I i i 4 j i The Bee Book Shelf ' jR ch.t wuritf kin- tL l'('l- M al,i.(t . l-IH a, a) Ar.oidrr ihr.llun tale ol diplomacy, political ii.ir'nu. murdrr, love aul mystery I "I de Great rinr Shun," latest brant child ( ilui prolific l.ng luK noveliat, L.. I'hillipt Oppenlicim. lhe tlory laid in 9J4. ju.t M art alter iht jreat wot 111 war. Kng land, pictured at the most gullible iclun o( iht WiIkhi league ol na Mont, if at tlie threshold ol a great military crisis, although ill prims m.niner, blinded by the league. re 1uat to be told of the cluud which lionets in the rati. Rustu, grett democracy that it lia btconw, and China, the dominating nation ol the i east, are being .?, E. Phillip Oppenheim. roereed into a tecrrt alliance Milh Germany, still full of hate lor Ehr Und and eager for revenge lor the rigid .demands ol the Versaillci peace tieaty. Open faced diplomacy, with truth and candor the cardinal virtues, alter the fashion of the style set by bee retary Hughrt of the United States in 1921,. in followed by America, France and other nations, backed up by their secret service agents, but England, secure in its trade domi nance, has abandoned its entire se cret service system. Three mysterious cities, one in Germany, one in Russia and one in , China, are rumored as the center or a proposed alliance designed to force England to its knees, and a . little baud of .Englishmen ol the old school, uhq have continued at their own expense a foreign secret service, is about to snatch the secret of it all when' their leader is murdered, the valued report is stolen and noth ing remains but the word of the coming, visit of the great Trince . Shan,: ruler of China and 'dominant personality of Asia, to London. BEATON'S V Saturday and Monday Specials DRUG WANTS 11.25 Pinkham's Vegetable " Compound . . . ... . . . .98 40c Fletcher' Castoria . .24 tl.25 Swamp fcdot. , . . .89 60c Milk of Magnesia, Phillip's ...38 30c Mentholatum 174 $1.25 Lyko Tonic : 894 , Nature's Remedy Tablets - for. . . . 174 354 and 684 10c Wanous Shampoo Bags, four for . .254 BOc Hlnkle Pills. ...... .194 S5c Sloan's Liniment, small, . for 234 30c Lykoline . 194 50c DeWitt's Kidney Pills 394 $1.00 i pint Rubbing- Alcohol for ..654 lOo El Vampiro Bug Powder for .. ...........v84 35c Castor Oil, 4 ounces. .204 FOR MEN $1.00 Gillette Rarors. .694 $1.00 Gillette Blades., 694 50c Durham Duplex Blades for ...............394 $1.00 Auto Strop Razors for ...............794 $1.00 Auto Strop Blades for ...............654 $1.00 Gem or Ever-Ready Razors for 794 50c Mennen's Shaving Cream for ....i. ......... 394 $2.00 Alarm Clocks. . . . .984 $2.50 Radium Watches 81.49 HOUSECLEANING Moth Balls, Vi -lb. box. 15 DeMar's Bug Poison. . .254 El Vampiro, 3 for. . . . .25 Cedar Chips, per pVg. -154 O-Cedar Oil Polish.. . .454 Household Ammonia, pints for v--204 Dutch Cleanser . ..... 124 Energeno Cleaner . . . . 274 CHAMOIS SKINS $1.25 Chamois Skins, wash able, for i.i.i.... .894 75c Chamois Skins . . .434 FACE POWDERS $1.50 Goutorbe Rose. . . . .904 60c Nadine Face Powder. 344 60c Dorin'a Rouge, .... .394 ' 60c Goutorbe's Rouge, gold v box .................294 TOILET ARTICLES 85c Mavis Talcum .. ... . '.174 30c Colorite . . . . . . . . . . . 19 $1.00 Lucky Tiger Hair Tonic for i.i... 794 60c Newbro's Herpicide. .364 ,60c Sempre Jovenay 424 ' 60c Dame Nature Skin Im- - prover for 45e v25c S and 34-inch Powder Puffs..... ...104 v.Rftj. Vnn Snl - - ntsjk " " .,..... OVWf 50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste for ....364 Mail Orders Receive Our Prompt Attention BEATON DRUG CO. ' - . : s15th and Farnam Shan is a wonder, lie come through the rloudt to Itnitnn on the wiugt of hit giant airship, The Black Dragon," ami ceeu Lady Maggie, lle hcauttlul r ugli.h patriot, and (rout then on Qppenheiin leads through a maie ol twillly moving events wh'ch lorbid laying down the book ur-ul the lat page ta turned and the story it ended. Tangled thread of political In trigue knotted and solved by Mr. Oppenheim In hi recent "Nobody' Man" termed enthralling and all ah torhing. hut even this I overshadow ed by "The tireat I'rince Shan." The spiritual made known by the jubilee 'singe; of risk university and other rigro inutician enjoy an increasing popularity, having in themselves the attraction of folk songs. Thomas V. Talley of Kik university ha collected many other tongt and ballads in the volume. "Negro Folk Khymet." whkh it published by the Maciuitlan com pany. High ipirit. humorous wi Horn and rollicking fun abound in the.c (elections. The thrill of a ga tun through "Guest the Onc-Eyed." a novel by Gunnar Gunnartson which ha just been published by Alfred A. Knopf. The author is a young Icelander who is now one of the most widely read writer in Denmark. There i a certain quality in Scandinavian literature that grip the reader a none other, unless it be the Russian, can. This tory of three generation in the picturesque north ern island weave itself intimately about the heart Saint and sinner, musician, farmer and shipowner live and adventure in this epic work, the very simplicity of which adds to its charm. t "The Witch WW a stray tory of Uncle Remus by the late Joel Chandler Harris, ha been published in a little illustrated volume by Bacon & Brown, Cambridge, Mass. Admirers of William McFee. author of "Casual of the 'Sea." 'Harbours of Memory," and "A Port Said Miscellany," will be inter ested in his essays on life and letters, entitled, "An Engineer'. Notebook," and published by Stewart Kidd com pany. "Songs of a Dream" is the title of a little brown pasteboard volume of 36 poem by Alfred James Fritchey, published by A. J. Fritchey, 523 San Julian street, Los Angeles. The first stanza of "The Shy Dam sel" goes: "ll will anak n mar to ma, mother. "Ha will apauk no nir I know, ' "For I ' anawerad his .Question ruda, mother, "Rsln than trlghUnoa so. "Rolnc filled with auch melody, roothtr, "That all my worda cam dim; "Ha will apeak no mora to me. mother, "And I cannot apeak to him." 50c Orazin Tooth Paste. .344 35c Youthcraft Tooth Paste - for 234 50c Mavis Vanishing Cream for 344 PHOTO DEPARTMENT Films developed free when prints are ordered. CANDY DEPT. $1.00 1 lb. Original Alle gretti Chocolate Creams, per lb. box -694 80c Jordon Almonds, per lb. 494 RUBBER GOODS ' $I.5Q 2-qt Velvet Red Rubber V Fountain Syringes . . .894 $2.25 2-qt. Combination Hot Water Bottle 81.25 $1.60 2-qt. Velvet Red Rubber Hot Water Bottles... .894 $3.50 MaVvel Whirling Spray Syringe .......... .82.88 SOAPS 15c Florentine Castile Soap ' 2 for ............. i. 154 30c Cuticura Soap ..... .194 30c Resinol Soap ....... 194 15c Lux ............... .94 30c Packers Tar . .'. .... .19J 5 30c Woodbury Facial Soap for 194; CIGARETTES SATURDAY All you want at these prices: Camels, Lucky Strikes; 2 pkgs. for 254 Per carton . .. ...$1.25 ; CIGARS 20c Mozart, Corona size. -2 for ....... ......20 Box of 50 ......84.25 10c Musina 5 Box of 50. ...... S2.50 15c Sirena, Corona size, . 2 for ..............154 Box of 50 .... . 83.50 Add 5c per carton or box on mail' orders for postage and packing. YENIDA HAIR NETS Double or Single Mesh, 2 for ..25t? 10c Elona Hair Nets, doz.504 $2.50 , Long Stem Jeweled Cigarette Holders, special for .$1.29 PERFUMES $1.00 and $1.50 All the latest imported Per fumes, in Rosine, Amber An tique, Mon Boudoir, Nuit De Chine,". L'Origan, Q u c 1 q u e s Fleurs, Ideal, Paris Bluet and others, in original packages, at' $1.00 nd $1.50. Goe III MM tuni of TU I Jonquile! ! fa aa:l yrtfcf , ! ltl Hl4wll, 1 fair mm like lwt ll Ifc" HW Add to tle of liitiiUiie, and ' Ihtfetor tntrreliiig and uiri!u; lKMk on current iwu ( ol. I hirle Repingioq ."Alter the War juu od tht pr ol iloughtuu Miitlin company. This rame on Iroin the cloat ol the Uritiah military trine' other book ol memoir. "The I nl World War." clear don to tlio event of the disarmament confer ence In Washington. Anecdote and gossip mix with deep and revealing glimpses ol omcial Jil and Interna tional intrigue. It i written iu diary lorm, thus showing an amaiing ac tivity and sddmc to it reading onu thing of the charm of thote other "Koguc of the North," by Albert M. Trrynor. I an adventure on land and tea. replrte with thnllini; tifi -lions, and atrjn in plat. The auxil Uiy yacht. "Kittiisake," and the "Laddlebuek," are cratt upon v.hich much of the action occur. Two ol the characters of the ttorr are kid naped; there are reicur from the naur and h.ii.'uI riuounttrk, o( 1'iing enougi oielodramatic clement t satisfy. The author endfnily ii familiar with the Bering tea, I'ribilof Islands. Dutch Harbor and other part of those faraway region be yond Alaska. The story is of a Stan ford university profesor who roc in quest of proof that the Aleutirm Is'and once connected Alaka and Siberia and thit the North Ameri can Juriian came i the bc-tit'iiu from Siberia. (Published by the Chelsea House, New York City ) 1 Our Bayers Are Ever Alert Hence- One and Two of a Kind is gsi X $io.6o; mm Will Une in : $19.50 An Opportunity . You Should Not Overlook m THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. MAY 13. 1021 The Dancing Master by RUBY M. AYRL3. icactnskt. m I lta0a4 aa tav44f.) "I prouii.e ol cwurae." lc said. She went duauirt and out of th hou'c, lorgeiuug her promise to Mri. hilmini there wa only one de. aiic in her In ft, to act Ned rarmer ta sk him lor the money, and know that it was safely in Netta'i hand. But Farmer did not come that morning, and, unable to wait patient, ly, Klitabeth telephoned to him. She lud never done such a thing in her life before, and she heard delight in ln yoke when he answered; "Take you out to lunch I Why. o course only too delighted." Lin abrth hung up the receiver and turned away. She exerted every nerve to make herself attractive and to amue him when later in the morning he called. She made no resistance when he lifted her hand to hi hps; if he had tried to tike her into hi arms she would have sullcred it trficomplain ingly; no price was too high to pay for Royton' ake. She atruggled through the lunch eon, listening to hi covert love making with a fixed smile, and it wat a they were driving home afterward in a taxi and Parmer wat wondering whether he dared put an arm about her that the aked him (or the money. I or a second he did not answer and a curious little smile crept into $19.50 S0 225 Are Coats 1 I 75 Are Capes, Wraps and Effects Fringe Mode ls Embroidery and Braid i" Trimmed Styles Straightline Models m m A hi $19.50 hi eves. FJiiahcth't heart teemed to Hop beating, !If ha refute ( shall die," the told hersell over and over sgin. "If tie refuc 1 thall die." Then he spoke. "Kit me and I will give you any thing in the world." Ho dipped an arm round her, but the held back from him. "Von proml me: promise!' the whUpcrrd with pale lip. "On my word of honor." "Very well," but her lip were dead and unrcoitiive beneath hi kisses, and w hen at hut he releated her (he broke down into tearlet sobbing. He wa terribly distressed; he tried every mean in hi power whereby to soothe her. "I'm a clunuy brute. I wouldn't have made you cry for the world, but I love you so. Elizabeth, how much longer are you going to keep me waiting? Ehraheth, be my wife?" "No, no. Not yet. I can't yet. Please wait; give me a little time. I do like you, 1 do; but oh, I can't tay anything yet." "if only I knew that there it no other man who want you." Elizabeth turned her face away. He teemed content with that. "I'll wait for yeart if only I get you in the end," he taid. 'If I may only hope,"- he urged; When they got home Elizabeth Conant Hotel Bldg, Amazing Bought for "spot price ever paid for You now liave a to share in 1 One Glance Will Convince You That They Are $iQ50 $, Beautiful Materials, ) Shawslieen, Bolivia, Chiucliilla, Velour, Poi ret - Twill, Tricotine, : Tweeds and 4 mix- '-' tures, fashioned with that elegance , seen only in much higher-prieed Coats and ."Wraps. Plain' : Models, Embroidered . Styles, Silk Fringe Effects All New Spring and Sum mer Styles and Models for Early Fall W6ar tied up to her room and locked the d-.or. Her chiekt and 1 pa burned with hit kUset, but the did not care. He bad promised her the money, and ahe knew he would keep his word. It wat like relief (rout tome terrible pain when during the aflernoon a let l.-r came in Farmer' writing with the bank pniet (or aV.HM enclosed lor whkh the had asked. She tlipped out of the home and took a im tit Mr. Silcum'i Neita wa out. but the left the money in a little parcel and went home again. And in the morning there wat a note (rout Nctia. "Elisabeth, you're a brick) I made Bruton do the trick, and Pat got the money last night. I'm sure he never lutnectcd; all he said to m wa that h was sorry he bad taid to many hard thing of Bruton, a he had never expected to be repaid. I hope to goodness that brute Enid never get to hear about it, or she'll have it all out of him before you can tay knife. I'll write again tomorrow." Hut for three day Elizabeth heard nothing, and the temptation to write to Royston and make tome excuse to see him wat almost too strong to resist. What harm wa there tn it? It broke her heart to remember that her last words to him had been cruel. Then, on the fourth day. Netta tent a penciled note. "You'll think me a pig for not keeping my prom ise, but I haven't had a tecond to tpare. Pat wat taken bid again the other night, and the doctor insisted on an operation. It wat done last night, and they let me tee him this morning for a few minutes. He cash" at the lowest Coats of like quality the opportunity the savings $39 Values ill Newest Trimmings ;-'v'.'',-v'-.'-:- look awfully bad, blest him. but I think he'll be all right. Hit itrti word were that you were not to be told, lie's in a nursing home in -but, no, I'd better nut tell you where he it; then it will he true enough, if be ak, to tay that ou don't know. I'll let you know how he it every day, I promise faith fully. ' "They let uie tee him thit morning for a lew minutes." Thoae were the only word that teemed to touch Eliiabeih't heart. 'Ntta might tee him, but h might not.' It teemed 'o Elizabeth 'in that moment that no matter what hap. pened, the could never know a great er pain or more cruel icalouav. t'dsaMa4 ta tht tW hta4ai, Owneri Jubilant it Speed O New Raring Schooner , Clouretter. Matt., May 12 Own ers of the pew schooner Puritan, built at a contender (or the inter national fishermen' cup in the forth coming elimination taces, are jubi lant as a result of the spred the showed in tuning out (or her msiden fishing trio. In charge of tapt. Jeff Thomas, the schooner left Gloucester for a regulation tithing trip. She was fol lowed for tome distance by a power boat, which carried the designer, W. S. Burgess, and members of the Manta association, which tubtcribed the money for her construction. Although the power boat wat making II knot an hour, the Puri tan distanced it and left it behind. It It predicted that the will prove a better boat even than the Blue note, latt year's winner of the cup. For Saturday . tF o $10.50 Smart Spring and Summer Coats, Capes ' and Wraps rfor Dress for Sports -for Every . Occasion Hi V 11 RADIOPHONE tun vewa tea ewitir U... a mi tuasa ft !, IM ralM4 Sa.lM. aa aialiaa4 f.na.i Th ka m it m t4i p.u aw. Wiiitat a M atrail tmt aaMW aa Haa la Put U. t ! 1W raMa 'aa Ma. I Caaal.wlar ana taMM' ta turn m aM a a- ItMSM -.. a, t Caaafcarta PaasaM Ma H- u a.u a MMn aa aavHMt I IW M4 ika m aa vaal miKI d fl 4 IM MltM-, me sivitMct taste mctaie ce. aaaaaWa. I. W.iat (a tw jnni a iiMtnai Mat af tvtt- AlliKtmngtJKNr. ITCHING ECZEMA DRIED RIGHT UP WITH SULPHUR Any breaking out ol the akin, even fiery, itching eczema, can be quickly overcome by applying a little Men tho-Sulphur, tayt a noted tkin tpe cialiht Bcrauae of its grrm destroy ing properties, thit sulphur prepare, tion instantly brings ease from tkin irritation, soothes and heals the eczema right up and leayet the tkin clear and smooth. It seldom (ails to relieve the tor ment and disfigurement. Sufferer from skin trouble should g:t a little jar of Rowle Mentho-Sulphur from any good druggist aud use it like a cold cream. . i rap aU Beautiful Bright Colored Silk and Satin Linings 31 v :lfi- IB i M i S19.50 1- & m ' l: IS- ' w ir I . ft Sir 11 m Hi All Sizes All $19.50 Colorg They Are Truly Wonderful Every One of Them 'm Tisma. .if,::' i " .,!.w;; 'r:t?v:"iv a:;:;a;iiii:HKfeta: