'Brother Charlie' May Sacrifice cir f I.I' 1 oca ior iiicais Dissatisfaction With But- Jer and Norton May Lead Jtryan to ICntcr Governor Race. "Brmhtr UuiiIt Pryaii in.v ! (a -vril)i limueU in itia foiitiuc ftrcnon and )f.onie a caiKlidate kw govrrnor in ortkr lo imprc uM"l a revolting (4Cdori ol Nelrnk'e ile. ItlOtraiy thai tefla.H iMHCi!rt Upon nhitli I dc I'r)4ii iitutt be adlirml w ilif tlriiHHritir (tarty, I)4ii Dutlci f4ntltl4cy d"rn'i nt iiy i tic l'r4ii rlrmriit in many re ptri aitij the Nor in cmlil4cy, in whith Norton, by liuttltim lor third party mi'i'ori, j, pulling liiiiurlf nn tier ulilii:4ttoii ( ukuIkI and cer tain former trpiiiilican. in third party rnU, ilorcii't Mii(y Bryan. Charlrt W. Uryau piobatily did mure than any rtthrr Xelr4kun in dultinj the Uw which eal'Mfd the i4ie '0itt4liil.iry preilrd tver by Cu ll)cr. H4te herill, and while Iir4ii would ooii ee a democrat in ilurKC n( ilieorg.4iiit noti a Hyrr. he will init that it Im! not be iliMg4incil. That's where" "Btuthcr Charlie" and l)4ii Ilutlcr are expected to tio into a atrantJe hold. For Butler u expected to .laud for abolishment of the Ulc Uw enforcement depart incut and Bryan insints that Uw en forcement machinery, intead of be in? decreased, aliall be tiicrcated. Bryan ha absolutely no ne for the Norton method of rmwiiiR for governor by bidding for, support from two parties. Hence it in probable that in the end, if Iintler refute to endorse the Hale law enforcement plan and no one will come out as a real law and order democratic candidate for governor, another iiryan sacrifice for ideals eeeina a certainty. Sporting Goods Man Will Make Home in California Frank S. I'armalce, 61, 421 North Fortieth street, for many year head of the Omaha Sporting Goods .tore, has sold his home and after winding tip business affairs will leave next Monday with his wife to motor to Los Angeles. From' there they in tend to ko to San Diego w here they will make their home and Mr. Far malce will open a cigar store. Tarmalee has been noted for years a an expert trap shot. lc was one of a party of Americans who went on a shooting expedition to England in 1001. Mrs. Farmatce has lived in Omaha 35 years; She formerly was Miss Gertrude Schncdly. ' 'Doc' Frye Uses Cookies to Win Ak Members NDoc" A. A. Frye, the barbecue king of Omaha, uses novel means of rounding up stray members for Ak- c n t ;..... . .t. :n. or-oen. it isn i nis sniouui, jony talk that-wins 'em over. . , "'I give 'cm cookies an" then I rope 'cm in," chuckled "Doc" in Ak-Sar-Bcn quarters yesterday as he pulled a handful of wafers from his pockets. YES, A REAL TREAT i aetwsectioro ... i .. ..ji or iKe Dee-1 NOW SHOWING NOT A SERMON But Red-Blooded Story of Action & and Thrills! From the Staga Suecen D With Lewis Stone Jane Novak Wallace Beery Robt Gordon sf';' ays' yivP ' XT LS L E EP Y UTIM E T'A IE S if na CIIAPrFR XXI. '.An Untold Secret. .Ml the tirld and foiei ptople soon Lnrw that at lat Junmy Rabbit had invited. Nimble )eer to hi party, ,nd everybody was deaed th.t i, Oft) body tuept Grumpy Wcatel I heir Qou ra tfoind to tha party." BUly 14. ul to him. . and old Timothy Turtle, who were Ittt out in the cold, so to speaK. Grumpy Weasel, when he heard the new. aiJ, "Jiumpiu Ana inno- thy Trutle, when he heard it, said, "Ho!" And tbey both declared that they were glad they were not go ing to the party. Old Mr. Crow carried the new far and wide. It was he that told Hilly Woodchuek. in Farmer Green's clover patch. And Billy Woodchuek almost choked over a clover top, l.e was so excited. "Where's Jimmy Rabbit? he ask- cil ftir. crow. 1 want to asic mm something." I couldn t say w here he is. said Mr. Crow. "I don't think he'd want me to tell. But I'll find him for you a;id I'll ask him your question li you'll tell me what it is." ' 1 hat was Mr.Xrow a way. lie was so curious, lie naa to Know every body's business. "Thank youS" said Billy Wood- chuck. -. "I , don't want to' trouble yo, Mr; Crow." And though Mr. trow tried and tried to learn what the question was, Billy Woodchuek wouldn't tell liim. Later Billy was almost sorry he hadn't accepted Mr. Crow's help. For he couldn't find Jimmy Rabbit anywhere.' And then Billy happened to meet Nimble Deer. "I hear you're going to the par ty, Billy said -to him. "Yesi; "How are you cointr to keep out of the crowd?" Billy asked- him. That was the question he had wanted to ask jimmy Kabbit. Keep out of the cxowdl Nimble exclaimed. "I don't txpect to keep out of it. - The crowd at a party is more than half the fun. Since I'm to help Jimmy Rabbit, rilhavo;to be where; the 'people are." " . ' "Ohl" said. Billy WoodcJiuck.,.Ile had been a bit worried, for he didn't want Nimble Deer to step on him at the party. Even though it might IN STORE FOR YOU NOW SHOWING WM. S. HART la His Last Pietura This Season "Travelin' On" Round Four "Tlte Leather Pushers" -NOW SHOWING "What: i H Mam - KlTlKDWS 99 With Clara Kimball Young Added Attraction: Prince Lei Lani The John McCormack of Hawaii In Recital J.. fly u T HE TALE OF NIMBLE DEER BY MTHUR.SC0TT BAILER, to an accident, being trped on by so lug a i run a Nimble would be no joke. Fvcrbody knew (hat Mmuiet hoot were ntrp. Hut now Billy had Wrned fume thing that set Ins (ear at ret Nim ble Deer v. a. going to bcln Jimmy Rabbit at the party. "Ah!" Hilly -Woodchuek timrnmr d to himself. "That means that Jimmy Rabbit hat a plan. And it imiM be a good one; for hi plans are always tine." "What are you going to do to irl?' lie aked Nimble. . "Jimmy Kabbit didn't tetl me," Nimble replied. "Maybe I'm to en tertain the company by having a mock battle with somebody- How would you like to have a mock bat tle with me?" "I shouldn't care for it at allP Billy Woodchuek cried hastily. "Well," I dare say that somebody would enjoy a sham fight." said Nimble. "1 must ask Jimmy Rab bit who it will be." So the next time Nimble found Jimmy Rabbit he asked him that ery question. But Jimmy RablAt said there were SYRUP PEPSIN Mack iited by elderly people for conttipation, biliouaneaa, head aches, etc MANY men sad women, as they crow older, suffer constantly from little ills. The cause is the poisons produced by chronic constipation, result ing in headaches, depression, bloating, sour stomach, bad breath, etc. A single bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin will prove to you that you can so regulate yourself that elimi nation will occur promptly every day. Increased doses are not necessary. It is a com bination of Egyptian Senna and other simple laxative herbs with pepsin. The cost is only about s cent a dose. . ' In spite of the fact that Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin has been on the market 30 years THIS WEEK - Six "Good Time" ... Vaudeville AcU And Corking: Pholoplry Feature- Pater B. Kynt's Saturday Evening Poit Story "The Ten Dollar Raise" Also Pathe News FOR DAKIIIG V VSJ :" I Tlr Ser' Two Greatest Lot VMT i sL ' N ler in Story byBLINORCLYN Jf tsVVQS t J Rodolph Valentino S S l , Gloria Swanson sPSv In a Story of Paris V. and High Society WSkV "Beyond -llmV'l m The Rocks" V W xCff W FUN UMWwtK LAFFS &TX NO RAISE IN PRICES THE HEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. MAY 0. 1022. it be no battles of any kind at hi party, - ' " J hen Imw am I going to help yauV Nimble inquired. "V'ou're going itt ue your horns but not o f glit," Jimmy Rabbit explained. And he wouldn't say another woid more. ftirrlM, in ) 20 Gobs Ordered Here for Recruiting Duty Twenty men have been ordered from the fleets on the Atlantic and Pacific coatta to Oiualu for recruit ing duty, according to word received Monday by Lieut, Frederick Towcri, In command of the local navy recruit ing station. "It indicates that active recruiting i to start sMin," said Lieut. Towers "Congress ha not yet decided cm the strength of the navy, but the nrceity of keeping our ship no to full efficiency seems to be rtcogniicd. And you can't make a competent navy man at quickly as you can an army nun in tune of emergency. The navy ' strength is now about 95000 men, the lieutenant said. 'KiilUtiiienis of about 4.',(x)0 will expire in the next 14 months,' he aid. "If congress fixes the navy strength at 87.000 there will be need fur many new men. The 20 ordered to Omaha will be assigned when they arrive here to the Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and Dcs Moiues recruiting stations. IN OLD AGE and is today the largest selling liquid laxative in the world, the formula has never been im proved upon. It is safer and better for you than salts, minerals, calomel, coal tar and such drastic purgatives. Half -Ounce Bottle Free ' ttw ecaftt eautipatlon, it) ttm if you do not 4wr a laxouvc at rhii moment Uc mt tend jom a Half-oma Trial Boult of my SyruO hum FREE OF CHARGE so that m wi haw II handy when needed. Simply tend yew name and address to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 4 Wathinfun Sc., Montkelio, IIL Vmt mt toa. TWO SHOWS IN ONE VIOLA DANA Scores Her Most Transparent : " Triumph PHOTOPLAY 122:3057)309:43 PURPOSES SVSAR SYRUP Air any store Warahouaed and Distributed by . The.Jerpe . Commission Co. Omaha, Nab. AT 0S30 Glass (louses Aa mm f l A il TP ' UYUiTULaU Gillette Kazor Firm Wins Patent Infringement Suit Gillette Safely Kor comny i-t Bimi has won its suit ag4Ut W, ). I", Kieken, Bremen, who, it is aU rgrd, jufnngfd the Gillette trade mark. Kit ken u'd lb Gillette nuik Ur stamping other raor bUdet inad for him in Germany, tie also ued it In correspondence and advertise ments. The JUmburg court decided the trademark "Gillette" is fully pro tected in the federal patent olfice at Berlin and ordered ftitkcn to give jo.iKKj marks security agaiiui future infringement. If You'll try it. THE 1 ' - i . . . . , i ' . - ; atanMaaMnMStsssassssseani WHlHBaasVBaBB Orpheu m T heater PHONE AT 9911 Brilliant Opening Play mum Comedy Drama---Virile Emotions Don't Forget Sunday Evening, May 14 Is the Opening Date of the Orpheum Players SEATS ON SALE WED., MAY 10, BOX OFFICE Matinees, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 28c-5Sc Every Nite, 28c-55c-83c-$ 1.10 ITie'BeeUeaas" all the other pajiers ffiferteed Stomach wjbrmt. During a recent food canvass this question was asked of the housewives of Omaha: "What difference, if any, do you find in the var ious brands of bread offered by your grocer?" The answers showed plainly that women have come to recognize that there is a difference in bread. By far. the largest number call for bread byname when ordering. More than one-third considered BETSY ROSS the best. No other brand received so large a vote. Some of the reasons given ' for BETSY ROSS quality were: Tine taste and flavor." -"Makes good toast "Good day in and day out." "Always fresh." you haven't tried BETSY ROSS, do so today. admit there's a difference in bread when you Don't say "Bread"-say "BETSY ROSS." JAY BURNS BAKING COMPANY 99 ir. sport news. Read The Bee first and sandwiches." ORPHtunlaRCuiT VAurxviux Wa.k Concluding the Vaudavlll. Saaaaa Matlnaa Pally atlS Evary Night 8i1S Langdaa McConnich'a Spactaeular Malodrama "THE STORM" Tha Blfia.t Productloai ht Vaudavllla Arthur Hartlay a Htlan Pattaraoii Bill Robinaon PINTO and BOYLE MacRae A Clegf Raymond Wilbart Crawford & Broderick Topica of Day A.mp' Fabla. Pathe Waahly - Matinaaa, lSe to SOc; aoma 7Sc and SI Sat. Sua. Nlghta, ISc to SI I aoaao 15 Sat. a Sun EMPRESS TWO SHOWS IN ONE FASCINATION A Mythical Sat Ira With Mualc LYLE and VIRGINIA- HARRY VAN FASSEN ROSE KRESS DUO Roller Skater. De Luxe ToritM Oily XSL J ACT P AM A CANTATA CIVM V MAM UAf CMAfTH O. t . Quoon Eothor . ThrM Bif SpcUcular AcU IN CAST CHORUS Of IM II aWlal t Wsitirs Shrlno Auditorium Mis It Te. ItUl m4 PeaalM AealuiM, l CkUea. to TkkU ! UalH-Dewbel. ITtk A ft. J '-r X. ' I i , Jiggers ; 1922 Edition Snappy Musical Comedy Gut of 126 People Eaenlnci May , 10 Prlcat SOc, Si .Oft aad Sl Plua War Ta Performance Start, at S:?0 Under Autplcet Katcht of Colutnbua. Thia wonderful home Uletit ahow waa booked for four per rormancea. but on account of the. . ticket demand will play an addi, tlonal performance Wedneeday ventna, May 10. G4 Seala Keir Sale at aa Of fir- Bee Want Ads Produce Results, is