Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1922, Page 10, Image 10

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Butler Promises
Tax Relief if
Named Governor
lonuiuaaionrr raturi i-o
mf ea""
Bill" Repeal and Kn.,
forcemeat" in Can
paign Statement
P.n B, Butler issued the follow iti
statement yesterday:
"Having signified my acceptanc
of the fling made by my Iriends
a candidate far the democratic fomi
nation (or governor, I consider .it
my duty to state my position on viU
public questions, '
"The trying need at this time
for economy.. The people demand
and they are entitled to relief from
oppressive taxation.
"If elected governor I promiie to
me the power of my owce to lecure
th4t relief.
"10 that end I favor I he repeal o
the "Code bill" and the repeal of the
revenue law ol IV.' 1. ami will to
recommend to the legislature.
Would AboUah Boards.
"The practice that haa grown up in
recent vrars of appropriating va
iumi 01 tnonev to be pent bv art
pointed state officers and apportioned
to various comities, is pernicious and
ade to extravagance and watte
The remedy is to leave to local
authorities the levying and ex
penditure of money so that officials
responsive and responsible to the
people who pay the taxes will de
termine the nerosity of and have
control over the expenditure of
"I favor abolition of s II useless
boards, bureaus and tribunals wlme
only purpose is interference with
private affairs at the expense of the
Favora Law Enforcement
i"l am for vigorous and impartial
enforcement of all laws and, if
elected governor, I will use the full
power of my office and the power
vested in me "by law to compel en
forcement of all laws by local official-.
"In asking for the support of the
democratic party at the coming pri
mary election, I will state that I
am not affiliated with, nor will I
be the candidate of any clique, com
bination or self appointed boss. If
elected I will be governor of all
the people. Whatever promises or
pledges I make will be made di
rectly and openly to the people. My
record as a public official of the
city of Omaha for 16 . years is
record of promises kept."
t'Hot Tamala King" Jailed
' on Disorderly House Charge
Judge Day in district court yes
terday afternoon sentenced William
Houston, "hot tamale king," to 90
days in jail on a charge of operating
in ill-governed house at 1412 Chi
cago street.
. And' when you get out," said the
jurist, "you'd better get older women
working for you. Your place is not
decent enough lor young girls.
Houston was fined $100 recently
In police court on a similar charge
for his place at 1310 Jones street,
when welfare workers found girls
under age working in . his place.
'.: . Par H.w ,
Bricklayer ..$140
Plasterers . ... 1.10
Stonecutters '. . 1.02
Stoneplanemen .82Va
Must be Union Men
Plenty of work for good
.. mechanics only. ,
Write- or Apply
SIS North Clark Stmt
, ChJcafe, 1IL
-'r I"' .. Pr Hour '
Carpenters ... $1 .00
Glaziers ..... .95
Copper Store
; Front Men .95
Lathers '. . . . . . 1.00
Painters . .... .95
Plumbers 1.021
Slate and Tile ,
Roofers . ... 1.00
Tar and Gravel -
Roofers . . :. .92V
Open shop
" Oaily experienced mechanic '
wanted. Apply by letter
SIS Norte Clark Street, Chicago. III.
A vi eteblo
eporiont, add
toae and view to
the dicMUve aaa
eUmtnative rrtvo,
ImproTM the appe
tite, raHevee aick
BMdache aed BU
Soneaaoa, a r r a c I a
Caatieatloa. , .
t r
MtJUSHOm UtttoWe
th. regular oom.
Made of Mm. Ingndi-
ita, ttaea cult
" " J ran
aed 1
eaatad. For children
aed adult.
r- 1
d JtcteajNU iru Blare
Oraaht Man Will Speak
for N. Y. Radio Program
Jew York, April 24. (Speu.1)-.
Uniaha will be etpecufty iHtreiej
1 the radio program from "WYT,"
the government broadcasting sia
tie it of fledloe's Island in York
harbor, Monday evening April .4
as a former Nebraska nun il have
an important place on it, lie is K
A. Miiverick. who received his high
school training in Omaha, and who
11 now pretiuent el the Allen-row
era Co., Ine, eastern representative!
ol Clermont steam automobiles
Mr. Miivrrirk will talk on "The
Romance of Steam,' and radio fans
of Omaha wilt be able to hear hint.
if the itma.iihene conditions are
good, since "WVP station is a pow.
ertui one snu carries longer ait-
tanre than the average radio broad
catting station.
The Allen-rowera company is in
terested in the development of the
Clermont Steamer, one of the newel
and snappiest automobiles, which
has steam for Its motive power. It
is being demonstrated in New York
at the present time.
Kadio Bug Attacks Omaba
Department of Justice
The radio bus lit in the depart
ment of justice office yesterday.
1 Had a complete receiving act in
this oflice ever since I took it over,
but didn't know it." E. V. Byrn.
special ai;ciit. admitted. "I was
going to throw it out a doren time,
but it looked too sood. so I kept it."
The radio outfit probably was con-
fucated from a pro-uerman during
the war, before Byrn was asgincd to
im cMiicc, ne ncncvcs.
n. J. Hancock, one ol the start who
reads the radio column before break-
last, spied the outfit yetcrday morn
ing, lie took it to several radio ex
perts, who are at loss to define its
kind. It has the usual crystal detec
tor, but also an extra set of coils, the
use for which no one ran detect
Hancock announces "he will solve
the mystery if it takes all summer."
"La Trovatore" by Radio.
Denver broadcasted musical score
from "La Trovatore" last night that
were heard as clearly as from a vic
trola by several Omaha amateurs.
George Marks, jr.. 2577 ' Finkney
street, with a type A Marken audion
set. picked the music from the air
It costs
www w
Lionberger Tire
2220 Harney Street
with the nit.
Gotrrnutfut Kind New Way
to IJght l letlrou Tubes
Wa.liingtoii, April 24, Flimina
lion ol the storage battery, the mot
expensive part tl the home made
radio receiving set. it now poitible,
according to the bureau of standards
of the Department ol Commerce.
The receiving sett require battery
to light the filaments of the electron
tubes. The new set developed by
the bureau of standards makes con.
nection with the ordinary clcctril
lamp socket.
The radio glide, the latest step, it
danced to radio niu.ic if the dancers
are lucky enough to find the nnnlc
iou take two steps forward. snuRle,
clap your hands, and then hesitate.
In making a reserative set em
ploying two variometer and a vario-
coupler, -de carclul not to set the in
strumcnts too clo-e together. If they
are the set will howL A set of this
type should be mounted in a box not
less than 16 inches long.
Twice a day at the Great Lakes
naval training station in Chicago the
reports from ii weather stations in
this country and Canada are received
and broadcasted. The broadcasting
takes place at 11 a. m. and at 10:30
L. H.. Lincoln, Neb.: Q-Would
four-wire aerial 3 feet lona and 40
icct nigh be samtactory.'
A Yes.
D. J. M.. Alliance. Neb.: O-How
can I get rid of a histing noise which
returns in the receivers when I start
A 1 urn the rheastat down a little
and the noise will disappear.
Finance Body O. K.'i Loans
of $6,000 for Farmers Aid
Washington, April 24. (Special.)
The War Finance corporation an-
nouced today that it has approved
advances of $6,000 for agricultural
and livestock purposes in Nebraska
nd $34,000 for Iowa.
no more
in a rather loud tone
of one bulb.
SIZES Black-Tread
v BIock-and-Button - Red
-P or Grooved Tread
30 x 3 $12.90 $2.15
30 x 35$ 14.90 $18.95 2.70
31x4 24.00 29.80 3.35
32 x 4 , 27.50 32.75 3.45
33x4 28.50 33.75 3.60
34x4& 44.30 4.95
33 x 5 52.30 6.00
Other sizes priced proportionately
Kelly-Springfield Tire Go.
2578 Harney Street
Omaha Distributors Phone at kntic 1373
THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY, AfltlU 2i. lyr.'.
The Dancing-Master
Il'eetieetd frees Meadaf I
She came back to Elisabeth.
reached up and Kissed her chin.
"And now you be good," she
pleaded: "you not make me to un
happy. You be good little mist and
I make you the greatest dancer io
London t proinue you.
Elirabtth thrugged her shoulders.
"If it will please you, the sd
wearily, .
Madame clapped her hands.
"And now we friendt again hey
We torsive each odder all round: we
all lianuv once more. No work today
you take a long holiday today. You
go out: you buy some pretty
ctothea; you spend lott of money."
"Neil farmer t money,- saw
Eliaabeth in a bard, voice.
A dull patch of color showed in
Madame't white cheeks; tht could
not understand hlizabeth t obstinacy,
One nun's money was as good as
another s to her if in the cud it ou
tained what she reauired. .
She sought about in her mind for
words with which to reply, but she
was spared the difficulty by the ap
pearance of the old housekeeper at
the door.
She said something in rapid
French, and Madame gave little
startled exclamation, glancing hur
riedly at Elizabeth.
"You excuse me. v 5he went
quickly away, closing the door after
her. Elizabeth heard voices in the
hall, but she hardly listened. She
sat down on the piano stool, her
hands folded in her lao.
Was Madame right, after all, she
wondered; and in a few years' time
would she be able to look back on
her present misery and realize that.
after all, love was nothing?
rat Royston met so many women
he would forget her.
The thought hurt intolerably; be
cause she knew that she would never
be able to forget him or care for
anybody else.
The door opened again, and, think
ing it was Mme. Senestis returned,
Elizabeth said, trying to speak natur
l think, if you don t mmd. I
would rather work today. I don't
want to go out; I would much rather
work." "
There was a moment's silence:
then a voice said: 1
to buy a
& Service Co.,
at. istt
"It it not Mme. Senestis, Miss
Elizabeth swung round on the
stool, the blood running to her fat
es she met Neil l armer't aba. lied
lie came quickly forward. "Mis
lonyrrs lorgive me. 1 beg your
Daraon, irom me uotiom ol my heart
i Dcnavca like a cau. i would eive
anyimng in trie world to undo my
conduct lat night. I looked for you
everywhere. Forgive me, I beg of
you I .Not in the lean because 1 de
serve it. but because if vou refute I
shall never know a moment's peace
blizabeth looked at him, and her
anger died. After all, what did it
matter? She wat quite indifferent to
him: it could make no difference
whether the forgave him or not.
I never want to soeak of it asa n "
sue said.
"But that is not forgiveness." he
urged. His voice sounded reaUy dis
There's relief
in every jeirof
5ooHiinc and HeaJine
VVTierewerthe itching
tiAvJiufaitt the cause
this gentle oinlmcnl
usua stops it at once
Easv and
louse. Keep
ajar on nana. a..
e a M mm. M
dou Dy&uaruggiso l
Apply thickly over throat
cover with not Banner
Gate Mlllkmjan Umd Keyfe
I tre.sed. "Madame has told me that
, you said you ncter wished to see me
any more. That it only just, but I
beg of you not to be m hard. At
jlea.t let ma 'e you tonieiimes. My
I greatest inierot now is in your
career; I will do anything you like
to how you my deep contrition,"
Hirabrth't (ace hardened.
"I shall not go on with my letton
if it means that, you are to pay for
them," ahe said,
lie flushed scarlet.
Vou are punishing me loo severe
ly. . ne protested. -1 give )ou my
word of honor if after what has
happened you will accept it that 1
win never
give you cau.e again to
hing I say or do. t MUt
reaent anyl
"Double Wear" Means "Double Value"
The :
r a pair
doublet the life of
very auit cut
ting your clothing;
bill practically in
Bond's showing of
2-Pants Suits in
cludes all the rvanlcd
fabrics in all the de
sired color effects
the newest and most
approved styles.
Quality considered.
Bond's 2-Panls Suits
at Bona" s price are
the greatest value
possible. ;
Bond's Method Eliminates
The Middleman's Profit
Bond's three great factories, selling direct to the cork
sumer through Bond's 14 distributing stores gives you
terials, better .workmanship,": better fitting garments at a great '
deal less: cost than elsewhere: 'You can easily prove this by.
examining Bond'a Clothea. v4:. S '. :; -; . 1' -
Bond s Clothes
Bond's Gabardine
The all-weather "topper" i3 a necessity in every
man's wardrobe. A serviceable, sensible coat for
stormy weather, a good looker for cool, sunny
days., The new shade of tan. belted, with yoke
back, satin trimmed. -Extra value at.
New York
" Toledo
Conyers, if ou knew how how rot.
ten I (eel about it alt! It's na ea
rue, I know, but I do heg of vou to
believe that I'm not such a cad as to
as ttf , , , "he floundered help,, ,
Lluabeth did not speak, and he
went on again.
"What will you do if vou throw up
this work? tio out as a companion,
or some abominatum like thatr You
are not fitted for it: it would break
your heart in a week. For your own
ake I beg of you to li.tru to ine.
You've got the world at your (cel. 1
know it, and so does Mme. Seucttit,
You've got it in your power to be
rich and famous. If it's only the
money my money that angers yon
1 1
are right inside
Trousers to Match Suit
Alterations Free!
1514 Far nam St.
I sear that I Mill let )ou rep'
every penny it has cot mes you will
be able to. and more besides. Hit
Couyeis- ... '
, R.oUaaee' te Te. St. tieWW.)
llue Hill f.n Scrki Poit
as Slate HraJ of Srboola
Lincoln, April .'4 -C. U Weslcoit
of Hlue Hill today filed with lh
secretary ol state as a candidate for
state supcrintend'-nt ol 'public !
struction. A. A. Kaker, Wionetoon,
filed as republican candidate lor
state senator from ihe'irnth district,
and A. A. Keiae, Dunning, at dem
orratie nominee for the house from
the Ninety-first d'Hrict
i OMAHA' v"?
oe i
Elks' Bond S.lling
. Campajga
April 24 to 29
A Thlrty-NL.r
N..r FeiU
and ' outside
. Cincinnati
SL Louis ,
Kansas City