(7 THE BEE; OMAHA. THURSDAY, MAY U. 1022. TUD rf TXyfnc m n w coum A MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE Omaha Produce Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith iOnbt mil REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. m thc IUNDAV cc Wttt. Cathedral Pavalthaat a Mat ad Nebraska. AMHkkal At A..al,,A .UUaa.a M VNCtl H ftCV TO fMT Tr ctftATiwv vttv a tor or wio tiy. T raxusj I siy flaw heitaev Ptrfert ta4i"ua, Banful aiisuiat; al SB aB enapie llawa, hua enamel up; I Bra liabl rti.aifitl be4tawaj,a. ti4es Biu4 lars.t .lutet la M'6. Hoes rua sa4 l'e feethj thrae le'fe tma ia.ni s4 rarsiiimn bail daaa. aiattt. flae4 sou. full taanal. Tkie bevas raenily deroieted. kaal front, pa. ad ait aan i but water bast Pure It sir laaaaaakie. pur tPBetnt" nasi 'all World Realty Co., AT H World Theater fidf. OWH Ur OH 4 fcM W l.Ht I'ni'XW Udll. IS T- Avitk we VlOUl Wtvt V-IAHUtt fO VM0WC too'1 TV tve t'rorf jack tttvf nu o? tm. AoXMt,"wikt luiiu Hr. Balllaa fr. 0 TVtNVUkU WWCH Ve M4M. A. VjtlL. n HMM. iHl I4 .11 . .It Mau kaa.v .11 A .11 .11 .11 rvt mawv noirojt. u t- r'ltoMNti rot !- ........... .? J) rawiww w t4t " Hwrmtva 0YT A.M VUl MONTHS (MM ...... ... If .lit M LsfbSfll itliiaM eae.helf arise. tvim (m xm co or k cowrie 0 TlMC COHXtMtT . , . . .11 .It ,lif ,l Ik ,1 .! .1 .! , Jli .14 It ... .: ) 1 Brallere, fieaft,. KiUf, fr, IIM "M ......... a. ........a ! ,,...., ,.. ........ , , alert Na. 1 , I .......... ..........a C'fBCBjB . ...... a .a,....,,.. Ilia taunt, per , 4 1404 71. HUTTK". Creamery, prtBle t'rajeaef, ma... ,,. .lewelir. baal , .ft J i resasam, am ., .11 .! I t ettar fat. a'silaa price, its. HAT. Prairie Ma. I Bplaae. ...Hit I uittmmA ii a. IK tl 1144 M n" ttt Ne I midland. .a.... ....... II Na, I midland, . ) Mi Na. I BiMland... ........... II M II Na. I lowland teat, it.t jaa. 1 MWISA4. 7 oof, loo Alfalfa. feu lea Hot lit a lite II.M PteadarS It toft Itdl N. I Il0t it ft Na. I.. l on a )i a Oat ttraw , Ilea t.tt Wheat in. f.ooi) lot FRUITS. Baatnst T lb. Oranges: Hla :U and lergtr, ll.lt lit; tise lit. tlltt76; um, lit, till I Hi sits, I4eu 71. Lemena: far baa, ll.toejt 14. Grape fruu: far craia. l4 7tt?7M. A pole. : Wlnaaa. aecorrflne ta alia and grade. , 0; p.. Davie, screrding an ana grada. liooaji.00; Ntwio piaa, sscordlns to aiaa aa4 srada. Il ia Strawberries: Or. I at. 4 tq. bole. 11.90; rates, ut boxes. 14.00. Kit.! t-lb. pscksgas. I ow li lll bulk, par lb.. He) tic. PlBtappleai According ta tlie, M.ll VEGETABLES. !!!!!' 4,-,b- '"'"it, no. i. Il.t0l: atara Nabraaka, Mo. I. par t. ll.JltJIl.; Colorado and Idaho wfcllao, par et., Il,illl! rod rlvar Ohio. No. t. par owt, IJ.I6 1.10; Ort(oa Btta4 .mi, ll.lt. araal poialoaa: Par bo., tl.Tiei.ll. Calarr: Par doa TioOtt.DO. ,''' 11-Mtll.lOj laaf latluco, dot., r ' . . linlK..?"?,'""! "-lb. ert-, J.Tl JJ.oo.1 "n,0", 4,-,b- ,Itog' ""owi Crataa, I! IS0J.I9. , Aaparacuat Dotan. II 00. Cucumbort: Hot bouaa. dot.. ll.OOfJJ ID; Carroia: Old. par lb., me la ' Fi1!. ' Yo,,n touiharn. dot.. I9'e. li t" T0,", ,ou"'rn. dn. I0c llS.'' T"B ",,h,r. o. 0cO tlio.,1'P,' To"n 0,lt',". on. toco bo.,9;rVwTnTi'ffr.uct,,w,, "n- pPlnach: Par lb.. 11014c. Oraan pappora. lb., lot J5c. SoffVJ fc" banch- 7o. tt!in? h0l,3, unohantad. "J.1 Pc of beat cult ara aa ? 7!ih . ltc- No, 3 rib. 18c" i.N!.No- 'Joln"' -; No. 7 rounda! JO. 1 1 chucka. 16c; No. 1 platea, 111 0- No! , lpltU., c, No. t Plat... PSoi n',' platti t.?IDES and' WOOU I ..Pa' '" Ora.n aalted Na 1. par lb. k llcj r.an .altad No. 1. par lb. 4iic: flhT'.wv.''-'"'. .'f.30' rMn ' iSi .u"kll p,f 'le: Ml" bull hldaa. No. 1, par lb.. Ic uia. . ua, .1. ou ; ma- dlum. aacb, 11.00; .mall. aacb. tLitt pon JBjl luat. each, 7io0ll.O. ' -Tj -wj. "reen aaiiao, aa t alia fJM.w; . ;o; btorlRC. paltt. 0 IOC, " wool, oaeo. 3 DEATH t FUNERAL NpTICKS. rJ Herbert Paul, Infant ton of Ur. and in, .nig irr puw M it tb ral danea Tuaaday, May I. nil. Ho It aur vlvtd by hla father and mother, five brother.. Frank, Edwin, Ralph, John and William; two alaters, Margaret and Betty., Funeral aerrlcei from rtaldtnct, 401S Charlea, Thur.day, May 11 at 1 p. m. Interment Wt Lawn. For Information fall Croaby-Moore, WE. 0047. 8TKARN8 Ruth I.., paated. away May 10, aged I year.. She la aurvlved by bar parent., Mr. and Mra. W. , B. . St.arn., one tlator, Dorothy, and one brother, William. , i , , Funeral aorvlces from rettdanet, KB! io. ,12d at., Thur.day, May 11, at 1 p. m.. Interment Foreat Lawn oemettry. v.rane a Mortuary in cnarfe. ECHkt ITT, Lola Loralne, Infant dauthter us air. ana Air., nenry eenmut pamtea on at the rtaldenet, Wednesday." May 10, 1121. -Funeral aervtcev .1 the realdance. 6524 Florence boulevard, Thuraday, May 11, 1111, at 10 a. m. .Interment at Silver City, la. For Information call Croaby. Moore, WE. 0047. - - LALBBERTT Oliver, afed II. He .'U aurvlved by S Bona, Albert of Omaha, Luclan of Petrolt and Ernaat of Canada. Funeral Friday mornlnf from John A, Oentlemen'a Mortuary at 1:30 a. m., to Holy Name church at 0 a. in. Intro ment Holy Sepulcher cemetery. BAA8CH-Emll C, died at hla home Monday, May I, aced 01 yean. ' Funeral aervicea. at Hul.o A Rleper chapel. It and Cuminc, Thuraday, May 11, 1 p. m. Interment Weat Lawn ceme ' tery. Friend, welcome. HETH Mra. Martha W.. mother of Stock ton Heth, died May 10. . Strvlces Thursday. 1:30 p. m.. from the homo of H. H. Baldridfte. 114 So. llth St. Interment Forest Lawn ceme tery. LKINEN Borothy. aged 0 year., at local hotpital. Remain, to be ahipped from iLonn A. oentiemena Mortuary, wea- adav avanina? ta Portamouth. I... for burial. CEMETERIES. Visit Forest Lawn - There are thou.anda of plant in the new greenhouse., at the entrance of Forest Lawn, which will be aet out for the lot ownera during the next few days. Ordora an bains received at the cemetery for spring planting. The treenh8u.ee are very beautiful now and are open for Inspection every day. Of ftess at Forest Lawn (north of city limits) and 720 Brandel." Theater. BURIAL VAULTS. AUTOMATIC ssallns concrete burial vaults. Recommended and for sale by all leading undertakers. Water proof, bo at eel to mat, no wood to de cay. Inaist upon the AUTOMATIC SEALING VAULT manufactured by . Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co., S310 North joth. - FUNERAL DIRECTORS. P. J. STACK & CO., . m; Successor to Stack at Falconer . OMAHA'S BEST. ' ;AMBULANCES?V.?f Thirty-third and Farnam. .HEAFEY tS: HEAFEY . Undertakers and Embalmera, Phone HA. 0!6S. Office 1011 Farnam. , Hulse & Riepen, Funeral Directors. 1214 Cuming. CROSBY-MOORE sw FLORISTS. LEE LARMON Pholnl yKS BATH. 1804 Farnam. JA. llOt. :T IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS 4 IWOBOPA. 141 FARJCAM BTREST. Ik HENDERSON. 1MT Farnam. J A. 11M. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. STRATED Bay gelding about 1.100 pounds; 1 whits, 1 black feet, wtite Use 4 In face, ecars on hip snd right front to.it. Last sesB dragging chain. C. P. lppart. WA !40. 90t N. 70th St. LOST on South Side. pocketbook with checks snd paper, only, vsluabis to owner. Reward. Call AT. 1T4. LOST Thuraday night, blue beaded bag eontatnlng M, key sBd.virt case. Llb ral reward. Webeter tSJV. BRINGING UP LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS LOST lort wire wheel. AT. 117. PERSONALS. CHAS. CLYDE KELLEY wanted by his . sister, who is seriously ill at Glidden, - la. Earl Graves. BLOOD POISON CURE. To those who would like to know what wo have naed to cure blood polton In our family for years, write J. C. S Box 401, St. Paul, Neb., for Information. UAONETIO hatha; Violet Ray treatment with ma-ssges. tit S. llth. AT. till. THEATRICAL historical masque costumes, for plsya and parties, at Lleben't, Omaha. SULPHUR baths. Swsdl.b manage, ehl Wopody. Evenlnga to I. 20 8. 20th Si. FISHER bath, mass,, manicuring, 3:0 Arthur Bldv, CARE for children any time, KB. 1111. EXPERT MASSAGE, ATLANTIC t64t. 0ST80L0QT mmiin, aptm. AT. H8. RENT vacuum cleaners. 75c. HA. 1071. ANNOUNCEMENT. Accordion Pleating. NEB. PLEATING fSTSi sd Buttons, llOt Farnam, 24 Floor. DO. 1170. ACCORDION, side, knife, box pleating; covsred buttons, all atyltt; hematitob Ing, buttonholes. Writs Idesl Button Pleating Co., lot -Brown Block, Omaha. Nab, Telephone A. lilt. Contractors. OARAOES of any kind, sidewslks. floors, retaining walla. Lowest figures for first cls.t work, WA. 0M7. FOR first-class carpenters, HA. 4906. FURNACE AND TIN WORK. WA. 2971. FLOOR laying, machine sanding. AT. ISM. LESSARD A 8QN. 1021 CUMINO. AT. 1S2 Chiropractors. Poilcnn DR- A. N., Chiropractor, 308 ttriSUJJ pxton block. AT. 1747. WE. 2t. Office hrs., 11 a. m.-0:30 p. m. .Dentists. DR. B. CDEWELI DENTIST, tit Arthur. Bunding. AT. lilt DENTAL X-RATS. (0 esch, 13 a full set.. is securities mag., lttn ana Farnam. Detectives. Independent Detectlva Bureau, 104 Neville Blk. AT. 5101; night. W A. 4046; KB. 0401 RELIABLE Detects Bureau, Railway Ex. Bids.. Ja. 2054. night. KB. 1811. f AMES ALLAN, til Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. ATlantie 1110. Dressmaking. WANTED Dressmaking, fine hand sewing of all kinds; also embroidery and knit ting. Call Apt. lit, Morris Apt..- DRESSMAKING and tailoring. HA. . 0518. DRESSMAKING, WORK GUAR, AT. 1078. Nonveau d remaking shp. 411 Paxton Blk. Dancing Academies, iVlWP'Q Learn to dfnee. Sum. danc XVUHliT O ing Masses, 10 lessons, 10. 18H Farnam St. DO. 8440. Hauling. MOVING AND HAULING OF ALL KIND. RE AS. AT. 3411 or AT. 1068. ' Kodak Finishing. ENLARGEMENTS, oil coloring, develop ing, printing. Kae Studio. Ill Neville Blk FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. The, Ensign Co.. 1007 Howard, St. T Patent Attorneys, J. W. Martin, Patent Attorney, 1711 Dodge, room lot. Also Washington, D. C I help inventors sell their patents. Paint and Paper Hanging. PAINTING, wall paper cleaning. DO. 6928. First-class pntg. and paperhng. Do. 490. PAPERING, painting; low price. JA. 1013. Printing. 2DDT Printing Co. lit S.' -11 St Do. 1147. BRITT Printing Co.. 101 Bromley Blk. Miscellaneous Announcements. LAUBACH The BEST POPCORN thst I ssrved at Blmwood Park the last 1 years. Served now at Dodge street and Happy Hollow boulevard Not at Elmwood Park this year. DIAMONDS h fiS to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. Omaha, Nab, 401 N. 16th St. Tslepbone DO. S04. RUGS washed, new rug. manufactured from old; rag carpet wesvlng; mattress es, pillows renovated, made to order. Gate City Rug dt Mattreaa Cleaning Co., 93) N. 14th St. JA. 1721. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANT, Mattresses made ever In new ticks at halt pries of new beds. 1107 Cuming. JA. 1407. BEAU, quiet homo for ohronio cases or old people: trained nurse. Terms. WB. 0184. DR. A. C SABIN. RECTAL DISEASES. Suite tit Arthur Bldg.. 110 8. llth St PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the i Sherman A MeConnell Drag stores. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household . Goods, HOUSEHOLD goods and Nelson's loose leaf encyclopedia. S60I Hlckery. Atlan tic 4S11. Pianos and Musical Instruments. STEGER piano 1100, good eondlUo'k iiox X-i, Omaha Bee. MACC'E riOW-LlTCK-VOO Tl 3 j tHUT UP-DONT J j HOW YOU tlT UP HERE ON -i I I KIN I ARt NOT COlNCi TO S tM MA1E 1 ARCUE. WITH NE- THE ROOT ANO TMA.T lt A TAI VtLL WHAT ARE V J i-EAVt TMl HOOftC s IK,,,. ug-J J I tAD YOO ARE OUT A VOW Af?E COINC -' (L. YOU HOLLERIN' " 40 MAtCEOPVOUH K 7 ilTOCET.' . ABOUT? I WANTED MIND TO THAT! jOQ -. 1 CUOCO IF ' ' " , UiJUULIIJLIIJ tJ "C- T ' 1822 bY IWTI. PaTUH tCWVICt. IXi;f "I - pl! g-.y I '-aJg 1 1L FATHER 0. aV.IUUffle FOR SALE. Pianos and Musical Instruments. LARGE Brunawlck phonograph for .ale; reasonable. Owner leaving oily. Mu.l aell at ones. Ill South Thirty-tint avenuo. TRADE your used piano oa a new player piano. Balance aa low as 110 par month. A. HQBPB CO.. 1611 Douglas, PLATER ROLLS EXCHANGED. JA. Ollt. Clothing and Furs. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. For .ale, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" auita, chesp, alterations free. Northwest Cor. 16th and Harney Sis. FULL DRESS suits sno Tuxedos (or rent JA. 1128. 109 N. llth St. I. Feldmsn. CLEAN, mend, tailor suits, furs , Ha. 0804. ARMY .hoes I2.90; 706 No. 16th. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS . AND "T'l ADDINO MACHINES. ' All MAKES bought, sold, rented snd . repaired. Sole stents for the CORONA. , Get our prices before you buy. Every maohlno guaranteed. - , Central Typewriter Exc; JA. 411. 1912 Farnam. GUARANTEED typewriters, I12.5Q and up. Midland Office Supply Co.. 1404 Dodge. Miscellaneous Articles. WE buy, sell safes, make desks, how. cases, etc., Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., & W. Cor. llth and Douglas. JA. 1724. EXPERT aewlng machine rspalring. MICK ELS, 16th and Haraey. DO. 1978. OARAGES built, new lumber, tlOO Bp. Micann t-umosr wrecking Co.. Itta and Burdette Sta. Webster .1656. LAWN MOWER8 sharpened. Called tor and delivered. 11.60. 2501 Leavenworth. At. 1204. , . BOTTLES Nathan Steinberg, 1019 Harney DO. 6161- W ANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. DO. 6141, Call WE. 1441 first Wo pay mora for lurnuure. tubs, siuvn, ciowicb. y WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. STEADY, reliable man, best of refer ences, experienced in . general office work, bookkeeping, office management; desires position with future. Box X-57, Omaha Bee. FOR first-class ' oarpenter. HA . 4911. Laundry and Day Work. WANTED Housework five days week, I a. m. to 4 p.m., 17.00. Box X-101, Omaha Bee. - HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. WANTED Cabinet makers, bench hands, hand senders, riowers, varnish, uru.n hands, oilers, lynchers and hardware trimmers on phonograph cabinet work. Steady work and good wage For fur ther particulars apply The Brunswick. Bnlke-Col lender Co., Dubuque, la. : Carpenters Wanted ; Accustomed to concrete form work. Rate 80c per hour, 9 and 10 hours per day. Apply Wells Bros. Construction Co. at John Morrell Plant, Ottumwa. Ia.-: Molders Experienced stove plsters. Open shop. Steady work. Security Stove AY Mfg. Co,, Kansas' City, Mo. BOOKKEEPER Must be neat; must be experienced. Give ail qualifications in first letter. For appointment write Box X-8J, Omaha Bee Professions and Trades. DO you want to increase your Income f write ne national auio ecnooi, ' N. 20th St.. Omaha, for catalog. WANTED First class- paperhanger. Hlakey Paint Store. Sterling, Colo. - MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. '4th. Write for catalog. GENERAL blacksmith wanted, 1021 M street, Lincoln, Neb. ' .FIRST CLASS paperhanger. wanted. 1511 Franklin. WE. 4025. Salesmen and Solicitors. Salesman A. "Go-Getter" hard worker aggres sivefor an old reliable . house. Na tionally known products. Man with auto preferred. Salary and bonus ex penses advanced: exclusive territory in Nebraska. State age, past sales ex perience, telephone number, address and references. . No consideration given to application without same. Mail replies to H. Fluegel. Paxton hotel, Omaha. TAILORS trimming sales man for Kansas, Mis souri, Nebraska, Iowa, etc. Must be experi enced. Box Y-1884, Bee. SALESMEN WANTED Wanted high grade salesmen to sell atandard make of automobiles in city of Omaha on new selling plan. Write past selling experi ence and references. X-106, Omaha Be, Miscellaneous. WANTED -Experienced gas engine man to operate FttH Clamshell with skim mer scoop attachment for grading oper ations. Apply only If you have had con siderable experience and can furnish sat isfactory references to L. L. Beye Con struction Co., Standard Oil Building. HELP WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. MEN to drive "Yellow Cab." Apply Thursday ' between 10 and 12 a. m. YELLOW CAB AND BAGGAGE CO., 27th Aye. and Harney. WANTED Good brick handlers and wheelers. Steady work, good wanes. Apply to Hallou Brick Co., Sergeant Blutr, is. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. WANTED COMPETENT 8KCRKTARY. . ONE CAPABLE OK MEETING THK PUBLIC AS WELL AS EFFICIENT IN OFFICE WORK. APPLY HrPURLN- TEN DENT'S OFFICE. BALCONY. The Brandeis Stores Household and Domestic. HOUSEKEEPER wanted on modern farm Klectrio lights: water in house. Write N. i". Chrlstenson. ft. F, D. BOX 00, 1 St. Paul, Neb. WANTED Experienced white cook: ref erences regulred. Apply Mrs. Ward Murgess, 122 no. zza ut. uu. a74. EXPERIENCED white girl for general housework. No laundry. Good place for ngnt party. ar. zzoa. WANTED Nursemaid. Mrs. George Vsn Brunt, 224 South Eighth street, Coun cil Bluffs, la. ' WANTED Whita girl for general house. Work, no washing, 429 N. 39th St., HA - seat. , WHITE girl for general housework. City references. Mrs. John McDonald, 515 North Thirty-eight street. Harney 2624. WANTED Good girl for general house work; references. 106 South 61st St. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. MEN, womon, 18, over, wanting govern ment positions. Hundreds appoint ments made every year. Good salary, i, Experience unnecessary. Write for free particulars. . Columbia School Civil Ser vice, 171 rope Biag., Washington, v. v. WANTED Men, ladl.a and ooys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while lesrnlng; strictly modern. Call or writs 1401 Dodge St. Trl-CIty Barber College GILRS and boys to take up shorthand, typewriting and bookkeeping; day or . evening work. Personal . Instruction, Call Atlantlo 7774. EDUCATIONAL. , DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting; railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches, . Write, call or phone Jackson 4566 for large Illustrated catalog, Address ,( . , Boyles College, Boyles Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Van Sant School of Business. - Day and Evening Schools. 110 Omaha National Bank Bldg.' Douglas 1890. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano, 603 Karbach Blk. JA, 1081. BUSINESS CHANCES. Fine General Store for . ' Sale in Good Town . ' Stock about $10,000. . , ; Fixtures about 11,000. ' " For sale by trustees for the benefit " of creditors. : ... . . ' Address:' j.- ... C. H. McWilllams. co Wm. Tackaberry Co., ' ' i - ' Sioux City, la. C AlSO . I ' ;, Steve Davis, . . ... Carroll, Neb. v FOR SALE OR TRADE Modern up-to-date drug and Jewelry . store, located corner, college town -2,000 population; will consider interest for cash or all. for medium priced clesr 160-acre'farm. Box 428', Tarkio, Mo. FOR SALE Laundry equipment; building in good location. Good growing busi .ne.s. J. C, Staley. St. Paul, Neb., Box 406 ' FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. GET YOUR ROOM, through The Bee furnished room di rectory. Call at office for list of choice desirable rooms in all parts of the city. A service that benefits both advertiser and room seeker. HOTEL 8ANFORD. 19TH AND FARNAM, HOTEL HENSHAW, 16TH AND FARNAM Special rates to permanent gueitsa FURN. rma. with priv. bath; warm, com fortable, cheerful; prices reasonable, day or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. PLEASANT outside rooms. 76c up daily; weekly, 11.60 up. Drexel Hotel. DO. 0740 N ST., 2311, mod. home-like sleeping rmi., rates reasonable. MA. 1547. TEL. WA. It5t, West Farnam. district, small room, modern home, 13. PLEASANT room, close in. HA. 1746 . Housekeeping Rooms. TH7 GUIDE TO -the- better housekeeping rooms Is the directory furnished to advertiser and room hunter. Call at Bee office for free copy containing desirable vacanclea in all parts of the city. NICELY furnished, newly decorated housekeeping rooms. WE. O802. ONE large housekeeping room; walking distance. Call Atlantic 4156. ONE and 2-room auitcs. 611 S. 2ith St. SEC JICCS AND MACCIB IN FULL PACE OP COLORS IN THC SUNDAY IKE FOR RENT ROOMS, HOUSEKEEPING rooms, newly furnished; strictly modern: three exposures; aecobd floor. II A. 6164, Housekeeping Rooms. Board and Rooms. MERRIAM HOTEL. Room for couole: convenient. pleas ant horns hotel. For reasonable prices we serve best meals In city. 25th and uonge. ROOM and board In private home near car line. Everything modem. Young aouple preferred. 7.ped week. 3311 No. 60th. Wal. 6178, LARGE, airy room for. 4 men, walking distance; private home; room and board, 17,50 per, week, Har. 3611. LARGE room, excelltnt board, private noms. narney car. uentieman. ha. 1297. ATTRACTIVE high class rooms: chicken dinners, tl, 123 Bo, 32a Ave. HA. 3811. SMALL room, with or without boardto woman employed. DO. 6357. ' Unfurnished Rooms. UNFURNISHED room for light house keeping, close In, etrlctly modern, rea sonable rent. Call AT. 3250, FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. 645 S. 31st ST.. 2 nice front rms., prl., bath, eleo. lights. Phone HA. 4330. S ROOMS, furnished, 1162 Jones, brick flat Unfurnished. VERY nice 6-room house;, bath, gaa, electric light and garage; 130 per mo. 2033 Pierce. AT. 2826. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. Morris Apartment Hotel, 18th and Dodge Sts. - Apartments consist of living ' room, dressing room, kitchenette and bath. Weekly rental Includea heat, light, gas, phone and maid service. Either weekly ' or permanent guests. Phone AT. 3210. HUNTER, INN Modern, fire proof, newly decorated apartments, completely equipped for housekeeping. Efficiency of four rooms. Large lawn snd good shade trees. Phone AT. 0960. ' COMPLETELY FURNISHED. . 2, i and 4-roora apartments. Private hath or shower. Walking distance. Brown Apts, 608 N. 21st St. AT. 7449. LARGE 6-room apartment in the Page, 31st and Farnam Sts., completely fur- : nlshed to Oct. 1 next, 1100- per month. Phone AT. 7716 office hours. ST. LOUIS BRICK FLAT. Five rooms, nicely furnished; $100 per month. 4116 Dodge 8t. GEORGE & CO., AT. 3024. 3 NICE rma., priv. bath; furnished com- piete. t per week, iviv asa ut. FURNISHED modern, cheerful 2room apartments for rent. 8837 so. 23d. TWO or 3-room apartment. 311 N. 25th St. Unfurnished. VERY CHOICE APARTMENTS Three and 6 rooms in the Mercer. This is surrounded by a regular park with lots of nice shade trees and away from the noise of the streets. W. " FARNAM SMITH CO. -1320 Farnam St. JA. 0664. FINE 3-room apartment with sun room. iiewiy aecoraiea; live minutes wsik from City Hall. 6 per month. Call DO. 1664 or JA. 1533. - Peters Trust Company, WHISKS OMAHA RENTS. MODERN, steam heated, ,4-room; very iuw lent, -uioury Apis, u, irt meoDins, 1610 Chicago. . T ST. REGIS APARTMENTS 617 So. 37th St, Four-room apartment. Ring janitor. MAPLE St., 1818H Dandy light 6-room apt., rem reasonable. 631 Paxton Block. FOR RENT Business Property. LARGE, well-lighted office at llth and r aiiutm ate. iwn suDaiviae. r. v. Wead and D. H. Bowman. AT 0161. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE- fiuusu; co llth and Jones Sts. H. M. Christie, warehouse A track'ge prep. MOVING AND STORAGE. ."WHEN MOVING"- PACKINa-STORING-SHTPPINO , Phone Jackson 0288. FIDELITY STv,ROEo 1107-11 Howard St. Pianoa stored at reasonable prices Schmoller & Mueller, Piano Co., 1514-10-18 Phone Dodgo St j DO. 1633. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separata locked rooms tor household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 801 South 16th. DO. 411. ESTIMATES furnished on storage and moving, contracta taken by job or nr. Globe Van A Storage Co.. JA, 4331, AT. 0220. 620-24 North llth St. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. R. I. R. baby chicks, 15c. JA. 2186. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. GOOD atork of used Forda at very low prices. AT. 1781. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. Ill S. llth. j AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. - OVERLAND SEDAN LATE 1921 MODEL. FIVE WIRE WHEELS AND TIRES. THE TIRES ARB GOOD AND THE UPHOLSTERINO IS LIKE NEW. THIS CAR HAS RECEIVED THE ' BEST OF CARE AND MECHANICAL LY IT IS AS GOOD AS NEW. IF 1N: TERE8TED CALL EVENINGS, HAR "NEY 7291. . I HAVE A 1920 MAXWELL TOUKINO THAT HAS JUST BEEN OVERHAULED AND PUT IN FIRST-CLASS CONDI TION. FIVE GOOD TIRES. IF YOU WANT TO GET A GOOD CAR AT A LOW PRICE CALL HARNEY 7291 EVENINOS. REAL USED CAR BARGAINS. Cash or Time. Buy or Sell, . . Fords, from 160 snd up Dodge, Bulcks and others. 1100 and up. . Ford bodies winter tops. GOLDSTROM AUTO CALES CO., 131s Harney St. Central Garage SOME bargains In used Fords; prompt - delivery oil new Fords. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., The Handy Ford Service Station. 16th and Jackson Sts. DO. 8600. 1922 , FORD touring; used about three weeks. Decker whsel, starter, de- . mountable wheels, five tires. 2052 Far nam st. Doug. 8987. FORD PARTS, front spring, 11.76; resr spring, is.eu; trams, t.bu; murtier, si. NEBRASKA AUTO PARTS COMPANY. 1016 Harney Street. BUY A OUY L. SMITH USED CAR, A Safe Inveatment llth and Farnam Sta, Phope DO. 1970. 1121 STUDEBAKER LITTLE SIX. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. NO DEALERS, T.ERMS. WE. 1566. FREE inapeotion and water for all make. battery. Battery and Farts Co., 2414 Farnam St.. AT. 9314. USED cars, worth your money. The Ne braska Oldsmoblle-Co., llth aud Howard ' Sts. AT. 1770. ONB 440 Hudson, In flr.t class mechanical condition, good, tires, new paint. Tel. HA. 0800. LOOK over our list of used cars. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. " 1064 Farnam' St. AT. 78SS. Wrnt-olir "ves each dy 80 he can look r uiwijf every man in the face and say COME AGAIN." HUDSON Super-Six, 1920 model, touring, , at a big sacrifice. 2052 Farnam st. Call Doug. 8987. - DODGE coupe, five wire wheels and tires, ""f. voa r arnam St. JJoug. 8987. PATENT Pullman bed built into your auto . r. enter s, zozp L,eavenworth. USED radiators, all makes for sale. Green- auu.ur itopair. awn Farnam. FINANCIAL. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha ICDIUBUURL , E. a LODGEE, INC, neellne Bldg. FariTl Ijrtfln N. delay on western JJUttHH Ntb, farms, ranches. Kloke Investment Co., 145 Om. Nat'l Bk. FIRST mortgage loana made promptly en uinana- Feai . estate, esnopen at CO., Realtors. JA. 4228. 234 Keellne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 171 1. nan 'rri tin Anfr i ...... - j . ... ..v ..,vw iva.ni. Biaua prumpity. F. D. WEAD and D. H. BOWMAN, 310 S. 18th St. Wead Bldg. At. 01S1. Stocks and Bonds. LIBERTY BONDS bought and sold. AT" opt, m a i-n . iwna nouse. lal 1st Nat J. H. MITHEN pays most for LIBERTY xkjiiub. iji mty nat'l ank Bldg. FARM LANDS. Nebraska Lands. FAT?TvTSWr,t M- A. Larson, Central -n-AVATAOcity, Neb., your wants for acreage tracts, iarms. Miscellaneous. Low Round Trip Home seeker Tickets The first and third Tuesday of each month to Minnesota, ' North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington and Ore gon. Write for free book describing op portunities offered homessekers and in- vestora. E. C. Leedy, Dept M., Great Northern Railway, St. Paul, Minn. REAL ESTATE WANTED. To buy or eell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City NafI Bk. Bldg. JAckson 1426. PTP kTiT.TT Writes Tornado and XJllVXYl X J. windstorm Insurance, 350 Peters Trust Bldg. JA. 0633. Will pay cash for your property. BEST & GESTRING. AT. 6136. 603 Securities Bldg. nRTTF.NTfi- Keillt3, Co- L1,t w,th VJXV U rJl 1 VJ , for Qutck results 1411 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldg. JA. 1966. LIST your homes for. sale with us. Ws have the customers. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, NEW homes, completely financed.. Pay like rent. C. T. SPIER A CO., Realtors, 304 Peters Trust Bldg. DO. 4857. To Buy or Sell Real Estate Sea D. V. SHOLES CO. 918 City Nat. Bank. JA. 0040. WANT 6 or 7-room, well located, in Dun dee, by the firat; have cash. Box 121, Omaha Bee. HAVE inquiries for homes do you want to sell your property! List It wttn C. A. Grlmmel. Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. GEO. T. PORTER A CO. Real Eatate. Rentals. Insurance. lOi South 18th. .IT. 1MI. .1 Drawn for The Bee by McManut (Coprrtcbtt lltl) REAL ESTATE WANTED. HOMES for sale, APTS. tor rent W. J. Palmer Co., Real Eststt Management Specialists. Keellns Bldg. AT. 89k0. List your home Buy your homo, BINDER & OTIS, Rest Estate. Loans. Rentals, JA, 1561, Charles W. Young & Son Real Estate, Rentals, Insurance, . 1603 City Nat. Bk. AT. 9661. , Western Real Estate Co. JA. 3607. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. WILL TAKE A LOT , Owner will take good lot aa payment on modern house In good neighborhood. House in good shape throughout. Can be arranged for two families. HAROLD W. GRAHAM, 1 JA. 1533. 704 Peters Trust Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. FOUR-ROOM BENSON BUNOALOW. Here is a bargain for you If yOu have 1600 cash and can make tit monthly payments. Four rooms, stucco, brand new on corner lot, 10x100. Call Clark, AT. 7411. Evenings, WA. 2699. Dundee. This Property , .; ADMIRED BY MANY. ; 1 OFFERED FOR SALE. - A fwo-atory frame house, osvlng at tractive fireplace in living room; beamed ceiling; den or breakfast room: dining room and convenient kitchen On firat floor; three bedrooms, sleeping porch and bath on second floor; all windows and doors have metal weather strip ping. Drive by 4819 Dodge St., and then call us. : A. P. Tukey & Son, , :-: "Tukey Sold It." .... - . 620 First Nat. Bk. Bldf. JA. 4221. See It Today We Consider this one of tht best values in Dundee. Ideal location, close to car and school. It's a besutltul . house with lsrgo living room, 'sunrooin and dining room, also large breakfast room, 3 large bedrooms and sleeping . porch, tils bath, best of plumbing, hot , water heat Ruud water heater, sta tionary wash tubs, property in first class condition, now Vacant. Can show this home at once by calling AT. 1725 or WA. 1567. . J. J. Mulvihill, V 200 Brandeis Thea. Bldg. Phone JA. 33S2. 6011 IZARD STREET. Seven room.; price, 19,000. Long liv ing room, large dining room, den, kitchtn with pantry room, also ice box room downstairs; three largo bedrooma with large closets, bath, linen closet In bsil on second floor. . Oak , floors throughout; soreened porch; a real bar Sain. Let us show you. C. G. CARLBERG, Realtor.. 3 A. 0585. 312 Brandeis Th. Bldg. Evenings and Sunday, Mr. Lovejoy, HA. 4747, or Mr. Case, AT. 9661. . $9,800 Dundee Brick Home ' Living room, sunroom, dining room, kitchen, first floor; three bedrooms and " bath, second floor; must be teen by ap pointment. East front lot. Gal lagher & Nelson, 652 Peters Trust Bldg. JA; 3382. Dundee Home Bargain tr- 16,600, with easy terms, takvs 7-room all modern home, oak floors and fintsh; floored attic, full cement basement, large lot, paved street, close to car. Evenings phone Mr. Shaver, KE. 3768, or Mr. Metcalfe, WA. 1776. EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY. 1818 Douglas St. Atlantic 2946. SEVEN ROOMS. CORNER LOT Has 1-room and bath on third floor: tiled bath oh second floor; mahogany and white enamel finish; furnace heat with oil burner; Ruud heater; tile ves tibule; lot is 76x135. Call AT. 1024. DUNDEE liome for sale by owner. For , appointment call Wal. 3699, early morn " ings or evenings. 6-RM. mod., oak finish, garage, good cond., near car, 18,500. Terms. AT. 5250. Florence. NETHAWAY sells and trades. KE. 1401. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Five Rooms and Garage Near Clalrmont; corner lot; modern, brick foundation; large shade trees; paving paid. Price reduced to 14,200; eaay terma. For appointment call Mr. Mead, HA. 0765. or Schroeder. HA. 0222. Schroeder Investment Co., Realtors. JA. 3261. 8. E. Cor. 15th and Harney. STRICTLY modern 4-room house, 6-room accommodations. One year old. Full co ' ment basement, good furnace. East front, excellent location. Two blocks from car. t80O cash, eaay monthly pay ments. Or would consider lot as first payment. Kvenings call WA. 4961, C. T. Spier & Co., Realtors. 304 Peters Trust Bldg. DO. 4857. BX OWNER FIVE ROOMS CLAIRMONT On boulevard, east front all modern, practically new. French doors, very nice. Shrubbery. Easy payments. Call owner, Walnut 1118. 6-room house for sale or tent lilt Wirt street, .' Cathedral District A very alts bam, goad BalBUetbaa4. Living teum, dining loom, kurBeM, 4a r badraatii fuel floor; las ba.itM.xB t4 baib ernd flour, Modr IbroutB ut, i'lite l,., Glover & Spain, Raailoia JA. HI. 9lt.lt City Natl. Bk. KAV-IT Hl'DMIN COMrANT SPBCIAU five rooms, saw. larated west. War It th pis', pou ba.s fteB looB Ing for. Oak floors Ihtsusbout, oab finish In I rooms, full remant baeameut wiih floor drain and fruit room; lot, Ittllt, south Irani, S block la to rar Unas, na ahrubkarv and small fruit el out; garage, la fart everything you want la a mmiern b""e. Kae is mtht, rail Mr. Hudaon, A. 1134 or firat thing la morning. AT. toil, 1:1 City Kaunnel, I' I, a toumt In Lea.enwonh lleighla. Jual being romplal.d. Will tliow by appoint ment. Has oak and while enamel fint.n. Ob paved tira.i. nly 11,114, Easy lerms. Call Walnut ID!. North. Must Be Sold Now Vacant 2728 Laurel Ave. 81 x rooms; four down, two up: mod ro; corner lot; gsrst: ask sad pin finish. Immtdlata poia.sloa. tl.oot cash. Hansen Investment Co., 1914-11 Douglas, AT. 0011. Half-Acre Home Paved Street I Two-room house. In good condition: very largo double garage; food wall and pump; has soma fruit Just th place t4 rai.e chickens and lots of garden, Juat one block to una of Oma ha'a beautiful parks. Can ba handled with 1400 rash. See It at 4119 Ames Ave., or csll us for appointment. Payne & Carnaby Co., 14 Omaha Nat. Bldg, JA, 1014. $3,200 Two Lots I room., partly modern; 2 dandy largo tots, gsrage, chicken house ; only one block to car: half black to paved ttrett. Reasonable terms. HA. 441S. H. W. Volland, TIP Peters Trust Bldg. AT. 1MI. WANT A BARGAIN! Good l-reom,' strictly modern houie near 22d and Miami Stl. Ntwly dtc orstsd; now fixtures; good bsaement with furnace; full lot; oloss t car; easy terms. ' W. T. GRAHAM, JA. 1613, 704 Peters Trust Bldg. 1600 CASK PAYMENT. Five-room, strictly modern bungalow, oak floors, osk finish In main rooms; newly decorated, full cemented base ment, less thsn 2 years old; now ready to move In. Have your rent money make payments. Call evenings, AT. 6947. 1460 CASH. FIVE ROOMS. STRICTLY MODERN. This beautiful California bungalow, near Miller park. Is about completed. It It clost to a good Cat hollo church and acbool and also handy to aProtettant church and achool. Prloed right. 145 per month. Call E. R. CARSE, . AT. 3501; evenings. AT. 7411 days. M1NNB LUSA BUNGALOW ' Classy Ksllaatoa home of S extra large rooms, and breakfast nook; tiled bath and built-in tub, alt oak and enam el finish? nhnlfA aA,.tlt an I., ..... ing paid in fulL Fries only 16,250.' about 11.600 cash. RASP BROS., 218 Keellns Bldj.. AT. 0721. Minne Lusa Bargain Hero 1. a snap for the fellow with 12,600 aash. Hava new five-room bun ff10.' 85Lx3 on PBd street. Only t5,600. For particulars call WA. 1811. .1 A a a con.. Will buy an extra good lot la Fon tenelle Park addition. Ttrma ara as low as 15 cash and It a wtek. Call j a. na, avanings; WA, ztst, 1101 Na 17TH ST. 7 rms., modern, easy payments. Immediate poaeaaslon, Crttgh.- 'alilO sSaak TA AB AA WVQ 4Va. llA, U.UV, D. E. BUCK V CO. buy and sell homes. South. Near 24th and Bancroft . New bungalow, I rooms on one floor, basement and attic) oak floors through out; oak finish in living and dining rooms. Prico 14,100; easy terms. Shown by appointment. Call Grant Benson, evenings, WA. 1580. Benson !&Carmichael, 641 Paxton Block. AT. 1641. ,0oLSo-34TH ST. 6-room bungalow, 7 250. C. G. Carlberg. Realtor, 111 Bran deis theater bldg. JA, 06t6,. Vacant . FOUR FINE BIG LOTS - V -vLooated on the corner of 60th and Erskine in Benson. Sewer on -on aid . and city water on both Bides. These 4 '0' n b bought at an exceptionally big bargain. Owner leaving the city and wants to dispose of same at once and has Instructed us to get an -offer. Th best offer made will buy them In the next. few days. U u u , J. L. HI ATT CO., ! J"se L. Hiatt ' ' 1 First Nat. Bank Bldg. AT. 990. - LOTS ' 8 ,d...t i-arimoro Av. between 14th and 17th Sts. Will stll on eaay ' 5Vm.e.n.. or wlu bn,II t0 or order. Ralston Lots n0,?" paymsnU. Pbon Stewart. Ralston. 10 -W. TWO lota on 41st and Corby fits., 10x120 . each; will sacrlflc for $500. Osorfe L. Ti'kTtrMmia ' -iibb 1 ,' ' ' " VUniVaVaV WA ' . Soutbjit Farnam, on llati tl.161. BARGAIN in corner Dundee lot, 19x100, Priced to sell. 13.600. Call KB. 0460; Central. MONTCLAIR i Strictly modern 1-atory squara Kella etone residence, practically new. Local- ed on the corner lot and a beautiful lot Tbla houas is up to data with a living room, clear across the front. Fireplace with exceptional built-in features in th kltohen. Sleeping rooms all large and airy. Double gsrage to matH the houas. We ara offering this on very reaenabla . terms. For particulars csli Mr. Dlcka son. Ken, 1141 or office open to 9 p. rn. AMOS GRANT COMPANY. Realtors, AT. 8380. 110 So. 18th. Ground Floor, 18-Room House for Sale. ; To Be Removed 18-room house at 24th and Jones Sit.,' to be removed from premises. For particulars see . . GEORGE A CO., Realtors. Atlantio 1024. Miscellaneous. 1500 CASH Dandy 6-room cottage, mod., sr. heat: nicely decorated, paved street. Immediate poasession. Your monthly payment would only be 117.00 per mo. Tbla house is a good buy. Call Mr. Toliver at RASP BROS., 211 Keellne Bldg., AT. 0721. You Want a Home I can build a few mors bomea for deeirabla parties who have a lot and a little cash. The price will be correct and I will finance at t par cent Call .L. Kl 6ho.Uk, Ja. 1666.. WILL Vulld and finance jroa BtW hoSTe . tot you. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1114. Harney St. , AT. OOSt. ' Se - i . : " ... . i - t 3 . It A ' -.... a i i '.' . 'J !.t'