Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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jfr Expect Large Entry in Hastings Meetgtej
' ' day Iht carrtrr found a largt
Dcio Ritt Trnnhv larncnlier Says imports Boxb,, l , ,
Special Rifle Trophy
Event One of Features of
Track and Field Day
Kdward Weir of Superior and Letter Rhodes of
Ansley Will Battle for Honors-Kecorda Ex
pected to Tumble at Saturday Affair.
World's I nameta Herdler.
Htinci rollrce iiiirrchol.iic inert May 6 will lf I lie- Uigrtt tiak
irtfl in the history o( the institution. A inajurily of ill Nebraska adum!.
have icnl in tlirir cntrif. Tint college hat put forth firry effort tin
jrr in nuking the inert a tiurt anI nil imlitatinui point for a record
lay. A mimltrr of "prtp" sIkhj have fntrrnl tliia yrar along with the
uIIhmI hKh school of the t.
Some of the schools who have al-' 11 ' 1
trly rnt Ilirir names in are Lin
coin, Aurora, Crrie, AinIy, t'trand
Itl.uiil hiult tliKl. tienrva. tiiitl a
number 01 neighboring high schools.
SrecUl Trophy.
The special Rife trophy ha drawn
entries of (utl team lor each school
i t lit trophy will he a special honor
lor any high school to carry away.
Lincoln, tlay Center. Columbus.
Jl4itiiig. Au.ley and Superior will
each nuke irons hiU ''r the title.
Ivdwanl Weir of Superior, and Lei
ter t Khoades of Anslry, who tied
for individual honor lat week in the
t.rand Inland iutcrclio!at if. will
again battle for honor on Hansen
field, and with the Hasting track,
which is practically one of the best
trark in the atate now, records will
undoubtedly be in danger.
De Maranville, of Aurora, who fin
ished second in the national inter
scholastic meet in Chicago last June,
will be at his marks in the half
mile, and may work the mile-run al
so. Ureenslit of Hastings who took
second in the quarter-mile state meet
last year, will meet with competition
in the quarter-mile, but the Hastings'
racer may turn the trick.
Added Features.
With some exhibitions being held
in sprinting, racing and hurdling by
champion athletes that have been in
vited to Hastings, the meet wilt carry
an international air that will help all
high school athletes who can watch
the champion's perform.
Entertainment has been provided
for all athletes and coaches.
The meet will start at 2 p. m, and
w ith a good day all previous records
should be shattered.
Richie Mitchell and
Ever Hammer Matched
Milwaukee. Wis., May 1. Richie
Mitchell of Milwaukee, and Ever
Hammer of Chicago, have been
matched for a 10-round no decision
bout here on May 12, it was announced.
Five Leading Hitters
of Three Leagues
Western, league. "
" - - -. it AB. R. H. Pt.
Essl, Wlchlte K t 1 ' '
ElHh. 8I0UX City IS J5 2S
Manueh. omaha 11 l t J
Ksndler, tit. Joeph..U SJ 1J .41J
Lellvelt, Tulsa IT J T !t .JS
American lvalue.
, O. AB. It. H. Pot.
Rteoheneon. Cleveland. J S7 JJ -JJl
St.ler. 8t. Louis 17 SJ 3t .4JS
Speaker. Cleveland.... 15 (S3 11 ! .
Witt. New York 9 SI 8 1J .419
WlUlama. St. Loul...17 S3 18 SS 4H
National lau..
O. AB. K. H. Trt.
Smith. New York 27 IS .4SI
Kelly. Nw York IS JS .
OKarrell. Chlcafo....l J JJ
Maranvill. Plttsbh..lS 6S 15 27 .40
Diamond History
Made by Rookie
New York. May Z.-flatcball his
lory ye.terday again was adorned
by the work of a rookie pitcher
this time Harry Shriver. in his debut
for Brooklyn who played leading
role in the proceeding.
Shriver's pefformante fn blanking
the Chillies, i to 0, with three lonely
binglcs, excelled the debuts of Math
ewson, Johnton and other pitching
stars. The unique feature of the
game, however, was the fact that
I'ost, Dodger first sacker. had only
one putout, a catch of a line drive in
the ninth and no assists.
Qnly once before in the 46 years of
old National leaguer pastinnng has
this record been equaled. That was
August 30, 1916, when Bill Hinch
man of the Tirates had but one put
out, and that on the last man iu the
ninth in the second game of a double
header with Boston.
Jiggs Donahue, formerly of the
White Sox, holds the American
league record with no putout s and
only one assist, bark in 1906.
Rocky Kansas May Meet
Champion Leonard
Chicago, Mav 2. Rocky Kansas,
the Buffalo (N. Y.) lightweight, prob
ably will be Benny Leonard's op
ponent in the lightweight champion
ship 10-round contest to be 6taged
at Michigan City, Ind-, July 4, un
der the auspices of the American
Legion, Floyd Fitzsiinmons, the
matchmaker, announced today.
Failing to come to terms with
Charlie White, the Chicago light
weight, Fitzsiinmons left at noon
yesterday for Buffalo to sign Kan
sas. Kansas - has fought the titje
holder twice and Leonard failed to
stop him on both occasions.
Dempsey Turns Down $3,000
Offer for Match in Paris
Taris, May 2. Jack Dcmpseypri
or to his departure for Berlin,-refused
an offer of $3,000 for a three
round exhibition match in a Paris
ring, it has become known. While
this offer far exceeded any made
previously far such a brief appear
ance, the heavyweight champion's
answer was that it is useless to speak
of any amount less than $5,000.
A municipal councillor, who lat
er asked Dempsey to give an exhi
bition for charity, says he has re
ceived no answer to his communication.
1 : i
Tbo Qosldoa brins the
;v Alps to you and more
"In Variety of harmony and form, in affect against
,th dark blua sky, in breadth and grandeur I
know of no Mtarnal feature of the Alps that can .
compara with it," wrota Baard Tajror.
More generous than the Alps, the
Rockies welcome you with drier air
more energizing with more constant
sunshine. They entertain you with a
grander show of wild animals. Their
bighorn sheep leap as superbly as ever
chamois did. And the fair phlox .climbs
higher than does the edelweiss of the
land of Tell
Mile-high golf. Tennis with a mountain thrill.
Beckoning trails for horse-back rider or hiker.
Trout-filled streams. Ranches, camps, inns,
luxurious hotels.
See Denver's splendid mountain parks. Visit
Rocky Mountain National (Estes) Park. Then
go on to Salt Lake City and Yellowstone
National Park.
Fares Greatly Reduced
Roots trip only HtUa and
Wriul T at it a toll vnn haw reasonably von can make
Booklets "Colorado s Mountain Playgrounds' ana
"Rocky Mountain National (Estes) Park." Ttaay art
free. Yellowstone booklet, too, if you ask for it.
For Information, ask
Union Depot, Conaolidated Ticket Office, Dodje St,
. . Pbone Douglas i6t
A. K. Ciirti, City Pass. A rent. U. P. System.
1416 Dodge St., Omaha, Phone Douglas 4000
uirpcnucr aays
He Will Take on
Greli or Tunney
New York, Mar 2 Prospects of
fcorgr iarpenikr'l return to the
l iiiifd $utri this summer to defend
tight hravyaeiftht title hat enliv
ened mteie.t in 1 ha onlrt Mar 2i
between Harry Creh and Gene Tun.
nry. Amerce ligWt heavyweight
riiupoit, IihIi decide the
Frenchman's rhallrngftr.
Indicatiuiii that Carpeutier ft
anxiou to meet the wtmncr of the
(jrrb-Tunnry encouuter iett art con
tained in a cablt message received
from (jeorgrs by Matchmaker
f lmirnry of Madiaon plare Uar
den. Caipeutier't requeat for a propor
tion by cable was responded to by
Mourney, but the Garden promoter
did not reveal its details.
I'arpentier it now in training for a
match at London, May II, wilt? Ted
"Kid" Lewis, English champion in
several classes, and if victorious it
expected to plan a return to America
shortly afterwards.
Koth Creb and Tunney, Flourney
said, were ready to sign to meet Car
pen tier.
The date for the Greb-Tiinney
contest has been advanced from May
.'0 to May 2J, Matchmaker I'loumry
explaining it was done to give the
Garden additional time to prepare for
its swimming season.
Dave Shade Wins
Over Dennis O'Keefe
Kenosha. Wis., May 2. "Dave
Shade of San Francisco defeated
Dennis" O'Keefe of Chicago in a
10-round bout here tonight Shade
10-round bout here last night
Shade floored O'Keefe in the 10th
round and knocked him into the
ropet repeatedly in the last three
rounds. They were welterweights.
O. With first and second base oca
rd the bailer lined a abort (oul fly.
The umpire celled It aa Infield fir. de
clared Ihe bailer out. Pleese cite the
rule which governs this derlmn.
A. There te a rule governing the de
rUlon. It free ea error by the umpire.
The Infield fly play la glree on fear
ball only.
Q. A batted ball hit the pitcher and
bounded against the umpire's foot. Was
It right to rsll Ihe ball dead!
A. A'e. The bell la In pier la a can
of that kind. When the fielder first
tout-bee It the rule of "dead ball' does
not apply.
Q. A batted ball mould have gone erer
Ihe fence for a home run if a spectator
had not touched It. What would be the
right decision In that case?
A. Allow the home run. The specta
tor did not Interefere with fielder aad
Ihe batter should not be punished.
Q. It the fielder hsa one foot on foul
ground and the other foot on fair ground
and the ball seems to be en foul ground
when lie catchea It. how should the um
pire decide the plsy?
A. He aheald rail It m foul. The
position of the player has nothing to de
with It. The location of the baU con
trols the decision.
Q. Can a player throw his glove at
the ball without being removed- -from the
game "
A. There Is no Beaoftv or removal
from the game for throwing a glove at the
Bouts This Week
Tatar S Hake Merman naeJas, Vlaeeat
fspiMi Mania, it rwnassa, la ftm
ate a aaatrnr hahte naohaet KaaiBSf
Mager, 11 smmhss. ms N I era.
Me Midar aotllh noaiaeS tteaa
Saaros. It rwaS la nWetoa.
Mas twaaelr ngatnrt WUlie
lttanr. le r in stroaeln.
a a IwiH-e) aaotaa t ehy
I'ada-etl. It rsaaaa, ut tMwae.
s as nMraa Itoonrp atalM Jork
Stahnar, la r. In mi abeneaa.
M a re Naataser ageing tlod
S netMiana. It mmda. In tm Unert-
Met. t Honor rVnaai ncalnaf Tony Co
loini, le rati ad., la sew Verb,
Mae a -ft iNm utM4 SUly I'ryat,
It rooMe. in Sm bora.
Hit a aahaar I . e aaM( tow
Tmsdlee. IS raoade. In hew rk.
Mar Tumwy IjMurhran aaala.1 Jlnt.
of flaim, IS roooiaa. tn hrarua.
Mar S alky n.aKae aaawtat fraaai
rlraevn, le raoooa, tn t. Pa.
Mar eWMifca i.lkhoHa ogalo Mlht
It'rtanard, 1 msei, tn hew ark.
Mar e--IUrrr l.trh aaaloel Hugh Wat
bee, J miiaSi. to rntafcaraa.
Carpf nlirr Willing to
Meet Winner of Bout
New Yank, May 1. Georges Car
rentier mviy conic to the I'uited
States tli. summer to defend hit
world' light-heavy eight title
against tie winner of the Harry
Greb-Geue Tunney American cham
pionship bout, May 26, it was an
nounced tnrlay. lu a cahlc messsRe
to Frank Hourney, Madison Square
Garden matchmaker, the Trench
champion declared he was eager to
come here, and, providing that he
won his content with Ted "Kid"
Lew i. in I.ondon, May 11, surely
would do so.
- 1
two holes in it, which the owner may
have by calling and describing tame.
Washington Hocks was down to
the store a while tlu't morning,- and
after he got back home lie had to go
clear back at he forgot hit walking
stick, and he cannot get along w ith
out it.
Suit Flinders thought of a good
saying Tuesday. He sayt you can
lead a goose to water, but you can't
make him sink.
Faslist Finest TiHin
J. , . . . .nr-
leaves N W via short sea thip
Chicago rr nAvvts TO
m iiuinMH
For FulJ Information Reservations
Canadian Pacific Railway
. 140 Sctuk dark Srreei, near A4am$, Clieago
Thou J. Wall, Gm7 gf., Karaf tmsm. Deat
TllTI(ShfiafP(S9 fP!
11 viQaVv w iwvyiivo
$40,000 worth of high class Jewelry
will be offered tp the public at from
25 to 50 Reduction
Prices Slashed to the Give Away Point
The Ryan Jewelry Co. went into- the hands of
Trustees May 1st and the stock must
be sold regardless of cost.
This failure is your gain. ;
Appreciating the line of High Grade Jewelry
Mr. Ryan always carried, you cannot
, afford to pass this opportunity.
Sale Now On
Ryan Jewelry Co,
305 South 16th St., Omaha, Neb.
W. L. Randall, F. E. Masterson, Trustees
Anyone having repair work,
kindly call for same at once.
. C I GAR a,,
Q J? Mild .as a May Morning M
1 1 M
a VnKeaggE T t m
toe JyK3 clSx v
Sfte ft
ZNg y Rvt beautiful
I'M I siaat select hs oot
I that suits you beatl
i5t. I Ferf ectoa Flaot
-fi 10c
f Tavorhss
V'. 2 for 25c
fJUverssls Vnivertsb
I 15c
3 for 50C
est its mildness
tfest itsjragrance,
An uncommonly mild, fagi-int
dgv betuitirtifly mada.
1 Mocart Cgar b mdt by
Consolidated Csgaw Oiiiintatanai
New York
DistiBwitad bf
Omaba. Nab.
for this week
aanraa avasassnaw anssstSBWnw gau mm
.. Special Prica for Regular Retail
Sl" This Weak ; . " ' List Prica
323 $20.60 - $25.75
32x4 26.00 ; 32.50
33x4 . 26.80 ' 33.50
34x4 27.60 I . 34.50
v - i" .i .
32x4 . 33.52 41.90
33x4J 34.28 '2.85
34x4f ; 35.44 44.30
33x5 " ' 41.72 52.15
35x5 .4380 54.75
37x5 : '' 46.08 ' 57.60
Sprague Tire & Rubber Co.
Retail Service Department
There is a Spragua Service
4S09 So. 24th, South Side; MA 1404
S81S Center St.i WA 2187
2816 Leavenworth St.; HA 4482
3S27 Farnam St.; HA 4180
Slat and Underwood; WA 4846
at the Mill, 18th and Cuming
Station in your neighborhood
6116 Military Are., Benson; WA 42S3
4S1S No. 30th St.
6610 No. 30th St.; KE 0409
Florence; KE 0112
2109 Cuminf St.; JA 0840
For Free Road Service, Call ATlantic 3032