Tlttl HtK; UMAMA. '1 LtMMY, MAY y. W. rl II Mi, 7 4 Drastic Changes Made in Ruling on Tax Practice Representation Must Be by Individuals Only Department Objects to Attorneys' Fees Washington, May 8 (SptviaH important chengr arc made by Sec retary of the Trraury Mellon in tf pertinent circular JJI, revurd, wihich will interfere Mith large amount of Mai Ike before the intrnial revriine bureau. The revised regulations aftetr principally the tax practice, but cut torn house btoWrra an other repre filiations arc toumra: on to totiic extenr, - He premutation m tax tasea must be by individual who cannot appea t'ntil they are paned upon by qual ifying committee and formally en rolled. Tlie service department of a liank winch lui been handling the tax butineM of it customers cannot con tinue to represent tbem. A corpora lion whoe business it it to repreenl tax claiiiiantt cannot rontiutie to do o a a corporation. Not even a part iiership can appear before the depart incur. Direct Representation. Tax claimant! miistbe represented by attorney, personally enrolled a representing, not a firm or tax agency, but the principal in peron. The department Hates that it frowns on oiir'tatton o tax busmen oy agrnti. or attorney! and forbid en rolled attorney! to advertise that they are enrolled or to use any adjectives on business card, announcement! or even personal letter! intended to imply auch action, in the solicitation of business. The department particularly ob ject! to contingent tees; especially in tax cases, it ha been a practice for agent and attorneys to collect fees contingent on the amount of the av ing in taxes effected. The department claim the right to inquire at any time of an agent or attorney the com tn.ation he is on with hi principal. If it object! to the basia. the attor ney will be disbarred. The regula tion especially are emphatic in for bidding any person seeking tax busi ness t make known that he formerly has been employed by the treasury. Collection of Claims. ' When claim are allowed, the treasury reserves the right to send the proceeds direct to the principal, it being placed within the discretion of the Treasitfy officer! to ignore completely the attorney or agent in turning over any sum collected. ' Provisions are contained for dis barment or surpension. but a hearing is to be allowed the attorney or agent and he is to be given an opportunity to answer any charges which may be filed against him. Any officer or em ploye of the treasury in Washington or elsewhere, who "has reason to be-li-ve" that any agent or attorney has vio'ated any rule, "shall promptly make written report thereof." i Objections Made. Attorney and agents who have been engaged in tax practice, as well as auditors, accountants and others having business with the treasury, are much incensed by the new regu lations and characteriie them -as the most bureaucratic and high-handed ever issued by a government depart ment. Protests already are being made and' it is possible some modi fication may he made, but this by no means is certain and now' does not seem likelv. The complaint is vofced that the regulations raise a presumption of fraud against every attorney or agent appearing before the tax bureau and that at no ttme is the legitimate prac titioner securte against disbarment or suspension from trivial or imagined violations of the regulations. It also is complained that these rules de prive many taxpayers of -the services of expert agents, auditors and ac countants. ' Dog Hill Paragrafs By George Bingham The front pofih at the Rye Sir ttor hat about worn out and the loaieri are getting up a petition to fjr s , hate the road chanced to run be hind the store a the back porch it almost as good as new. The public in ceneral is proud to observe that our neighbor, jciierton J'otlock. it devoting a little more of his time to work. Only last Mon. day morning be was seen chopping a stick of otovewood. and again. oa Thursday afternoon be would have nailed a paling to the fence if he could have found the hatchet. A discussion arose at the po office thi morning a to what year it was in which Yahington Mocks married, lie wan finally caned tn and auerlioned. and immediately left for home to Hud out from nis witc. Haskell & Co. Fail. . Boston. May 8. The failure of Georee A. Haskell & Co., member of the Boston Stock exchange, was announced from the exchange ros trum today. Anvr.HTixr.MKST MISS MARGUERITE K O'LEARY, of Reading. Pa, who says she haa gtined eight pounds and can hardly find words to express her praise for Tanlac for the good the medicine did her. Judgment of $1,000 ; '. Awarded by Default A judgment of $1,000 by default was awarded Ms$. Nettie L. Allsman yesterday against ,Mrs. Florence Onsen by District Judge Leslie. Mrs. Allsman sued "Mrs. Claseii December 2 for $15,000. alleging alienation of ' affections, and in answer to her hus band's divorce petition on December r t-'t s V i namea Airs, viasen corcsponaciu. Mrs. Clasen asked district co.urt, October 26. for divorce from August Clasen, "charging cruelty. . FormerOmaha Publisher Dies on His N. Y. Farm Clement Chase, a resident of Oma ha since 1866 and for many- -years publisher of ttte Omaha Excelsior, a weekly 'publication, died Sunday on his farm r.ear Kingston, N, Y, He is survived by his widow, two sons, Clement and Philip, and two daugh ters. Mrs. Carmclita Fenton and Helena Chase. . ", ; .. ,ommon Sen: By J. J. MUNDY. How About Comoliments From the ... . - - : Wife? Much is Written about' how neces sary it is for a husband to extend a compliment once in a while to his . wife, if shtf would be really happy. There seem to be no writers who say that a wife show by complimen tary remarks that she appreciates ' the good, kind acts, of her husband. v " A man never grows so old that he does not appreciate recognition for any particularly good thing he I i - : may have done, and it is doubly en f joyed as coming from his wife. : v Most wives take it as a matter of course that their husbands make un usual advancement; indeed they ccftn ' plain, bitterly, if they do not reach the position of prominence they think they should have. - - After a long struenle. a man hav ing completed any attainment which might have been his goal, is not made happy by such enthusiastic words as these from his wife, "Good, now I can have that car I've always wanted for my oyn use," or "this will allffw me to get. that ring like Mrs.- So .and So's, ; which I have wanted so long." or, "now I can en tertain all I wish." ; All ixerds of praise, are sweet, naturally, - but the greatest compli ment any. man warns is irom nis wife when she says, "Whatever you "I am so happy over what Tanlac has done for me I can hardly find words to express my praise," said Miss Marguerite K. O'Leary, who lives with her parents at 1223 Chest nut street, Reading, Pa. "I wasn't exactly what would be . called sick, 6ut for a year I had been all . rur down-nnd sometimes felt so weak and miserable I could, hardly hold up my bead. I was so nervous the tele phone bell, or a door closing would startle me so I would tremble like a leaf. ' s .- .- .' - "I needed something to-build me up and give me strength and energy, and that is exactly what lanlac din. It gave me a nne appetite and im proved my digestion. I gained eight pounds, the color came back to my face, my nerves became normal and 1 soon felt as well as I ever did in my life. , It is simply wonderful that medicine could make :;uch a big change in any one. - My friends and neighbors aro surprised -when they see me now. and no wonder, for I look like a different person. Tanlac is grand and I never intend to miss a -chance to say a good word about it." ' . ; " v :' : Tanlac is sold in Omaha by; the Sherman & McConnell . Drug Co. and by leading druggists everywhere. ADVIKTIRFSTENT All .Who Are Thin and Pale Need Father' John's Medicine. . Strength and weight lost during the winter should be made up in the spnng. t a ther John's Medicine is just the thing to bring about this desired change, for it is pure nourish ment and contains iust the element tit mil flesh and strength. It rnntjiin an aiconoi or dangerous drugs. VyTER-WINGS B r-ss- FOD'SALC ' CVCBYWHCRC LEARNT TO SWIM NOW'M-j J Eveiydiing About Cuticura Soap Suggests Efficiency TiMnXci twrywNn. Fwmpw rsTiSmlsilM.IWTtX.StoUoJU... Sa.OiB Davison Estate Is Estimated at About $10,000,000 Large Amount of Life Inur nice Carried by Fiiiamirr; Gifu to TuLHc luU , tutioiu Large. New Voik, May 8, Close friends of the late Henry 1. liavlson, wlio died Saturday from an operation for brain luntnr, estimated that the li nantier efi an estate ef about flO, ftn,(iiJ, Mr. Davison's public ben (facttont were large. It hat become through one of New York's leading iusuiaiice brok t that Mr. Division carried S.THiO.. WO in lite insurance, most of it writ ten in 1VI7, in about .10 companies. Ibe largest untie policy was for fJUI.OUO. , The broker estimated 1 that the prrtniumt on the insurance amounted to about JSO.OUO annually and said) the citate vat decidedly the gainer because of the comparatively small amount paid. tkni sit not fully realised became known when it was disclosed that the family only Saturday night bought small plot in the Lotust Valley cemetery. When lii ooi'tert informed Mr. Davison that another opration necessary he had 'd; "If it must be done, wtJl have it rlfiht here." retcrrmg to the Ica oik Toint home. "1 love the plan and when 1 die I want to be buried here," So Tuesday morning, according to hit request, the body will be placed in the little cemetery alter a simple funeral ceremony in St. Johns church, Lattertown, Long Island. More details of the operation which preceded Mr. Daviton't death disclsted the fact that an In slant alter Dr. Charles Llsberg had reopened the brain last Saturday morning, he saw that the fmaucwi't fi'd was at hand, The tumor 't growth showed that even had the auigeont been tucett (ul in their operation, Mr. Davison could have lived only a short time V"J day at the most, liter Steamer Burned Teorla, III., May 8. The steamer Majestic with a carrying capacity ot one of the, finest excursion boats on the Illinois and Mississippi rivers wat destroyed by fue at Ha vana. Ill, The lost ie estimated at $.'50,0t)o. The boat had been docked in Peoria during the winter and Int for Havana several days ago. The origin of the lire tt unknown. Harding to Confer on Reorganization Washington, May I In an etoit til tmootn out any d'ftereiuei of opinion which may eaist among the member of bit cabinet concerning reorganization , of federal depart menu and bureaus, president Maid ing this werk will hold individual confereiurt with the member t of hit ollinal family, This. pUn wat said to have been decided upon st the tabiuet meeting, Friday, when the re putt of Walter Y, Brown of Ohio, chairman ol the joint congressional commission on reorganization of gov riniuent drpartmentf auj bureaus, wit considered- Town Celebrate HirthJav of Former lheat king Chitago, May f t'tanston held a community rekbration at the 1 an ion WiMnen't rlub build og in honor ol the 70th birthday of lame A. I'atten, foruirr wheat king- Hun drtdt of people liom the north shore lownt same lo Mansion to pay bom it to Mr, Patten, tiefore the leteption, Mr. Patten nutta a r Im n trrislir litk tiaw la succeed, lie attributed hit uccea to hit babiu of "early to bed and early to rut and work hard.' Bee Want Ada Produce Results. Specials for Women 150 Lace Trimmed Lunch Cloths An excellent quality lunrh cloth in tha nonular round style. Lane six 43 Inches m diameter. Elaborately trim med with beautiful lace, also Insertion, and priced as low as 59c Turkish Towels Heavy weight Towels made ot two ply yarn. Slightly Imper fect. Each 39c Large Dish Cloths Large else woven dlsb cloths of a good quality. Priced at Each 6c White Flaxon Ideal for girls' summer dresses and for blouses. 3 Inch width. Priced Yard 45c Plaid Gingham Dress gingham in beautiful plaid designs. An unusually good quality. Yard 18i2c Novelty Suiting Splendid quality In attractive rose bud designs. Priced at Yard 25c Shirting Percale Popular stripe and figure de sign a ot 26-inch percales. Priced at Yard 26c . Curtain Scrim White or ecru with openwork colored border. 36-Inch width. Unusual at ' : r Yard 15c Bleached Sheeting Celebrated "Dwlgbt Anchor" brand in 63-inch width. Un uual value. - : t Yard 55c Pillow Tubing Fine round thread quality with out filling or dressing of any kind. Yard 35c Bed Pillows Good ; quality fancy ticking with mixed feathers. Large sized pillows. ' Yard $1.00 ' Table Oil Cloth Fancy table oil cloths in light and dark colors. 45-lnch width. , Yard 29c - . arftu-Niuh Dtnrnitnlrs Star Sport SatihsL Yard, $1.59 Heavy wefgbt satins for sports and general summer ' wear. Plain colors in high shades are woven in block patterns. Very special, yard, $1.59. ; liurfM-Nh Downstairs Store , Silk Ratine Yard, $1.00 An - ideal silk for sports dresses, suits and separate . skirts. A plain color fabric in all the newest shades. 36-inch width. Priced . reasonably at, yard, $1.00. No tnall orders. . &ara-CM-Nah Downstair Store Silk Remnants Yard, 49c v; An assortment of silk rem nants of lengths that will make dresses, blouses and, linings. These are mostly novelty silks ot 36-inch width. All offered at one price. No mail ordera. . Bargesn-Nasli Bowfutatm Stort Popular New Records 50' Those who enjoy dancing at home will appreciate the op portunitj to buy syncopated records at lower cost. At this price you can afford to have greater variety. These are regular 10-inch records of the newest popular songs. 'Old Fashioned Girl" . "Llttls Grey Sweetheart' of Mine." -"While Miami Dreams." "Tell Her at Twilight." "My Mammy Knows." "By the Sapphire Sea." " And others. Ask to hear them. ' Bargws-Xuh Dinriwlain Store BoiF Company Tuesday's Bargains In the Downstairs Store Soaps 10 bars 25c "Swifts'i Cream" Laundry Soap. "Swift's Pride" Laundry 8oap. Limit of 10 bars to a customer. Swift's Classic 5 bars 23c 1 can of "Sunbrlte" Cleanser free with every five bars of toap. Limit 10 baTS to a cus tomer. No Deliveries. No Mall Ordera No. C O. D.'s. No Phono Calla Burgm Waoh Prattalra Store Cafeteria Special For Tuesday Boiled Short Ribs of Beef, Horseradish, Sauce and Bouillon Potatoes, 25c. . For Wednesday Creamed Chicken Sandwich with Mashed Potatoes, 25e. BorfOH-Nuh Dorriwtalra Mora . Tuesday A Sale of 200 Summer Dresses 75 Lovely summer dresses, priced as exceptionally low as $5.75, Well made dresses or a quality that usually sell much higher. Materials cool and summery Linen Batina Imported Gingham Many of them of the small checks so popuuar in black and white, red and white, and blue and white. A number of them have combined materials and colors In a most ef fective manner. Pockets, braiding and embroidery add novel finishing touches. All are fast colore. ' All at the one price $5.75. o Bnaa-Wh Powalalw Mm Aprons 75c A black sstlne apron made In a stylo that fully protects the skirt AU have adjustable walatline. BaresKfolt DowtutfJra Mora Gowns $J45 Wo have taken 300 of our bet ter gowns and greatly reduced them for this Tuesday selling. They are "rainbow" gowns made of satin finished batiste in coral, rose, pink and blue and are elaborately trimmed both in back and front with wide band lace Insertion and ribbon. Barfaaa-Naah Dowmstalre Mora Cotton Hose 2 for 25c Women's cotton hose that are made with double toea and heels. Dark brown. Pair, 15c. Bmrfno-Kash DowaoloBt Mora. May White Sale Special Yards fine White Goods Yard 13c Short lengths of White Goods-the kind of which no house -wife ever has too much. Excellent quality nainsook for chil- dren's dresses and undergarments. 38-ln. width, also fine ' ' striped madras for blouses, shirtwaists, , aprons, rompers! and boys' blouses. . ,. 1 to 10-yard lengths ; t ; J - " : No. C. 0. D.'s " - v No refunds BarteM-Nosh Domutalrt More l$uj istoikW aetjfWSg. v Just 400 Women's Corsets Each 27c " The lot Includes medium top, elastic top and topless models made of ajnk or white coutil, with lace trimmed top, finished , with supporters. A most exceptional offering for those who " ; wear the smaller sizes. , . ,. , ! No 0. 0. D.'s No refunds . No phone orders, No exchanges ' : Borgtot-Nafh Dowastalra Mora ' j Notions Rlck-Rack Braid, 4 yds..... 10c Skirt Belting, curved, yd.... 5c J. A P. Coata Thread, all sizes black and white, doz 58c Elastic Remnants, 3 for. ...10c Waahable Sanitary Aprons, each 39c Sanitary Napkins, dozen... 39o Darning Cotton, all colors, 2 balls .5c Hair Nets, double mesh, cap and frlnefi stvles. 3 for 25c Art Gum for cleaning spotsf ' cake .................. ..5o Bias Tape, in all colors and white, 3 bolts .......... 25c Steel Crochet Hooks, each. .2c Patent Leather Belts, each.. 1c American Maid Crochet Cotton ball 5c Or. Parker and Hickory Waiata If ages, each .....49c Ruat Proof Dress Claaps, card s.2c Paper Shopping Bags, each 10c Buttons, every kind, card...1e Darning Needles, pkg.,..t..10e Gold Eyed Sewing 'Needles, pkg. .....v..;.2!4c Girls' Hair Barrettes, ea., 15c Hump Hair Pins, all sizes, .. pkg. .5c Burfeoi-NMh Downstairs Store Hosiery School Hose Medium weight black Hose In sizes B'i to 9 are priced un usually low at pair, 15c. 2 for 25c Kiddies Sox Now is the time to lay in the summer supply of socks while our assortment is so complete. There are plain, light colored ones with-fancy tops, also dark background with fancy tops, all sizes, priced 3 Pair, 50c Bortcsi-XMb -Dowaslalre Store Shoes at Low Prices for the Whole Family 1393 Pairs Women's Pumps $2?8 Black or brown kid In one and two strap styles. Made with flexible sole and mili tary heel. Sizes 3 '4 to 8 in B, C, and D widths. Pair $2.98. 700 Pairs Men's Shoes $098 Brown calf, Blucher or Eng lish last and black calf in Blucher last. Goodyear welt, x solid leather soles; leather counters; rubber heels at tached. Sizes 6 to 11. Fair $3.98. Children's Patent Leather : Summer shoes for little girls. Black patent leather With white cloth top. Lace styles. Sizes 5 to 8. J J?air,'l $149 Inflate' First-Step Shoes Soft little shoes in dainty colors; made with hand-turned soles.. Some have slight imperfections that in no way impair the wearing qualities or the comfort of little feet Sizes 1 to 4. Values at Pair 692 Burfeaa-Nasa Domutalre Store Men . Men's Shirts One big lot of dress shirts in both neckband and collar-attached styles are offered at this low price. They are made of madras. and percale-most . of them nave Blight Imperfec tlons but all are splendid val- .ues at - ' Mtn'sCaps Spring caps In wide range of colors and styles offer a wide selection at this unusual price. $100 BnrroM.Nsh Dowaataln Store For Boys Ideal Blouses "Ideal" blouses carry their own story of service to the moth ers who look for well made blouses. They are made, of percale and madras. 98c Play Suits i!?0v.dSi!,PIay Suit8 "tardy khaki drill and blue atriped ef fects; some are trimmed in blue and red; also the "Little Marjory" suits are included In thia lot, priced a suit - t 1" BarfMi.KBsD0ra((aPt Store Specials for Women Misses' Bloomers . 39c Made of astern or nainsook, with fitted flaailo top. Fin ishad with embroidery or hem. stltrhed ruffle. Site 13 to II )ars. Corset Covers 35c Made of batiste, nainsook and allover embroldarv. Trlmraad with lace Insertion, ribbon run beading. Bites 35 to 44. , Women's Drawers 27c Made of nainsook, muslin or long cloth with narrow ap wlri flounces. Lace and embroid ery trimmed. Sixes 23, M, 27, 19. Women's Bloomers 39c Made of nainsook and batiste, with fitted elastic top and a trimmed bottom. Sizes 33 to 27. Priced at 3fc a pair. Envelope Chemise 95c Batiste or nainsook. Many styles In strap or shoulder ef fect Elaborately trimmed with lace embroidery,, ribbon, peaaing. sizes 3 to 44. Women's Pajamas 1105 Made of crepe and batiste In iwo-piece or Billle Burke style. Trimmed with lara fl mm. broidery. Pink, white, blue and orcoia. Women's Petticoats 91c White petticoats made of pique sateen, muslin and nainsook. Plain tailored and lace or em- umiucrj irunmea flounces. Extra Size Gowns Made of nainsook ot mnilln In "V" or high nock, embroidery uimmea. . uut extra wide and long, sizes 17. 18. 19. Children's Drawers ' 35c Made of muslin or nainsook, daintily trimmed with fine em broidery tucks and hemstitch tag. . Sizes 2 years to 14 yean. Women's Brassierei 37c Innumerable styles in hook front or back, made of batiste, treco or ' broche in pink or white. Sizes 32 to- 48. - v Women's Corsets fjoo - . arwwai aaauv VI couUl or batiste in white or pink in elastic or topless mod els. ' Lichtlv bnnM sizes. . s 1 ' i - Athletic Girdles 195 Mada nf laH' broche in low topless model. Medium skirt, extra sutmort- ers. Whte or nlnk. fiii a to 30, ; .' . 'Seal Pax ! Athletic Suits N 95c Made of baUsta or nalnnAAlr In plain and fancy weaves. Tailor nnisnea. Broken sizes. Special ly priced for Tuesday at 95c. Bartosw-Naah--Dowiutalre Store Women's. Union Suits 39 These white gauze 'suits In regulation toj are well made garments and will give more than the usual .wearing serv ice. . Sizes 4, 5, 8 39o Extra Sizes 8 lies 7, 8, 9. 50 Bargeta-Xash Oowulalrt Store I 1 r- BsaaasBB - I N (CtyrritBt, l:i.) j y r i' '. , ' v .... '(. - w .