Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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APRIL' 19. 1922.
- D
Bankruptcy of
Rcfinitc Firm
Here Is
Coorrrn Embarrassed by
, Court Deciaion Holding Pro
ccs Used Infringement ,
of Patent Rights.
Satfi-crcditori began involuntary
bankruptcy action in federal court
yesterday ajiimt the $1,000,000 Re-
finite coiiipan.r, ju;j llarney street.
Judge William A. Redick. T. E.
Stevem. R. P. rtloW, V. W. Tur.
tier, W. II. Orenburg of Omaha
and F. W. Woods of Spencer, Neb.,
are officer! and directora.
The big water-anfteniiijr profess
concern became financially embar.
raised by a recent decision of the
circuit court of appeals rendering
void to the company a patent pro
ccis declared an infringement of
patent riglits belonging to another.
The company owes upward of
$700,000, according to attorneys for
the petitioning creditors. Eugene L.
Shellev, Ward Calvert, George
Congdon, jr.. G. B. Eddy and E, M.
Among the are a S75.W0 or i,em.,n ln ,, COUnty Jail for
$80,000 building at Eleventh andT,l(1,raUe ,lin,.
Harney streets.
Stout, Rose and Wells repreient
the company and George Thummrl,
jr., and Arthur Rosenblum the pe
titioning creditors.
The soecial act of bankruptcy al
leged is the company transferred
530,000 in accounts receivable to the
Second Nation! bank at Washing,
ton, D. C, in preference to ether
Brief City Reus
I M. (Wf tllr P. II. t'aaay,
democrat, nieij for rouniy eortiMiu
loner from the tcoii4 diairtt-t.
ITucratu at kr-tiool A motion pl.
tur and musu-al program mil t
Ivan at Bancroft achool Friday
nine at I.
Jaa Artiat to lU-iurti Boy gen
tar, lata artNi. la to play at tna
Omaha Country rlul thia summer.
Ha will lead a Bve-piwe orehwur.
1ir4 pn Unw Oiargo Charlej
Wlleori, lilt North Nlnetoemh
treat, was fined II 00 In Central -lue
court yesterday morning for il
legal poMWMion of liquor.
Annule Marrtaa DWrM Judge
Hear? yeelarday annulled Ilia wnl
din of John Kulaaofaky t Dorothy
UeVero, daneln terher. The girt'a
maiden name ae ratored.
Ota S Daia Harry Long. !TIS
Ohio at reel, ee aenlanced in Can
tral pollr court yonterday to 50
Jaya in Jail fr driving a ear while
under the influence of Intoaleaiinr
Itom'TM to Mcrt The txxorU
of a aeries of aniertalntuenta of the
tiel-Tocetlier club of the luinv
County AMorlatlon of Nebraaha
I'loneera will ha held at the cocri
houae Thuriluy evening.
Iliac Jati " Sheriff
Clark Mid yetterday that Manford
E. Jilgga. formt-r caahlvr of the
Omaha Ire and.t.'nld Hioraga com
pany, who waa aenteno'd to the pen
itentiary from two to nva yeara. win
a con-
brlort Uebalinir Tram At a no-
declnlon debate Tuesday night mem
bars' of the Omaha chapter of tho
American Inatltutw of Banking choeo
two teams to represent them In a
clash 'with Minneapolis and Pea
Molnea. The aubjeet debated wan:
'Tteaolved, That bran.h Hanking la
Superior to Nonbranch Ban kin it, aa
eatmplined by the Canadian Pyetem
and Ihe Amaru) eiem )tepa.
To HulU I dun kin The city
round! .utl yvatettlay lu iiu-reaaa
the appropriation, fur the tourwt
U'uiue loiufurt atation la t erect,
d in Kmwuo4 park to IJMuo. The
tola fulo4 au liour'a diacuaalon.
The method of obtaining the addi
tional It J. ona win he divided at the
meeting neat Tuesday.
KlliMt My tie. Krtd Knight, roof.
Ing company emiloe, aa found
drad from aephyaiatlou. In lila room
at 131 Mouth Tbiiiy-nrat atreet yea.
tarday luorninii. lie had frequently
aiteitiptcd auiclde previoualy and hi
parenta had removed all polkana
from the liouea. tie actfompliauad
the act by turning on the gaa Jet.
lMrfaeaea to llta liem-v The
Omaha iniU)ntene' rlub aive a
May day danee at the M. C Vmlth
a toe roof garden Monday evening.
May I. There will be some big aoa.
iuI atlraciiona. they ay. llekate
may be aeeured front any dlaplay
man at any wore.
lUtw duty motor trucks are be
ing built in both England and France
with short tractor umis and long, de-
tactiabio bodies, ihe principle Is that
a power vehicle ran haul more than
it tan carry. -
It comes by
the box
a fe fl P- A -"SCi
WHen your battery
says: "Fm through"
There jvill come a time when your batteryeven if
it is an Exide must be replaced.
How will you acquire a new one by simply calling
at the nearest place where batteries are sold, or by
getting one for the least money possible ? Or will you '
automatically buy another of the same kind that has
just worn out?
Or,' realizing how much a battery' means to your
comfort.will you be sure to get an Exide and let it give
you its sturdy power through a long Jjfe of ungrudging
: service?-." .; ,-''., - '' x
There is economy m buying an Exide Battery, be
cause it lasts so much longer than others. Ruggedness
is built into it, so the battery spend its time in your
car instead of in the repair shop. ; ; , .
. When you must have a new battery or when your ,
present one needs help, do yourself the justice of
stopping at the nearest Exide Service Station.
The fele6tric Storage Battery Crompany
Philadelphia ' ' '
lTon 6 -l i f e battery for your car
Get an Exide Radio battery
for your radio set
W -
Whatever make of battery le
la your car, you can be con
fident of eUlful repair work,
fair prices, and reeponaible
advice at the aearert Exide
Service Station.
Oaaaba, Auto Electric Service Corp.
Abo, Lincoln Highway Garage
Arapahoe, Few A Caa
Aurora, Auto Electric Shop
Bancroft. Mieiklo Broa.
Beatrice. Pardr'a Garage
Bhte Hill. Exide Service Station
Brtatov, The Exide Battery Station
Broken Bow. Deko Exide Service Station
Call. war. Overt ard el Kelbo
Central City, Exide Electric Service Co.
Caaar Rap id a. Battery Service Ca.
Celeriaga. Meverott Garage
Cohnnbna, Jvhako Battery Station
Ceaad. Exide 'Battery Statioaj
Creigaton, Boyd Blakeraaa
Cartia. L. C McCowin
David City, Exido Electric Co.
Fraahika, Lincoln Caraaa -
FaUertoo. Johnka Battery Station .
Visit the Nearest Exide Sendee Station at
Candy, R. C, Joy Gae
Genoa, A. W. Anderaon
Gothenburg, Calling Auto Co.
Grand Island, Exide Service Station
Greeley, Exide Service Station
Hastings, Exide Service Station
, Hebron, Exide Service Station
Hersbey, Herehey Auto Co.
Holdreie, C. S. Prime
Hooper, Anton Tuiibtrg
Hoakina, Wm. Vose Carafe
Hewells, Hove lis Battery Station
Imperial, Imperial Motor Co.
Jecluea, J. C Nicholas Garage
Kimball, J. A. Gibson
Kearney, Exide Service Station
Leigh, Leigh Battery Station
Lexington, Exido Battery Station
Lincoln, Plney'a Carafe
Loup City, Swoetland Battery Station
Mafnet, Nelson Carafe
Marquette, Ekberg Auto Co.
McCoek, McCook Enide Electric Ce.
McLean, W. M. Calvin
Michel), Arthur Robertson Bet. Station
Nebraska City, Bat. dt Else. Service Sta
Nelson, Arthur F. Ely
Newman Grove, Swansea Bat. Elec Co.
Norfolk. Moxiey and Allen
North Platte, J. S. Davis Auto Co.
Ofallala, Ogallala Elec Service Station
Osceola, E. D. Fillman
O'Neill. O'Neill Motor Co.
Orleans, A. G. Axtlsea 4k Saa
Oshhoah, Riddile Electric Co.
Paxton, Lincoln Highway Garage
Pierce. Hayes Battery Station
Randolph, Brenner A Nelson
Rising City. C. H. Morgan Garage
Plaiaview, F. J. WeMmaa
Sargent, Sargent Auto Ce.
Schuyler, Clark Battery Station
St. Edwards, Swansea Battery Station
St. Paul, Mudloff Auto Co.
Stromabug, Nelson Auto Co. t
Sutton, Exide Service Station
Tilden, Tildea Tire at Battery Station
Verdigree, Verdigree Battery Station.
Wakefield, Wendell Auto Co. .
Wausa, Peters Auto Co.
Wayne, Miller at Strichland
Weeping Water. Chadderdoa Gsrsfs
Willow Island, H. G. Aden,
P. O. Gethenberg
Wianer, Brown'a Battery StatJoa .
Wynot, Benorts at Kiadwall , .
Council Bluffs, Bluff City. Exide Elec
tric Co.
We Feature for Wednesday
Sale of Floral Cut Glassware
You will enjoy buy
ing your "Wear-Ever"
here, where complete
stocks greet you. on
every side. Experienced
saleswomen from the
factory will be glad to
advise you in your se
lections. Burfest-Nsth Fourth Fleer
$.J 00
Values that will be talk'ed
about. Sparkling cut glass
at this unquestionably low
price. . .
Large SaaeVUb Tray with
Coaler Haadla
Ckaaaa aael 10-Ia. Cracker PUta
Barry Bowls Faatoal Coat ports
Sugars an. Craaaaa
Lk. Candy Jar Celery Trays
Nl(kl Sals
Mayeaaaisa Bawl
Plata a ad Spooa
Syrups. Vasaa Oils Basket
Burfsss Nssa Feurtk Floor
ear m
wear-ever 5auce ran
For Wednesday we fea
i ture a Wear-Ever sauce
pan in 2-quart size
Priced at 59c
With the coming of
warm days, have you
thought about that new
refrigerator that you
have promised your
self? You will find a
most satisfactory selec
tion here at prices that
y6u cannot afford to
Our Special feature
A 70-lb. side icer,
golden oak case, 3-door
Burgeai-Nash Fourth Fleer
to match
Priced 19c
Burfes-NashFourth Fleer
New Draperies
Voile: Marquisette
Bungalow net patterns in
-ivory and cream, 40-inch width. .
All new merchandise.
Yard, 59c
Heavy Cretonne
Two patterns of double faced
cretonnes in dark patterns
also linenized cretonnes. Yard,
. 75c and 95c
New Terry Cloth
Doable faced, in new designs.
Wide enough to split if used
with drapes. Complete pattern.
Yard, $1.50
' , Lace Curtains
Plain marquisette, herastich
cd or lace edge, full size; pair,
$1.15 $1.49 $1.95
.- Burgest-Nash Fourth, Floor
Garden Seeds
There's such a satis
faction in planting
seeds that are tested
and that you know will
frow. Our assortments
re complete. Priced,
a package
v 5c to 20c
Burftss-Nash Fourth Fleer
A home is not mod-.
. ern unless it is equipped
with an electric washer.
No home . should be
without one. After you
have seen the "One
Minute" you will surelyv
give it the preference
because of its exclusive
features. Special
demonstrations all this
week. Priced $79.50 to
Convenient terms if desired.
Burgass-Nash Fourth Floor '
Have You Seen
Our 4-room furnished
apartment in the Sev.
cnteenth street window
where Edrla Sampson is
living every hour of the
day for the entire week?
The experiment will
prove that filling one's
every need from a de
partment store is n5t
only the possible but the
plausible thing to do.
Notion Needs
Hair Neta, double mesh.
cap and fringe etyles.
All colors, 3 for 25c.
J. A P. Coats Thread, all
sizes, dozen, 57c. v.
Machine Belt for every
make machine, ca., 25c
Silk Elastic, fancy frilled,
all colors, yard, 50c.
Rick-Rack Braid in white,
all sizes, bolt, 10c.
Pearl Buttons, ocean
pearl, all styles and
sizes, 3 cards, 25c.
Burgese-Natk Mala Floor
Gifts of Silver for the
Are easily and inex
pensively selected from
our well assorted stocks.
Here you will find
1847 Roger
Old Colony Ambassador
Community 50-Yr. Plate
, Crosvenor Adam
Patrician Shcralon
patterns. Anjd for those
who prefer Sterling, there
are the very beautiful
uorham Sterling patterns,
King Albert 'Etruscan
Ame. Jumel Lansdowne
. " ' Fairfax
Our Special Offer
Set of six teaspoons-in any
pattern of Community
plate, $3.75.
Burgesa-Nash Main Floor
OfftoiMgs frwq,' the Mm Sbp
Katthe Auto Electric Service Corp.
2205 Farnam Street Phone Doug. 5488
New Shirts, $2.95
This is an assortment at a price at which
their equals have not been sold in years.
All are the popular new. style with stiff
collar to match. A score of patterns
checks and stripes. Priced" Wednes
day $2.95.
Men's Pajamas, $1.65
The famous "Universal" make in a great
variety of fancy striped patterns and in
plain colors at a price which invites com
parison. All silk frog trimmed. Priced,
a pair, $1.65.
The Cap You Have
Long Waited For
New eight-piece tweeds, the last "word
in correct headwear for men, are now
priced 'at $3.00, Others, $1.95 to $3.00.
Burgesa-Nash Mala Floor
True Character
is displayed in the home
where the spirit of culture1
and refinement are re
flected in every "article of .
Nothing is more worthy
of a place in the - home '
- than a pianq ; no piano
better chosen than a
Grand. . -
Because we believe it to
be the best, we advise the
Our experienced sales
men will aid you in the
selection of styles ; and
finishes. ; .
Attractively priced and
sold on convenient term
of payment.
Burges(.Nash Fifth Floer
In the Downstairs Store
300 Gingham Dresses
Spring yand summer dresses for women
are offered at this attractive price. They
are well made of imported materials in
fast colors.
' Gingham
in '
Yarn embroidery and materials of con
trasting color in light and dark shades
form attractive trimmings. The sizes are
16 to 46.
Burgess-Nash Oevastair Store
Wednesday's Special
Children's Sox
15c; 2 for 25p
672 pairs of children's sample sox. This
sale represents an enormous saving, for
the lot includes not only fine cotton and
lisle, but'also silk hose. -
There are plain colors and plain colors
with fancy tops; there are light and dark
shades in almost all colors. AH sizes.
Wednesday, pair, 15c; two pairs, 25c.
urgaes-Naab Reel Arrow Booth Downstair Store
.This Store does not use comparative prices they are misleading and often untrue;