Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1922, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
iVOL 266.
fill l M M MtiWf MM MM at
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tiWM Ik Mk mm l Hi)'' CUM a4 ! WMM aal. li,
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Aged Gladiators Battle
Banker and
Wife, Held
Routed By
Hotel Fire
Vice President, Wife aud
Europe Expects to Make a Substantial Payment on
Her War Debt This Summer
on Box Butte County Farm
Crutches Discarded by Cripples Who Fiht Over To
bacco Habit-Man, 83, Blind, i. Takes
Count When Other p- a .flrA.W.
slip at Home
New Farm
Credit Plan
is Proposed
bjitem Entirely Independent
id Federal Recre or Und
Bank Appear Strung
To Replace War Finance
Omaha Baa Mlr.
Washington. April 2J. I'rciIrt
llirding't recommendation to con
gress to art favorably upon the bill
providing farmer with credit f acil
ities at favorable a tlioc enjoyed
y commerce and industry may lead
to the establishment of a rural credit!
system entirely independent of either
the federal reserve system or the fed
cral land bank.
A new chain of bank which would
- lc linked with a central corporation
at Wellington, to take the place of
the War Finance corporation. is pro
posed. The system would be dc
Mgned to furnish credits on agricul
tural products and livestock over
periods ranging from six months to
three years, which are not provided
through the agencies already estab
lished by federal legislation.
Additional Credits Needed.
That additional rural credits facil
ities are needed was urged in the
report of the joint commission of
agricultural inquiry headed by Kep
rescntative Anderson, Minnesota. The
hill introduced by Representative An
derson in the house and by Senator
Lcnroot, Wisconsin, in the senate,
however, providing for credits of this
nature through the federal land
hanks, is meeting with criticism. Ob
jection is made to confusing this new
type of agricultural credit with the
long term loans on land which are
provided bly the federal land banks.
A strong movement appears to be
developing for the establishment of
an entirely independent system.
schemes lor the creation of a new
system arc contained in a bill re
cently introduced in the senate by
Senator Simmons, North Carolina,
and also in another bill which has
just been perfected which was pre
sented yesterday in the senate by
Senator Norbeck, South Dakota, and
will be introduced in the house by
Representative King, Illinois, to
morrow. ,
New Plan Endorsed.
Endorsement. of the establishment
of a new system has been given
tentatively by the farm finance com-
aitccQ the state bank division of
the American Bankers association. A
.delegation- from this committee, in
cluding Job" D. Phillifis of j5rsejv-
Valley, tn;. "former" president' of the
Illinois' State Bankers' association,
and H..A. MoehUmpah of Milwau
kee, former member of "the federal
reserve boar and also former presi
dent of the Wisconsin State Bank
ers' association; George A. bolder
son of Tarboroi N. C, and -M. H.
Malott of Abilene, Kan., has been
in Washington recently in conference
with members of the banking and
currency .committees of the senate
and house ...
The Simmons bill creates what
ctllcd the National Agricultural
, Credits corporation with a life of SO
years. ' This national'' agricultural
credits corporation would succeed
the War Finance corporation and its
c.ipital stock of $500,000,000 would
be provided by the retirement of the
capital stock of the War Finance
corporation. The new, corporation
would take over the assets of the
War Finance corporation.
Linked with the National-Agricultural
Credits corporation would be
three classes of member corpora
tions scattered throughout the couiv
try. Class A corporations would
' consist of national banksi state hanks
or trust companies, authorized to
make agricultural - loans. ' Class B
corporations would be livestock or
other loan companies now or here
after organized under the laws of
any state and engaged .principally in
the' business of making agricultural
loans. Class C. member corporations'
would be the new agricultural cor
porations organized . under' the au
thority of the act. f .. -
Elkhorn Woman, Resident
of Nebraska 50 Years, Dies
Elkhorn. Neb.. April '3. (Spe
viaJ.i Mrs. John Aye, 7o, a resident
of; Nebraska for SO years, died at her
home here tonight of an illness in
cident to old age. Wednesday
afternoon at 1 a short service will
. be held at the'homc and the cortege
will then go t Spring Grove Meth-
odist church. Burial will be in Elk
horn cemetery. . Mrs. Aye is sur
vived by two daughters. Mrs. Wil
liam Reicken and Mrs. E. F.
Cockerill, both of Elkhorn.
' Death List in Gasoline 1
Explosion Reaches Seven
Los Angeles, April 23. Two more
ictims of the explosion of a gaso
line tank and tank wagon at Downey,
near here last Friday, died today.
This makes the total death list seven.
Fred Robinsri6, schoolboy, died, in
a Los Angeles hospital, and Herbert
Hughan, 16, schoolboy, in a hospital
at Downey. The condition of Gus
Reiman, another victim, was re
i ported critical. Several others were
still in danger, it was said.
Five Members of Auausta
Ball Club Hurt in Wreck!
Augusta. Ga- April 23. Five mem
bers of the Augusta baseball club
of the South Atlantic league were
injured today whet the automobile
in which they were traveling to
this city, overturned just outside
Greenville, S. C.
Hcrnjan Merritt. "farmed out to
Augusta by the Detroit Americans,
was reported to have received in
juries which may prove fatal. The
ether -four were not seriously hurt.
Alliance, Neb-, April iJ.ThonWJjjpVTflrum of l-vtt uulfM ht gave
Laimord. JU. crippled inmate of
Hot Butte county farm, it in a tcr
tons condition with one of hi ryc
clutrd. several woundi oil liiffarr,
neck and head at the remit of an at
tack nude upon him by another in-
I mate, W. A. Dunlap, 60, who gouged
Laugford with sharp-pointed 4ro.i
rod during a quarrel,
Dunlap, who it taid to be a re
ligious fanatic. i it held in the county
iii. auo a cripple. In let:
tide, arm and leg being practically
paralyzed. Langford hat been a suf
ferer from rheumatism for year, is
itooped and feeble and walks only
with the aid of a crutch and a cane.
Duulau alkO uet crutches.
According to W. S. Burklioldcr, ,
superintendent of the county farm,
Dunlap it of a quarrelsome dispo
sition and the two aged wards of
the county have frequently engaged
in quarrels, one of which ended in
a fist fight. In order to economize
on heat, they were placed together in
the same room,
Laugford it fond of hit pipe and
his plug, while Dunlap it a. total ab
stainer and frequently berated Lang
ford for his tobacco habit, telling
him that he "could never enter the
Nine Delegates
Already Named
in Tour Contest
Holding Elections in Thirty-
Four Other Cities in Drive
for Devastated
New York, April 22. Nine dele'
gates, representing the highest type
of AmericaiuJusiness women, have
been elected to serve on the Grind
Will delegation which sails front Newj
York July 22, bound for Pans and
a tour of France that includes the
old battlefields and the beauty spots
of Normandy and Brittany. Thirty
five other elections are now under
way, including The Omaha Bee com
test. 100 in Delegation.
The delegation w'ill be composed
of 100 representatives of leading
cities of the United States. Dele
gates already elected are: Miss
Kathrine Murphy, telepnone opera
tor. Falls River, Mass.; Miss Belle
Potteiger, persdnal secretary at the
Ngtiaaal Ci Ktfistcr company,
and Mrs. Charles Ginn, of the home
service department of the Red Cross
at Dayton, O.. arid Miss Adalisa
Shacklettc, who has the distinction of
receiving the highest complimentary
vote of any girl running in the
elections, receiving ' 100,000 votes.
She is a member of the accounting
department of the L. & N. railway
at Louisville. Miss He!n 1 Speed,
assisstant in the' vault -department
of the Louisville Trust company,
and. Miss Belle Cochrane, secretarjd
of the Louisville chapter of the
Junior league; . Miss Elizabeth Roon
eyf secretary of the vice president
of the General Electric company,
Schnectady; Miss Mary Ives of the
United Shirf and Collar company,
Troy, N. Y and Miss Marion See
of the . Fidelity Union Trust com
pany, Newark, N." J., are others
' Chaperone Is Named.
Delegates chosen from these cities
will have their expenses paid by the
American Committee foe, Devastated
France of which Miss wn? Morgan
(Turn to Tate Tvo. Column Four.),
Germany Pays 18,000,000
Marks on Reparation Debt
: Paris, April 23. Th! German gov
ernment paid, the reparations
commission the first monthly install
ment on the new schedule of pay
ments fixed by the commission on
March 21. in pursuance, to decisions
of the allied finance ministers. . The
installment was, 18,000,000 gold
marks, and subsequent payments are
to be 50,000,000 gold marks monthly.
Sioux City Traffic Man . ..
v Gets Position in Chicago
Sioux City, la., April 22. James
P. Hayncs, commissioner of the
Sioux City traffic bureau, has been
named to what is said to be the
highest traffic post in the United
States. He will become traffic direc
tor of the Chicago Association of
Commerce,, at a salary of $15,000 a
year. Haynes has held the position
here for five years! .
Eight Wounded by Bomb.
Bologna, April -23. Eight personk
four, of whom are communists, were
wounded by the'explosion of a bomb
thrown into a cafe. - --
17th and Farnam
ATIantic 1000
n tobacco. I ne religions argument
didn't appeal to Langlord, who hat
ued tobacco for over bO years, and
when he reamed Duulan't attempted
conversion the latter knocked th
pie from hi mouth. Langford re
lented such demonstrative agru
menu) and responded by whacking
Dunlap in the face with a heavy
hoc, whereupon Dunlap tcied a
lurp pointed rod, two feet long and
half an inch thick, and gouged Lang
ford repeatedly about the face and
head. Langford it blind in hit left
rye, and when the other eye. wa
cloed he said he couldn't keep un
thr fight, although he t ied to i get
hold of a hammer with which to de
fend himself. .
Dunlap, according to county
authorities, tperdt mo of hit titiif.
perusing the Bible, tie it impatient
of anv one who fails to agree with J
I.:. ....... t ...I.-, i.. ....i. .i.l
in inni vi niMl lie ichui (l inc
scriptures, the superintendent ai(,
and often flic into a rage, throw inn
his Bible down, niaket the air blue
with curses. ,
Langford has been an inmate of
the county farm for nearly 25 yean
and Dunlap has been there about 10
Woman Charges
Mate Forced Her
to Do Dirty Work
Wife of Well-Known Golfer
Says Husband Made Her
Stay Home and Do
'v Housework. '
Omaha lira larl Hire,
Detroit, April 23. That she was
forced to stay at home and "do the
dirty work with the washtub" while
her husband enjoyed himself on the
golf links is part of the latest state
ment by Mrs. Helen Bourne Joy Lee
who is suing Howard B. Lee for di
vorce. Lee is a well-known golfer and
bis wile is the daughter of Henry
!. Joy, former president of the
Packard Motor company, and niece
of Senator Truman Newberry.
At her home on Morross road,
Grosse Point, with its four acres of
ground, "Mis. Lee talked freely of
her alleged poverty.
borne of my friends sav I am like
the W IittlerisJ; i Jirl.shtajd.,
I hve in Ti lovely .home, but I
haven't any money. I have lots of
time to do our own housework, my
washing, ironing, cooking and dress
making for the entire family."
Husband Took Fortune.
Mrs. Lee charges that her husband
defrauded her 'of her vast fortune.
which has cut her income from $600
a month to $250. '
I haven t bought a new dress m
two years, except this thing I have
on, if you would call it a dress," she
said. "I paid $1.19 for it. The only
hat I have I bought at a rummage
sale last year ior 50 cents.
Mrs. Lee attended the tasnioname
Dobbsv Ferry school before she was
Now I am buying the discarded
clothes of my old school chums," she
continued. 1. have learned some'
thing of dressmaking, . too-r-more
solid facts than art, however. I am
making over some old dresses that
are six years old. , They were things
I had when I made my debut. 1
make the children's dresses out of
my- old ones and then I pass them
along to each one as they grow into
Grows Vegetables. .
"I allow myself $5 a month for
personal expenses. v That includes
clothes and amusements. I am help
ing to make expenses by growing
vegetables m my garden and selling
eggs. . l nave aoout au cnickcns. i
have a man to help me with the gar
dening. ' I put up more than 100 cans
of jelly, fruits and vegetables last
The Joy heiress compared a typi
cal day in her married life to that
of her husband, who she alleged in
her divorce bill is a "golf maniac."
"I get his breakfast every mornn
ing at 7," she said. ' "He leaves for
the office an hour later; and then
closes his desk at 10 to go to the golf
club and get m his usual 36 holes.
While he was playing golf for
high stakes on the strength-of my
money I was home doing the "dirty
work" with the wash tub and the
ironing board and the scrub brush.
He came home for dinner at,, odd
hours and raised the-roof if his din
ner was not kept warm."
j .
Employe of Power Compail
Hurt by Dredger at Kearney
Kearney, Neb., April 23r (Spe
cial.) John.Pavey, an. employe of
the Central rower company, lies
the hospital here with his left
leg splintered between thev knee
and the hips as the result "bf an
accident today. Pavey was working
on a clamshell dredger, replacing a
weakened pin, when the weight of
several hundred pounds suddenly
broke loose, pinningxhim down. Un
less complications develop, Pavley is
expected to recover, although his in
juries are .considered very serious.
Golden Rod Highway Meeting
Is. Held at Red Cloud
Superior, Neb., April 23. (Spe
cial.) The annual meeting of tWe
Goldenrod Hrghway association
was held at Red Cloud with an at
tendance of over 100 delegates from
as far as Fairbury on the east, and
as far as Otis. Colo., on the west.
J. H. Agee and C. A. Bates of Su
perior, were elected president and
t crctiry, respectively. -
Mr. and Mr. D. 1. Hogaa
Shut at by Guiimen in At
tempted ' Robbery on
Lawn of Residence.
Bandits' Inlets Wild
Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Ifogan,
wealthy and prominent Omahint,
were the. victims of a sensational
holdup and ihooting on the lawn of
their residence, 112 South Thirty
eighth ttrcrt, in the exclusive Writ
Famatn district, early Sunday.
The thou, fired at Mr. and Mr.
MoRun by two banditt. went wild.
Mrs. Ilogan, police taid. was shot
at at the lay on the lawn where the
stumbled and fell in attempting to
escape the bandits.
Diamonds and jewelry taid to be
north several thousands of dollars,
and to have been worn by Mrt.
Ilogan at a party, are declared to
have furnished the motive for the
Were Cueiti at Function.
Mr. Ilogan is president of the
Federal Laud bank here. With Mrt.
Ilogan he was a guest at a function
.They reached home in their car
about 12:4s. Mr. Ilogan drove the
car into the garaged and locked it.
Mrs. Hogan waited on the drive
Snapping the lock, Mr. Hogan
joined his wife and started toward
the house. Near the corner of it
two men stepped from the shadows
with the stock command: "Hands
up!" Mrs. Hogan ran a short dis
tance, then stumbled and fell. ' In
the excitement Mr. Hogan neglect
ed to raise his hands and 6ne of
the robbers began shooting. Five
shots were fired.
It is thought the bandits had but
one pistol between tneni and mat
the five shots exhausted the supply
of ammunition. They ran after the
fifth shot had been fired.
A big car drawn up at the curb
half a block away receive them
The driver shot the gears into mesh
as the two men jumped m and the
escape was made.
Wires Were Cut.
John J.- Meacham, manager of the
United States Rubber company here
whose home is the next one south of
the Hogan residence, heard the
shooting and called police.
Other Omahans, all of them social
ly prominent, or well-known in
business circles, rushed from, their
beds and homes to discover the
cause of the shooting. The J, F,
Coitf 1TrfcT is" Irrt he sMe "Hock" as
is the home of Ben Baker, prominent
attorney.. "
In the house at the time of the at
tempted robbery was Miss Marie
Hogan, 20, a niece, and Miss "Cather
ine Shea, 23. both well-known in the
younger social set, They told po
lice they attempted to call & num
bcr by telephone .early in ,the eve
ning but found the line dead, lhen
the wires were checked and were
discovered to have been cut.. From
this circumstance police deduce that
the robbery was well planned and
that the robbers lurked in the neigh
borhood of the Hogan home most
of the evening. -
, ' Seen By Watchman. 4
Gus Jackson, a material watch
man for the city, whose duty it is
to guard piles of sewer material in
the neighborhood, saw the two men
as they dashed from the lawn of the
Hogan residence to the waiting au
tomobilc. He told police there was
a third man. He had the wheel of
the big car, Jackson said.
.Several squads of police and At
tcctives in automobiles searched the
neighborhood for several hours aft
er they learned of the attempted
robbery, but were ' unable to find
suspects. ' ' v
Mrs. Hogan recovered her com
posure in a few minutes after the
shooting and was able to give the
police a connected account of it.
It was first thought that she had
fainted when she fell in running
from the bandits, but she . assured
police it was only a stumble.
Grocer Js Beaten.
Two bandits beat C. Phorson, gro
cer, at 2757 Webster street, and his
son, Henry, when they entered their
garage to put away their automo
bile. , , -
The elder mart got out of the car
to open the door w-hen two armed
men ordered them to hold up their
hands. Neither obeyed the command
and C. Phorson was badly beaten. :
The ; bandits then, turned to the
younger man. struck him once and
ran. They did not obtain anything
ot value. ! '
First National of York
Observes 40th Birthday
York. Neb., April 23. (Special.)
The First National bank . of this
city celebrated its 40th anniversary
Telegrams were received from
New York, Chicago. Kansas City,
St. Joseph, Omaha, Lincoln, besides
Long BeacK and Los Angeles,' -Cat,
The first statement of the bank
made to comptroller of the currency
October 3, 1882, showed resources
of $179,798.52. The statement of
March 10, 1922, listed resources of
Busy Week of Speaking
Is Outlined by lloweJl
R. B. Howell of Omaha, a can
didate for nomination on the re
publican i ticket for United States
senator, has the following sDeak-
ing dates this week: Tuesday noon,
Uavid City Chamber of Commerce;
Tuesday evening, Seward Chamber
of Commerce; Wednesday evening;
Umaha A. U. I . V.: Thursday eve
ning, Grand Island Chamber of
Commerce: Saturdav evening. Mead
High school auditorium. .
l 1 , .
Signalmen of U. E.
Sue for $300,000
Back Pay Claims
Declare Road Refuses to
Settle Wage Award1 De
spite Director Gen- .
- eral'g Order. '
Alleging that approximately $300,
000 js due them as wages earned
dur(ingfcderal control of the rail
roads, January, 1918, to February,
1920, signalmen of the Union Pacific
system have filed suit in federal
court against the director, general of
the railroads and the Union Pacific
for the recovery of this sum.
In a statement made last night,
Reed A. Flickinger of Council Bluffs.
attorney for the signalmen, alleged
that the employes were awarded 68
cents an hour for the first 16 months
of federal control of railroads and
72 cents an hour for the balance of
the 26 months, according to "provis
ions made by Director General Mc
Adoo in 1918. L . . .
The plaintiffs, for whom J.' E.
Morledge, chairman, Brotherhood of
Signalmen, is trustee, maintain' that
the maximum amount paid by the
management of these properties to
their employes during" federal con
trol was 58 centsan hour for the
first period of 16 months and 62
cents an hour for the remaining per
iod. . . ' v
The plaintiffs also allege that the
director general on April 7. 1922 or
dered the Union Pacific railroad to
pay the back pay claims, but that the
road refused, t " '
The back payments involved range
from a few dollars to more than $1
000 for each of a large percentage
of the signalmen.
Similar suits have been filed by
employes of the Oregon Short Line
railroad and the Oregon-Washington
Railroad and Navigation lines.
Railway Men 'Authorize1
: Vote on Proposed Strike
Chicago, April 23. The sending
out of a secondvstrike ballot to' the
railway employes' department of the
American Federation of -Labor was
authorized at the biennial convention
whicji closed here. ..
Today's action resulted from dis
satisfaction of the shopcrafts'" em
ployes With decisions of the .United
States railroad labor board concern
ing rules affecting this branch of
the service. . .
Attempt to Talk From
A tlantic to Pacific
and Return Planned
San Francisco, April 23. An . ef
fort to talk by radio telephone from
the Atlantic to the Pacific coast and
return the speech to the Atlantic
will be made next Tuesday after
noon at 4:30, Pacific time. The
speaker will be Eugenius If. Outer
bridge of New York.
Mr. .Outerbridge will speak from
the broadcasting station, W, J. Z.,
at Newark, N. J. The New York
port authorities, requested the Rock-
ridge station, located ' in Oakland,
Cal., to amphly the speech.
I he Kockndge station will attempt
to resend the speech so that it can
be picked up on the Atlantic coast.
Broadcasting stations and ama
teurs between New lork and San
Francisco have been -requested to
suspend operations during the halt
hour beginning at 4.J0, while .
is sending. .
Soviet Statesman
Lunches With King
Head of Russian Delegation
to Genoa Entertained by
Italian Monarch. ' '
Genoa, April 23.-T-Gcorge Tchitcly
cryvheag ot the Kussian soviet-deie
gation to the economic 'Conference
not only went (o luncheon with the
king of Italy on - the dreadnaught
Dante Alighicri, to the discomfiture
of Italian comtrmnists. but also wore
for the occasion an immaculate
morning coat and a high hat of
latest style and was filmed by mo
tion picture photographers as he was
shaking hands with the Italian mon
arch. Futhermore, the bolshevist states
man was photographed in the act of
shaking hands with Louis Barthou,
head of the French delegation, who
has been particularly active in taking
exception to Russian 'proposals -at
the conference. When M. B.arthou
discovered that he had bee photo
graphed in the act of exchanging
greetings with -the soviet chieftain,
there was something of a scene. He
demanded in explosive French that
the film be destroyed. The thought
of -such a film being "shown in the
motion picture houses along the
Champs Elysees, was too much for
the French delegate, but the hard
hearted movie, men ignored his
pletives and continued - filming
rest of the notables who were
king's guests at the lunclieoiy
Contracts Letfor New N
Alliance School Houses
Alliance, I 'eb., April 23. (Spe
cial.) Tentative contracts for the
construction of a new high school
and a new grade building in Alli
ance have been let by. the board of
education, the.'knv bidder for. the
high school being Oscar Almquist
of Central, City, and the low bid for
the grade school being received from
George M. Robertson of Lincoln.
, Almquist's bid for the high school,
exclusive of plumbing, heating and
wiring, was $137,174. : Robertsoifs
bid for the -grade school was $27,
858. , The plumbing and heating con
tracts for the two buildings are to
be awarded separately and, accord
ing to tne board otT education, will
likely be given to the Sheehan com
pany of Omaha, who was lowest
bidder at $37,237.' '
The above figures are exclusive of
electric wiring, which is estimated
at approximately $13,000, ' and fur
nishings for which - the board ex
pects to spend about $35,000. This
makes the total planned expenditures
approximately $250,000. : - "
Church Burns in Big
Fire at Etamett, Neb.
O'Neill, Neb., April 32. (Special
Telegram.) Fire, -presumably of in-,
cendiary origin, starting early Sun
day morning in the basement of the
Methodist church at Emmet,, de
stroyed the church, the parsonage,
the Shorthill barn and the hay barn
of the Emmet Hay company, con
taining 600 tons of baled hay.
Assistance from O Neil, prevented
the destruction of the remainder of
the business section of the village.
The total loss is estimated at $30,
000, partially covered by insurance.
Sixteen Filipinos Drowned
Manilla, P. I., April 22. Sixteen
Filipinos were drowned when a
large sailboat capsized off the coast
of the Province of Cainarines Sui,
according to advices received fiete
todav. ' Eight other persons aboard
the boat were saved.
Latest Squabble
at Genoa Meeting
Is Smoothed Over
Germans Decide Not to Reply
to Note of Ten Powers Re-
With Russia.
Bjr The Aaaoclated Prraa.
GcnoaApril 23. Auother crisis in
the economic conference was passed
tonight, when the German delega
tion announced, afteY a long ses
sion of its delegates and frequent
communications with the Russians
and Italians, that the Germans would
not reply to the note of the 10 pow
ers today stipulating that the sig
natories "expressly reserve for their
governments the right to declare
null and void any clause in " the
Russo-Ge'rman treaty, which may be
recognized as contrary to the ex
isting treaties."
- The Germans also decided to set
tle by private negotiations, the dif
ference between M.- Barthou, head of
the French delegation, and the Ger
man - chancellor, .- Dr: Wirth, , which
arose through Mr. Barthou's written
charge that the Germans had made
untruthful statements.' : '
premier a acta an a foreign .Min
ister Schanzer. of the Italian delega
tion are believed to have been re
sponsible for this peaceful settlement
of what threatened to be a hopeless
barrier to real progress in' the con
ferences on economic and financial
work. ,
; A member of the German delega
tion had decided they would not en
courage a battle of notes, but would
remain silent and let the conference
proceed with its useful work, in the
hope that the economic . situation in
Europe might be bettered. v
Sunday has been rather a'bad day
for the . Genoa conference. Easter
Sunday brought, the: signing of the
Russo-Germany ' treaty which -. cre
ated much disruption; and ' today
came the note from the big and lit
tle ententes and Portugal to Ger
many, which, for the moment, re
opened the old wound that had part-,
ly healed. . ' ; ; -'
New Plan to Aid Farmers '
f Is Proposed by Norbeck
'Washington, April - 23. Another
plan for farmers' long tetm credits,
providing a . . national . . ' farmers'
finance union, a federal corporation
with $200,000,000' capital, way pro
posed in a bill introduced 'by Sena
tor Norbeck, republican,- South Da
kota. . The organization 'Would be
operated by the secretaries of the
treasury ' and agriculture, arid four
other members appointed by the
president. - It ' would be authorized
to extend one-year lo?ns to farmers.
bankers or co-operative- associations
up to an aggregate of $1,000,000,000
in times of crop surplus with agricul
tural 'products as security. - ,- .
The Weather
. N Forecast,
Nebraska: Showers Monday,
cooler in west portion; Tuesday,
partly cloudy.
Iowa: Showers Monday, slightly
warmer in east portion; Tuesday.
unsettled, probably showers in east
Hourly Temperatures.
S a. m . . .
a a. m. . .
? . m. . .
R a. m . . .
! a. m ..
Ill a. m...
II a. m...
13 efwn....
1 P.
2 P.
4 p.
a p.
' p.
a p-
. . . .1
Many Notable Forced to
Flee When Flame Sweep
Balroon of Willard.
Heavy Damage by Wrter
Rr TJm Aawrlalad fraaa.
Washington, April 23. Vice ricni
dent t'oolidge, aeveral members of
the aenate and houe of rrprrcnta
lives and many othrr persons promi
nent in public, business and sorial
life, were among ont 600 guel of
the New Willard hotel who were
routed from their beds at an early ,
hour this morning (by a tire which
swept the top floor of the 10-story
grey stone structure at Pennsylvania
avenue and Fourteenth street.
The blae had its origin in the
ballroom on the 10th floor, where
a few hours before President Hard
ing. Mr. Coolidge, members of the
cabinet, senators and representatives,
foreign diplomats and others had sat
around the banquet board as guests,
of the Gridiron club at its annual
spring dinner.
Water Causes Big Damage. (
The fire was confined to that floor
and the roof above, but tons of water
poured into the flames seeped through
to the floors below, causing much
damage. There was some confusion
and excitement as hotel attaches, po
licemen and fircmctP pounded on
doors and 1 the telephone operator
called room after room, but all in
the hotel got out of their apartments
in safety.
How the fire started, may never
be known, but one theory is that;
a-cigaret or cigar stump, cast aside
at the close of the Gridiron dinner,
found a lodging place beneath a
rug in a fold of heavy drapery. . It
was 5:45. when a passing policeman
noticed smoke coming from the
10th floor windows.
Calls Mrs. Coolidge.
Several fire companies were on the
scene in a few .minutes. The clat
ter of their gongs woke Vice. Presi
dent Coolidge, who, upon going to
a window, saw the apparatus across
the street. He called MrJ.J3oolidge.
remarked that there was a fire in ,
the neighborhood and suggested that
they go out to see it. While they
were dressing, they learned that ,
the fire was in the hotel. Leaving ;
their apartment on the "third floor,
they r descented to the lobby and -Mrs.
Coolidge was sent to the home .
Qf,h.e vice president's, secretary" S.A .
ward T. Clark.
Mr. Coolidge is the second suc
cessive vice president of the United
States to have an experience in a
fire at the New Willard, a blaze hav.
ing routed Vice President and Mrs.
Marshall late one night four years,
ago.- . '
American Ambassador ,
' to Germany, Installed
Berlin, April 23. (By Afl P.)
The American embassy in Wilhelm
platz again houses a fully accredited .
ambassador, the concluding formali
ty in effecting complete and formal
restoration of diplomatic relations .
.between the United States and Ger
many having taken place at 'noon ;
today, when Alanzon B. Houghton "
placed in the hands of President
Ebert his letters of credence desig"- '.
nating him "ambassador extraordU
nary and plenipotentiary" of "lh
United States government to Gcr--;
many. ' t - . ' V
" Accompanied by his staff, Mr.
Houghton proceeded to the execu .
tive residence where President
Ebert, attended by, Dr. Haniel Von
Haimhatisen. under-secretary ot
foreign affairs; Cuncilor Von
Guclich, also of the foreign office,
and Councillors Meissner and Wal
ther, of the president's, executive
staff, awaited the presentation for
malitiei. which were soon ended,
after which, the American presented
credentials with, brief remarks, to
which Hcrr. Ebert made the cus
tomary .response.
; ;
Omaha Man Will Speak ,
' j for N. Y. Radio Program
,New York. April 23. (Special.)
Omaha will- be especially intercsterl
m the. radio program-from "WVP,
the. government broadcasting sta- '
tion of Bedloe's Island in New York
harbor, Monday evening April' 24,
as a former Nebraska man will have
an important place on it. He is R.
A. Shiverick. who received his hicli "
school training in Omaha, and who
is now president of the Allen-Pow-' ,
crs Co., Inc., eastern representatives
of Clermont steam automobiles.
Mr. Shiverick will talk on "The
Romance of Steam." and radio fans
of Ofhaha will be able to hear him,
if the atmospheric conditions are
good, since "WVP" station is a pow-
r..t : I ' - ,.
cnui unc anu carrirs a longer uis
tance than jhe average radio broad
casting station.
The Allen-Powers company is in
terested in the development .of the
Clermont Steamer, one of the newest
and snappiest automobiles, which y
has steam for its motive power. It
is being demonstrated in New York
at the present time.
Johnson County Bankers -
Entertained in tecumseh
Tccumseh. Neb., April 23. (Spe- ;
cial.) The Johnson County Bank-
ers' association held a business meet,
ing in Tccumseh yesterday after-
noon and a banquet in the evening.
During the afternoon wives of the
visiting bankers were entertaied at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank-
Dafoe. W. B. Ryons, cashier of the -First
National bank of Lincoln, aud ,
A. C. Shallenberger of Ama were,
the out of town speakers.