'Miss Kaufmann Moves Into First Place in Bee Nellie R Donn, Candidate of Union Pacific, Dis placed After Leading for 10 Days Campaign in Full Swing. STANDING OF THE CANDIDATES. Miss Elisabeth Kaufmann, livestock Interests ...J66.W Miss Nellie 6, Donn, Union Pacific , .,25977 Mus Fit Fenn. MiCord-Brady Co. ; J7.4S7 Mi Anna MeNamara. M. E. Smith & Co , 8,211 Mis Kathrine O'Brien, Burlington route ,,, Miii Kathleen Rossiter. Orchard-Wilhelm 7Hf Miss Kluabeth Pace. Council Bluffs ...i , 3.S0J Miss Irene Rice, Alliance Times , 2o7 Miss Gladys llitcheock, York. Neb. , I.HJJ Miss Myrtle Wood. Wabash. Neb 1.540 Mr. Agne Hall, Missouri Valley ., , 1JS0 Mis Anna Funk, Salon de Beaute , WU l!i Grace tudres, Nebraska City Calendar of Events. Friday, May 12, the Union Pacific dance at the Auditorium and semi- formal ball of the livestock inter est at the exchange, Saturday, May IJ, musical of live stock interests between 11 a. m. and 2 p. nt. At 3 p. ni. street parade of all candidates and their supporters; evening, dance nnd jamboree at the C, D. & Q. freight house. Monday, May IS, 12 cities on lines of Union Pacific to have dances. Tueiday. May 16. Union Pacific and Orchard Jfc Wilhelm concert at Draidei theater, and M. E, Smith & t o. dance at M. L. roof garden. Wednesday, May 17, McCord- Erady dance at Krug park. The Omaha Bee Good Will elec tion is now in full swing. With only seven days left of vot ing, the various organizations are working at fever heat to boost their candidates. . Miss Elizabeth Kaufmann, can didate of the livestock interests, moved into first place at the close of voting yesterday, displacing Miss Nellie R. Donn. candidate of the Union Pacific, who has he.tded the list for 10 days; the "Advo girl" holding first place the first day of voting and againm May 3. la the next seven days of voting it is believed that Omaha will prove it.'elf to be the banner city co-operating in the Good Will elections by securing sufficient votes to send from Omaha the largest number of girls that will accompany the Good Will delegation from any city on the trip to France in July. Dance at Exchange. An informal dance will be held this evening at the Livestock ex change, to which all friends of the livestock- interests are invited. A children's musical will be given by juvenile musicians of the families of the stockyards interests. This will be held in the exchange tomorrow morning between 10 and noon. i About 3,000 will be in attendance at the Union Pacific dance to be held this evening at the Auditorium. 1 no JUcLorcI-brady company Jias rranir, tnf a hAnth ... L . i. or iour aavs nrecedine its rianri where tickets will be, on sale. This dance at Krug park, on he 17, is creating a great deal of; interest. Orchard & Wilhelm announce a pantry sale which 'is to be held at their store tomorrow morning, where home-made viands of superior quali ty will he placed on sale. The Marshall B. Craig musical revue is to be held May" 16 for the candidates of Orchard & Wilhelm and the Union Pacific. The Burlington organization is mustering its forces from all parts ot the country and the Burlington spirit is being manifested in the num ber of votes brought in .daily for their candidate, Miss Kate O'Brien. Miss Rice Breaks Record. , Miss -Irene Rice, candidate of the Judge Blames Merchants for Floods of Bad Checks Merchants were blamed in Central police court yesterday by Judge W. F. Fappich fqr floods of bad checks "Tear a square of paper from a billboard, scribble a few lines and pass it at the nearest merchant's for $50 or more seems to be the recipe," the judge said. "Business men are too careless" Ten nnmnlainte aKnu'f Kirl rhaoL-- were laid before the judge Wednes day. -;-;:;i;"f!;i:"i.. ?, , His statement followed reports that efforts were being made to "square" alleged bad checks givan by E. C. Hall, Hunter Inn. M'lii wtie hBu .n J.a vinnn x 'ial in Histrtrf of , forgery.. He is alleged to have traced tne signature of Mrs. F. W. Klausmire, Twenty-fifth and Gilmore streets, to a check for $50.75. Attorneys in O'Bryan Case J Finishes Final Arguments Attorneys in the Robert O'Brvan case in District Judge Goss' court hnished their hnal arguments short ly before noon yesterday. . Judge Goss stated he would read his instructions to the jury at 2 . Wednesday marked the fourth week of actual trial of O'Bryan, who is charged with conspiracy to com mit a felony. O'Bryan, president of the Great Western Commercial Body company, is charged by the state with making statements to prospective stock buyers that the company would pay big dividends, although it is alleged that the company was insolvent T...e aU PaJataMaTll YEAST CHOCOLATE We all know that yeast ia the richest known tons of healthHrJvinK "VITAMINS ". Wbtl combined with para chocolatt tt batomas meat palatabla aad retain. II of It! tffldfacr. YEAST CHOCO LATE takes rsaralarly for two rail a banaftcial addition to toot daily dfvt. It wiU ImproT year vitality and ma dawa coadltton, aad rcHtva canatlpaOoa and tadtfsstion. Fin. m children. BAKES TSA8T CHOCOLATE CO. " Ctaac Cudr Ca, ' -th and Dodgo, . Douglas SI2T. 17 W k Good Will Election 277 Alliance Timet, broke the record (or out-of-town candidatei by ar ding; lo lirr tout votrt in ytt. tt-rdays voting. Aim Hire hn a ttrotig organization at Allunce and it ktradily moving lirr name forward on the list of randidatra. Jut brfore wiling for France yci trrday Mii Anne Morgan lent I telegram to the candidates in the Good Will delegation, Hating that he regretted it wat impossible for her to visit Omaha during the clec lion. Word aUo was received from New York headquarters that selection of the o! filial head of the Good Will delegation will be determined by the number of votes cast for candidates individually. The delegate who re ceivea the greatest number of Indi vidual votes will be declared official head of the delegation and will have special certificates and honors. litis honor now it held bv Miss Adalisa Shacklette of the accounting department ol the Louisville & Nashville railroad. Several of the Omaha women entered in the Good Will election are determined that this honor shall be wrested from Miss bhacklette. , Miss Shacklette received a total f 100,166 votes in the election at Louis ville. Man Accused of Receiving stolen Cars Is Bound Over Walter Whalen. oronrietor of the Sunnybrook garage, Twenty-fourth street and Deer Park boulevard, was held to district court yesterday under $3,000 bond on a charge of receiv ing stolen cars. He was arraigned m Central oolice court following his arrest two week j ago by Detectives Buglewicz affd Cich, who reported he had oraranized a center through which stolen flivver coupes were remodeled and placed on the market. H. W. Marshall. Arlington. Neb. testified a car Whalen sold had been stolen from him. F. L. Meacham, 1318 Harney street, said he boucht the car from Whalen for $550. 2 Days Only Simplex Gas Ranges $5.00 Down . Easy Monthly Payment! Very Special A 'liroitad aumbar s illustrated. '. 16-ineh oven. Smooth black fired enamel finish. Non-breakable angle iron frame. Four burners and BROILER. This is typical of our unusual values. See them, tomorrow. MID-WESTERN APPLIANCE CO. ' Opposite Orpheum 413 South 15th . At. 4289 If Back's Lame or Kidneys Bother Drink Plenty of Water and Milk oiart nusning inam in the Morning Nina people out of ten overlook the fact that the kidneys like the bowtli set cloned and lasy and need a purifying flushing now and then to help these del icately constructed organs filter all tha waste and Toxins (Poisons) oat of the blood: otherwise there is a retention in your ayatera of uric Acid and poisonous matter which when permitted to remain eausea pain and dull misery in kidney re gion, headaches, rheumatie pains, dis turbed rest and all sorts of annoying bladder troubles that excite and irritate the entire urinary system, creatine; dis tress. , To nave strong, healthy kidneys and bladder, you simply must keep your kid nays clean and active so that they are capable of easily and normally filtering and expelling the poisons, neutralising; the acids and freeing your system at urinous wastes. No artificial drugs are necessary. Merely secure a package of Dr. Carey's PRESCRIPTION NO. T7T (Tablets or Liquid). For sale by the 5 Sherman ft Me Connell drug stores, and all good drug gists have it. Make a little right after eating for a few days and your sluggish, tired out kidneys will then work with ease. It never disappoints, is pure, tastes good and for your health's aake its small cost is negligible. Tea days' test will not disappoint you or druggist will refund your money. Insist on genuine, , $0975 Forty Saddle Horses to Be Auctioned Here Forty high bird, well trained Mis. wuri addl horsea will t ptacH on lI at suction to the Auditorium Mar 21 at SJ0 p. nt. Thest horse now arc in the tublrf of Albert FkVcni at Kansas City a4 will arrive in Omaha May tl or 21 Each hore is trained an4 failed and will be sold tinder a fuarantee. They art in tht ihow (lass, three and (iff tailed. Tht sale ill be held under the management of F. F. Simpson of H Ufa VtF" ADAMS HQ Chewing Gum American Chiela Co. On Sale Friday 500 Garments Dresses, . Suits, Skirts, Etc. Dresses in Canton Crepe, Taffetas, Ginghams, etc No Alterations! No Exchanges No C. 0. D.'s riJK BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, MAY 12. 1922, Omaha, .Vbcit PkVtna of Kausas City and V. P, ill el Sturgii, & P. "The bar art are from IS to IS 14 hands hitth" aaiii lie. Slmntsui "jn,t thry ronton good blood, have httn well turned and cared fur. They are ell enough iat tha Uit at girl and women who jut new na4 any mwi eaprrtence." Wife of Wralthy Omaha Oil Sulearunii Given Divorce Mr. Rote D. O'Brien wa granted a divArra Hervea K Mi&ri t nAmm , B . c w a ?4re fnrar irom pemm o unen, wealthy oil aalesman. They were married November 2J, and bav Try it and te get the tingle of that peppy flavor! No fancy wrapper just good gum Friday 9 a m three rliildren: Magdalene, 22; Don. alti, 20, a iiudenl in Creighton tned kal irhool, and Robert, IS, itudent in Central High school. Her husband often became intex ieated while on tha road, Mr. O Drien charged, and acveral time threatened her, Unking her three year ago and calling her vile namea. Reduce your clothing bill practically one half by wearing Bond's 2-Pants Suits. The extra pair costs you only Five Dollars An unusual showing of fabrics and models for men and young men. All the newest tailoring ideas fresh from "style city" New York. You can't buy better clothes anywhere. Compare ! Separate Trousers Striped worsteds, suiting patterns. Blue serges and plain colors. Sizes to fit men of all proportions. $4 and $5 New York Cleveland Detroit i Akron Toledo Pittsburgh Youngslomn RiiU Iowa Fnrmcr'i Wife Cell Divorce lay Default Joseph Hrotkrlttiy, wealthy Iowa farmer, left hi wife two year ago for another woman, hi poue, 'n. cilia, alleged in a erot petition t) divinrce suit in district court here, Tht wife wat given the divorce tie tree by default yesterday. If every man in Omaha knew the value- thc style-the materials and the workmanship in Bond's 2-Pants Suits, then every man would be wearing a- . m v .. a k v i a lis Keeping Standards Up and Costs Down No cheapening, no skimping in any of the things that make for good style, good fit and good wear. Bond's three factories making clothes for Bond's 14 distributing stores are directly under Bond's supervision in that way you buy the best possible clothes for the least possible price. Alterations Free s r 1514Farnam St. 5 e Welch'i Special Wee at May $ik ta tik, IjkIu. aivewWt Civ (atlas. Tea or MUb KKK lib Every OiaVr at uraa Wbsat laae BfeMl, ALL SIX RESTAURANTS o Ml. First Longies Bring the young man to Bond's for his first long pants suit. "He'll find just what he wants at a price you'll be perfectly satisfied to pay. . v- IMU U so t , fOSt ALW iviai. Mr LEARN TO SWIM NOW SNaaaMiiioi BUN-M-J . The extra pair of panls practically doubles the life of your suit.' Ask the man Hfho ovms one. , Louisville Cincinnati Kansas Cit St Louis Columbus Lorain Omaha