Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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    Meet 4i
State High School Track and Field Records Expected to Fall at Coming
Rhodes 0 Ansley Only.
Trackster Who Smashed
Record in Classic Last Year
Mark in 100-Yard Dash Established 17 Years Ago
by Burrus and Wildmaii Still Stands-
Medal Will Be Awarded Winners
at Annual Carnival.
Lincoln, My I, Semal bones of
ty i, emai wtt
others iut oi ordinary tyr.
and banners of ilk a be inscribed with color, await grouii. event and in
dividual champion in lite various arts of (rack and field, to be dc
irrmined at the annual state liiiih school champion. meet held by the
University of Nebraska here a week ftom next Saturday.
Medals and trophy for winner in
troduce an old story ta competitor
in Hate high school, intcrchoolttc
sport observers avrr, pointing out
the ambition for record rather than
individual icore. Kut one record was
broken in the meet lt year, how
ever, and a glance at the record ahert
discloses that most of those that now
Hand have held their placet for sev
eral yean.
Expect Large Entry List
As unfavorable weather condition
attended the meet last year, with
more school taking up track thii
year, and generally better condition
favoring all uad in the local and
district tryoutt pdeliminary to the
May 13 meet, sport criterion are
looking for some of the following
state record to be lifted:
ISTrt Lh 10 . conda, Purrue.
'. Lincoln: Wildman, '. York: Wnoo,
Omaha t'enlral. Ml: Holleteln, fttaninn.
'14: Nohl, Omaha Central, 'It; Motgen,
Tf.rk. MS
l:o.Trf D""! JJ ' tconiti. Bur
rue. Lincoln, '01.
, HO-Terd Puili it :; second. Hshn,
ran ruy 'jo.
IIO-Trd nun. 5 minute. J-l seconds
Oenrg. Franklin academy. 'I. ,
Mil Run. 4 minutes, 41 seconds. Men
ol. Lincoln. Ml,
170-Tard Low Hurdles. SS 4S seconds.
Oravee. Kearney Military acedeniy. 'I.
HOTard Hlh Hurdlra I 11 seconds.
U dish. Lincoln. 'II.
Polo Vault. U fel, S Inrhe. n nodes,
Ansley, ':!.
Hunnlng High Jump. S ft. 1 Inchra.
Wiley. York. .
Running Ilrnad Jump. 21 feet, tig
Inches Llebendnrfer, Pne City.
It-Pound Shot. 4S feel, 1 Inrhe.
Lute. Omaha Central, II.
Dlarua Throw. 12 feet. Hpperleln,
Beatrice. 'SO.
Half-Mlle Pclay 1 mlnutt. I i-t
onda. Omaha Oiilral. '11.
The record of the 100-yard dash,
for instance, has stood for 17 year
and remains a divided honor Bur
rus and Wildman hitting the tape to
gether in a triangular meeting fol
lowing the state attain It has been
equaled since by other sprinters.
Burrus, in that same year, set the
220-pace since unaltered..
Rhodes Holds Record.
. Rhodes of Ansley was the only
entrant in last year's meet, that was
able to change a record, raising the
standard in the pole vault.
:J There will be three distinct cham
pionships in this year's meet group
one, composed of schools having an
enrollment under 100 pupils; group
two, for those with an enrollment
: between 100 and 272, and group
three, eligible to schools with an en
rollment above 275. Four places
' are open to score in each event. Each
-school, can enter not more than
lour men in each event, but two can
i compete.
i Bronze medals 'will be awarded
, for first, second and third places in
each event. Special medals will be
awarded event champions setting up
the highest score, regardless of
groups. Silk banners will be award
i d each team that places first, sec
ond or third in the total points made
in each group. The special relay
banners will go to the team making
the best time.
Rocky Kansas May Meet
I Champion Leonard
i; Chicago, May 1. Rocky Kansas,
'the Buffalo (N. Y.) lightweight, prob
'ably will be Benny Leonard's op
ponent in the lightweight champion
ship 10-round contest to be staged
at Michigan City, Ind.. July 4. un
der the auspices of the American
-Legion, Floyd Fitzsimmons, ' the
'.matchmaker, announced today.
' Failing to come to terms with
Charlie White, : the Chicago light
weight. Fitzsimmons left at noon to-
' day for Buffalo to sign Kansas. Kan
sas has fought the titleholdcr twice
' and Leonard failed to stop him on
i both occasions.
J ; ' '
,-Tilden and Richards
Trim California Pair
1 Los Angeles, May L William T.
Tilden. 2d, world's tennis champion,
and Vincent Richards, his partner.
$ defeated William M. Johnston, of
i San Francisco, Pacific coats cham
? pion, and Harvey Snodgras, cham-
pion of Los Angeles, 6-3 and 8-6
here yesterday. "
V ,In a preliminary singles match,
Richards defeated Cliff Herd, Chi
cago city champion, 6-3 aad 6-1. ,
Golf le-cts
' Q In a. recent match my opponent In-
alated on moving a rock about aix inchea
back of his ball In the rough. At least
. ,ktr. of th. rook was burted under
Stl.o eurface. Do tha rule allow auch aa
fl.T ITnder tha condition mentioned th
rock wold ppear to havo naen '
and ao eould not be moved Bnder penalty
of loaa of the hole. The penally In medal
vlay l" two atroke.
7T ... ,iv me the Qualifications
for entering the amateur championship at
Brookllne. Mate.?
A. Placer snuat belonc to club that
; i. . f the I'. 8. I. A. and
' handicapped at four or leaa In hla district
or rltr aaaoriallon. Otherwise he mjr
enter by invitation by officials of the ti,
a a j.mes 1. standish. jr.
, ikr.m.uCr Club. Detroit. Mich., for fur-
- Q What year did Jim Barnes play In
"Bis firat national open cnamiMunaniy.
.H'hat wa hie score?
. ? A. 11S t tha Country elub of Bur
i. iri far 18th Place with Sll
Mack SaeDeraaott th championship
wtth jier wo b,, . r,p together
; . Tii.var in Dlaylnr his own bail
' movaa hi ODPORtnt'a ball, does ha tnour
penalty? nnnonent's hall la with.
I, . eiuh lencth. he baa m Haht to have
i ii.j Mrf ahmald do an to orevent mov
Inc H and mcurrlnt penalty In playing
bis turn.
r T. (here mr penalty for making
while your opponent's ball la. still in mo-
1 A. Tea. Vm of th hole In match play
WmA two itroke In medal pia.
iCopyrls-t, .ssa.)
01 neui, tome i ic.ii ucnEn,
yard of ribbon tumped with gold,
Hastings High Wins
Track and Field Meet
Grand laUud, Neb., Mai 1.
Tram honors in the invitation
high school track and field meet, Sat
urday at the Grand Island college,
were carried off by Hastings' 25 2-3
points. Superior was second with
2J 13 points, and Ansley third with
21 points. Aurora, York and Grand
Ulund came next in order with 16 2-J,
13 1-3 and 7 points. Kearney bringing
up the rear with only one-third of a
Individual lienors were split be
tween Wier of Superior and Rhodes
of Anslev, each with 20 counters. The
independent relay, not counting in
the total score, was won by Hastings.
The best time of the meet wa
made by Demaranville of Aurora in
the mile and a half races, when he
ran the quarter of a mile twice In twn
minutes and nine seconds, and circle J
the loop four times in five minutes,
five and four-fifths seconds. He hal
practically no competition in cither
of these two races.
Grecnslit of Hastings was the indi
vidual star of that team and aided
materially in totaling up its long end
of the score.
Although the time in the 220 and
440-yard dashes was not exceptional
ly fast, he managed to cop first place
ill each, thereby gaining 10 of the
total number of points won by Has
tings. One of the most hotly contested
events was the broad jump, in which
strong competition sprung up be
tween the two athletes who tied for
individual honors in the entire meet.
Weir finally won first place in this
event by leaping" through the air for
a distance of 21 feet, 2 1-2 inches,
while Rhodes' best jump was 20 feet,
10 inches. .
Good distance was gained with the
discus by Moore of Aurora, when he
sailed the plate 107 feet and 1-2 inch.
In case of a tie. of which there were
several throughout the meet, the
points were split and the flip of a
coin decided to whom the medal
should be awarded.
Kilbane to Confer
About Title Bout
New York, May 1. Johnny Kil
bane, featherweight champion, is ex
pected to appear, at Madison Square
Garden today to' confer with Match
maker Frank Flournoy. The two
gentlemen will discuss the prospect
of Kilbane defending his well hidden
crown at the Garden at an early
date. From what can be learned,
John is willing to climb through the
ropes and put his title in jeopardy
providing he receives his desired ton
of flesh.
The champion will, be offered a
match with the winner of the "Babe
Herman-"Pepper" Martin fight which
will take place Tuesday at the Gar
den., , , . "
Major League
Team Records
New York. April 30. The week's
record in each league of camcs.
played, won and lost, with runs, hits
and errors, men left on bases and
runs scored by opponents, including
games ot Saturday, is as follows:
, National League.
New York.,
Chicago ...
St. I.ouls . ,
Pittsburgh .
New York ,
St. I.ouls ..,
xChlcago . . .
Boston . . . . .
Detroit ....
t Chicago and Cleveland
S to t. Friday.
Q. Th ball roll nut, then In, then out
and then In again on Ita way between
tha bat and third base. The umpire
changed his decision twice. Had he a
right to do to 7
A. Yea. Ha wa virtually compelled
to change his decision so that' he might
give that which waa right. Me should
have not been too hasty In giving th
first decision.
Q. A slow bsll was tossed to tne bats
man by th pitcher amd the latter made
no motion to get out of the way. The
bail hit him and the umpire refused to
permit him to go to first. Is that within
the rules?
A. It la. Bead Bui SS, Section 4, which
provide for that emergency.
Q. The moment that th ball touched
the hands of the outfielder the runner
started for the plate. The outfielder push
ed the ball away from him by accident
but another outfielder caught it. The
umpire ruled that the run did not score
because the runner left third base before
the ball was caught. Was he right?
A. No. The rule reads plainly, since
amended, that the runner may leav hi
base the moment the hall touches th
handa of an outfielder. Th change waa
mad to provide for exactly each a con
dition a I outlined la th query.
Q. May a pitcher wear a catcher's
A. Ha may not. Th pitcher la th
an me aa a fielder except as to throwing
the ball to the batter.
Q. The batsman bunts and at the asm
time that he meets the ball he steps
toward first bssa and his foot la out of
the batter's box, but . he keeps right on
running to first base. Is he out?
A. Impirea almost invariably refuse to
call th batter out beraua he la making
a running play aad It h hard to tell just
when his bat cam lat contact with th
..7 S I 68' 2 6 3 21
.. 4 3 24 65 8 61 S7
,.l I I 10 I! 1 II II
,. S 4 34 S 7 51 27
..7 4 3 47 8.1 10 62 35
. 8 ("II SI IS 44 3
.. 3 3 28 60 13 43 37
..6 1 I li II 8 49 61
American I,ue.
4 i it 65 I 12 II
.. 1 4 25 68 62 31
..6 S 1 24 66 3 43 17
..6 8 9 84 63 3 42 26
..7 5 2 62 84 S 65 28
.6 2 4 24 62 13 40 .40
...6 1 4 17 48 11 42 48
... 2 4 17 48 6 45 27
a tie.
Swings Mean
Albert Finkel. Central Hich
school tennis player, li out to add
more tennis honors to his list this
season. During his freshman year
at Central, young Finkel made a
first-year record that put him in
the tennis limelight
During his first year at Central,
Finkel trimmed Wilmer Beerkle in
the finals of the school tennis
Joie Ray, Omaha Visitor, Says
He Was Out of Shape in
Race Against Kansas Marvel
Joie Ray, who is visiting his
cousin. Cy Wilkes, treasurer of the
Orpheum theater, declared yesterday
that he was completely off form Sat
urday in his special mile race with
Kay Watson, Kansas Aggie star,
which was staged as a feature event
of the Drake relays.
Ray declared it was the poorest
race he has run this year.
He was loud in his praise of the
Ray is the holder of seven world's
running records and his defeat by
the Kansas Aggie . undergraduate
was a big upset.
He was expected to negotiate the
distance in less than 4:20, while he
came in several yards behind Wat
son, whose time was 4:24.
Ray will remain in Omaha until
Friday, when he will run an exhibi
tion race in the ShenaYidoah trian
gular track meet at Shenandoah Fri
day. He also will act as starter.
Sam Langford Barred
From Nebraska Rings
Lincoln, May 1. (Special .Tele-
?;ram.) Sam Langford, Boston
ighter, has been barred from the
glove game in Nebraska, according
to Secretary of Public Welfare H. H.
Antles. Langford was suspended i
Louisiana when he refused to go into
a bout at New Orleans after the gate
receipts failed to come up to expecta
tions. In accordance with the nation
al boxing association understanding.
Langford will be barred in Nebraska
until he is again licensed in Louis
iana. .',
Oxford-Cambridge Team t
Wins Lacrosse Trophy
New York, May 1. Although de
feated, 6 to 1, by the Crescent Ath
letic club yesterday in Brooklyn, the
Oxford-Cambridge lacrosse team
will carry back to England the in
ternational lacrosse cup, the first
trophy offered as an incentive to
overseas competition in what orig
inally was an American Indian
game. ' "
Wilder Passes Griffin
"Red" Wilder, Buffalo catcher,
forged ahead of "Pug" Griffin in
their race for home run honors
Sunday when he clouted out his
third homer of the season in the
seventh inning of the first game.
Fred Manush, Buffalo center,
fielder, has four homers to date,
while "Babe" Herman has two.
-5 :
Tennis Racquet
tourney. Soon after that he con
quered a classy field in the Kounue
park municipal tennis tournament
Finkel ended the season by win
ning over Leslie Swenson for the
junior open state championship.
The central racquet wielder is
competing in the school tourna-""
ment this season and is feared by
all his competitors.
Columbus Track
Team Wins Meet
Osceola. Neb., May 1. (Spe
cial.) The 1922 track meet for the
high school teams of Osceola, Col
umbus, Seward and Central City was
held on the Osceola grounds Friday
afternoon, a large number of vis
itors from the towns named being
present to witness the contests.
Columbus contestants carried off
the first prize, having a total score
of 72 points. Osceola business men
have contributed to the purchase of
a loving cup and as soon as appro
priately engraved the same will be
preseniea to ine victorious school
Second place was won by Seward
with a total of 23 points, while third
place was secured by Osceola with
a total of 22 points. Central City
was awarded fourth place.
The star of othe meet was Ben
Triba, a Columbus student, who for
merly was a member of the Osce
ola high school team, and whose
home is in this county. He secured
24 of the points for Columbus and is
surely a star athletic performer.
Medals were given winners of first
and second places. '
Scottsbluif Wins
Track Meet, 62-55
Scottsbluff, Neb., May 1. Al
though Frank Dailey of Alliance
was individual star, Scottsbluff High
won Saturday's meet, 62 to 55.
100-yard dash: Bally; Alliance, first;
Beall, Alliance, second; Wyatt, Scotts
blutf, third. Time: 0:11.
Mil run: Strong, Alliance, first: Kll
llana, . Alliance, aecond; Brosser, Scotts
bluff, third. Time: S:27 J-6.
820-yard dash: Dally, Alliance, first;
call, Alliance, second; Wlatt, Scotts
bluff, third. Time: 0:833-5.
440-yard dash: Beall. Alliance, first;
Wyatt, Scottsbluff. second ; Strong, Al
liance, third. Time: 0:68. ...
810-yard run: Strong, Alliance, first;
Chambers, Scottabluff, second; Ireland,
Scottsbluff, third. Time: 8:213-5.
Pole vault: Humblrd, Scottsbluff. first;
Chrleman, Scottsbluff, second; Dally, Al
liance, third. Height: S feet.
Shot put: Pickett, Scottabluff, first;
Bloknelt, Alliance, second; Scbrlsman.
Scottsbluff, third. Distance: 34 lest,
'"discuss Pickett, Scottsbluff, first;
Chrlsman, Scottsbluff, second; Blcknell,
Scottsbluff, third. Distance: 105 feet, 2
Inchts. t ' t,
Javelin throw: Roland. Scottsbluff,
first; Chrlsman, Soottsbluff, second;
Fowler, Alliance, third. Distance; 130 feet
6 Inches. ...
Hleh hurdles: Dally, Alliance, first;
Wyatt, Soottsbluff, second ; Fowler, Al
liance, third. Tim: 0:17 4-5.
Running broad Jump: Wyatt, Scotts
bluff, first: Roland, Scottsbluff, second;
Kllllan, Alliance, third. Distance: 18 test
1 3-4 Inches. . -
Running high Jump: Chrlsman, Scotts
bluff, and Blcknell, Alllanoe. tie for first;
Wyatt, Scottsbluff, third. Height: 5 feat
220-yard low hurdles: Wyatt, Scotts
bluff, first; Dally. Alliance, second; Pick
ett, Scottsbluff. third. Time: 0:28.
Scott Performs in
848th Straight Game
.' Omaha Bee Leased Wire.
New York, May 1. By playing
in yesterday's game against his for
mer teammates, the Boston Red Sox,
at the Polo grounds, Everett Scott
completed his 838th consecutive
game a record that surpasses the
best previous mark ever made in the
major leagues by 271 contests.
The Yankees' short stop started
his streak in 1916 while with the
Red Sox. He has not missed a game
since that time. .
Glenwood Cracks Baseball
Season With a Victory
Glenwood, la., May 1. (Special.)
Glenwood High opened the base
ball season here yesterday, defeating
Oakland 9 to 0. Bishop of Glenwood
umpired. Score by innings:
Oakland 000 000 0011
Glenwood .'...340 200 000-9
Batteries: Oakland, Thompson,
Hatch and Rounds; Glenwood,
Standiford and Hanks. k
Red Sox Garner
Three Straight
From Yankees
Ferguson lIoM American
League Champions to Four
Hits Mays Pounded in
. Early Innings.
New York, May 1. The Boston
Americans won their third consecu
tive game fromWew York here to
day, 5 to 2. Mays was hit hard in
the early innings, while Fergunon, re
leased by New York to Button last
winter, held the American league
champions to four hits. It was bis
second victory of the series, bcorf.
ah n o. a I an. m a a.
Uihnld rf
rwr. in
Trait. ?li
bmna. rf
Msrtli. If
Mures, lb
4 i t win. rt a s i
4 I teener. If I I I I
a i
i i
S SKUIf, rf
4 ru. in
f W'srd. J
4 I aHl.
Huel. a
a Hrhtnt a
9 3.
i li n "si
Msta a
31 4 a V
Vara br Innlnts:
Woaion t 1 I S 1-S
New York 0 t S 1 S I S
nummary nun! UeuoM. BmHti.
O'Rourke, Harrla CI. Piep. K. hin. Er
rors: Nona. Two-ba.e hue: l.lebold, oti.
Horn run: llama. Mtolen llama,
(hanf ftecririre till s Pratt. Pauhle
play: Raker.Wert-PItp. l.efl on haaea:
New York. S; Hoslnn, 4. Hae 'H balls:
oft Pera-uson. 4: off Slays. 1. birok out:
Hy Maya. 1; by fertuson. S. tmpireal
Owens, Chill and Walsh. Tune! l:it,
While Bos, Si Titer, t,
Detroit. llch.. )lay I. ChleafO defeated
Detroit. S to . today, msklnc a rlean
sweep of th fnur-aem rlee. Th WhU
Box oulhlt th Titer and also profiled
materially by th local' errors, liodi
an taken nut In th ninth Iniilnf, when
he walked the drat two men to far him.
and Rueaell ewreeded In holding lelrolt
sooreles. Score:
J D.i l U. H.U. A.
Tnhnwr,. is S S
If lh
Slet'ltllin. Jo !
O'Cuithaw, !b
i Cobb, cf
f Veai-h. If
0 Hlmnn, rf
Hooper, rf
t t
I 17
1 t
S l
Mnatll. If
Kill. If
St runs, rf
Hhrelr, lb
hslk. a
Hle. p
Biuvell. P
Jtmes. 3b
S' Rtgner. as
II W.KXllll. e
3' Cole, p
01 Itsuu. p
41 II "J It "llsuey
I Totils
Bulled for T)suss In ninth.
so s :r it
Ran for Bassler in ninth.
Chlrsta 1 J 1 1 0 I) 0 0 S
Detroit 0 1 0 I I 0 I 0 S
Bummsry Runs: Johnson (-). McClel
lan. Mnstll, gtrunk, Sheeljr, Blue C). Cut
ahaw, Veach, Hellmann. Krrors: Hodge,
Blue, Hellmann, Rltnsy 2). Woodsll. Two
bane bit: fitrunk, McClellan. Hooper,
Jonea. Three.baa hits: Kheely. Cobb,
"tolen basca: Mostll, Schalk, Johnson.
Double plays: Rltney Cutshaw - Blue,
Sheely-Johnson-Sheely, Johnson - Colllna
Bheely, Hodt e-Shealy-Schalk. Left en
basea: Chlcnfo, 14; Detroit, 7. Base on
balls: Off Hodfe. I; off Cole, Si off Dauaa,
S. struck out: By Russell, 1; by Dauaa,
S. lilts: Off Hodfe: 8 In S Innlnce (none
out In ninth): off Russell, none In 1 In
nlnt ;ofr Col, I in 4 Inninits: off Pause,
4 In S Innlnts. Hit by pitched bail: Sheely,
by Dauaa. Balk: Hodge. Cole. Winning
Pitcher: Hodte. Losing- pitcher: Cole.
Umpires: Evans and Nallln. , Time: 2:00.
Athletic Trim Senators.
Philadelphia. May 1. Home run by
Walker and Dykes aided Harrla in sub
duing Wsshlngton for th aecond straight
victory of the series by th score of S to
S. Harrla allowed but eight acattered
hits and in addition contributed two safe
ties. Score: . ,
AB. H.O. A.
S i 0 2
Smith. If
9 I 1 01 Toung. 2b
S 1 I 21 Johnston, lb
II 3 1 01 Walker. If .
4 1 14 01 Perkins, o
4 0 1 01 MoGowan. cf
2 12 4IWrlcb. rf
4 12S! Tlvkes. 3b .
a. Harris, 2b
Hire, cf
Judre. lb
Browerr rf
Perklnp'gh, li
Gherritr, o
Kuih. 3b
Rhsnka, Sb
RrlckMn. p
Rrtllheirt. p
4 2 11
5 S 4
2 1 B
1 2
4 0 2
4 2 0
8 2 2
4 2 0
0 Gsllowir. it
B. Hsrrll, p
S3 14 27 10
Totals . SS 8 23 151
Galloway out. hit by batted ball.
Batted for Shanka In ninth.
Batted for Brlllheart in ninth.
Washington 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 3 S
Philadelphia 02112101 x I
Summary Runs: Smith. 8. Harris. Peck
tnpaugh, Gharrlty, Ooslin, Johnston,
Walker (2), Dykes (2), Galloway (2), B.
Harrla. Errors: Rice. Gharrity. Dykes,
Galloway, B. Harris. Two-base btts: Gal
loway (2), Rica. Horn runs: Gharrlty,
Walker, Dykes. Stolen base: McGowan.
Sacrifice hlta: Pecktnpaugh, McGowan,
Johnston. Double playa: Gharrity-Judge,
Gharrlty-Pecklnpaugh. Left on bases:
Washington, ; Philadelphia. T. Base on.
balls: Off B. Harris. 4; off Erlcksnn. S) aft
Brlllheart, 1. Struck ut: By Harris. E
by Erickson, 1. Hits: Off Erlckson, 12 In
5 1-3 Innings: off Brlllheart. 2 in 2 2-J
Innlnts. .Losing pitcher: Erickson. Um
pires: Wilson and Connelly. Time: 2:16.
' Browns, 13; Indians, 2.
St. Louis, May 1. The Browns moved
Into first place in the American leagu
pennant race today, winning their fourth
atralght tame from Cleveland, 13 to 3,
while New York waa being defeated by
Boston. Th Browns won by pounding
three pitchers for 16 safeties, including
three doubles, two triples and a horn
run by McManus. Kolp pitched a strong
tame. The score
AD. H.O. A.l
AR. H. O. A.
.Tm!e,, If 4 14
W'bwim, 2b 4 1 2
Orsney, cf 3 14
OIToiitn. rf
1 2
1 S
lIKIlerbe. 3b
HSInler. lb
"I Wllllimi, If
3! .Tlrohimn, cf
I Hevpreld, o
Olflerher. M
IIMrManui, 2b
0! Kolp. p
JI Totali .
3 10
1 S
3 2
3 4
2 0
1 3
1 0
Mcinnis, id 4 1 in
Sswell. ss 4 11
Gardner. 3b 4 4 0
Wood, rf 4 0 2
O'Neill, e 1, 0 0
"hlnault, 0 3 0 1
TTnle. p inn
Lindsay, p 1 0 0 2 Totals SS 1 27 10
potti. p o o o
Guilts 10 0
Tolsll 34 24 li
Batted for Lindsay in eighth. '
Score by Innings:
Cleveland 0 0 0 1 0 1 0002
St. Loui 0 2 S 0 0 0 2 3 x IS
' Summary Runs:- .Tamleson, Sewell, El
lerbe. Slsler (2), Williams (2). Jacobson
(3). Severeld (2), Gerber. MoManus (2).
Errors: Graney. Gardner. Gerber. Two
base hits: Severeld (2). Ellerbe. Three
base hits: Slsler. Jarobsen, Jamleson.
Home run: McManus. Stolen bases: Gard
ner, Slsler. Williams. Sacrifice hits: Mc
Manus, Kolp (2), .Taoobson. Double playa:
Kllerhe-MoManiis-Slsler (2). Left on bases:
Cleveland, : St. Louis. 7. Base on balls:
Off Kolp. 1; off Uhle. 1; off Lindsay, 1.
Struck out: By Kolp. 3; by Lindsay, 1.
Hits: Off Uhle. Tin 2 1-3 Innings: off
Lindsay. S In 4 2-3 Innings; off Potta. 4
in 1 inning. Hit by pitched ball: Wll
Hums. by Uhle: McManus, by Lindsay.
Umpires: Dlneen. Mariarity and Hllde
brand. Losing pitcher: Uhle. Time: 1:40.
Triangular Track Meet
Scheduled for Lincoln
Lincoln, May 1. (Special Tele
gram.) Lincoln University Place
and Wilber clash Tuesday afternoon
in a triangular track meet at the
University of Nebraska field. Lin
coln has a strong squad as have the
Saline county champions and the
young Methodists. The meet was to
have been held Saturday, May 6, but
was set forward "four days in order
to allow1 Lincoln and University
Place to enter men inthe Hastings
college invitation meet Saturday.
Pittsburgh Central "Y"
Wins Volley Ball Title
New York, May 1. Pittsburgh
Central Y. M. C. A. had toniglit won
the first national volley ball cham
pionship in the finals of a two-day
tournament held at the : Brooklyn
Central Y, M. C. A. Twenty-four
teams, representing all parts of the
country, competed, and Canada was
represented by a. team from Toronto.
ea Standings
WtTel laVtMK.
w, w L
m I .set TVm t I
Mvfciis II i .!tee S II
tu. m II I ' auaut S II
tew tiU f I ' K-" I li
Veeleraat IUmiII,
tea alulae, St Tale. I
I j oklehMiM ' ''y, I.
Mlehua al Itwaaa teaial,
ku JtiU at aiuui -ny trsial,
Td'g liaau.
Wlrhlia al OaMika.
oklarwiu my al Uenter,
bl Ju-tB al Cl.
ill at le Meiaee.
iriONl. LMblC
w tv m vr, u
Srm Vrk It I HI )ra.4ln f l
(kl4 II i .I'l l'kldlil t l
K Uall S f All IHv.usU S II
rulta S ( .Siw.keMoa I II
leeterwaf' Keeull.
New Tork, H: Woetan. S.
Hiokln. S; rhnedel.hi, , ,
I'lliebvtgli. tl Cincinnati, f,
.S oilier ssiua acfceduitd.
Tatfay'a tiaaH.
New Tork at lloeian.
I'llKbuifk at Ciaiiiiiiatl.
No ei her lame huuld.
w. i. r- i w. u
II S ,t ilmlsad f
II ,I7 Mediinii t
,eno l'Sili.t.1,44 f t
t S .teLlieirwi I I)
t. twill
hew lull
irdar Heeall.
eton. It Near York. X
Philadelphia, Si e.hlngton, I.
I'hKsgo, Si Deiroit. S.
Bt. Louis, lit Cleveland, t.
Today' (.am,
rieveland at Chlo. H
XVaehlntlon at Philadelphia.
Honun at New Tork.
bu Loui al IMtrou.
w. f. pvt. w, U
Ind'niitel l t .J" fMilttllle r
I'oiumbui le t .tii hsiuss flty T 1
Mlnneernllt S ( .too' Ml. rlU S T
Ullaauae S 1 .OUToleue t 12
Yesterday' Result.
Minneapolis. I0 Indianapolis, T.
Columbus. ; Kanees city, .
MllsuKee, II; Toledo, 1.
St. I'aul. I; Louisville. 1.
Today's ('mes.
N (aniei scheduled.
Amwlraa. Aeeoclalloo.
r R. H. B.
Toledo in li
Mllwauke I!. .. "I.ll 14 l
Dstteiire Bedlenl, M.-Cullouih. Psrks.
plard and Kocher; Lingrel, Rose, Big
bee and Slyatt.
Mlnneapolia, May I. ' R. H. K.
Indlanapolia , J 14 4
Minneapolis ; jj (
Batterlea Hill. Bartlett and Krueger;
u?' 'nllwood. McOraw and Slayer.
St. Paul. Slay I. r. h. e.
Ijjulsvllie ,,,, t t 1
Bt- P" t IS 2
AIIV"rlC, Kb W,trJ M,lr,l,l
Kansas City, May 1. R. Jf. E.
Tolumbus SSS
Kansas Clly ., a 1
Batteries Northrop and Hartley; Car
ter and McCarty.
HoYuthern Association.
Little Rock, 2; at New Orleans. S.
Atlanta. 4; at Nashville, 0.
Birmingham, 2; at Memphis, 3.
Chattanooga. 4; at Mobile. 10.
Four Guns Tied
for First Place
Good scores were chalked up Sun
day . at the regular Sunday trophy
shoot at the Omaha Gun traps.
Ift the Kingsley trophy shoot at
25 targets, the feature event of the
afternoon, Pete Simpson, Moore,
Geilus and Ragan planed high with
24 breaks, while Gaucr, Talcott, L. J.
Ruff, Marshall, Furry and Kingsley
each shattered 23 clay "birds."
In the McQuillan shoot, "Pete
Simpson and N. Updike turned in
perfect cards, each breaking 25 tar
gets. Gauer, L. J. Ruf, Moore, W.
McCaffrey, Mrs. Edmiston and Ray
Kingsley each scored 24 hits..
F. McCaffrey and Beard tied for
first place in the Noyes-Moore slid
ing handicap shoot with 24 hits each
out of 25 chances.
The McDonald-Kingsley doubles
trophy ' shoot high score belongs to
N. Updike, who registered 23 tar
Rets out of the 12 pairs that were
thrown from the traps.
Bears Rally and Chase
Indians Out of Victory
Denver Hammers Carter for Seven
Hits and Win Opener By
7 to 3 Score.
D6nvcr, Colo., May 1. Denver ral
lied in' the seventh after Oklahoma
City had tied the score in the first
half, and a downpour of rain halted
the game for 20 minutes, hammered
Carter for seven hits and won the
series opener, 7 to 3. The . Indians
started a batting bee in the seventh
also, but it collapsed when Wetzel
tightened after allowing four hits.
Score: ' .
.H. O. a.l
AB. Tf. O. A.
Pitt, rf
T. Long, rf
1 1
1,s8ftlle. si
Mlddleton, If
Bates, lb
MiMtr. 2b
Heatiy. o f
Tate. 3b
J. Long, o
Carter, p
Fliber :
1 0
1 1
0 IS
0 3
1 3
1 0
1 1
o o
Hprsiiser, as
fihanley, lb
Gomes, cf
Patterson, 3b
WrlrM. Sh
Wlndle, if
Spencer, o
Wetiel. p
9 1
1 S
S 1
S 1
W 13 J7 21
Totals 84 S 24 13
Battedfor Carter In ninth.
Score by Innings:
Oklahoma City 1 0 0 0 0 1 1.0
Denver ...! 0 0 0 0 1 S 0 x 7
' Summary Runs: Pitt, LaSalle, Heatley,
Epranger -) Bhanley, Gomes (I), Spencer,
Wetzel. Errors: . Tate. Long. Carter,
(2). Earned runa: Oklahoma City, 1;
Denver, 6. Two-baa hlta: Spranger, Tate,
J. . Long. Three-baa hit: Springer.
Passed ball: J. Long. Sacrifice hit: T.
Long. Struck out: By Wetxel, 1; by Car
ter. 3. Base on balls: Off WeUel, 3; oft
Carter. 2. Double play: Wrttht-Spranter-Shanley.
Wild pitch! Wetael. Lett on
bases: Denver, (: Oklahoma City. S. Um
pires: Fltzpatrlck and BurnslBe. Timet
Huperior Arrange r liimt.
Superior, Neb., May l.-MSpecial.) Tho
Superior baaebsll team has secured a gamo
with the Fairbury atnte league team for
next Sunday, May 7th. Superior'a team
has panned out even better than expected
and they feel confident of winning this
Republican City Wins.
Repnbllcan City, Neb , May 1. Special )
Republican City opened the baseball sea
son with a win over Ragan, 4 to 0. Houts
for Republican struck out 14; Batiste for
Ragan, 10. Houtx allowed four hits and
batiste seven. Republican City wanta
Sunday games after May 7.
Mnrls No-Illt, Jio-Kun Came.
St. Paul. Neb. May 1. (Special. )-Dan-netrog
defeated Farwell here Sunday, 9
to 0. in the opening game of the Sherman
and Howard county league. Pitcher K.lpp
pitched a no-hit. no-run game. Only 2
men came to bat. on man reechlng ftrat
on error by shortstop. Batteries: Dsnne
brog, Kipp and Lowry: Farwell, UcMlncs
and Burke. Kipp fanned 17 men.
Picking on Babe
."SaaeJi:.N it
Unite .uur i-uae iviiui is un the
hciii-li fur iiuubordiiutiun, Kenneth
Williams, tit, Lqui Hrowiis, is steal
ing his thunder.
Wagner's Home Run in
Eleventh Defeats Tulsa
Moines Boosters Beat Oiler
in First Came of Series,
3 to 2.
Des Moines. la,, .Nfay I. Wag't home run in the 1 1th inning
Rave Des Moines a 3 to 2 victory
over Tula in the opening game of
the series today. Every run of the
game was scored on four-bate hit.
Bennett, Lamb and Horan. in addi
tion to Wagner, being credited with
homers. Manager Dick Breen of Des
Moines and Pitcher George Boehler
of Tulsa engaged in a fight on the
visitors' bench in the 11th frame.
1101 St.
AH. H.O. A.
ah. n ti. a i
Kennett. If
til Turgmn. ftg
4 'Mils. If
Mnrin. rf
0' Rrrnl. rf
l um. lb
J1 Vuiia. Ih
S' (Irani. 3b
1 1 Binner.
S Cullop. p
8 I 8 S
Hie-art. Ib
I '!. rf
Ulltelt, Ib
I s
I 1
I s
S 11
irnh. rr
Thnnipann. Ib 4 4
Vtmhf. 3
ftlcluoood, p I
T"!iis 31 S 31 13 Totals
33 II
Two out when winning run scored
Renr bv Innings:
Tuisa i tsestsese o ij
vra aioinea ivvvvo 01 J
Summary Runa: Bennett. Itnb. Tur.
geon. Horan. Wagner. Errors: Bennett.
Wagner. Horn runs: Bennett, Lamb,
Horan, Wagner. Two-baa hlls: Banner.
Horan. fiacrlflc htia: McOlnnls, Horan.
Stolen basea: Lamb. Thompson, Grant.
Left on bases: Tulsa. S: Dee Moines. IS,
Struck out: By Cullop. T; by Richmond.
. Base on balls: Off Cullop. 4: off Rich
mond. 10. Karned run: Tulaa, t: He
Molnce. 2. Umpire: Anderson snd Dono
hue. Tim: 1:67.
Lincoln State League
Manager Releases Men
Lincoln. May 1. (Special Tele
gramsFirst Baseman Jones and
Outfielder Gabriel have been released
by Manager (Buck) Beltzcr of the
Lincoln State league club. Gabriel
will try out with the Beatrice Blues
or go to Exeter to play a semi-pro
Homer Black of Maryville, Mo., an
outfielder, is in Lincoln for a tryout
with the "Bucks." Black is a good
hitter and a fast fielder. Manager
Beltzer is at present confronted with
the problem whether to keep Ray
Schutt or "Flip" Orr at the short
stop position. Both men are show
ing a lot of speed and some excellent
fielding. ,
Wesleyan Ball Club .
,to Play Iowa Teams
Lincoln. May 1. (Special Tele
gram.) The ( Wesleyan University
baseball team' left Monday fop Iowa,
where the team will make a week's
trip, playing several games. The
games will be in a series of two with
Morningside, one with Western
Union and one with Des Moines uni
The Morningside games are to be
played Monday and Tuesday, the
Western Union game Wednesday
and the Des Moines game is Satur
day. Capt. Maloney, Ilinmaii, Wal
worth, Donahoe, Hughes, Stone,
Gembler, Yetter, Morgan and Kirk
are making the trip with Coach R. B.
Five Leading Hitter 8
' of Three Leagues
Western League.
O. AB, R.
East, Wichita IS 62 14
Blah. Sioux City II . 08 15
Manush, Omaha 17 71 23
Lellvelt, Tulaa IS 62 7
Kandler, St. Joseph.. 11 ,34 6
American League,
. ' o. ab. n.
Stephenson, Clevel'd.. 8 27 S
Witt. New York 8 28 8
Slslor, St. Louis 16 64 21
Williams, St. Louis. ..16 69 14
Speaker, Cleveland.. . .15 62, 11
National League.
Kelly, New York. ....15 66 14
Walker. Philadelphia.. 11 42 S
O'Farrel. Chicago ....13 28 7
Maranville, Plttsb'gh.16 61 14
Tlerney, Pittsburgh. . .14 SS S
H. Pet.
30 .484
29 .426
30 .423
24 .419
14 .412
If. Pet.
13 .481
13 .464
28 438
25 .424
2 .420
H. Pet.
28 .464
18 .429
12 .429
3 .426
15 .417
Baseball Dope
Western League.
MM. ' . . ,
8. R.
M. T. W. WK. T. F.
Omsha. x .. ,,
Tulsa 2 ., ..
Sioux City x .. , '' "
Denver 7 .... ., " "
Des Moines 3 '., ., .. V "
Wlohlta x .. .. ,, ".
St. Joseph x " "'
01la. City 3 .. .. ., .',
Wtf. T.
S. R.
Brooklyn 2
Phlladel. 0
New Tork 10
T. W.
St. Louis
M. T. W.
I) . .
11 .. ..
9 .. ..
2 .. ..
2 ..' ..
WK. T.
i. a.
St. Louis
New York
6 .. ..
1 .. ..
4 .. ..
W. WK. T. F.
8. H.
Kens. City 0
Mil va'kee 11
Indlanap'la 7
Louisville 2
Minneap'a 10
Bt. Pul H
Toledo l'l
Columbus 3
-No came.
! Rookie Blanks
Phillies in First
Came for Docker
limy Sliriver H1J rhilaW
phi National to Three
Hit. Final Score Two
to Nothing.
IWUyn. May 1. Harry Shrlver,
rrvikie . iti her from Si'iiw. Mich,
bUnkeij the Phillies today. 2 to 0,
in his tnst suit for Brookljii,
Mtriicr f.unrd nine, IW, Dodgrr
first sarkrr. bad only one puloul, a
catch of a line drive, while the bmut
team registered vtily (our isistt,
The score:
An a u A '
a H.ih m
4 S I
4 11
wane,, if
Miiium. rf
l'4m,lK Ik
T t,rittita, tf
kMi. ir
4, Uimi. rt
4 Pmi. Ik
? liue ?
' Munll, t
t Kirliw. a
ri'th.M. b
Utile. Ib
U. aauta. s
t II
rr tt
. by innli gi: . . . . .
Philadelphia S S J
Ur.ala J S S -J
aummary Run' High. Jeheatna. i'r'
core' Williams. Ilenlltie. Hiolen ke-eet
Walker. John. ion T. Orlfflth rrtir
hit: Hlirlter. lout.l plays: Leelie-Henlin'
Hft. I'arklneun-I Mile Left On sei
I'hiiadelpbi. S; liroeklyn, . Hsa aa
balls: tiff rt. Pmiih. li off Hhrleee. J.
Dtiurlc out: By U. Kmlth. li btr ahrlver. ,
Fiwil ball: llenlin. I'mpirtat OCm
Hart and tmill. Tim: l l.
(lanla Steal Urates.
Ttoilnn. Slay I NwYorli rantinueel I'e
heavy hitting today and beat Hoetou. I
lo J. A rau-h. by pewell In deep renter,
Ms long bm run I b llsgpele. and
nawlinga' (ineral play, wer leslures.
an. n o. .
A I I S IV-.II, rf
Rsellnil, 7b
look, ilk
Vmin. rf
Mruwl If
Krllr. Ih
Mhinners. cf
ami ui. o
I. Bums, p
S 4 4 I'W.S
SSS 'Boulhefti, rf
SSS' Trait. If
4 1
4 6 14 1 Hoik.. Ib
5 I t t' airier lb
SSS Htlnwdr.
SSS nea-hfee.
I Mruulllw. a
31 It 37 13 Mnr.IT. P
Ctriiwi oiut
Trails 31 t 17 It
Baited for McQuillan la elsblh. .
"eor by Innlngi:
New Tork A S t t t 414
Buton 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 S
Summary Run: Bancroft. RawlingS
ft). Toung (t). Meuxl. Kelly. Kblnners,
Snillh, J. Barn, Powell, Kopf. South'
worth. Errora: Oruh, J. Berne. Kopf,
Truls. Barbara. Two-bae hlls: Hmith (ill
Young. Hum run: Powell, Saerlfla hllrj
flroh, Sleuset. Suulhworth. Dnuhl plays!
Kelly, unassisted. Ilnlke-Kenf-Holk. l.efl
on bsses: New Yorh. S; Boston, 3. Bssd
on ball: Off J. Bamea, 1: off Oenhgen
S: off MrQulllan. J: off Stnrgan. I,
Struck out: By J. Barnes, I; by Oeecbfer,
ii by McQuillan, 1. Hlt: Off Ussrhger. 7
In 4 t-l Innings; off MrQulllsn, 1 In S 1-3
innings: off Morgan, S In 1 Inning. Losing
olicher: Oeschger. ' Umpires: Sentelle and
Klein. Time: 1:47.
Trlpl Win for Pirate.
Cincinnati. May 1. Rohwer, batting tot
Adama in the eighth Inning, delivered a
triple which aettled today's asm In favoi
of Pittaburgh, 7 to t. Luqu waa hit hard
all th way. Morrison lasted only twi
Innings. Adams pitched well and wal
taken out to make way for a piacb hitter.
AH. H.O. A
An. H. O 4.
3 1 1
3 1 14
4 11
4 14 4
4 a
Marinrills, si
ftumi, rf
IXuhert, lb
iHiiiveo, If
Rlinc, ttb '
Hirner, if
Csvmey, is
Plmlll, 3b
Wlnso. o
l.uque. p
OIllNple, p
i s rev, cr
lliflwe, If
Tlrmey. 2h
Trarnor. :ib
Mnkan. rf
Gi-imtn, lb
Onoch. o
Slnrriron, p
A'lami. p
Hamilton, p
I 4
t 3
1 5
l a
0 13
0 0
0 b
1 o
I 0
s ii i
4 0 S 1
1 4
t S7 3
Toll Is
Tntlll 87 11 IT 14
Batted for Adama In eighth.
Batted for Wlngo in ninth. . '
Pittsburgh 3 Millll 4 4
Cincinnati .'.S 1 4 4 4 0 4 4 44
Summary Runa: Maranville. Blgbe (J),
Traynor. Mokan, Oooch (3), Daubert, Oun'
can, baveney, Plnelli, Luqu. . Erronj
Carey, Morrlaon. Bohn. Two-b hitat
l.uqu. Traynor. Adama, Bigbe. Tlerney.
Three-baa hlta: Jlaranvlile. hohwer.
Stolen base: Harper. Sacrifice hit: Burna,
Grimm, O.ubert. Double playa: Bohn'
Daubert, Maranville - Orlmra, Traynor'
Grimm. Left on bases: Pittsburgh, 7:
Cincinnati. 2. Baa on balls: Off Morrl'
son, 2; off Adams, 1: off Luque. 3, Struck
out: By Luque, 1. Hit: Off Morrison. 4
In 2 Innings; off Adams, 2 In S Innings:
off Hamilton, 3 In S Innings; off Luque.
11 in 7 1-3 Innings; off Gillespie, nana la
1 I-i Innings. Hit by pitched ball: Harper,
by Morrlaon. Winning pltoher: Adams.
Losing pitcher: Luque. Umpires: Rlgler,
Pflrman and MeCornilck. Tims: 1:4J.
Dempsey Receives Bale
of Marks for Eagles
Champion Heavyweight Fighter
Purchases German
Berlin, May 1 (By A. P.) "I'm
a millionaire in Germany," chuckled
Jack Dempsey, world's champion
pugilist, today as the paying teller
01 tne Deutsche bank gave him a vV I
bale of marks in exchange for Ameri- VTTJ
can dollars. ; Srf J
.... v.....i,ivu na up cany ana
started out on a shopping expedition
which wound up with the purchase
of a police dog, jewelry, opera glasses
and an assortment of other sou
venirs. l Germans who - shook hands with
him expressed amazement at the size
of his hands. "What an awful fist,"
exclaimed a prominent political leader
who stood in line in the lobby of
the Hotel Adlon waiting for a cher
ished introduction to the fighter.
Dempsey is filling only social en
gagements during his visit to Ger
many and said today that he purposed
stopping his dieting regulations.
Good $QA
Suits 5 V
Reduced from $45.00
Don't Buy Ready Madet
One of our tailored suits will out
wear two ready made. It is a com
mon occurrence for on of our cus
tomers to say: "I've had thia suit three
years and it's good yet." Can you b
liev th same of ready medesT Tailoring Co.
Southeast Corner 18th aad Haraey Si.
Baseball Today
Tuesday, May 2
Game Called at 3:45 p. m.
Ladies' Day, Free to Grandstand '
Children' Day All Week
Tickets Far Sal at United Cigar Stor)
ISth aad Far nam Street