Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1922, Page 10, Image 10

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Live Stock '
Omaba. r4 It.
ttseatpts Hill Caul, H. Sbeap.
rVfi.ial Ml.r til llttl 11 (tl
kllltl1iM., I.IH II kit I IB
a r Ik. a Mk.ll II S ltll
list !ul tk Itlll III t.ttl
Bae B) Mil e,,ll IS lt.B II
ea I aeeae .,! lit II til
a , .i U ,
rein ReeoiBls. !) ht4. AUkanvh
t ! ! IIMial lae aa
ee fcfr ! talk) ( an4
ra n..e4 l-allly at wives Itial er
fully iauy ana ttsaday an4 la tow a
aa. a a4a better, reel at a iwar snar.
aria ere niiwinl stronger aa4 li
ii.ainiy rew.tBiki fr ika imaratamani
in ilia ll marital. Iweitski aaaa-y
iM aiiwra I4 hb I That es
a aMHl daman. I sua a aiaaar la alraaa
Mterket fur starker a4 ftr.
iiuoiaiinna an aatllet iio4 la aaalee
We.. IMtStfti fair ! sea) kaM,
J1 at; renirnan l fair ,
t e; f.u4 la rkdlra yearli. Ilia a;
It! fa.r I a4 yaarllma, Ilafl4
rimna fa fair yeartinaa. Il.llkl M:
hhI itt rle fenfkra. 11 lift 11; fair
ta so) Sailer. 714)7 It; rhetr la
prim . l4aytli (o4 fa hotre
e. .: fair to I'Miq eeera, SI as
t ; wmitiMi la fair teas, lla(il;
4 choir feeders, II lt7 111 fair
la m4 f4ere. HtacMH; common la
fair feedere, t TltM I:. pood la ckaira
aiackara. IT :!; fair la faod alack,
era, I7itf1,:ti ronimon la fair elarkere,
la stal l.: lark heifers. Iltaalto;
lark costs, II ll tij stork raltaa, lilt
ass; veal caivea. iliibiii) sun,
stags, ate., 3 "t V I.t.
ur.r.r btkkrs.
No, A, t'r. Na. A. Pr.
t 14 7 It Itf IT II
it mi r itn i it
M I.t 1 It 17 117 T I
tl, Ill T l II Ult 1 4
It T 4 31 lilt T It
II i::t 44 I
71 7 It il itt T 44
SI ill T l SOS t J
i ttTI I 44 t 1114 I !l
7 lit 14 : till 44
ji......i;ii t
1414 1 It 1 Hi I tl
t HI !
11 (II 4 It 1 T :t
j 151 4 Jt I 144 'l !
1 tit ( i I
lloia R.-!'. 11.14 ktad. A not he'
fair run of hnia waa raralvad today and
I tier rul'd on Ika opening 10l4o low
c wllh aoina airencik lalned lalar wllh
many load telllnf tM0o lowrr. I.likt
koga aol'l from ttOlad. latior
t'Mi rric for Ik day. Mtied lo la and
I. mrkrr :h'. trttk aitrama
hravira IMtOl.ti. Hulk of talrj ia
No. A. Rk. Pr No. Av. Rh. Pr.
tl..:; 74 ft tl 37. .101 ... I 74
I. .244 ... t t tl)..3n4 4 f
. .349 ... k :..34t . ... 4
II. .Jit ... it :i..hi ... It 44
gkrrn Relptt, 7. 004 krad. Demand
ctlv lodny and prlcea on all flaura
ruled KfrSSo kl(her. Clipped lamba mull
tip Ika oulk of lha offerlnga, moving
moaily tl with a top rrl.e
of I4 4. Wonted lamba told from
lUOOfjnft with kandywtlfht qi'oted
at Clipped awea u:d '
Quotation on ahrep and lamb: Fat
lamia, (ood to ckolre, tlt.AOfji II.JS: fat
lamba. fair In good, 114. 00O16.00; clipped
I. iml, $ I ? 40 ti 14.04: ahaarlng lamlm,
III. 74011. to: feeder Itmka, 113.044)11 71;
rull lamba, 1111.004)13.00: fat yearllnga.
light. 112.101)13.(0: fat yearllnga. heavy,
II. t0t)l0.t0; fat watkera, 11.004)12.00: fat
awea. light, M. 00 1. 60; fat a wee, heavy,
Xo. Av. Pr.
130 fed tl 13 2t
104 fed lit 11 10
SI fed It 14 75
Omaha Produce
Furntahad by atata of Nabraaki, de
partmant of agriculture, bureau of mar
fcat and marketing:
Wholeeala Wholeaal
Buying Pr. Selling Pr.
Brollfre I0.4GOI0.IA 10.104)10.16
Springe 24 4 .24 .364) .10
Hena, light 220 .25 .264) .21
Kena. heavy 234) .23 . .2(9 .21
Cocke Ill) .17 .154) .10
Duck 201) .23 .264) .30
Geaaa 108 .17 .114) .24
Stage Itt) .20 .114) .24
Broiler , .... SK) .44
Springe 4) 324) .31
nan ....4) 214) .32
Cock 0 204) .22
Duck 4) 304) .35
Oeeaa ....4) 264) .30
Stag 4) !( .21
EOOS. ' '
Select loft .27
No. 1 .234) .25
Ko. I 214) .22
Crack 114) .30
Caaa count, caae 4.60 4 15
Creamery, print 314) .44
Creamery, tub 344) .34
Country, beet-.. .229 .24 .27 4) .30
Country, common ,171) .1 -SOtf .25
Buttar fat ata pr .25
v HAT.
liplnnd prairie No. 1 ll3.50t)I13.S0
No. 1 prairie .'. 10.504) 11.50
Ko. t prairie 7.004) 4.00
Midland prairie No. 1 11.504) 13.50
No, 3 prairta 10.004) 11.00
No. I prairla 7.004) 1.00
Lowland pralria No. 1 1.004) .10.00
No. a pralria 7.004) S.OO
Alfalfa, choic 52.000 24.04
No, 1 lt.001) 21.00
Standard 15.004) 17.00
No. 1 12.000 14.00
No. I 10.004) 11.04
btraw, oat 1.004) 4.04
Wheat 7.004)
Bananaat Pound, 74) 8c.
Orangea: Slue 214 and larger, 16.504)
1.50; else 160. 17.50 9 8.60; ail ill, 17.25
4)8.00: alie. 324, 17.001)7.60.
-Lemons: Per box, 47.001)7.60.
'Grapefruit: Crate, 15.001)1.60.
Apples (according to alia and grade):
Pellcloua, 13.604)4.00; Roma Beautlea,
12.504)3.76; Black Twig, 42.3591.76; Wine,
sap, 13. 00414.00; Arkansas Black, I2.60O
4.00; Ban Davis, 12.7661.00: Newton Pip
pine. 12.604)3.00.
Strawberries (cratea 14 pint bozea):
Crate, 11.50.
Fig (24 pkgs., II oi.): Per box, 12.35;
bulk, par lb.. 164) 14c. .
Potatoea: Netraska Early Ohio No. 1,
par cwt., II. 604)1.76; Colorado and Idaho
w ntie. per cwi., i.vvdi..i; nea mver
Ohio No. 1, par cwt., 11.904)1.15; Oregon
Netted Gm, per cwt.. 12.60.
Celeryi Doien, 7 5c 4) 2. 00. 1
Head Lettuc: Crate, S4.S0O5.04;
doten, fl.25Ol.50; leaf lettuce, doien, 75c
Rubarb: 40-45-pound crate, S3. 25.
Egg Plant: Dosen, 13.00.
Onion: Red. lb.. 10O12c; yellow, lb.,
10O13c; Texas crystal wax , 45-lb. crates.
v 3.25 O4.00; onion sets, lb., 1 4) 10c.
Cauliflower: Crates. S3.00O2.75.
Cucumbers: Dosen fancy and extra
fancy, ft.T60S.36; Florida, crates of 4
doxan, S7.60; baskets ot t dosen, 13.60.
Carrots: Old, per lb.. 3H4c.
Turnips: Old. par lb.. SOIHc
Beets: Old, per lb.. 343Hc
. Cabbage: New Texas, per lb., 34 81c.
Tomatoes: Crates, S4.00O4.60; lugs,
Toung Southern Radishes: Dosen, 40O
young Southern Carrots: Dozen, IOcO
Touns Southern Beets: Dozen, 10c
Toung Southern Turnips: Dozen, SOc
Spinach: Pound. HOl2c.
Shallotts: Dosen, 405c.
Graan Peppers: Pound, 30035c.
Wholesale prices of beet cuts are as
follows: No. 1 Rlba. lie; No. 2 Ribs. 17c;
No. ( Rlba. 13c. No. 1 Loins, 2tc; No. 2
lyrina, 14c; No. 3 Tilns. 20c No. 1
Bounds, ltc; No. t Rounds, 15ic; No. t
Bounds, 1IH No. 1 Chucks, l4c; No. 2
Chucks, tc; No. t Chucks, 1c No. 1
Plates, I He; No. 2 Plates, ec: No. S Platea,
Beat hides: Green salted No, 1, per lb.,
jVHc; green salted No. t. par lb.. 405c:
iten hldas. No. 1, per lb., 3Q4c; green
Sea. No. 3. per lb.. 303o; green aalted
J.' mock), par lo, 2()Sc; green aalted
bull hldas, No. 1. par lb, 3c; green aalted
bull hldas. No. 2. per lb.. 2c
Ron hide: Large, each, 12.50; me
dium, sack. 13.04: small, each, S1.60; pony
and glue, each, T5cOS1.00.
Shep palts: Green aalted. as to alia
and wool, each, t0O"'c; hearlng, pelts,
rma salted, a to six and wool, each.
tO ltc
Wool: Choice, fin one-half blood, per
lb., 2!4c; medium and three-eightha
blood, par lb., 11021c: dow and one-fourth
blood, per lb, laOltc; hurry wool, per
lb.. I014C
Wholeeala prlre on bef cuts ar aa
follow: No. 1 rise, lie; No. 2 riba. 17c:
No. I rlba, lie; No. 1 loins. 25c; No. t
loin. 14c; No. I loins. 20c; Xo. 1 rounds,
ltHs: No. t rounds, lie: Xo. I rounds,
ltc: No. 1 ckueka. l4r: No. 1 chucks,
lie: Xo. chucks. Ic; Xo. 1 platea
Ik; Ne. I platea. le; No. I plates, 4c
Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day
Omaha Grain
Omiht, April 25.
?re!pti of wheat tedty ( 6J
rri, tut )fr this d' U rir; corn,
SO cirs, ! fr, 49 run; oihrr grains
light, ant thf total o( ail grain
irr l.'6 can, at coniparc4 h 147
cart UH rar.
Total ihipmrnls ttrre 2$ car, it
gainkt 98 cars a year ago.
Although Liverpool wheat rioted
Hi la liad higher, our market!
showed declining tendency in the
early art. ion. Croo report of the
winter wheat were more optimistic
generally and the jura it gaining
ground that condition are very much
Belter than a month ago. A tuecial
forecatt of the Indian crop estimate
the yield this year at
elt. an iucreate of IOO.OOO.uh) bush
elt over lat year production.
Ihcre v. at a aood demand tor the
floor offerings of cash wheat in the
local market at a lower range of
value, pricct ranging from Jc to 4c
lower, torn was m active demand
and prices were unchanged to ISjC
lower, generally Vic to Ic lower.
I he w hite com thowed the niott
weakness and the mixed being the
strongest. Oats told unchanged to
He lower, bring generally, 'Ac lower.
Kye wat quoted 1c lower and barley
No. 1 hard winter: 4 rare. 11 11,
No. t hard winter: I rar (shipper
weight), ti ll: S 3-4 rare. 11.31: It rar.
ti ll; I rar (amuuy), !.. near oars.
No. I hard winter; I rar. ti ll: l-S
rar. 11.10.
No. 4 hard winirr; i car l.e par cam
hea: damaged), II 11.
No. I yellow hard: 1 ear. II 32.
No. I yellow hard: t rare, II. 1
No. 3 mixed: 1 rar tamutty). tl.13:
1 rar( aprlng durum), II. I.
No. I mixed: I rar (durum), II. II.
No. 1 white: t rare, ttrt 1 rar. Si He.
No. t whit: I car (special billing).
S3Vc; I rare. I !
No. S white: 1 car (special billing).
lie: l car, t:c.
No. 1 rHow: 1 car (ahipptr weights),
lie; rare. tie.
Xo. t yellow: 4 rare, sir; 1 cars (ship
pers' weights), 13c; 1 car (special billing).
No, I yellow: f rare, tlwjc.
No. 4 yellow: 1 car. ISVjc; 1 rar, II Sc
No, S mlsed: I rare (merle I hilling.
near while), tie; 1 car (special billing),
tS'ic; i rare. t:c.
No. t mixed: 1 car (special billing),
11 He; 1 car, tic.
No. while 1 car (tpeclsl billing),
mc; t rare. 35c.
No. 4 whit: t cars. I(r.
Sample whit: (Bulk bsad), ear, S4Uc.
No. : 1H rsra. lie..
Xo. I: t 1-1 tare. 41.
Sample: 3.1 car (12 per cent other
grains), 13c.
No. t: (Bulk head), car, 5"c.
Samnla: .1 rar flr hurnti ft?
. Week Tear
Rere nts - ' 'Tndi.. a -n
Wheat ti ii
S""'n tn 21 (ii
Oats 4 4 u
Ry i . .
Barley Ill
""t 24 44
0" "...I 62 t 45
Oat 10 11 2
Ryo 4
Receipts Tort a v. wk A ,n v, i..
Wheat ..... 413.000 314,000 tT5.00
Corn 411.000 391.00 sst non
Oats 182,000 211.000 484.000
Wheat ...... 170,000 450,000 1,104,000
Corn 1,30.000 120,000 1,778,000
Oata 474,000 447.400 2IS.004
Buahele Tnrlav Tear tin
Wheat and flour ass nnn i noo
Corn 262.000 136,000
Oat 272.000
Week Tear
Carlots Todav A en. Ata.
Wheat ' US 45 70
Corn 217 171' ' 181
Oats 124 114 142
Week Tear
Carlots Todsy Ago. Ago.
W'heat .104 42 81
Corn ..V 21 H
Oata 1
Week Tear
Carlots Today Ago. Ago.
Wheat 64 It . 64
Corn 22 21 ' 61
Oata- 24 20 22
Week Tear
Carlots Today Ago. Ago.
Minneapolis ...... ..120 14 117
Duluth 6 86 83
Winnipeg 244 160 266
"Sanaa City Livestock.
Knss City, Mo., April 26. (IT. 8. Bu
reau ot Markets.) Cattle 11,000 head;
shipping grade beef aleera, steady to
strong; otnsra. steady to weak; top heavy
ateera and best yearlings, 18.50; she
atock, steady to strong; best cows, 16.00
Q4.35: heifers, l6.50O7.2r.; few held
around 18.00; calves, strong to 50c high
er;, practical top, 18.50; odd lota up to
fl.OO; all other classes mostly steady;
canners and cutters, tl.7604.25; bulls,
f4.00O4.60; light feedara, 18.00.
Hogs 12,000 head; market opened
slow; bulk later sales active to both pack
ers and shippers; steady to 10c higher;
17S to 230 lbs.,; top, 110.25: 210 to
SOO-lb. averages v at beat time, 110.10
12.00; soma lata arrivals unsold; bulk
ot sales, 14.75 43 10.15 ; packing sows and
atock piga, atrong to ,10c higher.
Sheep 1,900 head; Sheep, 25 f) SOc high
er; moat shorn Texas Wethers, IS. 7501.21';
lambs, 16026c higher; wooled Colorado,
f 1S.00; local fed shorn, offerings, 114.00.
t St. I,ool Livestock.
East St. Louis 111., April 25. Cattle
Receipts. 3,000 head; beef steers gener
ally steady; apot, atrong; light yearlings,
beef COws, atockera and feedera, ateady;
18.90 paid for few head choice ateers;
weight, 1,468 pounds; bulk beef steers,
S7.2598.00; top yearllnga, f8.00; bulk,
I7.26OS00; beef cows, I6.004J4.00; can
ners. 15c to 25c higher; bulk around
13.25: bulls, steady to strong; bulk, 14.25
4)4.50; beef types, f4.60S.26; veal calves,
25c to 60a higher; bulk Including top,
Hogs Receipts, 13,600 head: active
steady; closed firm; top, 110.45; bulk
144 to 225-pound averages, 110.40; bulk,
110.00 to 110.40; packer sows, largely
f8.7508.86: quality, fairly good.
Sheep and Lamtts Receipts, 1.500 head:
shorn lambs, 2 00 higher; sheep and spring
lambs, steady; choico 81-pound (thorn
lambs. 114,25; bulk spring lambs, 115.76
016.50: good shorn ewea, 18.00; medium
to good wool ewes, S8.75.
L Chicago Livestock.
Chicsgo, .April 25. Cattle Receipts,
10,400 head: active closing strong to ltc
higher on beef steers; top, fl.OO, weight,
1.378 pounds: top yearlinga, ft. 75; bulk
beet ateers, f7.40OS.60; she atock, atock
ers and feeders, firm; bulls steady; veal
calves, 60076c higher; bulk fat she
she stock, ft. 36 0 7.00: bulk bologna bulls,
S4.26O4.40; bulk stockers. S6.75O7.50;
bulk veal calvea to packers, S7.764)8.26;
few choice kinds, upward to 88.601)1.00.
Hogs Receipts, 22,000 head; opened 6c
lower on lights; others steady: closing ac
tive, ateady with yeaterday'a average;
shippers bought about 4.000 head; hold
over moderate; top, flO.tO; bulk, ft.lOO
10.60; pigs. weak.
Sheep Receipts, 18.000 head; generally
steady; wooled lamb top. 116.50; top
shorn. 114.65; bulk tl3.75O14.50; shorn
yearlings, 113.00; shorn wethers, 110.00;
wooled ewe top. fS.60; shorn, fl.40;na
tlvo spring lamba, 115.60.
Sioux City Livestock. -Sioux
City, la., April 26. Cattle Re
caipta, 2,640 head: market steady: ted
ateers and yearlings, top, 18.26; warmed
up ateera and yearlings. I5.50O7.00; fat
rows and heifers. 14.1007.60; canners,
S2.50O4.00; veals, S5.40O10.00: feeders.
S5.50OS75; calvea, I4.50O7.60; feeding
rows and heiters, f3.50O5.50; atockera,
Hon Receipts, 4.500 head; market 10c
to 20c lower: butchers. ."610.0;
lights. flO.10; heavy mtxed, tt.00O76:
heavy packers. fl.60O8.75: stags, ff.60O
4.75: bulk of sale. f4.75O10.00.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,040
head: market steady.
St. Joseph livestock.
' Si Joseph. April 26. Cattle 2.104
head: market, atrong to 15c higher;
ateers. t7.00O8.40; cows and heifers, 14.75
4)8 35: calves, I5.S0O7.75.
Hoge 5.04 head: market, steady to
ici5h',h"ri top' balk- SlO.tOO
Sheep 3 104 head; market, strong Jo
"a. ..S.'5h'r; lmb. fil.2iOlf.00; ws.
ffs.t40t.2s. j
Chicago Grain
Chicago, April 2J Buiuort of
pmate urttlenirntt having been
made in May wheat combined wild
heavy telling by eastern and western
long ,lhte rumort more than
orltrl strong foreign markets and
an active rport demand and the
ciote wat at net l"rs of ..leoq
the deterred deliveries, and 4 7-8V
on the May. Scattered liquidation
wat on in corn and oat, lorn
doted la.l I c and oat M(g,S-&;
tower, rye wa on i-.'fiit j-ne.
SUbIimi p.IrM far shut awa mad
at Ika tBnint. a aUvan. uf ( la ltr.
Stay Uading aa lbs int of a aula. a
r l 14 la UrtMil. Large
telling aruera ntd their mm'i aad uri4 duwauard laoidla. loal
kkarl catering rm, map ua n4hi
r .ere in way a in was slows
and it wa hard la .i ardeia al
limita. At lha mini iian waa 11 ..
ar S under lha high ut I he pismou
MuMsmj Jaly Wkaal.
July and Nepumbar met wllh gn4
uppar4 lha break wllh have olb
MtHsrd roaarclione goad buxra of the
July, hrdurg agalnat as Irs ( ac crop
Wlntors abtoad,
Hair In all paalllon were reported si
mot than I, . bu.nela. including
iiaruma sad Manitubaa fur nearby ehi
nietlt. The May-July diflerenr narrowed
la IIS at lha lael. the July.lWptemtwr
spiwad ahrunk la ISC Foreign rrop re.
parte remain unfavorable, tho fromlha
eauthweet er better, heavy fain la
UqsldalWa la May.
Mquulsilan waa In May corn and aata.
with tiered holder letting go freely.
mm in oaenne in wheat, lower range
eaaily waa established. Henaria nf
liberal eaport demand for corn at the sea
board and of a marked Imorovenient in
the domeatlo rail for oata had little ef
fert. Field work haa bee 1 suspended Id
lha weal again aa lha result of ralna.
The weath-r forecast waa for aeneral
showers Traders ar rommennng to
anuripat an inrnui in the movement
of raah corn, although corn planting haa
not started In tb centrsl weet. Ship
ping lee her wera 160 too buahela.
rorn. Including l4.4aa buahela to lha aa
hoard, and 14.444 buahela oala. Receipts,
101 care corn and St cars oata.
An active export demand prevailed for
ry. A liberal bualnesa waa nut throuah
at th aeiboard. while Chlcsso handlera
sold 41.404 bushels to go asst. The eaat
ana in seaboard wera good buyers of fu
ture while th north at sold.
Pit Note.
Eastern, western and local loose wera
the leading aellera ef May wheat. Thoas
who do not car to tak In the cash wheat
next aeeic ar being advised by com
mission houses, It Is said, to get out,
A lot of thla class ot selling wa on.
At th low point, price wera off SUjO
from Monday high. Aa thla la not a
market for any ona not Interested In tha
cash grain. It Is aald mora liquidation
i expected from time to time.
Th ilg thing In th wheat market
waa th private rumor that aettlemenla
had been made on 1. 000, 000 buahela. Th
report went th round ot all marketa
and. tame bark. It brought In aelltng by
longa in general and waa th main fac
tor In forcing the break.
It wa th gossip today that tha lead
ing local sunns In Msy wheat have no
inlereat In that delivery, except against
tha rash grain held which I to be de
livered. Vessel room for 410,000 bushel
corn waa tagen ners today al lo to
Buffalo and 640,000 bushels went to
Canadian ports, th latter paying 8o to
Montreal. Thla will assist in making
atorage room for wheat which 1 to com
her from thj) wast.
Chicago Iad Break.
While May wheat went in Chicago broke
kic, Winnipeg only dropped 4c In the face
of reports that houaes that were short In
Chicago were selling freely In Winnipeg.
Canadian mills ground 125,000,000
bushels whest this sesson to March 1
against 101,000,000 bushels last year.
n cnecxing up. reports that Canadian
wheat la being olrt to Minneapolis, C.
E. Lewis 4 Co., ofidlnneapolla wired that
two or three cara ot Manitoba grain had
arrived consigned from Winnipeg and the
ahippera took a chance that It would
grade No. t northern. Xo great profit
was made by th transaction.
By rpdlke Grain Co. DO. 2687. April 26.
Art I Open. High. I Low. I Cloae. Tea
1.31 Si
l.lOfcf 1.11
1.06 I 1.06
.65 H
.67 Vt
.37 H
JI7 4
111. 15
10 SO
New Tork Cotton.
Omaha Bee Leased Wire..
New Tork, April 26, Selling pressure
from longs and southern intereata can
celed an early bulge of five to 13 points
tn today's cotton market. May .vaa
actively supported by several prominent
spot houses, coming back to 18.12c, a
13 point net gain after .easing off to
17.88c. The list generally fell back about
I to 17 points in the morning, rallied
around mldsesston until it waa but 7
to 12 points net lower, remained steady
to heavy in the early afternoon and re
gained all its losses In active later trad
ing which carried the market to a mod
eat Improvement. May closed at a net
gain of S points, and the rest of the list
was up 1 to 2 pointa over the final prices
ot the previous day.
Spot was steady, 10 points advance,
18.26o for middling upland.
Southern apot markets were: Gal
veston, 17.40c. unchanged; New Orleans,
17.00c,- unchanged; Savannah, 17.00c, un
changed; Augusta, 16.4c, 13 points ad
vance; Memphla, 17.00c, unchanged;
Houston, 17.30c, S points advance; Little
Rock, 17.00c, unchanged.
K. C. Grain.
Kansas City, April 25. Wheat Close,
May. fl.26; July, tl.18; September,
Corn May, 64c; July, 57c; Septem
ber, 60 c.
Kansas City. April 25. Wheat Cash,
No. 2 hard, tl. 311.51; No. 2 red, 11.32
1.33. '
Corn No. 2 white: 65c; No. 2 yellow,
Hay Unchanged.
Minneapolis Grain. I
Minneapolis, April 25. Wheat No. 1
northern, tl.tl01-SH: May, . 11.63;
July, 11.43.
Corn No. 1 yellow, t3054e,
Oats No. 1 white, 35035c
Barley 520,63c.
Rye No. 2, fl.01 01.02.
Flax f2.77. ,
Minneapolis, Minn., April 25. Flour
Unchanged. Shipments, 31,160 bbls.
Bran f23.00.
Chicago Produce.
Chicago, III., April 26. Butter Higher;
creamery, exiras. aoc: ursia, oiv.nn;.
seconds, 3233c; standards, 37OH
Eggs Higher; receipts, 43.544 caaes;
flrata, 24 24 He: ordinary firsts. 224)
22c; miscellaneous, 23 0 23c; storage
packed extras, 27c; storage packed firsts,
Poultry Alive Unchanged.
Chicago Potatoea.
Chicago, III., April 25. Potatoes
Slightly stronger; receipts, .44 cars; total
U. S. ahipments, 684 cars;; Wisconsin
Round Whites, sacked, mostly tl.65 cwt.;
Idaho Rurala. aacked, fl.76Ol.80 cwt.:
Idaho Busaets, aacked, fancy atock, 82.10
cwt.; new atock, ateady; Florida double
headed barrels Spauldlng rose No. 1,
t7.00O7.25; No. 2. tt.76Q4.00,
'ew Tork Produce.
New Tork. April 26. Butter Firmer:
creamery, higher than extres, 4042406c;
extras. 3lc; firsts, 17031c; packing
stock. 21 02 2c.
Kggs Unsettled.
Cheese Stesdy.
Poultry Live, ateady: chickens unquot
ed. Dressed eteady: pricea unchanged.
St. Louie Grain.
St. Louis. April 25. Wheat May,
fi.tts: July. ti.:i.
Corn Msy. Mc: July. 63e62)sc.
Oata May, 38c; July, 40c
! Qde Ne Omk Giraejf.
(laMt.4) Ha) Im4 M Ira.
New York. April JJ, Two oc
currrnce of today brought in in
Mroii. light the tharacier of the
biiantial kiuuiiuii, not ett to from
the fart that iufrrrnre from one of
them hl to do with pre.r'nt and
fitiure while' inference from the
other dealt only with the recent pan,
The oftcruitt of f5.isU,oui 50-year
j i-4 per cent man 01 ;ew York; city
lad the remarkable result of being
taken at tiic tiiuat advantageous
price fo the city that any loan with
tnat interest rate hat ever a. lilrvcl
It kigmirance annrart from th (j. i
that the uicesalul bid of 02,7of
place the loan on an Interest basis
of 4 12 per cent, at against bai
ot M tor the 4 1-2 per cent loan
of last December and of 4 4o for the
city's last previout long term bor
rowing, mat ot July. mi.
It la the raiiipansons rather than
rompensona wllh city borrowings In th
Innaer past, with a Irll lha al..iy ar the
Investment market. Th heavy Income
as rrom aairn mumnpet bamle ar s
empled as plainly in ..sht dunnsr KIT
and waa a matter nf every Investor'
rairuieilun lasi l larember. The new bar-reams-
tats fixed by th ati.irant bank,
are today mar than allona for th ad
vance of II palnta sinre lb rnkt.He f
last year In nutatandin New York 4'
per cents en Ih open market. I'amln
with today'a other larg nfferlnse nf
tt44.40,s in Canadian government nd
home Induatrtal bonds (both of those of
ferings being promptly rover.!) (he
prira paid (r in new rnr man ie re
markable leaiimony lo th Ip vest men!
maraei paeititin.
Karnlng Ar Smalt.
Contrasting wllh this sidelight tin the
general situation, the United rltalr Steel
mrporatinn' nuarterly report of today
annweii net aarnlnga (or th three first
months or i:3 winch railed by
tn rover lha T per cent preferred atock
dividend. For the fourth successive time
within a year, the company la left la
oraw on us accumulated surplus tn pay
quarterly illvldends on both common and
preferred atock. Indeed lha pet earninsa
aa reported are not only, except for
laat Keptember'a Quarter, tha smallest
since the first thro months ot ltlt, when
tha influence ef the "war panlr waa
dominant, but January's n't receipts
wer without exception th smsllert of
any month ainrs February of lilt. Had
auch a ahowlng coincided with continu
ing Ired reaction. It would have been
highly unpleasant contribution to the
talk or wall ntreet. nut every one
recognises It a a picture of rnnditlona
which are past. Perrentsae of tha com
pany a capacity in operation, wnirn wa
4t per cent In January, nsa reacneci is
per cent laat week, and even th March
net eamlnga wer almost double the
January figure.
Movement la tnrertaln.
On th atock exchange today's move.
meat of prices was h'sitsnt and uncer
tain, with a downward tendency, Rteel
rommon rose a fraction and a few other
stocks mad Isolated advance ot a point
or more: but net decline of equal nr
greater scope were more numerous. Rail
way shares once more hardly moved.
The Merrn reports or ess-ninsB now in
course of publication indicate that the
mnnth'i Increase of something like 21
per cent In total rar loadlnga must nave
been I -d strlauted. As scsinst tna r-aw
York Central's Increase of tl. 272.000 over
1121 In gross receipts, or shout t per
cent. L'nion Paclflc'a nDerating revenue
decreased t(37,000 or nearly 3 per cent.
But the aaln In net receipts, aa a con-
aenuence ot reduced expecsea, continues
in otner marKets man siockb, men
waa considerable uncertainty of move
ment. Foreign exchsnxe moved little.
though the Oerman mark fell back rather
aharnlv. Wheat broke with a good deal
of violence, but cotton moved inrwarai
th New Trk scot price reaching toe
highest figure in a montn.
New York Stocks
Ranse of prices of the leading stocks
furnished by Logan & Bryan, 241 Fetera
Truat building:
i Monday
High. Low. Close. Close.
A.. T. & 8. F 101 100 101 101
Bait. & Ohio 48 47 48 48
Canadian Pacific. .143 143 143 143
N. T. Central 41 0 1 41
Ches. ft Ohio 65 66 66 65
Oreat Northern.... 75 74 74 76
Illinois Central. ...107 106 106 107
K. C. Southern.... 30 27 28 27
Lehigh Valley.... 62 62 62 62
Missouri Pacific... 25 24 24 24
N. T. ft NTH..:... 29 27 28 24
Northern Pacific. 77 76 77 77
C. ft N. W 78 76 76 76
Penn. R. R 42 41 41 41
Reading 76 77 78 77
C. R. I. ft P 47 46 46 46
Southern Pacific. 110 80 0 SI
Southern Railway 25 25 26 28
C. M. ft St. P.... 28 27 27 28
Union Pacific 138 137 136 138
Am. Car Fdrv 1621i 1S2U ifioii ic
Allls-Chalmers ..',61 60 61 60
Am. Loco. 116 114 116 116
Baldwin Loco. ...117 116 116 117
Beth. Rteel 78 44 17 44 78 7SSt
Colo. F. ft 1 32 33 32 31
Crucible 64 63 64 64
Am. Steel Fdrv... 34 38", 31U aav
Lacka. Steel 66 65 56 56
Midvals Steet 38 37 38 38
Preased Steel Car. 82 82 83 82
Rep. S. ft 1 68 67 67 68
Ry 8teel Snrlnas inset
Sloss-Scheffield .. 44 44 . 44 44
U. S. Steel 98 97 98 98
Vanadium 42 42 42 42
Anaconda 63 63 53 63
Am. S. ft R. Co... 68 67 67 57
Cerro De Pasco... 37 V . 37 37V.
ChMi 19 19 19 19
Chino 19 19 19 19
Green Cananea .... 31 31 31 31
Inspiration 41 40 40 41
Kennecott 32 31 31 32
Miami 29 29 29 29
Nev. Consolidated.. 17 17 17 17
Ray Consolidated.. 16 16 16 16
Seneca 13 13 13
Utah 65 65 65 66
General Asphalt.: 65 63 .63 64
Cosden 40 40 40 40
Cal. Peterol 65 65 65 65
Island Oil ,
Invincible Oil .... -8 18 18 18
Mexican Peterol. ..132 130 131 132
Middle States 15 14 14 15
Pacific Oil 68 67 58 58
Pan-American .... 64 63 63 64
PhllllPS 39 38 38 38
Pierce Oil 10 9 10 9
" Oil 33 83 33 33
Royal Dutch....... 62 61 62 62
Sinclair Oil ..... 33 31 22 32
Stan. Oil. N. J....179 178 178 179
TXo 46 45 45 45
Union Oil 21 20 20 20
Whit Oil 10 82 io 10 -
Chandler 77 75 76 76
General Motors... 12 12 12 12
Willys-Overland . 8 8 8 8
Pierce-Arrow .... 24 23 24 24
White Motor .... 49 48 48 49
Studebaker 124 121 &g 123.
19 18 19 " 19
Goodrich'. 42 41 41 42
Kelley-Springfleld 51 49 -50 51
Keystone Tire .v. 52 21 22 21
18 17 17 18
U. 3. Rubber 66 65 65 66
Am. Beet Sugar 41
A., G. ft W. I.... 33 32 32 33
Am. Inter. Corp.. 46 45 46 46
Am. Sumatra .... 34 34 34 34
Am. Telephone 12:154 iMti
American Can 48 47 48 48
Central Leather... 39 37 38 38
Cuba Cane 16 15 J6 16
Cuban-Am. Sugar. 22 22 2 22
Corn Products 104 102 104 103
Famous Players... 2 81 82 81
General Electric. . .163 163 163 164
Grt. No. Ore 41 41 41 41
Inter. Harvester-.. 97 97 97 97
Am. H.-& I,, pfd.. 70 70 70 70
V. S. I. Alcohol.. 49 48U 49 48
Inter. Paper 48 47 48 48
Inter. M. M. pfd.. 84 83 84 84
Am. Sugar Ref... 76 75 75 76
Sears-Roebuck ... 77 75 76 75
Stromsberg ....... 56 64 56 55
Tob. Product ... 7ft 69 69 69
Worth. Pump .... 63 62 62 63
Wilson Co 49 46 48 46
West. Electric... 63 62 62 62
Am, Woolen 92 91 92 12
Am. Cotton Oil... 25 25 25 25
Am. Agrl. Chem.. 40 40 40 40
Am. Linseed 33 23 33 33
Bosch Magneto ... 44 45 45 46
Brooklyn Rap. Tr.. 23 22 23 22
Cont. Can 64 64 64 65
California Packing 80 78 80 79
Col. Gas ft Elec... 87 85 87 85
Col. Graph 5 4 4 4
United Drug 69 69) 69 ....
National Enamel,. 41 31 41 39
United Fruit 142 143 142 143V
National Lead.... 3 93 93 12
Philadelphia Co... 39 38 38 ....
Pullman 128 126 128 128
P(,.i At Sugar., S U
fria It. ir ,, 4
detail t-a ..... ' tl rlV
4riMr ami,,,,, .. . .. . 51
Hi, t. , f S' 4
t 'f t tv t, ,( , a
Tel. 1 aaira. 412 4a.
Vlaaey ilaa. t pr real; lluwd
fltwa. 4 pe ,a
"Jt---'!., ,! Mend? a lo.
fianf Class. .IllJti MSds) rlo.e,
kierling-ciof, II II; Monde) a ties,
II wit
New York Bonds
(Th. Bee is the only Omaha
newspaper which publishes the of.
fklal dote of the Niw York Stock
eachange bonds )
ta lda's a. tike and romprehenais bund
nteikel by tha su.vr.atul rtulaiion uf 10
large and iniporiant undrrintig th
now U'liiUHiun .r 1 snail tin, see out ii
and Ih Smw vik city tl,4,0 oflof
Th sentimental efti.t of thrae sales
waa evident Ihruugnum lb list but
penally In th Liberty aerie, moat (
wni.n rinara at gains after allotting early
regularity, lillirr strung government Is
sue iiihteed dominion if Canada ta of
l-l. I nited IMinunion ta nf I9J7, Mcairan
la. Ilrasil as end gu'enslsnd la
Many Imal unllliiira eklrmlcl recent
sharp sdianees, notably Inierlornush
Hapid Trenail, tludaan and Manhattan.
IttiHikttn Itat'id Transit, Third Avrnue
nd .Sew Vatk-notn end V eatrhester.
further trength nf New llen tsua
wa on nf tha features or ilia railway
ll.t, together wllh Pennsylvania, Ureal
Northern, Northern Pacific. Kea hoard Air.
line, lu lllmore and Ohio. Chrsaiieak and
ihio. Illinola Central, Mlsaouil, Kanaae
and Texas, and Minneapolis and St luis
Issue Total aalea. Par value, aggregated
I'. S. Honda.
Salea (In fl.A) High l.nw Close
723 liberty J'.B Mil 14 99
St Liberty M 4 99 64 99 40 99 t
194 Liberty 1st 4V.B.. 9 Bl It :
e3 Liberty 2d 4lls..ia.4 5 tn
2961 Liberty 3d 4l.a..9t 99 7 99 J4
t.'ti Liberty 41 h 4,. 99 91 t.2 9111
loo Victory 4Sa I'm 72 100 70 inn fo
If Victory t 10.44 104.01 100.01
foreign (Government, htat and Municipal.
I Argentine 7s II0 0 100
21 I'hineaa lvt Ry 5a 56 tt 55
2 City of Hergen ta. 1 1 1 111 111
4t'lty of nerne t 112 112 112
3 City Bordeaux ta,.. 4 88
f C of Cnpen'gen S 93 2 41',
il City of Lynns Is... 88 14 8s
24 C. nf Maraeillea Is.. 89 ,
4 C nf H de Jsn b.04 1"4 14
C nf San Tsulo Is. 106 1"6 .101
17 City of Toklo Us.. 73 73M8
1 City nf Zurich Is. .Ill 11.1 111
3 hanlsh Muni Is A. 111 111 111
104 !it or Seine la.... 97 96
97 I) of C nts 22.1l 10 n
84 Dutch T. Ind s4 47 94 96
235 Dutch Y. Ind la 62 97 14 47
40 French Repub ks.,.107 log n
84 French Rep 7s..in3 101 i3
21 Japanese 1st 4s.. 41 91 91
II .la panes 4s 77 77 77
37 King nf Be 7s.109 109 19
38 King nf Bel 6a. ...I'M 103 104
23 King ot Den C 99 98 91
10 King of Italy 4. 94 94 94
305 King of Neth s6... 45 93 95
4 King nf Nor 8s.. ..113 111 lit
41 King or Sweden 6s. 102 0 02
343 Paria-Lynna-M 6s.. M 84 84
18 Rep of Chile 8a 46.105 106 105
1 Rep of Pru la 106 106 106
17 Stat of Queen 7s. .111 110 niil
26 State of Queen s..102 102 1"2
20 Sta Of R G d 8 8s. 104 104 104
18 Swiss Confed 8a. ...116 116 116
70 UK of tiBftl6s22.107 107 107
11 1'KofGBl6s 29. .107 107 107
113 UKofGR&Us 37, .12 102 102
14 U 8 of Rraxll 8s..108 107 107
113 V S of Mwajco 6a.. 68 68 68
17 U S of Mexico 4s.... 69 68 58
Railway. and Miscellaneous.
1 Adams Express 4s.. 77 7T 77
15 Ajax Rub 8a 100 100 100
13 Amer A C 7s 104 104 104
34 Amer Cotton Oil Cs 92 91 91
69 Amer Sugar 6s.... 99 99 99
7 Am T ft T cv 6s. .116 115 116
13 Am T ft T col tr 5s 91 91 91
14 Armour ft Co 4s. 92 91 91
18 At T ft S Fe gen 4s 89 98 88
4 At C Line 1st con 4s 90 89 90
7 Atl Refining ts..10t 103 104
109 R ft O 6s 100 98 100
46 B ft O cv 4s... 93 92 92
19 Bell Tel of Pa 7s. 108 106 108
4 Beth Steel ref 6s. 96 94 96
1 Braden Copper 6s.. 99 99 99
5 Bklyn Ed gen 7s D.107 107 107
60 B R T 7s ctfs stpd 80 80 80
19 Can North'n 6a..l12 112 112
64 Can Pao deb 4s.... 80 80 80
28 Cent of Georgia 6a. 100 99 100
61 Cent Leather 6s... 97 96 97
7 Cerro de Pasco 8s. 115 115 115
71 Ches & Ohio cv 6s. 81 91 91
36 Ches & O cv 4s.. 88 88 88
127 C B ft Q ref fi A. 98 97 98
61 Chto ft East 111 5s 80 80 80
20 Chic Gt West'n (s. 83 63 63
11 C, M ft S P cv 4s 73 72 73
73 C M ft S P ref 4s 68 67 67
4 C ft Northw 7s.... 107 107 107
C ft North 4s...,108 108 108
109 Chicago Bail 6s..., 84 82 84
21 C R I ft P ref 4s., 83 82 82
6 C ft West Ind 4s.. 75 76 75
4 C C C ft S L gen 4s ,80 80 80
49 Chile Copper 7s. ...103 102 102
96 Chile Copper s6.... 91 90 90
13 Colo Ind 5s 78 77 78
1 Colo ft 8 ref 4s.. 89 s 89
14 Con Coal of M 6. . 89 88 88
121 Consolidated G 7s. .117 116 117
64 Cuba Cane S deb 8s 85 84 85
11 Cuban Amer S 8s. 106 105 105
2 Del a ft Hud cv 6s., 99 99 99
9 Des M ft F D 4s. . 55 65 65
36 Det Edi ref 6s 103 103 103
48 Det United R 4s. 84 84 84
8 Diamond M 7s..,108 108 108
2.1 DuPont de N 7s,.107 107 107
28 Duquesne Lig 6s.. 103 103 103
84 Erie gen 4s 64 54 64
15 Erie pr Hen -4s.... 66 66 65
5 Fisk Rubber 8s. ...107 107 107
40 Fram Ind Dev 7s.l01 101 101
65 Gdyear Tiro 8s 31.103 102 102
31 Gdyear Tire 8s 41.116 116 116
3 Or T Ry of C 7s. .114 113 114
33 G T Ry of C 6s 104 103 104
19 Gt Northern 7s A. 109 108 108
169 Gt North'n 6s B. 99 98 98
46 H ft. Man ref 5s A 86 84 85
120 H ft M adj lnc 5s 65 65 65
2 Illinois Cent 6s.l01 100 100
32 HI Cent ref 4s 89 87 88
30 111 Steel deb 4s. 93 92 92
13 Indian Steel 6s... 99 99 99
14 Inter Agrio 6s 79 78 79
227 Inter- Met 4s.... 21 19 ' 19
28 Inter-Met 4s ctfs 18 17 18
484 Inter R T ref 5s... 70 69 70
114 Inter Mer M a f 6s 99 87 99
69 Inter Pap ref 6s B 87 86 86
3 Invincible Oil 8s.. 97 97 97
17 Iowa Cent ref 4s.. 60 48 48
40 K C Ft S & M 4s. 80 80 80
2 Kan C South'n 5s. 88 88 88
14 K-Spr'gf'ld T 8s. ..109, 108 108
7 L G of St L 1st 5s 91 90 91
19 L S ft M S d 4s 28 94 93 94
18 L S ft M S d 4 31 93 91 93
2 Lehigh Valley 6s.. 102 102 102
7 Liggett ft Meyers 5s 96 95 95
2 Lorillard 5s 9S 95 95
35 L ft N ref 6s...l02 102 102
60 L ft N unified 4s... 92 91 91
, 2 Mkt St Ry con 6s. .106 105 105
8 Mich S T 1st 6s 98 98 98
35 Mid Stl cv 6s .... 89 89 89
21 M ft St L ref 6s.. 48 48 48
6 MSP&SS M 6s.l02 102 102
4 M K & T 1st 4s.. 83 82 83
82 Mo Pac ref 5s 23.. 100 100 100
95 Mo Pac gen 4s... 66 66 66
7 Mont Power 6s A.. 95 96 95
4 Mor & Co 1st 4s 87 86 87
26 N O T ft M lnc 6s 71 71 71
18 N T C col 7s- 106 106 106
'? N JT C deb 6s 104 1,03 103
? i Cent con 4s-- 84' S'Vt 84
15 5T,..Ed ref HS..109 109 109
104 NTNHftH cv 6s 48 85 83 84
71 NTNH&H deb 4s 57 54 , 52 53
12 N Y O ft W ref 4s. 77 76 76
79 N Y R ref 4s ctfs.. 40 , 39 39
2 N Y Tel deb 6s 49.106 105 105
36 N Y Tel ref 6s 41.104 103 104
63 N Y West ft B 4s 69 68 58
9 Norfolk ft S 6s A 69 68 68
1 N Pac pr lien 4s.. 87 87 17
3 North Pan Ken 3s.. 64 63 63
13 North S P ref 6s A 92 92 92
18 North B T 7s 107 106 106
7 Or S L gtd 6s ctfs. 101 101 101
9 Ore S I, ref 4s.... 92 92 92
64 Ore-Wash RR&N 4s 82 81 81
7 Pack M C 8s 104 104 104
1 Pan A P ft T 7s.. 99 99 99
9 P R R 6s 108 107 108
151 P R R gen 6s 100 99 100
19 Pen R R gen 4s.. 91 90 91
20 Pere Mar ref 6s... 96 96 96
14 Peoria ft E inc 4s.. 33 33 33
1 Pierce Oil deb 8s.. 99 99 99
5 Pitts CC&StL 5s A 97 97 97
36 Reading gen 4s.... 85 86 85
7 R I A ft L 4s.... 82 82 82
12 S L IM&S ref 4s.. 88 88 88
17 SL&SF adj 6s..... 82 82 82
74 8t L ft SFine s4... 71 70 70
HSL&SFpl 4sA. 73 73 73
39 St P ft KCS L 4s 83 81 83
8 8 A ft A P 1st 4s.. 77 77 77
19 Sea Air L con 6s.. 59 69 59
10 Sea Air Line adj 6s 28 27 28
29 Sea A I, ref 4s 44 44 44
204 Sinclair O cv 7s..l04 104 104
156 Sin Oil col. 7s 100 99 99
37 South Pao cv 4a.. 91 91 91
62 South Pac ref 4a.. 88 87 88
12 South Pan col tr 4s 83 82 82
99 South Rait gen 6s 99 99 99
10 South Rail con 6s. .-96 96 96
14 South Rail gen 4s.. K8 67 61
27 South P R sug 7s.. 99 99 49
23 St Oil of C deb 7s. 107 106 106
II' tit,
41 41
11 lt
ll 11
414 IS
t '
l"t 11
t. ts,
I', ll-e
;j ii
S."i iiv,
! 4
94', 94
aa, lo...
tl ta
! I mi,
t 11',
ft sti
ll 9. ;
.' s
N. Y. Curb Bonds
New Tork, April !4 Tranaa. ions en
the New Voik curb Market today r
mm iniiiiwil
hale tin t, nigh. t.ow. Ml pm.
too Allied I'a.ker la., 14 tl II
I Allied Packer tm elf tl al 41
S Aluinin it ll:tl,.o: ll 1as
S Aluinin 7 IHU..I'14
1 Anier Cot Oil ts,.. 9t 41 91
1 Amer T ft T ta SS.l't la lo
1 Amer T al T ta 21. ml n i4 si,
I Amer Tob Is 131. 1014 10( l
t Anarnada Con ta..inoi, o 10
74 Anarnn Cup 7a :l l"l ai 13
4 Armour ft Co "a... 104 104 104
J Harnsdkll la ntu tat otu
24 llelh Hleel 7s 11:1. lot 101 101
It lleth hleel Is 3S,,.02 0 io;
. I Can N H K 7a IA 1091, ji.i4
' i Canadian Pao ls..,lo 101 101
t Cent Uteri tot 104 )ot
T Coluin Graph la... 4I 4S 41
I Con Gas of Hal 7s.o. lti. 104
t Con Tex ts 14 s 98
1 Cop Kx A IS ti. ...04 104 104
1 Cuban Tel 7s....lni lot 101
t Deer Co 7s...0l 0 lm
4 iii.o.lrl. h Tire 7b., ,10 99 loo
4 Gulf till 7b 104 14 104
13 Humble Oil 7s 101 101 101
Inter R T Is 22.... 15 S4 It
Jul Kayaer la W 1.101 ini 101 ,
2 Kennecott Cop 7.. 106 106 104
Laclede tlaa 7a 19 99 99
11 U Mc.N'eiit ft L 7a 91 99 99
1 Manual a 7s 93 45 It
Marland Ref. ?. 94 44 44
14 Nat l Acme 7a... 94 47 ' 47
2 Nat'l I.thr 8a 100 0fl 100
14 N V N II ft II 4. 94 41 94
11 Phils t'o s 41 47 97 47
II Phil Kl Si 103 103 103
17S Pub S C nf .V J 7s. 101 100 10
4 Hears Rnebu 7a 22.100 100 100
1 Skelly (Hi 1 101 108 108
3 Holvay ft Oe 8a. ...105 104 101
1 Sweat M Tel la 10; 102 10
I St O nf N T 7s 25.106 105 106,
5 8 O N V 7s 26 . ..101 101 106
St Oil N T 7a 30. ..107 10f 106
9 St N T 7s 31. ...106 1" 0t
4 Ht Oil N T tS....l"4 145 106
1 Sun OH 7a 100 no no
4 Swift ft Co. 7 26.101 101 101
Swift ft Co. Is 31. .103 103 103
Texaa Co 7s 101 101 101
1 Tidal Osag 7a. ...104 103 101
1 Tn Edison 7 104 106 104
14 Un Oil Prod 8s.... lot 101 108
4 1 Id Itye of II 7.106 101 101
7 Vacuum Oil 7s.... 107 106 107
11 Warn Sug 7a 41 100 100 100
2 West Kleo 7s 108 108 108
1 Winchester 7s 23.100 100 100
1 Atl G and wl 6a... 68 66 68
Can at Ry 6a 99 99 49
13 Col Graph 8a rtf... 38 17 38
44 Del ft Hud Cs... 99 99 99
2 Cons Con Min 7.. 75 70 71
162 lnt Or Nor 6s 62 61 63
1 Ksn Gss ft El 6s.. 96 96 96
6 Kings Co 6s 96 47 97
3 Liggett West 7s. ..101 101 lot
1 Marland 7s 95 95 46
23 Nor Amn eda 6a.. 92 92 92
3 No O L ft P..... 96 96 96
151 N It ft H 7 92 91 91
5 Philippine 6a 103 103' 103
2 Ssks ft Co 7a ....100 100 100
3 Stewart Warner 8s. 108 108 101
Foreign Bonds.
26 Argentine 7a 23. ..100 .99 100
10 Berlin 4s 3 8 1
10 Russian 6 26 26 26
6 Russian 6s 26 25 25
16 Swiss 5s 101 101 101
25 City Elberfeld 5s.. 6 I
2.1 City Solssons 6s... 86 66 86
11 Holland Am line 6s 92 92 92
36 Rus lnt 5s F ft K 6 6 6
10 U S Mex 4s 60 49 49
27s N Y N H Fr 7s.. 76 74 75
Chicago Stocks.
Range of prices of the leading Chicago
stocka furnished by Logan ft Bryan, 248
Petera Truat building:
Armour ft Co. pfd 96
Armour Leather com..V 12
Continental Motor.. ...m 8
burl Motor 3
Llbby 2
Montgomery-Ward 21
National Leather 2
Plggley Wlggly 44
Stewart-Warner 40
Swift ft Co 102
Swift lnt 20
Union Carbide. 68
Wahl 61
Wrigley 102
Kanaa City Produce.
Kansas City. Mo., April . 25. Eggs
c higher: firsts. 22c.
Butter and Poultry Unchanged.
Duluth, .April 25. Flaxseed fj. 72
Protect yourself against dishonest
Be sure your account I isfs.
Before buying dock er doing busi
ness with irresponsibl brokers con
Our weekly paper coat tt yearly.
Sample copy mailed on request.
2 Rector Street New York
Carolina. Clinchfield
& Ohio Railway
Equipment Trust 6 Cold Note
We offer the 1924
to 1935 maturities
at prices to yield
about '
5J0 to 5.75
According to maturity
Circular on request
The National City Company
Omaha First Nat. Bank Bldg.
Telephone S816 Jackson
What Will .
The Market Do Next?
Important developments
contained In this week's
market review regarding
the following securities:
Columbia Crapho. Studebaker
Transcont'l Oil U. S. Steel
American Woolen Baldwin Loco.
U. S. Rubber Loews Incorp.
Atchison Montana Power
Amer. Sugar Ref. General Motors
Write for free copy
Members Consolidsted
Stock Exchange of New York
35 S. William St., New York
l.-t Third At sd) Is., tl
t 1 till 4 At nf ta .
t Tid Hit t rlf. I!
t Tm 1'iodu.t !e,,S
tt t ntttn 'au 1,1 4. . II
tl I nius) f.e r.f 4a ,
t mun Tank far Is lH
t I'miad iug s.,
t I' Ry In I.t ta I'Mt tl "
t II I Healty ta..,, 44
1ft' H Ituhtwr I '
II I' M rilr.l .(SI
I tab I'D ft Id at l!
II 1 r t h.11. ma, tt
1 s r.r i h fat aa.
I Virginia Ity ts ti
I Meat Klavlrlr. ta.,.lti
Meat l. l.i ta...
1 Meat I niun s,,l"i
Weat'ghae C la.,. 107
II W ft I. :fi. ',, 41 u
14 Hl.k-ki hi I la.. 41
l Wt t o I tl,t,l
14 Wtl A I'd 11 ta.... 91
Ixl mm. j0Sa 121
Vr V WTTrr...TTyrwa. iti
it atiqhal err? sawkj
I ' hrw tork Caff as,
Keay York. April it la mrkH far
raffa future aiwlied ( Ja. f 1
I i'ii htgaar tauiae dam Miasn
sad same tavermg l snorts ttr Ik
re'liea ef the iviaua il,. 1hi a
a renaaal of scattering i.iuidan.a lut
abate the I laiel lue tl.v luttli. la
and around 1 1 in for a.ihr, .'
eiar, and price latrr scent f la 1.
far Ik Utter position, liar . fruiu
l la It tic, let i.trd ih Iom
with lha market eloaing awl t suiMa loaae
ta I points higher. i weia nnnta-l
at about 1.oa bags. Mar, I c July,
llk'i 4piniher, tltrt lhl..ner, I.IJ.'i
lunwiwr, lc, J.nuaiy. Marik, liin.
Neailr- half Ilia bu.ineaa ronaited af ea
ch 11 sea er sum bin fram May "d July
la lalae deliveries in pie(reiun for V"
Bible Kay holires lamwrruw, ppat ru(, a
.lull Ilia la, lie lij 11,-t canto 4.
14 ta ltc. Coal and treisht eff
t Irregular, Iniludtng Santa Sa ant
ta pari bout bona at l" lu 14 Itt . nd
It 10 at I St la It lr.
( bleat Butler.
Chicago. April tt Firmer butter mar.
keta st eastern point and an linp'o.e
maul In demand from there, reeulied In
a llttl firmer lone. I.o-al (tad re
mained uiil-l and receipt wera hheral
enough to aallary huyera SI unchanged
prtrta. Car of centralised ar area
and In mor active demand, Kerly !
of 4 at'ur wars made at l!e. hut later
II wa unaaiiii tn get as niu. h Si
t.r bsp. While firm at the moment, an
undertone of iiervnuaiieaa prevailed. It
reiver did not encourage ehlpmetiia b
yend their needs and buyer took goods
a (hey needed Ih.m,
Bequeath Management
as Well as Wealth
Do not take chances with
your estate the tangible
results of a lifetime's
Name a strong trust com
pany to execute your will.
Your estate will benefit by
the experience and judg
ment of an organization
which specializes in trust
Our Trust Officer will
be glad to confer ivith
you regarding this vi
tally) important matter.
Qm&aTrust Company
Oath. NdfonoJ Bank BwUln(
Griid'Pccol: Eload
is Concrete. - -
Its even, firm, gritty surface prevents
slipping even in wet weather.
It is the necessary complement to good
i tires and good brakes, for complete re
sponsiveness in your car.
More and more, motorists are insisting
on Concrete roads -and motorists can
get the kind of roads they insist on,
' SenJforowfretbooklttR-1,
Factt about Concrete Roadt f
Gloyd Building
cA National Organization to Improve and
' ' Extend the Uses of Concrete
Offices In 23 Other Cities.
WE solicit your consignments of all
kinds of grain to the Omaha,
Chicago, Milwaukee, Kansas City
and Sioux City markets.
We Offer You the Services
Omaha, Nebraska . v
Lincoln, Nebraska
Hastings, Nebraska
Chicago, Illinois
Sioux City, Iowa
Holdrege, Nebraska
Get in touch with one of the4 branch
offices with your next grain shipment.
The Updike Grain Company
"The Reliable Consignment House"
tart, Sataf.
New Tik, Apitl It In raw J4r
mark'! sa H.l.ese.l Cub l pjawpt
and Mer akipiHa nu4 t I -!
u.t and f i e.Sftit. muI ta t ta ('
lulugal auk aa i artd
eia aalee mi tl l-a. vl fait ruraa. la larei tetiaee with iMH ay
liana gt I It far laotrilmat,
Th raw sugar futtire mark! wa
eaairr sail, but aftee apeaiHg at a)elee
ut I la I tai under Mlttug by Cuaaa
lnlrie. proa ailtrd an .a.eiiag e4
ira.l butttig Hh near paaiitea ri.
ti.ely firm and rlaatng us. ha us "4 ta ta
higher, while later aatliua r sa
tlianstd la la uer.
May, lit. i jaly, 41f Septsmb',
t I2c, I.elMUr. I tar
Ih market (or t. fined aaa unsettled
and prlrea ut.rhangl ta I point law
atlh fine giHUilel haled at t tint I
w.l. hut tli demaHd e ligkl. future ri.iiMin!, rlaaiegt May,
I7i-, Jul)', HV; September, t le.
TurpeallH and tUain,
Sstattnsh, tie, April r. ru'oenliee
fiini, H UM: fmn It ht.l., rveipta, let
hi. la, elliMiita, : bblai sloth, I.StJ
l,.lii. firm- sal. II raskst rerelpt,
I tl ca.Wa, ahl.itieiite, I. It) taakj ataik.
t.ltt ca.ks
y.ioie: il. It t v n l T, II Hi
K in: M lt. N lit. Wii !
vtw r.i.
lineal frith, '
New York, April ! K Bi"ate4 -pi.
eail: pruuaa et.ady: l tif..rtiia l
la,'. Aprn-uta vane, firs.
Ilaisins ea.y.
of Our Offices Located al
Geneva, Nebraska
Des Moines, Iowa
Milwaukee, Wis.
Hamburg, Iowa
Kansas City, Mo.