9 THE TEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY. MAY 9. 1922. 'f 'I 'l 1 L -j I i ) it t I r I l t Bank Deposits Beat Loans by $27,336,168 Qmahd ti)V )'ioin fi.'fdVJ hn ,y J.7.1J,IM for iht moiuH rndmc May 3. arconJirir fiurri rnnipilr 4 jfairnlsy in aurr la niinnl bank call. Drpoeii f J7.0Jlt.7l lower ihtn at the Uil rail, March 10. Thi decrease a rrtrtl by the hankrrs. Th loan i at the bit c'l $"oKu,7. a compared to $79.. Ji.;.". r allotting, ire the figurri tor May 3: ninth N'eiia ,. ! I4 III 141 II all t tia ni 4. .!j Hit l'. a. ,viik.iti I1 11 rll 11 t4 Kirs .Sallnaal ... ainrH Yards Kai l I si J Menhaals National I : SIS lJa ta,h Nell.. .:I4.H M nana f lmb I 11 NaktMa N.I I.... I !)! .''bar Nai l .... ???!: i mm HarKan.a ... I 4!l ; -.rll IT Hiaia tank I :.t;s A in. aula bank... 111:1 Ma. innaha Having 11a lit I 1110a. iia bana I.IMIil hank at llmim.,., Il 111 V an M . Mene-ai. I.4 Beak af i'lorea., J I all 'ami l. Klaraara, 14 41 I'.m Naiiamil..., T"ll IIITII.III ItaaaalU. "msh VatUnal ,,.i:int4 1'. a. National 111 tit Ural Kailenal t.al : aiara Yard Nal'l., 6 lieu Merchama Kai l.,, II ll , Live mock Natl.., 411. tat Kiel Hk. ( Uraab i.h't tit Neb. Sai'l , It) l Pokr Nal'l. .... 9 tf lorn .. Nal'l... I 41 1. 1 If Maturity SKia lank 1.44t.4l American mat Hk. ? Ho. Uittihi havings, tslill I'lHaa Mala hank.. IX II tank of Hanson ... ' :.! V Mr. Il-nwm.. 711 fUnk of ri . 41.'.S i'in. State Flounce H!ll I'alart .National .,. 1.347,114 I til ! ata.l a I U4 ill 111 III Ml Mt I ' a'.l.t: 41. .49 !. I ti all l7l ia.i;,ca 1.3 44 34 IT 414 f 14 449 7, let, II Ji i:a t m 4 34 3 t 7l 77 i 414 I 104 114 ' I 1JHIJ l.a4 : 7M.II7 1.J4I.'I4 II2. till , 4H49J l".J7T I.4Jt.eJ Tout tiiMiiiet iim.:i4.7ii Man Accused of Annoying: Former Wife; Summoned Abraham Lincoln Todd, 65. who was divorced from Lizzie Todd, 4J, lat month, will have to appear be fore District Judge Seara to aliow cause why he violated a restraining order imposed upon him. County Attorney Shotwclt has filed contempt charges against Todd. Ac cording to Mrs. Todd, her former husband came to her home Satur day morning before she was out of bed and attempted to annoy her. Todd, at the divorce hearing, stated that his wife wanted to keep $800 he nave her to buy a rooming house. Mrs. Todd atated that Todd married her because he learned that she had some money. Todd claims relationship with Ab raham Lincoln. ; Classified JMvertisisg Rates ISO par llnct count worda to Una) 1 i'T. lt par Una pr dar. S eonaarutlva daya. Ha par Una par day, 1 conateullva daya. 14o par Una par day, SO consacutlva daya. Na ada takan for laai than a total of tic Thana rataa apply althar to tha Dally or 8unday Baa. All advartlaamanta appaar In both mornlnc and avanlng dally papara tor tha ona eharia. CONTRACT BATES ON APPLICATION. Want ada aecaptad at tha following at flcaa: MAIN OFFICE. ...lllh aad Famam Bta. ftouth Blda 4IIS South t4th St- Counoll Bluffa li fleott t . WANT ADS RECEIVED BT PHON1 ATLANTIC 100. TUB BEE will not ba reaponalbla for mora than ona Incorract Inaartlon of an dvartlaarnent ardarad for mora than ona '"cLOSINQ HCURS FOR WANT ADS. Evanlng Edition H:4S A. M. Uornlnr Edition : P. M. Sunday Edition S O P. M. Saturday CARD OF THANKS. WB wlh to thank our many frlanda and nlKhbora for thalr klndnaaa and eym nathy ahown to ua during tha lllnaaa and death of our brlovad huaband. fathar, aon and brother. Eapeclaliy .lama Crfrr Wecttarxompaay, Burgena Naah amployca'and t7i-WHfara aao rlatlon for thalr baaut'.ful floral offrr. Inga. Mra. Oraca Oalth. Arthur Galth, Mra. Frlta Oalth. Mra. Maa Brown. Mra. Minnie Neumeyer, Mra. Anna Polrer, Mr. Ernaac uann. WE wlah to exprese'our alntera thanka to our many frlenda and nelghbora.. each and every, one for Ihalr klndneaa and evmpathy extended to ua during tha lllnaaa and death of our beloved daugh ter and alater. Emily, alio for tha many baautlful flowera. Mr. and Mra. Wm. nana, jr., ana ramny. BURIAL VAULTS. AUTOMATIC eeallng concreta burial vaulta. . Recommended and let "alt by all leading undertaker. Water, proof, ao ateel to ruit. no wood to 1 cay. Inalat upon the AUTOMATIC SEAUNO VAULT-..tnanufctured by Omaha Conorat Burial Vault Co., M10 North SOth. CEMETERIES. Visit Forest Lawn Today Make a apeclal trip to Foreet Iawn today or tomorrow and eea the magnifl- ciant lilac. Foreat Lawn haa a new ' beauty with each changing aaaeon. The . graanhouaea contain thouanda of planta which will aoon be placed on family lots. You are invited to ae them. Office at . camatery (north of city llmlta), and Brandela Theater. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Birth. Earl and lona Storker. hnapltal, boy. Jciaph and Josephine Taylor, boapltal. boy. ' , Tony and faud Ross, hoepltal, girl. 1 Ward and Bernlce Phelp. hoapltal, boy. ,'k.... km. U.l.n n,v linanllal rirl. Charlaa and Alvina.Gahl, 2S0S Monro alreet. girl. ,- -- :nariea ana urave iiiaiia uviyi.. Abraham and Either r Richard. 101J North Twenty-aecond treet, ,boy. Henry and Myrtle Londmelr, lSlt Locuat treat, girl. Edward and Bertha Olllitrap, 4411 South Twenty-eighth atraet, girl: Menry and AntoMette Drexel, SS1S W treet. girl. Antonino and Franca' Vonglemelll, 1214 Popplaton Avanu. girl. Death. , Mr. Holeclin; 61, hopltl. ' Alfred Bornman. St, 1211 South Twenty-eighth atreet. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. . F. J. STACK & CO., Suoceuor to ; Stack 4 Falconer - - OMAHA'S BEST. v arrow AM BULANCEJSl! ' Thirty-third and Faraam. HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertakers and Embalmer. Phen HA. ;SS. Office 2611 Farnam. Hulse & Riepen, Funeral Director. ' 2234 Cumins. ppnsn V-Tunnpiii S4th win. jSKjtj a -ai ssavu WE WE. 0047. FLORISTS. Tr?.l?. T . A PMflM 1 S 1 4 Douglas. Phone DO. 2244 JOHN BATH. 1804 Farnam. JA. ISO. SAT IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS A SWOBODA. 1415 FARNAM 8TREET. L. HENDERSON. 1607 Farnam. JA. 125S. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. LOST Thursday night, blue beaded bag containing 26, key and vanity case. Lib eral reward. WA. 653S. a 1 LOST Beaded ba on Sherman Ave. car Sunday. HA, 0530. Reward. OST Lady'a black sweater. WA. 81. LOST Dort wire wheel. AT. S6S7. PERSONALS. THE SALVATION Army Industrial bom sollcita your old clothing, furniture, magailnes. We collect. Wa distribute. Phon DO. 413S and our wagon will rail. Call and Inspect our aew home. 1110-1113-1114 Dodge St. 1 rR-A .N.. Ctrlrouractor. 308 airiiUnPaxtoa -black. AT. t747.- WE. ;, Office hr'. Its. m.-6:30 p. m. MAGNETIC baths: Violet Ray wilk masaagea. Sit 8. 18th. traatmant AT. IISl. THE GUMPS-- MTCtf tCTtP H tJkHCe THE ATTACK 0 Tt TtTlE - TMC AMtTTtt TWt WVN tVH aVLSO IXC PtCXTS THa.T Z tHO-t COw4 H,A AT TVfctT 0t bbbUkX ?tCAMC PCH& OP Hm rr looks uke k Tovba JO VO. IM0- BRINGING UP PERSONALS. THEATRICAL historical maague coetumra. lor play a ana partla. at Lletien a, Omaha, Bt'LPUUR hatha, HwaUlab maaaaga, chl- ropotiy. Evening to a. zoi & :oin bi. riBHKR bath, maaa, manicuring. 120 Artnur mag. OSTKOI.OOV maaaagaa. aptni. AT. S3IS. EXPERT MASiAOa ATLANTIC SS4S. EXPERT maaeag. 210 N. 17th Bt RENT vacuum cleanera. J 5c. UA. 1071. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordion Pleating. nEb. pleating ,Hrvcehr: ad Buttona. 1I0S Famam, 2d Floor. DO. 870. ACCORDION, aide, knife, box pleating: covered button, all atylca; Demetlicn Ing, buttonholea. Write Ideal Button 4 Pleating Co.. SOS Brown Block. Omaha, Neb. Telephone J A. 1S2S. Contractors. OARAGES of any kind, aldewalka. floor. retaining wans. L,oweai iigurea lor iirsi clans work. WA. 0597. FURNACE AND TIN WORK. WA. 271. FLOOR laying, machine landing. AT. S52S. Dancing Academies. LEARN to dance. Rummer, dancing . clue. 10 leaaons. S10. iVTTTPD'Q 1818 Farnam. JvHifir J5 nn an. Dentiata. DR. B. C. DEW ELL. np-MTIRT. II Arthur Building. AT. ISSS DENTAL X-RATS. 6(1 each. S3 a full aet. i gacurmea Bidg., lotb and Farnam. Detectives. Indnpandent Detective Bureau, 304 Neville nix. Ai-. aii; nignt, WA. 404S; KE.S4 RELIABLE Detect Bureau. Railway oiag.. ja. lu&e, nignt, KB. 18 II. AMES ALLAN. Sll Neville Blk. Evldenco aecureq in an ciaea. AT lantle 11SS. Dressmaking. WANTED Dressmaking, fine hand sewing i an xinas; also- emoroiaery and. knit ting. Call Apt. 116. Morris Apts. DRESSMAKING and tailoring. HA,. 6528. BEWINO WORK GUARANTEED. At 37. Nouvaan draaamaklng hp. '422 Paiton Blk. Kodak Finishing. ENLARGEMENTS, oil coloring, develop- ng, printing. Kase studio, 213 Neville Blk Frt.Mn nirvini nDtfn trmrv The Ensign Co.. 1407 Howard 81 Patent Attorneys. J. W. Martin. Patent Attornev. 171 - Dodge, room 202. Alio Washington, D. . i nip inventor sell their patent. Painting and Paper Hanging. Flrat-clam pntg. and paperhng. Do. 490. PAPERING, painting: low price ,IA. 8022. Printing. EDDT Printing Co. 212 fl. 11 St. Do. 8S47. BRITT Printing Co.. 201 Bromley Blk. Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS prlc with privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. Omaha. Neb.. - 402 N. 16th 8t. Telephone DO. S04S. . DR. A. C. SABIN. RECTAL DISEASES. suite SID Arthur Bidg., xio , uto ut. PRESCRIPTIONS narefully compannded at tn t Sherman at Mcconneii Drag atorea. Miscellaneous Announcements- RUGS washed, new- vugs manufactured from old; rag carpet weaving; mattress es, pillows renovated, made to order. Gate City Rut; & Mattress Cleaning Co., S3 N. 24th St. JA. 2723. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY. Mattrease mad ever In new ticks at half prlc si new bed a 1207 Cuming. JA. 2467. LAWN MOWERS sharpened. Called for ana delivered, 11.50. 250 Leavenwortn. At. 8204. . BEAU. Quiet home for chronic cases or old people; trained nurse. Terms, wfi. eaa. FULL DRESS suit and Tuxedoa for rent. JA. 213. 10S N. 16th St. I. Feldman. Hauling. MOVING AND HAULING OF ALL KIND. REAS. AT. 3413 or AT. 8668. Miscellaneous Articles. ELECTRIC sign, manlcur table with two ' chairs; five Monax light globes. 126 feet ' of galvanised water pipe. Call HA. 7110, or AT. 1579. WB buy, aell safea, make desks, -how-. cases, etc., Omaha Fixture Supply Co.. ' S. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. J A. 2724. EXPERT sawing machine repairing. MICK ELS, 18th and Harney. DO. 1S7S. OARAGES built, new lumber. S10S up. Mlcklln Lumber 4 Wrecking Co.. 24th and Burdens sta. Webster 6566. TJ ATTI iVG Nathan Steinberg. X5U1 lJ-JlllO IBIS Harney Da). 6163 MAN'S ring, black onyx, set with chip t j t . I 1 T T.n 4 0 7 5 ONE banquet range and gas toy for sale cheap. 3655 Seward bt WA. 3371. FOR SALE. . Clothing and Furs. ' DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. For sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" suits, cheap, alterations free. Northwest Cor. 15th and Harney Sta. CLEAN, mend, tailor eutts. furs. Ha. 6804. ARMY shoes. 22 20. 706 No. ISth. Pianos and Musical Instruments. TRADE your used piano on a new player ' pisno. Balance s low as $1 per month. A. HOSPE CO.. 113 Douglas. PLAYER ROLLS EXCHANGED. JA. 0213. I 11 I I . t HI I i - . I f HZ IT IN COLOM Oi THK SUNDAY .( FATHER-- Ballet r ad 0. A. l-alaat Offka s&rssasi &?cLT- n -vL 1 jQ?tP I I DUCAnS &5!r6 1 m coin (--t3f75--irvv y ''.".'lilfW ;.; FOR SALE. Pianos and Musical Instruments. LARGE Brunswick phonograph for sale; reasonable. Owner leaving city. Must ell at one. 121 South. Thirty-first avenue. Furniture ' and Household Goods. Read the List. It's Interesting. It represent., but a part of th houno luild Rood a and f urn I ah in fa that we will sell at auction. TueudHy, Wednesday, May t and 10. Kuroltura from two of Omuha's best known homes, one at 3 2d and Pacific, HSd ona from Minna Lusk, tn addition to other consignment. All sood furniture. Wicker sun room set In old Ivory; wicker couch with tspeutry upholster ing; Kdlson talking n.Hchine and rec ords; taupe corduroy upholslared daven port; overstuffed llvinr room suites In Imported vclour. tn blue and two tone combination: mahogany poste? bed with niafltiive chiffonier to match; walnut bed room suite with bow end bed; ivory fin lh breakfast aet; five good pianos; Srhmoller & Mueller talking machines; cedar cheat; dining suites; birds eye maple bedroom suite; rags of all kinds; rorkers; pictures; sanitary couches cur tains, and many, many .other articles. - Stephenson, Auctioneer Omaha's Established Downtown Auction. House 1509 Capitol .Ave. AT. 6265. imiTHHMnr.r annHa. Kri.,--. leni encyciopeaia. ztv Hickory. Atlan tic -4611. ' - ' FURNITURE for sale: everything you need. Call 5232 So. 21st St. Monday. MORRIS chair, library table, booltcaa and gas stove; reasonable Web. 279. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ' ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agenta for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. . t Central Typewriter Exc, J A. 412. ' 1912 Farnam. GUARANTEED typewrlters.J12.60 and up. flimianq Mince auppiy UP.. 14U4 uoqge. NEW phonograph for sale at a bargain. Dhn-- II A 1.- 1 1 , Miscellaneous Articles. LAUBACK The BEST POPCORN that leserved at Elmwood Park the last 2 years; Served now at Dodge street and Happy Hollow boulevard Not at Elmwood Park this . year. . . FOR SALE 'Life membership in Omaha Athletic club. Inquire Newman Brok erage Co. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desk, used desk bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. Da S14S. Call WE. 6441 first Wa pay mora for furniture, rugs, stoves, clothes. WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. FOR first-class carpenter, HA . 499. HELP WANTED MAL Professions and Trades. MEN WANTED with trucks equipped with steel dumps for : hauling concrete mix ; ture on hard surface road work in Omaha. Or will sell you truck, plac . ing you on practically permanent job after , this work is completed. Prompt action is neces sary. Phone Mr. Givens, Hotel Rome, for ap pointment. Carpenters Wanted . Accustomed to concrete form work. Rate 80c per hour, and 10 hours per day. Apply Wells Bros. Construction Co. t John Morrell Plant, Ottumwa. la. BOOKKEEPER Must be neat: must be experienced. Give all qualifications in first ltter. For appointment write Box X-83, Omaha Bee WAS'TED Experienced mill man. Apply Nebr. Tiro ft Rubber Co.. 31st . and . Spaulding. KE. 281. WANTED Experienced oiler with flra man'a license.. Apply Nebr. Tire As Rub ber Co , 31st and Spaulding. Ke. 2810. WANTED First-class linotype machine operator, also good linotype operator, 'open shop conditions. Address .Gazett. Bllltncs. Mont. DO you want to Increase your Income f Write the National Auto School, itlt N. 2lth St. Omaha, for catalog. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, lit 6. Mth. Write for catalog. GENERAL blacksmith wanted, street. Lincoln, Neb. 1021 M Salesmen and Solicitors. PERMANENT position for salesman with tar, familiar with farm trade. Write L. w. Keiler. car Paxtou hotel, Oma ha, Neb. ZANDER atK. MJAMIM OlaMF ? AMtvatS isotrr A W t A q rt ve ink mvc xow A- CM. JttNtW AW0 AM AtrroHcette Q- Sc) aJLvcd Oviaat AN AlrtOMOlLC fJtfOCE lt vou? hz tvutiMT vou AiAMS enwwr (fTto:rw Hove fot ote KnU) otiicx, Nouft ucmot.- txt J006E- UT TM UrtTMltS AwWl-A- HE DID - HELP WANTED MALE. 6alesmen and Solicitors. TWO experienced tire saleamen with tare in sell Sprsgu and Wellington tires tn territory ouib of Platte Rlvor, Neb., Strictly average proposition with guaranteed ex peine. No floaters or in experienced men considered. Muat have successful record and references. Ap ply by letter only. Give full and de tailed Information. These territories good for S30 to S400 per month to hustlers. Don't waste your time or our unless you mean business. Sprague Tire & Rubber company, postofflc box 1017. Omaha. Neb. Salesman A "Go-Gotter" hard worker aggres sive for an old reliable house. Na tionally known product. Man with auto preferred. Salary and tonus ex pense advanced; exclusive territory In Nebraska. Slate age, past salca ex perience, telephone number, address 'and ' references. No consideration given to application without same. Mall replica to H. Fluegel, Paxton hotel, Omaha. TAILORS trimming sales - man for Kansas, Mis souri, Nebraska, Iowa, etc. Must be experi enced. Box Y-1884, Bee. THE Great Western Accident Insurance Company of Dos Moines want a man - with automobile to writ Insurance among the farmer In eastern Nebraska, and Council Bluffs' territory. Also one city agent wanted. Write or call at 682 , Brandeis Theater Building, Omsha, Neb. HIGH-CLASS salesman, preferably own ing car, to cover Nebraska on standard auto accessory through jobber, and deal- ' er. Close attention to business and ag gressive sales work will mesn perma ' nent connection. P. O. Box 854, Indian apolis, Ind. WANTED Salesman for Western Iowa and Nebraska to carry our complete line. We would prefer a man acquainted with the hat, cap, glove and mitten line with some business established. Glv reference in first letter. Box Y-1881, Omaha Bee. grade salesmen to Bell standard make of automobiles tn city of Omaha on new selling plan. Write past selling experi ' ence and references, X-106. Omaha Beo. Miscellaneous. MEN WANTED on hard surface road work. Must buy truck, paying part cash, bal ance from earnings. Your used car or truck taken in part payment on truck. ,-; Immediate action is necessary. Give phone number if possible that you may be reached without delay. Limited number of jobs open. Ad dress quickly, Box X-68, Omaha Bee. - , FIRST-CLASS action repair man: ask for Mr. Saffelder at 1419 Dodge St. FIRST-CLASS piano finisher wanted; ask for Mr. Saffefder at 1419 Dodge St. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. YOUNG ladle employed can earn a round trip ticket to scenic Colorado with all expenses paid be devoting a little of their spare time in the next two months. State where employed and in what rapacity. Address Box X-69. Omaha Bee. . .' Household and Domestic. EXPERIENCED white girl for general housework. References required. Mrs. Joseph B. Fradenhurg, Tel. WA. 0743. EXPERIENCED , white girl for general housework. No laundry. Good place for right party. Har. 2263. Miscellaneous. WANTED Nursemaid. Mrs, George Van Brunt, . 22i South Eighth street. Coun cil Bluffs, la. , HELP WANTED. Male and Female. MEN, -women, 1 18, over, wanting govern ment positions. Hundreds appolnt- ment made every year. Good salary. Experience unnecessary. Write for free particulars. Columbia School Civil Ser vice. 171 Pope Bidg., Washington, D. C. WANTED Men, ladle and ooya to learn barber trade; big demand; wage while learning; africtly modern. Call or writ lava uoage tn. Tri-.cy Harder one. GILRS and boy to take up ahorthaod. evening work. Personal instruction. Call Atlantic 7774. EDUCATIONAL. DAT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Complete course tn accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting; railroad and i wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson .1545 -tor large illustrated catalog. Addresa .. Boy les College, - toy lea Bidg., Omaha, Nen. VS. GUMP A- I to- Q- Wit tMt PO WTH TE OtAtN? A - I VT Q - ajf t SOU WTXtCH If A - It CAVCft Ml M. AV WMAr(ntSS A W0 at q m ton. UMcmfiiMiMtAtM tvm6t7 A- I t- Q . .rjy tkVTX V.OWt MtM AT "AT tMt? H0VCS - I OtMtCt- Nirrtit MA ANjwtkWt 0,UtSTWN A I W hot- q - Mr.M WO yU OUT WAT XflU Jtt VtM ? A, - SMOtUH VtTOtC VA. VtCAMK tHtJACtt Q - MiVlAt 00(MT 0U TO Tit COMCLU.lOH a, - Vt VtSxTCvtT VJOOtMft - Ht tW0AJlrtb M ditM Cttft Attb MA SO TO rAC SEE PACE JICG3 AND MAGGIE IN FULL OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE ,1 1122 BY INT'!. fUATUHe SCHVICt, It-' EDUCATIONAL. Van Sent School of Business. Dsy and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bidg. Douglas 180. ANNIE E. OLASOOW. voice and piano, 503 Karbach Blk. JA. 1011. BUSINESS CHANCES. Auction Sale of The Ryan Jewelry Store 306 So. ltth St.. Omaha, Neb. Thursday, May 11, 1922 Thl store has reverted back to tha trustees of the Ryan Company. The trustees under their trust scree ment are duty bound to convert these sssets into cash aa soon as possible. These asseta consist of about 137.000 worth of jewelry in the store at the above location, also store fixtures and office supplies at the same location and the equipment which ia in the Jewelry man ufacturing shop on tha sixth floor of the Securities building. These will be offered at Puhllo Auc tion as three separate items to the high est bidder for rash. With th trustees reserving the right to accept or reject all offers. REMEMBER THE DATE, MAT 11, 1922. at 305 SOUTH lln STREET. OMAHA, NEB. 10 a. m. W. it. RANDAL, ' F. E. MASTERSON, Trustees. R. E. SWANN, Auctioneer, ELECTRIC shop and battery distributing station for snven stations in good town. Write 3408 No. 24th St. Web. 5520. FOR SALE Laundry equipment: building In good locstion. Good growing bust- . ness. J. C. Sta ley, St. Paul, Neb., Box 405 ' Rooming Houses. lt-ROOM newly papered; might consider gooq car in part payment. AT. 6973. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. WELLINGTON INN. HAS A FEW DESIRABLE ROOMS, NICELY FURNISHED, . WITH OR WITHOUT BATH, , FOR PERMANENT GUESTS AT ATRACTIVE WEEKLY RATES. MR. RAMET, THE MANAGER, WILL GLADLT SHOW THEM TO YOU. , NO. 25 ALSATIAN APTS., 115 South 35th St., SIS per month. See janitor. Peters Trust Company, "Where Omaha Rents" AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam Sts. GET TOUR ROOM, through The Bee furnished room di rectory. Call at office for list of choice desirble room In all prt of the city. A service that benefits both advertiser and room seeker. HOTEL SANFORD. ISTH AND FARNAM, HOTEL HENSHAW. 16TH AND FARNAM Special rates to permanent guests. FURN. rms. with prlv. bath; warm, com fortable, cheerful; price reaonab!e, dsy or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 470L TWO attractive rooms, home privileges, walking distance. 624 . S. 28th St. Har. ' 0504. PLEASANT front room tor 2 gentlemen, private home, walking 'distance. Har. 1645. WELL furnished, front, double sleeping room in modern, private home; 5; home privileges. HA. 3720. LARGE, room, suitable for two, 25 per weeiw aid xm, zzq at. . AT, B3. FRONT room with largo closet; private mm,, wamma uiomnce. si, (09, SLEEPING and light hkpg. rms., WE. 2415 Housekeeping Rooms. TH1 GUIDE TO the better housekeeping; room 1 the directory furnished to advertiser and ' room hunter. Call at Be office for free copy containing desirable vacancies In all part ot th city. 18th St.,' 1450 8. Two rooms, newly dee orated, water and sink in kitchen, 27.50 per week. AT. E215. 3 ROOMS first floor, sink. S10: two ronma Mt; large single, 24; completely fur- uisneu, raoaern; siui uoage. TWO AND FOUR clean rooms: rent rea onable. 402 North 16th. Third floor. AT. 6972. HOUSEKEEPING rooma, newly furnished; strictly modern; three exposures; lecond ' floor. HA. 6164. NICELY furnished, newly decorated housekeeping rooms. WE. 0802. TWO and three-room furnished apart ments, with piano. 2019 California. ONE large housekeeping room; walking distance. Call Atlantic 41 5S. Board and Rooms. HOME cooking ond newly furnished . rooms; private residence; for couple, , single women or men; home privileges, must be seen to be appreciated. 1714 Eo. 2th St. HA. 4885. Unfurnished Rooms. UNFURNISHED room for light house keeping, close In. strictly ' modern, rea sonable rent. Call AT. 2250. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. EIGHT-ROOM modern house completely and beautifully furnished; 2100 per month. WA. 688S. Unfurnished. BEAUTIFUL 4-room apartment, newly decorated. Within walking distance. Handy to car lines. Immediate posses sion. Harney 2S15. W. J. PALMER CO.. Real Estate Management Specialists. Keeline Bids, AT. 2980. Drawn for WHAT tH THE. MATTER WITH fKa- TOO FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. Dundee Five-room bungalow, furnished, doublo garage, till Capitol avenu. Peters Trust Company, "Where Omaha Rents" AT. SS44. 17th nd Farnam Sts. FOR RENT Strictly modern, 4 large tin- lurnianvu airy luwiiia. imuuu , private bath. Inquire 2227 Bo. 23d St. VERY nice (-room houae; bath, gaa. electric light and garage; 210 per mo. 2023 Pierce. AT. 2824. 7 ROOM house (59 to party buying soma furniture. Call evonlng. Saturday or Hunday. Wal. 6811. BKALTIFl'L new home at Carter Lake club: 2800; call AT. 7471. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. Morris Apartment Hotel, . 18th and IDodge Sts. Apartment constat of living room, dressing room, kitchenette and bath. Weekly rental Includes heat, light, gas, phon and maid service. Either weekly or permanent guests. Phone AT. 2210. FOR RENT Furnished, cool, coxy, out- side Apt., second floor; 6 rooms; large back and front porches; 1 block from cas Una, West Farnam District. Ref erences required. $90, HA. 2812. WELL furnished, airy, 4-room apartment. Including piano; homelike; first floor, front; large east porch, bath, laundry. Steady party. Only 150. N.' 18th 8t. Call WE. 284J. LARGE - 6 -room apartmont In the Page, 31st and Farnam Sts., completely fur nished to Oct. 1 next, 2100 per month. Phone AT. 7715 office hours. Peters' Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. Unfurnished. Apartments at a Fair Rental . S room, No. 9 Mildred, 49th ai)d Dodge Sts., $90. 5 room, Ayres Apt., 603 South 31st St., $60. 1 4 rooms, No. 12 Flo Lea, 20th snd Capitol Ave., $82.50. 4 rooms, No. 2 Troy, 300S Harney St., aoif. . 3 rooms. No. S Kingaborough, 253S ri.j-. a.n 3 room's. No. ( Nathan, 1844 Willi Ave., 252.50. Peters Trust Company, "Where Omaha Rents" AT. 0544 17th and Farnam Sts. VERY CHOICE APARTMENTS .Three and 6 rooma In the Mercer. This is surrounded by a regular park with lots of nice shade trees and away from the noise of the streets. . W. FARNAM SMITH CO. 1320 Farnam St. J A. 0564. MODERN, steam heated, 4-room ; very low rent. Cloury Apts. G. P. Stebbins, 1610 Chicago. ST. REGIS APARTMENTS 617 So. 37th St. Four-room apartment. Ring Janitor. FOR RENT Business Property. , Space for Rent : MOO square feet, second floor; 1,000 square feet, third floor. Above avail able September 1, location, one block west of postofflce,- Reasonable rent for entire apace on, long lease. Building being constructed and Interior can ba. arranged to suit tenant. Address P. O. , Box No, 1,301. LARGE, well-lighted office at 19th. and Farnam 8t. . Can subdivide. F. D. Wesd and D. H. Bowman. AT 0161. Mercantile storage and ware house CO., llth and Jones Sts. H. M. Chrlatle. warehouse A track's prop. MOVING AND STORAGE. Pianos stored at reasonable prices Schmoller & Mueller, Piano Co., 1514-11-18 ' Phone podge St. DO. 16J3. "WHEN MOVING" PACKtNO-STORING-SHIFPINO Phnna TLAn FIDELITY 6Tv"?i.0& 1107-11 Howard St. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separat loeked room for houeehold good and piano, moving, packing and hipping. . BEKIN8 OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 806 South 16th. DO. 4142. ESTIMATES furnished on storage and moving. Contracts taken by Job or nr. Globe Van ft Storsg Co., JA. 4332. AT. 0220. 620.24 North 16th St. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. R. I. B. baby chlcka, 16c J A. 2186. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. Sll S. .ttb. av2aa CV IT 4tTt On MY V iig The Bee by Sidney Smith tCif-flla.i iitt O- fr HAM ttVt Tttf 6itl 0 'A? A i0, WT I AM 'LUt tO Qm Tu MROtC MTVbWd M 16 W ATK TOW llCCAMi CUtjAbtl tXAT WA tt40MrVMtWaV YO TMe vintAHT ? A- I pd HoT -DM- 1 WAS SQ KAffN- tOtt AWO rvttTS no TtAS- ' ATT0tCT VAUiAMS I ttT MS CASC" Drawn for The Bee by McManut (Copyright 1 JI-.S) oh: don't LET TrWT KlQ 6 LOW THAT VMWTLE. A4IN AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. REAL USED CAR BARGAINS. Cash or Tiro. Buy or 8IU Fords, from Sta and up Dodge, Buick and otbtr. 1101 and up. Ford nndte winter tor. GOI.DSTROM AUTO CALES CO.. 1218 Harney St. Central 01 arse a. 1923 DO PGR touring, ha never bean drivsn. Discount. Box X-61, Omh Bee. SEVEN -PASMENUER, A-l condition. MA. .USD. . SOME bargain In used Fords; prompt asiivsry on new rorue. M'CAFFRET MOTOR CO., The Handy Ford Service Station., 13th and Jackson Si. DO. 260. FORD PARTS, front spring, SI. 75; rear spring. $5.60; frame. $4.50; muffler, $1. NEBRASKA AUTO PARTS COMPANY. 101 Harney Street. BUY A GUY U SMITH USED CAR. A Saf Investment. 28th and Farnam Sts. Phon DO. 197. FltfcK Inspection and water for all make hatfarv llutl.rw mnA I - -, - , 411a Farnam 8t.. AT. 9314. ' 1920 490 Chevrolet touring, good condition, 2325. Term to responsible party. KE. 3708. L8ED cars, worth your money. The Ne braska Oldsmobtle Co., 18th aud Howard ts. AT. 177U. . LOOK over our list of used car. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. 2056 Farnam St. AT. 7892. WVllfoTtr ''v' a,!h dv be can look Tf JillCljr every man In th faccand y TOME AOA7N." PATENT Pullman bed built Into your auto - Hi rienierw. zbza Leavenworth. USED radiators, sll makes for sal. Green- nugn rtaaiator itepalr. 203 Farnam APPER80N CHUMMY ROADSTER, vinnA-Lltu AflU PAINT. HA. 750, GOOD atock of used Ford at very low SPECIAL SIX Studebaker. Call HA. 6760. FARM LANDS. Nebraska Lands. FARMS WrU M- Laraon. Central "WlOcity, Neb., your wants for acreage traots, farm. Texas Lands. Attention, Real Estate Men I We control a very large amount of i""u in me Dig nowing well halt of Texas, on railroads, within 80 to 110 nmes or tan Antcnjo, in the most bea tlful country, with some of the rirha.t. well-drained soil In southwest T. Tt is the best seller and the biggest bar- mn in ine umtoa state today with out a doubt. A man can buy thl land, . rut It In cultivation and under gravity Irrigation, in tract of 640 acre, at not to exceed 280 per acre at present price and If It cost him $300 per aore it would still be the cheapest land In Texas. This land can be put in cultivation without Irrigation but with the necessary Souses on It at nresent nrlces. ut tint tn vi $45 por acre. It will then produce . iiiuuii couon as any pare or central or north Texaa, on an average, provided the ground Is prepared In the fall and farmed aclentlficslly. Our live agent re now making big money selling this land. A good, live real estate man should make more money selling land for us than he can make selling for any body else or for himself. We believe a good man can make at least $25,000 to . aov.wv witoin tne next 13 month sell ing our land, as we Day a liberal- com mission and furnish lots of assistance io our agents, i 'or your Information . our Mr. Blshon hss sold mora l.nrt that Is 1n cultivation today .than any i' eaiaiB man in in united states. .. At least 1-I7th part of th cotton raised in the United Klt tr .... in addition to a large amount 'of other crops, was grown on lands sold by him. If you arc interested, write u for full details and booklet which will desorib our proposition thoroughly. F. Z. Bishop Land Co., San Antonio, Tex. Miscellaneous. Low Round Trip Home seeker Ticket? The first and third Tuesday of ech month to " Minnesota. North Dakota, Montana. Idaho. Washington and OreV eun. write lor tree BOOK describing op portunities offered homeneekara an in vestors. E. C. Leedy, Dept. M., Great i.oiinern rtsnway, t. i'aul Minn. FINANCIAL. WE have cash on hand to loan oo Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEB. INC ' 638 Keeline Bidg. FnPTYl T ,nnna No ,ll,v on western JTdJ.111 JjUcUIS N(,b. farm, r.nche. Ktoke investment Co., 145 Om. Nat'l Bk. ittdut ...- . . i - n - ...- ., .. . Omaha real estate. Sbopen e Co., neauors. IA. azs. Zd. iweeun Blag. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KECFK REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bidg. Jaekaon S71S. $100 TO 1 0,000 loans made promptly. F. D. WEAD and D. H. BOWMAN, 810 8. 18th St. Weed Bidg. At. 0161, Stocks and Bonds. LIBERTY BONDS bought and aold. AT. 3644. Mack' Bond Houae. 1421 1st Nat. J. H. MI.THF.N pays most for LIBERTY anvne an ..., ...... ... ... ....j .... i . 1 1 mug. REAL ESTATE WANTED. HOMES for sale, APTS. for rent. W J. Palmer Co., Real Estate Management Specialists. -Keeline. Bidg, , t. tS.O. B EAL tiTATE WANTED HlNDKi: & OTIS. Reel r aale. tau tt.i.li. J A. f l Charles' W." Young & Son H.. 9lie, Raniel, ..aji.. Kl K.I, Hk. 4f ! V - r --II ilih ealal .-4 FOWLKR & M'DONAM) Mil "H Ulai'l JAbaua !.'. Ul nifl'TT ' 1ela4 mmi UllmCsa 1 HiMxcma uraa. St r4, Tf t"t JA. 82, "l4"rr ' fe ur prey.!,, AT alls. be-iuilia Itldf GRUENIG flaeliy I'a- Uel "J ua fuf aitl'k teoulis. "Ha V.aal li.lii.ee knulh t I " AMi-S UhANf VM., ''- .... AT I' I'" tir $ i W A" irrr.tV.KST robtfAS'T , it Vt Ariaf ,"Vrlm.-e eellikg h..ma. iVI A. T. 11 wv'-T .,. rw S. Meali Me i A- b lMii fr . I tu "lT".MII RrtAITT tt. AT. Hjl. Stew fcoma. imliiiy fihiwd like f.M. - T. KKIRSl ri-i--r-, a f.lare True IMdg. K. 4H. "l"Hu vaaWil Ileal l'al IK i.it.i:a i'ti. is rny Nat Rank. J A, II WANr a r l-rei, well tocaled, J Ps) m. by th fuel. caan. wi tmis rlae, , HA VIC Inqultiao l -( " wnt to aell aur prparir A. nninmal, tirosha Natl Bk. Ttldg. ukTt! roRTrii'ai'co. Ileal raiste, n.aisl. Iau'ar 1S swiuih l"ih. AT. t9S. ' A WKLI, i l.O. ED DEAL. H. & MAN VII, I. B. ftaaltnr, AT. J"3 H Pater Trut Hldr. Waetern Itaal Kelslo Co. JA. S4T. REAL ESTATE. INVESTMENTS Excellent Investment an Home Toubl dwelling, i roewi on on aM n4 aeveo on tho other, bring y bat ter than S per rent on Investment OS th tentsl for en apartment. Gallagher & Nelson, SIS Paler Trust Bidg. JA. St'l. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. CAR to trad for lot. AT. HS. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. Dandy Benson Home Neat flv-room. trlotly modern bungalow; larc lot and south front corner lot; a real buy for 12. 70S; tl.OOS cash down. Osborne Realty Co., St Pater Trust Bidg. JA. 22l. Dundee. Dundee. $8,000 Urand nw hnm; Just blnc flolihvtl; 9m 9 j jprmi, x nun" w sow. Glover & Spam . DUNDEE horn for sale by owner. For appointment rail WaL 2(99, early morn ing or evenings. S-RM. mod., oak finlah. garage, good con., near car, H.600 terms. AT. 6'.'i;o. Florence. NETHAWAT sell nd trade. KE. 1409.. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. Beautiful Blvd. Home Splendid all-room home, oak and white enamel finlah. strictly modern in every respect; choir east front lot. nn boulevard, just south of Clatrmont addi tion. Ownr. going to old country. Priced for quick sale, $7,(00; $1,500 cash down and $70 a month. Osborne Realty Co., - S3 Peters Trust Bidg. ' JA. 222. - $2,650-$1,000 Cash Neat fair cottage with 2 lot, chicken, houee. on lot all In fruit, gaa and elec trio light, arwer In atreet; furnace heat, located In that rapidly developing section near 60th and Leavenworth. - Here Is a real pick tip. Osborne Realty Co., : 630 Peter Trut Bidg. JA. 22S2. IM MEDIATE possession. Reaaonabl priced 6-room. new 2-story with fire place, breakfast nook, etc: fine location In West Farnam. $1,0000 to $1,500 down. Schroeder Investment Co., JA. 2261. ' S901 NO. 17TH ST. 7 rms.. modern, easy . payment. Immediate possession. Crelgh, 608 Bee. JA. 0200. , FIVE room, strictly modern, 60-tt, lot, one block to car. $500 cssh. WA. 4092. 6-room house or sal or rent. 2512. Wirt street. North. FIVE-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW.- -$500 cash. $45 per month. Thl 1 strictly modern; oak floor throughout, oak finished In main room and newly decorated, les than 3 year old. This 1 located on Ames Avenue near 4600. . Call evenings, AT. 6947, MOVE INTO A NEW HOUSE Just completed and a bargain at $4,500 on terms; oak and enamel finish S-room bungalow. Full cemented base ment and furnace. Near Fontenello Prk. Call Clrk, AT. 7412; evening,. WA. 2599. - Minne Lusa Bargain , Her 1 a map for the fellow with $2,500, Have new S-room bungalow, 30x30, on paved atreet; Only $5,600. For particulars call WA. 2812. EASY TERMS ON LOTfif. It Is possible for you to buy a good lot near Fontenelle park as low as $5 down and $1 a week. If interested call Clark, AT. 7412; evenings, WA. 2599. $600 CASH, 245 per month, brand new, trfctly modern, near Miller Park. Will 'i,d.!,,,", on Practically same terms. gays.- irse. D. B. BUCK H 'CO. buy and Mil bom.. South. - . . Hanscom Park $7,5002130 So. S3d St., 8-rm., tr. mod., fine locstion. large lot, paved St.; the best bargain offered: must be i, tnce; Ju,t "ted. Also a very ..nJB.buildlnt Iot nwtt ta I', south, for $2,200; close to car and school. C. B. Schleicher 1912 Vinton St. At. 0905 at All Hours ,08oV,34.7HST---room bungalow. $7 260. C. O. Carlberg. Realtori 312 Bran. dels theater bMg, JA. 0585. Vacant. . . ' LOTS "t T 8,lla.?.' I""ltnor Av., between 24th and 27th St. Will sell oo easy SWISS1-" r ta,lld t8 "' Ralston Lots 5-.ut,ri'T1, parmente. rnon Btewar. rtaiston. t-w. TWO lots on 41et and Corby Sts., 50x150 i win sacririce tor .auo. ueorgo L. Jones Co., AT. 6636. BARGAIN In corner Dundee lot. 90x100. Priced tn sell, $3,600. Call KE. 0460: Acreage. DUNDEE LOT South of Famam en Slat! 22.250. Phone. WA. 4187. Miscellaneous. Must Be Sold 7 rooms. Large lot with sllev in rear.' This place la ebout 12 years old, but 1 In the beat condition, rooms are all extra large. In a fine neighborhood, north, on pared street and car. Must be old to avoid foreclosure. Bo A-196. Omsha Bee. . You Want a Home . I can build a few more hemes for desiratlo parties who have a lot nd a llttl cash. Th prlc will be correct ' and I will finance t S per cent. Call L. K. Shoatak, J. 3S5S. . WILL build and finance your new .home -HASTINGS HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. AT. fIO . WALKING dlatance. It.TiS. S-room mod" em. pavea atreet. i BEST AV QE3TRING. AT. Ill .(. S-ROOM bungalow. jc , r.f aireet: .2.ti; in'-.h! .-j ivt luud cub pajmiiL Ar. 3300, :A i.