Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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    fllK F.F.E: OMAHA. U.PXLS.Y. Al'IlU 'X 1922.
Rail Heads Will
See Pile Driving
Tests in Oraali
l.omnon of Three State and
Other Public Official!
Alo to Witness Dem
oiutration Here.
Piprr enUtivn of railroad, nv
and engineering InterriU wil
mm in Omaha today. Tht ce
cation will be a demonstration of the
linking of anchor pile in tlx rfUrJ
woik being done along the Missouri
river by Woods Brothers.
Rrtrrn 2X) and .id) nationally
prominent public officials, railroad
iirroulents bridge, navigation an
reclamation engineers and atate of'
fiddle will attend the exhibition north
of larier lake at 10 thu morning.
Three Governor! Here.
Among the most prominent who
will he here are: Governor Arthur
M. Hyde of Miouri; Theodore
arry. head of the Kansas City Tele
phone company; Governor Nate
Kendall of Iowa and a etaff of atate
officials; Governor R. L. McMatrrt
of South Dakota with atate engineer
and officials; a delegation of en
Kineer from California headed by
P. Pwyer, president of the Sacra
mento Navigation company that if
(icing reclamation work along the
hacramento river: prominent rail
road mm from Chicago, including
vice 'resident uaiuwiii ot the Illmoi
t entral railroad, l'rcidcnt arn
1'elton of the Great Western, Vice
President L. C. Fritch of the Rock
Island; Ice Spratlin, assistant to
the president of the Chicago, Mil
waukee & St. Taul: C. E. Perkins
chairman of the board of director
of the Burlington railroad, and rep
resentativei of the Great Northern
Northern Pacific, Mihsouri Pacific
and Kansas City & Southern rail
A special train of seven car will
arrive m Omaha early this morning.
bringing the Chicago parties.
Two Boat Trip.
The anchor pile that has been so
effective in retard work along the
Missouri river is known as the Bic
nell pile, patented by Ed Bignell of
Woods Brothers. It is of concrete
and is sunk to bed rock in two or
three minutes by water power.
The day will open with rrcsenta
tion of motion pictures of the current
retard operation in the ball room of
Hotel Fontcnelle at 9. Automobiles
will take the visitors to the demon
stration. Luncheon will be served
in Hotel Fontenelle, followed by in
pecuon trips along we river on
Woods Brothers' boats.
One boat will take a party up the
river to inspect retards installed one
year ago near the Illinois Central
narrows. Another boat will take
party dpwn the river to inspect the
work .near Lake Manawa, Bcllevue
anu Uibson,
Ak Membership
iYear 2,000 Mark
Characters, Co&tumcs. r and
Scenes All Ready for Open-'
ing of Den Show.
King Ak is acting in double quick
time in lassoing thousands of his
subjects for membership in Ak-Sar
Ben this year, a bulletin at head
quarters states.
A dozen majors have their field
forces in the roundup and the ninth
day of : the campaign shows the
membership near the 2,000 mark.
Maj. J. E. Davidson, In charge of
District No. 2, has corralled 313
members, while Maj. Charles E.
Black;, Omaha's postmaster, stands
second with 308. R. S. Wilcox and
Thomas A. Fry, who helped or
ganize Ak-Sar-Ben 27 years ago, are
hustling again this year for King
characters, costumes and scenes
all have been arranged lor the open
ing show at the den on May 29, it
was announced today. .
"W. W. Morrow Dies.
Afton, la., April 25. VV. W, Mor
row, treasurer of the state fair board
and former state treasurer, died at
his home here this morning.
Brief City News
Fairfield Ijfavrs Bee E. M. Fair-
m, treasurer of The Bee Publish-
ik I'onoanv imrn Kenrnarv iQ9.n
has resigned his position, effective
May 1. ,
Robe Cafe A lone bandit entered
the Auditorium restaurant, 1510
Howard street, yesterday mornlnsr.
locked the proprietor In the icebox
and rifled the oash register.
"Drys" to Fteht Hitchcock T. A.
High of Lincoln, superintendent of
the Anti-Saloon league, stated yes
terday tnat tne "dry democrats will
fight Senator O. M. Hitchcock in the
coming campaign.
Breaks .Taw Hyman Katz, ped
dler, 6211 South Twenty-fifth street,
started arguing with a balky horse
yesterday. He is now in Wise Me
morial hospital with a broken Jaw
and other injuries.
City Thanks Army Col. G. G.
Bailey of Fort Crook received a vote
pf thanks yesterday from city coun
cil forco-operation extended to the
city by loan of automobile trucks
tor clean-up week.
Glad Car Could Speed A score of
speeders drew fines in Central police
court yesterday. Mrs. Therese Som
mer, 534 Park avenue, was elated to
learn her car had made 40 miles an
hour. She said she did not know it
could go so fast.
Membership Pay Thursday is
national membership day of the Na
tional Association of Credit Men.
Omaha members of the association
will endeavor to increase the mem
bership of the local organization on
that day.
Changes Naur Morris K. Schlat
ter, former Omahan. United States
llplomatlo clerk at Vienna, became
E.1wa.rd M. Schlatter vestprrinv hv an 1
;Mr aimed bv District Jncica Scare J
ins enanpee xa iiaus iu a.voia con
fusion with his, nephew, Morris!
Bchlaifer. the fighter.
Park Concession Approved Park
toncessions for ths season to the
following persons and in considera
tion of the amountsahown were ap
proved yesterday bs the city coun
lil: Hanscom. Albeit Maher, $560;
rontenelle. TV. A. Wilcox. I27S:
Rivervlew. George H Yager, $606;
The Dancing Master
Cl 4 fMS 1ar I
Elijibeth walked y frern film
and atooe looking into the street.
Mia knew he right; knew that
tht only other work she could do
would b distasteful drudgery, md
yet aha hated the thought of emg
anything to this man, even if it wi
only for a time. ....
tanner thought he read IndecUIon
in her ailenee, and he said again,
urgently. "It is not only I who will
be disappointed; there i Mnie.
Srnrstit. She has built so much on
what the i lure you can do."
"Ves, 1 know," tluahetb said, but
it was not the thought of madam
that influenced her so much at the
memory of what Roytton had laid
only last night. "Vou've got to le
hrpys you've ""
It would please him, she knew; and
that was all she cared for.
She turned around and looked at
Farmer; hi handsome face was
flushed and eager, but it was of the
look in J'at Koyston'i eves that she
thought as the said with a sigh:
"Veiy, well if you wish it, I will
go on."
"And-I am forgiven?"
She said "Yet." because it was
such a small thins to her.
Neil Farmer took her hand and
raised it gently to his lip. "You
will find that I am your deoted
friend always." he said.
Rut his humility left Elizabeth un
moved: he merely tolerated him
uhrn he rams to the llOU-C.
For a week she struggled agaiint
the despair in her heart. She cliing
to the belief that something would
hannen to nut thins richt. thougll
what could haonrn she did not know.
She wrote a don letters to ioy
Inn anil lore them all IIP I tome
timei at night sue cried nerseir to
sleeo. and at other time nothing
seemed to matter. She was swung
helnlesslv first this way, then that,
by the pendulum ot ner emotions.
Neil Farmer was, as he had said
he u-hulrl be. her devoted friend.
She knew that he must nave
spoken to Mme. Senestis about her.
fnr all at once tlie rieorous treat
ment in which the French woman
had auhjectcd her relaxed; she was
allowed to ro out alone whenever
she liked and she was not worked so
hard. ...
And slowly the week dragged to
. .... . . e 1.. . .1...,.-.
a tortnignt, tne lonmgiu io mire
weeks, and all hope lett t-iizabetns
She wrote to ctta, and a snort,
hurried answer came: "I am very
busy, as we are leaving London next
week. My foot is ever so much bet
ter. Kxruse a short note: I'll write
again when we are settled down and
tell you ail aDout it.
But no further letter came, ana
once aeain tlizaDftn was conscious
nf the forlorn feclinir that she was,
indeed, cut out of both Netta's life
anrl Rovston's forever.
Terhaps it was only natural that
in the circumstances she should turn
to Neil Farmer.
He was so often at the house and
so attentive; he seemed to guess ner
wishes beforehand, and yet he never
presumed on her half-hcanied tor-
giveness or made her regret it.
Unconsciously she nad begun to
call him bv his Christian name; un
consciously she was gradually adopt
ing the Bohemian ways of Madame's
er The irresrularitv of the life no
onser annoyed her, perhaps because
sne naa Degun to realize mai u is
always easier to let oneself go with
the tide.
Preparations for her debut were
proceeding apace; Madame talked of
nothing else.
A certain duchess with a penchant
for "discovering" people was giving
an entertainment at ner nouse tor
some convenient charity, and Eliza
beth was to appear.
"Madame thinks it will be better
than a public appearance," Farmer
told Elizabeth. Apparently the
duchess in question was an adept at
advertising, and Elizabeth did not
know whether to be amused or an
noyed at the subtle "booming"
Mixed With Sulphur It Darkens
So Naturally Nobody
Can Tell
The old-time fixture of Sage Tea
and Sulphur for darkening gray,
stsaked and faded hair is grand
mother's recipe, and folks are again
using it to keep their hair a good,
even color, which is quite sensible,
as we are living in an age when a
youthful appearance is of the great
est advantage.
Nowadays, though, we don t have
the troublesome task of gathering the
sage and the mussy mixing at home.
All drug stores sell the ready-to-use
product, improved by the addition of
other' ingredients, called "Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Compound." It
is very popular, because nobody can
discover it has been appHed. Simply
moisten your comb or a soft brush
with it, and draw this Jhrough your
hair, taking one small strand at a
time; by morninar the eray hair dis
appears, but what delights the ladies
with Wyeths- Sage and . Sulphur
Compound is that, besides beauti
fully darkening; the hair after a few
applications, it also produces that soft
lustre and apppearance of abundance
which is so attractive, - " .
which wa already prepared for her,
'Do anybody eer gej on in l.on.
doq because ot their own ability;''
the akrd Farmer with uiieoiiscwut
cynicism. He laughed, and admitted
that my httle wa done nowadays
without advertisement.
"If a new acires suddenly flaihet
before the public." he said, "it'i gen
erally after months of careful thought
and preparation. If hrr prr agent
are good enough, and beat the drums
loudly enough, the'i almost morally
certain to hud herclf a tuccen."
riiiabetlt sighed,
"1 don't like to feel that ! may
only be a shccch becaue of things
like that." the said. I
li t eve wanned ll.ry tooled at
hr, "In ouf (i t you art hound
to he turrets, ei lilere were
no pre. 'nt in t'ie woilf," e
Flitbrth Ved to Mr that;
MiUn e wa always trturian in Mr
piaie, and Flmhrih. eit'i felt di
"1 ni4y rant he a turrets at all
the taid, a the had once ttid to Tat
Knytton. " oil lliay neer get jour
liimiry barK
"lliat it the least of my concern,'
he answered nmetlv.
r.luabctii locked at him with wUt
ful eet, hud le uly the aked an ir
trlrtant qurtion.
"lo on cer tee PvHv?"
She had iiever een Uolly ier'f
soite that day in the rcftauraut,
Ftrryone teemed to have slipped out
ol her Me,
"I only wondered," tald Llirabeth
It Milliliter 14 Th Sm Tamami)
Burgess-Wash Gompany
A Sale of
Player Pianos
This splendid offer is
yours, because of a very
special purchase of High
Grade Instruments that
have a nation-wide reputa
tion for durability, finish,
and quality of tone.
Every instrument in this
sale bears the unqualified
guarantee of the manufac
turers as well as Burgess
Nash Company.
On Sale at Two Prices
$42250 $47000
Standard 88-Note Flayers
With each Player we include 12 rolls of Music,
Bench and Scarf. Convenient terms.
Burgess-Nash Piano Dept. Fifth Floor
if ' SS 1
The Century-
and the
Lake 1 Shore Limited
The luxurious Lake
Shore Limited, ar
riving in New York
and Chicago in time
for dinner and the
theatre, has for a
generation" enjoyed a
prestige that has not
been dimmed even by
the famous Twentieth
Century Limited
Omaha Office:
808-809 Woodmen of the
World Building -
Lake Shore Limited
Lv. Chicago 3.30 p. m.
Ar. New York 5.25 p. m.
Lv. New York 5.30 p. m.
Ar. Chicago 4.00 p. m.
20th Century Limited
Lv. Chicago 12.40 p.m.
Ar. Boston 12 noon
Ar. New York 9.40 a.m.
Lv. New York 2.45 p. m.
Lv. Boston' 12.30 p.m.
Ar. Chicago 9.45 a.m.
tarter Lake, .WUUaniwelner, 500. money refunded.
Good-bye, sore feet, burning: feet.
swollen feet, sweaty feej, smelling
feet, tired feet.
Good-bye, corns, callouses, bunions
and raw spots. No more shoe tight
ness, no more limping witn pain or
rawing p your face m agony.
TIZ" is magical, acts right off.
TIZ" draws out all the poisonous
exudations which puff up the feet.
Use "TIZ" and forget your foot
misery- Ah! how comfortable your
feet feel. A few cents buy a box
of "TIZ" now at any druggist or
department store. Don't suffer. Have
good feet, glad feet, feet that never
swell, never hurt, never get tired. A
year s loot comiort guaranteed or
In Blisters. Itched and
Burned. Used 2 Cakes
Soap and 3 Boxes Ointment.
"My face was badly broken out
with eczema. It started in blisters
and itched and burned so that I
scratched it, causing the blisters to
break, and my face looked as though
it bad been burned. I spent many
restless night.
"I began using Cutlcura Soap and
Ointment and got immediate relief,
and after using two cakes of Cuticuim
Soap and three boxes of Cutlcura
Ointment 1 was completely healed."
(Signed) Mrs. Viola Meyers, 233
So. Main St., Bellefontaine, Ohio,
July 28, 1921. V
For every purpose of the toilet and
bath, Cutkura Soap, Ointment and
Talcum are wonderfully good.
SMltlMkrTMkrSUO. AMrf:"Cit!nUk
mUa. pt a, Malta 4. lUn " Scd mn.
Coocara Soap shaves wjtooat mug.
There in one simple, safe and sure way
that never fails to get rid of blackheads
and that is to dissolve them.
To do this get two ounces of calonite
powder from any drug store sprinkle a
Httle on a hot, wet sponge rub over the
blackheads briskly wash the parts and
you will be surprised how the blackheads
have disappeared. Big blackheads, littlq
blackheads, no matter where they are, sim
ply dissolve and disappear, leaving the
parts-without any mark whatever. Black
heads are simply a mixture of dust and
dirt and secretions from the body that
form in the pores of the skin. Pinching
and squeezing only cause irritation, make
large pores, and do not get the blackheads
out after they become hard. The calonite
powder and the water simply dissolve the
blackheads so they wash right out, leav
ing the pores free and clean and in their,
natural condition. Anyone troubled with
these unsichtly blemishes should certainly
try this simple method.
Qur Regular 10c Cut of Delicious
WEEK ot APRIL 24 to 29 ONLY
All 6 WELCH Rsstaurants
Wednesday We Specially Feature Many
Household Needs at Attractive Prices
"RilM Hair Nets, double' mesh,
cap and fringe, 3 for 23.
Coats' Thread, all aiaei, do:en,
Tearl Buttons, fine quality,' 3
dozen, 25c;
Sewing Machine Needles, In
every size and make, 2 tuben,
Liberty Dress Forms, in every
size, priced, each, $1.00.
Rirk-Rack Braid, all sizes, bolt.
Machine Baits, for every mako
nmrhine, strong quality, at,
each, 25c.
Sanitary Napkins, dozen, 35c.
Bust s-Naih Main Floor
Grass Rugs
Each warmer day makes one
think of cool-looking rugs for
the porch and bedrooms.
These ate in plain colors,
with attractive borders of blue,
tan, green, pink and black. All
have fringed ends. Sizes 4x7.
Each. $3.25.
Burc-Nh Sixth Floor
Wednesday's Fealure-1 000
Mina Taylor Dresses
-Our special Mina Taylor features for National Gingham
Week are cauhinjr wide comment. Women are not only
buying dresses for the whole season, but ore telling their
friends what remarkable values they hae found. And
now for Wednesday
1,000 Mina Taylor Gingham Dresses,
AH at This Temptingly Low Price.
Innumerable styles in smart, cleverly de
signed dresses of gingham, in checks, plaids,
stripes, and plain colors. Sizes for women
i and misses 18, 20, S6, 40 and 44.
BurgeM-Nash Mina Taylor Shop Second Floor
New Draperies
Cretonnes for sid drapes In
brilliant and rtnTaUve col
orings. A Yard, 60c.
Valance of 15-inch depth,
rut ready to hang. In pattern
to match drapes.
A Yard, 60c.
New Cretonne
Spring cretonnei of big sum
mery patterns, in gay, light col
oring for the mat part beau
tifully suited to aun porches
and wicker reed furniture. At
this time our stocks are com
.plete, and prices are cheaper
jhan ever before. v
A Yard, 29c, 39c, SOe to $1.60,
Curtain Netting
For the woman who' desires
to make her net curtains, we
havo many new and delightful
patterns in ivory and ecru.
These are fine quality materials
that will look well and that will
give Jong service. In widths of
36 to 45 inches.
Priced, a yard, at 59e to $1.00.
Buristt-N'sth Fourth Floor
Special Loiv
Odd Lots
Prices on
of China
Our patrons are keenly alive to the worth-while savings in our
Wednesday offerings. This week's specials will be of unusual in
terest to those who need the usual fill-in pieces.
Bread and Butter Plates, aro
priced at, each," 10c to 25c.
Dessert Plates, eath, 10c to 23c
Side Dishes, suitable for cafe
use, priced 10c to, 25c.
Vegetable Dishes, 20c and 25c.
Dinner Plates, each 20c to 50c
Sauce Dishes, each, 10c.
Plate, each, 20c to 30c.
Sugars, priced at 23c
Creamers, 25c to 50c
Cravy Boats, each, 35c.
Unusual Offerings in
Household Needs
Electric Iron
Many other items attractively priced.
Burgess-Nash China Shop Fourth Floor
"Just Received-More Portable
Electric Sewing Machines
We Jiave had tho
good fortune to pur
chase a number of
new portable elec
tric sewing machines
from a nationally
known manufac
turer at less than
former prices. We
in turn are delighted
to have our patrons
enjoy this opportu
nity to purchase one
of these high-grade
machines at the,
amazingly low price
These are high-grade, full-sized
machines in portable walnut case,
fully equipped with -all, attach
ments and accessories. Westing
house motor built into the head.
Complete, $39.50.
. Leather Belts'
If f.he belt is worn in your
machine, this: is the oppor
tunity to purchase a new
one. Our regular 72-inch"
length leather ma- OO
chine belts, each...54C
"American Beauty"
iron, 6V2 pound size,
special at $7.50. '
"Universal" round
heel iron, 6 lb., $7.50.
"Hot Point" iron,
G lb. size, special at
12-qt. Pail
Burfeai-Nash Fourth Floor
M th. MinV Shop
A Feature Offering of
Men's Underwear
Men who appreciate high quality at moderate pricing
,will purchase their summer needs from our Wednesday
offerings in spring and summer weight underwear.
Wall Paper Mop
Splendid quality
mop with long . or
short handle
' Small size, 95c.
Medium size, $1.35
Extra large, $1.75
Long Handle Mop
Floor or wall mop,
round or flat style,
85c and $1.00.
Galvanized Tubs
Strong and durable.
No 1 size, 75c
No. 2 size, 85c
" No. 3 size, 95e
Clothes Pint
, Wooden clothes
48 for 19c
"Wear-Ever" Sauce Pan
For Wednesday we feature a '
r-ver" sauce pan in Z-quart size.
Priced at 59c
The Cover
to match is priced
at 19c.
O'Cedar Mops
Triangle shape; ad
justable handle; wide
spread. A good
value at
Each, 89c
Floor Brush"
Polishine brush, in
15-lb. size, $3.75.
Wash Board
' brass
gS board,
Jp3 brass
FT 79c
Floor Wax
Johnson's "015
English" floor wax,
priced, a pound, 75c
Wash Boiler
Made of heavy tin, ,
with solid copper bot
toms, all hand made.
No. 8 size, $4.25
No; 9 size, $4.95
Rochester Boiler
Of two cross char
coal in solid Conner
No. 8 size, $4.95
No. 9 size, $5.75
Copper Boilers
No. 8 size, $4.95
No 9 size, $5.75
Paper Cleaner
2 cans, 25c '
Our stocks include such
standard makes - as Cooper
Bennington, Valora, Rocking
Chair, Last-Long, and Chalmers.
Stouts and regular sizes in
long or short sleeved styles,
made in eitherthree-quarter,
ankle or knee length.
Special Features
Valora elastic ribbed union'
suits, all sizes, priced at $1.35
Cooper-Bennington spring
needle knit union suits.
Priced $1.65
CooperTBennington mercerized
lisle union suits. Priced $2
Cooper-Bennington fine lisle
union suits. Priced. . .$3.5D
Valora athletic union suits.
Triced, a suit . 95c
Burgesi-Nah Fourth Floor
. Refrigerators
Warmer days are fast coming. It is
indeed time to think of buying a refrig
erator in case a new one is necessary. .
Our stocks are complete at the newly
lowered prices. " V -
We especially. feature a.70-lb. side
icer, with oak finish case, white enamel
provision chamber and retinned wire -shelves
in three-door style." Special
price, $29.50. ' ; ;
, Burgesi-Nuh Fourth Floor :
mM UsUw ismvtc
Kiddies' Creepers
69c Each '
What would mothers appreciate more than dainty
little creepers priced at only 69c 7 There are 600 of
them in a quality that will wash without losing its at
tractiveness. All-white creepers for wear a-visiting; tiny little
checked ginghams and lovely plain colored poplins for
everyday wear. Practically all sizes and colors. A gar
ment, 69c. Sizes 6 months to 2 years.
No Mail Orders
No C. O. D.'s
B.irgm-Naih Red Arrow Booth Downstairs Store
No Exchanges
No Refunds
1 1 Burross-Naih Men's Shop Main Floor J 1 1 I
& : : : :