the r.nn: OMAHA. SUNDAY. MAY 21. 102 Hoy, 111 leader of Pirate Hand Near Bahamas Charge IVtlVral Authority in Florida Fnlrr (liarjf A?jint Youth . 1I.M in lUt.k ' KoIilrry. U.t r-atm Hfiih. IU, Mav Ttlrt authorities hate ui'eifj a darce of piracy aaa'iM aniur4 Mob!fy. J, hflJ in jal h'f in " taction with llif rolibrrv of (he I'ui.k t'i Stua't at tint town ".far lierf last wrrk. The amliontirt m4 MeMry km I Iradcr of pirtt hand repon hle fur numrroui raid recently m tl.e ir(tnr of rW in the vicinity of the Ualiama ioUnti 1 lie ril't for cutrwy ft Modify U4 tu4r, the authorities 4t. a the rf.ult of an rtrnaive iiueiatMn '( recrnt raid on .hip wliuli Mere aid to lave hrrn toiuju. t in true t irate 'vie and in one inttame to l've rietteJ the allnjcil I'ltatr $15,. UK). Tutaa. 0U May Jrt-llanilrt. in the peron of Ooar 0lorue, a hih hnoI boy, gae battle to iiifxlrrn i;glivaymati la -t ttii,l. (iarhetl in the raiment of the Dani.h prince, lioe character lie luil portisycd in a achool etitertainnirnt, ()l-rne a KOinc home when et tipo-i by a rob ber. The youth drew hi !oni.rJ ami attacked the highwayman, who, unaccustomed to facing audi ttranse v.eapons. turned and ran. He f-capril and Oihorue rearranged hi plumed hat and flowing ruin a and continued hit journey homeward. Woman "Cattle Rustler" Found Dead Ketnmerer. Wyo.. May 20. Anna Fichey, the only woman ever con victH in Wyoming for cattle rustling and alio was to have en tered the state penitentiary in July to begin serving a scntcme for that offense, was found dead on her ranch 12 miles north of here yesterday. Otto ralirnherg, a ranch baud, was suffering from convulsions and was brought to a hospital here, where it is said he has small chance to re cover. He has been unable to make any statement, but officials are workiiiR on the theory that the two were pois oned by a substance put in the flour from which a batch of fresh bread found in the ranch house had been baked. An autopsy is to be per formed on Mrs. Richry. Mrs. Richey was 30 years old and had been divorced. Two Convicted of Murder. Guthrie. Okla., May 20. Mrs. C. A. Jollie and Sergeant Byron War ren. 22, were convicted of first de gree murder in federal court here last night on a charge of slaying the woman's husband at Fort Reno, Okla., in January. The jury recommended life im prisonment. Sentence will be passed Monday. It was alleged that Warren and Mrs. Jollie entered into a conspiracy to kill Jollie, an army field clerk, for mi me insurance. Woman Kills Self. Los Angeles, Cal May 20. A woman believed by the police to be Ora L. Aides of Denver, Colo., shot and killed herself in her apartments here yesterday because her sweet heart. Fred Green, had refused to abandon his efforts to gain fame in motion pictures, the officers said. Green was employed as a bank clerk until recently. im HUM in Floiuu at lldrml riiimsity j C.i; br.d. M4. M.v ""-T0 .urn fre Lltf J aM ! inwd i 'a im viWo in tt basffM of JilterM il li)itl Ubi.iatory ( liar- HI J tiiiuff.ity Jr.ltrJaV, I h if. a t art A. K, lu"l'4r t ( l amhridii. a ie'.,w tor r'tar'h I" engineering, i. d U ilium Comirll .( lanibrtdgr, a i rr.e liter emnlnveil in the bmMinf He i. injured irn were Henry ' Keu, Ne YorV city, and I). A Aiiliymle $re riant Cloaf, j Sdney. X. S. V Auitralia, April ;ii-(l.ifrep.'ii.tiHe f.f A. I.) j llitih (tts ul production are forcing niiy iron and steel maiiufarturers in Australia to hut down. Tl Jatl 'vit to ceae operation is the Proken lull I'rrtprrty eompany' work at lM Waratah, where 4'JU men were laid Ml. llntployrrs euntend that conditions iniktrd hy (he federal arbitration ! court have eriouly injured the in- dutry and reulted in increased un einpliivmtnt. 'I hey advorate aboli tion of the court and simplification of arbitration methods. Business Activities Legion Notes Plan SptrM TrliM, t.lncoln Th Nobranka depBrtinmt f tho Amrtcan L(!lon fxpcl to provide at Wast three apclal trains for rtat del Kata to the annual convention at New Orleans In October, Adjutant 1'". B. O'Con l.ell declares, tn announcing tentative plana for the convention. The trains will leave) Omahn. Lincoln and Falls City under tha plans. Headquarters has requested the approximate number that plan to attend. Carnival Success. Norfolk The three-nlitht carnival, held hsr rectnly, better known as the "Cac tus Center Roundup." stared bp tha Le gion post and auxiliary, resulted In ap proximately 12,100 accruing to the two treasuries. Seek w Members. Battla Creek The local Auxiliary unit, one of the newest In tha state, is con ducting a membership drive, sided by tha Legion post. An entertainment was held recently, tha Legionnaires serving army thow In style. Speakers Needed. Lincoln If there Is a good speaker In pests In the stst that will be available for Memorial day address, state ' head quarters has requested to be advised. Such speakers will be in demand for the occasion and the Legion wants to fill the engagements with Its own men. ' Drive la Success. Nebraska City Adam Schelllngar post No. S, went over the top tn its member ship campaign last week, reaching a goal nf SCI paid members. Three hundred Is tha number sought The superintendent of school 1 post adjutant. Membership Campaign. Granfl Island Two teams of five mem bers each are conducting a membership campaign here that will close May 26, when the post will hold a bis Initiation program for new members. Auxiliary Dinner. Scottsbluff Readings, orchestral and musical number and a dinner featured a program put on here by members of the Auxiliary. More then 150 attended. Issue Booklet. Plattsmmth The 40-pag booklet is sued by Hus-h J. Keama post No. 6. containing post Informstton and ethics on the flag, a hiatory, bylaws, etc.. ha re ceived the attention of state headquar ters which advises, other posts to obtain a copy and publish similar booklets In their own communttea. Repeal Play. Clarkston So auccesstul was the first production of the home talent play put n by the local post, thst it was pro duced again Isst week. The first per formance netted more than 1150. Adjutant Enters Politic. Spalding Dan Hell, post adjutant, has resigned to file as a candidate for county clerk. The post now has a membership of it out of a possible 63. The 1S21 mem bership was It. Peroration Fund. Lincoln One-twelfth of the posts In Nebraska have contributed to the graves decoration fund and headquarters hss urged more generous support ss the time for receiving funds will soon expire. The fund now amounts to $11S.45. Home-Talent Play. St, Edward Packed houses greeted the two-night atand of th home-talent play rut on by the Legion post and the Music elub her May 4-5. The membership of fcoth elnb waa used In the play. The pro ceed war divided. Old-Time Dance. Culbron Another old-time dance wss put on by the locl post and was largely attended. The post will foster a motion picture show In th nesr future tn ln ciease the treasury funds. Th band will assist. - m r. V.i... I. -Tl.e TMH 'a a) .lu tia rnii,,ci.. rials rr social n"u--" sales rs n Wednesday. h business firms .ll lm imHhee IB offe'ing x eial tsrssius Alter June T. th !' ill tcniam ia until S o'ilxk swaad rV4 Flerilaa. IU I--!, Still .d . . . ., . , a a!., k .t,,.fL. quesllnn, 1 h MWII I hoods mnt of the sutem and IMS l"f ! s.on and Improvement, Mill Melt Windmills. Tork Js.nrs Ms hss opened a new business enterprise in the city and will hinds) windmill nd supplies. fine Harvester rtranrh. Turk Tha Inlernalmnal llarveeler rem psny hsv opened a brsni-h In thif city. Kay Causey Is tha ntensger. Opew New Cafe. Turk Jonetih r'urntsn will open a res laorant and refe m the Kurnian building, where I-:, l' 1hmiiieon wss burned out early In the spring. The furniture end fisturr sr of Ihs Istest design. f.roeery Mats aolil. Tn.k r. I lilan of Stlaenurl Valise has iiir.-lisseil the wrwmry and meat busi ness t,f w. IV. Moomry and haa taken pnsaesslon. F.nlsrge ttodur riant. x Tik K. H. Fniilh. manager of Ihs Vork Produce company, baa commenced the erection of a atorsg and refrlaeratlng plant. The huilil ng will b 2:xi:i feel, two atones and basement. North IMst'e The bond lsue of r,B.. ill) tn provide funds for street Intersec. lions In recently crested paving districts, rsrried by three tn on vote. This In sures about H blocks of paving In addi tion In the 44 blorka now In course construction. Hiilld w Home. P-alrlc- w. K Penner. erncee. haa commenced the construction of brick building to cost approximately tt 1 0.000. Tadlo In llnlel. Columbus Th tr . H. i.n, .i i. . - t a an order for one of the largest and best radio receiving sets. It la said to he the first InafMllallnM k- -...-, . . . - stsle. The installment will have an .0 meter rsna-e. scco-ding to Mr Owens proprietor of the hotel, and will be ra P"hle or tnnnlnr up with New York city "urn aniioapnerio ronnition are right. Croeerr Store Hold. V.t..- V n . ... . .. ..a, . c,,jr nt-nriy an nil Ht, n purchflaM the grocery atork of E. XT. I rtrt.' mrt anel ..III . - 1 ' - "'- -in seinr ovrr inm manr hug hn mplnvd aa hpad rlerk in tha ... '---I. ..- inr irif?- rn. Mr.. Dor wart haa been Jn busing hr fm Deaths Mr. Mary A. Travis. Itavenna Mrs. Mary A. Travis, one of Ravenna's oldest people, died at her home "fre. Khe has been a continuous reaident or Rovenna sines th town was founded, and of late yeara has made her home wllh her daughter, Mrs. C. N. Davenport. Mrs. James Stutsman. Callaway Mrs. James Stutsmsn of Ans ley died at her horn there after a short Illness. Malinda Kmersnn. Tork Mallnda Kmerson, si, died at Ihs home of her daughter, Mrs. J. C Peterson, one came to York county 23 years ago, Frank Stlnton. York Frank Stlnton, SI, died at Ihs family bom here. John W. McCormlck. Syracuse John W. McCormlck, a resi dent of this county for 1a long period of yeara and a veteran of the civil war, died at his home. Mr. McCormlck wss one of the last four men In th member ship of Wadsworth poat. No. 21. a. A, R residing in this community and waa an active man In the work of the post. He la survived by hla wife and three aons, Karl and Lynn of this placo and Dwlght of Crawford. Kooinint: I louse Blaze Believed lo Be Ineemliarv lire HrrA Out N'muhaiirou ly in Two Koiiiu Pro jirirlor 5uu't l Ousted Truant. Mrs, I. H, Juinn, landlady cf a looming bouse at 4'iJ4t4 Nrth hia teinli sirect, was called to be tele phone at 7,45 yeaterday iiiorrtios, "Look out in the ball I" cried voite and ibe receiver at the other end of the line was bung up. Mrs, Juinn Kwiked and saw tiuke pomiiig out of the kitchen, Mie suunded an itlarm. About the same lime Charles Claw, sou, 410 North .suteeiith meet, worki'iti; mi Mrs. Quinn't ear in the rear ot the house, saw smoke cuminy, out of the kilihrii. lie climbed Ui the porrb, hat tered a window, suffering deep cash in Ins band in so duinK, and v. as gropinu; in the smoke Mtieu tireiurn arrived. '. N.))M v,fre f.njnd bu'niiiK on il.e kitdint 14'j'r J , m.tiress in a rnt room a'tu . j buri'ipg ! l uemrii at tu e pfflii mrufd Ibe i t"4e in.f miufy Iiri4ue nf the suitul 1 Untvius t,r in the to tAtieine 1 1'Vinu, The (lames ere ettiiajuiahfd, I lUnu.-e ! about ?.Mi', Mr, tjunin Paul, Jhe told polit'e siie suretet a tenant she had ordered out. j Man Kincsl, Car Impmitiilfd 90 I)a Ktilluwini; Crash William jlie-fr. J5JJI Tarker ! street, arretted t-'iiday itittht on a tliarite ( 'tliunU nne.a and rciklcs drivms alter be had crashed into the ear ol Mr, li W. Hell, 4oOJ Morenee loie court je.ttrday inoriiiiiB, and 1 lie car tucli he was iltivm was or dered impounded lor 90 days. Chris Kiihl, Lincoln, tho was with Hrruer, paid a lute of JJ.v Acrordiun to Mrs. Ilell. she and Mrs. I'. K, Landers, Majeatic apart mriits, were seated in her ear at 1'iKhteriitli and Yatea, when the oilier ear struck it. A Itrewer at tempted lo back hi ear up and drive awav, Mrs. Hell elumbed out of her machine and jumped onto the run ninir hoard ot the other car. She cUinif there br more than a block, she said, while the men struggled w uh her and Kuhl finally put bed her off. Paige Lowers Own Ixeeonl for Speed Ua)tot4 Motif I Stock ('lia-.rU ' Make. 96 Mile- au Hour. The- I'ai.c bM Pajtoiu model etahlished a new world's stock chsv sis record for 2S miles on the Co- tati. Cal.. track Sunday. May 7, when it covered the distance in IS minute and J7,V$ seconds, traveling at XjM miles an hour. The feature of tins performance is the fact that in order establish a new world's mark for 25 miles, the I'aiite had to shatter records made hy itself about one vear auo on the 1'iiiotitouu. I'a track. At that time it broke all woild s stock eha speedway records from five to 100 mile. 1 hcsc records remained un touched and even unchallenged until the I'aige tackled litem on the Cali fornia track. The previous world's record for 25 nulr. set by the I'aiKC itself, was !o:.17.94, or OtU miles an hour. I'iloted by Tarl Cooper and clocked by Fred Wagner, official timer for the A. A, A., the record breaking performance of the Paige at Cotaii was an cthihttum dash a.ainsl time, staged a ptelimiiary ta a! regular racing proum, AM regti'i tatious for such apeed triaU liacmg, been duly complied with, he A- A-1 A. has auiheinicaied the l aliiorniaj periomiaiice and the new Paige lim" (or J miles i fonegucniiy pro. claimed the official record br stock chassis. STEP ON IT That's all that is necessary. Just step on the throttle of a Durant 4, push it up from 10 to 40 miles per hour, get the thrill of its snappy motor, notice how it rides the bumps and clings to the road. 3 You will ajrrcc that no car was ever before produced at such a price that can equal it. 4 Touring, $ 998.S0 Omaha 4 Sedan, $1495.00 Omaha 6 Touring, $180000 Omaha 6 Sedan, $2600.00 Omaha DURANT "Jmt a real good Car" n hel Andrew Murphy & Son inc. Distributors (Est. 1869) 14th and Jackson Sts. Omaha, Neb. well A. Icpr. Beatrice Funeral services for Newell Anderson keeper. 71, were held at Pe Witt, conducted by the Masonic order of which he was a member. Mr. Leeper Is survived by a widow and seven children. He was a pioneer of Saline county. C arl J. Folkerte, Beatrice Carl J. Fokerts. 61, died at his home aouth of Dltler. He leaves his widow and a number of children. The funeral naa held in the church at Lan-bam. Mrs. Kltiabeth Morran. Falls City Mrs. Elisabeth Morgan, 7S, one of Richardson county's pioneers, died at ber home. C.eorr Decker. Beatrice Georg-e Decker, 76, old resi dent of Beatrice, died at hi horns hers after a brief illness. He Is survived by a widow and ski children, four daughters and two sons. John V. Chapman. Madison John 'Wesley Chspman, 67, died at his home. The funeral waa held in the home residence in East Madison at 2:30 Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Mr, Chamberlain of the M. E. church officiat ing. H was born in Georgetown. O., and October 30, 1S80, at 8tockton, Kan., he was married to Mattie Eaka, who sur vives him. He came to Madison county in U81. He is survived by his wife and five cona, Ray, at Ennla; Uuy W at Brlstow: Ottls, at Lynch; John TV., jr., and Hollia of this cHy. and one daugt- ter, Mrs. Hattie Scalp, of Flat Top, Wo.i Christina I. Schmidt. Madison Christian D. Schmidt. 46, died following an operation. Services were held in the Trinity Lutheran church ot Newman Orove, Rev. O. C. Gelleksen offi ciating. He was born at Madlaon. He was married to Anna E. Steinbeck In this city. Ha is survived by his wife, four sons, Clarence W., Norman F., Dclnoe H. and Harold R., all at home. Mrs. Asmus Classen. Bloomfield Funeral services for Mrs. Asums Clausen were held in th Weatside Lutheran church here, conducted by Rev. Mr. Spteckermann. She was born tn Qer anmy and cam to this country In HSS. She la survived by seven children, all grown and living In this community. Mr. Mary E. Bobst. Table Rock Mrs. Msry . Bobst, SO, died St her home at DuFois. Funeral ser vices went held at the M. B. church. Her husband waa one of th first four settlers tn this county, arriving in 1854. MiUnVV. Cody. IV'est Tolnt Mike W. Cody, resident nf this place, died at Norfolk. The body waa taken to Rocklield, Mo., for burial. MEN! LOOK! Suit cleaned and pressed (and da right) far 11.50. DRESHER BROTHERS 221 T Faraam Street. AT. 0343. Tine blankrM anj shatal should j he drifj on curiam suruhrrs. ' New Tire Protector Eliminates Punctures Oiila a i luum.'r tt!,a H. a4e a iraliy . .; ( li u It-i - atcrtMHy I'.tT I'lHtri tMiI IliiirT luiita. lli purilllUtu' Mrs Mflf flUlIU (iktuicj. muloii.u liav tliraiueil ol a .iiirt itr to hi. h woul4 nu only rl.iiiiiute pumiurrt lut al.J to ihe I. if p( tli tire, ami arcord'H; to !V. H. Vlpif. invrffiin rc.tly pfoidr funttui proof iit pre I truer. inruiiiaii lir pioifitor tilt tf 'sfvrial layrra ot lahiic toith intfr I j':iif lurlal tijuarrf toliuli ai 0 iianir4 thai a nail or u w cannot lrnnut id iunrr lutf. Tdt mK ktanct of the material nd. il la taut, alisulutrly rliiniiiatra (litiinti and avoiJ generating brat wlthia Iht r a inc. kx a rrar ' w J Nash Ltadt th World tn Motor Car Valu The Smartest of Smart Cars SUPER -SPORT BQUIPMBNT Disc 8tsl Was!-Demountable rtma. Paar- Bicyds tvpa. isfM-Csst slummua ruhhsr Used. Bump-Front ana rest, triple bar spring staeL Curtains-Ssm hesvr sssunsl a top, all open with doots. top Signal-In combina tion witb narking light. Windshield Wings-&rvl plat glsss, (rictwo lock Vsn tils tor -Cowl tyna. eptrstrd from dash Spotllgbl-Oo left front fendet apron. ttspllgbi For both rear Oaarilakt sr On tnsrru- mcnt board, fllndshleld Wiper-Con venim tly mounted. Rear Vlsw Mirror- Bn ailed piste glass. Hug-1 btb eompart wnt. Foot Rsst-Sadaa Cfp. r restfuL nab bar on tb resi spnnga. Matomatar OUsmobfl. monogramed. Rob Strap Tubulat. leather covered. Tire qrrlr-For two spare tires. Top Boot-Detachable top clsmpt. An incomparably beautiful car! A car that fairly sparkles with originality! A new, rich and striking cream-buS color; brown, finest grade hand buffed leather uphol stery; equipment so complete that there is nothing more you could require. Its lines are long and graceful suggesting at once its predominate char acteristic power, and then more power. OLDS MOTOR WORKS. LANDING. MICHICAN Division of General Motort Corporation NEBRASKA -24th Year" De8 MoitXS CHAS. A. TUCKER, Proa. COMPANY Omaha FOURS and EIGHTS Not only arc people saying with greater emphasis than ever that the Nash is a good invest ment, but they are proving their conviction by the growing volume of their purchases. It is only to be expected that a financially independent manufacturing organization of notable efficiency in both men and method should produce a car so notable in value that it is attracting a steadily increasing percentage of buyers. FOURS and SIXES Prices range from $965 to $2390,. e. b. factory NASH Retail SERVICE Wholesale Tenth and Howard Stmt NASH-VRIESEMA AUTO CO. Distributors Nash Passenger Car a Telephone AT lantic 2916 Pleats past Ibis phons number in your phone book. It was omitted. Ask any one of the millions of Ford owners and they willtellyou,thatforpleasure, convenience, utility and ser vice, to Buy a Ford and Spend the difference. f.o:b. DETROIT Terms if Desired Authorized Omaha Ford Dealers: McCAFFREY MOTOR COMPANY 15th and Jackson Sts. C. E. PAULSON MOTOR COMPANY. 20th and Ames Av. j SAMPLE-HART MOTOR COMPANY. . 18th and Burt Sts. UNIVERSAL MOTOR COMPANY 2562 Leavenworth St. ADKINS MOTOR COMPANY 4911 South 24th St. GALBREATH MOTOR COMPANY. .. .60th and Military Ave.