THE BEK: OMAHA. TllLTwSPAY. MAY i. W. 'Live and LeanC Judge Tel Is Maker of Silken Teddies .Mm Who V,tt 2f4Diirru $1 Ilof Jiffk to RT in Fanry Drr Sltf MaI fr (tirl. "A Mlu tin lit and leani," as 4i 'g Holme m municipal court eierday morning vin Aberdeen Irf 11 llii I)vi. tlrrtsmslrr, finis Imt'l. tetiliei il'it $15 i a fair ami rronnabl charge (or making cue fair rf kill leiMie. 1 hp ju'lsf if-l hi epeftarle and remarked that this is a stnitder. till ag. with radm and everything like tint Mrs. 1J ! vas defendant in replevin iiin brought by r'ranei !. l.onalry, 1H Njiitlt Thirty-nsrl! street, ilrput)' eor, stint soukM ! obtain Mififiii r( 4 lite-piete (iiuy dif nude lr Inn t year-old dauiihirr, Ibeabfth. A charge of $.15 vta made by Mr. 1avi lor flic wik, Imitlry stared that le would pay a reaunable aniuni. JJie judge a lold bv one wit I'r.s 1I14I th dre C"utd be made lr $5 itiil anoiltrr titnrs (rum a (.ikhioiultle dmtniottn (In mukmi; e lahli.hment stated J 15 stould he a lair charge. Mildred Ryan. 25"? J""' If"-. sva referred to a one of 1 lie pa limn (nr whom Mrs. I)vis nude silken teddies at $15 er pair lor tewing. Mm Ryan appeared as wit nrn. Mr. I.ongley testified tliat when Mrs. Davi, came to Omaha fiom Mionri alley a Ifw months. aKO, in a condition of penury, he be friended her by providing (or her keep and he bought her a pair t( $4 hoe. In return for that kind tie! Longley testified Mrs. Davis agreed to make the dress without charge. Mr. Davis threatened to appeal from the decision of Judge Holmes. S I L Kit Y-TIME TALES THE TALE OF NIMBLE DEER RY ARTHUR SCOTT BAILEY r " - o- 5 Dog Hill Paragrafs By George Bingham rwuwrvc fc IPan fllAPTCR XVII Wtht Brewrne Warned, Nimble peer had stepped 4t Rioume Heaver's pond to t't dimk. J'i.1 as he laued Ins held wi , t7 ihmV.'i ditt looked. pu:ikt ftoni the nater he spied Htownie a litile way oX. nil the bank, gnaw- jug at a hot alder trre. "Good evening!'' Ninddc tailed to l:im. "fiood evening!" Brownie I'eavcr answrrrd. , ... "1 see you ic lmy, as usual, ' Mm- tie remarked. Yes! Brownie replied. .Mi what a ti doing -it I may 4k?" U! I'm just rambling about," Minhl espUuied lhen sou'r iol diug mufh o anvthmt, S4id Brownie Beater. Nimble admitted thai he an'. Mm' soj'r not working, per tup you'll he Killing to help nif," Hrownie suggested. -Crt4n'v.' Nimble rrM lie bked Brownie. 'Iserybody liked him un k il was Timothy Turtle, who ul a grudge g4in.t the wlu'le Beaver inhe. "M4)be I tan make arrangements with sou to " Brownie began, "Of course sou tan!" Nimble in lerrni'led. "1 hat's sery kind of you." Brownie said. "I'm sure I'm tiiuih obliged lo you." "You're oiite wcltomr," Nmible 4uied linn. "You're sure you won't mind? Brownie Beaver inquiied. "Not at all! No, indeed! What Is it you want tne to do for you? Do sou want me to brlp you roll a log into the stater, when you've (inisbed culling down that tree? I might use my horns for a cant hook, such as the lumbermen have." "No! it' not that -thank you. Brownie Beaver mumbled. Me had not stopped storking, while he talked. And having some chips in bis mouth he diiTnot peak any too clearly. "Maybe you'd like me lo walk baik and forth along the lop of your dam and ituke it Unner," NmiMej sugjesM. "No. it iut that." Btowiiie told b in, " I he dam tt lirm. It has been here a gieat many yran, ever suiwe my gif4t-gre4t-graiidt'thrr' time. Nou'te noticed my boiue, I da' S4)," be went in. "I have." Nimble aueied. "Il'i a good one, though the tliiinuey looks a bit lopsided, to me Mull I give it a push and see if I can ti4igh!eu it?" "No, indeed ' thank nj'." mM Browme hurned'y, ' lor mercy' 4ke, don't torn h iny thimueyf 1 worked a long lime to mile il And if I do S4y so, ns the be one in the whole silbge," Well. Nimble lerr coutln't guess what it was that Brownie Beater wanted bint ts do. He couldn't thin of any other way in wlmh he iiiichr heln. Tlien what' he ilemtn led "what is it you want?" "( here's something I need (or my luue," Brownie esplained. "Sbinglr!" Nimble cried. 'No!' Brownie said, as he shook his head. "I hope son don't want a pir o( antlers to fatn over your ihimnev piece!" Nimble tspUined. "I shouldn't rare to prt with my ant lers not jiM at pieent!" "No!" Brownie said oiuc nioie. "I'm glad of tlmt." Niiuble replied. For a moment he had been somewhat worried. And then Biownie Beaver told him what he had in mind: "I need flas lo fly over my hone." "I hat would be fine," Nimble ob served. "But I don't sec how I could help you with that." 'I've heard that you hate a flag. I though perhaps you'd let me have it-or borrow it, at least." Browme Beaver told him. Nimble Deer looked piu.led. "I haven't any flag." he said. And Sidney Hocks had a narrow escape from sprious injury one (lay this week. He was on Musket Ridge and was walking across a deep gully on a plank. When he had reached the middle he took a large chew of to bacco and became overbalanced. The Dog Hill preacher is doing a ' lot better in his sermons now than he did and ought to be encouraged. Quite a number of tlje congregation now sit clear through the sermon without thinking about anything else. 4 Gab Hancock says in his judg ment the only .thing that can thrive without a foundation is a false rumor. For the Housewife Who Worries Over Pleasing the Family Three Delectable Suggestions For Any Day Of The Week ' Save these tested recipes for future use: CAKE FILLING J eup Rich Milk 1 UMspon King sferd'i Corn Starch 1 Etf-yolS onlr tcblsspoons Kare (Crystal White! 2 square Bskcr a Chocolsta it cup Sugar H teaepoon Vanilla Scald tbt milk. Malt the chocolate over water. Beat tba egg, add the sugar and tha cornstarch wall mixed together. Pour on tha hot milk gradually. Addthachc. olate and cook, atirrlng constantly till It cornea to tha boiling point. Remove from fire and add vanilla. 11 F- 4aS"gf I 4rf2SS j Kiel I 11 rtny" CREAM FILLING tshleepoeBaKtngsferd's Corn Starch I pinch of Salt ,, .'" ""j" IBgg 1 teaspoon Vanilla 'eup8iigar t tableepoon Kero Mis the cornstarch and the salt and mis to a smooth paste with ona-fourth of a cup of the milk. Scald tha reat of tha mllV, and add to tha cornstarch. Cook In a double boiler twenty minutes. Add the beaten yolk of the egg and cook long enough to set Remove from the fire and add the vanilla and Karo. If the miiture has been carefully etirred while thickening it will be smooth. If lumpy, atrain, cool and fill the cold puffs. CREAM PUFFS ANT) ECLAIRS 1 cud Boillne SVater 4 Bgga cup Matola IX tablespoone Kingsford'e Coin Starch and sufficient flour to make I cup Put Masola and boiling water in a saucepan, add the flour and cornstarch wall mixed, all at once, and cook, stirring constantly, till it leaves the aide of the pan. Remove from the fire, cool by beating, and when cold, beat in, one t a time, the unbeaten eggs. Una a baking aheet with oiled paper. Drop the better in rounds on it and bake in a hot oven for thirty minutes. When cold, split and fill with whipped cream or tha cream filling. FREE: Ask your grocer or write Corn Produota Sales Co., 8th and Jackeo Sta.. Om.ha, Neb., for besu tif ul folder of tha new Klngaford Corn Starch recipea. iheii he tried. "Ye! sr. I bavrc one " "Ah! I was Md )om bad. m1 Brownie Beer- Uha told sou" 'Old Mr, ,ro' Brown e Beam Mid 'I ni'ghl luvc known it," Niiiih'e imitieird. 'lie has t1aed le on you. It's true that I lute a (Ug; but ii'i not (lie knid et Hag you warn. borne tile tall my ul tUt, " actouut ol the way I state it in be i r when I'm iUrilrd. Of toatse eg wouldn't ra'e to b4f my tad pa the top ci soitr houe" Ad Bowitif Beatrt diuutd be shouldn't, BmI I can't e'p bcrig dis4B pointed," bt sonffsK'd It r,fkl. ! I IVlitf Ai4 llungry tJirl V ha I.osf Muiirv ami I nw BaiUVrr, M came M t'nu. ha f.oui St, raul, N'tff, three das go and went lo work at l! IWaii dns cairleiu, he put Iter purse s'iit4itiing all brr monry, fl', on a shell and U tliupprared, Then she lst Iter )b Hungry and Urmg et irlion (roni be her r.H.iu i Mil omh hfirentn tirrl brtait-e t'l unpaid rent, she l4i rd at irmial polue t4iioit tor aid ek Nrg A, iiiiuiaif g4tf h" $J 4tid told her to return tomoirow if she didn't get a i'b and the olfire r would raise a fund (or her. Come One ! Come All ! Vote for Your Favorite Society and Win a Donation! Donations of $50.00, $35.00, $25.00 and $10.00 will be given to the Four Women's Organizations of Omaha and Council Bluffs who bring the most Members, Children and Friends to the plant of the Alamito Dairy during the month of May from the 1st to the 27th, inclusive, at 2 or 3 :30 o'clock or in the morning or evening by special appointment. This invi tation includes church societies, women's clubs, business and profes sional women's clubs, labor unions, parent-teacher associations, mothers circles, sewing and embroidery clubs, social clubs, card clubs, lodges, civic improvement leagues and all otherforms of women's organizations. Societies having over 100 members are requested to come in divisions on successive days, all being counted and credited. Officers of organiza tions which have adjourned for the summer are requested to get their members together by phone. Anyone may vote for any organization whether a member or not. Kindly notify the plant (Phone DO 0409) at least a day in advance that suitable arrangements may be made. Dairy refreshment served and free cartons of cottage cheese distrib uted. Miss Lutie E. Stearns of Wisconsin, who has endeared herself to the women of Omaha and Council Bluffs through her successive visits and who has been lecturing in the South and East during the past winter, will be with us to talk on "Two Wonders of the World." Reserve an afternoon at once and avoid disappointment later. Alamito Dairy Company Leavenworth and 26th Streets Pasteurized Milk Buttermilk Cream Phone DOuglas 0409 Butter BOWEN'S Value-Giving Store Spring Drapery Fabrics in the new patterns and colorings are being dis played this week at the H. R. Bowen Co. While this is one of the largest displays ever shown in Omaha, it is only in keeping with this store's policy of offering the latest and best at money-saving prices. - Here one finds Dam asks, Velours, Silks, Sun fast and Tubfast fabrics, Madras in plain arid fig ured, as well as printed Linens and Cretonnes. Exceptional curtain values, too, in Voiles and Marquisettes ; also imported Lace Curtains. This display will inter est you. Open a Credit Account With Um Bowen Howard St., bet. 13th and 16th Skin Tortured Babies Sleep Mothers Rest After Cuticura uMnaa: OlUtrlbrtIM.Dpt X.USMSl.ltMt. BULffiESr Hash Cones EVERYBODYS STORE Special Events f orThursday White Silk Skirts Unusually Low Priced a Ml F i as T TTTr MR 1 1 Without a doubt one of the greatest values of the May White Kale, 100 beautiful white aitk skirt, widely varied as to pattern and style. They are made of Crcpc ic Chine Ruihinario With stripes, checks, polka dots, and plaids, interwoven in satiny finish. These skirts are attractive for summer wear with blouse or sweater. Wonderful values. Sizes 27 to 36 wsist. Specially priced in our "May Sale" at 12.75. BurcasfNasfe Skirt Shop Third Floor 2400 Pillow Cases of Well Known Makes Each 30c Pillow Caaes of standard quality our "White Sale" feature offering for Thursday. In the lot are five cele brated makes each one known the country over for its splendid wearing qualities. Size $2x36 Size 45x36 A limit of 6 cases to each customer Utica Night hue Pequot Belfast Mohawk No C. O. D. Orders No Phona Order Burfce-Nth Second Floor Featuring Newest Attractive Gloves of Spring Footwear - Silk and Chamoisette pgmnrfi nr-saMaiwecisMiJaianwiaiaiiTPs lsg Sport Oxfords Pearl elk or srrfoked elk, with brown calf apron or saddle strap in oxford style. Made with rubber or leather sole and with rubWr heels. Priced $7.50 to $8.50 Fashions grow more ver satile in the matter of smart RDrine footwear. Individual, as never before. Footwear of unmistakable French or igin, subtly modifed to meet the exacting preference of fastidious women; and sturdy styles that are just the right note to accent the dashing style of the new sport cos tume. Flapper Pumps Satin or patent leather one and two-strap pumps that fasten with buckle or button. Made with round toe and flat heel, on a graceful, snug fitting last. - $8.50 to $10.00 Buriaaa-Naah Shoe Shop Mala Floor 2-Clasp Chamoisette AVhite; embroidered backs. Pair, SOc 12 and 16-Button In popular street colors. Pair, $1.75 Fancy Silk Gloves Of heavy silk, embroider ed backs, fancy tucked tops. Pair, $1.79 and $2.49 "Van Dyke" Gloves . Novelty silk gauntlets. Pair, $3.00 ' 2-Clasp Silk Gloves Of good heavy quality. Pair, $1.00 Burfees-Nash Main Floor 16-Button Chamoisette They launder perfectly. Pair, $2.25 2-Clasp Kayser Gloves In pongee, beaver and white Pair, 75c WMte IFaaitTuured m tin Mm9 Shop ( .... Pure Linen Handkerchiefs Broken lots of higher priced handkerchiefs. Linen and fine lawn, in self-striped patterns. 35c 3 for $1.00 Odd Lots Handkerchiefs "Pure linen handkerchiefs, made with narrow hem. Fine quality. In regulation size. Priced 25c . ' Men s White Shirts White oxford' cloth, in button down collar style. Ideal for sports and general summer wear. Priced $3.00 Irish Poplin Shirts A summer dress shirt of white mercerized Irish poplin, in button down collar style. Priced Each, $4.00 ' Night Shirts--Pajamas : ' '"Fruit of the Loom," "Universal," and other well known makes. All of finest white materials. $1.25 to $3.50 White Mercerized Hose The white lisle hose men prefer for summer wean. . Interwoven hose, priced, a pair, 40c. Themis brand hose, pair. 35c; 3 for $1.00. A Real Sale of Men's Athletic Union Suits Thrifty men will take advantage of this oppor tunity to stock up on sum mer underwear at the very beginning of the sea son. These are well-tailored garments, made of serviceable material, of fered at much less than the customary price for this quality undergarment. Priced, during the May White Sale, at, a suit 95c Silk Four-iii-Hand Ties Every fellow enjoys having a selection of smart, ties to lend variety to everyday clothes. This neckwear is so. reasonably priced that you can afford to gratify the desire. Good patterns in the preferred colors ' and combinations ties that are really worth much more. Priced , Each 35c Burgesi-Nash Main Floor Shaving Needs Gillette Safety Razor, 79c. Gem Safety Razor, 79c. Palm Olive Shaving Cream, 29c. Krank's Lather Krecm, 29e. L. Legrand's Face Lotion, 69. Burgeas-Naah Main Floor Kodak Time You will never again 1e able to get the same pictures. The pictures you take on week-end trips will be a source of joy and f satisfaction now and in later years. Our line of Kodaks is com plete in every detail. For your convenience we have installed a six-hour finishing service. Films left before 12 m. will be ready the same day ai 4 p. m. and films left before 4 p. m. will be ready at 12 m. the following Bur-ea-Nh Main Floor r t Thursday's Special Infants' Soft Sole Shoes Infants' soft sole shoes and ankle strap pumps in white and dainty color combinations. Some of these baby shoes have slight imperfections that in no way impair their wearing 'qual ities or the comfort of little feet. Sizes 0 to 4. In order that a greater number of mothers may secure these little shoes, we are limiting each customer to 3 pairs. V Priced 29ca Pair "1 CongoleumWeek May 1st to 6th Here's good news: - ' . All through this week a spe cial' showing of this popular floor covering at reduced prices.. Such an assortment of patterns and colorings you won't believe possible in Congoleum. Many new designs in the light shades. Vs. No Phona Calls. No. C. O. D.'s. No Mail Orders. Burf c-Ntb Downtair Store Prices: 6x9 $7.45 7.6 x 9.... $9.30 9x9..... $11.15 9 x 10.6.. $13.95 9x12 ....$14.95 All are rugs of standard make; every rug is waterproof; each rug carries a guarantee for service. Burfett-Naih Sixth Floor iThi8 Store does not use comparative prices they are misleading and often untrue i.