10 THE OMAHA. THURSDAY. MAY 18, 1922. Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Live Stock baa., iltr If. Ho'tiui. ware,- I'. til. leg. SkeeB. SXfi.ial Uua.le,,.,,, I li 4I$ till iffnial 'Ivatdey IM 4 41 $414 ..tiui hunmiMm ' 1 a.ee d ihi. I 1.14 IJIU Urn. 4.x a, 14 IIS 49.1 M ill 4eiuee I . I 14.4 14.111 ei.e aa,a S II 51 1 I..M4 41. 44 taw g ).4f l.tt S..III 14.141 rt..i.i. Sad dLpuaman af llvcsta at 1h. llln .liu-biaid.. Omaha, for ft brni'i vaiiina .1 4 p. in.. Star II, lllll H4.tt.IPT CAKUjTS. t lll. liog. ibee. . St '. r. fly VaM.h It It, Ma. r.r. It p. I nin I'c'Hiv IU ft... .1.. i'. N. . mi .', N. w., '. j N. W . Ml, P.. M U fly.... ',, H, y. It., c H. g It'.. .... '.. II. I r . ' HI P.. HI , Jtllaule t ...lr. fly u. w. iu. Total reielfite i DlhPIIOITIUN HKAP, 4 11 t I I t 4 14 : 14 I 14 44 . .. t 4 II .. 14 4 I 13 11 4 4 4' .. I .. f 1 I m in it Omaha Grain ' Chicago Grain Cam. Hogs. Sheep. Aimour 'e. 1,041 J,U 1.411 ludahy l-.-ling Co... 1.144 1,747 l.li'S Jiold Perking i'o. v.... Ha 414 .... Mi-rna I't.kiag Ca. .. 11 t '4 1.141 M.in , i.tii mi i.oi J. W. Murphy ....... .... I. HI .... Maart lo. Ill .... ). liu ola I'.. king '... 41 Wilson I'.rkinc Ca. .. J7 .... .... lliagin Peking Co... II .... .... Hoffman Htoe. .... 14 .... .... 1ay.rowrh Vail .. 11 Midwest Packing Co.. 11 .... .... . 1 1' In. , .... maha Parking Co ,. II .... .... John Rmh bom .. . II .... . .... fo. Omaha Pai-h. Ca. 14 Ji.nion A Van Bant ., I .... .... J. II. Bulla 44 Jt. M. llurruaa A Co .. IT .... .... liennia it Kramia .... It .John H.rvey $Jf .... .... T. J. Imhr.ro I Y. P. Lewla It iln.-K.n. O. C. Co. tl elmll.y 4 .... .... J. B. Root I 'o. .... 141 .... .... Ro.en.Iork Hroa ...... 104 Pulllvan Urn. II W. B. Van Kant at Co. 1J Verlh.lmer Pegea . other buyer. 141 .... l.i!l Mnrrl for K. C. 80 1'udahy of Bloux City .... 717 .... Total 1.131 10.114 7.JCI rattle Receipt. 4,106 head. With tha ti.ip of con.lderable lighter r.c.lpi. Iha fat rati I bra.ad up today and while Iha movement of ateera w.i rathar alow price, w.ra fully el.ady and on umt of tha dr.lrable klnda atronger. Light year lieg. brouaht a top of 11.40. Cow. and h.Ker were about aleady with yeeterday' low clo.., price being w.ak to lis low.r th.n aarly yestsrday. No atockara and feeder of any con.equenre w.ra her. and tha niark.t waa nominally atcady at tha terent decline. Quotation on cattle: Cholca to prima reeve.. It 1601 64: good to eholeo bear... IT.76C.H: f.ir to good baavr., 17.160 7.74: common to fair bavaa, tl.4S447.24; rholra to prima ycarllata. 18.4401.71; ood to cholra yaarllnir. I7.l5.t6: f.lr to food yearllnaa, t7.257.75; common to fair .arlln. 14.75417.25! choirs to prima h.lf.r. n one 11.611; good to cholca heIN . ara. IT.50iff.(ii). f.lr to good half.ra. I4.7SW7.60: rholca to prima cow., .J6 04.76; fair to good cow.. t5.6O04 15: common to fair cowo, 11.6005.00; good to cholca feeder.. 17.5001.00; f.lr to good feeder.. 14.4507.40; common to fair fed ra. t4.S6fjl.75; gayd to cholca atockara. J7. (501.25; fair to good atockara, t7.260 T.75; common fo fair atockcra, 14.500 7.35: atoek helfara, 14.5004.00; atoclt cowa, 11. 6006.26: atork calve.. 16.000 J.2I: v.al c.lvaa. 14.60 011.00; .lock bunt, t.0 07.04; bulla, ataga, etc.. (4.250 BKTCF STKERS," K. Ar. Vr. No. Ar. Pr. Ill 14 75 .10 I6fi 7 II S 455 7 M 31. .... .inn , 7 65 J4 765 , T 40 32......1B5H 7 45 ' 1145 4 40 4 Ill II) 1 1644 !t 14 S4I I 35 11 1140 I 40 10 1015 I 60 1 411 8 10 STEERS AND HEITERS. 5 7S3 7 40 7 , 744 1 II 10 119 I Si COWS. 140J 4 15 4 47 -4 60 4 1334 I 51 l:7 I 10 ' . ' HEIFERS. 45 4 7r. 34 101 7 40 ., , 7. .... . 174 7 50 BULLS. 1 1040 4 80 1 440 I 00 . 1 1620 I IT, X 640 7 go CALVES. 3" 50 3 211 14 00 4 231 10 23 Hog. Receipt.. 1.300 head. Trading waa fairly actlva today with good demand from ahlppera. . Opening .ale. ruled fully ateady with atrength gained later and the lata aeaalon ruling strong to In pota 501Oo higher. Light hog. .old at 110.25010.30 with a top price of 110.10. Mixed loada and butcher welghta, 110.000 10.30, and packing gradea, 14.10010.00 with extreme heavlea 14.0001.21. Bulk - of aalea waa 110.06010.30. ... HOU.' ' No. At. Sh. Pr. No. Ar. Sh. . Pr. 30. .305 70 10 00 61..J03 140 f 10 06 71. .260 ... 10 10 64. .234 ... 10 15 4I4..210 70 10 20 68. .257 ... 10 25 82. ,221 ... 10 30 22, .219 ... 10 35 40.. 475 ... 20 74.. 248 ... I 85 Sheep and Lmb Receipts, 1,000 head. Trading today waa fairly actlva at pricea ruling ateady to 26c lower. The heavy run of California apring lambs enabled kuyare to force a lower bsla with tha best juallty selling at 114.60 with aalea mostly from I14.26O14.I0 cAp lambs were in l'ht,upply- ttw l0l",s offered sell ing fully ateady, 80-pound lamb, making . top price for the day of US.50. Sheep v ware alow and mostly 25o lower with on- : ly few amall lota offered. Quotatlona on sheep and lambs: Fat , lambs, good to choice, 112.00012.10; fat ri!' StlM-SS' H '612.00: apring l.?"' f12.5O014.6O; cull lamb., 110.000 12.00; fat yearlings, 110.00 011.00; fat W.'.t;r"' T 0O 0: fat ewea. light. 16.00 7.00j lat ewea. heavy. 16.0004,00. " . ChkuMrs UTeatork. ' Chicago, Mey 17. Cattle Receipts, 11, , O00 head: active: beef steers and ahe , Mock ateady to strong; spota higher on batter grade beef steers; top. It. 26 Paid for prima bullocks averaging 1,176 pounds; heavy beef ateera, 14,00, weight 3.444 pounds; . bulk beef ateera. 17.710 I II; bulls, steady to strong; veal calvea, v ateady to 6O0 lower; Blockers and feedera, : rlul; fat she stock, 15.8607.15: bulk bo logna bulls, around 14.86; lightweights to Ttm IV H a. .A AA A-,l.r Hogs Receipts, 16.000 head; market ; ge; closed firm; top. til. 00; bulk, 110.45 410.16; ahlppera took about 2,000 head; ' holdover moderate.; pigs, weak an 25c low- Sheep Receipts, 18.000 head; mostly . 25c lower; oome aalea 50c lower; one load ; shorn lambs, 113.00 to city butcher; bulk, $11.71012.50; best California spring lambs, 116.00: others St5.75014.IO; feeder ends, ateady to 10c higher at til. 159 13.46; fed Texas wethers. 50c lower at 47.75; top ewes. 17.25; heavies, down to : Kaaeaa City Live Stock. -. " Kansas City. May 17. (U. 8. Bureau of Markets. ) Cattle Receipts, 7.S06 head: : calvea. bulla and canners, steady: best vealers. 14.0004.60; few head, 110.00; can ners, 13.2501.54: bulls. 14.10 0 5.50: all v other killing classes, dull and weak to 26e lower: mostly. 16c to 26c lower: early . top yearlings,' 18.35; few cows. .8.260 7.35; bulk, plain to good kind. 14.7608.00. . - Hogs Receipts. 12.000 head: 210 to 250- . pound hogs to shippers early. (16.400 10.64: about ateady; bulk, 171 to 250 pounder, to packer, later, 116.46016.65; mixed loads. $10.00010.26; top, 110.40; bulk. 116.00016.50; stock piga, ateady; best. 116.76: natives. 116.10010.70. Sheep and Lambs Recelpta. 5,000 head; aheep and clipped lambs, 25o to 60c lower: most shorn Texaa wethers, 16.40; few 2-year olda, 14.00; clipped lambs, lll.3501S.64: springera. ateady; Arizona, 114.10; natives. $14.25. Omaha, May 17, Grain marked todajrvwrrt quiet, but ueatJjr. Liverpool ' fenorn a aomttihat better demand lor cah wheat, although their future market did not iully ' retpond to our iirentth of yoterday. Keporti of the condition of winter wheat con tinue favorable except that tome parts of the belt need rain. The condition of apring wheat, while somewhat late, ii excellent. The Briti'h Famine Kelicf com minion in Ruitia estimates JJ per cent of the prewar cereal area was town lait autumn. Spring seed ar rived too late owing to the late thaw and could not he moved in, and says the best can be hoped for, with very best harvcit conditions, will be half or less of the country's requirements Receipts of wheat at Omaha. 69 cars: corn. 58 can: oats. 21 cars. Shipments were 66 cars of wheat. Hi cars of corn, 27 cars of oats and ii cars of rye. t - Caih wheat in the local market was in good demand and samples changed hands at unchanged to lc lower. Lorn soi; y,c to f4c lower, Rye was Quoted unchanged and har. ley unchanged. Quality considered. WHEAL Sampla dark hard: t l car (smutty). ..... No. 1 hard winter: I rara It tl No. I hard winter: I car III per e.nl o.raj. si. a. : I cars, II.34H; n care. $1.34; l-l car. 11.31. a No. I hard winter; I car, II 14, e.ml dark; 7 rara. SI. SI: 1 car, SI. 34; 1 car v. par cant neat damaged), 11.31; 1 car, (.64 per cant heat damaged), 11.34. No. 4 hard winter: l car. 11.35: 1 car, (.61 per e.nl heat damaged), 11.34: 1 car (3.S per cent rye), SI. II. No. I hard winter: 3-1 car, $1.33; 1-1 ear. l.26. Sample hard winter: 1 car, $1.87. No. t yellow hard: 1 car. 11.34. No. s yellow bard: 1 car. $1.31; 4 4-1 cars. $1.31. No. I yellow hard: 1 car. $1.82. Hample yellow hard: 1 car (3.1 per renr neat aamagea, is per cent damaged), 11.04. No. $ spring: 1 car (northern smutty). Sample spring: 8-t car (northern amut. ty, $1.21; 1 car (dark northern), $1.21. CORN. No. 1 while: 1 car. li'ic; S cara, I5. No, I white: 1! cara. 66c: 2-1 car. I.e. No. 1 yellow: $ cars, itic; 2 cara, 65 Sc. No. t yellow: 1 car (special billing), S6Vc; I cara, liKc; I cars. 66 4 o. No. 1 mixed: 1 car. 14 , r. No. J mixed: 7 cara. 61 "4c. OATS. No. S white: 1 car. lie. No. I white: 1 cara, !7,c; 4 cara, S7c. No. 4 white: 1 car. 3I4.C. 1 car nat. oats: CIS per cent other grain, apeclal billing). 36 He RTE. ' No. 1: l-l 'car. 11.00. BARLET. No. 4: 1 car. 66c. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHITMENTS. (Carlots.) Weeit Tear Receipts Today. ' Ago. Ago. Wheat 44 40 43 Corn .61 37 5 Oats 21 17 6 Rye 5 4 Barley 11 1 Shipments Wheat 14 44 78 Corn 113 44 26 Oata 27 14 IS Rye 25 48 Barley 6 2 PR1MART RECKIPT8 AND SHIPMENTS. (Bushel.) Receipts Today. Wk. Aeo. Tr. Ago. Wheat 1,242,000 1, 143,000 708.000 Cirn I 763,000 1,163,000 354,000 Oata 470.000 640,000 455,000 Shipments Wheat 782,000 1,044,000 480.000 Corn 1,621.000 742,000 441.000 Oata 1.344,000 1,184.000 . 417,600 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Bushels Today. Year Ago. Wheat and flour........ 216.000 681,000 Corn 116,000 18,000 Oata .. 70.0.10 CHICAGO RECEIPTS. Week Tear Carlots Today. Ago. Ago. Wheat 256 423 13 Corn 173 293 36 Oata ..... 70 144 21 KANSAS CITY RECEIPTS. Week Tear ' Carlots Today. Ago. Ago. Wheat ...117 -76 . 127 Corn 34 -38 5 Oata 6 6 10 ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. J Week Tear Carlots Today.. Ago. Ago. Wheat 37 44 76 Ccrn 4.1 101 "28 Oata . 34 12 28 NORTHE3TERN WHEAT KECEIPTS. Week Tear Carlots Today. ; Ago. Ago. Minneapolis 266 164 228 Duluth 105 111 84 Winnipeg 266 245 32 CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Updike Grain Co. DO. 2827. May 17. Art. Open. High. Low. Cloee. Tea. Wht. ) May l.lSH 1.471.4 1.46U 1.45H 1.45 1.471, 1.46". July 1.2S 1.28?i 1.27 1.27H 1.28 1.28 'i 1.271, 1.28 Sopt. 1.21H 1.21 1.20H 1.204 1.21'. 1.21), 1.20H 1.21 Rye I ,1 1 May 1.11 1.11 1.10H l.lOHl 1.1 14 July 1.06 1.064 1.06 1.094. 1.04 Sept. 1.61 U 1.01 i I 1.6114 l.Om! l.ttla Corn 1 ' May ,41il .41i ,61'il .41H .814 July M .05 ,61Vi .441 .66",, .4T . .84, I Sept. .67 .67, ' .87 .6A .67 ; .671 I Oata 1 I I May .3H4 .3414 .37 .31 ,. .88 July .40 .44 .31 .40 .40 .40 Sept. .41 .41 .41 .41 H .41 Park May .'.. !...... .122.65 122.95 Lard I May 11.37 11.40 11.87 111.40 111.42 . July 11.60 111.60 11.63 11.60 11.60 Ribs I I I I May 12.77 12.80 112.77 t2.80 112.75 July 12.00 112.00 111.46 11.95 12.03 By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. I)au fc Vm I..4 M Ire, Chicago, HI, May 17. While May wheat acted tight, there was general easing in the deferred deliveries. The dote was about the low point, at net lok.es of Ijs'ftlisc. The May was unchanged, lorn and Oat 4 declined WGi.Vtt, showing a heavy undertone, while rye was Ji'aJ-)c lower. May wheat, at the opening, sold up to si,4!jC new inch on I lie pre cut movement, 1-ongs sold freely and a decline of 2 l-4c followed. Trade was on a liberal scale with periiatent covering by shorts. The longs sold on all the minor upturns after the opening. .Sales of lUS.IXX) bu.liel were male to go to store, while thntc who have taken in the cash grain are now reporting liberal charters to send gram east. HenUa ant HawrUh. Liverpool r.fuaed la follow Iha advance In t'hlraao Tund.y ana rinsed unrhang'd lo i higher, Irfual aentimenl wag mu'h mora beanah, d".ia tha Increaaad ap pr.hen.lon of hul weather damage voiced In Kanaaa City niea.agea. There waa free early (ailing ! Ich-.I prnfeaaioti.l.. That grain waa abaorhed by rammlMion houaaa at $1.24 on realms onlera, and mora real Ing orders were found .t-ll.tm for the July. Pit long, generally united toward iha laat, making tha final break and eaay cloaa. A belief that Iha after-planting movement of corn will Inrr.sae materially In the near future, com Lined with a. lack of eggreeatve buying, made a heavy undertone In that grain. At no lima were pricra higher lhan the previous dsy'a ctnea. Country offer ings were f.lrly liberal, but generally held .lightly above a working ba.la. Weather condltlono were generally f.voratla for field work, although Iha forecast waa for bowers. Receipt, wer S3 rara. Hulk of tha trade In oata was of local character. Recelpta SI vara. Hhlpping demand for the latter grain showed Improvement, with aalea of 210. noo buahels. Kya wa. affected by the action of wheat and ranged lower. No eiport .tie. were reported from Iha weal and the bulk of tha trada was of a local character. TIS Note. Oala are gaining friends, as Iha export and cash demand In general Is the best In months. Exporters are after 34-pound white rllua. Palea at tha seaboard In tha la.t two days aggregate 600.006 buahela. Northwealern markets are selling oata to the ae.board. one lot of 71.600 bushels be ing worked to Baltimore today. Country holder, of corn,, while anxious to sell on bulges, shut off on the breaks. offeringa were free loday, although mo.t ly at to c over the market. Pur rhaaca to grrlve were .mailer and eatl mated at 326,000 buahela. A aale of 250.000 buahela new crop Paci fic coast whent for August-September ship ment waa reported at equal to Il ls',. . I. f. United Kingdom ports. No. 2 hard rnr July-August shipment from the Atlsn- tic or gulf co.at sold at tha same price. Soviet P.ussla will have to Import 17.- 000,000 tons of grain of ell kinds during the 1923-23 season, according to an call nut. made Vy the Brrtl.h commiaalon for famine relief In Russia. Owing to poor transportation, only about one-third of tha spring grain seed arrived in time. Under the best of conditions, the crops sre expected to ha half or lew of the actual requlre- mente. Private estimates on three northwestern Canadian provinces Indicate a reduction of 2,000.000 acres in the areo aeeded to spring wheat which would make tha total arourul :v,.vv,vuo acres. Financial PMedeluh Ca.. 4'a IS It 4 lii..a 114 111 111 lie. r.ai. Ale. gs.r.. tl4 41 4 41 . f H. e.r. 4 4, .... Retail l,.e ,,,,, 14 ll SI 4 1 , eubenor aHt.i.,.fB . i, j ai r,. ti la tar t h.iu . . li Tx.i eal.a. 1.11 444. MM,.. 4. luea, f par feat I Te4ar WarW.-Ctuae, ,44le( ,4etV,tf. kivriiaf i'loM, $111; II III,, Slowa City LIt Mock. Sioux City, la.. May 17. Cattle Re celpta. t.004 head: market steady to strong: fed ateera and yearlings, 17.600 4. 75; warmed up ateera and yearlings, 44.3507.25; fat cow. and heifers, 45.000 S.64; canners. t3.0444.!4; veals, S3.640 14 06; feeders. $5.5407.54; rslvea, 4S.OO0 7.76; feeding cows and heifers, $4,000 $.25: storkers. S6.6407.7S. - Hogs Receipts. 7.544 head: market ateady to 15c lower: butchers. $10,400 .25; lights, $16.36: hsavy mixed. $4,600 14.14; heavy packers, 14.4004.25; atags, 17.54; bulk of aalea. I4.46S14.25. Sheep Recelpta. 1.004 head; market weak, 25e lower. St. Joseph IJve Stock. St. Joeeph, Mo., May 17. Cattle Re celpta, S.446 head: ateera. ateady to 15c lower: others, steady to tic lower: ateera, $7.4004.75: cows and heifera. 11.3501.75: calvea. $1. SI 04.64. Hoge Recelpta. S.404 head: market weaed Sc lower: closed strong to 6c higher; top, $14.56; bulk. $16.24014.44. Sheep and Umbi Receipts. 2.nh'.a: lie lower: clipped lamba, $1.40H.4O; lipped aweje, $4.16 05,25. . ISt. Loola Uvestock. East St. Louis. 111.. May 17. Cattle Receipts. 3,500: ' beef steers, 10 to 15c lower; $8.36 paid for 1.208 pounders; bulk beef steers. 17.4007.85: choice to prime light yearlinga, steady to strong; othera ateady: 19.16 paid tor 890-pound ateers: 19.00 for 603-pound heifera; bulk light steers and heifers, 17.6008.60; beef cows, 10 to 15c lower; bulk, 15.6005.76; can ners. 14 to 16c lower: bulk, 13.26 0 3.60; bulls, steady; veal calves. !5c lower; stockers, slow. Hogs Receipts. 14,000; slow, S to 10c lower; closed dull; top, $10.85; bulk good butchers. 114.75010.80; bulk. 130 to 150 pound averages, 116.35010.50; packer cows. 14.1509.25. Sheep Recelpta. 2,000: sheep, stesdy: lamba, steady to 25c lower; choice Ken tucky apring lambs. tl4.75; medium to good natives. $13.60014.00; light ewes, $7.00; heaviea. 14.00. Kanaaa City Grain. Ivansaa City, May 17. Cash Wheat No. S hard, 11.3401.54; No. 2 red. tl.331.35. Corn No. 3 white, 67H0S8c; No. 3 yellow, 64c. lay Unchanged. Kansas City. May 17. Wheat Close, May. $1.31; July, $1.18; September, 'cJrn May. 66 c; July, 68c; Septem ber. 61 e. Chicago Produce. Chicago, May 17. Buiter Higher; Creamery extras. 35c: firsts. 31034c; sec onds. 11030c; standards. 84c. Eggs Lower: receipts. 82.59 esses: firsts, 24 0 25c: ordinary firsts. 220 22c; miscellaneous, 23 024c; atorage packed extraa. 2602c; storage backed firsts, 24 0 24c. New York Metals. New Tork, May 17 Copper Firm; elec trolytic, apot and futures, 13013c. Tin Firmer; spot and nearby, $34.75; futures. 110.47. Iron Steady: prices unchsnaed. Lead Firm: apot. 6.3506.60c. Zinc Firmer: East St. Louis delivery, spot. 1.1501.20c. Antimony Spot. t.6lc. ew Tork Produce. New Tork. May 17. Butter Steady. Ezcs Essier; fresh gathered' extra firsts. 28029c; firsts. 2627c; atorage packed extra tints, :ric; iirau. 2.0 : Cbe.se Firm. New York Cotton. New Tork. May 17. The cotton msrkct waa strong and active again today, with pricea advising to more new high records alnce last N.ovember for the general con tract use nere. f ollowing tne closing net advance of about 15 to 27 points yester day for the more active trading months. pricea went up mis morning jz to 2. points further, sdvanclna- May to 21 c. July. 26.08c; October of the new crop, 20.62c: December, about 20. one and next January dellveriea to 20c. This was due to further good buying by Wall street and weatern stock and grain traders and a continuation of the recent broad specu lative demand from local cotton operators on more unfavorable crop reports over night from most sections of Texss. Okla homa and parts of Arkansas and Mis- issippi. Snot cotton was steady. 10 points ad vance. 21.60c for mld'lllng upland. Southern spot markets were: uaivesion. 20.30c. unchanged; New Orleans. 19.88c, 1.1 nolnta advance:' Savannah. 20c. un changed: Aueusta. 19.88c. "unchanged; Memphis, 19.25c, unchanged; Houston, 20.45. unchangea; initio, kock, m.sac, un changed. New York Sugar. ww Vnri.-. tav IT The raw sugar market was somewhat Irregular today. Spot and May shipment Cubaa were quoted at 2 7-1 6c. cost and frelaht, equal to 4.04o for centrifugal, early June shipment at 2 15-32C, cost and freight, equal to 4.07c. and second half Juno at 2c, cost and freight, equal to 4.11c. Porto Rlcos were quoted st 3.98c for soot and later de livery. The (lay's business Included 52. 000 bags of Cuhas for May shipment to a refiner. 5.000 bags of Cubes early June and 18.000 bags second half .Tune to an operator and 10,000 bags of Porto Rlcos to outport refiners at quoted prices. The raw sugar futures market was less active today and prices were irregular. The opening was unchanged to 1 point higher on covering, but offerings were more liberal and prices eased off later. Closing prices were unchanged to 3 Pin's net lower; July, 5.64c: September, 2.8c: December. 2.88c: March. 2.86. . The market for refined sugar Was un chsnged and f- demand was less active although with fwals on old orders con tinue of fair proportions. Refined futures nominm. 5.95c; September. 6.10: December, 6.00c. New York Coffee, . : xf-w ,7 The market for ci ffee futures was lower today, under scat tering liquidation, inspired oy i ruling of Brazil and complaints of a con tinued poor spot demand. Importers were moderate sellers ana wium mo wera not heavy, there appeared to be very little- support. July cased off to . a - - - i e.ntM,w t.. A B7c and the aim dcv.c.d -- -- - market closed at the lowast showing net lessee of 11 to lo points, aaies were es timated at aoout id.o'ju wish. 10.49c; July, 10.33c; September, 9..7c: Oc tober, 9.78c: December, 9.69c; January, 9.63c:. March, 9.43c. Spot Coffee Quiet and nominally un charged at 11c for Rio 7s and 14Hc to On-, a- An Cnmt anri ft-elffht. offers included Santos Ss and 6s at 14.05c to 14.500 tor prompt ana at ij.ssoc iu 13.40c for forward shipment. Rio 7a were quoted at 10.70c, American credits. i - Foreign Exchange. 'New Tork, May 17. Foreign Exchang Irregular. . . Oreat Britain uemana, ....j; cauieu, t4.46: 66-day billa on banks. M.42. France demand, .0912; cables, 0912. Italy Demand, .0523: cables. .0523. Belgian Demand. .0829: cables, .0830. Germany Demand, .0034; cables, .0034. Holland Demand, .3880; cables, .3885. Norway Demand, .1855. Sweden Demand, 2.655. Denmark Demand, .2130. Switaerland .1920. Spain .1668. Greece Demand, .0418. Poland Demand, .0002. Cxecho-Slovakia Demand, .0192. Argentine Oemand, .2700., Brazil Demand, .1400. 'j Montreal .99 1-1 New York General. New Tori:, Mny 17. Wheat Spot, barely ateady; No. 2 red and No. 2 hard. 11.06; No. 1 Manitoba. $1.81; No. 2 mixed durum, $1.47 c. i. f. track New York to arrive. Corn Spot, easy; No. 2 yellow and No. 2 white. 80c; No. 2 mixed, 80o e. L f. New Tork, all rail. Oata Spot, barsly ateady; No. 3 white, 50 c. Lard Steadp; middle west, 112.100 12.20. Other articles unchanged. Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, May 17. Wheat No. I northern. 11.61 1.66; May, tl.57; September. 1.28. Corn No, 3 yellow, 64056e. Oats No. 3 white, 36037c. Barley 53064c. Rye No, 2. $1.06 01.08. Flax No. 1. 12.8302.86. Minneapolis', Minn.. May 17. Flour 15 lo 25c higher; family patents. 18.400 1.60; shipments. 47.470 barrels. Bran 120.00 8 22.00. Turpentine and Koain. Savannah. Ga.. Mar 17. Turpentine Firm. 90c: aales. 1SX barrels: receipts. 345 barrels: shipmenta, 64 . barrels; stock. 1,1. barrels. stnaln Firm: aalea. 412 casks: receipts. S76 caaks: shipmenta, 1,151 casks; stock, 51. 50 barrels. Qote: B.. 94.2S; P. 94.44: K. 14.54; FO.H.I.K. $ 40: M. 11.45; N. 15.25: W.O. ti ll; W.W. n zt fl II 44 $4 l.'s Tuesday Tuesday glass, rlese. New York Bonds By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. Hasan $$ I eaa4 Wire, .New Vork, May 17.-Vhat ap peared to be prutr.sltiiial activity of a concerted sort was re.umed on the slink cxtliaiige today wi.th numerous resultant advances of 1 to J point. Some of the bulletins concerning the market's movement acribcd the rie to "rumors of merger possibilities." in moat ol the other trules as well as the steel industry. Whether such mergers were thcmaclvet "probabili ties" or not, they would certaiuly be rumored on a market of this sort, in which the construction of rumor culurcd to suit the public's taste is part of the day's work for proles tional experts. The news that l'rckident Harding had invited a group of steel manu facturers to dine with him tomorrow night at the White Jloue naturally helped the task. Mot people prob ably drew the inference that the presi dent wished to talk over freight rate policy with the steel men lfciore dis cussing it at his dinner to the rail way managers two days afterward. Gut Wall street was readier to adopt the theory of friendly private ex change of views about "the mergers." Advance tienecal. The day's advance in the stock mar ket wer mar general and ntui h bet ter diatribuird lhan on other recent day; en rallyway share had a pari In in. forward movement. There wa no aeo on which l base lhat advance, out the car loading flaur.a fur Iha onenlna? week of May, publlahrd after Iha cloaa uf bua. Itiesa. wer uudoubteuiy Intereating. Al though loading of coal that week fell 11.461 cara short of tha rorreaponding weeg in mi. loading, of general nier rhandlea In'res.rd 41.474 and wera si . 41, car greater ven man In 136, aln . . . . . ll.l I WT . H wai..iej.,, wfmww mmm " (Th Bee la tbt only Omaha pewspaper whkb publishes the of fkial close of the New York Stock eachange bondej X.st York. Slay IT Trading la hood. today enlivened by Iha mora active 4 broader operant In the .luck mar ital, v. hare Induatriala, especially copper and aiaeia, the dominant fttura. Ilatnea.ua and f orris a oar Hot. liana held aithin narrow pin a limit, leader, of that divi.ion again dosing st nu.ed gain and luaara. Meslraq 4. and I wer Iha ,iianiMi IMura, with Nalherlaod 6a, but Hrin.h and fi.nch loan .r prc lli.lly fvolureleas Invralmenl rail, landed upa.rd. but Junior nr epecul.uva raila ei relative, ly dull, In a fw Inaianre vaiyieg mot than a lrg fraction. t'erro d Paaco a and Chll Copir T fratured tha tnelal group at substantial gain.. The belter known atel bond, moved Irregulnrly and Slidv.l. I. ere not rcaponalv lo Iha audden advanca In iha atork. Total aalea, par value, aggre gated IIS.S7S.. New York, May 17 Following are to day' high, low and closing prlrra of bond en th New Tork atork eathani. and lh total lr of each bond.: r a. nonai. .le tin $1,444). Ii; l.tbertv 3, I Liberty let 4a .... 14 Liberty id 4 2a Liberty let 4a .. l;r Liberty 2d 4'. .. Liberty 3d 4'. .. llet l.ibanv 4th 4'-s.. i 741 Victory 4SS loo.ie m. me... I III Victory 1 104.61 140.42 I00.lt High 44.44 44 74 44 4 44 44 49 44 99 94 94 43 Ijiw 44.24 49.74 99.64 44.74 44 14 44.14 44.S4 til 44.S4 94 I 4 44 94.74 44 14 94 44 94.44 faca of tha continuing real atrtke, tot traffic loaded tan nearly t per cent be yund th eania week of a year ago and slightly exceeded eten 1919. On tha whole, today' bond market held firm, which Interested Wall alreet lh more, In view of today's new that two high grade loan offered for subscrip tion In th London Investment market had eo far failed of tucresa that one fourth of one of them had been left on the underwriting bankers' band and more than 94 per cent of Iha other. ThS la pretty clear evidence lhat London has been traveling too fast In what that market calls new "capital flotation.." Foreign Ksrhnng Quid. Forelxn exchanaa rates hanllv moved today, except for another rue In rale on Holland to the highest sine th autumn of 1919. Thla la plainly a conae. quenca of carrying horn th proceed of ins. rcceni iarg nuicn loan taken on th New Tork market. Tha silvan,. Icavea Amsterdam exchange only 1 per cent under rormal parity, against about I ptr rent discount In the cass of Sweden and a i resent depreciation of 1 per cent In sterling. Miver went to a new h ah or ca for is? and it becsme known that Ike $1,000,000 gold ordered for India Mould ba sent di rect from the Pa-lflo coast. Another ad vance on the cotton market brouaht iha snot price to 21.60 centa per pound, a agnlnst last J Sur'a highest point of 31.65c. i-cnisps ine most mteresUng fsct set forth by the mltweek reviews of the steel trade situation Is that the United Kt.i.e corporation, althougu Increasing ita output " uu " " raceni in per cent or capacity, has irade practically no reduetlon In Its accumulated storks of fuel. This would Inoicate that the- coal strike ia nn h. iny means completely effoctiv. Mean time demand for finished steel Increase;: tnllla are behind In deliveries and ordera for quick shipment, e-peclally In the building trade, ar paying premiums New York Stocks i Argentina It I City Hergen I . 1 Vilr Barn 9 . 4 Citv llardesus 4s .. 47 4 City Cnrisil.nla 4a. 92 5 City Copenhagn !a 47 t city l.yona 6. .... 47 S I'iiy Maraelllea 4a ..104 t City Rio Janeiro Is.lH 3 City San Paulo Sa .. 73 I Danish Mun 4a A 43 Dept Seine 7a 100 0 100 .110 114 1I41, 112 312 113 ST ST 42 S'li 41 41 14 41 101 103 104 104 71 71 110 110 116 S4 94 4 IS, Ixim Can Stas. 29.. lot 100 100H 4 Horn Can Ss. 31.... 98 98 94 64 Dtrll K Ind 4s. 47 44 46 44 141 llti-h K Ind 4S, $2 94 44 44 74 French Rep Sa ....tO4-!04 104 106 French Rep Ta..lot 141. ll. 13 Jap lat 4a 40 40 29 Japanese 4 77 76 74 1 King Belgium 7.104 107 104 7 King Belgium Ss ...103 102 102 14 King Denmrk Ss.. 4 48 44 1 King Italy .... 94 , 44 4 121 King Nthrlnda 6s.. 94 95 94 1 Kin Norway IS. ...Ill", in II King Sweden 4s. 44 Parls-l.y-Med 6a 4 Rep Chile Sa. 46. fi Ren Cruauay Ss. 3 Hi ate Quuslnd 7s. .110 110 in .-.- n.m.lnrf fia. -.10211 102 2 Stata Rio O Sul la. 102 102 102 7 Swlas Con 1 117 117 117 194 K O B & I 6s, 22.108 108 108 27 K O B I 5s. 29.108 108 108 64 K O B 4b I 5S. 37.102 102 102 60 U 8 Brazil 8 106 l"j 106 79 U S of Mexico 5s.. 67 67 67 86 U S of Mexico 4 .. 67 66 67 Railway and Miscellaneous. . 5 Adams Express 4s.. 74 74 76 10 AJax Rubber 8s ..-102 102 102 s Am Ar c:nm i..ss.i"-t i--- iJ Am Smelting 6s 42 92 139 Am Sugar 6s 100 100 25 Am T oc T cv s..lia jia ..101 101 101 .. 63 43 43 ..105 105 105 .108 108 less. liv 102 Range Of orfeca nf tha leadlna atnrfaa furnished by Logan & Bryan, 248 Peters Trust building: RAILROADS. Tuss. High Low Close Close 99 91 99 99 47 46 46 48 140 139 140 139 90 88 90 88 t. t. 15 6a 76 74 75 74 10314 27 62 52 28 74 74 40 77 42 90 23 25 A.. T. S. F. Baltl. & Ohio ... Canadian Pacific New York Central Chesa. & Ohio ... Oreat Northern . Illinois Central ...103 103 ivansa Ulty Bourn. 28 Leniglt Valley ... Missouri Pacific ., N. Y. & Nw Ha. . Northern Pacific ., Chicago at N. W. . Pennsylvania R. R Reading R. I. P. . Southern Pacific , Southern Railway . Chi., Mil. & St, P.. Union Pacific .... 28 63 23 29 74 74 40 27 62 23 28 75 74 40 4 25 136 138 78'v77i4 44 42 90 90 Am Car Fdry Allis-Chalmers , Am Loco Baldwin Loco , Beth Steel ... Colo F & 1 .... Crucible Am St Fdry Lacka Steel ... Midvale Steel . Rep I & St ... Ry Steel Sprgs Sloss-Scheffield U S Steel Vanadium ,. . 63 23 30 76 74 40 79 44 91 24 26 138 STEELS. ,.1C0 160 160 '. 159 ... 49 48 !i 49 48 ..114 114 114 114 ...117 116 117 116 ,.. 78 , 76 . 77 .. 35 34 36 .. 73 72 72 ... 38 37 38 .. 79 78 78 ... 45 39 44 74 69 71 3 25 137 ..100 100 100 Anaconda Am 8m & Ret Co. Cerro de Pasco . . . Chill Chino Cal & Ariz Oreen Cananea . . Inspiration Kennecott Miami Nev. Consolidated. Ray Consolidated. Seneca Utah Gen. Asphalt Cosden Cal. Peterol Island Oil Invincible Oil 62 50 ... 99 99 . .. 61 49 COPPERS. 65 . 64 . 39 . 21 . . 30 . 60 . S3 . 42 . 38 , 29 , 18 . 17 . 14 . 67 OILS, . 62 . 43 .'57 . ' 1 18 64 61 38 20 30 60 VI 41 87 29 . 17 17 13 66 60 42 66 1 17 62 98 60 54 64 38 21 30 60 32 42 38 29 18 17 14 66 61 42 57 1 18 77 34 71 38 78 3 69 60 98 49 53 60 38 20 29 69 31 41 36 29 17 17 13 66 60 42 56 1 18 39 Am T T col tr ba ss i 4 Am 'Writing Pap 7s 8! 6 Arm A Co 4s... 90 94 31 A T & S F gen 4 88 88 2 A T ' S F.adJ 4a.. 44 84 I AtCl 1st con 4s.. 88 89 Si 8 A Ohio 6s 99 99 H u.l, Jt II rv 4Vas.. 824 90 13 B T of Penn 7s. ..107 107 107 3 Beth Steel ref 6s.. 96 95 It Beth Steel p m 6s 93 91 43 18 Brsden Copper 6s.. 99 98 99 6 Bklyn Ed gen 7s D 107 107 107 2 Bklyn R Tr li I I i si 92 100 114 97 88 89 88 84 88 49 82 14 bh.iea e?t II a., 4 A 44 44 44 II am t.i ', ,,,! I4 lass. Ml ia nl rol.U ,...( 9 l 4 II Tall la , , S 5 II ktt l-ao i, s 41 91 41 ?4 kj lae ref la .... 41 41 US r4 sa, feu v r ,,, : 1 .1 ft Hy ga 9 4 4 a tiy 4 4'g 4J 64 II Hr gen a ! 4 4 e l'rt II l ku I 44 44 44 !l i.H u.l i.l 4 !..! e e 4 Te, fao . Sa, 41', 41 41' , i Thud Ae .,IJ . al ae tl I Ti.ia.ir ml . ... rl la; le; a; 5 Ton I'rM a .. .,,! 11 ll 4 I'me fa Ia4 4 . l l 34 l nin I'.eifm r 4 41', 41 41 t Iniled I 'rug Se..., I 1 !" S II 4 H.aliy a ' t 9 I If H Huliber 1. I I ! 34 It H Hubhtit S...,, 4 .4 41 V .III 4-ia-l a t a.,o Jot', 1 4 I lab I'ow I, Is.. 41 41 91 191 a n t h ta,....l)S l ei llivi.i,r ik mii..l'1'i 4. 4 I a la 4. . 4. I Usuaah lal la.... 91 91 91 I Weal 9lM Sa I so', le .', 4 W.at ltd tat 4a.,,, . 4 lnl I'aclllO Sa.... 41 .1 41 t West I mun l',..,l" l"4 l4 II Wra l.le.tne a. ,17 11 .J I Wheeling I, K 4 '. 31 Wl.-k-p'n atel la l"S 49 l II W ll Co . f 1 ..! 14 l"i I W Ca rv ta 94 44 4) I W C.n gen 4. 41 , l l f9 11 al C -Sii, W'.,,,l ! 14 ; ! M 6 rlt. 99 $ 99 Tot. I kale uf hnild. Wer II III. 404 compared wilh IIS.0il.4a4 pr.tiou. day and M. 134.404 a er ago. N. Y. Curb Bonds 95V 96 96 111 114 111 1 Cal O & Eleo 5s .Pan Kn KUl... 26 Can Pac deb 4s.... 79 78 78 4 Cen of Ga 6o 99 99 99 8 Cen Leather 6s.... 97 97 97 45 Cen Pao gtd 4s.... 88 86 88 70 .Cerro de Pasco 8a. .119 116 119 87 Chea & O cv 6s... 91 91 $1 30 Ches & O CV 4s.. 88 88 88 44 C B & Q ref 5s A 99 98 98 24 Chic & East 111 6s.. 82 82 82 34 Chic Gt West 4s.. 61 61 61 64 C M & St P cv 4s 70 70 70 19 C M & St P ref 4s 64 64 64 108 108 108 83 831 82 81 73 80 78 87 95 87 82 82 73 80 104 90 78 87 95 88 1 C ft N W Tl 7 Chi Rys 6s 1 C R I & P gen 4s. 149 C R I & P ref 4s.. 82 1 Chi W Ind 4s.. 73 1 Ch C C & St L an 4s 80 110 Chile Cop 7s 104 102 201 Chile Cop 6s 91 90 1 Colo Ind 6 78 9 Colo S ref 4s.. 87 15 Col O &. El 6s-.... 95 8 Can Coal Mrvlnd 6s. 88 76 Con Gas 7s- 117 117 117 . 4 Cuba Cane Bug d 8a. 85 84 84 6 Cuba R R 7s A. ..104 103 103 2 Cuba Ab Sug 8s. ...106 104 105 17 Det Edl ret 6 102 102 102 19 Det Utd Rys 4s .. 82 81 12 8 Diamond Mtch 7s.l07 107 107 28 Dupnt Nmrs 7s...107 107 107 12 Duquesne L 6s 103 103 103 55 Erie gen 4 53 62 63 4 Erie Dr lien 4s .. 63 s 3 63 ' 5 Flsk Rubber 8s 106 106 106 19 Fram Ind D 7s.. 99 99 99 11 Gen Elec deb 6s.... 100 99 100 14 Goody'r T 8s, 1931 103 102 103 10 Goody'r T 8s 1941 116 116 118 17 Grand T R of C 7s 113 112 113 ; 18 O T Ry Of C 6s.. 104 104 , 104 61 Gt N 7S A. ...... .109 108 108 26 Gt No 5s B 99 99 99 14 Hud & Man r 5s A 83 83 83 68 Hud & Man a inc 6s 64 64 64 10 111 Cen 5s ..101 101 101 u in t:en rer .a s. enis 007. 1 III Steel deb 4a.. 91 6 Ind Steel 5s -.100 25 Int Agric 5s -80 Mexican Peterol. .133 129 131 129 16 16 72 97 Middle. States Pacific Oil ., Pan-American Phillips Pierce Oil Pure Oil Royal Dutch. Sinclair Oil 15 66 65 48 10 32 6.1 S3 14 64 63 46 9 32 61 31 14 65 64 48 10 32 62' 33 Stand. Oil, N. 'J... 187 187 187 186 Union Oil White Oil Chandler ...... Gen Motors . . . Willys-Overland rJerce-Arrow . . white Motor . Studebaker 48 47H ... 22 21 ... 10 10 MOTORS. 75 74 ...13 12 7 17 48 118 . 19 . 49 .121 RUBBER AND TIRES. 47 21 10 74 12 8 18 49 ' 0 'sk '...IS 18 t.oodnch 40 40 Kelley-Springfield- 61 60 Keyetons Tire SI' 51 u AJax 17 i67i U S Rubber 64 63 INntiSTm at. a Am Beet Sugar. .. . 41 41 V. oc It X 37 47 36 6 44 34 .122 121 122 121 . 39 . 16 22 .102 82 Am Int Com Am Sumatra .... Am Telephone .. Am Can Cent Leather . . Cuba Cane Cuban-Amer. Su. Corn Products . Famoua Players General Electric Great. Nor. Ore . Inter. Harvester Amer. H. & L., pfd. U. s. Ind. Alcohol Inter. Paper Inter. M. M., pfd. Amer. Su. Ref. . . Sears-Roebuck .. Stromsberg Tobacco Product . 71 worthing. Pump Wilson Co 46 Westina. Electric . 63 Amer. Woolen 92 MISCELLANEOUS. Amer. Cotton Oil . 26 27 Amer. Ag. Chem, .38 38 Amer. Linseed .... 34 33 Boach Maaneto . 45 45 Brklyn. Rapid Tr. 25 , 24 18 40 50 31 16 64 M 37 47. 36 14 64 63 45 10 82 61 31 47 21 10 73 12 ' 7 18 47 118 17 411 49 21 16 : '40 36 44 34 47 48 38 39 16 15 22 22 100 101 80 i.x 81V 165 163 165 41 40 40 98 104 70 70 61 52 49 81 74 74 62 69 .104 70 63 61 83 75 75 S3 46 . 63 90 Continents; Can. Calif. Packing Col. O. a: E , Columbia Graph.. United Drug .... National Enamel. 45 65 61 83 75 75 53 69 46 62 61 28 -38 34 45 25 65 87 4 86 43 United Fruit ....142 I.oril. Tobacco. ...les National Lead.... 94V 17 4 72 40 140 142 113 IB, 63 94 17 4 78 41 47 38 '16 21 99 80 162 40 98 70 61 49 81 74 73 63 70 50 45 62 90 57 38 3.1 44 25 64 78 17 4 72 40 140 151 93 86, 96 ' 78 87 91 160 79 14 14 70 96 85 95 . 78 47 91 100 , 74 16 16 7$ 87 86 95 71 87 .66 80 63 . 96 ' 69 66 10 64 96 69 121 Int-Met 4...'.,. 1073 Int-Met 4s ctfs. . 356 Inter R T ref 6s.. 22 Int M M a f 6s. .. . , 18 Int Paper r 6s B, . 16 In Oil Hn.... ...... 6 K C F S & M 4s.. 6 K C S 6s 8 Kelly-Soring T 8s.. 108 108 108 11 Lack'na St) 6s 1923 100 100 100 17 Lack'na Stl 6s 1950 91 90 91 '27 L S & M S deb 4s, 28 94 94 94 1 Lehigh Valley 6s ..103 103 103 14 Lig & Myers 5s .... 95 95 95 5 L & N ref 6s 107 102 102 1 LAN unified 4s.. 90 90 90 32 Market St Ry con 6s 90 ' 89 89 1 Marland Oil 8s .... 98 98 98 18 Mex Pet 8s 106 105 105 4 Mich State T 1st 6s. 98 98 98 114 Mid Steel cv 6s 92 91 92 6 M & St L ref 6s.. 46 45 45 1 M St P & SSM 6S.102 102 102 13 M K T n p In 6s A 83 83 83 Hi M K ft T n sd 5s A 56 6 M K & T 1st 4s .. 80 36 Ma Pao gen 4s.. 64 11 Mont Power 6s A.. 96 106 N Or T & M inc 5s 69 10 N T C col 7s .107 106 106 69 N T C deb 6s 102 101 102 17 N T C con 4s 83 82 -83 3 N T Ed ref 6s...ll0 110 11 6 NT NH & H c 6s. 48 81 6 NT NH & H d 4s. 67 56 16 N T R ref 4s ctfs 40 7 N I T fl 6S 1949. .166 SINTT ref 6s 1941 105 II N T 17 4 B 4s.. 67 10 Nor & West CV 68 108 4 Nor & W con 4s.. 87 1 N Pac pr lien 4s.. 86 2 N Pac sen 3s 62 361 N P-G N joint 6 S 106 105 106 17 N W B T 7s .,.106 106 106 9 O & C 1st 6s 99 99 94 28 O fl L gtd 5s Ctfs 11 101 101 4 O S L ref 4s 91 91 81 80 O-W R R & N 4s.. 81 81 81 2 Otis Steel 8s A....10Z 103 1UZ 8 Pie G & Kleo 5s. J7 P T & T 6s 40 Pack Mot O 8s.. 2 Pan-Amer P & T 7s 100 99 58 Penn R R 6s 109 109 , 28 Penn R R gen 6s.. 99 99 10 P R R gen 4s.. 90 1 P ft E inc 4s 27 4 P O deb 8s lot 10 P C C ft S L 6s A 97 2 Reading gen 4s . 1 R O ft W 1st 4a . 7 R I A ft L 4s., 18 St 1m I Mt A S r 4s 68 St L ft S F ad 6a. 31 St L A 8 F inc 6s. 61 St L A S F p In 4s A 72 10 St L S W 1st 4s .. 78 tStPAKCSL 4S 83 4 S A ft A P 1st 4s.. 77 63 Sbrd A L enn 6s.. 57 18 Sbrd A L Sdj 6s.. 23 46 Sbrd A L ref 4s.. 40 81 81 64 64 40 40 105 105 104 104 56 56 107 107 87 87 86 88 62 62 92 92 .. 97 4 96 . .107 107 89 27 101 97 84 78 81 87 79 47 72 78 82 76 56 22 19 84 78 81 87 80 68 92 96, 107 99 Va 109 99 89 27 l"1 97 84 78 81 87 84 64 72 78. 82 77 56 22 9 New Tork, May 17. Tha groeth of rublic Interval 411 iha tradli.g on Hi curb ..change waa indicated today by lh fact lhat 14 400 aharea of Radio com mon wer traded III at lh high level of around 4, lecenlly established. Peeling. In mining .10. k. al.o en a large dale, the continued buying of tloihar Lode making thai atmk a epoclal fea ture, over 3 0 ahsp-e rhanaing hand on an advene from 1 to l In th first half of lh day. There wer heavy tianaaelion In Independent lead, which roae 10 a new high following announce ment of tho development of the nork al the mine showing new bodice of or carrying Iarg values of silver, popper and' lead. Motor stock a a group war activ and atrong. Tvbaccoa alan held a prominent place. Petroleum slock, were generally steady. Henlr.n seaboard moved up lo above 44 and there waa vigomua bujing of Mutual Oil. Carlb Hyndlcate wa. In ateady dr. mand, .riling at 4 and 7. Ken.land raa al.o In demand, hevaua of favorable new from th Wyoming field. Near York. May 17. Transaction, on th New York curb market loday wer fol lows; 4 Honda. 8.1c. (In tl.ooo). Hia'h 'Low !;1S 31 Allied Packer la.... 94 ' 95 97 I Aluminum 7s. 35. .10.1 1ii;i 103 1 Aluminum 7. IJ....I06. 15 lus i Am 1. T 6 lo-l 10 104 38 Am T ft T 6s. l..lo . 10 . 100 13 Am TelftTel s '21 lot's 101 101 1 Am Tub 7 142J....102H 10! 102 4 An .Copper 6a 100 100 100 3 Anaroii Cop 7a '24 103 103 101 19 Anglo Am OH 7a l3 . 103 lot . 13 Arm ft Co 7 104 104 104 Beth Steel 7a ,36..10; 105 102 7 Can Nat'Ity q 7 101 108 108 34 Can Nat Ry i 9 s 9S 12 Cent Kteel 8c 104 1"4 104 ! Col Oraph $ ctfs... 36 36 .16 2 Con Textile Is 98 96 96 10 Copper Kx A 8s '24 102 102 103 10 Deero ft Co 7s..l0i 101 101 It Km'O ft K s 100 100 100 1 Gsl Big Oil 7 104 103 104 3 Goodrich Tire 7s. ..loo 100 100 2 Gulf Oil 7s 104 101 ni 8 Hood Rubber 7s.... 98 . 97 98 2 Int R T 7a 96 96 94 128 IRT 8s 1922 91 91 91 17 Kan Gaa ft lc 61.. 96 96 96 11 Kenn Copper 7s. ...105 106. 105 1 Kings Cty Lt 6s.. 98 98 98 21 Lavlcde Gas 7a 100 100 106 22 Lib, Mo ft Lib 7a.. 99 99 99 8 Nat Acme 7 s .... 97 97 , 97 5 NT NH A H 4s 97 67 97 48 NY NH ft H'7s 91 90 90 26 No Am Kdison 6s.. 92 92 92 18 PhllllpsPct7s '31 102 102 102 67 Pub Scr CorofNJ 7sl02', 101 102 Robert Ualr 7s fi ' '1 vi . 2 Saks ft Co 7s 99 99 99 6 Scars Roo 7s, 22. .100 100 100 11 Sears Rbk' 7s, '23. .101 100 100 3 Shawsheen 7s .....103 103 103 2 8 W Bell Tel 7s. .102 101 102 5 Std Oil N T 7s '26. .105 105 105 1 Htsn OH N T 6s..106 16 106 6 Stewart Warner 8s. 108 108 108 7 Swift ft Co 7s. 25. .101 101 101 13 Swift ft Co 7s '31. .102 102 102 3 Tol Edison 7s 106 106 106 18 Un OH Prod 8s. .-..101 101 101 2 Utd Ry Hav 7s.105 105 . 105 , 1 Vacuum Oil 7s ....107 107 107 ' 8 Warner Sug 7a '41.. 99 99 99 15 Went Elec 7s 108 108 108 11 Winchester 7.. .101 101 10.1 1 At O W I 5s 63 83 63 98 Freeport. Tex 7s. ..123 120 121 1 Lukens Steel 8s. ...104 104 104 10 Prod ft Ref 8s. ....102 102 103 17 Un Oil Cal 6s 101 101 101 Foreign Bonds. 11 l,nlln. 7a ',4 inllU 1 At) 10A 20 City of Elberfelde 6 6 6 . 6' 10 Cltv of Sou-sons 6s.. 85 85 BK 1250 N Y N II Fr 7s.... 76 76 76 50 Russian 6s ctfs.. 21 18 21 21 Russian 5s 20 20 20 15 Swies 5 102 102 102 115 U S Mexico 4s 47 7 47 2 Can Steamships 8s.. 96 96 96 22 U S Brazil 7s 98 97 97 Chicago Stocks. Range of prices of the leading Chicago stocks furnished by Logan ft Bryan, 248 Peters Trust building: Close. American Radiator 5 Armour & Co. pfd , 96 Armour Leather com 12 Continental Motor 8 Earl Motor 3 Llbby 2 Montgomery-Ward , 22 National Leather new 8 Piggley Wlggly 40 Swift ft Co. '. 102 Swift International 20 Union Carbide 57 Wahl 63 Wrigley . , 103 New York Dry Goods. New York, May 17.r-Cotton goods were firm today, with buying on a moderate scale. Yarns were advanced sharply, es pecially in the combed division. Burlaps also rose on" more active sales. A sharp advance was recorded In prices of worBted yarns. Some values being up 60 cents a pound, compared with a week or 10 day ago. Knit goods were generally quiet New York Money. few York, May 17. Call Money Steady; high, 3 per cent; low 3 per cent; ruling rate, 3 per cent; closing bid, 3 per cent: offered at 3 per cent; last loan.' 3 per cent. Call loans against acceptances. 3 per cent. Time loans, easier; 60 days and 90 day. 41 per cent; six months. 4 per cent. Prime mercantile paper,. 4 4 per cent. '- Liberty Bonds Price. New Tork May 17. Liberty bonds at 1 p m. today: 3s, $99.30; first 414s, 499.80; second 4s, $99.66; (.third 4s, 199.90; fourth 4s. $99.90; Victory 4s, $100.66. i A London Money. ' London, May 17. Silver Bar, 36d per ounce. ' ' Money 1 Per cent. Discount Rates Short and three months' bill. 2 5-16 2 per cent. . " ' Bar Silver. New York, May 17. Foreign Bar Silver, 73c. Mexican Dollars 5oc. Kansas City Produce. Kansas City, Msy 17. Eggs Un changed; firsts. 22c. Butter Unchanged; creamery, 38c; packing, 18c. Poultry Unchanged: hena, 22c; broil ers, 40c; roosters, 12 c. . w York Poultry. New York, May 17. Poultry Live, firm; pricea unchanged; dressed, steady fowls. 2323c. Omaha produce rural.keal kg Mai af Mebraaka, de rirlaxe.l f agrkuilura, l I a4) aaarketiagi I. IV PlUl.TltT. H,;rr 344IS 44 6S tie.,., il, 31 ,21 ,! ,; ii.h. h...y rill .Jj .J I'akl I3a ,14 .t .8 i,..k. it, .ta ,:s U'a ' .' IHK.KMttl PuL'LTKT. Hrallei. freah ,, .Jt ,4 Mmilaia f rii-ej . ....... . . Hen. 7. !' I' k, . . . . . ...a...... 1.1. ti .1 tiM '"tr .:t aililM. Vele-.( t .24 w . .: :: : No. t ,; taMInuni! '.'. 4t44 t.4$ H ITT Kit. Creamery, prima Creamery, tut) .. I oumry, heal ... .7 1'hh.i.v rum.... .114. Ilullalfat. 4)1 pr. v:,, Prairie No, 1 upland ' ?. JJ. No, S upland llltZ 'i 0 N. I upland all! 2 is No. midland . . .SIO .'4 ... I .t: .si ,l .tit .-4 ,3 .36 .'.i Sa. 3 midland No. $ midland ItlZ .III Sa. I lowland " JJ Sa. 1 lowland 4JJ2 All ami... chu,i:::::::.::::: ;$"S ., .......a......, -.." """I se s Writs F4f Or nttEIOOMOs aA4U. KrMUNN 8a. CO. Tower Bulldlni. CHICAGO. ILL. Scientific American Bid.., WASHINGTON. D..C Woolworth Bulldln.. NEW YORK Hobtrt Bldg.. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. ..lO.lEY in GRAM 112. 50 buy a guarantee option on 1 0, 000 bushels af wheat or corn. Nm FrnHhrnf Klmk. A movement of 5e from option pric give yon an opportunity to take $500.00; 4c, $400.00; te.toW.tn. ate. WRITE TODAY FOR PAR TICULARS ami FREE MARKET LETTER. IIIESTOM lalLT IBIIE, Urtsnssat sVsasb s, lSaMBntlaaart.RAI4aASeiTV.4BCt. Nn. t No. $ .... W baat .iraw .I " IIIDi:a AND WOOU Beef hl.lei llrecn sailed No. 1. P'' Sale: gren .ailed No. i. per In., l4Jc, gieen hide No. I. I"' ln..41ics green h'dr. No. t. p-r IK. S0 4i; green .ailed, old stock, per lo :lc; green u ted bu hidea No. 1. per IK. 4c; green .ailed bull bll.'ora0hldae?Large. each. $1 medium, each, $2 4a; .mall, each, 17.00; pony and glue., each. Il.004l.t5. Hhnep pelt.: Green salted, a to Ilea and waul, ech. Ta:4)lll.ie. Wool: Choir fina and one-hair blood, per lb, :iT30c: medium and three-eighth blood, per IK. 2411 2c: low and oncquor ter blood, per lb.. 17 4 20c. KRL'ITH. Bananas! 7o lb. .. Orange: Rlsa 21 and r- I T.o- tx 250, I7.7504.5O; it 211. tl.. lfT.31: als $24, 44.O0J97.6fl. , Per hoi. 17.O0ff7.60. Or.p fruit: Per crate, according to Ixe, $4. Soli's. 50. Apple: Wlnenap. acoording to ' ami grade. $4.004. 4. no; Hen Davis, $3.00; Tellow Newston. $3.0001.54. Hirawberrle: Cralea. 34 pt. hoxes, $3.00 04.no: cratee. 24 qt. boxes. 45.60 ... r'lxv 24-lb. packagee, S ox, $2.2.; bulk, per IK. 154S16C. af . Plneapplea: According to six. ICtufJ VEGETABLES. ni.,a New. No. 1. Per lb.. 8 07e: new. No. i. per It., 68c: w'rn 'fj'!' ka. No. M. per cwt.. SLJ $.: Idsho vhite. NO. J. per c.;, ". Ohio. No. 1. per cwt. S2.S0; Oregon netted ''Sweet "potstoes: Per hu.. I1.7S01S9. Celery: Per do.. f47 ".. . Hesd lettuce: Crate. $3.04.75; doa $1 00491.60. Leaf lettuce: Dot.. $1.0001.60. Rubarb: Horn grown, per dox., 40c Kgg plant: Doxcn. $2.00. Onions: Texaa crystal wax. 45.-lb. crates, $3.00; yellow onions, 46-lb. crate, $3 75 Cauliflower! Crate. 12. 2582.60. Asparagua: Doxen. tl-OO. Cucumbers: Hot house, dog., $2.00; hampera. S do.. $3.00J.SO; Florida,, crates. $5.00 fr 4.00. Carrots: Old. per lb.. 4c Turnips; Old. per lb., 3 5c. Beets: Old. per lb., 3fllc. Cabbage: New. per lb.. 4 06c Tomatoea: Cratea. S baskets. $j.00T. I. 00; lugs. $3.25. Radiahea: Young southern, doz.. 40O 45c;rrota: Young outhern. dox., SOc 'rleet: Young southern, dox.. SOcfl! 11.00 Turnips: Young southsrn, dox., 90c (9 II. 00. Onions: Young, horn grown, per ao., 30c. Spinach: Horn grown, basket. 76e. Green peppers: X.K, tOc. .... Oreen or wz leans: Hampers. $..00. PLANTS. Cabbage: Box, $1.0091.26. Tomatoea: Box. $1.001. 25. Panay planta: Box. $3.76. Nuta and honey unchanged. Wholesale prices of beef cut re aa follows; No. 1 ribs, 19c; No. ! ribs. 16c. No. 3 ribs, 15c: No. 1 loins. 26c; No. 2 lolna, S5c; No. $ loins. 20c; No. 1 rounds. 17 c; No. 2 rounds, 17c; No. $ rounds, 15c; No. 1 chucks, 10c; No. 2 chucks. 10c; No. 3 chucks. 8c: No. 1 Plate. 6c; No. 2 plate. 6c: No. t platea. 4c. Chicago Potatoes. Chicago, May 17. Potatoes Weak: re ceipts, 41 cars; total United States ship menta, 481 cars; Wisconsin acked and bulk round whites, $1.261.40 cwt.; Mich igan bulk round whites, $1.261.40 cwt; Idaho sacked Rurals, $1.40j1.60 cwt.; new stock firm on sacks, steady on bar rels: Alabama aacked Bliss Triumphs. No. 1 $3.25- cwt.; Florida Bpaulding Rose, double-headed barrels. No. 1. I5.506.00; No. 2, $4.00. ' Sit. Louis Grain. St. ' Louis, May 17. Wheat May, 11.40; July, $1.23 bid.. Corn May, 69c; July,,63e. Oata May, 3Vjic: July, 41c. , Duluth, Minn., May ' 17. Flaxseed, $2.79. . - -- Ner York Dried Fruit. New Tork, May 17. Evaporated Ap ples Scarce. Prunes Dull. Apricots Quiet. . ' Peachea Steady. Raisins Easy. ' CUNARD ANCHOR o ANCHOR-0ONA10SON N v iB.iaow. '" tl IT IM 4 Mag 41 W 14 il t HH4M. tk4, ,. May S . 44 41 414 I IMS . .Ja S Jaaall Jal ft V la I'll mouth. 4 nart-Hi4 M"."'g IIM S4ay4Jlr 4 I 4 Kit M I II Jl -4i' S a iiM, lOuei..liml A MITIIIS loewl,. Was I da J I llllkll ,aawl..Jaaa S Julf SAag. lAMWtSIs J IS ialy S Aag. I? t ia auB'i'ry "IV. . I IHIMHIS Mar $1 duawtt alulf ft ISV49MIISIS ,,..Jm S iwt. 1 SU.9.HM a II J.lf 4 )a, sa N. V, I Vis. I'bielier. Nai'laa, fall. Pubiavaih an) Tft., . T 4,1 1 4, , .im It U"!OB la nd.mdarfy, XJiao4 a4 a HI S, "!S4"9"$$ alf l H.inn i Queensiown nd Lltp t. aiWSMIS la.).. .War 41 . JulM IINMSMI ...... Jw IS " " L SI II M I dieal July ', CANADIAN StRVlCt. Via rielM'"'!" t I.wianra a. Monll.al IS) f l S IS .May Oaotll I S IMIKA ,. Jii.ae S4uaS bSTIMMV ,,,Jul ejulr 14 iriitMt .... sua. is swpi. ia .Also nil" t Slotllle, liel.ud, Uonlr.l ta Liverpool Ai niMS ... Ja in July l An. I TSHKM4M.I ..ajumtl July ItMIM I July a Aug. II Swiil. IS Alao rail tll.nw. Montreal ta riyniouih. Cherbourg ea Lod'tn AvnSVI.S ,....4ii 17 July SI Aag. IS ANTOMS July I Aug. rVeiH. Apply lemnanj'B Local Agla. i:riliera. When in Omaha Stop at Hotel Rome IN tO DAYS JAPAN CHINA "fey MANILA i ty4 hi c Jl FtBtS Tim Acrou lh Pacific Formightly sailicp irora Vancouver Cwla. lalfiiraa.l.'aai Aaa. local iMaasiSa agewM e R.8 Elwonkr.Cea. Agt. tS. 8. Pais. Dept., 40 N. Ueerbora 91. if 0mamJri Cal Calli FRANK'S MEDITERRANEAN Ouisa da Luxe, February 6 by Specially Chartered New OWARDSS4SCYTHIA'' Turbine Oil-Burner, ii.soo tons 1 'months, foco and uo include ihore excurtlont , and all expenses Egypt. Haly Land, CoiutantiaepU. Gre.ca, Italy, Spain, Etc. FRANK TOURIST CO. , 48S Fifth Avenue, Nw York Or Our Local Ateot v taX-Oa'alS US) 1 i:,lJi:iaiLlnM M0T Tavriri 'OR. fish, trolf. camp ia the woods or alone tne motor trail- or atop in a big city hotel; you're close to nature or civilization as you please. Cornel By motor, rail or boat ask your local ticket agent about reduced summer rates. Write for information and literature. Ten Thousand Lakes of Minnesota Assn- lISSEoif 6fhfrf St. Paul. Minn- When you wrift, indicate kind of information iuvrids General Vacations. Canoe Trio . , . rermanent bummer none Mtes. aaintftul a aM aodcrn hotel. Vs HOTEL, every room with bath (ate Hotel Red Book In every Pullman ear) ' eeublksh your Minnesota tourtag headquar ters here lor mall, telegrams, laundry, el, Write tor booklets: address Tha Saint Paul Hotel, Saint Paul, Mian. Hotel Castle OMAHA . tstssav4tbg4tss Paters Trail B.IISIn. 6 Loans on New Residences You can now securo building loans at thu rata tha lowest rata in Omaha. . We offer three plans: . 60-Month Installment Loan ' .142-Month Installment Loan Tl 5-Year Straight Loan . . ,'if-"i Cost of Loan Is Nominal Your application will receive prompt attention. Peters Trust Cox C. B. V Q. Joint 6V2s Called For Payment July 27, 1922, at 103. If presented iiv New York be fore July 12, 1922, holder may convert par for par into Northern Pacific Ry. Co. Kefdg. & Improvement Mortgage 6s Due July 1, 2047. (Callable after July 1, 1936, at 110.) FOR EXCHANGE OR COLLECTION Forward Bonds to or telephone BURNS BlUNKER $Sr COMPANY'" tnrcotH- orrwv or fenaiiMlm. SW.Ca,m,rtfDotMgU,, af W A M A U . wrinnni ni.Bi B4MtV9as1lfCfil fT IsiVtltOlffSli lilt I SB 1 V n y I If