1 StttPV-TIMt TALES THE GUMPS M IT IN COLORS TIIK GO-BETWEEN. Dra'vn'for The Bee by Sidney Smith Wrong Man Nearly 1$ Released From Jail I d CaMrr cumplrltd term of .''I .:.. in ui.iy for V4rinrjr jf tnUv. 'I lie jjilrr 4l!rd li'i name. V IN THE (UN DAT BtC TUP TA I P ftC 17 Of NIMBI Fl WmW wry tfcFtt tvuiv WAWWRSCOTTBAHET pi iniirr rt't'itdrd. ! . a. ..l ull. . lie M4i ii'ti mn 'i iiii 'Dim pen and alli.Hed M die., Wlini he appealed Ur final in Hf 11 ion, however, he was rcoji)if4 a liiMue Wd.ou, serving Vl data ,.n. ul-'i wanted by authorities m He ua rrninird to laiirr denies he was in any way .'itiiiir. Ic.l u illi tli niiktjL kill ill CIIAPTKR X. At th Ctrrot Patch. Purine hit fir.t summer Niinb'e never rt.ihej tirmrr Cireen'i nr. lot tt;h once, Hi mother hJ 1'Unne.j to tike lier iltere. Out on iailrr said l aitrr nimhl be charged with auluiu an atteitipted jail de- liven, 'Hit; tfhfc: OMAHA. UjOJNfcMtAY. M'Hll Itf, lt-'J. Sogt 4K KffcMO- IfcVfU 1UL fit I'll ClfcC . M 'Ut AV T tCUOXl Um fMVVMU Wl WO CWIOH M.ZW Ml 5j50OC A PM U 1 t t VltT NMIC MMVUKt I A tUTTO Wf ml L ($OJY C COVVf- VCS fckVPl 1 ..J pet.lUTcM Yea. A- I CVt CF CCWHt- t EOtWT I m AwM W tvt HiA Ct rOMC: I " " " ' K's' I m 1 Old dofl Spotrjimtmj RaMt faed at he Hhukcd past fcimW. arrount fcf an unexnecled Parly, Mie lu'l postponed their viit. And tomehow the right mglit (or a trip after carrots never teemed to come agjin. Now, Nimble had never forgotten what his mother had told liim about carrots. And lie was foino; after ome so lie promised himself jut at won a be was bin enough. When Kimble's second summer rolled around lie was big enonch and old enough to prowl around the woods and fields much as lie pleaded, lie was a Spike Horn. And he felt fit to ro to the carrot patch with out waiting for anybody to show him the way. So one nislit be Mole down the hillside pasture, across the meadow, and jumped the" fence into Farmer Greens garden. He saw at once that somebody was ahead of him. It was limmy Rabbit. He was very busy with ono of Farmer Green's cabbages. "I've come down to try the car rot," said Nimble. Jimmy Rabbit made no reply, ex cept to nod his head slightly, lie was eating so fast that he realiy couldn't speak just then. "Are these carrots?'' Nimble in quired, as he looked about at the big cabbages, which crossed the garden in long rows. Jimmy Rabbit shook his head. "They seem to be good," snid Nimble, "whatever they are, I'll taste one." " And he did. In fact he tasted of three or four of them, eating their centers out neatly. Meanwhile Jimmy Rabbit was be coming uneasy. And at last he spoke. "I thought," he said, "you told tv.e you had come dow n here to try the carrots?" "So A - did," Nimble answered. "But I don't know where the carrots arc." . i. "Why didn't you say so ' before?"' Jimmy Rabbit asked him. .And with out waiting for a reply," he cried, "Follow mcl I'll show you." And he hopped off briskly, with Nimble after him. Soon Jimmy Rabbit came to a halt. . ' "Here it is!" be said. "Here's the carrot patch. Help yourself!" and then he hopped away again, back to his supper of cabbages. Nimble Deer began to eat t'le car rot tops. And he was greatly dis appointed. "They're not half as- good as those great round balls," he mutter ed. And he turned away from the carrots, to go back and join Jimmy Rabbit. But he hadn't gone far, when he met Jimmy bounding along in a great hurry. "Old dog Spot!" Jimmy Rabbit gasped as he whisked past Nimble. "He's out tonight and he's coming this way." In one leap Nimble sprang completely around and followed Jimmy Rabbit across the meadow, up through the pasture, and over the stone wall into the woods. There they lost each other. The next morning Nimble met his mother along the ridge that ran down toward Cedar Swamp. "I went down to the carrot patch kst night." he told her. "And 1 iiHint say I don't see why you're so fond of carrots. They're not half as good as some big green balls that I found in the garden. I call the carrot leave tough. But the big green balls have very tender leaves." His mother gave him a juccr look. 'Do you mean to tell me," she asked him. "that you ate only the leaves of the carrots?" "Why, yes!" said Nimble. "I saw nothing else to cat. There was no fruit on them." "Hoi" cried his mother. You have to dig with your toes to reach the carrots thcinelve. They're down in the ground. And to my mind there $ nothing any micer and sweeter and tenderer than niie young carrots, eaten by the l:g'it of the moon." Nimble felt very folit!i. .And then he tossed his head and aid light, "Oh, well! It wouldn't have made any difference if I had dug the carrots out of the dirt. They wouldn't have tasted right anyhow. I-'or there was no mon last night!" io.riht. ::.) Parents' Problems How can a little girl of 6. who, when a baby, happened to be fright encd by a dog, be helped to over come the fear of dogs that she has since had? Let her make acquaintance with REDirOINT is the pencil with greater writing mile ngc. It uses a double-length lead that gives you twice the writing service of ordinary pencils. Insert one of these leads in your Redipoint and you can apply yourself to your work without thought of refilling for weeks to come. Do not buy a new pencil until you have seen Redi- Joint. Its use of double-length eads is your assurance of bet' ter writing service. And this is but one of many improved Redipoint features which add to the comfort and conven ' ience of pencil writing. Ask your dealer to show you this better pencil It costs no more than others, Made and (guaranteed by Redipoint Pencil Division - BROWN &. BIGELOW Saint Paul, Minn. . r no o n oifimpwinyr. I I MO. US. I I PAT, OFF. II- II MWITH THI 1 v AUTOMATIC PUSH-BACK 1 A These prices will help you compare: 30 x Zyi Ffak Premier Tread 80x 8 Non-Skid Fabric . SO x 3 Extra-Ply Red-Top SO x 3-Six-Fly Non-fckld Clincher Cord . . . 30 x 3-Sii-Ply Non-Skid Cord Straight Side . Six 4 -Six-Ply Non-Skid Cord 32x4 Non-Skid Cord . . . 32 x iyi Non-Skid Cord . . . 34 x 4? Non-Skid Cord . . 35 x 5 Non-Skid Cord . . . $10.85 14.85 17.85 17.85 19.85 27.00 30.50 39.00 41.00 51.50 SEE this tire and compare with any at a competing price. It is your best purchase if you want a low-priced tire. The Fisk Premier Tread is a tire which yields an honest, generous measure of service at a low price. A remarkably good-looking tire, with a deep-cut, well-designed non-skid tread. It is a Fisk Tire, and is Fisk character clear through. There's a Fisk tire of extra value in every size for car, truck or speed wagon. , S Hi w a helplefs puppy. "! full-grown dog of benevolent dispoi tiou. Do nothing to remind her of her fear, not even saying ninth about overcoming it. The fears aris ing from shock in infancy are often very deep-seated, and to help a child overcome them requires a pa tient building-up of confidence. Storz Kstate $70,000. Mm. Minnie Storz left an estate of $270,tNK), according to an appraisal filed in county court yesterday. Common Sense In Business Matter Look Well Be fore You Leap. You mut take some chances, if you win out. No line of business is i sure thing from the start. Therefore, if you wait till you are absolutely sure, you will wait for ever. On the other hand, you should not go to the other extreme of rush ing into something whiih rasual inspection indicates at a worthy undertaking. I'o some figuring and a lot of thinking beloie you invest your money. Lay out your plan along a sane cour.e, nuking allowance lor unex pected demands and a certain de gree of misfortune. In your own mind there should he a cleverly maiked goal and a definite coure leading up to it. Don't go into anything just be cause your best friend dues, when you cannot see it landing place for our own affairs, wliric it should '1'jkinj chance tlint "ihiiiu will come out all right," i one uf the principal readout why o many careen have been wrecked fiuaiul ally. There is no ure iome t wealth and success. You iuut realize th-tt you have to take some tliaiucs, but an intelligent survey for yourself, with your ow n toibililirs and needs in view, should be taken by your self, rrgardlcs of vh.it the other man may say. irnpintlil. !.: Iii-iii uiht .Muii Dfiiin He Will Withdraw From Firm J.iy-1) I ter, pieiidrnt of the 1 i-iir-t,nki r company, insuianco KfnK ha jut returned from a win ter in C.iliininia hale and hearty, sei ting at rct any rumors that be had old out and withdrawn from this linn, Mr. I tr say ht ha no in trillion of ie!iiing from business. i oinlitinits in California are good, according to Mr. t otter. Ifiiiiiehip Fare Cut. Stvauiohip rates continue to go dmwi. V. K, iiock, Omaha agent for the Munson tine which operate United Males Shipping board ve cU, ua notified 'luesday of cut in r itrs to South American point. I irl cabin fare to Kio de Janeiro ha beeu reduced front $415 to $2VS and the first cabin fare to Buenos Ayrcs from S-t'Jt) to $J60, Bock ha been advised. ave and Invest U S Treasury Savings Certificates ofFer advantages that are new Every member of the family can own them. They make saving and investing easy and they pay interest up to the time of withdrawal if you need ready cash THESE Certificates increase in value from month to month, as interest accumulates. Their ex act value is shown for each month. At present prices you pay $20 for a $25 certificate, $80 for a $100 certificate or $800 for a $1000 certificate. The value increases at the rate of 4!fc per cent per year, compounded semi-annually. This really means a total of 25 per cent if held for five years until maturity, or 5 per cent per year. Ready redeemability and liberal interest are only two of the many advantages. Safety is equally important. U.S. Treasury Savings Certificates are the soundest investment conceivable. All risk is eliminated. These Certificates do not fluctuate 07 IO on Savings in value. They constantly in crease, month by month. They cannot be recalled by the Gov ernment before maturity. As further protection, they are reg istered in your name when you buy them, safeguarding you against theft or loss. They are exempt from normal Federal Income Tax and from state and local taxes (except estate and inheritance taxes). Investigation of the many advantages of U. S. Treasury Savings Certificates will prove to you, as already to thousands, that here is a new and better way of saving. Ask your postmaster for a descriptive circular or address the U. S. Govern ment Savings System, Treasury Department, Washington, D. C. Liberal Interest - Safety - Certain Value - Payment on Demand U. S. Treasury Savings Certificates are issued in denominations within the reach of all. You can buy a $25 Certificate for $20, a $100 Certificate for $80 and a $1000 Certificate for $800. . If you save less than $20 per month, you can accumulate Postal Savings Stamps at iOc each, or Treasury Savings Stamps at $1 each, neither interest-bearing. Or you can open an interest-bearing Postal Savings Account. Then you can convert such savings into a Treasury Savings Certificate when you accumulate $20. U. S. Treasury Savings Certificates may be purchased at Post Offices, Federal Reserve Banks, banks and trust companies, or direct from the U. S. Government Savings System. There is no red tape, no formality. Do not delay in becoming acquainted with this simpler, more profitable system of making ypur dollars grow. Make the money you work for, work for you. See how quickly it earns 25 percent. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SAVINGS SYSTEM TREASURY DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, D. C. 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DRESHER BROTHERS Dyera, Cleaners, Hatters, Furriers Tailors and Rut Cleaners AT 0345 5 CENTS BUYS Our Regular 10c Cut of Deliclojs RAISIN PIE WEEK of APRIL 24 to 29 ONLY All 6 WELCH Restaurants We Clean Upholstered Furniture Call AT 0345 DRESHER BROTHERS Dyers, Cleaners, Hatters, Furriers Tailors and Ruf Cleaners 2217 Farnam Street 5 CENTS BUYS Our Regular 10c Cut of Delicious RAISIN PIE WEEK of APRIL 24 to 29 ONLY All 6 WELCH Restaurants CALL AT 0345 and atk us to send a furniture man out to give an estl mate on cleaning upholstered furniture. DRESHER BROTHERS CLEANERS 2217 Farnam Street '