HIE HKE: OMAHA. HUUAY. Al'KIL .'I. VJii. 15. C. KiujKlcy Is I iirM ait ,vri I' Former Employes i Teslify Against Factory Head Kc-Elccletl Head of Optometrists Ouuhitn Honored ly State Ao Irttlon for Third Time SftrHary ANo Itftainrtl. It. C. Kirtlfy c( Omaha re fitcttd rrf.tdfii of iht Ncbrkj oruitt'rm rf Optnmctrint, at the tint of ihf I6tli annual convention ( the organisation in Hoirl route rile yettrrday afiernooti, He ti tcrvrd to rrm. lliarlr S. Dixon ft North flat'e a a re-fleetH f.rirrUry.irra.urer. A. Mantua of York and H. !.. (ill 'rir ('i Harrington erc elects! r-t vice rriilriit and tcconj vice reident, reflectively. Recommcndi Board Member. T li f aMOciation retoinineiKli-il .'irorRe Dunlonof Lincoln and A, M. Wellington of Kearney a nieinberi jf Hie Mate loard of optometry. Oliver Ariel, Si. Lmii. president of tlie National Aociation of Oplotii MrM, adilremed the convention yen. :rrday morning, lie averted that -he oplometrit and the cpthalmo. Ii'giit ahould liave a cloer working irrangrment. "Don't lake inr with the medical urn. for bv n doing you make a mistake." aid Mr. Abel. "Some iicmbcra of our profemion who are doinsr the greater work arc work Intr in hartnonv with the medical men. Let' utand Miurcly behind them and get better acquainted. Good Workmanship! Uuged. The St. l.oui mail bronght thi mcsaee to the convention: "Remem- trr that it t not how quick you ran do your work and then pet the monev. "but rather how good yon can do it and keep the quality up." Mr. Abel stated that the optome- Irists of Nebraska should put on a campaign of education and organi- ration and get behind a new optome try hill to be presented at the next IcRUIature. The proposed new bill tvill raise the standards of the pro fession and be in the interests of the general public. "The work of our profession has Increased 100 per cent in efficiency In the state of Missouri as the result of our campaign or organization and education." added the national presi dent. "Wc are relegating 'he in tinerants to the scrap heap. Today we have 1.4S0 registered optometrists in our state. State universities and other institutions of learning arc adding four-year courses in optome try." Encourages Advertising. "Advertising has changed the hab its of the American people; it has. for instance, led us into the belief that the bath is not a penance but a prtvileg," Mid Elmer Robinson of Rochester, N.Y., who spoke at the afternoon session.. .' . The New York man encouraged Nebraska optometrists in their pro posed .state-wide co-operative oubli- city campaisrn which was muuistu i at the concluding session. , I ' " .in , i."t 13 Testify for Man Charged ?: .Willi Throwing Lamp at Wife ' Fifteen witnesses took the witness , stand yesterday in the defense of : Charles Brown who faces a jury in Judge. Fitzgerald's court charged with manslaughter in' connection 'with the. death of his wtfc who was ' burned to .death in their home last January. - ' ' All the witnesses testified that Browivhad been a hard working man and stood for much abuse from his wife who. was addicted , to . intoxi cants.;: v--: : : . ' : The state -contends that. Mrs. Browtt totd police that her; husband threw'a lighted lamp at hen'-; ' -It is believed Brown will take the witness stand this morning. . lie claims that bis wife, who was intoxij catcd, .carried the lamp that, ignited her clothes. . ; :? Stockmen Now Making MoneyVSays C. A. Murnan C'Ai Murttan of Denver, promi nent livestock man, and identified with the firm of Clayton and Mur nan of Denver, was at-Hotel Fon tcnelle yesterday. . . "There is an improvement in the livestock ' situation throughout the western country," said Mr. .Murnan. "Those 'who fed stock last winter are making - some " money on their shipments, and it is my opinion that those who: market grass-fed .stock this year will make money. ,It.is my helicf that -stock, brices will not go lower,". s ' y : - . : Mi".. Murnan referred to the good effecis resulting from the operations of the 'livestock corporation. : Arrested Third Time for i Illegal Sale of Liquor For the third time, according to prohibition officers, Albio Rabino, 1210 South Seventh street, was ar rested yesterday for 'illegal sale of liquor.. " '. "He ought to get a penitentiary sentence - this time," said U. S. Roh rer, "dry" enforcement officer. In ntft I'Ljh. Trui of th eblk4 liulltaHa aut'liy lit til(l elitllrr, To u. llaikw TU On.l. iliP lr i tha Auori.an ttteiilul ut Kaftkiiif ill hu. an informal dn ln4y vnm ai t. .Ui kiou. Tit OliM-rtr lt' UitIiHiiiM LhttoU will ubarrta f1u" work, May .. I'Una hata lctt ma4 la (mali4 luina men aix-ali ai l !.tnHiU nt lha my 4urii Hi . i Omaha Im hii.i.ilal roil' N". . ! ahit i. .rwiiil it. rmfi Purina lha J war, wilt l.ol.t ita IhuJ annual Ulilun lalurdy UUhl at th llil- varciiy tub. liirrraa ( buri'll Ittictii'! -More than ua irrwa atlitili4 h an mm I ui"t ft lha Hrl tUput t hunh V4iia!ay niht. Tha mm lrr voieil la . Ilit DUilget frfiu 1 10, una to IM.auo. r..nn r id lli ail Mru'a ( luh Kr4 V. 1'i.uti-y 4 Ip.-ikI KMidont of Ilia inrn'a club f Trinity l'lhtlrol I'urull Velnvtiy MClil. A dim ahuwiliK Irli tiliiiiia ierallnn u Hi (ifauire Kf lit enuriulnment. Will 4 mi lu lltiwall :imer H I'ainl'l'ell, am rKtary anil Ireaaurer of th MlitUml Tula liuarntaa and Ab. ir.u l riiinimiiy, U to lrne aunn fur llnwnll where lia ta lo ha aniplnyed on it Inma in 1 1 lo anil pineapple rant li. Arraluiml on tt C'liarae (ivurya ami Klim. 101 Unvaif liurt airct-t. wi-ra arreated Wednes day nlsM on a t-harco of avlllng dupe. They and Hv other wera arralaned on the miii rliitrio tefore V, t). ConimiMloner lloehlrr jeaterday. I.niii-tuiiii for X. l' A. Head A Ihik Iimhi will be lv.-n In honor of MUm Charl Oruii.iia Williams or Memiihl. Tenn.. prrUlnt of the Nallmnil Kdiieiilliin naaorlatlon, at Hotel I'oiilenelln at noon tnitny by tho iirlnetpata and aupervlmirs of f Him hn mi I.I lo .linoln. Hunerln- temlent J. II. Heverhlaa will preside. Iliiii-n'iiilii lor Wior Dr. and Mre. SitIkiih MoreulUt will entertain lit hinrheon today nt their home. 43t loile sired, for I'rof. E. I l.yon. dean of tlie Unlvemlty of Mln neautii midiiul arhool. wh6 comes lo Omaha to address the Nebraska Ktuto McilUul soplety. Trof Lyon U one nf tho leading medical educa tors of the country. Auto Driver Released. J. V. Jamison. 2561 Jones street, whose automobile injured Charles Flood, jr.. 4 1-4. 2408 St. Marys ave nuc, Wednesday at Twenty-fourth Mrcct and St. Marys avenue, was released in Central police court yes terday morning when the. accident was held unavoidable. ADYKKT1NKMKNT. MRS. ALVAH H.McCREARY of ' Philadelphia, who aays nothing she could gay for Tanlac would be half good enough after the way this remarkable medicine has brought back her health. It is just glorious to ' have my health back, and in my opinion there is nothing I can say about Tanlac would be half good enough," . said Mrs. Alvah H. McCreary, 1531 Lo cust St., Philadelphia, Fa.: ' : ,' "For two vears I had. all the mis' erable and agonizing symptoms that go with a bad case ot stomach trou ble. Although I lived on the strict-; est kind of diet I suffered torture from indigestion and finally my whole system seemed to give way. "I certainly know' how to appre ciate the wonderful blessing of good health and I have such conhdence in Tanlac that I -wish it -was in my power to put a bottle of it in the hands of every sick man, woman and child so that they might take it and get well and strong,' as I have done." ' Tanlac is sold in Omaha' by . the Sherman & McCpnnell . Drug Co. and by leading druggists everywhere. It is sure SaaaBjaaaBjjBaaaBjBjBaBBBMaaaaBaBBBjajaa Citliir of l)ef uiu t ' Grr at Wrttfrn Compauy Trll Story of Mittnaiugf' iitenl. Ou (lowland, furint r talnrr for tin now dfluiut Great Vurn Commrrcul Body compaiiy, former lr the Crcaf Vcrn Tire and Trutk company. a the principal wilne vetterday in the trial of Robert C O'Uryan. former general man er, charted with conspiracy to aril nock in the company after it mi In oH int. Iltmlaii.l trttiiird tint be COn ktautly cenmrrd (Vllr)an for liii method of ronductinti hit buine; tint It Tlriin una irllinif eooili at price for which they could ni be made in order lo meet competition. Howard Saxton, coinucl for the defene, cblecl I to neatly every ouettion put by Dortcy. ktlorney for the ttate. In examining exhibit. Dorey carelei sly referred to the defunct coin- mnv at "The l.reat Western. ax- lon Interrtipted before Dorsey had barely finiMicd. "I nhii.rt The llJille iloef not refer to any company in this rase." Edward U Schlecht, 3-7 South Vinili lrrrt fnrmer bookkeeDer of the company, and Adolph J. Dworak. 2201 South Sixth .trcct. another bookkeeper, made statement similar to those of I lowland when they testified this morning. Mill Ml hi Heat Auto Trial ltrlrfd in Polite Court "IT no crime for a man to brat li own motor cr and na evidence lu lent khoun here to prove this nun was driving hit machine," ruled Judge Holmes in Central police court yetterday morning, when Na than Krierton, Ju2i Hamilton street. u rraiined on chaige of reik Irtt driving Mhile under the influ fine jf liquor, ririfetit mi .rrf.kJ at $ M Wednetday evening by Ueteviive Joe U a i in. wU taw him beating li tulo truck kt Ulureiith and Harney treet, .BOWEN'S Value-Giving Store Come to the Bowen Store and hear these Columbia Records released Thursday, April 20th. As fast as new Columbia Rec ords are released they are of fered in our Grafonola De partment.' Here arc the latest releases; come and hear them. A-3559 Some of These Days, Song Ashor & Rodeheaver; , Heabin, Song, Ashor &, Rodeheaver. J A-3560 Isle of Paradise, Ha waiian, Forora, Franchini & Green; Susquehanna Shore, Hawaiian, Forora, Franch. ini & Greeni ' , ? . A-3361 One Sweetly Solemn Thought, Song, Cyrcna Van Gordon; I Love to Tell tho Story, Song, Cyrena Van Gordon. A-3562 Kashmir i Song, Song, - Louis Gravoure ; Mother O'Mine, Song, Louis ' . Gravoure. k ' . . :' A-357 1 She's ' a - Mean ' Job, : Fox Trot, Frank1 Westphal : & Orchestra; If You Knew, . Fox Trot, Frank 'Westphal Orchestra. . ". '. ': A-3573-She's All Mine, Song, Frank Crumifc; Ha! Ha! Hal, Song, Frank Crumifc;;.-A-3574 You Can Have Every Light on B'dway,, Song, Billy Jones; Time f. After Time, Song, Edwin Dare. A-3575 Alabamy - Mammy, Song,' Hart & Shaw;: Pick Me Up and Lay Me Down, Song, Vernon Dalhart.i -' A-3S76 Out of the Shadows, Waltz, Princess 'Orchestra; Rio Nights, Waltz, Princes Orchestra. , A-3577 rVirginia Bluesi Song, Van & Schcnck; Carolina Rolling Stone, S6ngcVan & Schenck. ; "-A-3578 California, Fox Trot, ' Knickerbocker: .. Orchestra; An r Old Fashioned . Girl, Knickerbocker Orchestra. A-6211 Maiden's Wish, Piano Solo, Josef Hofmannf But- ' terfly, Piano SoIo? Josef Hofmann. 49689 Canzonetta, - Vi o.lin -. Solo, Toscha Seidel. , .. 49813 Sweet Evening-Star, 'Cello Solo, Pablo Casals. 499880 Solo Mio, Song, R. & C. Ponselloi ; Exchange Record Department Your old records (any make) are worth 25 cents toward the purchiie price of any Record on our Exchange Table.. It Pays o Shop at Bowen'i Howard St., bet. IStb and 16th ADVERTISEMENT. ' NO OLD WOMEN NOWADAYS Modern, dress,, hair dressers, facial experts - and ' cosmetics all -combine to keep women, of all ages young and attractive in appearance. . Not until the telltale wrinkles become so deep, the'figure stoops,1 or some ailment or weakness, develops to drag a woman down does she really look her age. tverv wman owes it to hersclt and her family to keep herself young in appearance, and happy. When head aches, backaches, or the blues de velop or when a woman reaches the trying age from 45 to 50, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound may be depended upon to keep her in health as it has so many other wom en whose tetters Wc are continually Popular Saturday Afternoon CONCERT You are cordially invite! to our free concert Saturday, April 22, at 3i30 p. m., in our Uria radial kail. That "-hour-of.music" coax ccrlt art kaM every Saturday aftarnooa at 3i30. Tba program Saturday Iti Mia Alica Parsons TadVow, soprano solo, pupil of Frd C Ellitl Mlas Ella Wrifht, aophona aoloi Sam Worlty, o, M. Wilmark k Sons ropraaentatlva t Marlka Randall, singing and dancing, pupil of Miis Paulino Cappii Ruth Slama, piano solo, pupil of Cacil Barrymanj Fanny Fith, violin solo, pupil of Frank Mack, jr. Vivian Wron, planolog reading, pupil of Amy Woodruff Irma Clow, harp solo, pupil of Miss Maria Swanaon, anc! ynckrona salaction, Kammvnol, Rubanslain, and played by Mmo. Slurbow.Rydar. Schmoller & Mueller IIM-IS-IS Dodia Btraet PIANO CO. Juit Eett al Tba PhIoIIic Oa Dads Friday Ends the "Florence" Oil Cook Stove Demonstration Union Outfitting Co. New Low Price Eaiy Term 32 Prizes Given Away Free Friday Night. With summer days approach ins every woman who haa no ticed how her hot, stuffy kitchen saps her strength and energy will be interested in the "Florence" Oil Stove Demonstration Friday at Union Outfitting Co., exclu sive Florence agents in Omaha. A delicious luncheon of "Swansdown" Cake and Coffee is being served free and every visitor has an opportunity to se cure one of the 32 prizes to be given away Friday. Easy terms are being made lor the last day. AUYr.IUW.MKNT. 'Vampire Complexion" Is Natural, She Says . Thf y tay of a rtrtaln well-known danrr that ha ha a "vamplra romplrxton." It I to IwwiuhiDgly brautiful. Vat la in tlmata frlandt ht haa confided that h abhor make-upn and that her complexion I lenlly natural. Her teeret la ordinrar merenlited wax. She apreadt a thin rnat of th wax over her face at night, with out rubbinc it In, and take It off with warm water upon ariainc Ihle aimpl application actually abaorha th dead par tide of scarf akin which dally appear, and i fair, aoft. freah, alrliah akin I al way In evidence. Tht complexion ia kept perpetually young" hjr preventinar th ac cumulation of th agir; ' and lifeleaa euticlt. Aa mercolited wax li obtainable at any druu atore. and aa an ounr .1 aufficient to rejuvenat even th worat complexion, anyone may enjoy the benefit of thia re markable beauty acret. There' nothing mora effective for frecklea, liver apota. moth patchea, pimplea and unwholeaome akin generally. 2 TO DKALER5 If both Worth HaUind Thoroughbred Hats are not fold in your locality, atk ui about our unurual dealer propoiition. Tlie Thoroughbred dealer or Worth dealer in your town. tas a complete line of these well-known, hats, in all the newest shapes and colors; and at prices which will please your pocketbook. You are cordially invited to inspect the new Spring styles in Worth and Thoroughbred Hats. aTUNT lUI$. USA. . 10 CENTS BUYS On of our fatnoua eta eanriwiehM and your clinic of a cup of ooffe or a but t'a of Aliuilto Milk. Ofltr lor Week of APRIL 17 I 22 ONLY All Six Reatauranla WELCH'S MS Only Two More Days of Our Great EASY TERMS Laboring men, clerks, book keepers, bankers, : business women a chance for every body, because you don't have to pay cash. Just a small cash deposit as first payment, and the rest in monthly pay- meats. ' . . Pay As You Ride $35,000 Stock on Sale tUi it? n j c n ; n n llUJllUi V tUUllUUl. IWIULU.IUlil ALUtLU. V - . , -. .- tf Get Here Early-Get the Car You've Always Wanted nrHIS sweeping sale has taken Omaha by storm! Such stupendous; reducti ions .were Many have profited by our big sacrifice of renewed, rebuilt cars, some demonstrators in cluded. It's YOUR OPPORTUNITY and here's i the very car you've been wanting among these Coupes, Roadsters, .Sedans and, Touring Cars. , - ; A ; "A SAFE PLACE TO BUY" The first payment means you drive the car away, and en joy the use of it while paying. You'll find a car in this gigan tic stock at your price. We'll Take Your Old Car Trade it in for a good re newed car. Trade it in be fore it runs up repair bills for you. Get a. high-grade car that will give , real satisfac tion. Such a chance will NEVER come again. 4 Cadillacs Buicks Dodges Hupmobiles Oaklands SATISFACTION - Drive the car 5 days if you are not en tirely satisfied with it at the end of that time, drive it back and we will gladly .' allow you every dollar you paid on it to apply on the purchase of any other re newed car in stock. Fords : v ' Hudson r Haynes Franklins : Kissels Much , time has been spent by our mechanics in putting them in good shape. We must dispose of this overflow stock of used cars, and the inducement we offer is LOWER PRICES THAN OMAHA HAS EVER KNOWN HURRY! EVERY MINUTE COUNTS! . OPEN NIGHTS J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co. Farnam at 26th Street OMAHA, NEB. , OPEN NIGHTS publishing tn this paper. n