TIIK BKK:. OMAHA. WKDNKSDAY. MAY 17. 1922. iNW Ambassador From Germany Is in Washington Arm.! c.f Dr. Otto Wictlfrldt Sigiuli! Opening of Negotiation! to Settle War Claim. By ARTHUR SEARS HENNINO. Omaha fW m4 W lr. Washington, May 16. Arrivst o( Dr. Oito WiHitrMt. the new Ger man amhatU'lor, in Vahtnetn i nalisrs ihe opening of exleiiive ne gotiations between Washington and Berlin to revive treaties annulled by the war, to nuke new treatiei and to settle American war claims and release German property acqueitered by the United State. To work out a fttlcment of the war claims ag;int Germany, Secre. tary Hughes has proposed throiiRh Mr. Houghton, the American am baador in Berlin, the creation of a mixed comroiiin of Ain-rtcan and Ormans. Dr. Wiedfeldt bclievei thi proposal will be aecepted. Firat In Fire Yeara. American war claim against Ger many total about $.)(M).00Ci.(XK). Claim! ariaing out of live and property de stroyed by German submarine war fare and other depredation aggre Bate $22I.'HK).IMK). Expcne incurred in maintaining enemy alien and prisoner of war and other miscel laneous charge are slightly in excet of $80,000,000. German property which will be held by the alien property custodian pending settle ment of the American war claims i of an estimated value of $400,000,000. With the arrival of Dr. Wiedfeldt, Germany has an ambassador in Washington for the first time in more than five years. This is the first ex perience of the ambassador in di plomacy. He is a successful business man who has been one of the mana gers of the Krupp works, the great arm factory now producing farm machinery and other implements of peace." The ambassador made light of re ports from European capitals of a possible combination between Rus sia. Germany and Japan for the con trol of the commerce of the world. Combination Not Expected. "I don't believe there is a word of truth in such rumors," he said. "As for my personal opinion, I hope that if any combination is entered into, it will be between the United States and Germany." It will be many years before Ger many recovers from the effects of the war, Ambassador Wiedfeldt oelieves The people of the United States, he said, are apt to get a false impression of the true condition of Germany and to believe that its recovery has been much more rapid than is really the case. . Germany it most anxious to keep with the United States in every way for the Improvement of commercial relations between the two countries at the earliest possible day.Dr. Wied feldt asserted. .' "There will always be. of course, a few in Germany who believe they would be better off under the Hohen zollern regime than at present," he said. "The great majority of the peo ple of my country, however, are per fectly contented with conditions as they exist at the present time." Los Angeles Buys Power Plant of Edison Company Los Angeles, May 16. The city of Los Angeles today took over the distributing properties of the South ern California Edison company, which lie within its boundaries, un der a purchase contract by which the company .was paid $12,044,000 in cash. The city also agreed to pur chase at wholesale all of the electric power it may require which is not generated from its aqueduct. The power purchase contract is continue in effect 30 years unless canceled by a vote of the people, but such cancellation cannot be made' un til 10 years have elapsed. , Little raffia mats are handy things to have around to use under vases, etc.- PIMPLES ON FACE m YEARS Also On Back. In Blotches. Cuticura Healed. "My trouble began In tort of mall, white pimples on my (ace ad back. They were in blotches and fettered and scaled over. My clothing aggravated the breaking out on my back, and my face wi di figwed for the tube being. "The trouble lasted about two yeara. I tried different remedies but nothing cured me. I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment and af ter I had used two and a half cakes of Cuticura Spap and one box of Cu ticura Ointment I was completely healed." (Signed) Miss Clara Hen gel. R. 4. Box 19, Denmark. Wis. Rely on Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum to care for your skin. fcaaTTaticara Soap than wnfcaa mmt. Say Ben-Gay at any drug store and vott will get a tube of the original French Baume Bengue (Analge aique), then apply a follows: rub a little of the Banns in front of and behind the ear for the quick reUef of the pain. Keep a tube handy for Toothache. THOS. UEMTNQ a CO-. KEW YORK SLEEPY - TIME TALES 4$TH TALE O r J&yVQMnARAI I I AMR ullWll L-M.U lMIMU ARTHURiSCOTT BAILEY CHAPTER IV. School Begins. After Snowball' trip to the ul lage old dog hport scarcely stirred from the farmyard, lie left the MXidihuil to scurry about the pa turc at they rU-4fd. Tor he felt that "4TAr w w tor-- et-f Once outside Johnnie could beir the children still laujhinf he ought to keep an eye on Snow ball. The very next time that Snowball started to follow Johnnie Green out of the yard, Spot ran up to him and barked at hi heel. "Go back I" Spot growled. "Don't you dare leave this yard!" And then, to Spot's surprise, John nie Green picked up a stick and threatened him with it. "You let my lamb alone!" Johnnie cried. . That was bad enough, accord ing to old dog Spot's notion. But when Johnnie shouted, "Get out!" at him, that was worse. Spot tucked his tail between hi legs and slunk away, to hide himself under the woodshed. And there he stayed for the rest of tile morning and sulked. , But in. the afternoon he began to feet more cheerful. For Spot had heard Mrs. Green remark that school began the next day. That was good news. At least Spot so thought it. "This lamb won't get much notice from Johnnie Green after today," Spot told Henrietta Hen. "He'll be left here in the yard. And it won't be long now before Mrs. Green tells Farmer Green to put him in the pas ture with the flock. She won't have him in everybody's way. She'll get rid of him quickly. You know that when Mrs. Greed makes up her ADVERTISEMENT. FROM THE CONVENT OF THE SACRED HEART Sister Superior Endorses Merit of Father John's Medicine for Children. wwtin -from the Sacred Heart Convent at Newport, Vt, the Sister Superior in charge says: "We have here a large boarding school and as soon as we see a child without ap petite or not feeling well we have him take Father John's Medicine. I think it is the best remedy for children." (Signed) Sister Mary Alexandrine, Superior Sacred Heart Convent. Over 100 other institutions use and endorse Father John's Medicine, having proved its value for colds and body building over a long pe riod of years. Safe to use because it contains no drugs. t miml, ihiutis gtneuUy Imfu to sun her." . Henrietta nodded her handomc head. "Jut what I've often told the Rottter!" the culaimed. Well, the following morning as much a an hour slier break last, Johnnie Green started up the road with some book under hi arm and a lunch Lakct in his hand. It was the lirt Iy of kIio, And some how Johnnie wan't feeling very happy. He had dawdled about the houe so hi mother said. It ap peared that he in no hurry to leave home. ' Before Johnnie had reached the barn, which stood beside the road, Mr. Green stepped out of the houc and looked at li mi. "You'd better grt long!" she called after him. "You don't want to be hue the first day of school!" So Johnnie Green Tell into a jog trot, which he kept up all the way to the red schoolhouse. A he came in stunt of the little boxlike buildinir. he saw other youngsters hurrying through the doorway. And then Johnnie ran at fast ss he could. He burst inside the schoolroom jtt as the school mistress tapped the little bell on her desk, which meant that everybody must stop talking, because sit coo I had begun. Johnnie Green hurried to a seat. But before he reached it all the other pupils burst into a shout. Johnnie looked around. And there, ('iiii. st'Htot the fltMH, va fno UHJ He had (allowed Johnnie U the way from Farmer Greeu's barn. It wa some time before things were quiet. The teacher had to ring her Mil bell good many time, and even rap upon her dek with ru'rr. before the boys and girl stop ped laughing. And then the teacher turned to Johnnie Green and spoke U him, "Mary." she id, "ii this your lit tle lamb?" The teacher emed surprised be cause her pupil began to roar at that, liut the made no attempt to silenre them. She did not even try to quiet a tertain boy called "Red," who nude more ttoUe than all the ret together, Meanwhile Johnnie Green's face looked like a red apple. And it grew seveial shidee redder, when Snowball walked up to his seat snd ,ton close beide him. "Don't you think" said the teach er after a while "don't you think, Mary, that you'd better take your, little lamb home?" ' Johnnie Green did not answer. But be hung his head a he rose and hurried out of the schoolroom, with Snowball following close be hind him, . Once outside, Johnnie could hear the children still laughing. And he even thought that be could hear the tearhrr laughing, ton. That very morning Snowball found himself turned into tlie pasture where Farmer Green's flock of sheep were passing the summer. And it wasn't long before the whole barn yard was filled with the noise os goipping tongues. "For once." said Henrietta Hen, "the Muley Cow knew w hat she was talking about when she said Johnnie Green would grow tired of that white laniDi As for old dog Spot, he told every body that he was going up to the pasture to chase woodchucks. And a for Johnnie Gieen, be told bis tnoiUf that he didn't beluve nc i go oavK iu st ntKii any pivit, Wiit she taid l' should and that ery morning, And thine generally happened the way Mrs. Green intended. cnt uit- Narrotic Art Violators, Must Serve Snttrmr Johnnie Moore and Smith (lines, eonvitted in the federal (.curt lot December and sentenced to lour and live year repectively in the federal priaon at Leavenworth for violation of the narcotics act, will have losrne their sentenres, under a ruling re reived by the federal court clerk yetrrday. This ruling I that the bill of ex cept inn in an appealed case must be bled in Ihe court of appeals in 'the same term s that in which the conviction occurred. 2j New Can Are Received Daily by Union Pacific The Union Pacific has several hundred men added to the car re pairing force over the southern dis trict of the road. General Manager Je tiers said Tuenday following a con ference with Genera! Superintend ent II. J. riumhof of the southern district. About 25 new cars are being re ceived in Omaha daily of an order for 2.W0 cars placed this year. These are' being sent out over the system and will also be available for mov ing grain Omaha Man Transfer ml Bert Griffith has been transferred from Omaha to Kansas 'City as dis trict manaeer for the Cluett Tea- body company of Troy, N. Y. He will be succeeded in Omaha by F. II. Beattie, for seven years connected with the Armstrong Clothing company. juaBiacBnnBga3nB 111 tP-SSSSSSSSS'b H Beet F ..- -T -, , ,;6 u ADVEBTISEMENT. Woman Blamed by Her Family Restless, irritable, nervous, excit able and exacting is the charge against her by- those nearest and dearest. How little they realize the struggle ' the overworked wife and mother is making to keep about and perform the hundred and one duties that. devolve upon her! Every hour her headaches, backaches and pains drag her down until she can stand it no longer. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable, Compound has restored more women in this condition to health and happiness than any other medicine. The grateful letters we are continually publishing in this pa per from w.omen who have found health by its use prove it. Best Ammonia Made 20-or. Bottle 293 1001. Bottle nt BUY-RITE FRUIT DEPARTMENT STRAWBERRIES Beautiful larpe, firm, ripe dellcloua Strawberries. Now is the time to can Strawberries, as the low point In Strawberry prices has been reached. Alt Buy Rite stores will have special prices on this fruit in case lots for Wednesday and Thursday. Don't miss this opportunity, it is practically your last chance. ( Extra fancy large Blue Goose brand sweet Navel Oranges, per dozen 69e 1 carload of extra fancy W'enatchee Winesap Apples, all sizes, per box.. ..$4,25 Per peck 81.45 Uttla By Lu . Condriwd Liquid Bluing, per battli 9c fl GERANIUMS! GERANIUMS! 20,000 extra fancy Geraniums, red and pink, special, each, 235: per dozen $2.70 Plant your Geraniums NOW CAN'T BE BEAT! Dairimaid Creamery Butter is sold exclusively by the Buy-Rite Stores, every pound guaranteed. Per pound -39 SOAPS CLEANSERS SOAPS 10 large bars of Omaha Family Soap for 42 e5 10 16-oz. bars of Petrolene Soap for 82(3 10 bars of Electric Spark Soap for. 426 3 bars of Haskln's hard water Castile Soap 22C 6 pounds of Ifaskin's White Lily Soap Chips for 835 MargeansoMCkchenJKl BUY-RITE PILLARS Nishna Valley Buy-Rite Butter, per pound 405 Buy-Rite Coffee, lb., 35$; 3 lbs. for....9a Large Jars of Buy-Rite Peanut Butter, Jar 20t Ideal Malt and Hops, per set. 1334 Per case of 13 sets $6.99 Large cans of Puritan Malt Sugar Syrup Per can 89c5 Per case of 12 large cans $9.75 Lipton's Yellow Label Tea, -lb. pkg 235 -Jb. pkg.. 43: lib. pkg. . 855 Gooch's Best Flour, per 481b. sack. 12 09 Pillsbury's Best Flour. 48-Ib. sack $2143 Large bottle Kamo Thousand Island Salad Dressing, special 25) Large bottle Premier Salad Dressing, per bottle 434 10,000 lbs. of full cream Brick or Cream Cheese, pt lb 235 TUMBLERS! TUMBLERS! TUMBLERS! 50,000 fancy Tumblers or drinking glasses, extra special, per dozen 53 Summer and picnic time will soon be here, lay in a supply of these glasses now. RAISINS! RAISINS! RAISINSl 50,000 lbs. of unbleached . Sultana Seddless Raisins, the finest Raisins you can buy. Usu ally sold at 30c t? pound. Special, 3 pounds for 135 Use them in your bran and raisin bread, muf fins, etc. Give them to the kiddles for their health's sake. M. J. B. COFFEE The Coffee you will enjoy at every meal because of its freshness and delicious flavor. It's a real good Coffee, vacuum packed, that's the reason. Per pound 475 3 pounds for $1.35 E. KARSCH CO., Vinton and Elm 6ta. ' ARMAND PETERSEN tSOS Sherman Ate. HANNEGAN A CO., SSth Ave. and LeaTnvrortb F. B. B0QAT2, till and 8 Stik. Booth Side ERNEST BUFFETT, The Grocer of Dundee BUY-RITE STORES SELL THE BEST FOR LESS FRANK BUY-RITE CEREAL SPECIALS Shredded Wheat Biscuit, 2 large packages 23 Jersey Cora Flakes, 2 large packages for 15 Large packages Armour's and Quaker Oats, each 255 Post Toasties and Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 packages for 25 Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice, per pkg., 15 Large packages of Grapenuta, each. . . .'. . . .17 KUSKA, - 13th and Garfield. OSCAR E. NELSON, ;Jth and I St., South Side, THORIN A SNYGG Fortieth and Hamilton JEPSEN BROS., ' SStb and Cumins'. J. D. CREW & 80N, Thirtj-tliird and Arbor GEO. I. ROS8, X4tn and GILES BROTHERS, Benton. WILKE A MITCHELL, Fortieth and Farnam LYNAM A BRENNAN, loth and Uoreao Fancy Breakfast Bacon y2 or whole side 22c Meller IB Omaha's Leading Cash Markets 212 N. 16th St. 2408 Cuming St. 4903 S. 24th St. Sugar Cured Skinned ' Hams Vz or whole 30 c Choice Choice Choice Fresh Cut Choice Cut Beef Pot Rib Boiling Round Hamburg Beef Chuck Roast Beef Steak Steak Roast 10c 6e 20c 15c 13c SPECIALS Choice Pork Loin Chops, lb. 20c Choice Boston Butts, lb. . . . .20c Fresh Spareribs, lb. ........ 10c Fresh Pigs' Feet, 4 lbs 25c Pickled Pigs' Feet, 3 lbs. .. .25c Choice Salt Side Pork, lb. . .18c Choice Leaf Lard, lb 11c Fancy Fresh Killed Young Hens, per lb 30c Fancy Young Broiler, lb 40c Pure Lard, per lb I2c SPECIAL SALE ON ALL CANNED GOODS. Evaporated Milk, Value Brand tall cans, 4 for 30c Fancy Sweet Corn, 3 cans. . .25c Fancy Select Peas, 3 cans. . .25c Fancy Tomatoes, 2 cans. . . .25c Fancy Pork and Beans, 3 cans for.......... ..25c Evergood Liberty Nut But- erine, lib ....19c Evergood Liberty Nut, 5 lbs. 95c SMOKED MEATS Fancy No. 1 Smoked Picnic . Hams, per lb.. . .17c Cudahy's Puritan Skinned' Hams, per lb 35c Cudahy's Puritan Breakfast Bacon, per lb 36c Fancy Strip Bacon, lb. 17c Special Brisket Corned Beef, boneless, per lb 14c Choice Rolled Corned Beef. .11c Fancy Erick Cheese, lb . .20c Fancy Cream Cheese, lb 25c Fancy Swiss Cheese, lb ..... .25c Mail and Express Orders Filled From This List. A Silly Song By A CUCKOO BIRD lw nMialilk.iv Ititl ITarltlim'l.! kk - ' - I 1 r , - ihe LnotUr wrvrr . h' ham mrr only bourn' l'iW an4 rucks dun on lite shins, wnne every nun aa. I. A im mlM a 1 Itl iafliehaA. Mil lW 'T -e Mifiin s hoot will Irani that heott, lilc Itii kem, come home a. 4111 ta root, ?o mil gor rmiiiu iMtmutig tor all that It it worth a4 K ',! lit KaihumUe ar tht trry mU vf thr 1 41 .so iluo away your liammtr or a it (or a vk n4 Itrlp the worM g forward innu4 of putli'im batk, Suirkrii Policoiiiaii Coc to Arizona in Health urt Frank Marrhaut, auo!maii in the Tli ire" ward, who list become tii'tim of tuberculous III both lungs, will Irave thi alirrnoon for Anrona, A AItKTIt MtAT. AtMr-HriM VAT. 90 per cent ol all diseases can be triced directly to constipation! An4 )i'U in peniuiiiiitly ri4 uur rt( of Una daitsermi tunJiiutii by the dally u of a tl-lu Ion. tpni III trel Kello.l'i UltAN, cookeJ an4 krumblid! 1'un'l let coimila lion "get utty" Htili you or any of your family: Don't ilit such dancer sianata a bad breath, coaled tongue, lirain fug, fevvrlNh brnd aclta, hail Mulct fio inmr how uliisht !! ayminoma. KHIHT Cu.N- HTII'ATION! Ii la Ua.lly. ome ll gi'in 11 aiip on your ayNiom! I'liyitli-iNiii liidor Ki-llnk'a'a Uriin. rookrd and krunihld, for rotitlp. linn iMH-atiw 11 is 11 mure a food and tWNUa It rllrp ooiiNiipailon per manrnily. Tho only rtutlon U to eat Hran rraulnrly and then the pvert lann can ho coinlatcd auc cPMtfully! Kt nt laat two table, tpounful dully: In rhronle cmnck, rat tlran with rarh nival! ftraulia will UKiuuUh you! Hran rauaoa no Irnta. lion or duM'oiiifurt. It wrt.. mid rkana and purlfim, kavlna Iho Inn limiive tract in lifalihr, aciive con dition that throw off the poiaons and berpa you free from dangrroua tome conditions! You should know ihnt Pran not only rmanntly rllvrs eontla tlon, but I one of the mot wond'r ful of food. It l rlt-h In all lmm iil'on wliti'li iha body thriven mln rnil Mil, iirololna, tut, mrdo hydralra. Ilran dora wonderful work for children, funk ma them otronit and rolut! Kut Kxlloes's llrnn a a cereal or prlnklcd over your favorite cerral; It nut-like flavor la delli'inua. or. um It In rountliM alnle.anpcnlliig wava for baking and cooking, liny KrlloifK'a Hran. cooked and krum bld, from all grocers. fund of f.'VI i bring rir4 among liik (t'.w pn.iri. uuilrr tlirrr'iou of ratrotinaii W. M Pavi. Mrrhant aUi mil itirne J'l a month from t!i iiilue peiuioii fund, aniMiut4ar. Free to Asthma and Hay Fever Sufferers Free Trial of a MatkeJ Tkat Any a Can U Wilkaul DiacoM fori or Lata af Time. k a miKud fi tha lrtl af A.lKwa. and aa aaut la try II al iiikiim, ha iur akokf ur ca U I aiandiKe er rawnl dlt. Hikr 11 la t liar lr er rkiwaM A'tkma, thaukl ! fur a fraa nal ! - ir m.ttioj. Na aiailar la aha hm' ru ltva, na m"r "r f ruiilan. If H ara lrnbl nh ikaa ir ir f.r, ur awih4 kould nlwa "a promptly. a.iHwialir ail la "! it la lhae oparveily aoe! . kra all fnrais af Ikkalm. rfottrkM, eeiuai praparailaat, fuaiM. "iMiaac tmtik." , kata fall. H a nt la kaw avrrran at aur apfla Ikal aur atallwd la dMlonxl la n4 a 'I i(flrall brwihiae, all alimine, and all koa Irmbla rwruiraml. Thia fra affr I a Impnrlanl la ll ainvla ily. Writ w and htm Ika mth4 al ear. (WnJ na monar. Mlntr-lr mail eunn Mow. ta II TxUf- do al aM far paaa. rBEE TRIAL COUPON r HON. OR ASTHMA CO.. Ka) f 0. Nlarara and llud.na Hu, iuf(lo. N.Y. sVod fr trial el your maikod tai COLGATE'S J 3.MS.LV k.O .a Because FAB is Thin it dissolves instantly and com pletely. It makes silky, abundant suds in any temperature of water. And it dissolves completely, even in hard water. A Test is Your Proof FAB a new soap-flake made by Colgate & Co. -safely wasbea fine FABrfc. . in a new package'" waste proof dust proof At grocery, drug and department stores Become Partner a In a HOME Enterprise YOU CAN DO THIS by investing your money in PREFERRED STOCK of NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY. Each share of this stock pays dividends every three months. The Comp ay is firmly established and ably managed .by men whose integrity and efficien cy are known to all. Price $95 and dividend for a $100 share. Nebraska V Power Company Invest through any of our employes they're our salesmen Mail coupon for free booklet I FREE BOOKLET COUPON I Nebraska Power Company, I Electric Bldg., Omaha, Neb. j Please send me illustrated booklet, containing . (1) More Information About Your Preferred Storlc. 1 12) Details of Easy Payment Plan, (3) How to I I Judge an Investment. Name Address 5.10 B-10J