Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1922, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 18

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Benton Woman's Club.
Mrs, J, W. Wekli N ho.tei
the weinbeis ff t' Benton's
Woman' club at h Cherry Croft
llu'd.y, May 1J. Imt.ll.tion ol
oili.rr. annual rrHri ami announce.
went o rutiimtttcet u the rugrm
Mr. Beavtis to Entertain.
Mr, t". C. P.raicr. pr.ijn ol the
I. niton Woman clul. will enter,
urn hi cr.uiue board n the (tub
t In r lioiue I uriUy the moon,
CUi Paiiy. . .
' Mi'Htlura of llie young inarf4
women tl it, iie' Mrlhoijut
ihuuli entertained al a rUi party
luf.iUy rvrniim at the home of Mr,
ad Mr. u. Smith. 'Id South
I ort) aeinu.l atreer. The lubnds
were i;ueti of honor. Mr. Waller
K'ci.luv. ,rciirnt of the cU. and
Mr. A. C. Iar, letter, revived
tl gupt. The rooms vera brjnji.
ttilly deroraied in the apring colon,
mk an. I green. MenUmr Marry
Kred Lloyd I'circe ami Carl Hold,
riitge had iharge o tjie luncheon.
The ladie who cred wore aproni,
van and eiil in the colors, pink,
old w, Uxrndcr and yellow. The
evening was prut in same and
muie, arrangid by Mm. Smith,
Luncheon Guest.
Mr. John Vent of David City ai
a "i btirHav luncheon guet ot Mr
W. A. Wilcox. Mr. Vent it en
route to brr new home in llliuoii.
Community Center.
Mr. and Mr. F. E. Young enter
tained Saturday evening in honor of
the members of the miring and in
coming member of the community
center council. Those present were If. W. Colson. Claud Glandt.
Harold Wright, L. Hansen, A. Flint
and F. F. Young; Mesdame H. W.
CoUon. Claud Glandt. Meta Sonne
land. I- J. Sprerher and F. E
Young and the Misses Harel Sny
der and Jeic Sprecher. The new
council is: Frcsident, II. W. Colon;
icc president. L. Hansen: secretary
treasurer, Mrs. Claud Glandt: ser-Kcant-at-arms,
F.tnil l'allas; director
and chairman of the entertainment
committee, Mr. F. F.. Young. O.
C. Kindig was appointed on the
council to fill the vacancy created by
the resignation of F. C. Wolfe. After
report of the past year's work and
plans for the coming year were dis
closed the hostess served a luncheon.
The community center activities will
begin in October.
Luther League Meet
Twenty-five members of the Eng
lish Lutheran league attended the dis
trict convention Tuesday evening at
the Grace Lutheran church. Dr. C.
J. Stauffer. president of Midland col
lege, Fremont, Neb., spoke on the
subject of "Christian Education." ,
M. E. Sundry School Board.
Mr. and Wrs.p. L. Gray enter
tained the member of the Methodist
Sunday school board at their home
Tuesday eyening;vM.ay-2.
Will Atfen,d Conference".',
Rev. O. W. fcbright of the English
Lutheran church' will attend , the
North Platte conference., 6f' the
Lutheran synod Mondsy-'and Tues
day, May1 8 and 9. -it 'Gretna. Neb.
Tri-City Birthday Cub'
Mrs. E. A. .fasbn ;' hostess at
a luncheon at her' Hofne Friday to
the members' of the Xri-City Birth
day club. , v A
' "Flower SaW. v . .k.',
. The Standard Bearersiof the.Metlv
odist church will condocr.a '.flower
sale Saturday, May lat .Giles'
store. This sale precede the. Moth
ers day program to be given in the
various churches Sunday, May 14.
Receipts from the safe. wilt bemused
for missionary purposes. ,
Parent-Teacher Association.
The Parent-Teacher association
will meet Monday evening; May 8,
in the Benson High assernbly room.
J. L. McCrary will speak on "Taxa
tion," and E. J. Whistler will furnrshJ
two readings. A radio talk will 'con
clude the program. Refreshments will
be served.
Birthday Dinner Party.
Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Wilcox enter
tained at a dinner party at their
home Wednesday in honor of the
birthday of their daughter, Miss
Hazel Wilcox. ; Covers were spread
for 11 guests. '
West Farnam Kensington.
Members- of the West Farnam
kensingtou will sew Wednesday,
May 10, for . the-children at the
Child's Saving institute.
May Sala-and Dinner.
The ladies of . the Methodist. Aid
society vill;eoriduct can, . apron .and
candy salMay-16,'-in the parlors
of the chur. A 6"30 dinner will also
lie served bjCTbe ladies xm the same
date. . - :- : . .
Royal Neighbor Convention, v
The Betfson' cAmp of JtjyaHireigh
bors will terKr-theiJpdtiglas' coujUy.
conventipff, ivhic.k "Tweets : .in Sbiith
Omaha'jhj4MU ,,,,
ToiAtrW;C-1.u.tioa 'i
Mr. iW-.sMfi'rfi' WVyeAV'wiiI:
leave & TMyWltilyer:.
Ind., to Ve in ?endaiic.e.J,t he-. grad
uation oftthir.senr.,Merba'rtfWelch,
from the J4litery- .jjty of Cul
ver. Mershon is grandson 'and
namesake of J. J. Mer'slron, who will
accompany Mr. and Mrs. Welch in
order to be present on .Mi. occasion.
The closing exerciser of r the week
will be June 7. whetc the; bo'ys- final
grand march through. the. 'Ord Iron
Gate" will be observed, Jfi Welch
will enter Dartmoutb,Neollege .in, the"
fall. , ; ; v-
' Gymnasium Class.
The last meeting of the married
women's gymnasium class was held
Tuesday evening in the auditorium
of the city hall. The husbands were
guests of the class and a social eve
ning was enjoyed, this class will
resume its work in the fall. .
Birthdav and Theater Party.
- Mrs. J. J. Mathews cntertainerf-at a
birthday and theater party at the
Benalto Saturday in honor of her
son s 12th birthday. Guests includ.
H Viola Peterson. Lois Kurtz." Ber
nice Keiser. Genevieve Cas, Eloise
Burford. Elmer Keiser. Glenn John
son. Eugene Pickard, Roy and Ed
ward Seevers.
Entertains at Bridge.
Mrs." Claud Reed and Mrs. Leu
thauser entertained at a bridge party
of six tables Wednesday evening at
the Prettiest Mile club.
High School Day.
Th i.sses Eunice Roth .and Lur
cille HtflMfflfr spfr-M the xretk-AnJ in
Lincoln visiting Miss Roma Roth,
Cll Wslnut JJJ0."
undent at Wetleyan uniei.iiy, and
alo attendm the ;in nhovl day
pfatmn at Hi unutrnty.
Church Day Dinner.
Over JiHI members and Mend
er in aurmUn'e at the churrh day
dinner Wednrd4y tnwd of the
!tton I hniun church, ilie ltiug.
U rounty Ik4'4 of church eteniion
work prftent. Alter the dinner
ieiOt( Irom all departmenti ui the
rhurvh woik were given,
Prbytrun Ladies Aid.
Mr. Richard .skauLey will be nol
le at her home, '7J5 North ity
tilth street, Wcduetday to the mem
bers of the l'rebytrrwn Ladies A'l
Man for the Chntntai baar will
be dicued.
Mrs, A. D. Talmer returned Mon
day from Chicago,
0. 1. Smith ieturnc4 Saturday
from New Orleaiu, La.
Mr. and Mr. C. P. McPherion
motored to I'latUmoulh Sunday.
Air. and Mr. J. C McColt left
Sunday for their new borne in Chi
caga, Mr. A. J. Rendu and son of Kan
ai City are gnet at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Smith.
James Barry of Koalie, Neb., was
a week end guest at the home of
his aunt, Mr. James Maney.
Mr. Edith Smith of Lincoln is
guet at the home of her daughter.
Mrs. A. M. Giles, and Mr. Giles.
Fred Thietje of West Point spent
the week at the home of his daugh
ter, Mrs. F. A. Brown, and Mr.
Mr. A. W. Faith of HofTland.
Neb., is vikiting at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. C. E. Smith, and Mr.
J. Mershon, who has spent the
winter in California, is a guest at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. W.
Welch, and Mr, Welch.
Hershel Babcock who is attending
the state university, spent the week
end at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. B. M. Babcock..
Hand Braided
Durable and
How we love to hark back to the
olden days when braided rugs were
plentiful in the homes of pur forefa
thers. We somehow like to imitate,
appreciate and use braided rugs to
day and why not? Are they not
lovely in color, durable and useful?
Is it not right to use braided rugs
and improve upon the former de
signs as we are doing? Many house
wives must think so, hence the pop
ularity of braided rugs today.
Necessity was the mother of in
vention with our forefathers. They
needed rugs and made dignified
braided ones, placed them in front of
the fireplace (the hearth' of the
home),' in bedrooms, entrance halls,
and other needed places to beautify
and add comfort to their simple but
dignified rooms.
Braided rugs are used frequently
in the old colonial houses in the east
but one may use' them in any mod
ern home providing there is the prop
er setting. They seem to fit in keep
ing with the craftsmanship, of Sher
aton,! Chippendale and colonial fur
niture." r ''
, If you 'wish a dainty bedroom
you can find these rugs in any soft
toned colors you wish; washable ones
may be secured for the bathroom
and nursery, while the darker tones
find a place in entrances, dining
rooms and living rooms.. They are
cool and fresh looking and make
good rugs, for summer use.
These hand braided rugs are made
both round and oval and are gener
ally used in three, small, me
dium and large.
One of the chief assets of these
rugs is their various color combi
nations there is no limit. They may
be made to blend in with any chintz
es or cretonnes you may select,
they submit to any color harmony
in wall coverings you may devise.
. I have seen a dignified hand
braided rug at - the foot of a
colonial stairway used with good ef
fect. I know a clever housewife who
uses braided rugs in the bathroom
these have white centers with blue
borders. She sends them to the laun
dry and they come back white and
fresh as new. ;- "
Have you seen those wonderful
hand braided silk and wool rugs
that would grace the hearth of a spa
ciousand dignified fireplace? Do you
wish to jjpssess oner Are you am
bitious and""'dovu have some leis-
urfr":tirne? Have an"1nspiration and
maice one ot these rugs. Create your
own design. Let your feeling for col
or lead you and you will, be pleased
with yoUr results, provided you
make it to fit a particular and pur
poseful place.
You can us'e old clothine to make
;thcse rugs. If you do not have
enough bright colors, dye material
in contrast to other colors. Cut
strips from old clothimr the width
you wish for braiding. You can mix
colors when braiding or use a solid
color as you wish.
An . oval .mat with a gray center
surrounded ' by a narrow border of
dark brown,' then a wider border of
orange, a narrow one of brown, tlSen
one of blue half as wide as the or
ange, and last a brown edge the
same width of the blue and you have
a rug that will be nice for a bed
room with a yejlowish floor and buff
walls. The furniture should be of
walnut, buff curtains with blue
drapes, the picture frames should be
brown or gold, and touches of yel
Jow, or orange should be repeated
in the bed cureain or hand made
soread. .,.''
(Mis True will answer pernonll all
"question directed to ttrr at The-Bee.)
With the season of flowers so
close at hand, one cannot have, too
many vases available. The woman
of foresight will collect all the odd
ones there are about the house left
from last year, and supplement these
with others which may be picked up
here and there as one Comes upon
them inexpensively priced. These
should not all be of one. depth, but
of varying lengths, so as to hold
short-stemmed as well as long
stemmed flowers.
Rainbow Iridescent Beads, Earrings
and Combs in Matching Colorings
THIv C. B. Brwn Jewel Shop, 220 South 16th street, have large
showing of the fatciuatiug new conceits in Rainbow Iridescent,
brad, earrings and comb to match. Twelve different shadea afford
wide color range from which to make selection. The prices are so very
rcaonable that one might aliuott match these charming novelties to every
mood. T lie deep blue of Lapin, the golden beauty ol amber, the shim,
iiirrmg lovciincm oi Aqua .Marine, me ever-rnarmuig emerald, the vastly
luring color quality of jade when combined with perl or jet, the new
shades of coral and roe, the unique blue, a showing which use to re
markable advantage Fashion's decision to hang lovely colors frcm Milady's
dainty ears. .....
SB .
Tweed 0' Wool Suits, Ideal in
Weight and Tailoring. .
WILCOX & ALLEN, 17lh and
' jurney, have an extensive
showing of the smart Tweed (X
Wool sport suits in demure brown
and blue heather mixtures as well
as the popular high shades favored
in the world of sports, broiue, gold,
canna, tiger, tile, aqua marine,
myrtle, periwinkle, orchid, nurnle.
ong rows oi little suits
to fill every suit need of the woman
of the fashion, business or travel
world. Wrinkle-proof and damp
proof; you'll find them ideal, in-,
deed. Knickers may be had to
match in any of the suits shown.
The price, very reasonable,' $22.5U.
Send for illustrated booklet showing
different models.
Ratine coats embroidered with
stichery in black or in the same color
as the coat.
Slashed Sleeves Fashion's Mode
rpHE Mode Pleating Company,
4th Floor Faxton Block, 16th
and Harney, bears witness to the
fact that Dame Fashion has issued
a declaration that every voguish
sleeve must be slashed. Hundreds
of sleeves they've been hemstitching
ready for cutting which leaves the
edges smartly picoted. Slashes are
unusually effective, too, over an accordion-pleated
panel of contrasting
A homespun cape has a collar of
thick fur.
Mottoes Which Mother
Will Treasure.
T N the A. Hospe company art de
partment, 1513 Douglas, are to be. ;
found hundreds of delightful hand
wrought mottoes which will prove "
unusually acceptable to mother the
gift to send on Mother's day. Dain-'
ty little blossoms riot over the mar
gins of the hand-lettered mottoes
framed in tinted bandings, boxed
ready for mailing.'.
Hats in - bright red straw soiuid
alluring. "One only hopes they will
not become too commonplace before
summer. , .. . - . :
New Bathing Suit Stock Includes
Well Tailored Suits for the "Styl
ish Stouts." ', " ; ;
T N the beautiful new bathing suit
stock just arrived at the Townsend
sporting Goods company,, 1309 Far-
nam, are included finely fashioned
bathing suits for the big woman, scts for the beach or country. -sizes
44, 46 and 48 assure smart K .,
bathing suits for. the large woman, Hardy Plants and Shrubs of Sturdy
these at $10.00 are of best quality . Qrowth Unusually Low, in Price.
woo in black Belts of narrow, white-; - ' iSth between
braid with neat buckle will be made
up to order if one wishes. This is
the time to select an exquisitely
colored bathing suit before the sizes
are all broken in the new colors.
There are three models offered in
. , i
laupe an(j canna, a loveiy color com-
bination, myrtle green and white,
white, black and white, smoke and
tomato, i'ekin blue ana honeydew.
A fascinating collection of perfect-
ly tailored bathing suits in finest
wool, at $7.50, $8, $10, $12 and $14.
Order early 1
'".vj v '7
The skirts of afternoon and eve;
ning dresses are draped or their lines
are hrnkpn with nanpls which arc al
ways longer than the under slip.
Do You Know That. ,
THE Y. W. C.-- A" Pastry Shop.
4th floor, Y. W. C. A. building,
17th and Howard, is making the
best hot chicken sandwiches, chicken
pie and strawberry shortcake imag-
inable? Mrs. Fullaway- says', "Just
come and trv them!" Take" home
one of their Pecan Butter Horns, a
regular California fancy roll. Nov
elties to tempt the jaded spring ap
petite. Long fringe
lAed extensively
and is considered by 'miny modistes
to be the most flattering material' a
woman can wear.
A White Flower In Memory-
Bright Flower For Honor.
pLMEMBER your mother with
flowers on Mother's Day. Lest
you forget, phone the John Bath
Flower Shop, 18th and Farnam, and
let them send white flowers for
memory, bright flowers in honor on
this day. riione, Jackson 1906.
A taffeta
frock has
mull and
Iri6h bertha and overskirt.
If You Are in
Search of Ex
pert Service.
THE Hattle
Putnam Cor
set Shop, 5th floor
Karbach block,
15th and Douglas,
will prove a de
light. Fitted free of
charge . are - the
Flatter-U bras
sieres, $1.50 to $6;
the Brasselettes at
$1.75, .for., hot
weather wear. Fin
est fabrics, novel
styles, low prices,
the little porch
frocks shown. A
service shop.
Smartly Tailored New Gingham
Frocks Show Original Style Notes
L AMOND'S, 17th and .Farnam, have some lovely new gingham frocks
in which to greet the spring. Finest quality imported gingham is
a rose pink check which has organdie bandings embroidered in rose
and white. The loose-swinging side panels promise a chic becomingness.
A silky little black and white frock has deep "V" neckline with picot edged
ribbon tie in black contrast to the vivid Bulgarian embroidery on white or
gandie vestee, collar and cuffs. Of course you'll want at least one of the
red checked affairs so gayly youthful when collared with white linen.
New Beauty Shop Offers, a Cut Price Night Revelers Welcome All Night
to Introduce Work to Madam Service of Popular Cafe and
Omaha. Cafeteria. .
rJIHE Lady Esther Beauty Shop, rpHE Castle Cafe and Cafeteria,
x Nos. 8 and 9, Baldridge Block. . 16th and Jones, managed by Al-
wJUth and farnam, phone AT. 6185,
is offering a pleasantly low price for
a shampoo and marcel, $1.25. This
to' introduce the excellence of work,
the attractive modern appliances of
'this new beauty shop to Madam
Omaha. Lady Esther's delightful
requisites are shown in a wide selec
tion in this shop, demonstrated by
"Lady Esther" herself. ,
Wool-embroidered silk parasols.
These, with wool-embroidered hats
and handbags, form diverting little
"Harney and Farnam, you'll find
these hardy plants, 15c each: Dou
ble hollyhocks for this summers
Dustv Miller and Sweet - Alyssum,
y . . ... ,
Wistaria Vines Wltn purpie iiowers
(a 3-year growth), oriental poppies
white, tall blue larkspur, golden and
purple glow, gatllardia, coreopsis,
mixed phlox, mixed pinks and chry-
santhemums. Send 20 per cent ex-
tra for postage when ordering. .
May White Sales of Unusual Interest to Spring Shoppers
t-v RANDEIS MAY WHITE SALE for 1922 begins Monday morning. May 8. Such splendid values, amazing how far one's dollars will go if
r she is but a bit thoughtful I
' ., r the silk department are offered the. popular white silks proclaimed to be the best selection for the woman of the 1922 Fashion World:
Canton crepe to fashion lovely sports frocks, $2.50; heavy, lustrous Baronet satin,. $2.50; crepe de chine $1.79; wash-satins ci fine quality.
$1.69; Kabe crepe of dependable washing wear and the popular Habutaj (like pussy willow in finish), $1.79; sport satin, one yard wide, good
weight, high luster, $1.15; broadcloth, $1.59. ,. , T . , ..
The first shipment of Irish linens bought by Mr. R. S. l'ischer on his recent trip abroad will be placed on sale Monday morning: Irish linen
table cloths in 2, 2 1-2 and 3-yard lengths, values from $8.50 to $20 are .offered at $5, $7.50 and $10; napkins, 22-inch size are $5.25 a dozen, big
manufacturers samples and rejects, most wonderful values in years; Han-dmade filet and mosaic work is offered at one-half price. For summer use
are Colored border lunch cloths and napkins, these in Irish 'manufaclure. "specially priced for sale. Madeira napkins, 24-inch, are $8.50 a dozen.
centerpiece of Madeira, Z4-inch, ?J.9e. Values in scans are unusual values to ?15 at $S.ys. Large sized hemstitched an nnen toweis are tc.
bedspreads and turkish towels are specially priced. Everyone is invited to visit the exhibit of laces and lace-trimmed linens in special view
ing room at the back of the new linen department.
The domestic deoartment offers: Naiusooks in 10-yard pieces at $1.75 and $2.69: Duretta cloth, splendid for sports suits, nurses uniforms
and children s suits and frocks. 36
tains whiteness. Imported embroidered Swiss in plain dots in ass
is 98c. Utica sheeting. 90 inches wide,
fiuish is offered in two practical widths, 36-inch at 28c, 54-inch at 39c.
Lets saltl Send checks with orders, please, and order early.
1iq's d) Joppin iili K)y
The beauty of a candle
Ha to toftly goy
So iteaJfal and to carekts of idclf,
Giving its life arvo)!.
With waxen body, ilender, U'hiie and ,
Melting as no or ice,
Subtle Color Notts Charm iht Buyer Hot Weather Sounds
of Mother's Day Vets Cards.
Til til Braudeis Book and Station
erv department, main floor.
baud or. wile, you'll find them all
represented in the clever verses on
the tinted cards shown.
Graceful! rounded scallops finUh
Hie edge of a tape wrap of navy
crepe knit luted in gray with high
standing collar of gray krimmer,
Sunday Dinner
Room Inclm
THE Metropolitan Dining Room.
Hotel Keen. 316 South 18th
Hotel Keen, 316
street, is planning
this newly decorated dining room is
now in charge of Ada C. Cooke and
J am ( hristiansen, popular cafe
managers, well-known to Omaha.
fred Jones,' is now open all night, a
welcome bit of news for the later rev
elers tempted by the delightful spring'
weather to stray many miles over
broad highways. Cold drinks, nov
elty sandwiches and salads, planked
steaks ancj delicious chicken, cooked
as only Jones can cook it, make the
thought of these delicacies an inevita
ble part of the. evening's entertain
ment. Very restful is the quiet little
dining room with its assurance of se
clusion for automobile parties.
Many of the new tailored blouses
come in handkerchief linen in pastel
shades.. - .'
a, . o r a,J''
Modiste Sews for Madam out-ot-
xown as tycii am miuujr vuwii
MISS BYKNb, 1773 Laiitornia
St., Harney 2784, designs and
make, rlnthes for everv feminine
type, reduces the apparent size of the
r..n. l- I.A
Dig woman, graceiuuy iuuhus
lines of the small one.. Out-of-town
makes possible long distance sewing,
Fine Valencinnes lace finishes lit-
tie flounces and ruchings on a irock
of georgette crepe.
inches wide at ifc. this lahric is
ric is
I 50c.
bleached, is Sac. unbleached
Brandeis store, have an uiiu.ually d early spring in now quite, ouite Dough, offers lovely little baket IKmuU. OliW, i. flfcrlug mean of showing of card for-Moth, out ol season. Ureiher Bros, ,.nd .... . . . . , , m uiaiiig money to upport milady's
rr't Day. Card, for .'I ihe moth- "J Farnam. have on. of Ihe Uge.t , ihff rem 'mbraiu e for mo iher on l '"""'V- To.the lour women ,
trs iu the land may be bought here, and most modern Far Storage plants Urttol'I uu i ( ut llowct. 'r8:,nu4""" Un'-11 LounTli
one's very ow.i mother, the the country. "Wed ;
"flnimV mother.- mother of hu. everything but old sge," w.t be " "y,"1?11 . her o( member, children and friendi
in the New Dining ' - I " " " coat frock the other day when I
?. Ham. clued ' cry"","'!on paed through the workrooms. The
les Home-Cooked dreams, the time when the vow ,el, colar tulU inJ wide ,ncli
Strawberry Short- taken for better or for worse. A i a h-. i .i .Vir Bt.
nmi ct:ousiru uiiiiirr wuif.ii mtiuura Maiuiiim ttm i.m... am.i
. , !,,. ,.j 7i r-"" v'""v""' "'"V tatleta is a row o stiver c oth-cov-
Uctahre IhorZ'ke dini; LV '!?,MIes.,ur,1' $'r Wh,te '" buttons which the button de-
at 'noon ind n the even!.. for IrlLVuti hMiS' tvt,tMT, enT Ptment of the Ideal will make for
at noon and m the evening lor . SI graved. I8-karat weight, are offered Vou The catalos- shows a mvriad of
a plate. You'll be glad to find that for S6.50. Value. . inri. .(,. a:.. f"' ine. .'.'r10,.1 ,0..a. n rwa.01
huchci mc:
Call For
Lighter Appsxcl
AND tho cory, furry wraps, so
delightful during fjll. winlrr
the comforting anuranre of Mr,
Drcther. Call Atlantic 0J4S (or im
mediate delivery service.
Jewel Showing Priced Amailngly
rpm? Reese Jewelry Store, 16th
JL ind Harney, offer exceedingly
good values of particular interest at
one-tiurd karat blue-wnite Vecl-
!ha'"0"dJ" il8 1,!
.'d box mounting is priced $100;
.t.,lielAulv ' ?or "gagemcni ring, me trimming for your quaint bodice being credited to the society tepre
ucimuuaijr loveliest little wedding ring of solid hin.-H ented. Any one may vote for any
criminating buver.
Trimming that emphasizes
width of the hat is in vogue.
Who Wants
beauty specialist.
3917 Farnam, will
chase away every
"worry" wrinkle"
with her facials
and outlined
treatment with
the Anti-Wrinkle
cream, $1.25 a
Phone Ilar-
Jewel Gift Shop Offer Unusual
Gif tings in Window.
"THE ' John Henrickson Jewel
1 Shop, 16th and. Capitol, are in
troducing their splendid gift collec
tion in a way most novel, a delight to
th ffiver nf manv crifta TTmniif.
pieces have been selected from the
entire stock ranging in selling price
trom ?7.5U to $20, and have been
priced to sell for $5.
Six cut glass water glasses, $5.
Six cut glass sherbets, $5.
Deep silver vegetable dish, $5.
High rose vase, five inches in base
diameter, $5. . ,
Cream and sugar sets of finest cut
glas, $5.
Bon Bon dishes in silver and cut
. glass, $5.
Lemon sets in silk-lined boxes, cut
glass sterling ' trimmed with
sterling fork, $5.'
Syrup pitchers of silver on tray,
Water pitcher of silver, $5.
Olive trays, engraved, pierced or
with handles, $5.
Crumb tray sets,' $5. v "
Dutch silver smoking scts on
tray, $5.
" Shaving sets, $5.
Cake and bread trays of silver, $5.
Sterling inlay cut glass cake plates,
eight inches in diameter. $5.
.freXP,teck P Libbey and " Hawke.
quality cut 'glass, many of the pieces
with delicate engraved designs com-
All pieces placed in the window are
biued i h the cutting; the silver is
tiew 111 Styling, everything - fresh,
new and essentially acceptable as
gift offerings. May I urge your early
viewing of these $5-windows? A
paturaay leature.
- .'-
-White, silk, .jersey, canton or
sports costumes with gay cretonne
or chintz lackets. rainbow sweaters
of Shetland floss or tunics or heavy
silks, such as eponnette, tisher maid
or creponge.
made white and stays white for it's bleached by a special process that re-
sizes, a regular $1 value, is 69c. . Embroidered checked Swiss, a $1.75 yalue
.Mowhawk sheeting, bleached, is 49c. Indian Heid .Hieet.'ng..,TB'.'!,It
did tpen J thrift otii
Offering mtifUe.
A little pac of momenti and of Iwun
In fhkh h thine and f fon
.1 candle i beaut) toiuhtt me, oh, more
Than anything I l(tion;
A CAN DLL'S V F.AUTY By Anne B. l's ue.
"Panwts for Remembrsnts" on Novel Suggestions (or Msking Monej
Mothers Day.
i Brandeis Theater. 17th and
Brandris Thratrr, !"th an
Coat Frock Takee Unto It. Charm-
(ul Surface Rows and Rows ot
Pine Braid'.
THE Ideal Uiitton and Tleat'ing
rn...n.,.. ua vim RrAu.n
Company, 3rd Hoor Brown
Block, 16tlt and Douglas, were plae-
ing counlleits rows of fine braid fin-
ialiinff Innrh nl Invrlinett nil little
,.., .i;,ii .,.;a.a a rinui.,
braid' acinaiing contract to
,ne tan taupe material. An alluring
New Music Captivates Crowd.
EVERY" day there's a crowd
'round the piano in the Sheet
Music Department at the A Hospe
Company, 1513 Douglas. For your
convenience I've listed the follow
ing: "Ring Dang Ding Doo"....30c
"Sweetness"' 30c
"She's Mine, All Mine" 30c
"You Taught Me to Care".. 30c
"I'll Be Glad to Get Back to
My Home Town" 30c
"Blue Danube Blues" 30c
These are alt new in mcloily and
verse, you II imd them most enjoy
Si iSiK n ,t"n, J'1'
- " uuuun mums jroin which io maxc
- J , ; " ments in their beauty snops ine
Pitt. r r. rv. j K'ack and White Room, Burgess-
, ?. ComPare(J m Fce Nash; the Salon de Beaute. Hotel
Brick House. Fontenelle, and the Beauty Shop at
TH VERY builder of a home finds the Blackstone.
-4-1 chief in importance the "bills of ' ... ... , .
cost." and realizes that the expert in Chenille birds are worked in
building must necessarily be absolute- bright colors on straw hats. This
ly truthful in matters pertaining to is a charming bit of hat trimming,
cost quotations. The Hydraulic Press . ..
Brick company,' main floor, W. O. W. Photographic Studio Offers Excep-
building, Fourteenth and Farnanj. tional Lighting Facilities,
will be glad to send you a new bookrYlHE NELSON STUDIO, second
demonstrates in manner practical and a"d Harney, 'phone Douglas 4787, K,..
convincing the advisability of build, f.ff?r the fascinatingly effective
ing your home of face brick-takfn g'''g facilities to be found in any
from every point of view,-structural, h,e motlo P'clu;e studios on the
artistic, economical an sentimental: clfii .ct. In fact, this clever
Another little booklet which I'll bonew 0m photographer learned his
glad to send you upon request is rt among1 the movie people. You 11
"How to Build a Brick House." b?td the results achieved in lighting
These three free of cost. You'll enV novel, indeed; just what you
joy the showing of brick ' panel? have;beerf wishing for. The evening
which cover the walls of this great -.appointments, with assurance of per- (
showroom. Many new coldr schemes '. t rtsults, prove espeoally attract
have found a place in 1922 building e-toMhfl. busy wedding parties of
snecifications. ' ' . earlptihg.
..:'; '
"Save The Surface And You ' Save;
AH" ; " - '': :'
REMARKED one of the sterner
sex in a letter which I chanced
to read the other day this to Mr.
Green of the Green Pharmacy, 16th
and Howard. .-It is a bit amusing to
note that the gentleman was speak
ing ot the exceeding lowness or,.
decolletage and the extreme snort
ness ot skirts, when he spoke or.
"surface." The ; protective : covering
suggested was that delightful : Ar-
mand powder, so delicate in texture,
so delightful in fragrance, of such
splendid protective qualities.
First Warm Days Bring Into Prom-
inence the Smartness of Men's
Shirts. ,
AS soon as the- warm weather
makes necessary the removal of
men's vests, there's a great demand
lor smart new smrts. ine ourgess
Shirt Company, 2nd Floor Karbach
Block, 15th and Douglas, have most
attractive new shirtings which any
woman can make up with ease if she
buys one of the Burgess Shirt Pat
terns with instructions. Of course,
Mr. Burgess himself, will drop a val
uable hint on construction . if ne de-
sires. J' . r.v"
' '' ''. '
A Colorful Showing of the New
Butterfly Frocks in the - "Girlie
Nook." , v.
THE Gk0 - Hererg'sdti in: lingerie and hi millinery?
,X,1S'9, hav5. K',8t dVTV''-u '.,? , et '
I'ghtful, little Butterfly frocks :of Umbrellas of Any Color, Shape or
finest , quality ginghams, all witli a
l"cn oi nana uroiuery lor .ya.
Slip-over-the-head models they're
slashed up at the sides to show
bloomers of the same material with
springy Mastic at waist and knees. All
the girls love their "Butterflies." .
. ;
Your Hat Renewed in Usefulness. ' .
I -rugcr nai onop,
303 Bar-
kcr Ulk., will reblock your hat,
refreshen your marabou, make over
your lurs m manner most satisiac-
tory... Closed at two on aaiuroays.
a tout of flame.
to Support Milady Pet Charity.
null: ALAMITO DAI KY, Twenty.
iih and Leavenworth, V1'"'
My ,rm he ,M a w 2,( M 2
or j jo , t 0r i(l ,)ie nmnm lf
evening by special appointment, they
l,(ift dunaiwns ol $jt, $J5. J.'S and
ttrejt is being en-
d j( c)ub circf for M
0f women's organiMlions are eliuibli
church sorietie. women's club,
luikinrK and nrofrtkional women's
. . I I . ..s. a
cluhs. lahor unions, parent-ieacner
aiKociation. nioihers' circle, sewing
and embroidery club, social clubs.
card club, lodges and Civic improve-
nin traour. Societies of over HKJ
membership are requeued to com
in divisions on. successive days, all
organization, wnciurr " mvinu.
not a visit is a vote. Dairy refresh
ments will be served, with free car
tons of cottage cheese distributed.
Mi Lutie li. Meams or Wisconsin,
well known to Omaha, who has been
lecturing in the south and east dur-
"Two Wonders of the World."
the pat winter, win iaiK on
serve an atternoon at once.
When Milady's Finished Coiffure
Shows Lack of Luster Scalp Con
ditions Should Be Studied.
NATURE is almost fatal in ber
indicative expressions, and
when Milady's coitTure shows a lack
of brilliancy, an absence of the rav
ishing sheen so much to be admired,
it is time to visit the specialist on
scalp conditions. Dullness of the
hair is but a forerunner of baldness
and graying hair. Mr. Roberts and
Penally supervise the scalp treat-
Mr. I" ranks, well known specialists,
New Arrivals in Chic New Jewes
Studded Combs Offered at Prices
Marvelously Low.
TJAYDEN BROS' semi-precious
jewel department, main floor,
has a large exhibit of hair orna-
ments just arrived, m colors to
match every gown of spring and
summer, $2, and $3.50 values for but
98c.,;, Quaint in shaping, the stones
sunkenKluv dainty shell foundations?
thcy.; fepresent unique color touches
tor Milady $f fashion: sapphire, ambers-vivid
rose enameling on erav
. $he?r. jk'iib. red stones, coral outlining
on . b.rowrr with glittering rhinestones
in conrinuous outline. One will want
several of; them.
'A; ,;:.(
(' Orchid is a leadine shade this sea-
Size Repaired or Re-covered.
T'HE Western Umbrella Company,
-- 18th and Harney, will repair or
re-cover your umbrella at very rea- ,
sellable prices. Your "sun-rane"
may need a new wrist-ring, ferule
or . tips, or perhaps you've tired of
a green silk covering and would like
one of the new purples. Your op
Pv URIJSiG the next few weeks
'-'shopping activities include the
many wants of the sweet girl
"grad," the beautiful brides of May
and early June, and the forehanded
"vacationer" who believes in order
ing her tailored sports togs early.
Send in your list of what you will
need and the amount of money you
feel you can spend prices will be
appended in the Omaha shops, with
careful descriptions on each article,
and returned for your decision.
Remember -the required deposit of "!
$2 on each C. O. D. purchase ordered.-
-Till 4 Trademark Rttttrd
Tatcat Omca.T9Adn
V. 1
! 1