11 THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, MAY 20. 19 Kditorials Cause Another Flarc-Up in Tariff Debate Senator Mi-Cumber Charges Artic-lr Kfl ly Demo rratif Imlcr Mfjinl to Delay Action. Wellington, May P. Newspaper editorial attacking the adminiitra lion tariff bill tauscd another flartup in the riute during the comidera lion of that measure. The tdiloriiU were read by, Senator Simmoni of North Carolina, a democratic leader, in the courc of an address in which he attacked the bill generally and averted there a a growing revolt iiinit it over the country and even among republican senator. In replv Senator McCumber, re publican. North Dakota, in charge of the nieattire, renewed hit charge that tl.e newspaper attacking the bill were influenced by advertisement! of importrri and averted any . provi sion to the contrary notwithstand ing reading of the editorials was for the purpose of delay. He wai joined in hit attack on the publication! by Senator Gooding of Idaho, chairman of the republican agricultural tariff bloc, who said the New York dailies were not noiiig to permit a tariff on farm products if they could help it. Referring to the fights that had been made on certain items by Sen ators I.enroot, republican, VViicon on, and Norris, republican, Ne braska, the democratic leader said their attitude foreshadowed a move ment that was "growing day by day, not only in this body but in the country." Replying to Senator Simmons, Senator McCumber said he did not wish to get into any long discussion with the newspapers. Senator Mc Cumber said he would invite them to produce proof that any item in the bill was too high or that any rate went f beyond reasonable protection. Skinner Company Ordered to'Paj Carey Firm $20,000 A jury in District Judge Day's court returned a verdict for $20,u00 yesterday in favor of the Carey En gineering company against the Skin ner Manufacturing company after a trial which consumed two weeks. The Skinner company originally sued the Carey company over a dry ing plant alleged to be capable of drying 40,000 pounds of macaroni daily, which the Skinner company alleges was not up to specifications. .The Skinner company sued for $15,000 and was answered by the Carey . counter claim for $20,000, which was alleged to be a debt on j the plant. 1 - j 'I've Taken Poison' Man Says, 'Corn Whisky' Says Doctor Alfred, 38, entered his home at 403 North Nineteenth street at 1 yester day afternoon, acted dizzy, and lay down on a couch. , Suddenly he sat up and announced to his wife: "I've just ' taken poison, I m through with it' all. Mrs. Hansen frantically called doctors and police. Police Surgeon Kinyoun arrived, administered medi cine and then declared he believed the man had taken corn whisky. DoT tnestic troubles were blamed for the dramatics, police said. He is ex pected to recover. . - Wandering Flyer Hops Off . Here in Journey to Siberia , Clarence Prest, the wandering flyer, on a flight from Buffalo, N. Y,, t Siberia, hopped off Ak-Sar: f , A 1 -. (a. cen lieia ycsieraay aucuiuuu Grand Island. He spent three days here. . He plans to go from Grand Island to Kearney and North Platte, Neb.; 7 thence to Cheyenne 'and north to Fairbanks, Alaska, where he hopes to celebrate the Fourth of July, leav ing there to spend the rest of the summer in Siberia. 'v While in Omaha he took picture which he saya he will incorporate- in a travelogue of his flight. Fake Traffic Cop Patrols ' Omaha Boulevard, Is Claim A fake traffic officer who some times rides in a blue car is patrolling Omaha boulevards. Sometimes he signs the name of traffic summonses he issues in prop er form. . When the person receiving one reaches police court, he finds no one to prosecute him. "Don't accept the summonses as bona fide," was the advice from the traffic bureau yesterday, "if the number given in writing by the offi cer .does not correspond to the num ber on his shield." . ' Gifts of Liquor Stole Love . of Mate, Woman Says in Suit Goldie Remien, 32, sued for divorcs from Olaf Remien" in district court yesterday, alleging that a woman named Maude stole the affections of her husband through gifts of liquor. On one occasion, she said, . she chased them away from in front ot the Cuming pharmacy when' she caught them together in an -automobile there. The Remiens were mar ried in 1911 and have been living at 2711 North Forty-ninth street Capt. Comfort Will Leave East Coast June 30 for Ship - Capt. J. H. Comfort, U. S. N., former naval inspector , of the west central division of this country, will leave the east coast June 30 on the U. S. S. Altair for Pacific wafers, thence to join the Asiatic squadron, according to word received yester day by Lieut. Frederick Powers, in charge of the naval recruiting in Omaha. w York (iml. Nsw York, May Wheat Spot. weak: No. I red and No. hrd. t.4S; No. 1 Manitoba, I1.6SH, and No. mixed durum. 1.444 c. !. f. track Now York to arriv. Cora Spot. easy: No. 1 yellow and No. 1 whit. lOHe. and No. I mixed. ?Jc, c. 1. 1 New York, all rail Oats Spot, stesdy: No I whit. . Other Articles enchanted v Vvk DrlMl Fruits. New Tork. May It Evaporated Apples -Mostly nominal. Prime Quiet. Apricot Firm. Poach Qolet. t RstsiB aiaelectef Market, Financial arid Industrial News of the Day Live Slock Omaha Grain j . Chicago Grain i Financial fteli were l Weis! Ma4r Ill Olrieisl 1o4r..,a It ONutlol HIM( i lit ornii lMwy , ! Kmibisi Fri4 I 14 Five s Ik Mk (Me al a II asm da, I a II lit Mm a II lit a ) it a . Jo Omaaa, Wy Cam, lies. h ail I tit MI4 ;i 4,14 i all 4t 4.1 4 14 III IMM Ml t : a lit 4 1M II 111 II 14 44 Ml II III t.lt llaealpif a4 diapMitlon ft ttark 41 lb talon irk,rl Omaha, J,,, for It aewa, ; J pi. ht . May II, 11:2. net 'eirTfr-CARLvr. trr aad fitl a ah kui.4 r, m. m r. nr. " ihi h n Mo. V.r. Hr I t'ala fan. N. It 54 f N. v. y , . N. W. Il . .! II .,t P., M4 O . Ry. O, II. g. Ily..l 4 C. B. O ' . ! I C. , I f . Mai.. ., -. B. I T. ..at. .. IIL antial II. I C, O. W, ty t i I I II si 14 11 9 1 I 14 Total rerrlpia 14 li J lll'tITIf.N-IHtAr I'aitl imra BBaea Armour a Ca Ill rudahr I'arklnc Co.... told Parkln to IM Mirrui Tarkliik Co !IT kwift t V: 14T J W.'alurpnr Hwaru 'o ,,,, ... I.inrola Harklnf I'o.,.. IJ Wllaon parklnf Co.... Hi llnriinan Hroa , I Mldveat rarking 'o... 14 Omaha Parking Co... J. H. Bulla 11 R. M. Hurruo A I',.., r. (i, rhrlaii A Hon., I John Harvey 34 T. J. Inihram t P. P. Il J. R. Root A C 4 Kulllvan Rrn. f. 4 Ulher buyers ill 71 ll 11 m i;t rot 13 41! . . ls.it Toisl .1141 7413 1111 CKtle Rcalpla.i 1.144 head. Uleera supnHe wr lighter than th trail was eipectinf and as ' 4 result th market showed fair degre of activity at prlre that were steady to strong. Cbolc bandy hsvs uld ss high as I.I0. .She slock wss sbout steady and Iher wer no lockers and feeders of any consequence on sal. Kor the weak steers show sver ar declines of around tie while cows end heifers srs from rHyiOc lower, and aiocksrs and feeders ,ha 4 slumped 21 U'lie. Quolstlons on csllle: Choice to prim helves. H.llftl.40; food to cholio bve. 17.110111: fair to good teves. I7.:i 7.74; common 10 fslr beevis. 14.114)7. te; choice to prim yesrllngs. M.40l 74: good to eholc yesrllngs. I7.SICI li; fair lo good yearlings. J.Ji7.74: common to fair ysarllngs. M. 7107.50; choice to prime heifers, I7.7lfrl.il; good to cholcs helf ' J7.!I)7.7S: fair to good helfera. I.i0t)7.li: choice to prim cowe. 14 41 7.10; good to choice cows. I.1I44.40; fair to good' cowa, IS.40OI.00; common lo fair cows. Il.ii04.7i; good to choice '! 'sir to good feeders. i;p7.40: common lo (air feeders. 14. li nod " cholc stockeni. 7.76 IS: fslr -to good stockera. I7.157.74; eoaimon to fair Hackers, lt.i0O7.2i: stock ?'"" 4-Orr00; etork cows. 3.S0 Ji.'?!ic,W, " i vsl cslves. l4.i0OII.S0; stock bulla. 18.00417.00: bulls, stage. t.. M.T.n. . BEEP 8TERRS. No. 13 17. 1. 4. Si mi i io Av. Pr. ... 17 Si ..1033 7 S ..1231 7 10 ...1147 to BEEP 8TBER8 AND HEIPBR8. Ml. Av. Pr. 12M 17 00 4 7 40 II 1011 7 7i 4 1040 7 li 11 1057 I 00 II III! 14 II 101 7 to r 116 - 12. 12 Ill I 23 10. . S COWS. 4...T.. 147 . 4 Si I. 1244 ,4 00 7. 12 llli 1 15 s. . HEIPRD, HO I 7i 14.. 101 45 I . . 24 01 7 10 I.. 4 674 . 7 SO BULLS. 2. 1050 4 14 1 .. s i::ft I so i.. 1 160 i 2S i.. 1 1204 4 iO Hogs Receipts. 1,700 head. On demand today from both ahlnnera packers the market was active with prices on the opening IQlOo higher and closing lOQtio higher with an early clearance made.. Light hogs sold from U0.40O10.i0 with a top price of 110.65. mixed loada and butcher weights, llA.lieio.40, and pack ing grades, Il0.00010.25, with extreme heavies. 9.26.50. Bulk of sales wss I10.25O10.4S.. 1IOOS i ' ' 8h. Pr. No. Av. Sh, ... ill IS 31. .240 . ,r. 140 10. 25 73. .267 110 10 th 751 401 6 .....1011 :....li5 1270 . II! .1073 . 187 .1220 .2020 . 100 I iO I 75 7 25 4 21 4 li I 50 good and No. Av. 47.. MS 7C..2I0 13. .271 3i.ll7 10. ,207 40 10 45 10 65 2. .221 65.. 211 Pr. $10 20 10 30 10 40 ' 14 iO Sheep Receipts. 4.100 head. ' Receipt today were practically, all feeding lambs from California, these moved generally steady at 111.00011.25.' Only two load of fed lambs were included which moved at strong prices, best hsndy weights clip lambs are quoted at $12.00. A few small lots of ewes sold fully steady, clip ewes at $1.25 and wooled wcs, $4.50. - Quotations on Sheep at lambs, good to choice, 111. 500 12.00; fat lambs, fair to good, ' 111,26011.50; .prlng lambs. I12.00O14.2S: cull lsmbs. $10.00 12.00; fat yearlings, tlO.004jlll.OO; fat wethers. 17.00 ff 1.00: fat. ewes, light. IS.i0O6.i0; fat ewes, heavy, 5.005.60. Kansas City Live Stock. - V Kansas City,. "May ' 19. Cattle Re ceipts. 650 head; beef steers and yearlings, steady to strong; top yearlings, $1.50; Colorado pulp-fed steers, $8.05: all other classes, steady; most cows, $4.75i.60: few good kind; $6.7606.00; common can ners, $3.00; choice vealers, $1.25; medium weight Texas calves. $1.00; five cars Texas stockers, $8.15; fairly good feeders, $7.0007.10. 1 Hogs Receipts.- ; 3.000 ' hend; opened slow; closed active with packers buying bulk 190 to 276-pounders at $10.50014.46: top, $10.15; looks steady to strong; pack ing sows around $9.25; stock pigs mostly 10015c lower; bulk desirable natives, $10.06OlMi: no .choice pigs offered. - Sheep Receipts, 500 head; limited of ferings killing .classes fully steady: shorn wethers, $7.50; native springers, $13,000 14.00; shorn lambs, $12.00. . Omaha, May 19. 19JJ. Liverpool market showed a declin ing tendency, (uturri in that market rlasing !i4 to 1 d lovter, owing to liberal oiteringi of all varietiei o( wheat, especially Argentine and Manitoba, which arc being offered at ibarp conctikioni. Krnm state report estimates fit wheat crop at lOtt.tUO.iNM) bushels, as compared with 106,000.000 bu.hrli rstimated by the government report on May I and 1 .'8,000,000 lait year. Some complaint! are coming in of corn not germinating well on account of the cool weather. ' All domestic grain markets were low and draggy, with lower prices the rule generally. Omaha receipt continue heavy, 95 can of wheat being reported in, againt 52 can last year; 91 cart of corn, against 23 cart a year ago. Total receipts were 215 cars, as against 80 cart a year ago. Total shipments were 222 can, compared with 116 cart last year. Salei of cah wheat in the local market were made at 3c to 5e lower. Corn old readily at 'Ac to ViC lower pricei. Oat 4 were quoted JJc lower. Rye was Jc lower, and barlev was .unchanged. w II CAT. N. t dark hard: 1 er. $1 $1; I ears, VI 15. No. 1 dark Itsrdi I rare, 11.34. ' No. I hard winter: 4 rare. II SI: 11 ears. $1.10. No. hard winter: II ear. II it; It car. $l.0; I car (smutty). It. I. No. 1 hard winter: 1 eara. 11.14: 1 ear ismutlyl. $1 11; I ray (amuttvi, II. li; I ear (14 per cent durum). l !: 1 car (.IS per rent beat damaged), 11.27. No. 4 bard winter: t cars, 11.14. Ssmpl hard winter: car weevil), It. II; I car tweevll), $!.!!. No. I yellow hard: 1 ear, ll.lt. No. t yellow hard: 1 car, $1.11; t car. 11.34. No. 1 yellow hard: t car. Il.lt ;1 car. 11.2. . No. I mixed: 1 car (durum smutty), 11.17: I car (durum smuttyt. It. 15. No. mlsed: 1 car (durum smutty). 11.21: I car (durum). 11.11: 1 ear (14 per cent durum, ll per eent winter). 11.10, CORN. . No. 1 white: 1 car, 14'ie: 1 car. I4ec No. S white: 1 car (shlunrra weis-hla). SSc; 4 car. 4ie; I care. I4ttc. No. 1 yellow: I car. SS,c: I car, litte; 1 rare (ahlppers weights), SI He. No. t yellow: 1 csrs. ii4a No. I yellow: 1 car. SiUe. No. I mixed: I cars, 14c Sample mixed: 1 car no bill), tOe. . OATS. No. S white: 1 ear, 37c. So. I white: 10 cars, He No. 4 white: 1 cars, lie; I car (II per cent other grain), lc. ' No. 1 mixed: 1 car, JtVie. RYE. No. I: 1 car, lie. I car mixed grain: smutty, II per cent rye, 11.16. BARLET. No. 4: 1 cor. 6c. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS, (carlots) . Today Chicago Livestock. Chicago, Jlsy 19. Cattle Receipts. 2, 600 head; beef steer and she-stock steady to strong; top, yearlings, mostly heifers, $9.00; bext matured steers. $8.80; bulk beef steers, $7.8608.35; buljs, weak to lower; bolognas, mostly $4.6504.75; veal calves, steady; good light calves. $8,250 8.75; best to packers, $9.009.50; stock ers. dull. - Hogs Receipts, 55.000 head: opened mostly ic lower- on lights, later steady to 6c, lower on lights; others steady to strong; closed shade easier; top, $11.00; bulk. $10.5iO10.9i: holdover moderately i'beral: pigs, steady. Sheep Receipts. 4.000 head; steady to SSc higher: good and choice California spring lsmbs, $14.75015.00; some seconds, $12.25; good 94-pound shorn lambs, $12.26; good 95-pound Colorado yearlings, $9.00; good California ewes. 17.00. - St. Iuls Livestock. , East St. Loukh 111. .May 1 4. Csttle Re ceipts 900;' no good beef steers here; light mixed yearlings and bulls 16 to 25c lower; 18.50 paid for one load 622-pound choice steers and heifers: beef cowe 10. to lie lower; bulk, 14.7405.75; manners ana calves, steady.' " - ' Hogs Receipts l.oso: ngnt ngnts ana lights 10 to 16c higher; butchers, steady to 6c higher; top, 110.95; bulk, 140 to 180 pound averages, iio.itoio.so; hum. is to 230 pound weights. 10.T0O14.85; pack er sows, mostly $s. lofts. 35: bulk loo to 150 pound :plgs. I10.21O10.75. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 600: steady to strong: choice- Tennessee spring lambs. 114.50: natives, mostly 413.60 tf 14-W; ngnl eves, $8.76; heavies, $4.00. Sioux City Lie Stock. Sioux Clky. Ia.', May -19. Cattle Re ceipt!., 1.200 head; market, rtockers steady, killers 19016c higher: fed steers and yesrllngs, $7.50(28.75; warmed up steers and yearlings.-$6.2507.25; (at cow and heifers, $5.0008.00; canners, $3,000 4.50; veals. IS.OOfHO.OO; feeders, $6,000 7.60: calves. $5.0007.75; feeding cows and heifers, $4.0006.25; stockers. 86.0007.60. Hogs Receipts. 5,000 . hesd; msrket strong, 10c higher; butchers. $10,250 10.45; lights, $10.60; heavy mixed. $9.7iO 10.30; heavy packers, $9.0009.50; native pigs. $10.50 011.00; stags, $7.5008-00; bulk of sa.les. I10.26O10.45. St. Joseph LIT Stock'. , St. Joseph. Mo.. Jfsy 19. Hogs Re ceipts, 4.500 head: 5010o higher; top, $10.45: bulk. 110. 40 011.65. Cattle Receipts, 100 head: steady: steers. $7.4408.75; cows and heifers, $6.25 08 75: calves. IS.S9O8.00. Sheep ReceiDts. 760 hearf- ateadv rlippea lambs. tll.50O12.25; clipped ewes. M.VS.-0. Bar Uer. New Tork, Msy 1. Foreign Bar I ver-,lic Mexican Dollars 54 V Receipts Wheat ..... Corn Oats Rye Barley Shipments Wheat ..... Corn Oats Rye Bsrley IS 91 24 4 1 82 79 47 14 0 Week Ago. 102 71 32 0 - 22 10 20 119 0 Tear Ago. 62 22 , 4 . 1 4 12 42 I 8 2 FRIMART RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (bushels) Receipt Wheat .. Corn Oat Shipments Wheat ..... Corn Oats Todsy .1,0(16.000 . 845.000 124,000 Week : Ago 1,248.000 967,000 417,000 Tesr Ago. 611,000 424,009 479,000 481.000 161,400 890.000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Bushels Today Week Ago. Wheat. Flour" 227.000 Corn 40,000 Oats ... 247.000 v CHICAGO RECEIPTS. Carlots Today. , Ago.. Wheat '. ....158 . 82 , Corn 64 151 Cats 68 119 KANSAS CITT RECEIPTS, Wheat , ..146 , 115 Corn 60 68 Oats 7 7 ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. , Whsat 75 - 124 Corn 62x . 106 , Osts 45 ' 4 NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS. Minneapolis 188 . 16 112 Duluth . . 46. 93' 54 Winnipeg 280 28 - 101 1.072.000 620,400 1,230,000 k 674,000 672.000 414.040 Tear Ago. 543.000 189,000 Tear Ago. . IT . 102 64 179 22 7 94 18 87 CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Updike Grain Co. DO. 2627. May 1. Art. I Open. I High. I Low. I Cloee. I Yes. WhL I J May 1.42 1.43 l.!7Vs 1.2f .1.41 1.40 1.42 July 1.25 1.264. 1.24U 1.24H 1.264. 1.2 1.24H 1.26H Sept. 1.20 1.20S I.l 1.19A 1.204, 1.20H ' 1.19 1-20U Rye I I I - May ' 1.0 1.09 54 1.08 1.08 1.06 July' 1.08. 1.08 1.07ii 1.47 1.41 Sept. 1.00 1.00 1, .99 .99 ii 1.00 Corn I I I II May v61 .61 .6mf .6114 . .61 July .64i .64 '4 .64 .61 '4 .64 4 . .64 .64 H .6414 Sopt, .66! .67 ..66 .66 .66 Oats I I I ' I ' May .37 -.IT .,. - .!! July .89 .3914 .81 .39 i.39 Sept. .41 ,,41 ,.40i .40 .1. ' .41 ,. : Pork , May 22.95 22.5- Lard May 11.37 11.40 11.37 11.40 11.40 - July 11.62 11.62 11.60 11.60 ,11.62 M ...... .I.............. 12.S0 112.10 July 12.02 1 12.02 112.02 Kansas City Grain. Kansas City. May It. Wheat No. I hard, tl.2801.2t: No. 2 red, $1.2891.2. Corn No. 2 white. 67e; No. 2 yellow, 69c:. No. 3 yellow. 6lc- . Hay Unchanged. . , Kanaas City, Mo.,' May 19. Close: Wheat May. 11.26; July, $1.15 1.16; September. $1.11. Corn May, " 66 c; July, S!c; . Sep tember, 61 c. - Minneapolis tiraln. ' Wheat Receipts. 168 cars compared with 76 cars a year ago. Cash, No. 1 northern. I1.664J1.61: May, 11.62; ' July. $1.42; September. II. St., Corn No. 3 yellow, 64H.o5. ' Osts No. S white, 35V36c. Barley 63 64c. - Rye No. 2. 11.03 0104. Flax No. 1. 2.802.83. . 1 : St. Lools (iral. St. Louis. May II. Wheat May, $1.11; July. $1.21. Corn May, 6c: July, 62c Oats May. -39c: July, 41c. MlnneBtBolls Flour. Minneapolis,, Minn., May 19. Flour Un changed Bran 121. OOP 22.00. . ' New erk toffee. New Tork, May 19. The msrket. for coffee futures opened at an advance of 3 to 11 point In response to firm cables from Brasil. There was some covering after the decline of th previous day. but the demand was not active and prices eased off later under a renewal of Beat taring liquidation and easier later cable from both Rio and Santos. September eased off from 9.t3 to 9.720. with th market closing net 1 points higher to I points lower. Sales were estimated at 18,000 bags. May, 10.36c; July, 10.20e; September. .37c; Otober, .62c; Decem ber. .42c: January, .37c; March, .26c. Spot coffee quiet; Rio 7s, 11c; Santos 4a. 14 to 14c. . London Weal. London. May 1. There were 1.83 bales offered at the wool sales today. The sup ply was moderate and consisted of medi um to low grades which met with a brisk clearance at unchanged rates. The series closed firm. Compared with last auctions, superior Merinos were i to 10 per cent dearer and other Merinos 10 to IS per cent. Cross-breds advanced li to 20 per cent and Cape of Good Hope and Natal and Punta Arenas gradea 5 to 14 per cent. During the series the home trade bought 102.504 bales, the Continent 64,00. and America 3.004. There were 4,240 bales held over. ' 411 y Bay. Kansas Cit May 1. Hay Unchanged. By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Oat ha Re t ) W Ire, Chicago, Ma 19. Scattered liquidation and tear preisure corn pined to make a lower range of wheat price. The finish wai at net loise of 8iil 7.gc. Com va I MiijJric lower and rje J.4c 1 J-8c lower. May oaia acted light and gained I -2c on limited trading, with deferred (mure off l-ik&Mc. Wheat price held well in the early trading. The market wa ex tremely dull until toward the close, then heavy telling of July induced general telling and a anarp decline. Scattered long were free iclleri of May. The support came mainly from recent teller and from a local elevator interest that wai crcdiied with telling May at Minneapolis and Winnipeg, apparently undoing a lib. eral ailed tpread. cntiinent gener ally wai beariith. There was little in the newt to cause much bullish enthusiasm. The milling and ex port demand ii alow. The character of the crop report ihowed no ma ..:.i -l . 'ft. - i -. . ivnai mange, j ne isinsa sine re port ettimated the crop at lOu.lXJO.OOQ buthcli, against I .'8.000,000 bushel last year. Liverpool closed l-4(c lower. Coca ATsfage Higher, Cora ihowed stubborn realsianr to pres sure. It averaged higher early, but t'tlrea held within a rim. of u. Tl... closed at th boiiom In sympathy with wheal. Wat weather nrevaileil aver urt of th bait and planting I dlyd. Only 4 prr cent of the work In Kansas has been computed. There ass talk of et pcrt demand at th aabosrd, but no sal r rrort4 hr and th domestic call wss slow. Reaelpls. 12 cars. The (ride looks 'for laraee arrival week. Only one trade was m! i if. ... which closed at 17 e bid. Inferred d Ilvrles wr affected by th action of olhr grain and finished aay deapii talk or salis to iporl-rs from hr and front oulsld markets. After th clou i.. 404 bu.h.ls were reported sold t the east. Receipt, 0 rare. 1h s.s board ws moderate buyer of ry future, but there wss sufficient sell. Ing by the northwest and local trader, combined with th wknss In wheat Ic mass a lower level easily attained. rit Note. Country miliar t ... . .miVTJV.," t1 "d c,B,r-1 bought 150 00 bushsls in th country to-ra'-i-S01"'",""".' n,,"c,M, n,r nujssr.';- loc"'. "" "a1" iB.,"' lim! iJ" 'J? ,nd 4at. St. 11 ' M,l t0 e shipping wheat this JL y'i.i . "Poft'd that Winnipeg ia to ship No I wheat to Chicago. ' wh. ? k of. ,h ,45-" hl4 cash wheat delivered on May trad today went S.".'".. wJnh'-'P. ho hsv. geVn Tak ing whest In for th lost wsek. so!. 1 1"1 ,n My " ' to be iris.;0.- ih'n 1 '"('4 were trsded In today and all at 37Un th. fnly price of the day. Buying of Sen! tember ,n ,.,ne of July u, "'fl ferenc was a feature of the tr.dln? . J001 ,.5'r,,or observes thst it will r.h .. V"J,or ,h tr,d Set too bear- .?" w"h'n s watchlJg the actfon of the grain markets and SenatorV.on.r out ty the supreme court. "nOC'te, World exports of wheat for the week els' m,,'2 at. ,roun, "t.464 bush! mp,,cd wllh 10,i2,00 bushels the KkVMk nd ". a-thtta 1! year. Supplies on ocean .... " Ku.sVorVh.wrek1-000 000 ,S WW Omaha Produce I0.40OI0.54 280 .2 . .21 O .2 .15 ,20 . .2249 .26 150 .20 partm.lh'2rby th ,1U, o( Nrask.. d. MVB; dattt intiw 5r.0",7.:v IO.854ylo.4i" Hens, light 21 .22 "ens, heavy 519 .jj V-" .13 .18 ?uck I8 .22 Geese ,10 ,17 Broilers. f?eSf.E?. .T Brollsrs, frozen '''' Hens Pocks Ducks Gees " , KGOS. Select.1. No. 1 no. 2 .!;; Cracks Case count, esse. 4.76 7.00 ' ' X - BUTTER.". Cresmery, prints Creamery, tub ; Country, best ... .22 .28 Country, com... .18 .20 Butterfat, Sta pr. 280...' . HAT- upland prairie. No. 1 .800 .300 .270 .180 .250 .200 .250 .530 .200 .200 .330 .310 .260 200 .... 112.60 ff $13.00 .... 10.600 11.60 .... 7.00 0 ' 8.00 .... 11.50 12.00 .... 9. 50 (J 10.i0 .... 7.00 0 8.00 .... 8.000 10.00 .... 7.00 0 8.00 .... 22.00 24.00 .... 1I.OC0 21.00 .... 16.000' 17.00 ....-12.000 14.00 .... 14.000 11.00 , ... 8.000 .00 7.000 8.00 woou Upland prairie. No Upland prairie. No. 3 Midland prairie, No. Midland prairie. No. Midland prairie, No. Lodland Prairie, No. Lowland prairie, No. Alfalfa, choice No. 2 (standard .... No. 2 No. I Oat atraw Wheat atraw.......... HIDES AND Beef hides: Green salted No. 1. nee lh 07c; green salted No. 2, per lb., 106c; green hides No. 1, per Ib.,40res green hides No 2, per lb., 304c; green salted, old stock, per lb.,' 2 3c; grsen suited bull hides No. 1, per lb., 4c; green talted bull hides No. 2, per lb., 2c. Horse hides: Large, each, 13.00; medium, each, 2.i0; small, each, 12.00; pony and glues, each, l.OO01.2i. - Sheep pelts: Green salted, a to size and wool, each, 75c0$$l.OO. Wool.: Choice fine and one-half blood, per lb., 26030c; medium and three-eighths blood, per lb.. 24 0 28c: low and onc-quar. ter blood, per lb.. 17020c. FRUITS. Bananas: 77o lb. Oranges: Size 21 and larger, $7,800 1.00; size 260, $7.0008.60; size 288, $6.75 07.00; size 324, $5.6006.60. Lemons: Per box, $7.6008.00. Grape fruit: Per crate, according to size, 14.80 08.80. . Apples: Winesaps, according to size and grade, 13.0004.00; Ben Davis, $3.00; Tellow Newtons, 13.60. Strawberries: - Crates, 24 qt. boxes, 13. So 04.00. -Figs: 24 pkgs., I os., $2.26; bulk, per Ib 1601c. .... ' Pineapples: According to size, $4,260 6.60. , . VEGETABLES. Potatoes: Nsw, No. 1, per lb.. S06c: new. No. 2, per lb., 4 5c; western Nebras ka, No. 1. per cwt., $1.7502.26; Idaho whites, per -cwt, $2.2102.80; Red River Ohio, No.. 1. per cwt., $2.60; Oregon Netted Gems. $2.26. , Sweet potatoes: . For tu,. $1.1002.00. Celery: Per doz., 76cll.45. Head lettuce: Crates, $3.6004.00; doz. $1.0001.60. L Lssf lettuce: Doz., 40060c. Rubarb: Home grown, doz.," 40060c. Egg plant: Doz., $2.00. 1, Onions: Texas crystal, wax, 45-Ib. cratss, $3.00; Texa yellow, 45-lb. crates, IJ.Jo. Cauliflower Aaparagut: : Cucumber: S.it'; hamper, basket, $4.00. Cabbage: New, per lb., 406c. Tomatoes: Crates, I baskets, 13.000 1.00; lugs, 13.26. , Radishes: New, doz., 20030c. Carrots: New; doz., 0c; hamper, $1.75 Crates. $2.2602.60. Doz., Oic. Hot house, doz"., 12.000 t doz., 13.60; Texas, bu. 02.00. Turnips: 02.00. Onion: . Spinach: New, doz., 10c; hamper, 11.75 Toung, home grown, 2O03ic. Home grown, baskst.-46 0Oc. urcen peppers: Fer IP., JOc. . Oreea or wax beans: Hampers, $3,000 1.00. PLANTS. ". ' ' , Cabtage: Box, ll.OO01.2S. Tomatoes: : Box. II. 0001.21. ' Pansy plants: Box, 13.76. New York Drygoeda. New Tork, May 1. Cotton goods mar kets, were firm today at a higher level and with the demand well scattered throughout the trade. Sheetlnga and drills were higher and duck. firmer. Tame were . higher and in moderate demand. Wool markets were steady, with an up ward tendency. Wool goods Mere in bet ter request, especially in staple dress fabric. Silk and burlaps were tpr By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. o Uaaee) Wlr. New York, May 1-On the atock exchange the upward moirmrnt 01 price wat resumed today with ac tive businesi and numerous ad vance ranging from I to J poln.. During most of the day the upward movement wat better distributed than in other recent market; a fairly long li.t of railway share rose I point or more, Hut the greater part of the day' buinet agni con. verged on industrial share, particu larly those which are ima.'iucd to be affected by the talk of future "merg. er. There wa evident devoting of attention to the lei conspicuous industrial hare. its ome of which the day . advance wa uluutia! In the later hour Drier iMf somewhat under locculaiivf sale apparently due to the reaction front i ne eariy and rapid advance, but the reaction wa not great and jn gen eral the market might be decribed a cloiing trong. Taken a a whole, the day'a movement douhttc reflected the purpoie of drawing in aeain the tpcrulativc outside public which abruptly deserted the market after the new, on April 17, of Cer many i aeparatc treaty with Ruttia. stUrlloc Missf. Sterling failed to rsrh th II 41 tnsrlt gain li-tay hut ronilnued In all within a small (taction of that figur. Chans in l.uranean eontlnnil rate wr ir regular, but th pr.vai.nl tr-nd wa la wards firmness. T this lh ()n-msn mark wa one exception: It dHln4 to the lowest rat of the week. It Is g.ttlng to h s th hsl.lt of th srhana market to aeerib t hi. i,mi.i.mi of th mark to th well-worn ran.. f "reparallona uneertalniy." What ams In b happening I lerg seal purrha nf foreign cre.llt (in olhar words, sal of mark abroad I in onl.r In pay for commodities such a entton and .-opp.r. which (lermenv la still buying In the Amerlrsn market In grester tusnll'lea thsn any other foreign country. Th position of the Cer man tiwsnury I fairly llluatraled by th comfortable lncra for (he wk at th relrhbatik of l.ll, 40400 In discounts. Today' week-end reviews of th mer cantile arrncl report mors definite and genersl developments In th wsy of re viving activity than on any prexnu oc raaloa of th season. Thst recovery Is not only "stesdilv ralherlng momentum ' In trades which hsd already shown signs of revival. but that "lines which have lsgged while buyers welted srs beginning to display renewed activity." under In creaalng demands. Is on testimony. Even In 'the long heHltsnt lentil In dustry reports from different rtlnn of the country "not gradual expansion of business." "more disposition lo anticipate future requirements." and a rlainr ten dency In price. Thst there should still b certain trades sugar and copper, for Instance In which Improvement I slow and uncertain, merely repeata the usual experience of trad recovery. A revival In which every line nf business partici pates at. one Is extremely rare In com mercial history. New York Stocks S. F. Ranga of prices of th leading stocks furnished by Logan A Bryan. 211 Peters Trust building: RAILROADS. Thursday High. Low. Close. Cloee. .100 11 100 100 . 47 44 47 47 .141 140 141 140 . 0 8 10 81 . c .77 .10 . 27 . 64 . 23 . 32 . 77 . 75 . 41 . 1 46 65 66 76 77U 104 106 21 27 A. , T. & B. O. Canadian Pacific. N. T. Central.... Cheaa. A Ohio... Great Nort hern . ; Illinois Central.. K. C. Southern).. Lehigh Valley ... Mo. Pacific J. T. N. H... Northern Pacific. C. A N. W Penn. R. R Reading C. R. I. 4V P Southern Pacific. 1 Southern Railway. 24 C.'-M. St. P.... 26 41 Union Paclflo ....139 138 131 138 STEELS. Amerl. Car Fdry..l6l 181 161 16 Allls-Chalmers ... 64 48 41 48 Amer. Locomotive 115 114 116 113 83 22 30 7 74 41 80 45 1 23 26 64 23 33 77 76 41 81 45 91 24 2 i 75 104 27 43 22 30 75 74 41 71 4i 1 24 24 aHtr-Ca, Mil) Tfc4s4S It, IM-V New York iBonds (Tba '! is the only Omaha Betrapaper which fHibbsJiea th) el rkial closa el the New York Stock eacbange bond.) Sw T.k. tier 14 -T'r " ase a fvMai lad. i is b4 r4 i4ar, ei a)ng b' ssweealed by g af I I I swsn ia easKy lh l,iRtal a4 sjili ran, lHj.nu 4 twinia Thr aas a arid4 a4iiae b Inoviry fa j mt f eMtantially tlr, Mrl f Ik 4't4 (.rrbiMg ' Aside flow " rree 4 f d f.f, ) fasr I. hi si gain, lh drm4 f Hi) m4 IS sh4. eri r.ll bea y (Iota f Ibsl Inisrasliaaal. o-lslly 4lea, Saw sh, seml Ike svai.Si.! Rtwmripsis dim bnil ' 4 ymirk gtnimnl o(ffig k4 a marked rh, mii ei' r rprenld a lb A.n.trrll bV 0' Ktb Tselfie and srl t lh SI. l'Ml. f.rtm and MiMur. Ksmi td T ua, with MUtH a4uiial at r ( iMr of lh rtia read. 1. 11 .la, par lua, rsld III.' 411.44. N.w Trk, May !. ralll to day bih, low sad leit.g file of hsud en lb Nw tork ainell V.sckeBI. ad lb I oi el Ml r bondi V. . . Rateo (in l4 l"H I " " SI l iberty ,, ' l m t.ihny i.t .. 4 ;; t4 Liberty Sd 4 474 74 111 jh.rir Id 4s 44 ! l4 l.ihny 4h 4.. 44 4 4 4 : Victory 4s 111474 11 Mctory ls 144.44 144 144.44 r ! Iiyrat. IMal sad MaaMnal II Argentln It 4 ! t hine Ry .. ' 4 M t City ..f lorn .,tll ll'' l'J'4 Cliy of Mw e 7i IT l city of Chrisiianla Is 11 11 )"S II my f fopn. 2 II T City of l.rons e.. 7 (1 17 7 City of Mar 4a.... 7 I 7 II City of R d J s 12 12 11 1 City of hsn P l4 l 14 II City of To l .. 7IS 21 11 14 City of Zuri.h I. .111 t2 112 T I'.nl.h Hon A. .114 114 114 21 l-e. of K-ln 7... 4 l 4 21 D of c 1 P n rt 1 1 110 I Iwm fin . SI.... 7 s (4 lu.h K Ind . 47. tl l i 71 ltrh K li.d . 13.. It 14 Krenrh Rep ....11 11 11 44 rrn-h Rrn 7s ..11 "l 11 Jap 1st 4 l 114 Jspane 4 17 77 77 4 King H.lglom Ts.1 14 14 King n.lglum ..11 S2 12 14 King l.n I It It I King Italy (s .. i S l 214 King Nthrlnds Is.. l IT 7 1 King Nnraay .... 111 111 111 11 King Sweden ts ..101 141 11 41 Tsr-Lyons-Med I.. 13 12 I 44 Rp Dill I. 44.. 10i 11 101 14 Rep Uruguay .,11 14 11 Stat Qunalnd ..102 102 142 I Stst Rio O Sul s.12 102 102 15 Salss Con Is 117 117 117 I K d R I s. 12.18 10 lot 1(4 K O B A I s. 2. 101 101 101 II K (1 II t 1 s. 17.12 102 102 44 U b Rrasll e ....loll 1A4 104 41 U H Mexico ts .... 47 47 47 11 U S Mexico 4s .... SI 14 17 Railway and Miscellaneous. I AJax Rubber I ..102 142 102 12 Am Ag hm 7s.in 112 141 5 Ala Smelt S 12 2 2 SS Am Sugsr 6s ....100 1oo ioo 1 Am T A T cv (S..114U. 114 114 II Am T ft T 0 r .. ts 2 Am Writ Pa 7 81 2 A T A S F gen 4s.. 8 It At C L 1st c 4s... 1 At Ref 144 21 Bslt.ft, O 4s 100 17 Rslt A O ev 4s ., 82 31 Hell Tel or J'fn Baldwin Locomo.,118 118 118 114 Bethlehem Steel .78 77 78 77 Colo. Fuel tt Iroa. 36 34 34 3 Cruclbje 74 73 74 72, Amer. Steel Fdry.. 39 38 39 38 Lackawanna 8teel 79 78 78 78 Mldvala Steel .... 43 42 42 42 Pressed Steel Car. 7 79 79 .... Repub. Steel I. 7t 72 76 71 Rail. Steel Springs 100 81oss-Bcheffleld .. 62 51 61 61 United States Steel.101 91 101 91 Vansdlum 52 61 61 61 . . . COPPERS. . . ' Anaconda 66 66 63 65 A. S. & Ref. Co. . 67 65 16 i Cerro Do Pasco ..29 29 39 2 Chill 22 22 22 22 Chlno 31 30 31 81 Calument A Ariz. . 03 3 63 62 Green Cananea .. 33 3:) 33 34 Inspiration 43 42 42 42 Kennecott 59 38 88 3S Miami 81 . 20 .11 -30 Nev. Consol 18 18 18 18 Ray Consol. ...... 18 17 18 18 Seneca 14 14 14 14 Utah 68 67 67 6S OILS. General Asphftlt.. 6V 61 62 41 Cosden 45 44 44 44 Calif. Peterol 67 66 56 66 Island Oil 1 Invincible Oil,.... 18 17 18 .17. Mex. Peterol ....135 131 135 , 150, Middle States .... 16 14 li 14j Paclflo Oil 66 64 66 64 Pen-American ... 66 64 60 64 Phillips 48 47 48 48 Pierce Oil ....... 10 9 10 9 Pure Oil 33 32 33 - 32 Royal Dutch .... 63 62 ,63 42 Sinclair Oil . 35 33 34 33 Std. Oil. N. J 18 186 188 187 Texa Co. .' 48 48 48 4 Union Oil ", 23 22 22 21 White Oil 14 10 10 10. ;. MOTORS. Chandler . ." 74 74 74 73 General Motore.... 14 13 14 II "Willys-Overland .. 8 7 8 7 Pierce-Arrow 19 19 , 19 11 White Motor 49 49 41 48 Studebaker 121 118 120 111 RUBBER AND TIRES. Fisk 18 17 17 17 Goodrich 41 40 40 ,40 Kelley-Sprtngfield 62 61 61 60 Keystone Tire .... 23 21 22 21 AJax 17 16 17 16 U. S. Rubber 65 64 64 64 INDUSTRIALS. Am. Beet Sugar.. 43 42 42- 42 A., J. & W. 1 88 37 38 36 Am. Int. Corp 48 47 47 47 American Sumatra 37 36 86 86 Am. Telephone... ..122 181 122 122 American Can .... 48 47 48 47 Central Leather... 41 40 40 40 Cuba Can .... 1 7 - 16 16 16 Cuban-Am. Sugar.. 25 24 26 23 Corn Products.... 102 101 102 101 F.imoua Players. .. 61 81 81 81 General Electric. .165 165 165 165 Ort. Northern Ore. 41 40 40 41 Inter. Harvester. . .103 Am. H. A L. pfd.. 71 64 14, 51 834 76 76 6i 74 52 46 63 82 U. S. I. Alcohol. Inter. Paper Inter. M. M. pfd.. Am. Sugar Ref... Sears-Roebuck . . . Stromsberg Tob. Products Worth. Pump .... Wilson Co. ...... West. Electric ... Am. Woolen Am. Cotton Oil 28 Am. Agrl. Chem.. 38 Am. Linseed . 36 Union Bag pfd..... 66 Bosch Magneto....' 45 Brooklyn Rap. Tr.. 24 Continental Can... 66t Cal. Packing 78 Col. O. A Electric. 89 Col. Graph .... United Drug 81 National Enamel.. 43 United Fruit 147 Lorlllard National Lead . . . Philadelphia Co.. Pullman Punta Al. Sugar. 8. P. Rico Sugar. Retail Storea .... Superior - Steel. ... 8L L. & S. Fran. Va. Car Chemical. 95 39 123 45 103 103 102; 71 71 70 53 54 53, 61 51 60 83 83 83 - 75 76 76 75 76 75 63 54 62 71 74 70 51 62 SI 46 46 .... 62 63 62 81 82 91 iEOUS. . 28 28 2T 38 38 - 38 35 36 35 65 68 .... 45 46 44 24 24 24 65 68 ..... 78 78 78 87 88 87 4 80 80 81 41 42 41 142 147 142 165 167 94 94 93 39 3 39 121 122 121 43 44 42 48 64 67 44 35 15 34 29 50 29 21 31 30 47 35 30 31 Total sales. 1.714.500. Money Close. 2 per cent; Thursday's close. 8 p.r cent. M.irks Close, .0034; Thursday's close, .Oor.4. Francs Cloee, .0917; Tnursdav't close, .0914. 97 7 IS 88 68 88 86 86 103 103 t 10 81 12 7s. 106 Vl07 107 14 Relh Steel D b Ss .. 3.1 3 nrsdrn Copper s ..' K 14 2 Rrklyn Ed g 7 D.107 107 107 10 Brklyn R T 7s et st si si II Can North 4a , 41 Can Pso deb 4s . 21 Cent of Oa 6s ... 2 Cen Pac gtd 4e . . 34 Cerro Pasco Is , 202 C A O cv is ..... 14 C A O cv 4s ... 108 C B A Q ref Ss A. 2 Chi A hi III ss. I . 99 . a .124 . 43 . 8 . . 81 2 Chi Ot West s.. 1 1 CM ASP cv 4s 71 14 C M A 8 P ref 4s 65 .111 111 111 1 C A N W 7s 21 Chlcsgo- Rys Ss... 1 C R I A P gen 4s. 40 C R I A P ref 4s. 1 C A W Ind" 4s.... 80 Chile Copper 7s... 154 Chile Conner ts. . 1 Colo A South r 4s 88 . 7 Col O Elec Ss.... 6' 12 Cons Coal ot Md So 88 78 84 11 92 87 48 81 41 70 6S 10 83 82 12 73 Vi 107 104 107 12 11 92 , 88 88 ' as st 88 .106 . 83 . 82 . 82 73 li 76 as 119 89 tt 1 1 71 48 108 63 82 82 73 88 111 Con Gss 7s Ill 117 117 12 Cuba Can Sr d 8s 82 84 85 2 Cuba R R ?s A 104 . 103 101 4 Des M A Ft D 4s.. 60 68 60 2 Detroit Ed ref 6s... 101 102 102 22 Detroit U Rys 4s 83 82 83 1 Dlsmond Mat 7 107 107 107 2 Distillers Sec Ds... 43 43 43 17 DuPont de N 7s 107 107 107 5 Duquesne Light 6s.. 103 103 103 64 Erie gen 4s 64 S3 63 64 Erie pr lien 4s.... 61 63 63 12 Fisk Rubber 4 ....104 10 101 15 Framer I T 7s.. 99 99 '99 1 Gen Elec deb Ss ..100 100 104 66 Good Tire 8s, 31.. 103 102 103 21 Good Tire 8s. 41. .116 116 115 i Grnd Tnk Ry C 7a. 112 112 112 15 Grnd Tnk Ry C ts.104 104 104 124 Grt North 7s A..,. 110 109 109 265 Grt North Ss 8.. 100 9 100 15 Mud A Man r Ss A. 83 83 83 28 Hud A Man a i Ss. 64 63 84 60 T C 6s 101 101 101 79 16 14 71 17 86 98 48 79 as 91 100' f!t 16 16 70 96 85 96 47 79 87 91 100 79 16 16 70 97 86 96 47 79" 88 108 94 92 57 81 100 64 96 99 69 105 67 67 108 87 86 62 9 III Stee: deb 4a.. 91 1 in steel ss 100 1 Int Ag 6s 22 Int Met 4 404 Int Met 4s ctfs. 347 Int Rap T ref Ss.. 24 Int M M s f 6s. . . r 18 Int Paper ref Ss B 2 In Oil 8s 14 Iowa Cent ref 4s.. 11 K C. Ft S A M 4s. 8 K C Southern Ss .. 8 Klv-Snrcfld Tire 8s.10 108 10 L S A.M 8 d 4s '28 94 94 I li B a li 8 d ll '31 92 i 92 16 Lehigh Valley 6s.. 103 102 102 4 Liggett & Myers 6s 96 9i ' 9 Lorlllard ' 6s ;..96 94 96 43 Louis A N ref Ss 103 103 103 9 Mex Pet Ss 106 106 106 27 Mid Steel cv 6s... 93 91 91 2 M A St L ref 6s.. 47 46 47 8 MSP A SSM 6s 102 102 102 II M C 4 T 1 n I li 1 S3 14 SJVi 83U 240 MKAT n a '6s A.. 67 66 32 Mo K A T 1st 4s.. 81 81 . 41 Mo Pac ref Ss 1923 100 100 26 Mo Pac gen 4s.... 64 04 27 Mont Power 6s A. . 97 96 2 Nat. Tube Ss 99 99 4 N O T A M inc Ss 69 69 25 N T Cen col 7s ..106 1064. 106 74 N T C deb 6s 102 102 102 9 N T C A S L d 4s 88 88 88 17 N T Ed ref 4s..ll0 109 109 '10 NT N HAH c 6 '48 81 81 87 10 NTNH A H d 4s '67 St St St IS N Y Ry r 4s ct .. 41 40 41 7 N Y Tel d 6s 49... 105 105 105 1(4 Y TBI r 6. 41.105 106 56 N T W A B 4s .. 67 67 1 Nor A So 6s A.... 67 87 17 Nor A West cv Cs.108 108 10 Nor A West con 4s. 87 87 60 N P pr In 4s 86 86 20 N P gen 3 62 62 492 N P-Gt N Jt 65..105 108 106 6 iv 0 row ret 6s A. 91 si 144 10 N W Bell Tel 7s ..106 106 106 2 Ore A Cal 1st Ss... 99 99 99 8 O S L gtd 6s ctfs. 101 101 101 20 O S L ref 4s 9191 11 46 Or Wsh RR A N 4s 83 tl 83 11 Otis Steel 8s A. . . .102 102 102 8 Pao O A E 6s 92 91 91 IS Pac TAT 5 96 96 96 9 Packrd Mot Cr 8a. .107 107 107 24 Penn R R 6s..,.109Vt 109 in . 21 Penn R R gen 5s.. 99 99 48 Penn R R gen 4s. 91. 90 Pere Marq ref 5s.. 96 96 8 P A E Ino 4 28 28 2 Pierce Oil deb 8a. 100 100 8 P C C A St 1. 6s X 97 97 15 Uro A Rof. 8s 103 103 8 Reading gen 4s.... 85 84 8 Rio G A W 1st 4s.. 79 79 2 S L I M A 8 ref 4s 87 87 48 S L A 8 F adj 6s.. 88 90 S L A S F Ino 6s.. 68 62SLA8Fp14sA 72 10 8 I. S W 1st 4s... 78 12 SPAKCSL 4s 82 20 S An A A P 1st 4s 77 142 SAL con 6s 58 46 S A L sd) 6s 25 6i 3 A L ref 4s 42 21 S S H Is A 99 45 Sin OH cv 7s 68 Ktnrlstr Oil col I 2 S Bell Tel Ss 96 86 South Pac cv 4s.. 91 47 South Pao ref 4s.. 87 7 South Poo col tr 4s 82 - 40 South Ry gen 4s 99 42 South Ry con Ss.. 95 25 South Rv gen 4s.. 6 13 South P R Sugar 7s 99 10 Stsnd O of C d 7s 106 44 Third Ave srit 6s.. t 1 Third Ave ref 4s.. S 6 Tob Prod 7s 103 S Union l'ao cv 4s.. 14 m 19 91 95 28 100 97 103 88 79 87 80 88 72 78 12 77 67 24 42 99 79 68 72 78 82 77 66 22 42 99 .104 104 104 78 19 99 99 91 87 82 99 95',. 46 99 106 0 65 103 SI 96 91 87 62 99 95 7 9 106 1 45 103 4 4 rta ! rr . 14 tt I I iim 1k 4 4 1 ) ll' I lid iMvg s ( s i el l 1(4 H, I 11 ! ', II' I n.ny I .... ' S4-. U nm !t , .!', 11 11 14 V 44 , 4 44 44 tt v r M 14 I lsj I L ... ! 11 11 14 l M..l 14 l ', SItQ 14 tnr ill 14 4 4 HO M II . . M .... SI'S l l I Wi tie S l VI m si 1 14 14 4. S ' 4 M r 1 , 41 41 i Wi l. l . I 11 I W It t ....11 11 11 I Wa! Abb, 4. 4 41 is nit sua i .1.1 44 Wllaa f t 44j II WIB 4 C . Its rsol a sVe, 4 llam (' 111 W I tl I lrh kl . H. t u.i at Ms eoa .. Talsl HIM f 4r III. HI r.r-'4 auk III 11 44 pieueus y a4 M il1- 11 ! Is II tl s I N. Y. Curb Bonds K.w Tork, M I v4t tntrt as ll'h4 la in r rhiif ledsy la lb eiiu4 4n.4 tr lobaee siiwks, I'bllip Morris re front 10 I ; aurtag lb li. I half of th day, nisW. i nw feih, Tn mmal la lin ana lb liy li4in aad pr nuar4 airtik la t'an4 ! Riail air aad Tbee Produet a in Nsw Varlt stmk srbng. Tbat' freduri torl tlr ilm st 4, rcld I t (ltd Rxail tan.ly in lh uui group ranged from I I I . Jrtiyyrisl Tobacco aid t II',. Moior i..kl la showed pronounced irenglh. nit Motor ro to 14, n ether nw b'sn. Iurnl Mir traded In at 1S and lb tnuisna shares "14 a l'i. A f'lur of th prkt a i.ly sdts. la ISn.4 HUle l(..(riiin Mai-bm, w tacts lady sold t a aw liia u of 21. Radia w firm, com moo i-s llmg l and H-bnul notd n from 11 to IT, riroum iork wr gnrl,e firm. I on I'elrol.-um alrong. niO'lng up fism , to I II oa purrha. of 24.14 bar la connection with abaorptlon by Ptodueer sod refiner announced today. Mann ml wa firm, nh ! al 1. rmland wa iradd In at 14 lo 14. Mining lock were active, wild strength In many iseu. Tork. Msy I. Transaction en lh w Tork cur bond markst todsy wr s ioiiows: Roads. ' Sale (in 1100) Huh Low I II si 17 is ini r-kr s ., sj si ! Allied I'ackrr is.. a 97 T Am I. A T 4 imu mail imu 1 Am T A T Is, 121.10 104 14 Am T A T 4. 14. .11 11 0u 7 Anaeon i'od a .... 14 ins S Anacon Cop 7s. 2. .14 1oj ti - n m isi.,ii o 101. 14 Armour A Co. 7. .14 A4U 04 24 lleth Ste 7. 11:1.11 14 14 101 II Helh Mt 7s. 1131.142 102 Jl! 15 l is Nat Ry Is.... 91 tl 11 ,1 t-'olum tirapb I ..4 44 44 1 Con Gas Is 101 ioi 101 1 Con Tex I ...... l t II 4 Cop Ex Asn Is. IS. .101 oj 103 11 lr A Co. 7.101 101 101 1 Kmp t A F (s ..,.440 iou st 4 Gen Asphalt ll..,.10i, 104 101 1 Good Tir 7 I 104 14 unmj iruna S)t.ie Q jot Gulf Oil 7s 104 104 104 I ll.ml CO 7 104 104 104 17 Humbl OH 7s. ...1014. 101 141 24 Intarboro R T 7s.. 4 II 447 Intr R T Is. 1121. 4 91 3 Kss O A F.I 4S .. 93 11 3S 14 Julius Ksyser 7s .. S 14 12 Kennecott Cop 7s. 106 104 10S 1 King cty Ltd .. H I Hi a .100 100 100 " ria ss .100 100 10 . 7 97 97 .100 100 100 . SI SI SI . 2S 2 (2 .108 101 101 lit 11 II .101 101 101 ss ss 11 Iclede Gas 7s IIL M L 7s.. Liggett-Win 7 .. 4 Manitoba 7 .... 1 Nat Leather la .. NT NH A H 7 17 No Am Ed ts.... 10 Phil El ts 2 Philps Pet 7e. 11 16 P 8 C of N J 7. 1 Dk... i-1 - i- I faks Co 7s 1 99 9 99i 11 Ser Roe Ts, 22. .100 110 110 v nmi nu I, 1PM.1U1 1UU. 3001 1 So Bell Tel 7s. ...102 102 102 2.6 O N T 7s, 1921. .10 106 104 Stan Oil N T 7s. 14.107 107 107 1 Sun Oil N T 7s. 11.104 101 109 7 8 O N T 7s. 1124.107 107 107 11 Swift A Co 7s, 121.11 11 101 11 Swift A Co 7s. 11.101 02 102 20 Texas Co 7 141 101 101 i Tol Edisoa 7 ....104 10 104 24 Un Oil Prod la....loa 108 joi 27 Warn Sug 7s,' 1941. 99 II 28 West Eleo 7s ....141 107 101 1 Winchester 7s ..101 101 101 aih uiini i n W..1UU luu ioo 16 At U WI SS... 41 2 Con Cop 75 10 Fed Land bk 4s,10 17 Int Nor Ss 63 17 Int Rt 4s Wl 71 19 Int Rt 7s WI..... 14 1 Pro A Ref Is 103 SS V Car Chm 7s... 19 Foreign Bond. 17 Argentine 7s, 1121.100 100 20 Argentine Ss 8 B, 80 71 IS City Elberflde.Ss .. Hi su 10 City of Solssens Is. 85 2010 N T. N H Fr 7s.. 76 10 Russ 6s .ctfs.... 20 6 Swiss 6 102 SO U 8 Mexico 4s .... 48 S Can Steam 7s .... 96 71 U 8 Braxll 7s .. 97 42 76 100 61 71 st 103 71 20 102 47 6 16 63 71 100 3 71 94 103 11 100 10 85 74- 10 102 47 6 17 Chiracs Stock. Rsnge of prices of th leading Chicago stocks furnished by Logan A Bryan, 241 iiiNi jruai uuiiuing; American Radiator Armour A Co. pfd .'....'. Armour. Leather com Cudahy Continental Motor Earl Motor Llbby Montgomery-Ward Piggley Wiggly Stewart-Warner Swift A Co Swift Int Union Carbide Wahl Close. .102 . .. 16 .." 12 ......... 4 2 22 42 40 102 20 67 13 Boston Wool. , Bonton, Mass., May 19. The Commer cial Bulletin tomorrow will say: "The demand for wool In the eastern seaboard markets has been hardly so keen, perhaps, although prices are well maintained. In the country the new clip continues to move freely at prices which are slightly strongei1. The manufacturer are Inclined generally to resist the up ward swing ot prices, but are obliged to meet the market when they buy. At th mills there Is little change, either as re gards the strike situation or 'the volume of new business, except that ome im provement continues to be noted In worst ed gocds. The trade would be glad to see on early settlement of the tariff, but hardly hops for that eventuality." The Commercial Bulletin tomorrow will publish woll quotations as follows: Wisconsin, half blood, 38 040c: blood. 1739c; blool. 85i37c. Scoured Basis Texas, fine 12 months, 11.20; fine 8 mou'hs, f 1.0091.10. California Northern 11.2043)1.22; middle county, ll.0Sei.ll; southern, 86c90c. Oregon Kastern No. 1 staple, 11.20 1.25; fine and fine medium combing, 11.15 1.20; eastern clothing, 81.00 ffil 10- val ley No. 1, ll.0iOl.4l. ' ' . .T,err.t?r.3'"nIi',ne staple, choice, 11.28 1.28; half blood combing, 11.0601.16; S4 ?'0"1f2m.ln'' 0"c; blood comb- Pulled Delaine 11.1001.16; A A, 11.038 1.10; A-suptrs, 90ci.oo Mohairs Best combing, 6S 068c: best carding, 60 65c. Don' Trade Review. wM?s,ayy0rk' ay DudV tomorrow hi.'ir whlch u,ua,ly 'mi-k periods of business expansion now stand out mor cleaily. Recovery from .previous depres sion, proceeding slowly and irregularly ror many months, is steadily gathering momentum, and sentiment reflects the changed conditions. Different lines that had lagged while buyers waited are be ginning to display renewed activity as revival of demand develops and a re versal of the price trend haa been wit nessed. Without exception each week this month hss disclosed an excess of advances in Dun's comprehensive list of wholesale quotations, and premiums on prompt shipments of certain commodities demonstrate that some needs are becom ing urgent. Conspicuous among the favor able features is the decisive turn, for the better in the automobile Industry where sales and output have Increased sub stantially and building operations of magnitude have continued. With Improve ment also occurring in other leading branches ot business despite labor trou bles, th general outlook ts distinctly of brighter promise, although not without elements of uncertainty." Weekly bank clearings. 14.693,221 00. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga., May 1. Turpentine Quiet; 90c; ssles, none; receipts. 432 bar rels: shipments, 644 barrals; stock, 1,161 bsrrels. Rosin Firm; sales SI7 casks; receipts, 1.3.36 cssks; shipments, S82 casks; stock, S3. 516 cssks. Quote: B. I4.I64J4.40: T. !4. 4604.10; R, I46044.6; V. O. H. t4.754.0; I. 14.7504.85; K, i486; M. IS.04; N. IS.4O0 1.15; W, O, 14.05; W. W. 16.60 Crciditon Gives Flag Day Program Only 5 Prr Crot of Cim Know Contlltutiun, Spf-V fr Dcn-Ima. Ontv S tr cn of any iroup H mm nit If d at random In th pro vl'imj of tl rentiitution of tn United Sutfi." laid Attornty Char1fF. WrLauihlin in ipraVlm on Tractiral ratriotUm' kfore I large crowd of Mtidcnta and gurttl of Crrigliton univrrsity on the ocra tioii nf th annual tinlvr rity FI day crlfbratinn, htd on the collrn tan yftfrday aftrrnoon. in tan mat people art iri take the government a matter of course and not concern themtelvca aKrtui if it a ilanitrr tj the cnantry. aid Mr. MrLauglilin. S'e cannot wake progres." tie declared, "tinlett every individual concern iiiniwn wn me govern ment of thee Tniied State and ao regulate hi life a tt teenre the hest interetl of the nation, for we ...r. mirsetvea and are therefore. resnontibte for misgovernmcnt. "Fatriotum contirta in waitiniii- -i ..il.,l ri'i In the nc ana , , country rather than in tlag-raiing- and paroxvtm ot eninuiani, ti ... S. if.rn,:r1r C 1 nrrii. dent of the university, praised the cutom of obterviiia: i iag- aay ana ...........l l,i ennvirlinn that OCCa ion of thii kind did much to timu- tate people to aerve tncir counirv. Raymond J. Caffrev of the art col lege pointed out that the future of tl country orpenu cucnuany the live of individual citizen. J. T. Gannon read a poem. "To the Flag, eotnpoed for the occasion bv Mcrf. r. Kvrne ana J. rmnn, a t of-the art college of Crcighton uni -crity. . 'Man of Mystf ry Sends Copi , Map of AHf gf fJ Drug 'Joint "The man of mystery." ha begun work a a volunteer member of the citr anti-narcotic squad. Thirty-one alleged "dope joint were exposed by him in detailed rnnps received yesterday by Charles iin Derjsen, chief of detectives, through the mail. "Although he signs himself merely the man of mystery, I have reason to believe he i a reformed addict who is tryinjr to stamp out the traffic in drugs," Chief Van Deusen laid, "and his report will be thoroughly investigated," - Naval Recruiting Resumed Naval recruitingr opened yesterday throughout the country, according to Lieut. Frederick Powers, senior naval officer in Omaha. Nebraska's quota is unlimited, the naval officer said. Only apprentice seamen, 18 or older, will be taken. CbBifid tiwitexi Rates lie par llne( eount ( word to line) t day. Ho per lino per day, I eonsecutlv dsy. ISo per II n per dsy. 7 eonsecutlv day. 14o per Un per day. I consecutive days. No ad taken tor leas than a total or lie. The rates apply tthr to th Dally or Sunder Be. All advertlaemsnt appear In both morning and vsning dally paper tor th one oharg. CONTRACT RATES OK . APPLICATION, Want ad accepted at th following or. flees: MAIN OFFICE). ...17th attd Farnam Bts. South Bid 411 Boatb 14th St. Council Bluffs IS 8cott St. WANT ADS RECEIVED BY PHONE ATLANTIC 10. THE BEE will not b responsible for mor than on Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for more than an time. CLOSING HCVRS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition ....11:41 A. M. Morning Edition 1:00 P. M. Sunday Edition ...... '00 P. M. Saturday DEATH ft FUNERAL NOTICES. T1BKE Dorothea, beloved wife of Martin Tlbke, entered Into rest Friday morning, May It, at the ag of 74 years. Funeral servsces Monday, May 22, at 1 p. m., at tha home, Seventy-second and. Cuming streets, and at 3 p. m. at th Tmmanue! Luthern church of Benson, Sixtieth and Military avenue. Interment Prospect Hill .cemetery. Friends welcome. BUSSET Laura Iaabelle, Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Buasey, passed on at tbe home, 3!10 Mapl street, Thurs day, May 18, 122. Funeral ssrvice Friday, May It, 121, from the home at 1:30 p. m. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. For Information call Crosby-Moore, Webster 0047. KNECHT MRS. NANNIE, ag 47 years, Tuesday at hsr home, 4404 So. lth St. Funeral Saturday I P. m. from Brew er's chapel, 24th and K St., Dr. R. L. Wheeler officiating. Burial, Laurel Hill cemetery. DIMOND Mrs. T., sge IS years, motiisr of Mrs. Harney Rankin, 2104 Woolworth avenue.. ' Funeral from Cole-McKay Co. parlors, 2614 Farnam, Saturday at 3'30 p, m. Friends are welcome. . - HEAVRIN HENDERSON, ag 7S years, Wednesday at his home, 4401 So. 28th St. , Funeral Saturday. 10 a. m. from Brew er'a chapel, 14th and K St. Burial at Oraceland Park cemetery. DOTY Edward, ag 37 years. He is survived by two brothers, Walter and Frank. Funeral Sunday, morning from John A. Gentlemen's mortuary, at 13 a, m. Interment Olenwood, la. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. P. J. STACK & CO., Successor to . Stack Falconer OMAHA'S BEST.' arTow AM BULANCEI omJ! Thirty-third and Farnam. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertaker and Embalmsrs. Phone HA. 0208. Offlc 2411 Farnam. Hulse & Riepen, Funeral Director. 2224 Cuming. fiTjncnv if nnt iv we. 0047. VJAVVJUAJ A 'lUUWlViJ 24th Wirt. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. - . Births. N ; Alvin and Irene Bloom hospital, girl. James and Beatrice Krenbergh, tots South Twenty-eighth street, boy. Joseph and Benedictine Hoffman, 1011 South Thirty-second avenue, girl. Harry and Anna Hutter, E447 8euS Twenty-fourth street, girl. William snd Minnie Slutskln, 6413 Sout Twenty-fourth street, boy. Dwight and Ksthryn William, hospital, girl. Edward and Francis McDonald, hospital boy. George and Nina Ellis, (01 South For-, deth street, boy. Deaths. Mrs. Elizabeth M. Pilley, 7 years, 201 Valley street. Sarah Kaplan, t, 270J Caldwell strset. Nellie Clough, 41, 2625 Emmet etreet. - William Oliver George Butter, infant, hospital. James D, McDowell. 71. hospital. Jams C Bishop. 14. hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Reuben Brown, 26, founrtl Bluffs, and Annetta PIser, 21, Omaha. Paul W. Free. 24, Omaha, and Era C. H. Freee, II, Oakland. Neb.. James K. Shalnholts. 24. Omshs, and Clara B. Skalds. 24. Omshs. John W. Iron. 26. Omshs. and U5C Rlbnylcky. 2:'. Omaha. Waiter T I'hatman, 27, Onufe, Swetten, 21, Oraahv I I I I f rJ 3 1 i ; i