Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1922, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 16

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Benson Society
'Bmua Coff(Xndrnt CU Walnut U1Q,'
B, V. C. Annul Luncheon,
Rtmwiont ' iiuJ (or II t
the annual l.iml.fon of !i llmsou
Woman' club held Thursday at ll
rrfiiifit Sltlt dub, Mr. W, A,
Wilcox m( to.lm irrt. ad fief
a lew v...d l iftrimu announced
Mr. A. X. Mf, b. responded !
a loin on Xo-Uperanun." M
Martha I'oMrll, m.I-.!i for .late
auperintrndriit (, put.lic ril'irnini,
nd a Kiir of Mrt, J-fti Kaiiun.
foBlvi i lie tlub on III Ui'rit (l
"I'rolilriiit in Mutation." Mr. P.
R. (Jlitrr n'ke en "( out hi unity
J Ji f tion." M', t C liravcr.
president of the ttl. wAe on
"Ideal ami Standard fr the Nw
Year" Timely suggestions for the
I'iJ.'.OJJ upnr4"i runiiitiiiee vere
itueu hy M'i4ine X. II. Ty C
11. l ain r.. V. urru ami t. .
Woli'e, A tnui'l 'rit;fuii lolluMrd
the luncheon tslU. Mut ti.-rtriule
'I liirui. arminpauird by lirr mother,
Mr. ihjilft ihwiii. rendered the
iltti oto, "Komani'f," by Julian
vrnjen Mi JUruarne u'jen'
lolc puved a fn1inavian group,
rmh nutiibrr bi lug inlmdiirrd by in.
trrnrative fcniitiM by Mi I.tljcn
tolpr. 'lhc llriitnn double quartet,
r)'i'oitiaiiirtI by Mr. Kit hard Mun
Ley, closed the program v.ith two
iiuiiihrri. Among the gur-H
Ht the IiMiilunii were; Metdainr V.
1). JVnce. C II. iVnoycr William
fhor., Charlr Ne. Clurle
Tbirin, Jli.ilt. Krnhlv tlreen anil
he Mic Martha I'uwrll, Miliar
ile l.ilirntnlH (Intrude Tlncui
aii'l Vclma Aylwortli.
Attends Croup Meeting at Blair.
Mr. Gorton Koth mi. I a number
of t:iitt oiiirrrs of the Methodist
liiurch motored to Ill.iir I'riday
here they atttmb'd a group meet
ing. Among lhoe fioni 0 111,1 h
vrrr Mfl.iinr Mishap Stunt t. W.
I". C. K. How en. William
1 lytic ami 1. C Smith.
Mrs. Moron Entertain.
Mr. J. Moron entertained Thurs
day at Iter home in honor of Mrs.
ieorfre (Jump of Sheridan, Wyo.
Mrs. Gump whs formerly Miss Mar
ian Smith of Omaha.
Dinner Guests.
Mr. and Mm. C. C. Jlayncs and
Mr. and Mr. tl. 1. Kcavis were (I in
ner guests Friday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. licrt Kauz of lU-iisonhuist.
Attends State Medical Meet
Dr. and Mrs. II. Loeclinrr at
tended the luncheon Tuesday at the
Blackstonc Riven in honor of the
members of the Stale Medical asso
ciation and their wives. On Wednes
day afternoon the wives of the doc
tors entertained at tea in the palm
room of the Fontenclle and in the
evening Dr. and Mrs. Loechner at
tended the state medical banquet at
the Fontenclle hotel.
Methodist Ladies' Aid.
Mr. .T. . Rickenbrode will be
hostes Wednesday, May 3, to the
members of the Methodist Ladies'
aid. Mrs. C. N. Phcnis will assist
Mrs. Rickenbrade.
Entertain for Mrs. Fryer.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Aylworth en
tertained at an informal dinner at
their home Fridav in honor of Mrs.
A. V. Fryer and children of Falls
City and Mrs. L. R. Kutzncr and
son, F. F. Kutzner, of Chicago. Cov
ers were spread for Mrs. Fryer and
children, Mrs. Kutzner and son, F.
F, Kutzner: Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
Whistler, Mrs. C. II. Stephens, Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene Ward and son, Mr.
and Mrs. Aylworth and daughter.
Miss Velma Aylworth.
Presbyterian Aid.
Members of the Presbyterian
Ladies' aid will entertain at a social
Thursday evening May 4, in the par
lors of the church. An interesting
program will be enjoyed, after which
refreshments will be enjoyed. All
are invited to come and get better
Entertains for Mrs. McColl.
Mrs. E. J. Doolin entertained Tues
day at a 1 o'clock luncheon in honor
of Mrs. E. J. McColl, who with Mr.
McColl leaves Sunday for Chicago
where they will make their future
home. The rooms . were decorated
in green and white. Covers - were
spread for Mcsdatnes Earl Webster,
George Schnell, William Jones,
George Marquist, George O'Ncil, E.
E. Paddock. John McColl and E.
J. Doolin. The afternoon was spent
at card.
Plays for the Radio Concert. ;
Miss Margarite Liljenstolpe and
Miss Emily Cleve plaved Tuesday
evening at the Grain Exchange for
the radio concert.
Attends Conference.
Rev. O. W. Ebright of the English
Lutheran church attended the pastor
and students' conference at Midland
college, Fremont, during the last
week. . On Thursday evening 12 of
the local brotherhood attended the
state brotherhood meet at Fremont.
Birth Announcement
A son was born Monday, April
'24, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walstrom
at the Wise Memorial hospital..
Luncheon Guests.
Mrs. A. Devereaux of Minne Lusa
and Mrs. F. K. Smith of Minne
apolis, were luncheon guests Wed
nesday at the home of Mrs. R. Y.
Orpheum Party.
f After a luncheon at the Blackstone
and a visit by auto to the Loose-Wiles
romnany and the M. E. Smith com
pany and a trip through the parks
of the city, the wives of the members
of the State Medical association en
tertained at an Orpheum party Tues
day evening.
Mrs. Dr. Tyler had charge of the
party and 10 rows of seats were re
served for the doctors and their
War Mothers' Benefit Dance.
The War Mothers organization of
Omaha will entertain at a benefit
dancing party Monday evening at
Roseland dancing academy. A per
centage of the proceeds from the sale
of all tickets by the War Mothers
will go to the organization and will
be used for the benefit of ex-service
men and their families. Tickets
should be purchased from Mrs. A.
H. Burr, 215 North Twenty-eighth
avenue, and Mrs. F. E. Young, sr
6547 Bedford avenue.
Musical Program.
Mrs. Herbert Smails , accom
panied . by Miss Smails. sang a
group of pleasing selections at the
tea given Wednesday in the Palm
room of the Fontenclle hotel, by the
wives of the members of the i State
Medical association, Three rucin-1.
her et tL Crate orehettra. who
appeared in colonial cotiuout. en
lrtain4 ith mui(l number.
B. S. Cbptr, P. K. O.
Mr. W. ,V WiUo. 4W7 Emmei
itrect. Mil) t hotte. Monday, May
I, to tb member t ht It. S. chap.
Irr of h 1. E, O. suterhoM. Mr.
II. W. Wendland will lead th study
program. Subject, "Ihe Short
R. N. A. Ken.injton.
Member of tli Royal Neighbor
kenttngtnn will N entertained J n.
day, May 5, a the home of Mr. R.
II. Tindell, .'345 North Sixty-third
Mrs. A. D. Palmer i visiting ia
Mr, ami Mrs. Harold Jenkin are
in Seattle, AY til.
Mr. William Zimmerman hi
been ill during the but week.
Mr. and Mr. John Giles have
io!i their horn 011 Military venue,
Matter Walter Frederick Relihaw
spent the week-end visiting relative
in Manilla. Ia.
I W. Raber I viiiting hi son,
Dr. Donald Raber, and Mrs. Raber,
at lilucn, jScb.
Mr. George Gump of Sheridan,
Wyo.. visited at the home of Mr.
and Mr. J. Moron.
Mrs. Clara Marshall of Lincoln
i a cuet at the home of her son,
Mr. J. F. Marshall and Mr. Mar.
Mitt Marie Weitover of Holland.
Mich., wa a guest during the last
week of Mr. and Mr. Wynian
Woody ard. . ,
Mr. C. II. Morian of Newman
Grove. Neb., was a guest the early
part of the week at the home of
Mr. and Mr. J. W. Fitch.
Wrought Iron
I s Again
Wrought iron work has come back,
it is hoped to stay. It has many
uses in furniture and accessories for
the home. Much of the feeling for
wroucht iron lies in its fineness of
detail, delicacy of curves, grace and
elegance of proportion in design. It
has a rhythm all its own.
Wrought iron finds a unique place
today in carden furniture. There
are lovely round topped tables with
chairs to go with them. Such tablo
may be hidden in a nook in the gar
den where the family serves refresh
ments on warm evenings.
1 here are rustic seats of iron which
may find their place near the bab
bling fountain or in the restful shade
of trees. One may have a handsome
wrought iron lamp or lantern that
may be used in the garden, on the
ihe writer lound a wrougnt iron
plautstand that was quite well done.
It consisted of two stones and would
hold a number of plants. The Vene
tian effects were quite elaborate.
Such a stand may be used in the
garden, on the lawn, or piazza with
good effect.
One may hnd very tine aquarium
and flower stands of wroueht iron
just large enough to hold a fish bowl
or urn for a potted plant. They can
be had in green lined with gold, blue
with gold, or old rose and black with
any color desired.
Tire sets of hand wrought iron are
just as t popular today as in earlier
times. It is easy to find neat pat
terns in andirons, fire shovels and
tongs suitable for the fireplace.
Iron torcheres or floor lamps are
found in. a score of splendid designs.
These may be moved about the room
and can be adjusted to any height to
suit the reader. Many of them have
verv rich shades of lovely silks in
desired hues. Some have slender deli
cate lines in black with gold trim
mings, others purple and black.
The shades are often bell-shaped,
with . an , iron edge. One- lovely
torchere "was rubbed with gold, with
a crimson shade edged with green
and black..
Fixtures of wrought iron in early
Italian design may be found if one
wishes a torchere or ISth century
beauty. Such fixtures would be beau
tiful . in an entrance hall in which
wrought iron graced a wonderful
spiral stairway, a hall with a floor of
black and white marble, a beautiful
console of iron with a graceful mir-
rpr as its background. .
Venetian pieces of wrought iron
H. E. L. P. Club
to Present
The II. E. U P. club, one of the
met active upper-elub of the So
rial Settlement, will give itt mml
entertainment at the South High
chool auditorium, rrtday evening, at
I; JO o'clock.
Every spring the girl of the club,
who are interested in the dramatic
art etas, prepare play tinder the
direction of Mis t.dna U. I.etov
sky, and this year they have chosen
two Interesting short Play. Hrrirnd
Husband." and "The O r Upstair.
A faithful wife. who. throuih the
l.a.illAn. ..t .i.tM.ln.l.ui Ita.
come tmptrlout of her husband un
til he himself set her mind at rase.
U told in the one-act play. "Friend
Mutani. with Margaret Bluvfat a
the wife, and Sophie Bazar as the
Everyone loved the little air! up-
ttairt and would do anything for
her, but when the wished to realize
her ambition they tried to discour
age her. However, her courage and
perseverance gained her an inter
view of great importance. The situ
ations which arise and the outcome
of the interview are told in the two.
act play, "The Girl Upstair." The
member of this cast are Helen Blu
ivas, Mary Butsky. Victoria tsazar,
Lydia Skinner. Viola Jeneviek. Mar
garet Bluivii and Sophie Bazar.
South Mich orchestra will furnish
the music.
Furbelows of Fashion.
A poke shape orchid hat it trim
med with orchid velvet tailored rib
bon bow.
Taupe gauntlet gloves with white
ditching have a new pearl buckle
which rests on the back of the wrist.
An orchid felt crown graces an
other hat with an odd turned up pur
tile brim caught with a flat purple
A new silk scarf ' of black and
French blue stripes with a wide
fringe can be worn effectively with
a navy blue mit or a dark afternoon
Red crepe de chine is used for the
blouse of a new afternoon dress of
blue serge. Wide sleeves are edged
with blue and the red crepe de chine
forms a fancy tie sash.
represent real art. They are grace
fut and beautifully balanced. If one
care for lovely curves, daintiness to
the finest detail can be found in good
wrought iron designs.
(Mlaa Tru will an.w.r nutstloni r-
Utln to household art, addreued to her
aa ino at.)
Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots.
Mow to Remove Them.
' Here's a chance. Miss Freckle-face,
to try a remedy for freckles with the
guarantee or a reliable concern that
it will not cost you a penny unless it
removes the freckles; while if it does
give you a clear complexion the ex
pense la trilling.
Simply get an ounce of Oth ine
double strength from any druggist
and a few applications should show
you how easy it Is to rid yourself of
the homely freckles and get a beau
tiful complexion. Rarely Is more than
one ounce needed for the worst case.
Be sure to ask the druggist for the
double strength Othine, as this
strength is sold under guarantee of
money back if It faiist to remove
Indescribable Beauty of
Ever-Renewing Youth
A complexion so beautiful it canuot
adequately be described. Would you have
such a complexion? Then take lesson
from nature.
How doe nature renew the complexion?
By shedding tiny cutaneous scales day by.
day, making way for the newer, younger
skin underneath, nut deficient circula
tion, or other condition, may interfere
with the shedding the eld, worn-out senrf
akin remains on too lone, causing a "had
complexion. Then nature needs assist
ance. Such assistance is provided by the
mereohaed wax process. This actually
absorbs the aged, faded or discolored top
akin, gently, gradually. Without harm tr
discomfort s Thus the lively, young,
healthy-hued underskln is brought to the
surface. Tou have a complexion as in
robust girlhood a truly natural com
plexion one not to be compared st all
with a make-up.
Mercoliied wax. obtainable at any drug
tore in original one-ounce tin, is applied
at night like cold cream, and washed off
in the morning. It takes away from, In
stead of adding to the complexion. It's
a new principle.
A Treasure in Your Home
of th
will al
ways be a source of
treat delight ant!
firide to "an owner,
t is the piano which
is used by the masters
and is so beautifully
and carefully, made
that it stands as the
leading piano of the
world. . j-
Steinways made 80 years ago are today looked on as valuable
heirlooms by their owners, and the ton beauty of those old fash
ioned instruments is still of high quality and a delight to the ear.
Steinways are made to last. You make do mistake when you pur
chase a Steinway. It can be handed down for generation and no
matter its age will always be looked on as a treasure to be proud of.
Price $875 andUp
We are the exclusive representatives of new Steinways in Ne
braska and Western Iowa. For your convenience, your old piano
will be accepted as part payment and terms of from three to five
years will gladly be arranged.
ay White Sale
Wash Goods
A sale of sctiHOuaWc merchandise a mIc unusual iu nko and aMii.
incnts tile, result of careful ilanninj; ly our corps of expert buyers. MAY
can' truthfully be tailed the month of opiwtunity, and a time to purchase
White Goods
May White Sale
Linens and
White Goods
reparation and keen, observant buying telle tb
story in these departments. All cotton and linen
fabric linve shown a tendency toward blsher
price. Tbeca lota wars purchad and ars of
fered at lowest possible price.
Long Cloth
20c No. 128 Long Cloth, per yard 15c
25c No. 138 Long Cloth, per yard 19c
30c No. XXX Long Cloth, per yard 25c
33c A Long Cloth, per yard 29c
39c AA Long Cloth, per yard 322e
30c No. 322 Nainsook, per yard 25c
3oo No. 342 Nainsook, per yard 29c
4"ic No. 347 Nainsook, per yard 35c
C."c Imported Nainsook, per yard 50c
if 1.00 Imported Nainsook, per yard 75c
Pine Imported organdies, permanent finish and all 45
Inches wide.
$1.00 Grade Organdie, per yard
$1.23 Grade Organdie, per yard
$1.50 Grade Organdie, per yard
$1.75 Grade Organdie, per yard
J2.00 Grade Organdie, per yard
Miscellaneous White Goods
40-Inch Mercerized Batiste, per yard
36-Inch Indian Head, per yard
88-lnch riain Flaxon. per yard
36-inch Duretta Cloth, per yard
36-lnch Sailor Girl, per yard
36-inch Near Linen, per yard
36-inch Checked Nainsooks, per yard
36-lnch Irish Poplin, per yard
Cotton and Linen Damask
75c 58-inch. Cotton Damask, per yard 59c
$1.00 64-inch Cotton Damask, per yard 79c
$1.25 72-inch Cotton Damask, per yard 98c
$1.50 72-inch Cotton Damask, per yard $1.16
$3.50 72-inch All Linen Damask, per yard $2.95
Cotton and Linen Toweling
lVod Plain Cotton Huck Toweling, yard 12y2c
19c Red and Blue Check Toweling, yard 15c
25c Absorbent Toweling, per yard 19c
25c Fancy Huck Toweling, per yard 19c
25c All Linen Brown Toweling, yard 19c
29c All Linen Doirs Toweling, yard 25c
45c All Linen Scotch Toweling, yard 39c
Odd Napkins and Cloths
$1.50 Mercerized Napkins, per dozen $1.00
$2.00 Mercerized Napkins, per dozen $1.65
$6.50 All Linen Napkins, per dozen $5.75
$7.50 AU Linen Napkins, per dozen $6.95
$11.50 All Linen Napkins, per dozen $9.75
$6.00 All Linen Cloths, each $4.75
$10.00 All Linen Cloths, each $7.95
Brown's "Shamrock" Cloths V
and; Napkins
A special purchase of two numbers in
Sx8 and 8x10 cloths with 22-inch napkins
to match in beautiful designs.
$9.50 72x72 Cloths, each $7.75
$11.50 72x90 Cloths, each $8.75
$11.50 22x22 Napkins, per dozen $8.75
$11.00 72x72 Cloths, each; $8.75
$13.50 72x90 Cloths, each $9.75
$12.50 22x22 Napkins, per dozen $9.75
Madeira Linens
$2.50 Madeira Guest Towels, each $1.95
$4.00 Madeira Individual "Towels, each $3.25
$5.00 Madeira Large Towels, each $3.95 .
$2.00 Madeira 18-inch Centers, each $1.00
$15.00 Pillow Cases, per pair $12.75
On the Floor Below
Sheets and Pillow Cases
42x36 Mohawk, each 4 35c
45x36 Mohawk, each 40c
63x99 Mohawk, each $1.45
72x99 Mohawk, each $1.60
81x99 Mohawk, each $1.75
42x36 Pequot, each 45c
45x36 Pequot, each 50c
63x90 Pequot, each $1.50
72x99 Pequot, each . $1.80
81x99 Pequot, each $1.95
36-inch Daisy Muslin, per yard 15c
36-inch Lonsdale Cambric, per yard 25c
27-inch White Twilled Outing, per yard 19c
27-inch Wool Mixed Flannel, per yard 69c
32-inch Embroidered Flannels, per yard $1.95
82x94 Satin Bed Spreads, each $6.95
May Sale of Women's Underthings
The staple rottoii and silk uiideri;aruietit, but particularly t ho novrltie
fashioned of Shadow Uatintc and oilier hheer material Knvclope, Step-Ins,
Nightgowns, Vests, Illoomers and Pajamas in such new colorings and trim
mings, aa Orchid, Kok, Make, T1I0 Itlur, Tea Hose, lloneydew and Water
Mcbijowus of Shadow Batiste In
blab colors, 'rose, orchid, flesh
and while ith Contrasting trim
mlnita. Also Uowns or koo1 qual
ity nainsook with touches or var
ied colors la handwork, lace and
embroidery trim. In V. round and
square necks. Hleeveless end ki
mono style. Way gals QQ
Nightgowns ot Cross-barred Dim
ities with checked gingham, Isee
and embroidery trim; shadow ba
tiste with pipings In high nhades.
Sleeveless snd kimono styles
round, square and V Ql CA
necks. May Sale price iplaOU
Nightgowns or Barred Nainsook
In high colors, lace insertion, em
pire and built shoulder styles,
contrasting stitching. Also or
rine white nainsook, lace and em
broidery trim. May fljrt An
Sale price )UU
Envelopes or line Nainsook with
straps or embroidery, well nisde,
full slie and nicely rin-(1 AA
lshed. MayKalo OlsVU
Envelopes or Shadow and K trred
llutlste. while, flesh, orcbld and
maize, In varied contrasting color
stitching; also or white nainsnnk,
lac and embroidery C f TA
trim. May 3ale- OliuU
Envelopes or Shadow Batiste with
designs and bandings In contrast
ing colors, Rose, Blue, Maize, Or
chid; also atrap shoulders with
Insets or contrasting colored ma
terials and hemstitched (PO AA
In color. May Sale V-.UU
Lingerie Sets
Are the newest feminine whim.
Tbry consist or Step-In and Vest
or white Shadow Batiste with con
trasting color trim, Rose, Orchid.
Maize and Blue. Also solid high
colors with hemstitching in con
trasting colore. May flJO ACT
Sale, the set JJaW.7J
of White Sateen
GROUP NO. l-Or Stripe Mercer
lied Sateen, doable panel, shadow.
pror and tinlsbed wl'h bm
t Itched benu May t1 AA
Sal price ?1VV
ortOlP NO. 2-Or line Mercer
ised Snleen with deep ebadow
proof hem. elastic walt band,
hemstitched rinlsh. CI Kit
May Sale price OleUV
Philippine Gowns
and Envelopes
Of rine quullly Nainsook, dalnly
punrhwork and flower hand em-
kpn .irv n ara ronno. v
and square necks.
May Sale price
rblllpplne Nightgowns with elabo
rate hand embroidery and hand
turned seatus snd ot superior
grade nainsook. May tfO QQ
Sale price Ps-.70
500 Corsets
Greatly Reduced
In conjunction with our manufacturers and broken .
sizes and lots from our own choice stocks we are
enabled to offer you your favorite make corsets
at unprecedented low prices.
Pleas do not expect all sites In each maka
or model. When we ska alses It slmnlv
means that we have these particular aizes
in some on or more brands.
GROUP NO. 1 About 200 Corsets, Warner, NIris and
Rivolb Mainly sport models elastic tops and all
elastic corsets. Sizes 21 to 28. May $1 P7Q
Sale price $X I 7
GROUP KO. 2 About 275 Corsets, La Camille, R & G,
Redfern, Nemo, Justrite and Warner. Models for slen
der, medium and stout figures. Materials faucy bro
cades and good quality coutils. Sizes 22 flJO HQ
to 32. May Sale price tPw 4 U
GROUP NO. 3 Only about 75 Corsets, Redfern, NIris,
Warner, La Camtlle, R & G and Justrite. For slender,
medium and stout figures in fine coutils and AM F7Q
fancy brocades. Sizes 22 to 32. May Sale 4x I J
Silk Underthings
of Pongee
They are new, cool and practical, give long ervlce
and are especially valuable for travel use. Every
garment beautifully fashioned of the best grade
Pongeo and all cut full and large, mainly tailored
styles with contrasting hemstitching.
Pongee Step-Ins $2.98
Pongee Vests to match S2.69
Pongee Envelopes $3.98
Pongee Bloomers $2.98
(Regular Sizes)
Pongee Bloomers $3.49
(Extra Elzcs)
Pongee Nightgowns $4.39
Muslin snd Silk Underwear Sections
Second floor
GROUP NO. i About 60 Corsets. Our very high
grade corsets Including Cameo, Redfern, Modart, Isa
bel and La Camille, for slender, medium and stout
figures, In extra fine coutils and fancy
brocades. Sizes 22 to 34. May Sale
Lingerie Blouses at $2.50
' Of Batiste and Voile with trimmings of checked
gingham, colored linen and thread embroidery
$2.50 83.50 7 $3.95
All White Batiste Blouses with Bramley and Tux
edo collars, also button-back blouses with hand
drawnwork, French knots and Irian lace edgings
$5.95 $7.95
Blouse Section Opposite Elevator Second Floor
May Sale of Dress Fabrics
SILKS WASH GOODS WOOLENS Here's just a partial list of the many '
items that will be offered in our popular Silk and Wash Goods Sections at
new low prices. Monday's $1.00 specials .
36-inch Checked and Novelty Taffetas. ft 4 40-inch Silk and Wool Poplins,
36-inch Striped and Plaid Messaline. I 3-inch Lingerie Crepe.
36-inch Wash Satins. r , 32-inch Lining Silks.
' , All colors, plain, fancy, plaid, stripe. '
CHARMEUSE In Black, Navy,
Brown, Taupe and Gray. An ex
ceptional value. Formerly $2.69.
May Sale price, yard $1.95
SHIRTING SILKS for men, also
a few suitable for ladies' blouses
in neat stripes, Lajerz and crepe
weaves. Formerly $1.95. May
Sale price, per yard $1.39
ail new shades, yard $1.45
CREPE DE CHINE 40-inch all
silk, in all wanted shades. For
merly $1.85. Per yard $1.39
CANTON OREPE 40-Inch all
silk In black, navy, brown, jade
and henna. Formerly ' $2.95.
M,ay Sale, per yard , $1.95
Black Silks '
36-lnch Satin Messaline and Chif
fon Taffeta, formerly $1.69 yard.
May Sale price, per yard $1.25
36-lnch Jet Black Lone Star Taf
feta, formerly $1.95. May Sale
price, per yard $1.69
36-lnch Trojan Taffeta, the old re
liable. 40-inch fine soft' finish
Swiss Taffeta, formerly $2.50 and
' $3.00 yard. Per yard $1.95
Wash Goods ,
A special lot of 32-inch Colored
Tissues with all the fresh color
and characteristic gingham
checks, but crisp and sheer like
organdie. ' Formerly 76c. May
Sale, per yard . . 59
Wool Dress Goods
54-inch extra fine all wool
French Serge in navy and black.
Formerly $1.95. Yard $1.49
54-inch All Wool Homespun, the
weave most desirable this sea
son, in plain colors. Formerly
$1.95. Per yard $1.69
36-inch All Wool Storm Serge,
especially desirable for middies
and children's dresses. In scar
let. Jade, copen and navy." For
merly $1.25. Per yard 95e)
Fine Foreign Fabrics
An especially attractive lot ot
fine foregin fabrica sheer and
dainty, In light and dark shades.
Formerly priced to $3.00 a yard.
.May Sale price, per yard $1.25
Colored Printed Voiles
36 and 38-inch Hard Twist Voiles, crisp and fine.
Will give excellent wear. Wonderful range of de
signs and colorings. Formerly 50c and QQ
and 75c yard. May Sale price, yard J7v
Lingerie Crepe at 69c
30-inch Lingerie Crepe in rich, soft, beautiful col
ors. This is a soft, cool, dainty material with ex
cellent wearing qualities. Formerly 85c Qf
yard. May Sale price, per yard Ui7C
for May Selling
Plat val edgings and Insertions
from 2 to 4 inches wide. May Sale
price, per yard . . Wc
Imitation Filet (Swiss made), looks
and wears like real hand made.
Edgings and Insertions, H to 3
inches wide. May Sale price 25c
Net Ruffled Flouncings, 36 inches
wide. Former price $3.00. . May
Sale price - $1.69
A clean-up sale of Dent and Kay
ser Chamolsette Gloves. Made with
2 clasps, lb white only. Kfl
May Sale price, pair tVl
for May Selling '
Ladles' Fanoy Colored Handker
chiefs, also white with embroid
ered corners. Regular 15c value.
May Sale price 7Hc
Ladles All Linen Initial and fine
Sheer Iawn with fancy borders.
May Sale price, each ... 10 2-8c
Men'a all linen, U-inch hem, at
each 25c
"Baby Week"
May 1st
All Silk Vests
$2.50 quality $1.50.
Silk and Wool
$2.00 quality $1.19.
Main Floor
Furnishings -
Men's and Boys' Shirts in fin
quality percales, 760
Men's Knit Union Suits, good qual
ity cotton, regular and athletic
styles. Ter suit $1.00
Men's Silk and Silk Fiber Shirts;
May Sale price $2.95
Fine Mercerized Socks, black and
colors, per pair ' 25o
May Sale Stationery
A special offering of quire
boxes of fine quality paper,
standard size sheets, a vari-
ety of colors to choose from.
Special, per box 49c