THK HKK: OMAHA. TL'KSDAY. MAY 1 iW. Jef fcris Not lo Use Organizers in Senate Raee Inability to Stand Exprnse Chen at Congressman's Ilea m for Departure From Campaign Tradition. 'liington, May I. (Special,) KVprc tentative A. V. JrfferU, in liis e (or the nemliiitioii lo !ie L'niitJ Stales senate, drirti some hat (rom twlitiiil tradition In announcing to day that lie dot not lnienl to open Headquarters or to employ orgattirrt throughout the stale, lefferi de clares hit nubility to unj the ex pense ot tlui more or less accepted campaign ice and otherwise makes hit iiilriitiom known in the lolloping letter lo James . Ham inoml, JJ16 Wright streM. Omaha "Your recent letter urging rue to open heanquarters and employ politi ck work in difiereiit parts oi the state, i received, and I thoroughly appreciate your advice and interrtt. Such a campaign might make more nre my nomination for I nit:d State, senator, but lor me to Ho as you MiggrM i impossible. 1 have not the mrani with which to make an expensive campaign, even if 1 were so inclined. Duties Prevent Leaving. I vih it were poillc for me to he in N'chraka from now on, but duties here prevent my leaving tin til tome later date. That being the case, I ant obliged to depend, (or the present, on the active work of re publicans like yourself whwill help J'rrsHent Harding and other repub licans, to carry on the great work which the administration is o ably doing for the reconstruction of this country. As you know, I am and have ever been a republican. I stand committed to the principles of the re publican party. Adherence to these principles is the best guarantee for the perpetuity and general welfare. of tins republic, ana snouiu i become a senator of the United States, it will oe my pleasure and purpose to work with the president and his party in an effort to establish policies for the best interests of all the people. "If the republicans of Nebraska de sire that I be nominated, I feel cer tain the wish' will prompt thent to urge their friends to vote for me at the primary on July 18. without ths impetus of a large and expensive or ganization. West Makes Progress. "Our central west has made great progress in its brief history of 75 years. It alone cannot entirely con trol its future course, but it can the more nearly obtain, its rights and realize its opportunities for develop ment through a cordial participation with the representatives of other sections in the councils of the repub lican party, than it can by trying to do it alone. "The people, by a majority of more Yeast made Palatable "YEAST CHOCOLATE health txiitaer AjCAKi n w We all know that yeast la the richest known form othealth-giving"VITAMINE". When combined with par chocolate It becomes mMt pslstsbls d retains II sfitt fflclracr. YEAST CHOCO LATE taksn rcfalsrly for two weaks U beneficial addltian to your dally . dist. It will Improve your vitality and ran down condition, and relleva constipation and indigestion. Fine forchildren. . BArtER TBAST CHOCOLATE CO. ZXttiitmltr . Clancy Candy Ce PtXand Dodge. Douglas 3627. 102 Candles Will Grace Birthday Cake n -a . . Mrs. Bridget Mary Convey, One hundred and two tiny candles will grace the bigVake which will be cut promptly at 10 tonight at the party which will celebrate the lO.'d birthday anniversary of Mrs. Bridget Mary Convey at the home of her son, James Convey, 5.W7 South Fiftieth street. One hundred and lifty guests are expected. Mrs. Con vey, pipe in hand, smilingly antici pated the party yesterday. than 7,000,XK), elected President Harding for a term of four years. He should have the support of a re publican house and senate during his tenure of office, else administration of our national affairs, entrusted to the president and republican party at the election in 19.U may be entire ly blocked or so seriously impaired as to materially retard the noon day of the dawning era of national prosperity and happiness. i'crmit me to thank you tor your interest and help. 1 pruc your friendship and loyalty." Man, Who Carries Gun to Protect 69 Cents, Fined Tack Lewis, truck driver. 2018 Davenport street, who carried a .45 caliber pistol "to protect 69 cents" trat police court yesterday for carry ing concealed weapons. His pistol was confiscated. Following a staged gun battle by three unidentified men, at Twenty fifth and Dodge streets, at 3 Satur day morning, Lewis was arrested by Patrolman prank Killian. U. S. Government Firm in Stand Toward Russia Hughes Say. Soviet Must Put Own House in Order Before Expecting Credit From America. 'Washington, May 1. The Ameri can government stands unshaken in its determination that Russia must put its own houc in order before it can expect political recognition by the I'nited States. Making his first statement of policy regarding Kuian atfairs since the subject came to the fore at Genoa, Secretary Hughe told a dele gation of women at the State depart ment that bilore any ouwide power could resume full relations with Rus sia it must adopt a policy of sound internal reconstruction. lie added that the American people were anx ious to do all they could, but would not attempt to extend credit where there was no sound basis for it. No particular form of government was cited as desirable or undesirable by the secretary, nor did lie mention anv of the developments which have influenced the aortunes ot the sovici since the Genoa conference began. He did suggest, however, that the principle of self-government in Rus sia was "somewhat complicated" by the efforts of some soviet officials to interfere in the domestic affairs of other nations. ' The delegation to which the secre tary addressed his pronouncement represented the international league for neace and freedom and had brought to the State department a petition for full political recognition of the soviet regime. ' . Fined on Liquor Charge David Gard, 5761 North Forty third street, charged with illegal pos session of liquor, was fined $100 in Central police court yesterday. J. B. Koestcr and J. C. Kocstcr. who occupy a house adjoining GarrJS. were released from a similar charge. BurnUmUp Rat Slayer is a wonder. It will respond to the most rigid testa. On sale with standard druggists. BurnUmUp BUEHLER BROS. Morning Specials at all 4 Markets 1407 Douglas St, 212 N. 16th St. 2408 Cuming St. 4003 S. 24th 8t .saaKg . - r Choice Beef Pot 1 Roast I g Choice gfsaa i Choice A Bound V f Boiling . m I Steak 1 Pure Lard, I . Beef I 12y2c J White Laundry Soap, Mb. bars, each.:.. . . . u Come One ! Come All! Vote for Your Favorite Society and in a Donation! Dog Hill Paragrafs " By Corg Bingham Salem lUilow, our eUknon banjo player, bsi pUycd the banjo Federal Craml Jury Convenes May lie in Session All WrrK '! K. liruttdu of Omaha Named Foreman. The federal grand jury of 2! men Itegan work yesterday afternoon. A federal grand jury tmy consist of any number of men from 16 to 21. Judge Woodrough, in his opening address, said "Very important niat tcrs are to come before the jury." lie apoiuted E. II. Ptando of Ouulia iorcnuik I'. l Thompson of Lyons. Neb was excused because he is a member of the lire department of that town whiih has e70 people. Lester IC Klopp of Omaha was excused be taue he i not yet 25. I'nited States Attorney Kiiisler said the jury may be in session all week. so much he has got so he pats his foot every time he hears anybody eating peanuts. Club Hancock picked up a news paper today and rtad it through from one end to the other, And then dis covered that it was about 10 years old. That didn't make much ditler- encc. however, as all the news in the paper happened away off yonder somewhere. Cricket Hicks would like to bor row a collar button to wear to preaching, until his gets here. Mr. and Mrs. Gould Diclz Back From Tour of World Mr. and Mrs. Gould Dietz arrived home yesterday from their fourth Ltrip around the world. They told F f 1 ; . ... i . . f . , I . . ui leaving a btcaiiisiup aiuc ill mc middle of the night at Calcutta, and of seeing the prince of Wales at Colombo, Ceylon. On their trip, they toured Hawaii, the Philippines, Japan, China, Java, the "Straight Settlements," Burma, India, Egypt, France 'and Monte Carlo. Wealthy Real Estate Man Sued. for Divorce John C. Harrow, wealthy Omaha real estate man, was surd for dt tout by l'mma C Harrow )'! day. Mrs, Harrow, who charged her husband with crucl'v, jivrt at SJM Meredith avcuue. They were war rird in Wl Harrow left Omaha W California last year, according to the petition filed in district coun Harrow formerly was connected Milk) the Harrow-Gilchrist real estate company. Wahh I. V. V. Conference City Priectivrs William (lurnclt and Charles J'ayne, and Federal Agent Hancock chaperoned the "agrirultural conference" at the I. W. W, at JlSs'ortli iistrenili street yrsteiday, Hut they id the meet, ing was devoted almost exclusively lo ftropagauda exhortations, clec lion of ollicers and appointment of committers. 1'leat Mere made for (und with which lo defend 1..W. W. in federal prisons. a T.r- f v EKEUIhsldesllsis. lit for sldsrl bsodI who find Ihtm. swlvvs ehronlcsll md.ii. Psls4.Dr.Cldwslf'ibi'rue Pstwin will mt vou duly elimination In smild.asnlls sr wilbout arlDlna. snd soon ffladirlnM of sl klnHi r.a tMdlDnsad with, ll Is murh bxicr tbn dritiio Mrtbirucs. sails, aula rals.pills.tte. DR. CALDWELL'S SYRUP PEPSIN THE FAMILY LAXATIVE Thouunds of aid folks will only tike Dr. Csldwoll's Syrup Pcnaln. It Is s ufsvsgrtabl compound ol Eirrp llsn benns snd otbrr simpls Isisliv nsrnt witn prpsin. Tbs lortnuls Is on pscksgo. A dose cost lets Ibaii a cou HALF-OUNCE BOTTLE FREE Ffl aedpt eanjritonm. ss im If ytm is not mniirt a loiam at iKu motwni Irt m tend rm HaU-Ome Trial Bacilt of my iyrvp Ptfim FREH OF CHARGE w rhai jo uill Xovs U kaiuh uitun rnttdti. Sirnsh rnd yemr mim and aJami Co Dr. W. 8, Caitlt, $14 VaihaitumSlhUmactlto. lit. Wnuntuia-). Prepare for Dentistry The Washington University School of Dentistry is now organ fcted so u to offer instruction and Isborstorjr facilities second to none in the country. Banc sciences taught in connection with the School of Medicine. New and thoroughly equipped clinic. Record of grad uates before State Boards uniformly high. One year of prescribed col lege work required for entrance. , Other Departments of Washington University include College of Liberal Arts School of Fj iorrring School of Law aVhool of Fine Arts School of Architecture Division of University Ejrteosioa School of Medicine ('irsduat School School of Commerce & Finsnct Henry Shaw School of Botaay I Far ClsU and Full Inlonosllan, sddrsss G. W. Uaihs, Rsislrr, Rm ICS wf if vin "Ten Saint Louis HULBRANSEN, I urt I iil Sf41 branded Inihe Bck LlllllLtJ Csirw MS niw GOO 495 The Art and Music Stoit 1515-15 Douglas StrMl CUNARD ANCHOR ANCHOR DONALDSON V V. to t'hsrbsurf and Houlh.mrl.s f..! JVIV.V aaiif AMI IT SMS H.) I1J.mII 4 HLKKNUANIt ...HirMJuHltjUHl N T la I'lmoulb, rharbaurf 4) H..tiu'f ( AROMA Mas IS Jaaa 1 n Majf IS d-lr I Am. via ttotma. !l V?- Vunsi.wn A l.lvsrswil, l AHMSMA May It ,. . MATHM n.t ..Marti Jaaatl I A(OM naw...Jaa 14ml, S . AMAKIA o.w...Au. fl , N T (a Londona.irjr snd Oi.i.. ritl l sinfA stay ST Ja aaly SS AVtmoMV ... jua S A af. S . AU.KMIA dan 14 Jal IS A a. tS S. T. lo Visa, (liferaiiar. Kanlrs, fairs., . Dubrorolk and Trims. mi.14 Jiaa It Voaion lo Landnndsrry. Llvsipoal asd Ula.sow. AMVEI. May SI July S .U nn.tnn o snd Llv.rpaal. CANADIAN SERVICE via rictiriua Hi. I.swranr Ronta Montraal la Olaaaaw. CAM AMIR A .....Mar a Jans Jaas nxiA Nay is rfaaa It 'Jaiy 14 ATHEMA Mum IS daly St Aaf . IS Also calls at Slovill. Irsland. Mootrssl lo Uv.rpool a.ti.v.. u - . - . . ...... . ,tu,.,.mmj . ..N II llf in TVRRIIKMA ....MaySt Jaas S4 Jaly la aaiy af . it alonlraal to 1'1inouih. Cbtrbouig and . Lflnilnn ANDAMA ...i M..IIJ...I1 J.l. ANTOMA MaytTdalr I Ami. Apply lumpany's Laral As la. Etsrywhar W: Donations of $50.00, $35.00, $25.00 and $10.00 will be given to the Four Women's Organizations of Omaha and Council Bluffs who bring the most Members, Children and Friends to the plant of the Alamito Dairy during the month of May from the 1st to the 27th, inclusive, at 2 or 3 :30 o'clock or in the morning .or evening by special appointment. This invi tation includes church societies, women's clubs, business and profes sional women's clubs, labor unions, parent-teacher associations, mothers' circles, sewing and embroidery clubs,- social clubs, card clubs, lodges, civic improvement leagues and all other forms of women's organization's. Societies having over 100 members are requested to come in divisions on successive days, all being counted and credited.. Officers of organiza tions which have adjourned for the summer are requested to get their members together by phone. Anyone may vote for any organization whether a member or not. Kindly notify the plant (Phone DO 0409) at least a day in advance that suitable arrangements may be made. Dairy refreshment served and free cartons of cottage cheese distrib uted. Miss Lutie E. Stearns of Wisconsin, who has endeared herself to the women of Omaha and Council Bluffs through her successive visits and who has been lecturing in the South and-East during the past winter, will be with us to talk on "Two Wonders of the World." . Reserve an afternoon at once and avoid disappointment later. , Alamito Dairy Company Leavenworth and 26th Street Pasteurized Milk Buttermilk Cream Phone DO uglas 0409 Butter mi -,(. www. II 1 lllS I I it II Nebraska IM P Here it the offer that hundred of Omaha -housewives have been awaiting it IS an unusual, we might say it ia an exceptional . offer from every point of view. Unusual, because of the popularity of the appliance offered. Exceptional, because of the re markably low and easy terms on which it may be purchased during the month of May. ' ' There can be no argument as to the con venience of an electrical washer. The hun dreds of MAYTAG WASHERS now in use throughout the country offer unquestioned testimony as to the convenience, stability and general usefulness of the MAYTAG WASHER in particular. The MAYTAG WASHER Small conven tent cast aluminum body, with the agitator' at the bottom, allowing for either small or large washings. And the TERMS think of it 45 down and $5 per month. The purchase price of the MAY-. JAG on the above terms is $136.50 or you can buy your MAYTAG on the all cash plan at $130.00. This ia an unusual opportunity take adVantage of it. N O W ower Go Farnam at 15th AT lan tic 3100 2314 M Street MA rket 1500