IE Btti: OMAHA. THLltSDAV. MAV 1?. Missouri River" Appropriation Plan of Jcfferis iNflira-V OoiizrrKMiun Will Have MUouri Rfprfonita live Introduce Anion! nir nt for Improvement. By GEORGE F. AUTIUER. . WioltiiiRion. May 17. (Special -Tftrgum.) When lite lioue con -sidm the fivrtt and luibon bill to morrow, Rfpr,fnfliv New Inn of Mioiiri, aiiinK or K'prr senutive Jffleri of Nebrah. will ohr an stmendmrnt prf.poi.inir an-amhnrin-linn for survey ol the Mionri .nvrr frmii k4iiu City to hioux Huy. with llie view of Utrr con-i-irurlinu a sU-fnot channel brtwrrti )hfe two point. lnvrolisaiioni made by Mr. Jcuri dfvrlnn the Jut that up to 1.W8 S.VtO.miii had J'cn appropriated for the Missouri nd since then not a crnt lu been aoted to the purpokf. In the event Hut the Newton amendment fails in ihe house, Representative Jetferi s made arrangements to have it offered in the senate. ! The object ol thin activity is to liave the Missouri river onre more eturned to the appropriation column. Jiovernment engineers 'and other ex jwrl believe that a six-foot chan nel ran ie made between these two i".int. ottering cheaper transporta tion for farm product. The proposed amendment ha the support of the Tiver and harbor congress and the Missinipi Valley association. It is pointed out that a recent shipment !i gf' ifom m, Louii to New Of. ie4iii ff.etuiy svl tut hj-ppf 7,S0 on rtipoft4tKn rfuigr. 'the itieitou o eiiion will iiot lt in volt fd in any appiApruno fof deepening the i tunnel. tins being iii4tier tor the ild control commit' Ire, However, a mrvey by aims' If iitrer would Ule ini. iotid?r Hon the ((tiestion of soiiUming the river within n i tunnel, l.ovrniur Hyde of Missouri is on rnord a luting approved the experiment that have been nude by Wood flroth er of Lincoln to protect the liver ai its dungTon turning points. Motor Car Ownrri to Form Protective Asocial ion Chiras". May 17 Representa tive o( 34.1 automobile club and over .MO.iXM motorist from various slates met here, today to organue a national aHiation to protft the inteiest ( motor car owners throughout the country. According: to plan diawn up to day, the orgamiation evpet to rheik recklen driving, rteate uni form driving regulations, effect uni formity of automobile legislation, ob tain more just taxation, relieve con gestion in the larger cities and spon sor other movement in which motor ist are interested. A committee consisting of repte seniative from New York, Illinois, Iowa. Colorado and California, was named to effect a permanent organi z at ion. Son of State Sheriff Will Move to Utah. With Bride Lincoln, May 17. (Special) Hud Ilyers, son of Slate Sheriff lius I Iy er, who staged a sensational mar riage at Council Bluffs three, weeks ago, will leave tomorrow with hi bride for Ogden. Utah, where young Hyer will work for the lacilic Fruit Expres company. Youths Confer Attempt to Uoli Ariou (la.) Bank Ut Hieriff Iu Hyrra Ar reoli Second Band of Burg; ' Ur Within Year for One Iowa County. Lincoln. May 17, (Special Tele gram T. J. Collin and Hoy Scott, youth arrested in Lincoln by State Mierilf this Ilyers, made complete conleioii t the attempted robbery Sunday night of the Arion (U) bank. livers announced. II. U. Yackey, Iowa state s'nt. arrived iu Lincoln and wilt tale the toy to I)rnion t6 stand trial. "This is the second bunch of bank robber I hers has picked up fr ut within 4 e4r,w Yaikey said. "Ibree men caught on the streets in the same way by liver last (all, be cause be didn't like their looks, aie serving 2'1 year iu the state peni tentiary for robbing the Greenville via ) bank." , The boy admitted that the car they bad in their possession was stolen at Cleveland, O. two weeks ago and the two of them, accom panied by a man named John Wil liams, started for the west to "clean up some, easy money." They ad mitted they spent Sunday at Deni son, where they were seen by K. II. Flahive, night watchman, who iden tified their car. Williams, the third man iu the party, stepped into a drug store to buy chewing gum just before Ilyers arrested them, the youths asserted. Officers are looking for Williams. In their car officers found (ledge hammer. JiilU and six matter and lhiu4iiiJ of vifmu looking tacks, whuli the hot admitted they uUiuieJ lo throw in s lie tftad to puiKture tire of their pursuer. We got arcd out at Aikmi and didn't btiuli the job, Collin said. Yackey stated that attempted bank rubbery in lots a railed for a IS-vear sememe, II said the handle of the bank vault mi pounded oil, Indianapolis polue have wiiej kiug for descriptiojjof the gun and buiglar tools, saving that six re volver and toot lilting description AI lIlAk tVlllftil ill til hamlift i l, Lit. bed itli descriptions of revolver ami tvu stolen at jntlianapoiu a urtk ag. All three o( the souths live at l leveland. Itaiit at Heatriie fleatii.e, Neb., May I7.(5pecial) Shower (ell in this section of the state this afternoon. There was not enough moisture, however, to help crops. Qnicldy Conquers ' Constipation Don't let email pabon poiaoo your blood tail your e rmaad I irk prop rly takt and curtail your energy. UrourUreraad bowela don worn UTTJ I riiTfivt Utile Llvrf rilla today jA and vour 1 troublo will cease. For cfhtWoa. lack of aixsttitti hcadacTtt and blotchf tUa oothlci can equal mem. mrtryt PIU SoailPia-SssuUl Dom fegetable. -Itaall fi rrioa EVERYBQDYS STORE Thursday A Most , Sensational Sale of Blouses 2,000 of Them $00 y There are so many of these pretty blouses, and they -are made in so many different styles, that we cannot hope to give you more than the barest idea about them. You just must see them to appre ciate their value. The popular ohecked gingham collar is made in both Peter Pan and "V" neck styles; all-white blouses are frilled and daintily , trimmed with lace. Sizes 6 to 16 36 to 46 46 to 54. Thursday 2,000 of them at, each, $1.00. BurftM-Naah Blow Shop Third Floor Our Greatest Purchase and Sale of Women's Sailor Mats 1 95 Narrow, medium v and wide " brimmed models. Scores of Summer Styles An offer that enables you to purchase . a fashionable sailor hat in time for ! Decoration Day at only $1.95. All are ' fine straws that readily sell at much V higher prices; many of them have crowns that are banded with Georgette Crepe and brims that are edged with ' Crepe. v High-grade hats made with double brim. White Black and White Black and Brilliant Sport Color 8. Clearance Sale of Trimmed Hats $00 $TJ00 $4 00 Dozens of new styles in higher-priced milli nery that have been reduced to less than half. There are bright and subdued colorings in styles for every occasion. A delightful selection. y A number of these hats are included in the $2.00 group. Burfeu-Nwh Hat Shop Third Floor Join AKAMEN Mow Bkess- Nasi, mm EVERYBODYS STORE Thursday Another Great Offering 1,000 Mina Taylor Summer Dresses Materials: Checks, plaids and stripes in crisp tissue gingham. $495 Sizes 16, 18, 20, 36, 38, 40, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52. In this wonderful group are lovely summer styles made of tissue ging ham in checks, plaids, and stripes combined with 6heer organdie. Thousands of Other Mina Taylor Dresses 'IN THREE GREAT GROUPS $4 95 $995 $295 No C. O. D.'a No Phone" Orders No Refund No Mail Order Burgi-Nh Mioa Taylor Shop Second Floor Sodas-Now 5c During the summer months our cafeteria will serve sodas at Be. All flavors. BurgtM-Nuh DowaaUira Store r OOO' Wash Fabrics of Irresist ible Charm 32-Inch Gingham An excellent quality in 32 inch width; bright clear colors that you just know will launder well. A splendid gingham at . Yard, 39c Colored Tissues Probably a hundred patterns for your choosing. Demure checks, block plaids and the multi-colored plaids and stripes. Yard, 75c Peter Pan Gingham . t Known for its quality as well as for its choice patterns and fast colorings. An unusual se lection. Priced at Yard, 75c - White Lace Voile A sheer lacy fabric with em broidered designs suggests cool looking frocks and blouses; 36 inch width. . , 1 Yard, 59c . White Nainsook 36-inch nainsook in the sheer quality that is so popular for lingerie and children's dresses. Moderately priced at Yard, 39c . 5-Yard Dress Lengths 5-yard dress pattern lengths in the darker shades that are so serviceable. A choice of the season's newest designs. Five yards, $1.95 Burfen-Nh Second Floor Oceans of Notions In a Sale Bus tor Browa Hos Supporters, black and white. Priced, a pair, at only 35 Kleincrt'a Jiffy Pants, white, yellow and pink. For all ages. Priced, a pair, 39? Dr. Parker and Hickory Skeleton Waist for summer wear. Ages 2 to 14. Each, 49t 'Salco" Sanitary Napkins. ' Large size soft napkins. Priced, a dozen, at only 39 Sanitary Napkins. Large size soft Box of 1 dozen napkins, 45 "Kotex' napkins. Washable Sanitary Aprons. Large size. Made of soft white rubber. Price, ea., 39 "Kleinert's" Brassieres. . Made with shields attached. - Firni knit. ; Sizes 32-44. 81.25 "Silkene'' and "O. N. T." Crochet Cotton, in all numbers and colors. Price, ball, 7 Sat "San-Silk" Crochet Cotton, in 100-yarJ spools. All colors. Priced, a spool, at 5t? "Silkene" Pearl Cotton. Large ball?. In all colors. Priced, a ball, at only 7HJ Pearl Buttons. A very good grade button in various sizes. Card of 1 dozen, 10 . Bachelor Buttons. The ever-ready button that requires no sewing. Priced, box, 10 Bone Washable Underwear Buttons. Espe cially for children's Waists. 3 dozen, 252 "Baby Midget" Garters, to pin on diapers. Rust-proof pins and clasps. Pair, 15t "Sewon" Corset Garters. Strong garters to replace wornout ones, pink-white, two .pairs, ( 25 "Riu" Hair Nets in cap and fringe styles. Durable strong mesh. Doz., 75c; 3 for 25? "Carmen" Hair Nets, made with knotted ends to insure longer 'wearing service. All colors. Four for 25 "Carmen" Hair Nets, made cap shape and with elastic edge. In all colors. Priced, four for , 25d "Bonnie B" Human Hair Nets, packed 6 to a box, cap and fringe, all colors. Box, 50J Cap Nets of a very good quality mesh, are priced as extremly low as, dozen, 39 Bur(ess-Nash Notion Shop Mala Floer IS Thai STL Phonograph Shop Is every day increasing " its number of pa trons is evidence that it is truly a place "Where Those Who Know, V . Prefer to Go" It is the home of , "The Cheney" Tne Aristocrat of Phonographs And here, too, are housed Victor Victrolas and Victor records. . Those who already own phonographs will be glad to know that we feature the "Everplay,'' a permanent needle which does away with the an noyance of putting in a new needle with each record. May be used with any phonograph. Burgosa-Nash Fifth Floor OOO J New Jewelry ; . . Earrings Since the vogue for earrings has taken the feminine world by storm and even bobbed ; heads have succumbed women will Te delighted to find 4nex- -pensive sets to match their various cosiumes. Priced at 50c, 75c, $1.00, 91.50, $2.50. . Hand carved jet,, jade, and coral earrings at $5.75, $6.50, $7.50. Girdles A girdle that is attractive will add an effective note of distinction to any frock. We' are showing Egyptian and Chinese motifs in jade, jet, red, and green, at $1.00 and $1.50. Plain girdles, 29c, 39c, 55c and 69c Burtoss-Nash Main Floosr A Special Lot of Men's Fine Pajamas . $165 Summer weight pajamas in the famous Universal make, at a price that invites comparison. They are made in a great variety of fancy striped patterns and plain colors, and are the kind that men will choose in quantities upon inspection. Some are trimmed in silk frogs. Burgou-Naah Men's Shop Main Floor .J nncjaMSfsaii 9 7 2,500 Yards of New Dress Gingham Yard 16C Another economy offering of seasonable mer chandise that is sure to be appreciated. A de pendable quality of gingham, that has been selling for much more, has been reduced for this sale. A wide choice of pretty plaids in practically every color. Limit of 10 yards to a customer. No C. O. D.'a No Telephone Orders No Refunds No Mail Orders BurMS-Nash Red Arrow Booth Downstair Storo