Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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    Bcveridgc and
. Pinchot Friends
of Administration
IVllng Official on Stand
in Trial of Cover uor Small
Waukegae. UU My I'l-Frtder-ik
V. t'roll, vitt pri kideni ei Ar
mour & Co, tut en h stand again
May at lh trial of Governor lea
Small t Illinois, charged with con
spiracy 14 defraud iht stale' during
hi term a tat treasurer several
)rar ao.
i,on made brought the tale Stale
Senator Mrd C, Curtis, , Cram
1'ark (HI) tanker. u packer.'
notes were the subject of Mr
C roll's interrogation. The state
charges that approimatrty f 10,000..
000 in state funds were taken from
the "safe account' in the treasurer's
efhee to ntaba the loam, and that
rnot ol the interest on the funds
Has pocketed by Mr, Small, his sue
cessor. Lieutenant Governor Fred E,
Sterling, and Vtman Curtis of
Grant Park, brother of Senator
Curl 1.
JUriliirg ReganU Surer ful
CmiJidatn in I'rimarin in
Priuii)Iiiiia ami In
liana a Supporter.
nulla Km l-m-xS lr.
Washington.' May I'. Tito fur-
son who are intrrjircting Hie results
of the IJum anl i'riiMylv4iii ri
mat if as a rrpuhliran repudiation of
the tunling atlminwiration are nn
only mit-takrn, ut endeavoring 10
iu represent Hie siiuation lor parit
san fjiirpoTi. in tli opinion of rres
jilcm Harding.
The rreicUnt. it was made known
at the Vhiie lloiioe. look on botli
Mr. Reveridiif. the former proves
ive nominated for senator in Indi
ana. and Mr. i'incliot, the former
hull moosrr nominated for itovemor
in Pennsylvania, aa hi cordial sup
porter. Mr. Harding; i' taking no part in
republican primaries and intend to
keep hand off the contest in the
Mate and ronitreesional ditrlctr.
'even where t is personal friend are
involved, unlit after the party candi
date are named.
In 34 year of political life, the
president ha supported the choice
of republican convention and pri
maries without question and with that
regularity which in hi opinion
would have been more wholefome for
the country had it been more general.
The president desireg it to be n-1
clcrtooI by the whole country that
he wishes success to 'all republican
candidates for federal, 'state and lo
cal offices, regardless of their pre
vious affiliations. ' '
Former Attorney General
of North Dakota Arrested
Fargo, N. D.. May 19. William
Imke, former attorney general of
North Dakota and a member of the
legislative committee of the national
Nonpartisan league, was arrested to
Uy on Cass county grand jury in
dictments charging him with embez
zlement and the making of false en
tries. Embezzlement is charged in
connection with the transfer of
money from the Bank of North Da
kota to the Scandinavian-American
bank of Fargo. The amount involv
ed iu this transfer was $216,378.
Stock Broker of Denver
Is Convicted of Contempt
Denver, May 19. Warren R.
Given, local stork broker, was held
guilty of criminal contempt of court
for his refusal to testify before the
Denver county grand jury during the
recent investigations of the Ku Klux
Klan, in a decision handed down by
Judge Charles C. Butler, of the crim
inal division of the district court here
tate this afternoon. '
Sentence was deferred for two
weeks pending the filing of a motion
for a new trial.
Man Sentenced to Hang
Aztec, N. M.;.May 19. Steve Ka
tonka was found guilty this after
noon of murder in the first degree for
the alleged killing of William Kelley
and Sam Groy, taxicab drivers, last
August on the road near Shipwreck,
N. M, Judge Holloman sentenced'
Ka tonka to hang on June 16.'
; ; 1
Two Fishermen Drowned.
Paris,- Tex., May 19. Clyde F.
Burson of Santello, Cal., and Ted
Hughes of Hugo, Okl., were drowned
this afternoon while fishing in Roe
buck lake, at Hugo. Their boat
overturned. Burson arrived yester
day from California to visit Hughes,
his schoolmate.
1 flkVTf
Just seebbvy
quickly your
friends will note
ibe perfect luster.
the natural sheen
ofyour hair after
you have used
Sherman & McConnell Drug
. Co., Special Agent
Hard and Red. Itched and Burned.
Lost Sleep. Cuticura Heals.
"My trouble began with Indiges
tion which caused my ace to break
out with blackheads and pimples.
The pimple were hard and red and
f catered over, and itched and burned
n great deal. My face waa disfigured
and I lost a lot of sleep.
' "The trouble lasted about a year
before I began using Cuticura Soap
and Ointment, and after using two
cakes of Cuticura Soap and two botes
of Cuticura Ointment I waa healed,
4n three month 1." (Signed) Mias
LueUa Loper, R. F. D. 2, Fen wick,
Mich.. July 23, 1921.
Cuticura Scop, Ointment and Tal
cum era all yon need for all toilet
uses. Baths with Soap, soothe with
Ointment, dust with Talcum.
tttAJtuvim tali
Hardware Household UUlitief
Springtime Household Needs
at Bargain Prices
Screen Door Ring Sprinkler Sprinkling Cans
Hinges 28c , 84c
The popular "fountain" type
lawn aprinkUr. All brasa. The
finwit type of aprlnklar for the ,
avarac lawn. Q J
Baturday for only 0xC
Garden Hose
As niuatratae. road of extra
havy gaivaolaad Iron. A handy
-quart alaa, Juat ths thins; (or
the nsw gardtna. fTQ
Saturday only ........ (jJC
HltcH KiaU prins lnn ror
vnn doora. Dull bful fln-
iih. An all-atl hinge with
acrews, saturoay
12c foot Lawn Mowers
'No-Slam9 Screen
Door Check 18c
An excellent acreon door check.
Lara rubber ball mounted on
slout nickel frame. Kaay to ,
put on complete with " Q
. tcrewa, Saturday IOC
Our high arrade guaranteed
Moulded .Rubber Garden Hoae,
"1SS5- quality, H-lnch alae, has
proved very popular. We were
able to aeoure a new aupply
and will aell it Sat- - S ,
urday. per foot laSC
Milton Bogvn tftllty. Lowest
prleet ii city. ,
with every lawn Mower a
High Grade ,
Grass Catcher
Paints and Varnishes
We are agent (or the (emoue Chl-Namel
Paint and Varnlahea. This hlarh-Krade
line include a paint or varnish lor every
household purpose imaginable. Particu
larly timely right now la the Chl-Namel.
Porch Furniture Enamel
Freshen up the Porch Furniture. Make
it water and weatherproof. A brilliant
snappy gloa finish tn the moat popular
non-fading shades..
Screen Enamel
Chl-Namel Screen Enamel is famous for
its brilliant glossy (inlah which is ao easy
to apply. Absolutely weatner ana water-
proor. very special saturqay, ,
pint cana . .........
A good low priced Lawn Mower
(or small lawns. Belf-sharpen-ing
blades and eaay running.
A very strong value; $.70 with
Catcher FREE.
A very high-grade BALL
BEARING Mower. 4 tempered
cutting blades, aelf aharpenlng.
One of the easiest running
Mowers on the floor. A new
shipment Just received -
y , ... ....... . r 1
No, 6 of a series of advertisements explaining the A. B, C.
QUESTION: When was The Omaha Bee last audited by
the A. B. C.? ..',v;;:. , ": '
The Audit Bureau finished its most recent audit
of The Omaha Bee's circulation in April, 1922.
and the period audited was the entire year
of 1921. '!::Srr;;-.:K:----:.
Advertisers, local and foreign, whether sub
scribers tp the A: B. C. or not, will be shown a
copy of The Omaha Bee audit on request.
This is a protection of which all advertisers in
the Omaha . field should take full advantage,
as territory served from Omaha is large, and a
newspaper with an unquestioned circulation
is, of course, most useful in getting a reliable
The Omaha Bee
Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations
V ,
a record laugh
YOU who read this may or may
not be a "tired American busi
ness man," but anyway you enjoy a
good laugh occasionally. It is good
for you, too. The most comfortable
place to laugh is in your favorite
easy-chair at home. The surest way
to laugh is to listen to song hits and
comics on the latest Columbia
Records. . ; ;
- The most popular stars in the most
(popular shows make their records
for Columbia, and Columbia Records .
repeat the piece to you in a way that
is enough to make the artist jealous.
,You will agree that JVew Process ,
Columbia Records are . somehow
differer. and better.
One great thing about a Columbia .
Record js that you can try it before
you buy it. ; You can't read a book
to see if you like it well enough to
buy. I But you can and all over
America millions of people do go to
a place where Columbia Records are
sold and near the ones you are
interested in.
It is a pleasant habit, and you are
invited to acquire it, this plan of
dropping in at a Columbia, Dealer's
place every few- weeks and keeping
up to date in the latest hits. Why
not start right away? ;
Now on Sale
Dance Records
Teasln'. Fox-Trot. Paul BUm'$ Orthulro
On ths Alamo. Fox-Trot.
I'aul Butt't Orchttln
Every Day. Intro. "Oh, Geet Ob. Gosh!"
from For Coodntu Fakt. Medlry Fox
Trot. TidUvU and lit Band
Rosy Posy, from Th Pluthxna Bride. Fox-
Trot. Ttd Ltvi and lltl Band)
By the Sapphire See. Fox-Trot
Tni Columbians
Sine; Song Man. Fox-Trot. Th Happy Six
Jimmy. Fox-Trot. TAa Columbian!
Dinny Danny. Fox-Trot.
Ray Milkr an&MtOrthetlTQ
Do It Again from Tkt French Doll. Fox
Trot Ray Miller and Hit OrekeMra
Lovey Dove from Th JZoes of Stamboul.
Fox-Trot Ray Miller and Hit Orchestra
Swans River Moon. Intro. "Indiana Lul
laby." Medley Waltz.
Frinet't Dance Orchestra
South Sea Sweethearta. Intro. "Baby
Dreams." Medley Walts.
Prince' t Dane Orchestra
Put and Take. One-Step Bluea.
Johnny Dunn's Original Jazs Hounds
Moanful Bluea. Fox-Trot
Johnny Dunn's Original Jazz Hounds.
A -3 SIS
Stars. GuiAa TViro) A-3SM
Thrills. GuidoDeiroi 75c
(a) Opera Reel, (b) Darlinf Nellie Cray.
(c) Ivy Leaf. Don Richardson
(a) Rickett'a Hornpipe, (b) Maryland, My
Maryland, (c) Pig Town Fling.
, . Don Richardson
Song Hits
Oh Sing-A-Loo. Nora Baytt
Sing Song Man. - Nora Baytt
Oogie Oogie We We. AUolson
Little Red School-House. Hart Sisters
Some Sunny Day. : Marion Harris
Poor Little Me. . ' . Marion Harris
Not Utely. ' Bert Williams
You Can't Truat Nobody. Bert Williams
Waikiki from Make It Snappy
. , , .. Frank Crumii
Hawaiian Rainbow. - Vernon Dalhari
Those Day s Are Over. ' . Furman and Nash
I Got It, You'll Get It (Just the Same as Me)
'.'.V; Furman and Nash
Opera' arid Concert:
I'll Sing Thee Songs of Araby. c
. , "Tandy Maekensie
Baby Dreams. , ' ' Barbara Mount
My Wee Little Hut on the Hill.
i s ' Barbara Maurel
Uncle Ned.- 4 Oscar Seagle and Male Quartet
Little Old Log Cabin in .the Lane.
j . Oscar Seagle
Mignon-Connaia tu le paya (Knoweat
Thou the Land).- , . Jeanne Cordon
Ahl ' So Pure (M'Appari) from M artha.
Charles Hackett
Nocturne, D Flat Major. Opus 27. 1
Duei de Kerekjarto )
"H. M. S. Pinafore" Selections.
Prince's Orchestra
"The Mikado" Selections.
Prince's Orchestra
The Gladiator. March. Prince's Band
Waahington Grays. March. Prince's Band
Looby-Loo. (a) Vocal, (b) Orchestra. 1 Oats,
Peas, Beans and Barley Grow. ,
(c) Vocal, (d) Orchestra. (Singing Games.)
London Bridge, (a) Vocal, (b) Orchestra.
Round and Round the Village, (c) Vocal,
(d) Orchestra. (Singing Games.)
bung by tsessvs Calkins Shipman,
A-6212 .
You don't have to buy, and it's not im
posing on any Columbia Dealer to ask
him to play records for you.
. New York
For All Columbia Records at All Times
1514-16-18 Dodgy Street t ' DOuglas 1623
ease.......... if rUllllUUTJTJXjnXUTJTJXfC J
AH the popular hits in our 0 Howard Street
.Columbia Grafonola DePL ItHOWGIl (Q Between 15th and 16th
Convenience in Selection
Columbia Records
Our booths on the Main Floor to the left of entrance
afford an ideal Record Shop.
415-17 '
South 16th St.
South 16th St
J 'I
1 i '
BaS.aVKaMaM. BoM
h Oitif m ate. Tdn
F"CUf So shav witaort