THE" DEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. APRIL 28. 1922. SUCPY-T.IMt TALE I (wv ttf definite rcn (or not hiving tbetn by iiu'l. Until nuih ,fcvti hm lifighborftoed he mmtn't k;e of ny inu.ui icttviiy on the 'Part pi any member of tint bou.e. Jlulil, KilhMMI, t tlA Jio-in"!, ;an'l com Nik hr cen ar live Piinyie until he U wfely out of the y. If m her, it will be hi JJr. I'rtiH'i olficf. Mi lnle Mr. Chester will receive the report of the operation, he mu.t not come litre again with them, I found out to dy that Smith went with hi em ployer ipia the next county to look at nome hore, he i out of the tf for few hours, but we mu.t not ri.k another conference here. And you mustn't be teen .peaking to Mr, Chettcr, yet he mutt manage to ee yen whenever the men have anything to report to me. There fore, have arranged this I held my breath, wondering what the meant me to do, "The Pint Rendeivous "Mr, Chriier will a.k a friend of lil another Legion boy, whoe peo pie occasionally sell milk to call us up whenever he has newt for ut. and ty that we can hate two (juarit of milk if we with to rati far it. Hit friend does not know the rea,on for the call, but obhget Mr, Chettrr, is ducrrrt, and will be silent, Now, here it hcre you come in. You drive along one of three roadt until you come to the place we .hill designate, stop your cr and tlep Into the wood at if gathering autumn c.f. every one who hat ever cn you Luowt what bug you are on that, anyway. Mr. Che. i7 will be nrar. and will deliver you the metagrt, which yoi will it member exactly. He will give you alto the next rendervout on dif ferent road, and will then vamote while you cut enough autumn leave to give an otteo.ible rraon for your slop, p.le them in the rr and diiv hmne. The futt rendeivout I'll gv you now, "It it the big oak on that windmtt road t the Noytik Bay beaeli, You're t' drive there whenever we rccrive the telrphune metvige," Bee Want Adi Are He.t Suiiiitit Boo.tert, My Marriage Problems A4t Crrt i ht fhtn f "Revelations of a Wife" THE TALE OF. NIMBLFi DEER' WARTHlRSCOrT BAILEY aaaal ml CHAPTER XII. Cuffy It Mittifif, lit up on ih dirk mmint.iiini.le tu the dmmj mow. Nimble waned m front ti( the cte hft Cutty lcr hid taiil.JterJ, And tt the .miiiuib wat growing more uny, I- ' Of couwe gou don'trNimfe! atfrcci. rre feared that Cuffy Hear might Le m ft.uc.ort oi i rouble, N'inilile locked all about for hcln f.ut there, wasn't a iign of anybody tirrinr anywhere. All the moun- , lain people arcmcd to have sought hcltrr from the norm. At last, however, Prtcr Minjr, came utiraking up from the upring. He had set out to follow Broad Brook , all the way up to its beginning:, on 1y a hunt lor meadow mice. And when s he rt out to do a thing, he atwayi rnisnca it. no mauer wnat me wca ther miaht be. "You're just the person I want to tttl Nimble cried. "Will you do me a favor?" . Now, Peter Mink never did any body a favor if he could help it. So he promptly laid. "No! "Won't you bo inside thii cave for mi and r what's h.iDtiened lit I Cuffy Bear?" Mmble implored him, i "He went inside the cave. I prom. 71 iced to wait for him here. And he 1 1 has been cone for hours. ' II "I won't RO into that cave for II anybody," Peter Mink declared How do I know you're not trying to play a trick on me? I don t see i' anv bear tracks in the snow." J "Of course vou don't!" Nimble agreed. "All this snow has fallen since CuflV crawled into the cave." "Why don't you go inside your- self? Fetcr Mink inquired writh something very like a sneer. "I'm too tall." said Nimble, "Be- . sides, I don't like caves. I keep out of them. ' "So do IT Peter Mink declared though everybody knew that he went V everywhere even under - the ice along Broad brook and Swift river. 0?rB(iiU'e didn't know what to do. "He fclMfKat lie ought to go for If help, - somewhere. But ..Ahe had Ij promised, CufTy Bear,-to , wait for ' him. . ; v - . Then all at once an. idea tame to him. Why not send. Petc Mink for , help? , : . . .. . . "Won't you please go down to Cedar swamo and ask Fattv Coon to come up here?" Nimble begged . Peter. . : .: ' "I can't." Teter answered. "I - must go home now." And every body knew that Peter Mink had no home at all tie was tne vagaoona . .J Ul LI1C W UUUSi -. i Nimble saw thenithat it was use- fl 1 less to look for help from him. . Ana r i titer Vrter fink had iron his surlv way, Nimble still lingered there. He was hungry. So he begart to paw the snow away here and there, to uncover the ground growths. And just as he was nibbling beside a ' bush somebody said, Don t step on met "It -was Mr. Grouse, half buried in the snow. ' , : .. "I wondered why you were wait ing here so long," Mr. Grouse told Nimble. "When I heard you talk ing to that rascal. Peter Mink, I knew the reason. But I didn't dare ; speak while he was about." -sa "Are you going to spend the night here?" Nimble asked him. "Yes!" said Mr. Grouse. c"I shall ;- be snug and warm after' the snow 7 ..' 1 i( "Well, your head won't be cpver J ed for some time," Nimble told him, "Are you willing to Z(p an eye out ""Oct. Cuffy Bear? I'm going down I Cedar Swamp to get help. And Cuffy Bear, might come out of the cave while I'm gone.". .-,. "I'd be glad to watch for you," Mr. Grouse replied, "but it wouldn't be any use." . ' ' V" - ' ' - "Why not?' Nimble, "asked j him. "Don't you think we're going to see Cuffy Bear again?"' "Oh, we'll see him," Mr. Grouse answered. "But it won't be till to wards spring. For there's no doubt that Cuffy has fallen into his win ter's sleep." , And then Nimble' exclaimed that Cuffy Bear had yawned as he turned away to enter the cave. He hadn't even begged pjirdon, nor covered his mouth with a pawv; "No doubt he was .very, very sleepy," said- Mr. Grousev , "i (Copyright, 12S.) '. . .. I A Silly Song I p.. a rnrvnn wrpn Each time spring begins to bloom I'm forced to -leave my cory room and wield my wornout. stubby broom and have a boss again. All winter long my little squaw, she waits and watches for a thaw, and when it comes, she writes her maw to get aboard a train. They load me down with heavy mops, between jumps I inhale my chops;- they boss me 'round like city cops do men with . M J 1 : T 1 : .. IT . l - . J l . - ! l r l ' . alius ntiu niivv& vau. o.v.n vi uu. my wife's maw sees, mid clouds of dust I , choke , and wheeze, while I lambast a rug. I not like the drifted snow, nor winter's wins that howl and blow, but when spring r comes how well I. know what loads I'll have to Jug. -1 know I'll have ' to shift my gears and help clean , house when spring appears, and be a slave while briny tears are dripping irom my mng. , - . ; tCopjrih. l5i) Th Made; AfAtngememi Lillian vfuh Tom Carter. LB!ian'i hand firmly held over my ipt not only prevented me from the vain wtaknet which I had ditcovered in my own teul at I li.trned to my maiher-ia-lw't tirade, put alto Irom Indignantly d' cUnumir my irtrnd't on attumption that Mother Odium's derogatory couipariMtn of Tom the.ier'a age to mine wat the thing "whan botmred me mot. Thankful, indeed. at I a tecond later, when the removed the kindly hand, that J had not uttered the d't cUimer, for another turning of my p.jcno-anaiyiuai iiaiiiugnt into my inmial recettet hid shown me that her ttaternent wat true. Even through the mental flagellation whuh haa followed mv inoiher-ia law't accutationt had run the panic itnikeu muttering of my vanity: "It in t true. am not much Older. And I look the umr a when I married Dicky. I do! 1 do!" At if ' I had really spoken the '. sultan pu ea me 10 mv leet and held me lacing her while the tpoke briskly, deciivlyj "Did you ever know me to salve anybody! feelings wiih an untrue compliment?- the demanded. Never. I mnwered truthfully. "Then vou'll believe me when I ttil you tomethmgs. as Katie would put it. You haven't beuun to break yet. In fact, I believe you're better iookiiik in tome wavt man vou were when I first taw you that evening at tne theater, and 1 thought that night you were about the prettiest bit of flesh and blood I had ever teen." She drew a sibilant breath and bent a suddenly-keen look uoon me. "You have a number of years yet before you come to a beautiful woman t Gethsemane the first rav aget of time in her face. But unlest you want to let that time spoil all your after-life, you'd better get your self into a different mental attitude toward it., There's only one way to lace that time. - Amputate your van. ity beforehand with a sharp, swift stroke, then, when the wound has healed, you can grow old gracefully, almost contentedly. Lome along now, the sermon is over, and 1 have important tlrhigs to say to you and young .Mr. Chester." What Madge Regretted. I followed her with gratitude and humility, pushing out of sight the vanity which she had iust aoocased gratiude for her timely succor of my wounded spirit, humility before the sanity, the greatness of spirit, with which she, a woman who had possessed rare beauty, had seen her youth pass, and welcomed with ban ners the silvering hair and etching tacial lines of middle-age. Mr. Chester sprang to his feet as we came across the lawn, and I caught in his eyes the same look .of I -T- -!. T , I ooyisn aamiranon wmcn i nao seen in them before... 1 quickly averted my own with a fine, little rage at my niothcr-TjuJaw in mylicart. -i By her outburst he- had .effectually pre-, vented me from ever again regard ing young Mr. Chester w-ith imper sonal friendliness. I should always be self-conscious when m his pres ence, always be wondering how much of what she had said concerning his thought Of me was true. Lillian Have me no time for fool ish introspection, however. She was speaking briskly almost before we reached Tom Chester's side. Now, Madge, Mr. Chester has only a few minutes before he must leave to meet those operatives, and we have to arrange a way of getting the reports from the men to me. I Idctmum Your Weight to Normal by Taking TANLAC Tb World's GrMttt Tonic ADVERTISEMENT. Why Women Get Despondent Are not women naturally as light- hearted, brave and hopeful as men? Yes, certainly; but a woman's organ ism is essentially different from a man's more delicate, more sensi tive and more exacting. . Women in delicate health are more dependent, more nervous, more irritable and more despondent. When a woman develops nervousness, sleeplessness, backaches,. headaches, dragging- down pains and melancholia "she should lose no time in giving Lydia t. finkham s . Vegetable Compound a fair trial, as it will quickly dispel such troubles. - This root and herb medicine contains no drug and has been the standby of American wom anhood for nearly fifty years. ' ADVERTISEMENT. :0R IICHING TORTURE Use Antiseptic Liquid Zemo There is one remedy that seldom falls to stop itching torture and re lieve skin irritation, and that makes the kin soft, clear and healthy. Any druggist can surmly you with Zemo, which generally overcomes skin diseases. Eczema, Itch. Pimples, Rashes, Blackheads In most cases give way to Zeroo. Frequently, minor blemishes disappear over night. Itching usually stops in stantly. Zemo is a safe, antiseptic liquid, clean, easy to use and de pendable. It costs only 35c; an extra large bottle. $1.00, . It is posi tively safe for tender, sensitive skins; 5 CENTS BUYS Our Regular 10c Cut of Delicious RAISIN PIE WEEK of APRIL 24 to 30 ONLY All 6 WELCH Restaurants OLD Upholstered Furaltur an like bw. DRESHER BROTHERS Dyers, Cleaners, Hatters, Furriers Tailors and Rug Cleaners Z21T Tmmm Street - . AT 0345 Extra Salespeople Extra -Wrappers. Friday 9 A. M. eiiS---- aasBs' eaigtyaisaMeSMSSI Everything Conveniently Arranged for Quick Service Friday 9 A.M. Conant Hotel Bid?, Another Record Making Sale of 800 Coats, Capes, Wrap . Several makers o high type Coats and Wraps, hearing of our Gigantic Sale's Sales that are making history offered their entire surplus stock, including scores of ''Sample" Coats, Capes and Wraps, at an amazing price concession, for such wonderful qualities and beautiful styles. After a thorough examination, our buyer bought 800 for spot cash paying less than he would have offered and wired us saying, "They are beyond your fondest expectations; you cannot be over-enthusiastic about them." ' They Are Here Every One of Them Not One of These Coats, Capes or Wraps Has Ever Been on Our Racks Before And Such Beauties! Such Wonderful t - , Qualities! Ordinarily you would not hesitate a minute on paying $35, $39 '45 $49 For Coats Like These Friday- May! Have One For Sizes for Women and Misses Materials- Shdwsh'een Unlined and Full Silk Lined Wrappy models, cape effects, coats with big sleeves and crushed collars, straight line styles, dolmans, capes, dressy -: effects and sports wear coats.1 Coats, capes and wraps for every occasion. New Colors and Newest Trimmings Elaborately embroidered styles, lovely long fringe effects, silk braid trimmed and combinations, strap metal and rope belts, long fringe tassels, large fancy ' bone and covered buttons. Ih fact, there is every new style touch found in the highest price garments. .laLV ' m u hi 1 MVS a tUTt: eW'.-v II f l:t II IUI Bff " II Pandora This Will Be Great News To Scores of Women Who have asked us, "When will you haVe some more of those wonderful $15 Coats?" All we need to say to them is that there are 800 Coats, Capes and Wraps here in this great sale and they are better styles and better qualities than any we have ever offered for $15.