Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1922, Page 10, Image 10

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Butcher Knife '
and Ax Are Used
in Family Duel
Woman Clasping Knife and
Man With Ax Found Dead
in Home Children See
Fight Start.
ftataha Km Lhh4 It.
Bid At. KUh. y 10 It ill
Started svitn a quarrri mat proiigm
lo.rph Lobrrt and hit wile, bicker.
Inn lin k (mm a nirnie on Sunday.
If rnrfH with the finding of their
bodirt In on of tht room ol the
ftrmhouse. through which they had
fought, tht with a butcher knife,
and he wiih anything tbat came to
hand, until he struck hit final blows
with an an.
"The bodies were found when thrir
Met child returned from school
late Monday, hut the news and the
explanation only became generally
known yeterday. It all wat ex
plained by Edward, jr., who at with
kit little sister, 2. and a baby brother,
six mouths, in a bahy carriage in the
yard of the farmhouse, which is
located near Elkton. They law the
tart of the trouble through a win
dow. They did not see the finih.
Kdward. of course, was the only one
able to tell anything. He Mid papa
an mamma t'arted thrir fight iu
the kitchen.
From the oldest, a boy of 10, the
authorities learned that on Sunday
the father and mother, seemingly on
good terms, had gone for the picnic.
When they returned they were quar
reling. The boy aaid things appeared
better Monday morning when he
left for school.
At that . point, ' tittle Edward's
fragmentary story of the start of
the fight,came. . Jhe authoriies had
to Imagine the rest. That was rela
tively simple. The interior of the
house was blood-spattered. Chairs
and tables were ' wrecked.- Broken
dishes were scattered about.
The condition of the bodies told
the rest, the story of a hand-to-hand
fight. His throat was cut and he
had been stabbed several times. Her
head was cut open from the blow
of an ax and marks of previous blows
showed on her arms and shoulders.
Bruises showed that crockery and
pieces of furniture had been used in
the fight, before the two duelists
"closed in"
Huntley, Tate and Bremerg :
File for Legislative Ticket
Edwin L." Huntley, publisher of
the Mediator, 4923 Davenport street,
filed yesterday afternoon for demo
cratic nomination for state represen
tative from the Eighteenth district
Milton D. Tate, 2543 Capitol ave
nue, filed on the progressive ticket
for nomination for atate senator from
the Fifth district.
Otto Louis Bremers, 3620 How
thorne avenue, filed for the republi
can nomination for state represen
tative from the Eighteenth district
Sisters Plead for
Reformatory Terms
' Lincoln, May 10 (Special.)
Maud Robton and Grace SUd.
Council Blurts sisters, accompanied
by Mrs. Fobton'i husband, an Oma
ha traveling salesman, appeared be
fore thf ftat board of pardons and
paroles again yesterday begging to
O allowed to serve inrir unit ior
shoplifting at th York reformatory
raiher than th penitentiary,
Robson's arms encircled his wife's
waist and the two sisters wept co-
piounly throughout the hearing.
The board im them respite from
their sentences until the hearing to
day. The board took no action, but
the respite expired, to Mierifl Ira
Miller of Lancaster county met them
at the door and took them in cu.tody.
Kobson kissed both women goodbye
at the prison gates.
They will be placed in the Lan
caster county jail to await decision of
the board on their plea.
Order Arrest of Finney
at Los Angc lea at r upitive
ITiiiifd Stattc Attorney Kinkier
said last night he will telegraph to
Los Angeles, ordering the arrest of
Thomas M. Finney of Omaha, who
im rffrmrl-rt tt klv. OAlla flier fol
lowing his indictment last Friday by
a- federal grand jury. He failed to
file bond before leaving. t
Finney ic one of the 25 men in
dicted by the federal grand jury last
week on charges of conspiracy to
it. th mails irt rtrfranit. Hit auto
mobile was overturned near his home
last Saturday morning and a little
later an envelope containing $25,000
in Liberty bonds belonging to him
was found near the scene.
Girl, 4lo, Disappears From
Home of Her Grandparents
Police and school authorities have
been asked to aid jn a search for
Harriet Steiner, 4 1-2, who disap
peared from the home of her grand
parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mus-
grave, 44 Kansas avenue, at iu
yerterday morning. Harriet, who
has lived with her grandparents since
a baby, has dark brown hair which
has just been bobbed: dark brown
eyes and was wearing a blue calico
dress, brown slippers and short
stockings. -
m w bf
CImim garms at
tack th ictlp, de
stroying tht hair
growth, cauaing
baldne.i, .iceitiv
Jk I . (T .
ffrtyn.ii, dead-look inf. In.
terleia hair and Itrhln
scalp. Th rich lather of Hunt'i Medicated
Soap carriet with it to th very hair root.
utt th right combination ol medicinal in
gradienta to correct scalp trouble, causing
luxuriant hair growth and imparting th.t '
flaf aneta oi tht hair that indie. u tht prop
te hair health.
Th B Sherman HcConaeU Dru More.
Great Week End Special
To prove' to you
what they will do.
A regular $1.00 package of
Genuine Yeast Vitamin Tablets
with every package of .
Nuxated Iron Tablet
IMPORTANT NOTICE Don't take Vitaminea unleaa you want to
increase your weight. Vitamine Tablets (one of the moat remarkable
acientific discoveries of recent years) are simply wonderful for women
who are scrawny and angular in appearance and men who are thin and
emaciated and everyone, who wants something to help increase weight
and put on flesh. .
Where it is simply deaired to gain -greater strength, energy and
endurance and increase the firmness of your flesh and tissues, we rec
ommend that you take Nuxated Iron only. By helping to create mil
lions of new red blood corpuscles, Nuxated Iron greatly helps weak,
nervous and run-down" people often in two weeks' time. V
Call at once for your free $1.00 package of Genuine Yeast Vita
mine Tablets, together with bottle of Nuxated Iron.
Two for the Price of One
V On Quality Meats at
212 No. 16th St. 2408 Cuming St.
4903 So. 24th St.
Choice -Veaj
Veal Stew
.Veal Chops
Pure Lard ....... 120
Choice Leaf Lard . . . . 11c
Fresh Spare Bibs. . . lie
Choice Beef Pot
Boast ......... . 11c
Choice Bound Steak. .20c
Choice Sirloin Steak. . 20c
Choice Hamburger
Steak 15c
Choice Halibut Steak,
per lb. .... .......18c
I 28c
Choice Catfish . . . . . 26c
Choice Kippered Salmon,
(per lb. .28c
Evergood Liberty Nut,
per lb. 20c
Eyergood Butterine, 5-lb.
carton for ...... . .95c
Best Creamery Butter
per lb. ...........38c
Strictly Fresh Selected
Eggs, dozen ..
Sugar Cured
Skinned Hams
Sugar Cured
Picnic Hams
Strip Bacoo
Fistula-Pay Wfiicn Cured
3S A atiM TUm of treatment that Mire Pile. Fiitola and other
aastr Sactal Diaaasa in a ehort time, without a never eareieal op-
ratios. No Chloroform, Ether or ether aeneral aneethetie need.
. tarafce m every eaa accepted lor treatment, and ao money ia to be paid ant)1
Writ fee book en Eectal Datcasee, with name and testimonial of mere thai
latea aeaaeiaent people wba have been penaanently eared.
ML B. R. TAW SeaaaSarlaea. Patera Tract BMc. (Bee Bid-.) Omaha, Neb..
Mrs. McClelland
New Grand Matron
of Eastern Star
Installation of New Officers
to Be Hf Id Today More "
Thin 800 Delegate and
Visitors Registered.
The conference of the Order ol iht
Eastern Star which closes here to
day, has been the most enthutltttic
ever held in this state. More than
BOO delegates and visitors were
isiered. Memorial services in honor
of the deceased members' of the or
ganisation featured yesterday' e
erctees. installation ol olncers elect,
ed yesterday afternoon will be held
The following were elected: Mrs.
Emma McClelland of Braver City.
grand matron to succeed Miss Maud
M. Smith of Omaha: Dr. C. E. Brown
of University Place, grand patron to'
succeed Henry Andrews ol Callo
way, Neb.; Mrs. Ida Buinstead of
Lincoln, associate grand matron to
succeed Mrs, McClelland: John S.
Jones of Wymore, Neb., associate
grand patron to succeed Dr. Hrown;
t . I ' . I f , . 1 c .
Airs. iainrrme n. jtiann ri oenrca.
Neb., grand condiiriorets to succeed
Mrs. Bumsiead. Miss Rose Owens
of Omaha and Mrs. Lou Conklin of
Hubbell, Neb., were re elected grand
secretary and grand treasurer, re
spectively. ,
Exemplification of the Order of
the Eastern Star was observed last
night when several candidates were
Fremont. Neb., won the conference
for 1923.
Business sessions will conclude the
conference today.
Hot Winds at Grand. Island
Give Taste of July Weather
Grand Island. Neb.. May 10.
(Special Teles-ram.) With the ther
mometer at 92 Tuesday and a maxi
mum of 85 Wednesday, -ordinarily
uly weather, and strong .winds
lowing from the south, an appre
ciable drop of several degrees took
place late Wednesday atternoon.
Cortland Man Struck
by Automobile Dies
Featriie. Neb., May 10. (Special
Trlfgram )-J- E. Dudley of Lin
coln, who was in charge of the tar
which ran down and loiured C. C
Wolf, 49, of Cortland on the high,
way north of Btatrtrt Sunday even,
ing so badly that he d"d Tuesday
night, wat called to Beatrice by
Sheriff Emery, Dudley was in ton
lerenre with County Attorney Va.ey
and the sheriff, at the close of which
the attorney stated that no action
would be taken at the pre.ctit time
against Dudley. Mr. Wolf was re
turning to Cortland with his family
from Beatrice and had turned to the
right of the rhad to ft his car.
Dudley, carrying tltvelock ball
players in his machine on their re.
turn home from Fairbury, ran dowa
Mr. Wolf as he stood at the ritht
of hi car, Dudley says that lights
Iront a southbound car e-lindtd him
and that he attempted to drive
around the Wolf auto, fearing a col.
Iikn. Wolf is survived by hit wile
and four children. The body will
oe uken to lorusnn tor nurtai.
Movies of Lake Country to
Be Shown at C. of C Rooms
In the, south room of tht Chamber
ol commerce, on rriday noon, II.
Johnson, general passenger agent of
tie Dulutn and Iron Range railroad,
and U W. Wheeler, United States
government representative, will offer
a senrs of nioiiou pictures and
sterccptiron slides in connection with
a lecture on the natural brautiet of
the Ycrmillton Lake country. Mr.
Johnson is in charge of an exhibit
car parked at Sixteenth and Mtrcy
streets, showing specimens of ant
mats, birds and nsh.
ycuUttyPer Heal SaHofec&D
whon ywjnjy a
"The Leaven of Spirit"
By Dr. John M- Tut-t, C S. B., Kanaaa City, Mo.
Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother
Church, The' First Church of Christ, Scientist, in
Boston, Mass. , .
v . At the Church Edifice
24th Straot and St. Mary's Aveaua
Thuri. and Fri. Eveningi, May 11 and 12
You Are Cordially Uvlts4 At Eight O'CUck
And you'll wear "the
smile that ; won't come
off'-when you wear
one of these double-value-d
ou b 1 e - service
rorXarfkaIavaBfata4 0raC3aUrra I Kick anrtk. aakd araiaaatract U
Th Orlataal rood-Drink For AM Aflai N
- a fT rU.IULI..
CUr CAooidlmitatienM
save inone and tiouble
) f
1 f2J-
There's an unusual
showing of fabrics
and models all
ithe newest tailor
ing: ideas made as
are all of Bond's
Clothes the best
possible, inside and
Reduce your cloth
ing bill practically
onchalf by wearing
Bond's .Two Pants
Suits the extra pair
costs you only
Five Dollars
T The tire you buy is just as good as the company back oi it
It will lead in mileage if that company is a leader in htcretsing
its mileage.
The Miller organization has done more to increase its tire
mileage in .the last four years than any other group of men.
Miller experts have increased the mileage of
over 113 per cent They have been leaders in new methods
that hare saded more to satisfactory -service and reduced tire
oosts and trouble.
' Tbatla why the name "Miller' ona tire or tube means the
utmost in long mileage at low costs. -That is why Miller Tires
have won hundreds of tests made by different companies who
buy tires on the lowest cost per mile basis. That is why they
are standard equipment on most of America's finest cars. And
why they have grown from thirty second place to a leader in
the tire industry.
Buy a Miller GearedtotheRoad Tire." Put it on your car
Spoeite any tire you like. Watch it for mile after mile for
ousands of miles. It will prove to you that Miller Tires
( Will Save You Moneytarid Trouble
Miller uniform Inner Tubes help increase the mileage in any
tire, but in Miller Tires they are a combination that can't be
beaten! : v, ;-;r '::.:'- -. y;.
' Akron, Qhio . "
iHirriiiD o.s. 9 at. orr.
Geared -to-the-
CombaaatiM Tiro ' Facla7,
19th and St. Mary'..
Bradl.r Radiator Work., 48 JO
So. 24th Strut.
Kaplan Auto Part Co Sill
Nicholaa Stroat.
Arbor Garaao, 2S0 S. SM
B.aiii Park Cara(a, 3104
Cuailat Straat. .
Plaaa Carat, 24th and F
Omaha Motor Inn No. 1, 3222
Laavanworth Straat.
Omaha Motor ha No. X, 2S72
Harney Straat.
Black.ton Carafe, 3814 Far
nam Straat.
Downtown Carafe, 1420 Har
ney Straat. .
Squlrea Carag. 2ait Faraam
Stmt. t .
Ithaadaa Garaaa, 2010 Haraeer
Quality Tira Shop. HOB Na.
IBth Straat.
Killy Molar Co, 2080 Faraam
Straat. -
From Factory to You
1 V
Bond's three trreat factories makintr plnfVipa fro
. ' Bond s' 14 tyreat 'diktrafciitiritr atnrAs ant AirantUr
- J-.: . , 7TV !' - 0- w-w.(w..wapwaaaa wsrva. vsv ( V. V 4.X a
tinder!' filnfrid's fiiinrvisiftri V? Mntprinla ana mini
chased a,nd tailprmgf and- finishing is : all done"
' must be right. P -'S" ' ih ;
New sprkig shade of tali
belted yoke back special
Plenty of materials '
i plenty; of ; aires !
truly wonderful;
valuea at :
$4 and $5
The Finest Quality
at the .
Lowest Price
.V" ' 1 "' : , ( ,
Alterations Free
; First
''Bring the young
fellow to Bond 'a for
' his first long-pants
,.suit. He'U find juat
.what he wants at a
price you'll be per
fectly satisfied to
py. .
New York (E
m jii
Columbus ,
St. Lotus f
Kansas City
.; Omaha
C Welch's Special
Wnk al May 8th to 14th, Inclu.
Ira W. CJva Caffaa, TraarMilh
Fit EE with Every Be Order af
Burn Wheat Tea Broad.
Hotel Castle
Guticura Talcum
aaaaaaaaaaatna. W 1 ft a .
rwmmmssmmmw rwwvm 1
.Always Healthful