TI1K liKH: OMAHA. SUNDAY, MAY 14. 1U2. 5-B A Training in Neatness Miss Fogg to Train Ak-Sar-Bcn Ballet Benson Society By LORETTO C LYNCH. iJo you Mr. Jluevi(r, in your liuny v-ork-a dsy world lake timt to inrultai ntatnrts in your children? it IS a hatat, alter all, this trick of (ring nci. Were one kbit to live lone in a liome alys. perhaps this habit of tiraiitrf houIJ not be so o.rntul to liajtpiness, but in the world of today, where all mutt live in some sort of homely everyday con tat Kith the other, cultivating the haliit of nratiifte and orderliness i quite next to godliness. A married woman wrote me a let trr the other day, and in it the state that the one handicap she had all throuiih hrr butinets clays, wat a lai k of training in neatness. Her mother failed, the says, to plant in hrr mind, a a child, the reasons for carefully wininif out the bathtub aftrr a bath. She had never hern trained to replace in good order ncn common toilet articles as soap, the talcum, the bath mat. . If mother did not find time to do it. it was not done at all. To quote her own word "our bathroom was (next to our bedrooms) in constant disorder, and the sad part of the whole thing was the fact that we did not imagine for a moment that this was a shortcoming. ; Maying the role of a wife and mother is a big tak. And it is un fortunate that we still have among us women who believe that they are going on some sort of a vacation nen tner give up trie "Business' jth for the job of homemaker and child trainer. ' Where one of the partners in mar riage is a neat person with a seme of orderliness, and the other lacks this training, there is more or les nnhappiness. ' An orderly woma told me that she wished her husband had some one big fault instead of perpetual untidiness. Yet this man was a fine fellow as men go. Dut his mother had never taken the time to tell him that one does not drag one's clothing off at night and leave it on i. - a i- . j me noor 10 dc stepped imo next morning. Teach your children neatness. Remember that you are passing on to them one of the best bits of train ing a mother can give. Problems That Perplex Answered by BEATRICE FAIRFAX 1 BWicve the Girl. " Dear Miss Fairfax: I have heard much about your advice and. as I am up a stump now. I want you to enllphten me on my subject. I am a high school boy of 18 and go with a girl six months my senior. Does thin matter about the age? Some people think us queer for going to gether. She is true as one can be to m. but somehow I believe she is In love with sftme other boy. She tells me t know nothing about It and says she don't love him. How can I And out for sure whether it is him Or me she loves? Hoping for a fa vorable answer, I remain, J ' LEMON. i p. S. Her mother oblects to me Solnsr with hr because I am not of the aina nationality that she is. Should I continue to go with her or BOt? ,- -V- f Six months is no difference at all fi) ace. As for finding out if the girl loves the other fellow, I would take her word for it that she doesn't, unless you have reason to believe she is in the habit of lying. It is such a pleasure to believe peo ple. Try it a while. Some people He, I know, but most of them do not. A difference in nationality is not a serious matter. Prejudices against other nstiortalitles are evidences of narrow-mindedness. We do find ourselves less congenial with some nationalities than with others, but if we have sincere regard for some person, the nationality itself should not count. J Jealousy and True Love. Miss Fairfax: I noticed by the fcaper that you gave some very good AAvlce. so I thought I would write for some. Will you please answer tho following questions? ; Is there any true love where there is Jealousy? ' i How old should a girl be Before she is engaged to be married? Is it proper for a couple to give presents to one another before they are en gaged? Thanking you for your ad Vice In advance. PUZZLED. ; There can be true love, I think, both with, or without, Jealousy, jealousy is something which wise people control. The age at which a girl may be properly engaged de pends upon her good sense, the age t the young man, and other circum stances. I would place 18 as a mini mum, and SO a much more desirable ge lor an ensasemeni. rrnwm may Be properly exenang-ea unuer some circumstances even muumi here Is no engagement. Iavlsn girts re in poor taste in such a case, however. i " The Suspicious Girl. Dear Miss Fairfax: I am 18 and In love with a young man two years my senior. I have always been a friend of the family and a good pal jo hla sister, but in spite of that she has influenced him not to give me a gift. What, shall I do, break with her? ' ANXIOUS. TVhattNls a "rift"? Perhaps the young niin needs to save his money and start building toward your future. Don't be so critical of his aister. Believe in her friendship and accept what you call her "Interfer ence" as an expression of Interest, .which it probably is, and you'll have much more chance ot peace ' and Jiapplness. . r i Afraid of Gossip. . near Miss Fairfax: I have been isolng about with a girl for a year ,when we broke off because she treated me so meanly; I have now re sumed friendship. ' Will you tell me it It la best to go with her aaain if I care Tor Iter ana she cares for me, as I know my friends will talk about me and cria Xize me. N. .A. How can anything your friends sav matter as comnared with your . feelings for the girl? If she means anything to you. be man enough to J snore gossip and criticism, and to dive your own life honestly and ac. fording to your ideas ot right and ,wrong. Ixgal Age. Dear Miss Fairfax: Could you tell me now pia n grin, liyine in ..una. muot D..O lO I t u, 1 Thanking you very much lor your jidvice. PEGGY. I believe 21 is me legal age in 'Tnw, Anv lawyer can tell van. or you can find it yourself In a copy of our state laws. For Shampoo. , j Miss Fairfax: You stated In your "column some time ago that lemon fjuice is good to bring out the gloss in one's hair. Doesn't lemon Juicf "bleach the hair I If not. how should ' 7TSV5T '7? A..st..,,,., i f U ;.-v rt Miss Adelaide Fogg will have the supervision of two of the largest dance numbers of the Ak-Sar-Ben pageant, "Coronado in Quivera," whfch is to be put on next fall a1 the Ak-Sar-Bcn field. The dancing is to be one of the chief features of the entertainment, and there will be six groups ot young people beside those in the public school numbers. Miss rogg will train the Spanish women character dancers, 'forty in number, and the "Rainbow dancers." The lat ter will be led by a premiere dan seuse, and the dance will be executed before a steam screen on which will be played beautiful rainbow colors. Miss Fogg is one of the accom plished performers and teachers of the city. She trained the children who danced last September at the Ak-Sar-Bcn coronation ball. Two of the other dance groups will be directed by Miss Mary Cooper, teacher of aesthetic dancing, whose pupils recently put on a most suc cessful exhibition. Both the Pueblo Maidens and Women of Quivera, of 'Which Miss Cooper will be in charge, are beautifully costumed and will be historically true to the period represented in the pageant. These groups will each contain 40 girls and are closely allied in character with the dance of the Pueblo men. Miss Cooper's drilling insures proper pre sentation of the numbers. Neighborhood Kensington. Mr. K. Y. Hyde rntrrtaind tht Neighborhood Vcntingtou I riday at her home in honor of Mrs, A. ). Kenfro of Kanui City. Birth Announcement A km, Warner. Jr., was born Fri day, May I.', to Mr. and Mrs. I'. W. Smith at NUhoUsSenn hotpitat. May Breakfast. Twelve ladies of the Penon Pres byterian Aid will entertain at a May breakfat Wednesday, the 24th. Ilos trttes are: Metdamrs C. N. Wolfe. Claude Kerd and lirrt Mtwi The breakfait hour is high noon. Krer. vatious should he placed not four than Xfiy 20. Tht public is invited. After the breakfast the regular bui nrss mreting of the aocirty will be conducted at the home of Mis. A. I'. Schiller, fifty-eighth and Military avenue. Poppy Sale. Mrs. W. A. Wilcox is a member of the committee who has charge of the popy sale to be held May 27 for the benefit of ex-service men and their families. Mrs. Wilcox aUo has war mothers' buttons for sale, Thee buttons are appropriate for Mothers' day. B. S. Chapter, P. E. O. Mrs. Cecilia Towm.rnd, 1318 South Thirtieth avenue, will be hos tess Monday, May 15, to the mem bers of the B. S. chapter of the P. K O. sisterhood. Mrs. J. W. Welch will give a review of the Look, "If Winter Comes." Family Dinner Party,. .Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Young enter tained at a family dinner party Sun day. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Young and three children of Boone, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Rry mond A. Young, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Young, jr., and Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Young, sr., and Robert and Grace of Omaha, and virgil Young of Sioux City. After the dinner the family motored to Plattsmouth and visited at the home of Rev. and Mrs. John Calvert. Mahannah-Clarke. . Miss Henrietta Clarke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton F. Clarke, and Earl T. Mahannah were mar ried Wednesday, May 3, at 8 p. m., at the home of the bride's parent!. The Rev. O. D. Baltzly read the marriage lines. Mr. .and Mrs. Ma hannah plan to buy a home in Ben son. They are now at the Home of the bride's parents. I. W. B. Class. Mrs. Wyman Woodyard was hos tess luesday at her home to the members of the I. W. B. class of the Methodist Sunday school. Luncheon Guests. Mrs. Stanley Conover and son, Stanley, jr., Mrs. E. Bradford and Mrs. G. Anderson and son, Roger, of Minne ' Lusa, were luncheon guests 1'iiduy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1 1. W. aton, 4 To Hold Rummage Sale. Members of J're.byienaii Ladies' Aii will collect eld clothing and i-ihrr article Monday and Tuesday, May S and 16, (or the rummage sale 10 be held Wdneday, May 17, at T went) 'tilth and Q streets. Dinner Gutst. Mr. and Mr. William Morse and sons, William and Kit hard, were dut er gue.u Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. i. Oliver. May Day Social The It. Y. P. V. will entertain at a May day social Friday evening, May l'. in the I. O. O. V. hall. An interesting program is being arranged and a May baket luncheon will be served, The proceeds will go into the church building fund, Everyone is invited to attend. Announcement Party. Mrs. Kenneth M. Wray enter tained at an announcement party Saturday in honor of Mi Catena Thoina, whoe marriage to A. M. Hall, brother of Mr. Wray, wilt take place the early part of June. The rooms were decorated in yellow and white. Tea roses and tewpict tlrrmed a bride and bridegroom adorned the center of the table. Gold hearts were used as favors. Covers were placed for 12 guests. May Sale and Dinner. Members of the Methodist Ladies' Aid will conduct a sate of aprons and home made candy Tuesday, May 16, in the parlors of the church. A 6:30 dinner will also be served at 35 cents the plate. Belle Rebekah Lodge. Flection of officers and initiation will be conducted Monday evening, May 16, by the members of the Belle Rebekah lodge. . Entertains at a Surprise. Forty-two ladies of the Benson Christian church entertained at a surprise Friday afternoon in honor of the birthday of their pastor's wife. Mrs. L. W. Myers.' A dclightfut luncheon was prepared and served hy the ladies after which a cut glass bowl was presented to Mrs. Myers. Dinner Guest Mrs. Wright, teacher in the Ben son Central school, was a Monday dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Skankey. War Mother Recital The Omaha organization of War Mothers entertained at a musical Friday and Saturday evenings in the ballroom of the Fontenelle hotel. The program was furnished by out-of-town talent. Proceeds to be used in aiding ex-service men and their families. Personals. R. Petersen is suffering from a broken ankle. Miss Mildred Wolfe spent Sunday in Sioux City. Mrs. Russell Spiece, who is en route from Falls City to her new it be applied? Thanking you, I am, 3. B. No. I think lemon Juice does not bleach the hair. Squeeze a little ot the Juice into your rinse water. C. K.: Many girls like yourself when they are asked to attend a bride at her wedding have only the vaguest idea of their duties. Some times they are not even sure if they will have to provide their own dresses for the great occasion, or whether this is part of the bride's expense. Unless the parents of the girl wno is to be married are very well to do it is usual for the bridesmaids to buy their own attire. So it is well to think of the expense entailed be fore glibly accepting the offer. . The bride chooses her favorite sister or a close friend to be her chief bridesmaid and at least one sis ter of the bridegroom is asked to attend to the bride as a rule. Usually, as soon as ner plans are made the bride asks the "maids" to meet at her house to talk about the dresses. She will probably have a scheme in mind, and of course it is nice to fall in with her suggestions if possible. . If, however, you are convinced that the styles chosen will not suit you it would be quite cor rect to ask her to ' modify them. Much better to thresh the matter out at the beginning Instead of accepting mildly and feeling discontented all the time. Hats present a rather difficult problem. It is rarely that the same type of hat suits two or three dif ferent people. If there Is any diver sity of opinion the bride could Bug- srest net cans or some Kina 01 neaa- gear for the occasion only which will not be very expensive. The bride chooses the flowers ner maids shall carry, though it is the bridegroom's privilege to provide the bouquets. He also gives each brides maid a small gift as a souvenir of the happy occasion. Curly: I can't publish your letter about lost relatives without some knowledge that your facts are au thentic. If you will have some well known citizen of your town vouch for you, I will do what I can for you. A. B. X.rv The proper time to pro pose to a girl is any time when you think she will accept. ' No, you need not give her the engagement ring the moment she accepts. Talk to her Large Hats From Paris This Season Ta w "I ESI . slf! Large hats seem to be due from Paris this season. The hat on the left is of soft lavender straw, girdled with lilacs and edged with lavender ribbon. The oth er is also straw, but is trimmed with cream-colored lace and old rose.- about the ' ring "before you . get' it. She may have some preferences in regard to It. I should say. within a few weeks or month after your en gagement would be soon enough to give her the ring. Two Chums: Send your graduation invitations to your boy friends and enclose the two cards, one for each of you. I think it would be a nice courtesy to do the same for their parents. One invitation would do for the two boys and one for the parents. A Farmer's Wife: The man guest of honor sits at the hostess' right and the woman guest of honor at the -left of the host. Out of every twenty-five farms in the United States one is operated by a woman. - 508-10 So. 16th St. 1908 Faraam St. THOROUGHNESS in our Hosiery Service has advanced step by step through the years first, for men; then, for women . . . and now, for all the family.' Small wonder, then, that Pray is referred to as: "The Family Hosiery Store!" I ' 1,1 I'" it (f '4f I il .000 ONE OF THE HIGH SCHOOL CLASSES ACCELERATED SCHOOL MOTTO "Every pupil recites every lesson every day." OOO SUMMER SCHOOL OPENS JUNE 12 Register Now! Gain a term's work. Pupils taught, how to study. H i g h S c ht) 0 1, Grammar, Primary, Tu-' toring. Coaching in all branches. Short hours. Fresh air. Personal attention. 000 ADVISORY BOARD J. E. Davidtoa W. J. Foy. H. H. Baldrids Dr. Samuel , McCUnefhan OOO School of Individual Instruction 3507 Harney Street HArney 2949 Itoine at Columbus. Neb., It vititing relative in (lemon. R. Burford it spending the week in Kansas City. Mrs. I- Anderson and daughter, Irene, lelt Wednesday for Sweden, Mrs. K. N. Galbrtath returned Monday from vii in Kama City. Mr. and Mrs. Cotton Roth and family motored to Trkamah Sun day. Fred Ingersoll of Detroit is here for the opening of the Krug amuse ment park. A. Wilson lias purchased the home formerly occupied by Mr. and Mr. A.' M. Alford. Harlo Wilcox Irft Wednesday for Rridgewater where he will coach a high school clat play, Mr, and Mr. Albert Yort of Falls City, Neb., viitcd relatives iu Benson during the pat week. Mr. and Mra. A. M. Alford left the early part of the week for Lake View, Ore., where they will reside. Miss Lena I-alt of Omaha spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Labs of Ren uiugton. Mrs. Dallas Green. Mr. and Mrs. N. Rasmusseu and Mr. and Mrs. A. Rasmusren of Washington, Neb., were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. I itch Mr, and Mrs. Lynn Uoodm and children left Monday by auto f"f Oregon where they will make their (utuie home. . Mrs. Florind of Fort Wayne, Ind, mm railed to Benson on account ot the serious illness of her mother, Mrs, Martin Tipke. Mrs. II. 1). Gardner It visiting hrr daughters, lone and lla. at the Uni versity of N'ehraka. Mrs, Gardner will attend the Mothers' day pro gram. Miss Rachel Dow left Friday for Lincoln where she will spend the wrrk with Mist Gladys Rabeoek, who is a student in the state uni versity. Mis Roma Roth of Wesleyan university is spending the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gorton R01I1. , Household Hints At one side of my three-burner gas stove 1 have hung a small set of shelves, such t are used in many bathrooms for a medicine chest. On one of these shelves I keep my tea. coffee, pepper, salt, sugar, a spoon, run and knife. It is well outside the danger of the fire zone and is a tre mendous addition to my limited shelf space. THE on. fnj r. aattrv SANATORIUM Lincoln, Nth. This institution Is the only one In tht central west with separate buildings situated in theif ow.i grounds, yet entirely distinct, and rendering it possible to classify cases. The one building being fit ted for and devoted to tht treat ment of noncontagious and nonmen tal diseases, no others being admit ted; the other Rest Cottage belli designed for and devoted to th exclusive treatment of select mental cases requiring for time watchful cart and special nursing. This It the Last Day Of Welch's Bariala week. Coffee, Tea or Milk FREE with every Be order of ' Burns' Wheat-Ten Bread- ALL SIX RESTAURANTS Col rear 14th and Dodge STATE FURNITURE CO. Phone JAckson 1317 A Tour Thru Our Store Will Convince You That Our Low Rent Location Saves You Money Dining Room Suite $114.50 8 piece dining room suite, finished in either walnut or mahogany, special ?114 50 Bed Room Suite $107.50 Beautiful 4-piece walnut finished bedroom suite, spa cial during this sale only 107 so 3 Piece Overstuffed Living Room Suites Exceptional values at ' Clearance Sale Rugs 9x12 Velvet Rugs ?3750 All other-stock reduced pro. portionately. Buy Now Refrigerators 35 Off Our complete line, which just arrived. See us before buying elsewhere. Porch Furniture 40 Off Our complete line of porch furniture, while it lasts, is being placed on sale at 40 discount. Swings priced at Rockers priced at $2 65 3 25 Gas Ranges $37.50 These cabinet rang gas stores are .lashed to the core in prices. Sea them today. STATE FURNITURE CO. Cor. 14th and Dodge Sts. Term to Suit Phone JAckson 1317 rB men are r o ll nappy fflPii,' You Should Be the Same A; LARGE number of women's ailments are not surgical ones. Serious displacements or radical changes have not yet taken place. A tiny part in a fine clock may become loose and cause the clock to gain or lose. If hot attended t3 in time, the part may fall from its place apd cause serious trouble. So it is witn women's ailments, they start from simple causes; but if allowed to continue, produce serious conditions. When the warning symptoms are first noted, take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve the present trouble some ailment, and to prevent the development of serious trouble. Ind. "I .'was troubled .Daltimore, Md. 'Tor several Dortland, Ind. "1 was . with irregularity and constipation and -would often have to lie down because of pains. One Sunday my aunt was visiting us and she said her girls took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound and got well, so mother said she guessed she would let me try it It is doing me good and I praise it highly. You are welcome to use this letter as a testi monial." Stella Newton, E. E. No. 8, Portland, Ind. months I suffered with severe , backache and general weakness. I could not sleep comfortably at night for pains in my back. I found your book at home and after reading it began at once to take Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. I have had very good results and some of my girl friends are taking it now. You may use this letter to help other. girls as the letters as the letters in your book helped me.w Rose Waidxer, 3018 Koselatid Place, Ualumore, Md. Many such letter prove the virtue of v Lydia E. Pinkkam's regetable Compound wwih a.Mnnnwi nteiblNB CO. UYNNi MAS 8.