f 19. TJIK BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. MAY 1922. J 1 -"i r v X r Convict Labor Will Be Used on State Hisliwa State' Engineer Annouri Aprcfmmt to Employ Pr onrr in Effort to Keep . Costs Low at Passible Lincoln. May 18, (Fput Convicts will work on Ntbr n.i'U strain ihii ycr. I The tinoiinei,iirni wa mad-' 'v by Ornree E. Johnson, slit; cinerr. following; a rotilrre nee jlmrrnor MrKelvie. The exact n utr to lie pucfd on tne roj ret. yet. been determined. ."We Hill not know for cert4 btw many men we will call on Va t'rn Fenton to mpply until c leai how hieh the bids are on road work jonnon ml today. "It i certai wr II go tlie limit if the bid don ru'nride with rrivate bids, which ar Inwrr by a larpe per cent this ye th.ui they were at year. Fieure obtained uv Johnon fro Warden Fenton ihow that from I.' M 2tK) convicts can be thrown iwi rod work if it is necessary. 'Johnson, for a time demurrr iiRainut U5i'iik convict labor tin year because he had been led to b Jii-ve that the board of control i i li.ircc of the penitentiary would n lower the price per uav which i harmed Johnson's department M luiHICt. Warden Fenton iinincdiately juini eJ into the foreground declaring tin to deny convict road work and th dcuhle time on their sentences whic toad work insured, would do nine to break the morale of the convict. n:id make discipline difficult in h institution. .Conferences between the govcrno Johnson and the hoard of centre! have been held since that time, re suiting in agreement today to pu the men in road camps. ' Additional Time Given State Capitol Contractors Lincoln, May 18. (Special) George E. Johnson, state engineer, r.uuour.ccd that the date for opening bids for erection of the superstructure ot Nebraska's new $5,000,000 state house set for June 8 had been post poned until June 14. Johnson ex plained the delay was in order to give prospective contractors more time. Cement Bids Rejected. . .City council yesterday rejected bids received last Tuesday for sup plying the public improvements de partment two carloads of cement, l ow bids were $2.34 per barrel. City Commissioner Joseph Koutsky an nounced that he can go on the open nijirket and save at least 10 cents per barrel as against tlie low bids. home economics. Jght Rate Battle esuuied at Aurora Ifftric Company Announce All Deal Off With City. Aurora, Neb., May 18. (Special) Negotiations for a settlement of the ntroversy between the city of Atf ra and the 1'ublic Service company me to a sudden end when attor- (or the bght company served otice that all deals were off and at the rate battle would .be fought the binter end. The city secured action several louths tin enjoining the company om charging rates which had been anted temporarily during the war nod. i he injunction asked lor the turn to the regular ordinance rates. temporary restraining order was anted and immediately the com ny removed the case to federal urt, where it is now pending. At that time negotiations were gun looking towards a settlement i it was assumed that the settle nt had been reached. The city had reed practically to the offered pulation of the company. In the. autime the I ontmrntul ua fc pctrie company, which is the hold- : company tor the 1 unite bervice I other subsidiary lighting firms Nebraska and Iowa, offered for e $I,500,txW mortgage bonds and its offer as printed in one of the irago papers stated that the net ning of the company for the year ling February 28, 1922, were over ice the interest requirements on all its mortgage bonds outstanding, luding its issue of $1,500,000. n the ordinance of the city grant ; the franchise to the company, it provided that each year the net hiiugs over and above 10 per cent the capital stock actually paid in till be divided, half to the city and 'if to the company. In its petition je city asks for an accounting to (icrmine wnai me net earnings or c company have been during the 10 years, and it the lawsuit 'oceeds, it is probable that the city will seek to have the books nf the company thoroughly examined. Crete Loc $70,000 Hum! Issue Case for Drainage Peiirice. Nrh, May I. (Special Tf!egram.)-Judue L V. Colby of this city, sitting on the bench far Judge Brown at Wither, heard the drainage bond rase involving $70.00(1, brought by' 94 citizen of Crete against the city and Allied Con tractors to enjoin the issuance of bonds and the levy and collection ol taxes for their payment. The court perpetually enjoined the city, holding that neither the drain age district, the issuance of bond, levy or assessment could be created by resolution as was done by the city council. Dair) men Plan to Hold Picnic CoOperatie Creamery Ar range liig Meeting at Orleau With Prominent Speaker. Oilcans, Nrb., May !,-( Special.) Thousands are fperted to gather here from the surrounding country to take part in the second annual picnic of the Orleans fcquiiy Co-op erative creamery Saturday, Speaker of national repute In the agricultural field are to be present. Among those who will speak are President Oustafson of the I'nited AnVEBTISKMKNT. Why Gums Diced And How to Put Them i In Firm. Halthv j Condition . T.ums bleed becu the action ' ef terms andmouth acids cause them to often and become, tender. Kill 4he (term, and neutralize the acid and yon rive the gums a chance to become firm Bd healthy once more. That ia exactly what Lykolene doe, and that ia why yen can quickly get relief front mouth troubles by using It daily as -m mouth wash. - ;; Wonderful Antiseptic : for All Purposes " Use Lykolene wherever an antiseptic healing solution Is needed and see what an aid it is to healing. Apply it to cuts, sores and inflamed places! use as a gar gle for sore throat, as a douche and as a army. ' It acts at once and makes a real cleanliness possible. No need to w poisonous , compounds when Lykolene does the work better and is Safe. Sold by leading druggists. A Brand New Guaranteed Player Piano for $25 DOWN PRICE, $348.00 Complete with bench, scarf and $10 worth of Player Bolla of your own selection, the Player Piano you decide on will be tent to your home for $25 down. A price of $348 has been placed on these splendid $550 value instruments for this week onlyA ' If , You Live Outside of Omaha, Fill in This , , - coupon , p ------n , Name Address Please send me at once de- I These guaranteed Mayers are equipped with, automatic tracking device, automatic , sustaining pedal and trans posing device. They rome In all finishes to match your furniture. They are new and up-to-date. If yon want a rinyer, here Is a wonderful opportunity to get what yoa . tailed Information pertaining want at a bargain price. This t . !,., in in . ,L virZ 1 is the lowest price sale of jPlano. J "Wf F'ayer8 n e middle SdimoHerJllucllcrPicmoCc. 1514 I6-18 Dodje St. . Omalta the 1 It was the first railroad to cross the Mississippi making possible the earitj settlement of the west It will complete on October 0, 1922, a span of 70 qears, the allot ted age of man. v It has grown to a sostem of 8,122 miles. v Its facilities now extend to practically eoern commercial center in fourteen mid-western states, well named the "bread basket Of . the world." ' x It paid these fourteen states $8,042,730 in taxes during 192L It employed 40,388, persons during the near. It paid these employes $68,429,190. ; It disbursed to its pensioners $130,779 during the year. ' Its employes have a nation-wide reputation for courtesy, j It encfeapors to render eflicient seroice. It earnestly solicits your patronage. . tt is i"a "home" industry interwopen with euery local actioity. Its problems are your problems, and it needs your co-operation in solving them, Tour future prosperity is larqelq dependent' on. iKe main tenance and development of a successful transportation sustem. TM7 There's a Difference In Health Breads There's bound to be a difference when so vital a part of the grain as the Wheat Germ is baked into one loaf and left out of an other. For the Germ contains proteins, mineral salts and vitamins foods that are needed most by the digestive system. Burns' WHEAT TONE HEALTH BREAD does contain the Wheat Germ. The fact that we have installed a special flour null in our bakerv assures this to you. Here "vc mill the flour for WHEAT TONE fresh every day, seeing to it that ALL of the wheat is usecL By this special milling process WHEAT TONE is also made to contain all of the coarse, laxative bran. v . The Wheat Germ builds up and strength ens; the bran regulates. . . ' WHEAT TONE flour contains 100 of the WHEAT BERRY and WHEAT TONE Health Bread contains no added white flour. Thus the milling of our own flour assures you of the Germ and all of the Bran, making WHEAT TONE a different, better health bread. Get It at Your Grocer's The Jay Burns Baking Company Made Irv Tke Old Fashioned Way Hsif Cia'ii Uioisfis, tu. ; Mr Mtltou, president tt the Nalu.iul hquity iimtm; 1'iof. di, den? editor pf lVirf' l"il ublitatkn; (irerge WaUUrr, Ut rt.rcnni4iv (mm tlii. di.nut. aii4 il. . lUkrr, (trsidrnt ef the rr4iurrf. Motion iiitufr t4tiiriti various li4.ft uf the d4iry bumr. will lc sliawn durina the ndriuuuii aud rvt- pln), , r'i'iciii4ti p( ite tgfiiu!ir Jrj'rtmnt Im) will If ltel, The tieMi jimiur l44 aM iht lrtun4 l4 will tuMii.li iiHisi.' ur tli (Hfa.um. Hi Uil'ii limit kli(vl t.4.ti! trm will fUy iiie Osfr4 II t;lt school nine on the la rl li4iiiiii4. Uuutlcflgrr I Fiitel KiiiiUH. StK M4y Itf-peiUt Trlrsif 4H ) lirillf Foillillg tUrfltt rtui4 ISrkstruni tunportinc ) jiu.r, w aifiw4 i4 pl4e4 fcuilty cl Hsrsiaii si4 linsMMiiiiit ln)iKr n4 wi fni'4 iW on cnh i'HIIlt, ' e Smashing! Rock -Bottom Reliable Used Car Sale! ONLY 2 DAYS MORE K JORDANS FORDS NASHS BUICKS DODGES CADILLACS OLDSMOBILES HAYNES MARMONS HUPMOBILES STEARNS ' Terms If You Wish 'SSSSSSWJ t Ride Free on the Saving in Depreciation Our Reputation Is Your Protection Seen year of faithful serv ice it a guarantee of this. German Coupon Bonds at par value given free with each and every car sold during this sale. OPEN EVENINGS ' Let Bonds Pay as You Ride HAYWARD -PETERSON, Inc. Farnam at 28th HArney 0345 n i f m aMvKHMHaeaaaiHi Because of our immense facilities, , and through recent innovations,- we are enabled ; to announce . , A Sensational Price Cut We are now Cleaning and Press- 1 CA ing Men's 2 or 3-Piece Suits for eUV All cleaning done by our most wonderful, process of continuous clarification. TELEPHONES: Omaha, AT lantic 0345, South Side, MA rket 0500 DRESHER BROS.-Cleaners DYERS-HATTERS-FURRIERS-TAILORS-RUG CLEANERS COLD STORAGE FOR FURS Main Office and Plant. 2211-13-15-17 Farnam St., Omaha Branch Offices: Dresher, the Tailor, 1515 Farnam St., 4625 South 24th Street; Brandeis Stores; Burgess-Nash Co. We Pay Return Charges on All Out-of-Town Shipments. mmmm mmm sjsmsw snswst tm sm t sMsMse flay Dra g'Sa il le FRIDA Y AND SA TURD AY 16th and Dodge 16th and Harney 19th and Farnam 24th and Farnam 49th and Dodg CANDY 60c Caramels, chocolate covered, fresh and soft, pound '. . "' $1.00 Italian Chocolate Creams, rich, heavy coating, CQ delicious center, lb. . . PROTECT YOUR WINTER CLOTHING 1 Wayne Wardrobes Are mothproof bags made of heavy cedarized jute paper. Strong and lasting. Sizes to fit any garment. Get yours now whil3. our stock is still complete- . , 75 to $2.00 . ! 2 for 25c Hospital Toilet Tissue, 9 ioll, 81.00 do., $8.00 , , case 100 rolls. 35c Shoe Shining Outfits with ; Dauber and" Wool Polisher for 24 60c Kotex Sanitary Napkins" for ...... 49 25c Elkay's or Colorite Straw " Hat Dye 19k Specials for Shavers $1.00 Genuine Gillette Razor complete with blades. . . .74$ $3.00 Gem or Ever-Ready Razors, complete 74J 50c Gem Blades . .'. . .37tf 40c Ever-Ready Blades... 32 50c Durham Duplex Blades, 37 $1.00 Auto-Strop Razor ..79j 40c Rubberset Shaving Brush for 29 $5.00 Twinplex Stropper for stropping Gillette blades, only $3.98. Toilet Articles $1.50 Gouraud's Oriental Cream $1.19 35c Pond's Vanishing Cream for : 2 U 25c Violet IJulce Shampoo Crystals 19t 25c Mavis Ta4cum 19c 60c Arbutus Complexion Cream for 44 60c Sempre Jovenay ..." .44 $1.50 Bouquet Ramce Toilet Water 98 25c Djer Kiss Talcum 17 50c Victor s Benzoin and Almond Lotion 33 60c Harmony Cocoa Butter Cold Cream .44 50c Daggett & Ramsdcu s Cold Cream , . .39 50c Nadine Face Powder. .39 $1.00 Abonita Lilac Vegetate ' for 69 25c Pink Velour Powder Puff for 12 50c Non Spi .39 65c LaJeune Face Powder, 34 50c Mavis Brilliantine .. ..41 J.bc Qui Sait Talcum 19 $1.00 Krank's Lemon Cream for 79 35c Frostilla 24 50c Hind's Honey and Almond Cream .....39 $1.15 Coty's L'Origan, Chypre or Jasmin Face Powder. .. ,82 60c Odorono ...... s ... , -44 Murray & Lanman Florida Water 24 and 79 60c Sherman's Lavender Sham poo Cream . ..44 Bring us your Listerine Tooth r Paste coupons. Listerine Tooth Paste, large size 25 Drug and Household Remedies $1.00 Squibb's Petrolatum, 79 50cLysol 39 75c Pure Test Rubbing Alcohol for i.; 54k 50c Pepsodent 33 $1.00 Pyros 84 60c Doan's Kidney Pills. : . .44 $1.20 Milk's Emulsion. .. .94 50c Milk of Magnesia 37 $1.90 S. S. S. $1.49 25c Carter's Pills 14 $1.00 Grant's Vita Vim 79j buc uaiaweirs byrup Pepsin for 44, 40c Castoria .24 30c Rexall Shaving Cream . . 19 Herpicide 39 (J9 $1.10 Tanlac T. -S4 CIGARS All 2 for 25c brands Friday and . Saturday 10 straight. T Cigarettes, Camels, , Chesterfields, Lucky Strikes, Spurs,. Black and Whites and Piedmonts, QJ? 2 packages for...... eSOC Buy as many as you wish. Stationery GREAT VALUES $1.00 box "Kate Ann" Stationery containing four different tints with envelopes to match, linen finislwor $1.00 Symphony Lawn Linen, packed in. four tints. These are truly won derful values. Friday CQ0 and Saturday OeUC SOAP SALE 10c Lemon Soap, 4 for . . . .25 10c Coco-Mechanic Soap, 4 for 25 10c Jergen's Violet Glycerine . Soap 7 cake 10c Creme Oil Soap. . .7 fake 10c Armour's Witchhazel or But ' termilk Soap, 3 for. , . . .25 12c Physicians' and Surgeons' Soap for .9 10c Palmolive Co.'s Lucerne Bath Tablets,. 9, 3 for 25 15c Lux for . 9 14c Sayman's Soap ......11 15c Pear's Unscented Soap. ll 25c Vivaudou's, Santal, Mavis, Muguet or-Wistaria Soap 19 $1.20 Scott's Emulsion. ..1 89 5-yd. pkg. Steril-2 Gauze.. 49. 60c Pape's Diapepsin ....44 35c Freezone . ......... . .23 35c Sloan's Liniment .....24 50c Mentholatum ........ 37 $ 1.00 Listerine . . . 79 60c Syrup of Figs . . . . . . . .44 40c Begy's Mustarine ....44 25c Rexall Foot Powder . .19 50c Mulsified Cocoanut Oil for- 39 35c Boraseptoline or O A Luxite Tooth Brush.. 6iTU 50c Palmolive Shampoo. . . .39 50c 5-grain Lithia Tabs 39 50c Lavoris .39 $1.00 Rexall Peruvian Bark Tonic, springtime tonic . . 79 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste... 34 50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste. 34 60c Forhan's Tooth Paste. .49 Borden's Eagle Brand Condensed Milk 19 Sherman & McConhell Drug Co. OMAHA, NEB. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. ELASTIC STOCKINGS, TRUSSES, ETC. I