Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1922, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 15

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t 1 1 I I I I SS4 t t t I 44 H t444, 4 I I t I I
R, B. Funkhouser
to Wed Lincoln
Girl in May
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Richard
son el Unrein inuounct ih rn
gsg'ment o( ihfir d4Ugliier. Mary,
to Kusrl Buchanan l-'unkhouser,
n o( Mrs. Millard Funkhouter of
tint city.
The wedding will take place at
the Kichardson home Saturday, May
20. The couple will reside in Omaha
at IJ6 North 1'orty-iirst street.
Doth Mils Richardion and Mr.
J'unkhouscr attended (he University
f Nebraska. Mr. Funkhouter ii a
member of I'M ri fraternity and
hit fiancee, a member of l'i , I'lii
The marriage of MUs Irene
Georgia Gibson and Edward T. Bel
Iowa was aoletnnized .Saturday eve
ning at St. Ilarnabas F.pucopal
1 lie bride ia a daughter of Mr.
and Mr. Frank H. Gibson.
Mri. Howard Gibson wai matron
of honor and Janrt Ircley was the
bridesmaid. Virginia Gibson,
gowned in pink pussy willow taffeta,
was flower girl. Joseph Smith wai
let man and the ushers were How.
ard Gibson, Norman Jones, Forrest
"TrSbMs and Kenneth Davis, the
latter two of ork, Neb.
After a wedding trip east Mr. and
Mrs. Bellows will reside at Glen
Arlo apartments in Dundee.
The board of directors of Altrusa
club met Friday evening and elected
several new members for the organ
Ration. The membership commit
jtce is a secret. Election to member
ship is considered an honor, since
,'Only one woman in any certain line
of work may join.
The matter of delegates to the
Louisville, Ky., national convention,
June 15-16, was discussed.
Regular meetings will be held the
second and fourth Thursdays of
each month. Mis's Lenme Mont
gomery is chairman of the entertain
ment committee, with Mary Marsten
Kinsey and Miss Leah Bellman
members. Miss Bellman is chair
man of the public affairs committee.
Superintendent Bcveridgc, presi
dent of Rotary club, sent greetings
to the new Omaha organization.
Nurses Graduate.'
' St. Catherines hospital training
School will hold its graduation exer-
- fuses Monday evening at the Creigh
tcn auditorium. The graduates are:
Misses Catherine Brennan, Nell Gra
dy, Eulalia Cavanaugh, Madeline
Wahlen, Margaret Harlcy, Helen
Hughes, Sarah Anne Gallagher and
Olive Moore.
- The annual banquet and dance of
j St. Catherine's alumnae took place
Thursday evening, when the graduat class were honor guests.
A In chars of the dinner rr!re Miss
't-la0rffiTjrmihlin, VrrVonica Kent,
yitid Nell WinteTsr'The toastmis
r tress was Miss Cclestine Kernan. The
& dance committee included the Misses
Alice Kernan, Kitty Grady and Mrs.
Marion Risedorf.-' ' r
Hostess House Opened.
The hostess house at the Bellevue
Viv.tiAnal crtin1 ujllirh wai flit-
') nished br the L. O. E. club will be
formally opened Sunday afternoon at
2:30 o'clock.
A feature of the program will be a
dance number by Harriet McKenzic
and Jack Lee, pupils of Madame Mil
dred Maxime. A song and dance
l act will be given by Miss Donna
r " .n i t - - . : i . If .V.
irewer ana piano scieiuuns ujr .ma
" Tean Johnson. Tea will be served at
"-'the close of the program.
The committee in charge ot tne
affair Includes Mesdames Ray Goodr
row, C. S. Marshall and Harry John
ston. -
Three Days' Bazar.
The Holy Angels parish will hold
a three days' bazar next week for
. the benefit of the church. It will
take place Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday. A dance will be held
every evening. There wUl be a card
party Thursday afternoon and an
entertainment for children Friday
afternoon. In charge of the ar
rangements will be the Mesdames
James O'Connell, R. L. Lenahan. R.
V E.' McLeester, M. J. MMivan,
TtiAm i . Amelia Warnv.
, j Human uviuvu, ...v..u - . j
Katherme Jacobson, H. u. Haney,
Messrs. John Fitzpatrick and Frank
Clark. ,
Get Acauainted Club.
The Get Acquainted club meets
' this evening at 7:30 o'clock at First
' unitarian church. Turner boulevard
and Harney street Mr. and Mrs. E.
S. Miller will be host and hostess.
The program wilt include Profes
sor Walter Scott and his trick bird;
vocal selections by Miss Margaret
Shea and violin solos by Truman
Morsman. Al strangers and lonely
folk welcome.
A box supper party will be given
by the club Thursday evening at 8
o clock. . '
Tri Delta Sorority.
Mrs. L. C Emert and Miss Doro
thy Roach will entertain at luncheon
Saturday, 1 p. m., for members of
Delta Delta Delta sorority at the
home of Mrs. Emert, 845 South Fif-
ty-ninth street.
Mother Guild to Attend Graduation.
The Mothers' Guild of Father
Flanagan's home are invited to the
- graduating exercises at the home this
afternoon, at 3 o'clock. There are
eight boys who will finish today.
P. E. O. Luncheon.
Chapter B. X. of the P. E. O. Sis
terhood will have a "covered dish"
luncheon Tuesday at the home of
Mrs. W. H. Kearns, 104 South Fif
tieth avenue.
Evening Bridge.
Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Mickel enter
tained Saturday evening at a bridge
-fifcty at their home at the Carter
i-Ke ciuD. i nere win dc tv guests.
Benefit Dance.
The War Mothers will give a ben
efit dance Monday evening. Mar 1,
. - at Roseland. It is to be an old-time
May Festival
A May festival will be held at Siert
hall, in Florence, Monday evening.
There will be a card party and dance.
t 4 slS4 t. t a-1 1 M st 4
. Dr. J. C, Bishop is ill at the Swcd
ih M union hospital.
Mrs. D. S. Gieney of Kansas City
is visiting her sister. Mrs. f, b.
Mrs. Carl Gray is in Hot Springs.
ArK where she will probably renum
two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cowell and
their daughter, XI its Mona Cowell,
are atf present in Japan.
Mrs. Mary E. Van Gieson re
turned Tuesday evening from Cali
fornia, where she spent the w inter.
Mrs. J. W. McKean of Cheyenne,
Wyo., is visiting Iter mother, Mrs.
Henry Wilson of Council Bluffs, la.
Russell Funkhauser left Saturday
for Lincoln, where he is spending
the week-end with his fiancee, Miss
Mary Richardson.
Mis Angela Herzberg arrived
home from New York, Washington
and Wheeling, W. Va.. where she
has been spending the winter.
Mrs. Bruce Baker of Saliua. Kan.,
who has been visiting Mrs. Robert
Loom is, leaves Sunday to visit at
Kansas, City before going to her
Mrs. Meyer Fridstcin will arrive
Tuesday .from Chicago for a visit
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sol
Bergman. Mrs. Fridstein was form
erly Miss Evelyn Bergman.
Mrs. Charles 11. Aull is seriously
ill at her home and was unable to
go on to Washington to attend D.
A. K. congress held there. She is
chairman of the subcommittee on
schools and colleges.
Mrs. J. W. Christie and daughter,
Miss Marjorie, who have been win
tering in La Belle, Fla., are expected
home the latter part fi the week.
Mr. Christie and his family will be
at home for the summer at 5009
Lafayette avenue.
Mrs, Daniel Staplcton, who was in
Omaha last week as the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. Hamilton, has re
turned to Washington. George Ham
ilton, jr., fiance of Miss Marion Ham
ilton, recently spent 10 days here,
but has also returned to Washington.
Mrs. Benjamin Harwood of Gar
den City, Long Island, is expected
Monday morning for a visit with her
father, J. Frank Dietz, and her sis
ter. Miss Louise Dietz. -Mrs. Har
wood will be accompanied by her
2-year-old daughter, Joan. They
will stay at the Blackstone.
Mrs. Frank Hamilton and her two
children, accompanied by her sister,
Miss Pepa de Cistue. are sailing May
6 on the Homeric for France. They
will visit their sister, Mme. Gerard
d'Aquin, and plan to spend two years
or more in Europe. Mrs. Hamilton
visited in Omaha about six weeks
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mitchell of
Minneapolis will arrive in May to
be the guests of Miss Dorothy Jud
son for a short time and to attend
the Junior league show. Miss Judr
son was a member of the Mr. and
Mrs. Mitchell's bridal party at their
wedding, recently solemnized in Min
neapolis. Alumnae Chapter Meet
Alumnae chapter of Kappa Phi
Delta will meet Wednesday evening
at the home of Miss Helen Miller,
1529 South Twenty-sixth street.
Card Party for Church.
The Woman's guild of St. An
drews will give a card party in the
guild room on May 3. Mrs. John
Douglas is in charge.
Lodge Card Party.
The Golden Rod auxiliary of the
B. R. T. will give a card party Mon
day evening at 8 p. m. at the Swe
dish auditorium.
Rummage Sale. '
The club house committee of the
Omaha Woman's club will conduct
a rummage Sale at 2364 South Twenty-ninth
street Wednesday and
Thursday of, this week.
' Golf Luncheon.
Prettiest Mile Ladies' Golf club
will have luncheon at the Bjjrgess
Nash tea room May 2 at 1 o'clock.
Kneeter, the Tailor, Announces a Big Sale
Men and woman of Omaha, this is your opportunity to
hava a suit tailors! at absolutely unheard of prices .....
Knaatar. tailorad suits and coats are of a class which
naads no recommendation and they are all stamped with
a Kneeter guarantee of fabric, quality and tailoring ...
Cut Price on Tailoring and Fine Woolen Fabrics.
L.kNEEJER, Exclusive Tailor
2d Floor, 16th and Howard.
(Perfect 9&productions 1
$ T rmd eaul Specimens
SB iiiiiiBil
fir- C B. BROWN CO. 11
sg 31 Diamond Merchant Jewelers Silversmiths fisg
55 aBi Northwest Corner lStk and Faraam fe3j
Annual Spring
Y. LC. A.
The annual spring demonstration
of the department ot health edura
tion. V. W. C. A, will be held in
the City auditorium Tuesday eve
ning. May 9, at 8;IS o'clock under
direction ol Airs. Lucy Jane Old
dines and Miss Mary Jewell.
The program will include a tetter
dance by Marcella Ashby; Dutch
twins dance, Anne Boeck and Norma
Wass; nature studies (Dawn. Irene
Winter, Grace Gelle and Dorothy
Crawford: (Bird Awake). Mabel
Van Brunt, Alice Drake and Anne
Kasmussen; (Daisy Chams), Lee
Wiberir. Bernice Kuxton. Lola Mn
dy; iShepherd's Pipes). Norma
as. Norma Weeks and Mrs. n
McCory; (Sundown), Anne Boeck
and Lisa Drews; landman, roppies
Rustic Courtshio. Witches. Dixie. In
the Park and Tryalian Trio, drscrip.
live numbers will be. given by the
various classes. The following floor
drills will also be given Pyramids,
wands and dumbbells. Indian clubs,
apparatus and calisthenic drill and
louave drill.
May Morning Breakfast
Mrs. William McNichoIs' and Mrs.
D. G. Rohbs' divisions ' of the
Woman's Aid society, Grace Meth
odist Kptscopal church, Iwcnty-littn
and E streets, will serve a May
breakfast at the church Thursday
mornine from 6 until 9 a. m. Keser
vatious may re mane witn .Mrs. juc
Nichols, Market 3 .
Birth Announcements
A son. Robert, ir.. was born April
24, at the Wise Memorial hospital to
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walstrom,
Mrs. Walstrom was formerly Miss
Sadie Christensen.
"Child o Mine '
Knt. Th followlnr votm w writ
ten to Mr. P. H. Flillhln utiortix urier in
Inn or hr duunhlir. Vlorrnct. Bolh Mrs.
Phllhln nl Mrn. Ko r former Omihi
rmldtnti. Sirs. Fom l at preuut vlilllna
Mr. CbarlM Sherman)
Out or Mfe'a tanlen I plurked a rou,
A rnaa of th auftrat hue
t kliNod It and preened It clou to my
For the rote Child CT Mlna was you.
Ton with the rllnt of sold In your hair
With eyes of (he Heaven's own blue
The tiluah of tha roee upon your cheek
This waa you Child cr Mine just you.
Down T.lfe's roue-bordered path wa wan
With a love that Is k-lven to few
Fnr my life like a 'llmblnc roue vine
Waa wound Child O' Mine around you.
Now I walk alone In my garden
Mr life muet be made anew
For you left me. one time in the twlllfht
All alone Child U' iiine without you.
Though the dear Ood called you to Him
This comfort I nave tls true
In the whleperlnir of nature's voices
Is tha voice Child O' Mine of you.
In the soft sweet note of tha meadow
In the acent of tha flower, wet with
dew '
In the sunbeam, dancing across my floor
I see you Child U' Mine dear you.
When my Journey through life la over.
And my eyea look toward Heaven'a
I'll be glad for I'll walk In God's garden
Hand In band Child O' Mine with
Rules for Women.
Things to be carefully avoided by
women, as translated from the Japa
nese of Hokusai;
A. The ways of women who have
their hearts always full of jealousy
and envy of others.
2. The idle visiting of temples
and shrines.
3. Cherishing resentment against
others on account of your own ill
fortune, without repenting of and
correcting, your own mitakes, even
when trifling.
4. Ridicule even of trifles seen
or heard; calumny and backbiting.
5. Speaking too freely and in
discreetly to others of important
6. Neglecting filial piety and
fidelity and forgetting the profound
gratitude due to masters and par
ents. 7. Disrespect toward your hus
band through self-assertion, con
trary to the laws of heaven.
8. Envy of others , who enjoy
prosperity without considering the
ways and means by which it was at
tained. 9. ' Scorn and insult toward those
who have fallen into povety through
their fidelity and honesty.
10. Indulgence in pleasures, mus
ic, sightseeing and playgoing.
11. Such ill temper and jealousy
as make women heedless of the
scoffing of others.
12. Making light of others
throjgh a too high conceit o( wom
en's apish cleverness
IS I n vs n t iu g cuiuimg storiti
against friends and rejoicing at the
sorrows of others,
14. Adorning themselves in beq
liful attirt and trsppirgs and lea,
ing their maids meagerly c'ad and
15. Becoming familiar and Ut
with priests snd missionaries on the
pretext of religious conversation.
16. Extravagance In money mat
ters and discontent with their posi
Many of These
Dresses Are .
Originals as Well
as Copies of
Noted American
( Designers
of the Finest
Kind of
Only One or Two
of a Kind
or Dress.
Sport or
Business Wear
This Is Your
tion, due U a Isilute to rcaliie
a hat their social position is.
17. Negligence ot pare nu-in.lj
snd ignoring the fact that such con
duct arouses public censure,
11 Negligence of step-child or
children and a shameless tndnTer.
enc to public reproach on thai
19, Becoming loo friendly ith
any malt, however
closely related he may be,
0, f latins; persons of good con
duct and loving those ho flatter.
High Class Frocks Assembled Monday in
Most Extraordinary
To a very fortunate purchase of one hundred and seventy-five very
good looking, nevust style frocks we have added one hundred and
twenty-five from our regular stock, making this an opportunity
without an equal- indeed many of these dresses are easily worth
Sale' for One
Dresses Worth Easily to $69.50
Problems at Coeducational School"
lit cn at coeducational school
or CL!lre is always confronted by
, nuny problems concerning her at
! t tiide twrd H e men or boys in her
Most of these problems could
he avoided or perhaps answered if
sl.r would heed some "dotn's."
Don't Hut might be one of the
warnings Ur the fair co ed. It is a
good one. In one sense, (or flirtations
Day Onhj
II j f isaiaasrj ft SV V
II ye,.,a I
II ' "S:lll
II is! A f I tur
II CvCu '
' mm
carried on in le rUaaroom ni
tha worst possible taste afd show a1
great lack net only of bit eding but
of courtesy toward the Instructor Oi
course, many happy romances bruin!
in coeducational colleges, Hut Hie
classroom is not the place for them. ',
Don't try to disregard the rules IT
there is a rule that says no girl nuy;
he out after 9 o'clock with a msni
student without a chaperon, don't I
and even
Monday at
Many of These
Dresses Are
Copies of Original
French Models
and Are Just asGood
in Every Way
Newest Style
With All the
New Style
Trimmings '
That Have a Subtle
About Them
in Style,
Fabric and
This May Be Your
Come "Monday'
Monday at $22
try to prove sown!) an cer.i.'n.
pon'l fail to appreciate le won
dcrful opportunities vou have Hi
funning strong Irirndahips with gulf
just hn-4i!e sou are a hit tarntc
awav with the chances for Inend
ships with men. The vouns- womai
who comes out of coeducation a
college with lew friends among tin
other young women students hat
l.nt much ol the best in her collect
life and has probably showed herel
a little below par as good breedmj