The Omaha Sunday Bee VOL 51 NO. 47: "4 M tm4 CUm tttm as. m. at OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 7, Wi. 1 HM4 II (! ! a4 , Ml MW. II M, KM . liMM la pa II Jit 4 MMi ! wl, M. .FIVE CKNT3 Mike Finn Expires at Ball Park Sufferi Two Attadi of Henri Failure While Watch ing (Jame With Tulsa. . Had Been 111 for Month "Mike" linn. 61. secretary el the Omaha Western league hauball club, died yrnerduy aftentCHui at 4;J0 at the bill park. Heart diee was the cue oi death. Finn collapsed duritijr (lie third Inning oi t lie Omaha-1'uUa game following a home run by Davit and a double by i.amb. He regained consciousness, once and then col lapsed the aecond time, never to re cover. The Onuha secretary arrived in Oinaru Friday night from hit home in Little Kotk. Ark., whrre he ha been ill since April 1 with bran du ra sc. I' pou his arrival in Omaha with bis wife and daughter, Catherine, IK, Mr. I inn started looking after the interests of the local club. Chatted With Friends. He went out to the ball park yes terday afternoon, accompanied by his wife and daughter. Hefore game time, Finn remained at his desk in the office, chatting with old-time friends. When the gong rang for the tea"' to take the diamond, "Mike" turned to his wife and said: "I must go out and see our boys play." Accompanied by "Dick" Crotte, Finn went into the grandstand where the two found scats behind the home plate. "Mike" was enjoy ing the game until the third inning when Tulsa came to bat. Bennet, the first Tulsa player, fanned. Thompson walked and then "Yank" Davis knocked a home run over the right field fence. Finn be came nervous, , and when Lyman Lamb doubled to center fie'd, the Omaha secretary collapsed, falling headlong on his face. He was re vived and then collapsed a second and final time. Received Final Kites, He was carried out of the grand stand and placed on a cot in the lobby of the stand. Captain G. R. G. Fisher, director of bureau of first aid, Omaha chap ter of the Red Cross, tried to revive Finn, but as' his last minutes ap proached, Father P. C Gannon ad ministered the final rites. Mrs. Finn and her daughter were at Finn's side during his last min utes. J. N. Finn, a brother, was also present. David Finn, only son of the dead man, is in Boston, Mass. The body will be taken to Little Rock, Ark., for burial. ' Finn was born two block-s from a ball park in Natick, Mass., 61 years ago. He bad been engaged in base ball work since that time, and has often been heard to make the re mark that it was his wish that when death came it would find him in a baseball park. ; , . The Omaha secretary started his baseball career at Newport, R. I., in 1896, managing the Newport club. He has managed various clubs from the Atlantic to . Pacific coasts and Texas to Maine. He was started on his baseball career by Tommy Con nelly, scout for the Giants, who at that time was managing a New Eng land club. - Managed Many Clubs. Finn has managed the Waterbury, Little Rock, Toledo, Chattanooga, Memphis, Mobile, San Antonio and several other clubs besides being con nected as secretary of the Omaha club and scout for the Detroit Ti gers of the American league. . He was known in the baseball world as a very valuable man to have on a club. Because of his schedule making ability Finn has acted as schedule maker for the two Texas leagues, besides assisting in drawing up the Western league schedule this season. ; i ' Finn joined the Omaha club as secretary in ' 1921 when " Barney Burch purchased the team from "Pa" Rourke. , . Court Upholds Zoning Contract in Lincoln Lincoln, May 6. The contract for zoning Lincoln entered into by its mayor and city commission . with a New York advisory corporation was upheld today by the state su preme court, which decision in part, also recognizes the city's right to establish 'and conduct a municipal coal yard." The resolution passed by the city council approving the contract is held not to have been a legislative " act and therefore not subject to ref erendum. A roning ordinance that is passed is subject to referendum, the opinion holds. Former Hastings Editor Dies at Home of His Son Andrew Clute, 60. former editor of the Adams County Democrat at Has tings, died Thursday at the home of a son in Cedar Rapids, la., according to word received in Omaha yesterday. He is survived by his widow and three sons, the youngest of whom is Paul Clute, 1322 South Twenty-fifth avenue. Funeral services and burial will be held at Cedar Rapids. Mr. , Clute lived for several years in Oma ha with his son. Paul. 6 Die in Mexican Ballot Riot Mexico City, May 6. (By A. P.) Six persons were killed and 60 wounded, several of them seriously, in Urnapan, Michoacan. yesterday when a group of radicals, aided by the police, battled against the city councilmen and their sympathizers following a disagreement concerning a miijpr city election, says a dis tatchMo El Universal today. Officer of Omaha Team Expires at Ball Park Noted 'Man Killer' Killed in Battle by Texas Sheriff Bud Ballew, Famous Gun Fighter of Soutliweot, Dies When Officer Beats Him to the "Draw." Wichita Falls. Tex.. May 6. (By A. P.)-Chicf of Police J. .W. Mc Cormick was the cynosure of all eyes here today. For yesterday he matched the draw with the famous master of guncraft, D. M. (Bud) Ballew and won. As a result Ballew, survivor and hero of many perilous situations, is mourned by admiring friends who thought him virtually invincible, and McCormick is entitled to notch his gun. This city witnessed much excite ment during the crusade against law lessness which accompanied its rapid growth as an oil town, but no event of that period eclipsed yesterday's episode in romantic interest. The in cident recalled pioneer days of Texas, when the saloon and public gambling houses were regarded as necessary to every community and guns and knives were necessary to every man; when the man who was "slow. with his gun" was .quick to die, the other man being judge, jury and execu tioner combined; and when to "die with one's boots on" was to die in the most honorable shroud. Goes to Investigate. ' . Yesterday's affair might well have occurred in those days. Chief Mc Cormick had word that Ballew was behaving in a disorderly fashion in a soft drink parlor, lie went around to investigate. He walked up to Ballew and charged him with drunk enness, demanding that he hand over his pistojl This was something new to Ballew. With the contemptuous retort. "You're out of luck," Ballew. according to witnesses, reached for his gun, but McCormick, sensing Ballew's apparent intention, flashed his own gun and fired from the hip. Five bullets entered Ballew's body. He died as he had predicted, with his boots on. . ; It was a tiew model -.38. against an old fashioned .45 and the latter "never popped a cap." In fact, it never left its long holster under Bal lew's arm. - " ' . ; ; Body Carried in Plane. Unlike other . days when Ballew's alleged action would , have war ranted his death and the affair ended with his life, McCormick has to an swer to later day laws. He was ar rested and held under $10,000 bonds. Instead of resting in a rude grave among the hills nearby, Ballew's body was taken aboard an airplane to his old stamping grounds. , at Ardmore, Okl., the scene of many of his daring , exploits, there to be mournfully met1 by former .Sheriff (Turn to Page Two, Column Six.) Hospitalization Bill' Is Passed by House Washington. May 6. The $17,000,- 000 soldier hospital bill, making im mediate! IVailable $12,000,000 tor beginning construction of institutions m i ot the 14 veteran Dureau res tricts, was passed last night by the house. It now goes to the senate. Reported Thursday by . Chairman Madden of the appropriations com mittee, the measure was put through by unanimous vote. ; '' . . Seattle Purchases Crane Seattle, Wash., May 6. Sam Crane, , shortstop, on the ' Brooklyn National league club, has been pur chased by the Seattle Pacific Coast league club, it was announced yes terday. , . ; Bee "Want" A ds ; become profitable only as you use them 17th and Farnam AT lantic 1000 Prohibition!". Still Issuek; mn. I a. I. O J 1 L J V . Dr)i Cldim 18t!t A Bring Enforced '"I Greater Succr Thau L'spected. Fight for Wet' Congress By GRAFTON S. WILCOX. Wellington. May 6. I rolnouum, afirr M months of exi.tnue in the United States, is still a political iue. It is not conceded to be major iiue. nor it it a party i.tue, but it it conceded even by the champions of prohibition enforcement to be ait ism. I'M they are apprehensive about it is demonstrated by the recent ap peal sent out by the legislative coin mitiee of the Anti-Saloon league to all friends of prohibition enforce ment to he on the alert in the com ing political primaries and ft to it that men are not nominated for con grets who could by any possible in fluence he induced to vote lor a modification of the Volstead enforce ment act. N'o serious-thinking "wets" have any hope of ever overturning the lfith amendment. They know it is not necessary because the 18th mendment docs not prohibit. It amendment -docs not prohibit. It congress must pass the law enforc ing this condition. - Wets Want Modification. But the "wet" leaders do have a: abiding hope that the VolMcad act may be modified by "boosting" the alcoholic content of permissible, beverages. The late Senator Penrose of Penn sylvania remarked at a social occa sion shortly after the ratification of the 18th amendment: "Congress hereafter will be wet or dy. For some years it will be dry. Then along will come a wet wave and up will go the permissible alcoholic content." That it is just what the prohibition leaders are trying to prevent and this is the first year since the establish ment of prohibition that the signs on the horizon point to real serious po litical assaults on the John Barley corn lock box. In many states and in more con gressional districts the "wets" and "drys" arc arrayed against each other this year about as they were hefore the amendment was ratified or before it had ever been submitted to the states. And in most of the cam paigns where prohibition figures the success or the breakdown in enforce-: nient is the proposition around which the debate centers. On one side it is contended that conditions have improved enormous ly; that intoxication has diminished and that by slow but sure processes enforcement is being made effective. On the other side, it is charged that enforcement is impossible; that a great majority of( the people scoff at the law and violate it without com punction, and that worse evils have grown up under prohibition than ex isted before. Situation From Two Sides. There are two viewpoints of en forcement, one from the government side and the other from the Asso ciation Against Prohibition, Prohibi tion Commissioner Hayncs says about enforcement. "With the utmost emphasis it can be stated, and convincing evidence is to be seen on every hand that the 18th amendment is being en forced with greater success than was ever conceived possible, in less than 30 months by its closest friends. "The truth is, it is being enforced to such an extent that its enemies are increasing their false, country wide propaganda and this fact alone is sufficient evidence that the shoe is pinching. "It is scarcely necessary to point out facts that are apparent to every one, that the 18th amendment is being enforced." ' "The open saloon is a thing of the past, and even enemies of the prohi bition law admit it is gone forever. "Hotels which before prohibition, feared ruin are now co-operating in enforcement and many prominent managers.. declare they dp not want the barroom back. ; : "The head of the Salvation army, who is ill a position to kn6w where of she speaks, in a recent statement said evidences of enforcement are unmistakable and a Godsend to un fortunate humanity. - "Purchasers of bootleg . liquor themselves know beyond any ques tion of doubt that the 18th amend-, nient is being 'enforced for the sim ple reason that the source of supply is now so nearly closed that real (Torn to Pice Two. Column Four.) . . Wife of Minister Killed in Elevator Accident Tecumseh,- Neb., May 5. Tucum seh friends of Rev. C. C. Markham, former pastor of the Baptist church of this city, have received an ac count o'f the death of his wife, at Wichita, Kan. The minister and his wife were shopping and had taken an elevator to the seventh floor. When it stopped Rev. Mr. Mark ham stepped from the car. His wife was following behind him, and as she started to step from the elevator it shot up quickly. She fell from the elevator and despite the 'efforts of her husband to catch her, fell under the car down the elevator shaft to the basement, a distance of 90 feet. She lived for three hours. Mrs. Markhpm was 50. Tornado Death Toll Is 13. Austin, Tex., May 6. The death toll in the tornado which swept parts cf Austin and Travis counties Thurs dty stood at 13 last night. The ap proximately 50 injured are reported doing well. A revised estimate of the property dara?e last night placed the total at 7 725.QVJ. umbia, S, C, May -A(ier i, ... .i. w., n. u c ...- fc U IV - , 11. ... V Ml - Sf?-' .esideut of the U'rtlver.ity of n Carolina, Ben Male, uuiver & t mar.haL tod.y .hot nd killed i of the school of engineering and then hot himteU to dtdth. The lioiiiiii4 ocfnttcj In the unl-' eriiy treaurer's office in the pre ' eiue of I'residcut Currell, ho. afier j lite inooung, i.,urd a Mateiucut say-1 ing that fur a long time there had hecn bitter feelinar hetween I'rof. , Home and Marshal Hale growing j i out of their conflating duties at the I university. t President Currell said that Mar- j hal 1 laic, enraged, asked . a I stenographer preieut to leave, began I hooting imlinTiiinnalrly about the j treasurer's oHice and then shouting, ' u are re ponible lor this," pomt- .1 I.:., .......I ., !...,( .1 .1.. I ed hit pi.iol at the head of the nrril- j dent. Hale, however, a minute later j turned his gun on I'rof. Homes and i shot him and then shot himself, Trio of Texas Negroes Burned at Stake bv Mob Three Men, Accused in Mur ! dcr of Girl, 17, Taken j From Sheriff Bodies, Cremated. Teague, Tex., May 6. Two white men were detained today for further investigation of their actions pre ceding the attack on and murder of Eula Awlsey, for which three ne groes were burned at Kirvin this morning. No 'announcement of charges being filed against the men have been made, according to re ports here. Kirvin, Tex., May 6. (By A. P.) Three negroes were burned to death at the same stake here this morning by a mob of 500 men fol lowing their alleged implication in the criminal assault and murder of 17-year-old Eula Awsley, white girl, whose mutilated body was found near here Thursday night All three negroes were employed on the farm of J. T. King, prominent farmer of this community and grand father of the dead girl, with whom she lived, both her parents being dead. Mr. King was present at the cremation and the mob leaders are said to have obtained his approval thereof before lighting the torches. In Orderly Fashion. The lynchings were carried out deliberately. There was no dis charge of fire arms nor was any un due violence attempted, although it was reported, however, that the negroes were mutilated before being tied to the stake. With the excep tion of a few shouts and the screams of the condemned men there was lit tle to disturb the early morning quiet of the backwoods community. The incinerations took place on a small open plot directly in front of two small churches. One of the negroes is said to have died singing a church anthem. Kirvin is a town of abojt 500 in habitants, situated in Freestone county, east central Texas, about 18 miles south of Dallas. Mr. King resides at Kirvin. Found Near Road. , Miss Awsley was riding her horse home from the school which she at tended, several miles from Kirvin, late Thursday when she was at tacked. Her body later was found near the road with 23 knife wounds inflicted in the head, neck and chest. News of the murder spread quickly and late Thursday a band of several hundred men from Freestone and Limestone counties and a large sheriff's posse were scouring the neighborhood. "Snap" Curry, the first negro to be led to the stake, was arrested when his wife told of ficers he had come home -with his clothes covered with blood on the night of the murder. Curry was taken to Wortham and imprisoned in (Turn to Psse Two, Column One.) Girl Held Prisoner : .Two Years Rescued . Bucyrus, 0., May 6. Irene Men ges, 20, was rescued from an iron sheeted shed on the farm of, her father, Jacob P. Menges, near Crest line, where she is said to have been imprisoned two years. Sheriff Ed ward J. Knappenberger of Crawford county, and Charles Crawford, mar shal of Crestline, released the girl from captivity. , A Menges was placed under arrest and is held for investigation. The girl was brought to Bucyrus where she is being cared for by the sheriff's wife. She has not spoken since she was released, according to the sheriff. When rescued she wore little clothing and the shed where she was found was heated only -by a lantern, the sheriff said. . Her iather claims she is men tally unbalanced and that she had been held under restraint for the past two years. , Fillmore County Farmer Nearly Severs Heel on Plow Geneva, Neb., May 6. (-"Special.) In attempting to kick weeds from between the discs of a plow which he was driving, Howard ePterson, 22, farmer, almost' severed his right heel. He was taken to a Hastings hospital. The yung man resides on a farm between Shickley and Sutton. Mellon Decides Taxes Due on Wilson Foundation Washington, May 6. Secretary Mellon was understood to have de cided to uphoW the ruling by In ternal Revenue Commissioner Blair to the effect that the contributions to the Woodrow Wilson foundation are not exempt from the federal in come tax law. Lloyd George Hamlet: 'The Time Is Out of Joint! 0 Cursed Spite, That Ever I Was Born to Set It Right" Pilgrimages to Den Show Planned by Envoys of Ak Last Year's Record of 23,000 Visitors to Be Broken . .This Year, Says Gardner. 1 ; Ambassador of Ins mejesty, King Ak-Sar-Bcn, in Nebraska and Iowa towns, already are busy arranging pilgrimages to Omaha and the den show for the coming season, accord ing to Charles Gardner, royal scribe, whose office has received more than 100 letters asking for reservations of dates. "More -than 23,000 men visited the den show during the 1921 season," Mr. Gardner said yesterday. "This number will be vastly increased this year. It is the' acknowledged duty of King Ak's ambassadors to form pilgrimages of their townspeople to visit Omaha and the den at least one evening each year. ' All Urged to Join. ' "Ak-Sar-Ben is nothing without its membership. Ak-Sar-Ben's power, which has been so thoroughly dem onstrated, lies solely, in the knights, its members." All eligible men of the city are urged to become members of Ak-Sar-Ben this week. Total member ship now .has reached 2,250. accord ing to figures available : at head quarters. Maj. J. E. Davidson's team leads with a total of 450 new members. Mai. Charles E. Black is second, with 361. The drive will be continued until at least 4.000 mem bers have been signed up. . Opening Show May 29. , The den show will open on May 29. This will be Omaha night and, in addition. King Ak will be host to some 225 delegates to a convention of B'nai Brith. Men joining Ak-Sar-Ben after the den show opens will be initiated with all the ceremonies known to the or ganization, according to Charlie Gardner, who states that he1 will beWere-then paid out to stockholders in the line to receive the candidates, Price of Gasoline to Be Advanced Monday Morning Gasoline will be advanced in price one cent a gallon Monday morning, bringing it up to 25 cents at service stations in Omaha, according to an nouncements Saturday night. WHERE TO FIND The Big Features of THE SUNDAY BEE PART ONE. Diamond Jubilee of Missouri Luth erans a Pns-e II. PABT TWO. Society nd News for Women , Pages 1 to . Shopping With Polly Pago 6. "The Devil's Bunting Horn." Bluo Ribbon story by Eden Fhillpnttn Page. 10. "The Romance of a Million Dollars." serond installment of serial by Elizabeth Dejeans Page 11. Editorial Comment Page VI. Amusements Pages 13, 14 and IS. Mnslo News Pago 14. "Hnppyland." for the Children Pago 1. PART THREE. Sports News and Fentnres Pages 1 and t. Of Especial Intercut to Motorists Pages a and 4. For Lire, Boys of Omaha Page 5. Markets and Financial Page ft. Real Estate and Builders' News Page 7. "The Married Life of Helen and ' Warren" Page Q Want Ads fuzes V, 10 and II. Two More Blanket Indictments Are Brought by Jury Charges of Using Mails to De fraud Made Against Pro f . moters of , Omaha ' Companies. Two more blanket indictments were returned by the federal grand jury Saturday in connection with charges of using the mails to defraud. These two indictments are against five men connected with the promo tion of the Industrial Chemical com pany and seven connected with the Omaha Oil and Drilling company. The five named in the chemical company indictments are; , . Elliott B. Smoak. ' ', " W. E. Hhrpard.i ' Ben Mryd (irorgre B. Wray. Benjamin H. Mickey. , Their bonds have , been fixed at $5,000 each. Mickey is a son of former Gover nor Mickey of Nebraska. It is al leged that' the stock of this concern was of little or no value but that it was sold with large p-omises and that dividends were paid out of unearned money. Letters to L. A.- Mewis, Stanton, Neb., boosting the stock and wishing him a "happy and pros perous New Year," and to Arthur J. Swcdlund of Upland, Neb., enclosing "extra dividend" check, are included in the indictment. Those named in . the drilling com pany indictment are: ' " ' . Frank H. Wray, prenldent. -John P. Allan, general manager. Dr. Jamen C. Woodward, director. . Edward H, Hrhnneman, viec president, (ieorgc T. Porter, treasurer. John A. Farnberg, Mecretary. Lester E. Wray, director. . ' Their bonds also are $5,000. s The charge here is that officers of the company would pretend to, sell to the , corporation an 'oil lease for $225,000 and to cause a note of $75, 000 to be issued to another of their number as trustee, and that dividends from capital in order to boost the stock sales. ' A letter written to Mrs. Charlotte Smith, Schuyler, Neb., by Dr. J. C. Woodward, Securities' building, is quoted. She is his grandmother.' " ,.-.. Davis Is Pleased ; ' Lincoln, May 6. Satisfaction over the results of the federal grand jury hearing at Omaha, ; which returned a large number of indictments ' for alleged fraudulent use of the mails, was expressed today by Attorney General Davis, who said the indict ments by a federal grand jury were taken as a supporting factor of the prosecutions brought under state in dictments against a few of the same men, chiefly for alleged violations of the state banking laws. Evidence of Incendiarism at Nebraska City Fire Nebraska City, Neb., May 6. (Special.) An unoccupied brick house owned by Calvin Chapman was badly damaged by fire. Evi dence of incendiarism, firemen said, was found in nearly every room. Kerosene had been used on the malls and ceiling in some rooms and there was other evidence that the house had been set afire. In the basement several containers had in flammable liquid in them. Mr. Chapman was out of the city at the time. The amount of insurance car ried by the owner was pot obtainable. I Woman Indicted for Using Mail in Marriage Fraud Proprietor of Chadron Cafe Alleged to Have Sought Money and Clothes ; by Letter. An indictment returned by the fed eral grand jury here against Mae Strahl, Chadron, Neb., was made public yesterday. She is charged with using the mails to conduct an alleged scheme to get money ' and other valuables from bachelors on representations that she was an 18-year-old girl, poor but beautiful, and with a cruel stepfather. Willing to Marry. , Several of the letters she is alleged to have written are quoted in the in dictment. It is charged that she of fered to marry or act as housekeeper to those men who wrote to her. She is alleged to have used various names in writing to the men. Her letters are very illiterate. Here is one quoted in the 'indictment and addressed to Andy Brown, North Little Rock, Ark.: ' "dear Sweetheart: "Your nice letter and Oh you don't no how glad I was to get it. Well dear, do you love me well enough to send me some clothes. I wear bust size 44. Oh' I am just al most barefooted. My souls all off my shoes. Well I wear size 4 1-2 shoes. Stocking size 9. Well I am Bast 18 years old and good cook, good housekeeper. Can sew. This Xmas . I have no fruit or ' nuts or candy.' Yes, we lived in Sturgis, S. D., and that where liting struck are house, burnt all my clothes, lost everything but are dear lifes. Well dear, fare from here to Omaha is $18.50. If you send money send American Express or,der to me, Oh I sure would like to h.ave a home my own. So I sure look for some clothes from my dear Andy. Dear I have no coat to wear or anything like that, -Please do pity me sweet one. ... "120 So. Main Street, Chadron, Neb. - I Don't Want WooL "P. S. I have "no clothes to keep me warm. Don't send no wool clothes I can not wear wool. So lots love lots kisses to you Dear Hart." Mae Strahl, says the indictment, is not a young girl but a woman of ad vanced years, operating a restaurant in Chadron and mother of a son who resides with her. . Farm Buildings Destroyed by Wind Storm at Beatrice Beatrice, Neb., May 6. (Special.) A windstorm south of Beatrice destroyed a number of farm build ings. At the eGorge Cooper place a 110-foot shed was demolished and pieces of timber carried 8 rods. George Gallath, employed as a farm hand, was blown from his wagon and injured. Hail fell but little damage was done. The Weather Forecast. Sunday fair and cooler. Hourly Temperatures. 5 a. m. . a .' m. . 1 a. m.. S h. ' m . . a. m. . 10 a. n . . 11 a. m. . 13 noon.. ..l ,.M . .7 1 p. m . . S p. m. . 8 p. m . . 4 p. m . . 5 p. m . . ft p. m . . 7 d. m . . .13 72 IS U 70 .. 1 I a p. m .. Financier Dies During Operation Henry P. Davison, Member of J. P. Morgan Firm, Sm rutnl'i to Attempt to Remove Tumot. Hold Funeral Tuesday Hf TH Ataarll4 ttmt. Stw York, May 6. Henry P. Davison, member of the banking firm of J. P. Morgan & Co., and directing bead of the American Red Cross during the world war, died 1:3 0th is adrrnoon on the operating table while surgeons were attempt ing to remove a tumor from nit brain at his country estate in Locust Valley, L, I. The internationally known fmia cirr faced death at imperturhed at he had met the problems of life. Known on the street at one who never showed undue alarm, he took no formal farewell of hit family and joked with his loved ones while he was preparing for the operation. Ilia first request was that he should be laid to rest in the Locust Valley with its green and flowering apple blossoms that he had loved, in case he failed to survive the operation. The second request waa that his fun eral should be as simple and un ostentatious as possible. Those close to him, who tonight faced the tad duty of planning the final ceremony, said both requests would be re spected. ' Tumor Near Brain. It was only last night that an nouncement was made that Mr. Davi. son, who went under the knife last August, would have to undergo an other operation today. The first op eration, performed to relieve pres sure on the auditory nerve, which produced headaches and insomnia, disclosed the tumor. Its removal was not attempted because it was felt the patient could not stand further loss of blood and anathestic. He did not rally as well as had been expected, however, and the sur geons . decided that another opera tion was imperative. .This bulletin, issued about 2 o'clock, told of failure. "Mr. Henry P. Davison died to day at the conclusion of an opera tion on an infiltrating tumor in the brain, which could not be partially removed." Operation at Home. It was decided to operate in the financier's home at Peacock Point, instead of at the Roosevelt hospital in this city, where the first operation was penormcu. t- uiinu.i -- ICO UJ lUr lc uaaiu" , .'- morning a special corps of surgeons snd nurses began arriving in auto mobiles. . As the hour for the anaesthetic ap proached Mr.Xavison seemed' as un flurried as the time, when back in the '80's, a stranger had entered the bank where he was employed, point ed a revolver at his head and de manded $1,000. After detectives had pounced on the intrduer, Mr. Davi ion resumed work as though nothing had happened. Two anxious vigils began when he entered the operating room. Family and many close friends, including J. P. Morgan, were grouped in an other room 'at ePacock Point. In the Morgan offices were seated more business associates, clustered aroumt a private telephone connected w'th the Trfjcust Valley mansion. Death Announced. It was from the Morgan offices that word was first flashed to the public of the financier's, death. The word came after closing of the mar-' ket and followed rumors that he had jasscu succcssiuuy inrougn me or deal and would recover. Newspaper men assembled at Lo cust Valley were standing a short distance from the house when Mr. Morgan and others t were seen to come out and, with bowed heads, enter their machines and drive awayi Then a close associate of Mr. Davi son's made the announcement of death. In a few minutes Mr. Morgan drove into the estate atain. arrnm. panied by Rev.-Charles W. Hmton, After a conference with members o the family, it was announced that bciv"- woma De neia at 1 1 1 uesday morning in the chapel of St. John's of Lattington, the Episcopal church in Locust Valley which was founded by the late J. P. Morgan, and m which Mr. Davison had been a vestryman for many years. Soon after it was learned that the opera tion had been fatal, Mrs. Davison, supported by her two sons, left the house and walked with them ; for over an hour among the blossoming orchards and flowering gardens of wic eaiaic. "Tl,. ftl j . ... JW . , ' . .vwwwij. witnouc intent, the course taken by Mr. Davi- snn nrlv laal n.'U. -.. U L , ...6m mien nc maae lilO' fm.Mla . I- I . ... . . , , "le K'ounas to which he had become so endeared. In the afternoon he had gone driving with mini, uau tnauca auring tne greater . part of the ride and then in bouyant spirits, had announced that the sur geons were coming for another oper ation. - . . Told of "Little Party." ' Last night he played with his grandson, F. Trubee Davison, jr., before startine on what was in h his last tour of the gardens. He walked un In ployes and said; "Well, John, I'm going to have a little party tomor row." But there were tears in Mr. Davi (Torn to Page Two. Column lwo.) Lightning Tears Shoe irora woman in Broken Bow Broken Bow, Neb., May 6. (Spe cial.) Mrs. Ira Vian had the shoe torn from her right foot by lightning, the bolt entering the house by war of a chimney. She wa. painfully burned. 'at I