav 20 fSrjFxial
TV1rram1 Navigation of the Mis
souri river as far as Sioux City carae
a step nearer realization, wnen me
hcuse adooted an amendment offered
by r Congressman Newton of St.
Louis to survey the' river from Kan
sas City to Sioux City. In offering
the amendment, Congressman New
ton explained that he dm so ai ine
rtnuest of Congressman Tefferis. It
passed without oppesftion.
The action is the direct resuu 01
Jcfferis activity along this line im
mrti3ti1v nrinr in hie leavinar for Ne
braska, and marks further progress
in his efforts to provide oetter ana
cheaper transportation for Nebraska
and. the central west.
Foreign Exehaac.
New Tork, May 20. Foreign Exehanaa
Great Britain Demand, 14.44; eablea.
S4.4S 0-day bills- on banks. $1.45.
France Demand, .0906 H: cables. .0101.
Italy Demand, .0611: cablra. .0S11V4.
Belgium Demand, .0831: cables, .0831H.
Germany Demand, .0032; cablea,
Holland Demand, .387S; cables. .3884.
Norway Demand, .1846.
Sweden Demand, .2570.
Denmark Demand, .1130.
Switzerland Demand, ,1901. - '
. Spain Demand, .1685.
Greece Demand, .0417.
Poland Demand, .0002
Czech-Slovakia Demand. .0110.'
' Argentine Demand, .3662.
Brazil Demand. .1387.
Montreal 1M(.
Turpentine and Rosin.
Savannah. Ga., May 20. Turpentine
No salea: last rale May 17 at 10c: receipt!,
413 barrels: shipments, 193 barrels; stock,
1,381 barrels.
Rosin Firm: enlcs. TSS casks: receipt!,
1.168 casks; shipments, 694 casks; stock,
55.S90 casks; "
Quote: B, S4.16: P. $4.3S: E. S4.S0; F.
(, $4.60: H. 34.6094.t6: I, 14.66; K. 34.70
94 55: M. 34.9095.00: N. S.S6S.40; W,
G, 36.00; W. W. 38.60.
. Chiraie Produce.
Chicago, May 20. Butter tflwer;
creamery extras, !4c: rlrsts, 30H33c;.
seconds, :s$29c; standards, 34c.
r.ggt Higher; receipts. 33.14S esses:
firsts. I424He; ordinary firsts. 229
22e; miscellaneous, 2S!3Hc; atorage
packed extras, 26!c; storaga packed
t'rsta, X6c.
Poultry Alive, lower; fowls, J5c; broil
ers, 40048c; roosters, 114c.
New York Pried Fruits.
New Tork. May 20. Evaporated Ap
plesScarce, Prunes Dull.- ,
A pricots Firm.
Peaches -Steady.
Kaleins Easy.
Omaha, May 30.
Prlivtrirt of cash heat on C'hica
go May weie 4.U),Oii0 hushets. making
the total since May I O.lMt.oOi) buli
els, hith has hern well taken cart
pf by atrong people. Chicago re
ceipts of Whrat for the week aggre
gate J.I54.UK) huthels, while hie
inents were rij.oiio puhrl. Chica
go reports JuO.iViO buthclt coming
from Miifouri river marked and
Keporti from Texas, where har
vet has begun, are disappointing,
l'rivate cinmatei of that state place
the hrat yeld at H.0UO.OOO bushels,
or 3.tKKl.x)0 lei than the hit gov
eminent report.
Wheat prices generally in the do
mestic market dijlayed heavy
tone and lower puces. Corn and
oats did not participate in this weak-
ne and showed a very steady tone.
Receipts of wheat in the Omaha
market were heavy at S ran. com
to can and oau 2 cars. Miipments
of vxheat were 9J can, corn 7 can
ana oats 29 ran. A .tree nercent
age of the Omaha wheat receipts
was sold on to arrive salea and was
not offered on the floor. Sales of
this cereal were lourr. m.
pies rnanging hanns at 4c to 5c lower
prices, torn sold readilv at nn
changed to He lower, oats were
quoted lie lower and rye and barley
iiiicnaiiKea. wheat.
Nn. a lark bard: car (vary smutty),
No', t hard winter: 1 car. II J.
No. S hard winter: I car, 11.27; 19 ears,
11.34: I I I rare. 11.21: 3 care (amuttvl.
11.24; S-S car (smutty!. l.t: 3-4 (smut-
ty. per fnt neat damaged i. 31.::.
ISO. i hard winter: S cs ra. II. 21: 1 rare.
(I pr rent heat damaged), 11.22: 1 car
tsmutfyetanln. eiaoin ehrdlu r t fwyn
Isinuityl. II t; 1-i car, i 24; 1 car
(atnuttyi. fl is.
No. 2 hard winter: 1 rar (smutty, f per
rent heat damaged), 11.11: 1 rar (smutty.
I per cent neat dsmagedl, 11.1a; 1 car
(I per rent heat damaged), 11.13.
No. I hard winter: I rar. SI. 33; 1 rar
(I per rent heat damaged, musty), 11.11,
ample herd winter: 1 rar, II. is.
No. 3 yellow hard: 1 car. II 16.
No. S yellow hard: 1 ear. 81. 26: I cars.
: i.
No. 3 mixed: l'i rar (smutty), II. II. ,
No. 1 white: 3 ran. (44ja.
No. 1 white: 1 rar (snipper's weights).
Hc; 14 rare. S4o.
No. I yellow: 4 cars, 6 Hie.
No. S yellow: 7 2-6 cars. tlU.
No. S yellow: 4 rsrs, t6e.
No. 3 mixed: 1 t-ar, (4r.
No. 3 mixed: I care. 626,
No. 3 white: 1 rar. 8Vie: t cars. HVe.
No. 4 while: 1 car. 31 tie: 1 car
(musty), 35Vc.
No. I: 2-1 car. 6He.
No. J: 1 car, c: 3 3-S cars, lis.
No. 4: 1 rar. RSe.
Week Tear
Keceipis Today. Ago. Ago.
Wheat 134 2
torn in 44 jj
" 23 13 I
Rye 16
Barley ; 1 "
Wheat 33 M 4T
S,0"1 7 9 86
g' 33 17 23
13 .. (
Barley 7 .
Carlots Today Week Tear
Wheat 3,3 ' AR-
f;orn HO 174 . 191
Oats 104 as 114
Wh-t 258 128 308
17 4S 33
Oats 7 g 7
wheat 63 IS fr 73
orn , 61 ! I 4s
Oat 7 ' S3 . " 45
Minneapolis 12 i: 15s
I?"''"" SI 147
Winnipeg 230 401 161
Omaha Produce
Furnished by the state, of Nebraska, da.
partment of agriculture, bureau of mar
kets and marketing:
xavis POULTRY.
- e
.26- ,2
.269 .26
.159 .20
.220 .26
.160 .20
' .600 ,0
.300 .40
.279 .30
.180 .23
.250 .30
.209 .21
.25 0 .28
.230 .24
.20 0 .22
.200 .23
.330 .37
.310 .36
.260 .30
.300 .23
Broilers .. .
Hens. light .
Hena, heavy
.219 .22
Broilers, fresh
Broilers, frozen ,
No. 2
Cass count, case. S.760 7.00
Creamery, prlnta
Creamery, tub
Country, best ... ,.22 .IS
Country, com...- .139 .20
Buttertat, Sta pr. 289...
Upland prairie. No. 1
Upland prairie, No. 2
Upland prairie. No. 3
Midland prairie. No. 1....
Midland prairie. No. 2....
Midland prairie, No. 8,...
Lodland Prairie, No. 1....
Lowland prairie. No, 3....
Alfalfa, choice...
313.500313. 00
10.600 11.60
7.000 8.00
11.500 12.00
9.50 0 10.60
7.000 8.00
S.00 0 10.00
7.000 8.00
.... 23.000 24.00
.... 19.000 21.00
.... 16.000 17.00
.... 12.000 14.00
.... 10.00 0 11.00
.... 8.000 9.00
.... 7.000 8.00
No. 3
No. 3
No. 3
Oat straw.....
Wheat straw ,
Bssf hides: Green salted No. 1. per lb..
97c; green salted No. 2, per lb., 94o;
green hides No. -1, per lb.,406e; green
hides No 2, per. lb., 304c; green salted,
old stock, per lb., 2ff3o; green saltsd bull
hides No. 1, per lb., 4c; green salted bull
bides No. 2, per lb., 3c.
Horse hides: Large, each, 3S.O0; medium,
each, t3.50; small, each, 3J.00; pony and
glues, each, 31.0001.26.
Sheep pelts: Green salted, as te six
and wool, each, 76C0331.OO.
Wool: Choice fine and one-halt blood,
per lb., 35930c; medium and three-eighths
blood, per lb;,- 24 0 28c: low and onr-quar-ter
blood, per lb.. 17 920c
FRUITS. . . v.
Bananas: 797tte lb.
Oranges: Blxe 218 and larger, 37 60
9.00; aize 250, S7.009S.60; sice Z88, 16.76
97.00; size 224, 36.6094.60.
Lemons: Per box, t7.60 9t.CS.
Grape fruit: Per crate, according te
size, 34 6094.60. ,
Apples: Wtnesaps,' according to slae
and grade, S3. 00 9 4.00; Ben Davis, 83.00;
Tallow Newtons, 33.60.
Strawberries: Crates, 24 qt boxes, 33.60
Figs: 24 pkgs.. t or., tS.26; bulk, per
lb., 16018c.
Pineapples: According te size, 1 4.26 9
Potatoes: New,- No. 1, per lb., S08e;
new, No, 2, per lb.. 40tc; western Nebras
ka. No. 1, per cwt., 31.7602.26; Idaho
whites, per cwt., 32 2502.60; Red River
Ohio, No. 1, per cwt., 32.60; Oregon Netted
(Jems. 32.25.
Sweet potatoes: Per tu. tl.5O0S.9t. - .
Celery: Per dor., 75c9tl-65.
Head lettuce: Cratee, 33.5004.00; doa,
tl. 0091.60.
Leaf lettuce: Dot.. 40 0 60s.
Rubarb: Home grown, doz., 40 0 68c.
Err plant: Doz., 32.00.
Onions: Texaa crystal wax, 4I-lb.
crates, 13.00; Texas yellow, 45-lb. crates,
Cauliflower: Crates,,
Asparagus: Doz., 66c.
Cucumbers: Hot house, doz., 32.009
2.60; hampers, t doz., 13.60; Texas, bu.
basket, 34.00.
Cabbage: New, per lb., 4H06C.
Tomatoes: Crates, t baskets. 35.009
8.00; lugs. 33.15.
Radishes: Ne,w, doz., 20030c
Carrots: New, doa, 90c; hamper, 31.75
Wholesale prlcea of beef cute are as
follows: No. 1 Ribs. 19c; No. 3 Ribs. 19c;
No. 3 Ribs. 16c. No. 1 Rounds, 17 He;
No, 2 Rounds. 17r: No. 3 Rounds, liVtC
No. 1 Loins. 26x.; No. 3 Loins. 2c; Ne. 3
Loins, 20c. No. 1 Chucka. 10Hc; No. 3
Chucks, 9Hc; No. 3 Chncks. 8r. No. 1
Plates, 6Vac; No. 2 Dates. Sc; No. t
riates, 4c
Osaafca lee leasee) Ire,
Chicago, May it). Scattered liqul.
daiion continue! In May wheat. With
preiiurt from local professional!,
prices declined readily to a new low
for the week. They closed with
net lots of 4 3 8c. Deferred deliv.
eries were firmer today, hut weaken
H later with May and lost l?CJ-4c.
Corn and oats showed stubborn re
lirtaure to pressure. They acted
somewhat oversold. Corn closed Mj
higher and cats l-8c lower to l-8e
higher. Kye vao(f I l-ft&l l-2c,
While Sepicniher wheat told at a
new high for the seatan, this week
and other deliveries rime to the
high, the bulge was !t later. The
buying gave out. With scattered
liquidation, the fininh hii well to
ward the bottom with net losses of
MCfl7 J-4c, with May leaduiE. Corn
and oats held within narrow limits
during the week. Corn closed 1-4(3
5 8c higher ami oats 1 -4c higher to
l-8e lower. Rye declined 2
2 5-Hc. Frovisioni were unsettled
with lard 2 1-2sl5c lower, while ribs
77 I -2c higher on May and 10c high
rr tn 5c Inu-rr nn Hi distant ill.
Wheat Orereald.
Wheat an4 somewhat oversold to
day early and it took Utile remmleelon
h.ue and Inral short covering make
a fraelional advance. The perelstent sell
ing ef Stay In smsll l"l by scattered
I Mica and the pressure from a total pro
fessional eauaed a sharp drop. At the
Inalda Slay ehowrd more than I2a under
the ouiaids figures of earlier In the week
and ths undertone at the laat was rather
heavy, although there wsa roneiderahle
weekend evening up In ths distant da-
l-ocal sentiment continues rather bear.
Ih with a disposition to follow the Slay.
local Interest In the taller Is generally
light, with ths hulk of the trade In the
Ji-ly, Elevator Interests sold soma July
Land bought rieptrrnber at te difference
early. Liverpool rlosed NCJId lower.
Corn and oats both acted a little aver.
eold and net prlrs changes for ths day
were email. ReceMps were not large and
cesh demand fair with prices about un
changed ae compared wllh tha futures,
foreraat was for unsettled weather over
Sunday, whereas dry and warm la needed
for the completion of rorn. planting.
Rys was dull and etsler,' the action ef
ins wneac being tha main Influence.
Pit Notes.
Tt was ths Impression of Ihs trade that
the big holdlnea ot Slay wheat, while pos
sibly reduced, ars large enough to make
an uncomfortable situation for ths shorts
later in tne month.
July wheat has come eut tn large vol
ume from houeea connected with tha larg
est holdings or May.
Ths country apparently has become Im.
preseed suddenly with a riesirs ta sell
Us whest is coming from all quarters, ee
peclally from Kansas and Nebraska farm.
ere. Omaha houses have bought 800.000
bushels from ths Interior In the laet few
days. Chicago houses bought sno.non
buahela In all positions In the west snd
central weat today. Thera were 2.168
cars of all grain on track hers Friday
morning, of which 1,311 cars wers at the
Heavy feeding of rorn In central Illinois
Is raDorteil by Frank Chestle. who wae
over that aactlon for Ilurlhurd. Warren
ec Chanter. He says plowing ror rorn
le delayed, but Is not serious yet. Com
holdings are regarded as neiow normal.
Near Tork Sugar.
New Tork. May 20 The raw sugar mar.
ket waa ateady and unchanged with no
salea reported. Spot Cubai were quoted
at 3 16-33. coat and freight, equal to 4.07c
for centrifugal with June ehipment of
fered at 2Vac, cost and freight, equal te
The raw sugar futures market wag
steadier on covering for over the week
end but the volume of business wae light.
Closing prices were 1 to 3 points net
nigner. July, j.ooc; septemosr, z.sec
December. 2.90c: March. 3.87c.
There were no changes In refined eugar
hut there waa a better inquiry reported.
line granuiatea e.soo to t.ioc.
Refined futures nominal. Closing: July
5.95c: September. 6.10e: December. S.OOc
Sugar futurea closed steady; approxi
mate aaies, s, boo tons: July, z.ssc: Sep
tember, 2.85c; December, 2.90c; March,
I.8IC. -
New Tork Coffee.
New Tork. May 20. The market for
coffee futures wa4 lower today, owing
to decllnea In the Rio market and re
iterated rumors ot - unsettled Dolltlcal
conamons in urern. mese Features wers
considered chiefly repsonslble for scat
tering liquidation on the decline which
carried July contract) off to 10.16, or
about 33 points below the high level of
the week. The general market opened
at a decline of 2 to 3 points and closed
3 to 11 points net lower, Salea were ea
tlmated at 42.000 bags. Closing Quota
tions: May. 10.27c: July. 10.17c: Sep
tember, 9. 64c: October, 9,63c: December,
9.32c; January. 9. 26c: March, 9. 16c.
Spot coffee, dull; Rio 7s, 10 c; San
tos 4s, 14K0144c -There wero very
few cost and freight offers and those re
ceived were about unchanged.
Duluth. Minn.. May 20. Flaxseed t2.7S;
May, 12.76 asked: July, 32.76 asked; Sep
tember, 33-75 asked; October. 32 71 asked.
Chicago Potatoes.
Chicago. May 20. Potatoes Steady; re
ceipts, 67 cars: total U. S. shipments, 887;
Wisconsin sacked and bulk round whites,
31.5001.80 cwt.; Minnesota sacked round
whites, 31-15 cwt.; Canadian sacked round
whites No. 1, mostly 1.60 cwt.; Idaho
hacked russets, 32.00 cwt.; new stock,
strong; Alabama sacked Bliss Triumphs
No. 1, 33.S503.75 cwt. ; Texas sacked
Bliss Triumphs No. 1, cwt.; Florida
Spauldlng Rose double headed barrels No.
1, 86.6091.(6; NO. Z, I4.00iM.2B.
By Updike Grain Co. DO. 2827. Msy 20.
Art. I Open. I High. I Low. Close. I Tea
Wht. I I
May 1.3m 1.40 1.IIV. 1.28
1.3S 1.86 1.40
July 1.24U 1.24 1.11 1.23$, 1.144,
1.2444 1.24 H
Sept, 1.19-4 1.13 1.11 1.13 1-1K
1.1SH . 1.1
Rye 1
Msy 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.0
July 1.07 l.7 1.0644 1.06 1.07
Sept. .99 .99 .98 .99, .99
Corn I - " i
May .81 .tl .41 .11 .81
July .84 U .14 .14 .14 .64
.44 .84 .64
Sept. .88 .(1 .18 .86 .(
Oats J I
May .17 .t7 .37 .37 .27
July . 39 .39 .19 .39 .3
Sept. -.40 .41 .40 .40 .40.
I'' ' .40 .40 . ,
May i 23.19 23.31 22.11
Lard :...(
May Hit
July Ill.SO 11.41 11.45 U.SS i
Rlba 1 1 ) 1
May 1S.0S I12.3S.. 13.00 18.8 12.80
July 18.0 13.00 12 00 12.00 12 0
Minneapolis Orals.
Minneapolis, Minn., May 20. Wheat
Receipts, 129 cars; compared with 235
cars a year ago. Cash No. 1 northern
162 9168; May. 11.61; July, 31.40;
September, tl.2S. '
Corn No. 3 jellow. 4968e. .
Oats No. S white, 36(436'4c,
Barley 63 9 Me.
. Rye No. 2. 11.01 01.02.
.Minneapolis. Minn., May 20. Flour
Unchanged to loo lower; in carload lota
family patents quoted at 18.2508.60 bbl.
Bran 121.00.
Kaasas City Grain.
Kansas City. Mo.. May 20. Wheat
Cash No. a hard. 11.2601.46; No. I red,
Corn No. 1 white, 87c; No. 2 yellow,
69c: No. 3 yellow, 58c
Hay Unchanged
Kanssa City, Mo.. May 20. Wheat
Close. May. 11.21; July. 11.15; Septem
ber. 31.10.
Corn May, 11; July, 58e; Septem
ber, 41c
St. Louis Grain,
St. Louie. Mo., May 30. Wheat May,
$1.00; July, 81.20.
Corn May. S9c.
Corn May. 59e; July, :06le.
Oats May, 38c: July. 40c
New York Produce
' New Tork. May 20 Butter Firm;
creamery extras. 3493(c
Egse Weak; fresh gathered extra firsts,
Cheese Firm
Reeelpta sad diepeeiilea ef llteeteet el
ike I ai erkere. twe. Neb, fee
: e'ti' till m . Meg 24,
- re" fr,..-..-.
t'aiea faeirte R. H
I I .. .,
14 I ..
" ..
.. ..
.. It .. ..
.. I .. ..
9 tt
" m 1 "
. - -.
, 8. 14 P, aeet
armeur 4 '.......,
t'udeby re-biag Cs
Tetal 141 HI
fteeelple were) Cattle. Itega hee.
Offinal Monday t.ltt sit t.;l
tlffiriat Tueeder..,. 1.8S S 9 t.434
tlfflrlel Wednesday.. '4 t .! 6.4
llr:al Th'ita.lay ... 1,914 S.C6I 1,664
'iiM iei 9 riu.y i.s i.sae e,sj?
i:aiimala Maturday ,, 164 4 e tte
oil date I hie week..iT,tii 449? .le
Same Das laet m k. 11419 ll.lll S.:4
wills)! t e't is.ll.lll 66.113 4.:i6
Hams ders S w e a s, II 664 .S tl ;
Kapie da star sge.:4.llt 4J 44 24.641
Cattle Sterelpts. I6t head. Nose ef the
ctllle rereived this morning were actually
on 'eats and Irads waa nominally stead.
foe the aeeit suppliee ere smaller
than a week ago, but a mean eeetern
dressed beef market baa restricted the
demand far fat rallle and steers show
average drllnrs nf fully : while some
of the plsin esrllnge ere ss tnuen ss ty
too loaer. Khe stok has declined It son
and stackers snd feeders are 36 040c lower
than a week ago
Quotatlone nn rattle: Choice te prime
heevee. t. tStyl.SO; good te choirs beeves.
It. 7601.11; fstr la good beeves. tT.260
116; common to fair beeves, 14 1407 26;
choice In prime yearlings. 14 4001 It
good lo choirs yearllnge, 87.8101 36; fair
tn good yearling. 17 2fJ7 76: common to
fair yearllnga. 14 7607.36; choice la prime
heifers. 37 7604 3: good to choice helf.
fere. 81 2693.74; fair tu good helfere.
I4.6O07.S6; rholra to prime cows. 34.610
7.10; good to choice rows. t4.IS940
felr to good rowe. ISOOfftSS; common
to fslr rows, tl 2604.76; good le choice
feadere. I7.to0t.o: fair to good feeders,
14.6607.40; common to fair feeders, 14.21
04.76; good In rholcs stackers. 17.769
I. 26; felr te good stoekers. 17 2607.76;
common In fair elockera, 11.6097. 21: stork
heifers. 34.60 04.00: stock cows. 83 600
6 26: slock raivea, 18.0004.21; veat ralvea,
(4.6O0II.OO; stock bulla. 14.0001.00;
bulla, ataga, etc.. I.267.00.
Hogs Receipts. S.900 head. Demand waa
actlvs today on moderate supply, prlcea
ruled mnally I On higher. Quality of the
hnga m-aa generally good for a Saturday
run and an early clearance was made.
Light hogs sold from with s
top price of tl"e. Mixed Ine da snd
butcher weights. tlO.260lO.6A. and perk
ing gradea. tlO.on0in.26 with extreme
h-avl.. 39.2509.60. Bulk of ssles waa
IIO.3O01fl.6O. Prlcea at thla week'a close
are 160200 higher than a week ago.
No. At. Sh. Pr. No. At. Sh. Pr.
49. .846 399 110 09 64. .324 439 119 20
60. .311 ... 19 2S 40. .347 ... 10 80
68. .311 ISt 19 35 76..34S ... 19 40
48. .269 ... 19 45 64. .244 ... 19 60
67. .241 ... 10 65 97. .201 ... 10 SO
8heep Receipts, 140 head. Bulk of
the recelpta during the week were Cali
fornia apring lambs, which held nearly
ateady but with one or two weak eeselona
and closing price about 2 So lower than a
week ago with best quality quoted at
114.00014.26. Fat lambs have been In
poor demand and prlcea have gradually
worked lower with the cloee tl.OO0l.2S
below last week, bulk of sales are within
a range of 111. 50012. 00. Shesp are fully
II. 00 with best bandy weight ewes quoted
at 36 50.
Quotations en Sheep Fat Iambs, good
to choice, 311.50012.00; fat lambs, fair
to good, 311. 25011. 60; apring lamba.
312.00014.26; cull lambs, I19.00O12.00;
fat yearlings, 110.00011.00; fat wethers,
37.0009.00; fat ewes, light, 36.6004.60;
fat ewes, heavy, 86.005. 60.
Chicago live Stock.
Chicago, May 30. Cattle Receipts, 800
head: compared with week ago: Beef
eteere, 10015c higher; she stock mostly
steady; canners, weak; Duns. l&ejz&o
lower: veal calves unevenly steady to 60e
hither; choice calvea up most; stoekers
and feeders, dull, weak to lower; top
beef eteers for week, 89.26; week's bulk
prices beef steers, 37.7608.80; stoekers
and feeders, 37.0097.75; meaty feeders,
88.00 9 8.60; butcher she stock.;
eanners snd cuttera. 13.900 4.75: veal
calves, 19.0009.75.
Hogs Receipts, head: market
steady to atrong with Friday's avsrage;
quality considered good; top, 311 00; bulk,
310.60010.95; shippers took about 1,409
head: holdover slight; pigs, strong, mostly
ss.eoeiu.vo; pacKtng tows, weak, 100
15e lower.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts. S.S99 head:
five doublea choice 90 snd 98-pound shorn
lambs, SI 2.76 13.76; aheep and spring
lambs quoted firm: compared week ago,
fed lamba and fat aheep mostly 75C0S1.OO
lower;, spring lambs. 60075c lower; feed
er's ends and culls, 26o to 60c lower; clos
ing tOD aprina1 lamba. 315.00: feedera
around 112.25; bulk shorn lambs, til. 500
iz.eo; puik rat ewes, 85.00 0 7.09; extreme
heavies down to 84.00.
Day live stock market stands for night
Kansas City Live Stock.
Kansas City. Mo.. May 29. Cattle Re
ceipts, 650 head; for week, beef eteere.
wf c lower; top, 18.80; she stock, weak
to 60q lower; comr ons and medium grades
on most; cannera and bulls, ateady; calves,
mostly steady: in-Between grades lower;
stock cows and heifers, feeders and stock
calves mostly 2506Oo lower; stock steers,
sec 081 lower.
Hogs Receipts. 1.000 head: active to
pacKers and snippers: eoioo higher than
yesterday's average; bulk goodand choice
io to 260-pound weignts, S19.SO01O.76;
mixed 260 to 300-pounders. 310.45010.65;
bulk, I10.4S10.75; top, (10.75; throw-ant
sows, I9.26 0S.7S.
Sheep Receipts. 260 head: for -week.
spring lambs about ateady; Artzonaa,
814.60; other killing classes, 19020c lower.
nay market stands lor night.
Sloox City Live Stock.
Sioux City. Ia.. May 20. Cattle Re
ceipts, 800 head; market compared te a
week ago, red ateera and yearllnga, 100
16o higher: warmed up ateera and ysar-
llngs. 10015c higher; top yearlings, 18.75;
fat cows and heifers, steady, 26c higher;
canners, steady; veals, ateady, top, 310.00;
feeders, weak; calves, steady; bulls,
steady; feeding cows and heifers, steady
to strong; stoekers, steady.
Flogs Receipts. 6.600 head; market ac
tive. 109160 higher; stags, t7.7S9S.09;
lights, 119.66; heavy mixed, tl9.09O10.36;
heavy packers, 39.2609.50; native pigs,
16.60011.00; bulk of sales, 310.40010.60.
Sheen Receipts. 300 head: market
St. Joseph LIts Stock. .
St Joseph. Mo.. Msy 29. Cattle Re
ceipts, 100 head; market nominal: steers,
37.0098.75: cows and heifers. t5.9O0S.76;
calves, 36.5008.00.
Hogs Receipts, 4,509 head; So to 10c
higher; top, 110.76; bulk, 110.60010.70.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 600 head;
market ateady; clipped lambs, S11.60O
12.25; clipped ewes. 34.6005.26.
Aew sotk votion.
New Tork. May 20. Scattered . weed-
end selling caused ' a slight dip In the
cotton market today. After a brief df
cline of about 5 to 17 points directly
after ths opening, the lift came back al
most on a level with last night's close.
Businrss was largely evening up In na
ture, with Wall street on both sides snd
spot and commission houses selling- a little
cotton. New buying was held In check by
the favorable weather map. Heavier pres
sure developed tn the second hour and
prices gave ground before local liquida
tion and lack of demand. Prices fell It
to 33 points under Friday's close. Final
bids were arotgid the day's lowest level.
opoi cotton wss quiet, unchanged,
21.45c for middling uplands.
foutnern Snot Galveston. 20.1 5e. 15
points d-cllrs-; New Orleans, 20c, un
changed: Savannah. 19.76c. 25 nolnta rle.
cline: Augusts. 19.69, 2a polnta decline:
iiempnis. is. 50, unchanged; Houaton. SOc,
30 points decline; Little Rock, 19c, 25
points decline.
New Tork Dry Coeds.
New Tork. Mav 20. Cotton vnorta fiM
steady today, with unfinished gooda pricea
rising faster than those on finished lines.
a leaatng line ot Bleached cottons waa ad
vanced a half-cent a yard. Percales were
boucht quite freely in some of the large
houses. Local Jobbers reported better bnsi-.
nejs auring tne week. Yarns ruled firm
snd worsted dress goods ars becoming
firme -. Burlaps were atrong and linens
firmer. Silks showed moderate improve
ment. Spot Cotton.
N'f Tore. Mav 20. Snot CnHnnOiilat ;
. " -
i ...
.......i ei
r-a'Sitig i , eie
Horrid I'e-klng t'O, .......... t :4 ...
eaifl A I Set ,,,
J. W. Murphy e ...
He-arts A t'e, IS .,.
t'ttdeky fiem bieui rail 1.41
Other lueie 4
middling, 21. 45c. e j J
ft-!. Mmm rami H lr.
New York, May lU-That such
week nT reaJjuniueiit of specula
tivt accomm t txcurrH on tht
nock fxchangg today should havt
been chiefly visible in the steel
tharet wliirh haej been put up on the
merger prnphrrirs, was Jogiral
enough. Uul today's decline in that
(roup of thaiet vat alto helped
along by the aecond withdrawal of
tn important company from the ne
gotiations. The duel iniprettiiiii pro
duced on the stock market by this
Incident was sudden doubt as to
whether even a "Ut company merg.
er' would become reality, l'roptg
outtide the stoik exchange were
mostly impressed by the contract be
tween the ideat of the speculators
as to the value of such a merger and
the coldneta with which the proposal
teems to be considered by the par
ticipant themselves.
While the independent tteel shares
sold down and other industrial stocks
were divided between advances and
declines, a general and positive for
ward movement occurred in the rail
way shares.
Hall Mtarea Matloaary.
It waa hardly ne-eeaary in a serine that
movement lo the dinner or the railway
men with the preeld-nu atrango ee the In.
rioent might eiii in ronlre-t wllh the
personal relations of Ihe White House
and Ihe railway esrcullveg a dersde or
las sso. Whet Wall eireet hed probably
considered, wee lbs feet that while tral
fie and earnings of tha railways had been
Improving steadily and auheiantlally. and
while prl. es for Industrial storks had been
advancing rapidly, railway eharea were
aeiung last week no higher than they sold
a month ago.
There were numernue edanresj In to
dsy's bond msrket snd while com re nanus
wllh a week sgo showed much Irreguler.
Uy of motement, net sdvsnres for Ihe
week were derldedly n the majority snd
many ef ih-m aubatanllal. Ksrept for an
other fall In the German nierk, foreign
esrhanga was firm. Neither that market
nor any ether wss likely to be Impreaoed
wllh the mutual regrets snd compliments
eirhang'd at their pertlng betwe-n Lloid
Ueorge and the soviet.
tiold Imports Krop.
With a promptness contrasting In a
gratifying way with the belated publica
tion of ths Starch returns, the Department
of Commerce has out a statement of
April's gold Importe and exports by coun
tries of origin or destination. The total
of gold Imported during April, as previous
ly reported, was ths smallest of any
month since February. 1920, and for thte
today's statement shoes that decreased er.
rlvala of Tranavaal gold from Kngland
were tha reason. It appears that 81.864,
004 gold was actually received from Kn
gland, from which tt had been supposed
hat we got no gold at all laat month,
but that aura compares with average
monthly gold recelpta from -Kngland dur
ing 1921 of 114.(00.000.
From the Scandinavian countries, 35.
500.000 gold rssched us In April. This,
although much less than, the 123.900,000
whlrh srrived from the same ports In
March, shows that remlttancea of the So
viet's treesure are continuing. What Is
perhaps more Interesting is the etatement
that we sent 1774,000 gold direct to India
In April. Thus far In May, 12,000,000 haa
been shipped from the country to- the same
New York Stocks
Range of prices of the leading etocke
furnished by Logan A Bryan, 218 Peters
Trust building:
Hlgtt, Lew. Close. Close.
A., T..A S. T 10044 100 10 100
. & 0 484s 47 484, 41
Canadian Pacific. .143?4 14274 143 141
N. T. Central 91 sou si sou
Chesa. A Ohio.... 67 H 67 S7',i
Great Northern... 78 44 77 44 7S',4 77
ititnois i-enirai....iu&4 J"b4 in&'y4 106
K. C. Southern.... 29 27t 28 57 U,
Lehigh Valley 6514 64 4, 6614 64 '4
Missouri Pacific... 24 234 24 2.1V4
N. T. A N. H 36(4 32 36'i 324
Northern Pacific. 774 77 7744 7744
C. A N. W 7544 75 7614 76
Penn. R. R 4114 41 41 '4 41
Reading 82 81 8144 81
C. R. I. A P 46V 4S 4KU 46S!
Southern Pacific. 92 91V4 92 91 '4
Southern Railway. 25 2444 25 24
C, M, A St. P.. ..-28 44 2444 2844 26
Union Pacific 140 139 139 189
Am. Car Fdry....l62 18144 182 11A
Allis-Chatmers ... 604 49 50 44
Amer. loco 1164 114 114 115
Baldwin Loco. ...118 117 11744 118
Bethlehem Steel.. 79 ;s 78 78
Colo. F. A 1 35 35 ,16li 34
Crucible 74 73 73 74
Am, StI. Fdry.... 39 38S 884i 39
Lackawanna Steel. 78 78 78 78
Miavaie aieei .,. 42 u 414 43
Pressed Steel Car. 79 79 79 19
Rep. 8. A I 73 71 , 72 76
Sloss-Scheffleld 61
U. S. Steel 102 101 101 101
Vanadium 62 60 6144 51
Anaconda '. 65 66 63 55
Am. S. A R, Co.. 66 65 65 66
Cerro De Pasco... 39 39 39 39
Chill 22 22 22 22
Chlno 31 31 31 31
Calumet & Arizona S3 -
Green Cananea 33
Inspiration 42 42 42 42
Kennecott 38 88 38 38
Miami 30 30 80 31
Nevada Consoli. ...18 18 18 18
Ray Consolidated 18
Seneca 14
Utah 88 (7 17 87
General Asphalt ..63 62 82 82
Cosden 44 44 44 44
Call. Peterol 67 56 56 66
Island Oil 1 1 1 ....
Invincible Oil 18 18 18 16
Mexican Peterol ..137 138 136 136
Middle States ..... 15 14 15 16
Paclflo Oil 84 83 64 66
Pan-American ....67 66 66 1 66
rnilllps e 48 48 48
Pierce Oil ........ 10 10 10 19
Pure Oil 33 32 82 33
Royal Dutch 84 63 63 83
Sinclair Oil 34 84 38 34
Standard Oil, N. J.187 187 187 188
Texaa Co 48 48 48 48
Union Oil ......... 22 22 23 23
White OH 10 10 19 10
Chandler ......... 74 73 74 74
General Motors... 14 14 14 14
Willys-Overland ..8 8 8 .8
Pierce-Arrow .... 20 19 20 19
White Motor 49 49 49 49
Studebaker 121 -120 129 120
Flsk 17
Goodrich 41. 41 41 40
Kelley-Sprlngfield 62 61 61 61
Keystone Tire 23 22 23 22
AJax 17 17 17 17
U. S. Rubber 65 64 64 64
Am. Beet Sugar.. 44 44 44 42
A., O. & W. I 37 37 37 38
Am. Inter. Corp.. 48 47 48 47
Am. Sumatra .... 36 35 35 36
Am. Telephone ...122 122 122 122
American Can ... 48 48 48 44
Central Leather... 40 40 40 40
Cuba Cane 17 17 17 16
Cuban-Am. Sugar. 25 25 26 25
Corn Products 101 101 101 102
Famous Players ..81 81 81 81
General Electrio .165 164 164 165
Great North. Ore . -41 41 41 40
Inter. Harvester ..103 103 103 103
Amer. H. A L., pfd .... 71
U. 3. Ind. Alcohol. 65 . 64 64 64
Inter. Paper 62 61 62 61
Inter. M. M.,pfd. . 83 83 83 83
Amer Sugar Ref. . 76 76 76 76
Sears-Roebuck .... 76 76 76 78
Stromsberg 64 63 63 B4
Tobacco Products . 74 73 73. 74
Worthing. Pump .. 63 62 52 63
Wilson Co 46 46 46 46
Westing. Electrio . 63 42 63 62
Amer. Woolen, .... 93 92 92 12
Amer. Cotton Oil 28
Amer. Ag. Chem. . 31 3S 88 34
American Linseed . 34 35 34 34
Union Bag, pfd. .. 67 47 67 84
Bosch Magneto 45
Brook. Rap. Tran.. 26 25 25 24
Continental Can 8
Calif. Packing 78
01. o. a k J 61 m M
United Drug 78 78 78 89
National Rnamel .... 42
United Fruit 14!i 1421 14241 142'i
Lorlllord Tobacco. 169 159 153 1.S7
national l.eal 94
Philadelphia Co... 28 88 38 39
Pullman 133 KJ 123 122
Punta Ale. S'igar.. 46 45 45 44
South P. R. Sugar. 49 49 49 I
Retail Stores 61 41 SSVs
.o Vais,. Slay St - ttels4) beads
aa4 ff,r4 ldar lbs sneagili el
tkeee imhi ia Ihe e'e- net and le
S-M44 Hetel a ee ebeie wee firm lo
ia,g. maul Is, lias in pe.-ial faeiuiee,
1 bs mMey eiuMuleied leneeed bv
Ing of lloexy laeu.e end aHenr ef the
other tea exempt p'fedns ihe iniei.
hsiioeel group ee in'hanjed, aside lieia
further firiHes a 4Jeiree) ta
leahHstd adjuelmMii ta I eels snd
Sea fian-is. inrame as and eeetal of
the aadef l Ing u4e ef Ihe repulse reel
nede were hihr by eubeietiMet fiecllie
la I ihiiwI t pl pe-e aaeia Inclined ho.
eere) Mutably thus Is as4 Amefltea
tmeliing ee
I he few ejtedef alety reefttenere1 lesaee
Included tteliirHare end "hie te. t'eleradu
sad UMiihera te snd Armeur ts Total
teles .r tslue) aigreialed: 11. Ill, Its,
Ksw Te.k. Sis i Fntlealng are le
asts kith, w and rinsing prices of bends
ee Ihe New Imk attnsj exhetig. snd Ihe
lutal seu-0 ef ra. h p-ne)
I . . ttuods,
Ssles lis litest Huh few Cleee
te l.iheiiy 8s tile tt it ttlt
44 Liberty fat 4',s ,, tt tt tt J tl tt
411 Liberty 3d 4',... 91 14 94 14 tie
474 I Ihe-rtd id 4M,.ttt( till ! tl
94 Liberty till 4'sS.. 99 94 tt SS tt 94
47 i.-lnry 4.s lee.t least 1"1
34 Virinry 3e Ie ts teeee ett
reretgsi l.etemmrol. Wale and Municipal,
tl Ars. anna Is ! to !"
2 I hiH'ee Hail Ity te, 41 MS 61
I iny Hern is ....III', ll
T City tnrdsu le.. 11 17 17
13 I ity I'epenhase l'e 1 93 91
4 lily I .tan. la .... 17 17 11
5 I'lly Starsellles Is.. 17 17 l!
1 t'ny Mia Jsaeiro ta.lel l late,
2 I'liy ran raule IM 4
S I'lly Tnkio ss .... 71 71 71
2 lsn Sliinl Sa A.. ..Ill 111 , HI
It 1'ept nine 7a .... 91 94 94
13 Ihiiii I'an 6.. :9,l""', lAe n
14 Iwni I'an Ss, 31.... 91 9S 94
36 Milt K tad ta. 47, 14 964. 94
44 1't.h K Ind ta, 13.. 94 94 91
43 French Rep ta ,.,.14 ej e4
34 French Mep 1,s ,,iej 0 jni
t Japanese 4s 71 77 77
9 King K.lg 7a ..IMS, A jet
13 King lnmrk 4e .. 99 9 tt4
I King Italy ts .. 84 14 14
let King Nethrlnd. ta 17 97 17
91 King Sweden ta ,.1"J l"l
tt Par-t.y-Med ts .. S t; tl
S Slate Qtinalnd 7a. ..Ill line.
II Stale junalnd ts..A3 ll lei
1 Stale Rio tl Su fi.03 02 107
7 Swiss Con Is .....117 117 117
10 K O n I 6s, 23.104 1"4 0
14 K it II A I Ss, 24.iio 1"0 oo
13 K fl B A I ls, 37.102 l: 103
31 tl s Hrasll te ...,06 lot 06
33 U S Meslro 6a .... 47 47 47
Railway and Mlerellaaenna,
14 Alas Rub 8a t: n: 10
14 Am Ag Chm 7a.o 1: 103
14 Am Smelt 6s .... 43 92 92
37 Am Sugar 4s lnn 100 100
2 Am T A T cv 4s. .114 111 114
8 Am T A T a t 6s.. 97 97 97
11 Am Writ Ta 7a..., ta 87 tl
4 Armour A to 4s.. 94 9 89
5 A T A 8 F gen 4s.. 19 84 9
t At Ref ta 10.1 103 103
It R A O Cs 99 99 99
74 R A rt cv 4e .. 8.1 82 83
1 Bell Tel Pen 7s. ..107 17 lft-
II Relh lit p b tt.. 9.1 93 4.1
7 Rraden Cnp ta .... 99 99 99
4 Brklyn Kd g 7a D.107 107 ln7
5 Brklyn It T 7 e s.. 83 92 82
lOf sn North 8 111 111 111
60 Can Par deb 4s.... 74 74 79
2 Cen Leather ts .... 97 97 97
17 On Pno gtd 4s..,, 8t 84 M
19 Cerro Pasco 8 119 119 19
1"5 C A O cv 6s .... 94 93 94
II C A O cv 4S .... 89 94 94
24 C. B A Q ref 6a A. 99 99 99
31 Chi A K III 6a.... 8t 91 91
15 Chi Gt West 4s.... 61 61 61
70 C M A St P cv 4a 73 71 72
61 C M A St P r 4a. 66 5 66
1 Chi A N W 6I..109 109 109
5 Chi Rya 6s 83 83 83
25 C R I A P ref 4s.. 82 82 82
28 Chile Cop 7s 107 106 107
77 Chile Copper 6s .. 92- 91 91
2 Colo A South r 4s 87 87 87
6 Con Gas 7s 117 117 117
23 Cub Can Sug d 8s.. 85 84 85
6 Cub Can Sug d 7s.. 85 84 85
1 Cun Am Sug 8s. ...106 106 105
10 Del A Hud cv 6s.. 95 96 S5
1 Det Ed ref Cs ...,142 102 102
11 Det Utd Rya 4s.. 83 83 18
6 Dla Mtch 7 107 10: 107
9 Die Sec 6 107 107 107
3 Duquesne Light 6s. .103 103 103
16 Erie p I 4 54 53 64
20 Fram I D 7a .... 99 99 99
6 Gal H A H 5s .... 89 89 89
4 Gen El deb Is ....100 100 100
25 Good Tire 8s, 31. .103 102 103
4 Good Tire 8s, 41. .lit 116 116
12 Grnd Tnk Ay C 7s. 113 113 113
14 O N 7s A 109 109 109
10 Gt N 5ft B 100 99 100
13 Hud A Man rt 6s A. 83 83 83
42 Hud & M a n 6s. 64 64 64
6 III Cent 6s 101 101 101
1 III Cent ref 4a.... 87 87 87
40 Int Met 4a .... 16 16 16
154 Int Met 4s ctfs. 16 1 16
165 Int R T ref 6s.... 71 71 71
8 Int M M s f 6s.... 97 97 97
11 Int Pa r 6s B .... 86 85 86
5 Invln Oil 8s ....... 94 96 98
2 K C Ft S A M 4s. 79 79 79
16 K C South 5s...... 88 87 88
5 Kelly-Sprg Tire 8s. 108 107 108
10 Lacks Steel 5s, 23.. 99 99 99
1 Lacks Steel 6s,. 60.. 91 91 91
9 L M A M 8 d 4s, 28 94 94 94
13 L S lc M S d 4S.31 92. 92 92
1 Lehigh Valley 6s.. 103 103 103
4 Lig A Myers 6s. . 96 96 96
25 L A N ref 6s...,103 103 103
6 Mkt St Ry cod 5s.. 90 90 90
1 Mex Pet 8s 106 106 106
1 Mich Cen deb 4s.. 88 88 88
1 Mich State T 1st 6s 86 86 86
. 23 Mid Steel cv 6a.. 93 91 92
IK 4 31 L ref 6s,. 47 46 46
8 M 8tP A SSM 6s.l02 102 102
16MKATnpl5sA 83 83 83
208 M K A T n a 6s A. 68 67 57
4 M K A T 1st 4s.... 81 91 81
.30 M P gen 4s 64 64 64
5 Mont Pow 6a A.. 97 96 97
41 N O T A St Ine 6s. 70 69 70
69 N T C deb 6 103 10? 103
15 N T C con 4s .... 83 83 83
6 N T Ed ref 6S..110 109 110
14 NT NH A H cs 6, 48 84 82 84
17 N T Rys ref 4s ctf 41 41 41
INT Tel d Ss, 49.105 105 105
15 NT Tel ref 6s. 41. .105 105 106
CO N T W A B 4a.t 68 57 68
4 Nor A 80 6a A.. 67 87 67
4 Nor A West con 4s.. 87 87 87
' 14 N P pr Hen 4s .. 86 86 86
2N P gen 3s 62 62 62
68 N P-G N Jt 6s ..106 10644 106
6 No Sts Pow ret 6a A 92 91 92 ;
8 N W Bell Tel 7s ..106 106 106
6 Or A Cal 1st 6s.... 99 . 99 99
6 O 8 L ref 4s ...... 91 91 91
10 Or-Wsh R R A N 4s 82 81 81
9 Pse O A EI ,6s .. 92 -91 91
- 2 Pao T A T 51 .... 96 96 96
4 Packard Mot Cr 8a. 107 U 10714 10714
13 Pen R R gen 6s.. 100 99 99
. 6 Pen R R gen 4t. 90 90 90
7 Pere Marq ref 6l.. 96 98 98
9 P A E Ino 4a 31 39 81
4 Pierce Oil deb 8s ..100 100 109
1 P C C A St L 6a A 97 97 97
1 Pro A Ref 8 103 108 103
5 Reading gen 4s.. SB 14 84
4 R I A A L 4a.. 81 81 81
11 St L I Mt A S r 4s. 87 87 87
. 18 St L A S F ad 6s.. 80 79 80
89 St L A. S F lno 6s.. 89 8 69
22SLASFpl4sA 72 72 72
195 Sbrd Air I. con ts.. 81 58 61
67 Sbrd Air L adj 5a.. 26 24 26
30 Sbrd Air I, ref 4. 42 42 42
6 Sharn St Hoop 8s A 99 99 99
86 Sin Oil cv 7 106 104 104
22 Sin Oil col 7s 99 99 99
2 South Bell T 6s .. 96 95 95
26 S P cv 4s S)1 91 91
27 S P ref 4s 87 87 87
17 S P col tr 4 83 82 83
25. So Ry gen 6!.... 99 99 . 99
37 So Ry gen 4s .... 67 66 67
1 So Prt Ric Sug 7s 99 99 99
9 Stsn O ot C d 7s. .106 105 106
8 Third Ave adj 6s.. 60 60 60
2 Tidewtr O 6s ctf. 103 103 103
. 2 Tob Prod 7a 103 103 103
46 Union Pacific 1st 4s 91 91 91
- 3 U P cv 4s 9441 94 94
6 Union Tank Car 7s. 103 103 103
6 United Drug 8s 109 . 109 409
6 Utd Ry In 1st 6s P 86 86 84
4 U 8 Rubber 6a .. 90 90 90
15 V S Steel s f 6s. ..101 im 101
60 Utah PA L 5s .. 93 93 93
61 Va-Cr Chm 7s...l06 106 105
11 Va-Cr Chm 1st 6s. 100 100 100
Superior Stel 15
St. L. A S. F 30 80 10 3n
Va. Car Chem 31
Total sales. 908.800 shares.
Money Friday close. 3 par cent.
Marks Close. .003311c; Friday close.
Francis Close. .09C6e; Friday close,
Sterling Close, 14.43; Friday close.
(Radio Corp. of America)
Ksw Terh, Star t Tudleg ea the
Kew Tata, turb earhenie all through Ihs
ttt aeek ess ee, ihs Istgeel srtls "ted
to far this rear. The heaviest dealtsat
so say see 4 weie In Itedle remeaes,
selee of that etnk ee Wednesday being
10 ef te see ehetes. The remmea
ei eek on that alee it'1 le t and
lha reeeied in ts. Toaeeea electa aa a
gfetip d.ntanned mnet eHenilnH berauee
f the geneiel un.leieisedmg that these
eierae eie la be im luded in a eaneeiida
Hun Slan nf Hie iiiiit.r also
cleared ptet,ou.e. eiieugtli, lanleit Me.
Ine pu fim IIS ! II end I'ucsnl Me
lor rnnved up frmn 11 la IT1.
reimleuin ei'!-e were actively traded
In, but iho.1 nf thte leeu. did net nil.
leilell slier their niaikel penn. Stela
irae ieahaid eee heavily tteded le al
44 le 4, end liiteinaiii-nsl I'eireleum
rang'4 frmn 21 lo 5. 1.. Mmuel oil
aa tteded In all Ihiunsh ins week si 1
and IV larib hvn.ll.-ele wee eteadllv
held anil a t"d telume of kusiaeat
et'-'tni I.
timber Lode was Ihe feature at tht sale.
Ing group, advancing fram 9 10 19.
Independence t eed ee strong In reepenae
le lateral te reports nf deveu'pmtnl were
and sold si a new high.
New Tork. May t. Tiansac
tiers ea'the
New Toik tutb bond maiKei
ss fidloeai
hate, nn II, set) linn
It Allied I'scker ts elf
I Allied I'acker Is... tl
1 Am I. T ts ....nt
I Am T T ta. 24 l"3
14 Am Th te. 11 13
19 Anaconda op ta ..14
44 Hih Steel 7s, 21.IU'
t Heih fieri 7s, II.. lot
1 Can t'ao te a
4 nl tlranh la rife. 34
7 Fed l.nd Rk ta ..104
2 Hen A'phll Is ,...loi
5 flood Tlte 7s .... Ie
. I Humble (Ml 7S ....ll
II Inl It T Is 94
1 04 Int R T 4s, 22... 93
19 Laclede Use 7a ..!"
15 Lib. Me Lib 7s ..94
I Manitoba 7s 94
3 Net leather 8e ....190
lit NT Ml A II 7s .. 91
1 N Am Eld ts 43
2 Phil Fl ta ll
S Seks A Co 7 91
119 Sears Roe 7s. ?J..1o
S K W Dell Tel 7a. .192
1 Stan Oil N T Ss.9
S Stewart Warner 6s.mi
7 Tease Co 7a 141
S I'n oil Prod ts.,.ni
I I'td Ry Hsv 7s,..194
14 Warner bug la, 41 49
1 9 Weet Kl 7 104
S Fed Land Bnk 4e,100
Foreign Bonds.
44 Argentine 7a. 23. ...1"
24 Argentine 6a S p.. 81
25 City Klherfelde 6a. tl
27 City 6S .. 95
114 NT MI Kr 7s 74
3 Sulaa 6s - 102
I Mex Gmt 3s 14
I Mex Govt 6s 21
today one
Lew Close
41 11
tr 1 tr
101 101
ll 0
ie iej
ei 1(14
t 1t'
1"24 e
ll 11
tt It
104 104.
)04 104
tt lit
1"1 11
91 91
93, 41
10 J.n
94 91
94 tt
jo 10
tl IIS
13 tl
0 11
tl 99
11 11
12 141
11 HI
111 11
11 11
11 11
14 14
17 14
100 tot
19 1""
79 91
61 tl
86 81
74 74
103 13
14 14
:i 21
Chicago Slocks.
Range nf prlcrs of the leedlng Chicago
etocke furnished by Logan A Bryan, SIS
Petera Trust Bldg.
Armour A Co., pfd. 17
Cent. Motor 8
Ksrl Motor J
Llhby 'i
Montgomery-Ward Vt
Nat. Leather, new.
Stewart-Warner 41
Swift Int 2i
Union Carbide 6;
Wrigley 1'
Clearing Bouse Statement.
New Tork, Stay 29. Ths setual condi
tion of ths clearing house banks abd
trust compsnles for ths week shows that
they hold 15,521.464 In excess of legal
requlrenfents. Thle , la a decrease of
131.384,039 from last week.
2 Va Rv 6 95. 98 5
2 Wabash 1st 6s .... 97 97 .97
1 West Mrylnd 1st 4s 65 86.-.66
4 West Pae 6s ,.....'87 87 87
12 West Eleo 7s 107 107 W
4 Wlck-Spen St 7s ..101 lot 101
14 Wllsn A C sf 7s.l05 105 106
4 Wllsn A C CV Ss.. 94 94 . 94
25 Dom Can 62 W 1. 100 10 10.
. 14 Czech-Slo 8s. Ctfs. 98 98 98
Total sales of bonds today were 17,336,
000 compared with H8.493.000 previous
day and 14,397,000 a year sgo.
The following local preferred etoeki I
are offered at very attractive prlcti 1 1
for investment. ,
30a Fairmont Creamery, pfd. B4)J00 1
Is 20s M. C.Peters Mill. pfd... 80.00
1 1 20s Omaha Flour Mills, pfd. , 88.50 1 1
hi 20s Cooch Food Prod. pfd.. , . 88.00'"
20s M.E.Smith A Co., pfd.. S8JQI
20s Nst'l Am. Fire Ins.... 67.50. J
10s Neb. power, pfd 84.75,
are being made now in
with 145 to 2125 you can trade in 109
shares of any stock. Profits unlimited.
Free booklet No. 14 explains.
Paul Kaye tgjtt
(Successors Wers t Lslaad)
Stocks Bonds
Grain Provisions
Small lets given same sttsatlon
ee Urge lots. PRIVATE WIRES.
Wo Invite inquiries.
f N
J a
1 ci
I Oi
N. Y. Stock Exchaags
Chicago Stock Exchsqgs
Chicago Board of Trade
Omaha Grain Exchaags
T. N. Rutter, Manager.
Know why these and other
Popular Issues are actite
during the present market
by reading our
Special articlea on
Dublier Condenser
Mexican Seaboard
Durant Motors
Copy free on request.
Price, Guard & Co.
Members New York Curb Msrket
32 Boadway, New York
Telephone Broad 2S0S-6-7-8-S
Branch Office: Widener Bldg., PhU.
.Will It Equal or Outrival
Gen. Elect.
Westinghouse A.T. T.T Radio Corp of
America owns practically all radio patents:
both wireleas telephone snd telegraph, lb
ia controlled by Gen. Else. Westinghouse.
and United Fruit: assets exceed SS million
dollars. Many believe ite speculative pos
sibilities to be greater than anything the
world hat yet teen. Write tor FREE cir
cular. The Alexander Smith Co.
123 Colorado Bldg. Doayer. Colo.